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Mvmatters:: Community Workshop Series

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Meeting #5: Overlay Zone, Golf Course Densities

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Community Workshop Series

MVMatters: Welcome

Montgomery Village Master Plan

Please silence cellphones

Montgomery County Planning Department


MVMatters: Welcome

Golf Course (Monument Site), Refinement of the

Montgomery Village Overlay Zone
March 25 (tentative) Preliminary Recommendations

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

Meeting Schedule
Feb 25- MV Open Spaces

MVMatters: Meeting Format

Planning staff options for Village overlay zone

Planning staff options for former golf site
Evening tasks

Break-out groups to discuss potential former golf

course zoning options and overlay zone options

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

Staff presentation

During the zoning code rewrite, it was decided that the Town Sector (T-S) zones will be
replaced in its entirety through this master plan update.
Tonight is for those non-residential areas that either need a new zone (not anticipated to
change) or those sites proposed for change.
Montgomery County Planning Department

Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Why We are Here

MVMatters: Why it Matters

PRESERVE the character of the Village

MAINTAIN the recreation and open spaces
ENCOURAGE reinvestment in commercial centers

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

I want [blank] in my Village

MVMatters: New Information

station, as

For more information contact:

Scott A. Gutschick, Planning Section Manager
Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service
Public Safety Headquarters
100 Edison Park Drive, Floor 2, Room E-09
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
240-777-2417 (office)
240-429-0154 (cell)

Montgomery County Planning Department


Existing Conditions

Montgomery Village Master Plan

Community Facility Planning need for a fire

identified by MCFRS

MVMatters: Zoning 101

1. How much can be built (how high, how big, how many
stories, how much land can be covered)
2. How property can be used (e.g., residential, office, gas
station, daycare, etc.)

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

What is zoning?
Montgomery County zoning laws tell property owners:

What are zoning classifications?

Identifies what kinds of uses and development are
allowed in a geographic area
Informs property owners what building types, size,
and density* can be built on their property, as well
as what uses can be permitted.

*Density is the amount of development within a certain area. Density

can be people per acre or floor area ratio (total floor area of buildings
on a lot divided by the total square footage of said lot).

Montgomery County Planning Department


Existing Conditions

Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Zoning 101

MoCo Euclidean Zones (examples): R-200, R-90, R-60,

TLD, TMD, THD, R-30, R-20 & R-10

Applied on the zoning map at a sectional map

amendment or local map amendment*.

Montgomery County Planning Department


source: https://www.planning.org/divisions/planningandlaw/propertytopics.htm#Floating

Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Zoning 101

What are types zoning techniques?
Euclidean Zones:
Basics: segregates land uses into specified geographic
districts and dimensional standards stipulating limitations
on development activity within each district type.

MoCo Floating Zones (examples): TF, AF, CRNF, CRTF

Applied during a local map amendment and must meet

prerequisites, if not recommended in a master plan.

Montgomery County Planning Department


*source: https://www.planning.org/divisions/planningandlaw/propertytopics.htm#Floating
Existing Conditions

Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Zoning 101

What are types of zoning techniques?
Floating Zones
Basics: a zoning district that delineates conditions which
must be met before that zoning district can be approved
for an existing piece of land. Rather than being placed
on the zoning map as traditional zones are, however, the
floating zone is simply written as an amendment in the
zoning ordinance. Thus, the zone "floats" until a
development application is approved, when the zone is
then added to the official zoning map.*

What are types of zoning techniques?

Overlay Zone
Basics: a zoning district which is applied over one or more
previously established zoning districts, establishing additional or
stricter standards and criteria for covered properties in addition to
those of the underlying zoning district. Often use overlay zones to
protect special features such as historic buildings, wetlands, steep
slopes, and waterfronts, but also used to promote specific
development projects (mixed use, affordable housing, etc.)*

MoCo Overlay Zones (examples): Burtonsville (employment), Garrett

Park (preservation),

Applied at the time of a sectional map amendment and zoning text


Montgomery County Planning Department


*source: https://www.planning.org/divisions/planningandlaw/propertytopics.htm#Floating

Existing Conditions

Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Zoning 101

Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Break Out Groups

Montgomery County Planning Department


Existing Conditions

What needs to be discussed:

Refine the purpose of the
overlay zone
Discuss land uses to be
preserved and/or limited
Development procedures
Development standards

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Overlay Zone

Staff believes redevelopment of the former golf

course as a proposed new residential

community with substantial open space is an

appropriate reuse. Residential is compatible
and in character with the surrounding

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Former Golf Course

Townhouse Low (TLD) and Commercial Residential
Neighborhood (CRN)

R-20, medium density multi-dwelling zone
Why 3 options?
Pros and cons to each option
Effort to continue transparency

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Former Golf Course

What are our zoning options?
R-200, low density single family zone (with a floating
zone option)

Factors to contend with:

How will proposed overlay zone address open spaces in the former golf
Environmental buffers?
Density limitations on the former golf course can be specified in the
master plan.

