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Anganwadi Worker

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Original Article





ThakareMeenal M; Kurll BM; * Doibale MK, '" Goel NaveenK

of CommunityMedicine, GovernmentMedical College& Hospital, Chandigarhand GovernmentMedi~af:'
College & Hospital, Aurangabad.*


Objectives: To study the profile of Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) .To assessknowledge of AWWs & problems~..race
by them while working. Study design: Cross sectional study. Methods:- Anganwadi centres were selected~
by stratified sampling technique. From eachsector, 20%_AWWswere enrolled into study. The functioning of AWWsJ
was assessed by interviewing Anganwadi workers for their literacy status, years of experience, their knowledg~~
about the services rendered by them and problems faced by them. Result:
Most of AWWs were from the ag~~
group of between 41-50 years; half of them were matriculate and 82.14% workers had an experience of more than;~
10 yrs. Majority (78.58 %) of AWWs had a knowledge assessmentscore of above 50%. They had best knowledg~
about nutrition and health education (77.14%).75% of the workers complained of inadequate hqnorarium, 14.280/;1!
complained of lack of help from community and other problems reported were infrastructure related supply. excessive~
work overload and record maintenance. Conclusions: Majority of AWWs were beyond 40 years of age, matriculate;)
experienced, having more than 50% of knowledge related to their job. Complaints mentioned by them were chiefl~
honorarium related and excessive workload.


Anganwadiworkers,profile, knowledge,problems.

In pursuanceto the national policy for children, the
Governmentof India launched the Integrated Child
Development Services (ICDS) Scheme, which was
introduced on experimentalbasis on 2ndOctober1975.
ICDS today represents one of the world's largest
programmesfor early childhood development.ICDS
Scheme is the most comprehensive scheme of the
Government of India for early childhood care and
development. It aims at enhancing survival and
developmentof children from thevulnerablesectionsoT
the society.

Consequently, a large number of research studies';

have been conducted to evaluate and assessthe impact \
of the programme. There has been research in depth
and several studies have analyzed its various facets.
But it can be seen that most of the studies have
provided only piecemeal information. These studies also
have not provided ample evidence on interdependence
of various variables related to implementation of.
The Anganwadi worker (AWW) is the community
basedvoluntary frontline worker of the ICDS programme.
S~lectedfrom the community, she assumesa pivotal role
due to lIer close and continuous contact with the
beneficiaries. The output orthe ICDS scheme is to a
great extent dependant on the profile of the key
functionary i,e. the A WW, her qualification, experience,
skills, attitude.,training etc.

Being the world's largest outreach programme

targeting infants and children below six years of age,
expectant and nursing mothers, ICDS has generated
interestworldwide amongstacademicians,planners,policy
makers, administrators and those responsible for

An Anganwadi is the focal point for delivery of ICDS

servicesto children and mothers.An Anganwadi normally
covers a population of 1000 in both rural and urban areas
and 700 in tribal areas. Services at Anganwadi center
(AWC) are delivered by an Anganwadi Worker (AWW),
Dr. ThakareMeenal M,
who is a part-time honorary worker. She is a woman of
Deptt. of CommunityMedicine,GMCH, Chandigarh.Phone:
same locality, chosen by the people, having educational
qualificatin;'i of middle school or Matric or even primary



