Faxination 6.0 Fact Sheet
Faxination 6.0 Fact Sheet
Faxination 6.0 Fact Sheet
h o s t a n d a p p l i c at i o n co n n e c t i v i ty
Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 / 2003.
Faxinations SMTP connector allows any application that can send (and receive) SMTP
formatted messages to send and receive faxes.
Multifunctionals from HP and Xerox integrate with Faxination Server to combine the best of
both worlds for a versatile all-in-one print/copy/fax device integrated with Faxination for
archiving and electronic document processing.
The Print Queue Connector integrates Faxination with a wide range of legacy applications
through application print output. The necessary fax parameters can be set in the form of
scanstrings. Supported output formats are: ASCII, PostScript and PCL.
The Web Service connector for Faxination 6.0 allows for fax integration with
literally any Web Services capable application based on an industry standard
communication protocol. The Fenestrae web service connector is .NET Connected
Certified by Microsoft.
s ys te m r e q u i r e m e nts
733 MHz or higher Pentium 3 or 4
512 Mb or higher
Disk Space
16 Gigabyte in a single or multiple disk partitions/logical drives, as follows:
Windows System: 8 Gigabyte
Faxination: 8 Gigabyte
Operating System
Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP Professional. Fenestrae recommends running Faxination
on Windows Server 2003.
ava i l a b i l i ty
Fenestrae Faxination Server 6.0 is available through selected Value Added Resellers.
You can find these Resellers on the Partner pages of our website.
co ntac t us
h e a d q u a rte r s
Fenestrae B.V.
Loire 128-130
2491 AJ Den Haag
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 70 301 5100
Fax: +31 70 301 5151
Fenestrae Inc.
420 Technology Pkwy, # 200
Norcross, GA 30092
Tel: +1 770-622-5445
Fax: +1 770-622-5465
W W W. F E N E S T R A E .CO M
Some of the features mentioned in this fact sheet are priced add-on items for Faxination Server.
Please contact your partner or Fenestrae to discuss your solution requirements and receive a
product and price proposal.