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Former Golf Course

MVMatters: Zoning 101

It can address specific concerns over setbacks,

heights, buildable area
It can address specific uses allowed (or not allowed)
in the underlying zone
It can require architectural review by the
Montgomery Village Foundation prior to approval
of a building permit

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

How would an Overlay Zone work for the former golf

course and recreational/open spaces?

MVMatters: Master Plan, Zoning and Regulatory Review

Master Plan

Site Plan

Montgomery County Planning Department



Preliminary Plan

Montgomery Village Master Plan

How do master plans, zoning and regulatory review relate?

MVMatters: Master Plan Review

Land uses
Bicycle and Pedestrian Systems
Schools and other public
Large-scale open space systems
Can recommend desired Park
acquisition (if it is consistent
with Park goals)
Can recommend Overlay Zone
Montgomery County Planning Department

Montgomery Village Master Plan

Establishes Vision and

Framework for Implementation

Establishes specific land uses,

maximum allowable density,
and other basic requirements
of development

Certain zones may have

minimum requirements
for open space
Zone affects Forest
Conservation requirements

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Zoning

MVMatters: Preliminary and Site Plan Reviews

Process for determining

Environmental Buffers
- 100-year floodplain
- Stream buffers
- Wetlands and buffers
- Steep slopes

Montgomery County Planning Department


- Regulates removal of forest

- Requires minimum forest planting
or retention
- Extra process for removal of
trees 30 inches diameter and
greater (Specimen Tree
Variance review)

Montgomery Village Master Plan

Environmental Guidelines and Forest Conservation

Natural Resources/Forest Stand Delineation (NRI/FSD)

Montgomery Village Master Plan


Montgomery County Planning Department


Establishes lot lines, main

access points, density of
development, and
Must substantially conform
to Master Plan, conform to
zoning requirements
Requires compliance with
Environmental Guidelines
and Forest Conservation
Law (Preliminary Forest
Conservation Plan, Variance
if required)

Montgomery County Planning Department


Easements may be
established to protect
forests and other
environmentally sensitive

Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Preliminary Plan

Detailed plan showing

building locations,
utilities, etc.
Must substantially
conform to Master Plan

Requires compliance with

Environmental Guidelines
and Forest Conservation

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Site Plan

MVMatters: Preservation & Protection

Master Plan:

-Vision and Framework

-Large-scale Open Space System
* Overlay Zone
-Can recommend desired Park acquisition


-May have minimum open space requirements

-Affects minimum forest planting and preservation

Preliminary Plan:

- Preserve Environmental Buffers

- Establish easements
- Forest Conservation planting and preservation
- Specimen Tree variance

Site Plan:

- Design must respect Environmental Buffers

- Final Forest Conservation Plan

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

Summary: Preservation of Open Space,

Protection of Environmentally Sensitive Features

Goals at former golf course tables:

Review proposed zoning options for the former
golf course;
Discuss pros and cons of proposed zones
Recommend changes to proposed zones or
identify a preferred option

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Former Golf Course

Montgomery Village Master Plan

MVMatters: Report Out

Montgomery County Planning Department


Existing Conditions

MVMatters: Questions/Preguntas
MVPlan I Lead Planner
MVPlan I Outreach Planner
Michael Bello: michael.bello@montgomeryplanning.org ; 301.495.4597 (se habla espanol)


Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

Renee M. Kamen, AICP: renee.kamen@montgomeryplanning.org; 301.495.4723

MVMatters: Team
MVPlan I Transportation Planner

MVPlan I Environmental Planner

Steve Findley: steve.findley@montgomeryplanning.org; 301.495.4727

MVPlan I Urban Design/Architect

Luis Estrada Cepero: luis.estrada@montgomeryplanning.org; 301.495.4641
MVPlan I Parks
Dom Quattrocchi: dominic.quattrocchi@montgomeryplanning.org
MVPlan I Demographics & Research
Lisa Tate: lisa.tate@montgomeryplanning.org; 301.650.5623

Montgomery County Planning Department


Montgomery Village Master Plan

Aaron Zimmerman: aaron.zimmerman@montgomeryplanning.org; 301.495.4629

MVMatters: Future Meetings

Montgomery Village Master Plan

Meeting Schedule
March 25 (tentative) Preliminary Recommendations

Montgomery County Planning Department


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