j'oumal ofMedical College Chandigarh,2011,Vol. 1,No.1

et al : Anganwadi Workersin Urban ICDS block

in someareas.She is assistedby a helperwho isi\~o

Sample: -AWWs were selected by stratified
a local womanand is paid a honorarium.!
sampling technique. From eachsector, 20%AWWswere
enrolled into study. For sector A & D, 20% relates to 6.4
functional unit of ICD.S~rogramme which~~Y9Ives
AWWs. So for these sectors the number of AWWs was
dIfferent groups of beneficIarIes, the A WW has
rounded up to 7. AWWs were selected randomly from
~dconduct various different types of job responsibilities.
eachsector (A, B, C, D) using lottery system.The working
!.~ot only she has to reachto variety of beneficiary groups,~~re
time of AWCs is from 10 am-I pm daily except in summer
has to provide them with different services which'jnclude
when the timing is 9 am-I2 noon. The Anganwadi centres
nutrition and health education, Non Formal Pre
were visited by the investigator on Mondays and
$chool Education (NFPSE), supplementary nutrition,
Thursdays during this time period. AWCs where workers
monitoring and promotion and family welfare
were not available at first visit due to any reason were
services. She also coordinates in arranging immunizationicamps,
health check up camps. Her functions also include
community survey and enlisting beneficiaries, primary
The profile and knowledge of AWWs was assessed
health care and first aid, referral services to severely
by interviewing Anganwadi workers on basis of a
malnourished,sick and atrisk children, enlisting community
pretested proforma. For knowing their profile, basic
support for Anganwadi functions, organizing women's
information about the worker was collected in terms of
groups and Mahila Mandals, school enrolment of children
her name,age, educationand experienceas anAnganwadiworker.
and maintenance of records and registers. The work of
AWW is supervised by full time workers, the MukhyaSevikas.!
For Anganwadi workers' knowledge assessment,a
scoring system was developed. The knowledge
While perfonning various different types of functions
assessmentscore from eachA WW was calculated based
it is obvious that she might have to face variety of
on the responses to a questionnaire containing 30
problems. Though only educated till matriculation as per
questions. The questionnaire was so designed as to
the criteria of educational qualification for recruitment
contain questions on every aspect of services provided
as an AWW in an urban project, she is expected to
through the Anganwadi centre. It included questions on
perform all these job responsibilities. Also community
different aspects of functioning
of AWWs like
participation, co ordination with the superiors,beneficiaries
immunization, prophylaxis againstblindness & anaemia,
and helper are important parts of her daily work. Taking
nutrition & health education, supplementary nutrition,
into consideration all above factors this study was
growth monitoring & referral services. One mark was
conducted in Urban ICDS Block of Aurangabad city,
given for a correct response, while no mark was given
for a wrong response or unanswered question. The
knowledge of eachAWW was scored out of 30. Workers
with score of less than 15 were categorized as having
The present study was carried out at the urban
inadequate knowledge, while those with score of 15 and
, above were labelled as having adequate knowledge.
Integrated Childhood Development Services Scheme
(ICDS) block of Aurangabad city from June 2006
Feedback was also taken with respect to problems
to June 2007. It was a cross sectional type of s~dy. ICDS
faced by them in implementing the scheme.
projects of Aurangabad started on 1stAugust 1982. It
consists of child development project officer,
two Mukhya Sevikas, four Auxiliary Nurse Midwives
Maximum numberof workers, 11(39.28%)were in the
(ANMs) and 139 Anganwadi centres (AWCs). Out of
groupof 41-50yrs, 7(25%)eachin the agegroupof
these, 111 are old AWCs, while 28 are new started
years and more than 50 years. Lowest number
in the month of January 2006. For eachAWCAnganwadi
7%) b~longedto the age group of 20-30yrs.
worker (AWW) and helper are working. For the
Almost half (53.57%)of AWWs werematriculate.Only
operational aspectof the project, the city is geographically
AWWs were post-graduate.Majority (82.14%)
divided into four sectors i.e. sectors A, B, C and D. The
had an experienceof more than 10yrs.
Anganwadi centres had been numbered from 1 to 139.
Each sector on an average consisted of 34 Anganwadi
It was observedthat amongstthe different services
provided by AWWs, theyhadthe bestknowledgeabout

JournalofMedicaJ College Chandigarh,2011,Vol.1, No.1


Meenal et al ..Anganwadi Workersin Urban ICDS block

of knowledge of AWWs regarding different servicesprovided
Type of service
Nutrition and healtheducation

Total no. of
questions asked

Total no. of
correct responses


Growth monitoring
~plementary nutrition


103 .52.55






' ;;~


~WWs: Anganwadiworkers

Anganwadiworker's knowledgeassessment
relatedto her education

Table 2
Ariganwadi worker's knowledge assessmentscore

related.to her experience

in years

No. of AWWs

< 5yrs
2 (7.14)
5-10 yrs
3 (10.71)
> 10 yrs
23 (82.14)
Figuresin parenthesisindicatepercentages.
AWWs: Anganwadiworkers

Experiencein years

Average of the

No. of AWWs





nterme late

15 (53.57)
4 (14..",,'-1,'

17.26 "c,~1~


8 (28.57)



1 (3.57)

165 "'~~





Figures in parenthesis indicate percentages.

