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Faxination 6.0 Fact Sheet

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fenestrae fact sheet

Fenestrae Faxination Server 6.0

>> About Faxination
Faxination Server was the first fax server specifically designed for
Microsoft Exchange. We have put over a decade of fax server and
Exchange integration experience into our latest release: Version 6.0.
Faxination requires no separate client software; it simply extends
Microsoft Exchange and Outlook clients with fax capabilities. This
enables users to send and receive faxes just like e-mail, directly to and
from their desktop. And it allows Faxination Server 6.0 to increase
enterprise efficiency and enhance personal productivity.
Our 9,000+ customers around the globe value the product because of its
user friendliness, stability and low maintenance, resulting in the lowest
Total Cost of Ownership in the industry.
e a se o f use
Using Faxination is literally as easy as using e-mail; anyone who can send or receive an email
can manage their fax communications, outbound as well as inbound, from their desktop. On
the individual desktop, Faxination is almost invisible since it uses the familiar user interface of
Outlook. Recipient fax numbers can be entered as one-off addressing or can be selected from
Outlook Contacts or the Global Address List. This results in satisfied users of the software and a
short learning curve, allowing fast and successful deployments even when dealing with large
numbers of users.
lo w e s t tota l co s t o f o w n e r s h i p ( tco )
It is estimated that the purchase price of IT solutions represents about 20 percent of the Total
Cost of Ownership for that solution (Source: Gartner). To put this into perspective: operations
and support (for example system downtime, user inefficiencies and learning curves) count for
around 2/3 of TCO. Where some organizations look for the lowest priced solution in the market,
other recognize the long term bottom line benefits of solutions like Faxination which are build
to reduce operations and support cost.
The key features of Faxination that will help you reduce TCO include:
Server only solution, no client software
Active Directory integration (not required)
Single point of deployment, single point of management
Add this to the improved employee efficiency as a result of the automation of manual fax
transmission, and it is clear Faxination will help your organization save real money.
Sta b i l i ty a n d R e l i a b i l i ty
Faxination shares most of its code with our Enterprise Solution - Fenestrae Communication
Server - which is successfully implemented in some of the most demanding environments in
the world: Telecoms operators, Hosting companies, global Top10 financial institutions, Fortune
1000 manufacturing and distribution sites and the list goes on.
In those environments, our software solutions have proven their ability to run and run and run,
virtually without any attention from IT staff. Regardless of the size and type of company , it is
important you can rely on your IT systems; users depend on them and IT staff should not have
to worry about them. Faxination has successfully delivered on the promise of reliability for
more than a decade, and for thousands of customers around the globe.

fenestrae fact sheet

Fenestrae Faxination Server 6.0

f e at u r e s
Native Exchange integration. Allows users
to access full fax server functionality
without the need for any additional client
software. Faxination uses Microsoft
Outlook as the familiar and common client

Easy to Use. Fax messaging becomes as

easy as creating and sending an e-mail with
the message type fax. Both Outlook
Contacts and Address Book are supported
for easy contact selection.
Notifications. Faxination delivers sent
message confirmations to the senders
Inbox. In case of non-delivery, a report is
delivered including the reason for failure.
Bundled transmission of fax messages.
Faxination is capable of bundling multiple
separate fax messages to the same
recipient, thereby increasing transmission
efficiency and reducing transmission cost.

Schedule messages. Faxination users can

schedule fax messages to be sent at a later
time for lower PSTN transmission cost and
off peak network usage.

Priority fax messages. Fax message can get

a higher priority assignment based on
sender, charge code or other user defined

Inbound Routing. Various types of inbound

routing codes can be specified to route
messages directly to a specific users
desktop, an Exchange Public Folder or an

Attachments. Users can send fax messages

with multiple attachments. Even messages
with a combination of Word, Excel and PDF
attachments are delivered to the recipient
as one logical set of fax pages.

