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Indonesian Prefixes

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Indonesian Prefixes

If you're trying to learn Indonesian Prefixeswhich is also called Bahasa Indonesia, check our courses
about Prefixes and their table of variations... to help you with yourIndonesian grammar. Try to
concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place.
Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Indonesian. Enjoy the rest of
the lesson!

Indonesian Prefixes
Prefix is an affix attached to the front of a root word that creates a new word. Indonesian uses
several prefixes below :





BerBer- is used to construct a verb that means doing something, being something, have
something, or having a certain attribute.
Example :
Berbahaya (dangerous)

= ber+bahaya (danger)

Berasal (originated)

=ber+asal (origin)

MeUsage 1 : to construct a verb from a noun.

Example :

(to bomb)

= menge+bom (bomb)


(to wipe)

= menge+lap (wipe)

Usage 2: to indicate that the subject of a statement is the one doing the action of the verb
Example :
Saya melihat anjingmu

= I see your dog

meihat = me+lihat
The word Lihat is already a verb, meaning to see. Here we add the prefix me to
indicate that I am the one who see the dog.

Other examples:
Membuat (to make)

= mem+buat

Melihat (to see)

= me+lihat

Menuai (to harvest)

= men+tuai (the T is dropped)

Menabur (to sow)

= men+tabur (the T is dropped)

Menyamar (to disguise/undercover) = meny+samar (the S is dropped)

Memarkir (to park)

= mem+parkir

Memasang (to put)

= mem+pasang

Memaksa (to force)

= mem+paksa

As you see, the initial P is dropped. But in these examples, the initial P is not dropped.

Memperkosa (to rape) = mem+perkosa

Memperbaiki (to fix) = mem+perbaiki
Even I dont know the exact rule for this but for most cases, the P is dropped. This is also
occurred with other letter than P.
Me- has six variation depend on the first letter of the root word which they are attached.

is used when the following word is started with L, M, N, R, W, Y

Meng- is used when the following word is started with G, H, K or vowels.

Mem- is used when the following word is started with B F P

is used when the following word is started with C, D, Z, and T

Meny- is used when the following word is started with S

Menge- is used when the following word is consisted from one syllable only

DiThis prefix is related to me- prefix above. While the me- indicates that the subject is the actor
who doing an action , the di- indicates that the subject is the object of an action. A sentence
with me+verb is called active sentence, and di+verb is called passive sentence.
Bola dilempar (oleh) Susanti = The ball is being thrown by Susanti.
Susanti melempar bola

= Susanti throws the ball.

oleh is a direct translation of by, and may optionally dropped in informal case.
There is also a word di to indicate place (in, at, to, and on). This is a word, not an affix, and
hence should not be attached to other word. But many Indonesians incorrectly attach it to
other word.

Kucing sedang tidur di atas meja (the cat is sleeping on the table)
is often incorrectly written as
Kucing sedang tidur diatas meja
In most cases, the di- prefix is followed by a verb, while the word di is followed by an

TerUsage 1 : as a superlative, same as English word the most, or suffix -est. This ter- is always
attached to an adjective.
Terbaik (best)

= ter+baik(good)

Terkecil (smallest)

= ter+kecil (small)

Terbesar (biggest)

= ter+besar (big)

Tercantik (most beautiful)

= ter+cantik(beautiful)

Usage 2 : as passive form, similar to di- prefix, but used when the actor is not important. In
most cases, it is same as the English ed suffix (or past tense form).
Example :
Terbatas (limited)

= ter+batas (limit)

Terbentuk (formed)

= ter+bentuk (form)

Bumi terbentuk tiga milyar tahun yang lalu = The earth is formed three billions years ago.

SeSe- prefix is used as substitution for the word satu (one).


= satu ribu (one thousand)


= satu kelas (one class)


= satu ragam (one variety)

PePe- prefix is similar to -er suffix in English.

Usage 1 : if attached to a verb, this prefix is used to form a noun that indicates a person or
thing that do the verb.
Example :
Pemakan (eater)

= pe+makan(eat)

Pembuat (maker)

= pem+buat (make)

Pencetak (printer)

= pen+cetak (print)

Usage 2 : if attached to an adjective, this prefix is used to form a noun that has the quality or
attribute inherent in the adjective.
Example :
Pemanas (heater)

= pem+panas (heat)

Pendingin (cooler)

= pen+dingin (cool)

Prefixes and their variations have a very important role in Indonesian, therefore they need very
special attention. Once you're done with the Bahasa Indonesia Prefixes, you might want to check
the rest of our Indonesian lessons here: Learn Indonesian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.

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