AWWs: Anganwadi workers


X2 = 0.1979


D.F. = 3

P > 0.05

Table 4
the component of nutrition and health education (77.14%)while
by Anganwadi workers
least about supplementary nutrition (29.46%)
(Table 1).. 78.58 % of AWWs had a knowledge
Sr. no. Type of problem
No. of AWWs with the problem
assessmentscore of above 50% as per the questionnaire

Knowledge assessmentscore went on increasing as
the experience in years was increasing..But the difference
was not statistically significant (p> 0..05)(Table 2)..No
relationship was found between the educational\
qualification of the worker and her knowledge about
different services provided by her (p>D..05)(Table 3)..


21 (75)
19 (67.85)3.
14 (50)
11 (39.28)
9 (32.14)
6 (21.42)
4 (14.28)
9 (32.14)

FigUresin parenthesisindicatepercentages.
AWWs: Anganwadiworkers

As is evident from the data, 75% workers complained

of inadequatehonorarium.While only 14.28%complained
of lack of help from community. Other problems
complained by 32.14% workers were infrastructure
related due to inadequate space for displaying NFPSE
posters or other posters related to nutrition and health
education, space is not available for conducting
recreational activities like outdoor activities, nuisance by
animals entering into AWC. Logistic supply related
problems were complained by 39.28%. Work overload
complained by 50% as their work involves daily home
visits, a lot of record maintenance or they have to assist


Work overload
Logistic supplyrelated
Lack of help from community

for other health programmes apart from their Anganwadi

related work like in pulse polio programme, vitamin A
distribution programme conducted by Municipal
The community participation or help from the
community was always made available as and when
required. Sometimes people help in food distribution if
worker was busy with some other ~ctivities of AWC etc.
Very few AWWs mentioned problem regardinginadequate
supervision and other problems (Table 4).

Journal ofMedical College Chandigarh,2011, Vol.1,No.1


Meenal et al : Anganwadi Workersin Urban ICDS block



to vitamin A deficiency and dosageschedule for children;'

59% knew the total number of IFA (Iron, Folic Acid)
;rhe Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)~cheme
tablets to be given to a pregnant mother.


is the largest programme for promotion of

As per the findings of our study, 78.58 % of AWWs
maternaland child healthand nutrition not only in India,~llt.inthe
have a knowledge assessmentscore of above 50% a~
whole world.