Active Directory integration. Faxinations

integration gives the administrator a single
user store, single admin cycle, and single
seat management capabilities without the
need for directory synchronization. This
makes it extremely easy to provision new
users on the server while contributing to
substantial cost savings through reduced IT
resource impact.
Please note: Active Directory integration is

Intelligent Fax Board Support. Faxination

Server 6.0 supports fax boards from the
following industry leading vendors:
- Brooktrout TR114, Trufax and TR1034 series:
Analog, ISDN BRI/PRI and Fax over IP
- Eicon Diva Server: Analog, ISDN BRI/PRI
and SoftIP
- Intel

Logging. All sent and received messages,

including all relevant transmission details,
can be logged in MSDE (standard part of
Faxination 6.0) SQL Server or via CSV files.

Support for Active/Passive cluster. If

reliability of your fax server is critical for
your organization, you can install
Faxination 6.0 in an Active/Passive cluster.
Should one server fail, the other can
seamlessly take over the fax workload.

Fax over IP Support. Leverage your

investments in IP networks and
NEW applications by integrating fax into
IN 6.0 your converged infrastructure.
Faxination 6.0 supports Fax over IP in
conjunction with selected products from
Eicon, Brooktrout and Intel.

Inbound PDF support. In many

organizations, PDF is the standard format
NEW for document archiving and
IN 6.0 delivery. Faxination 6.0 offers the
option to deliver inbound fax messages not
as TIFF but as PDF, thereby integrating fax
messaging into corporate standards as well
as eliminating the need for a separate TIFF
viewer on all end user workstations.

OCR module (optional). While Faxinations

archiving capabilities have historically
NEW been strong functional advantage,
IN 6.0 we now have added the option to
archive fax messages combined with their
(text) contents. This module allows for a
free text search of your fax message store.
A powerful feature that proves its value
every time you are looking for a specific fax

fenestrae fact sheet

h o s t a n d a p p l i c at i o n co n n e c t i v i ty
Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 / 2003.
Faxinations SMTP connector allows any application that can send (and receive) SMTP
formatted messages to send and receive faxes.
Multifunctionals from HP and Xerox integrate with Faxination Server to combine the best of
both worlds for a versatile all-in-one print/copy/fax device integrated with Faxination for
archiving and electronic document processing.
The Print Queue Connector integrates Faxination with a wide range of legacy applications
through application print output. The necessary fax parameters can be set in the form of
scanstrings. Supported output formats are: ASCII, PostScript and PCL.
The Web Service connector for Faxination 6.0 allows for fax integration with
literally any Web Services capable application based on an industry standard
communication protocol. The Fenestrae web service connector is .NET Connected
Certified by Microsoft.
s ys te m r e q u i r e m e nts
733 MHz or higher Pentium 3 or 4
512 Mb or higher
Disk Space
16 Gigabyte in a single or multiple disk partitions/logical drives, as follows:
Windows System: 8 Gigabyte
Faxination: 8 Gigabyte
Operating System
Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP Professional. Fenestrae recommends running Faxination
on Windows Server 2003.
ava i l a b i l i ty
Fenestrae Faxination Server 6.0 is available through selected Value Added Resellers.
You can find these Resellers on the Partner pages of our website.

co ntac t us
h e a d q u a rte r s
Fenestrae B.V.
Loire 128-130
2491 AJ Den Haag
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 70 301 5100
Fax: +31 70 301 5151
Fenestrae Inc.
420 Technology Pkwy, # 200
Norcross, GA 30092
Tel: +1 770-622-5445
Fax: +1 770-622-5465

W W W. F E N E S T R A E .CO M

Some of the features mentioned in this fact sheet are priced add-on items for Faxination Server.
Please contact your partner or Fenestrae to discuss your solution requirements and receive a
product and price proposal.

Copyright 2005 Fenestrae B.V. All rights reserved.

Fenestrae and Faxination are either trademarks or
registered trademarks of Fenestrae B.V. in the
Netherlands and other countries. Microsoft is a
registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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