per the questionnaire provided. Gopaldas et al13observed

~i';~Maximum no. of workers 11(39.28) were in the age'""
from their study that 87% of the ICDS functionaries could
group of 41-50 yrs. Gupta et aP in their study at the ICDS
interpret groWth charts.
"plock worked out the average age of AWWs to be 23.7,,"yrs.
In our study the problems felt by AWWs were mainly"
Programme Evaluation Officer (PEO) Study on the
inadequate honorarium (75%) and excessive record
Integrated child development services proje~t found that
82% of the Anganwadi workers belonged to the'agemaintenance. Problems mentioned in other: studies are
also mainly related to inadequate honorarium and
group 18-25 years.3 Khan et al4 reported that 50%
of AWWs were more than 35 years of age. Seema et al5j.n infrastructure. 14
the critical assessmentof AWCs observed that 32%
of AWWs were below 30 yrs age. Three decades of
ICDS, a comprehensive assessmentof the programme
Most of the AWWs in Urban ICDS Block, Aurangabad
at national level undertakenby National Institute of Public
were from age group 41-50 yrs, matriculate, experienced,
co-operation and Child Development (NIPCCD) made
having knowledge of more than 50% in their daily
an observation that 30% of AWWs were in age group of
functions at AWCs. The knowledge increases with
25-35 years.6
experience as an AWW, but has no relation with their
educational qualification. Problems felt by them were
In our study, 53.57% of AWWs were matriculate
mainly due to inadequate honorarium and excess work
which is consistent with many other studies. Vasundhara
load. So, timely increments in honorarium should be
et al7 in their project Qbserved that 96.16% of AWWs
had education up to the high school level and 2 were
graduates. World Food Programme, India, a pilot Project
Funded by USAill observed wide variations in respect
National Health Programme Series 7, Integrated Childhood
of educational level of Anganwadi workers. While 25%
Development Services, Dr.Sunder Lal, National Institute of
Health and Family Welfare, New Mehrauli Road, Munirka, New
were educated below Standard V. 5% were graduates;
Delhi-110 067.
the modal educational level being Standard VIII.8 Kapil
JP,Manchanda UK, Juyal RK. A Study of the Functioning
et al9 in their study mentioned that 88% of AWWs had
ofAnganwadi Workers of Integrated Child Development Scheme,
completed primary school.
Jama Masjid, Delhi (1979), NIHFW publication.
Maximum no. .of workers (82.14%) had an
experience of more than 10 years. Researchers have
reported that 70% of AWWs had worked in the ICDS\
area for 10 years. to
As per the findings of our study, AWWs have best
knowledge about the component of nutrition and health
education (77.14%) while least about supplementary
nutrition (29.46%). Bhasin et alii reported that 99% had
adequateknowledge about the significance of the growth
charts that indicate different grades of nutritional status,
90-91 % had correct knowledge about weight of a child
at 1 and 3 years, 17-30% knew the correct mid-upper
arm circumference (MUAC) for an optimally nourished
child aged 2 and 4 years. Chattopadhyayt2 found that
only 11.8%Anganwadi workers could define fever. More
than 90% workers correctly knew aboutthe stagesrelated
Journal ofMedical College Chandigarh,2011,Vol. 1,No.1


PEa (programme evaluation organization, plannlngcommission,

Govt.ofIndia) Study N0.12.. Evaluation report on the integrated
child development services project (1976-78) -1982


Khan Z, Hasan J. A profile of Anganwadi workers in Jawan

.Block of district Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, Indian Journal of
Comrriunity Medicine, 1992; 17: 58-62.


Seema TN. "Performance of Anganwadi centers in Kerala: An

evaluation Experim~nt to develop a model centre with
community participation" Discussion paper no. 28.. 2001, Kerala
research programme on local level development studies,
Tiruvananthapuram, ISBN no.81-87621-30-3.


Three Decades of ICDS~ An Appraisal. National Institute of

Public Cooperation and Child Development, 5, Siri Institutional
Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016.


Vasundhara MK, Harish BN. Nutrition and health education

through ICDS. Indian J Matern Child Health. 1993;4: 25-6


World Food Programme, India, The food aid arm of the United
Nations. Adolescent Girls in Tribal Integrated Child

Meenalet al ..Anganwadi Workersin Urban ICDS block


Development Services, A Pilot Project funded by USAID,I


Kapil U, SaxenaN,NayarD, Gnanasekaran

N. Statusof growth
monitoring activities in selectedICDS projects of Rajasthan.
Indian Pediatr.1996;33: 949-52.J,O.

Kapil U, SoodAK,GaurDR, BhasinS.Assessment

~; and skills about growth monitoring amongst multipurpose
1;, workers in an ICDS project, IndianPediatr.1991;28:895-9.

12. Chattopadhyay
D. KnowledgeandSkills of AnganwadiWorkers
in HooghlyDistrict, WestBengal,Indian Journalof Community
Medicine, 29,3: 2004-09.
13. GopaldasT, Christian PS, Abbi RD, Gujral S., Does growth
monitoring work as it ought to in countriesof low literacy?,J
Trop Pediatr.1990;36: 322-7.

14. Nayar D, Kapil U, Nandan D., Assessmentof community

contributionto the ICDS schemein district Agra: a casestudy,
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11. BhasinSK, KumarR, SinghS, DubeyKK, Kapil U.,Knowledge
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Journal ofMedical CollegeChandigarh,2011,Vol.1,No.1

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