API 510 Quiz
API 510 Quiz
API 510 Quiz
1. Name 3 types of pressure vessels and containers that are excluded from API 510.
7. Above ground vessels shall be given a visual external inspection at what interval?
Each vessel aboveground shall be given a visual external inspection preferably wile in operation at least every
5 years or at the same interval as the reqd internal or on stream inspection whichever is less.
9. What is the max test/inspection interval permitted for pressure relieving devices?
Must not exceed 5 years.
11. Name the 3 types of information that the owner/user records must maintain for each
pressure vessel.
Construction and Design Info, Operating and Inspection History, Repair, Alteration and rerating info., fitness
for service assessment documents
13. How many years experience must a high school graduate have to qualify as an
Owner/User Inspector under API510?
5 years
15. When new vessels are placed into service or the service conditions are changed what are
the 3 methods for determining the probable rate of corrosion?
Corrosion rate data collected from owner/user on vessels of similar service, corrosion rate data from
owner/users experience from published data of similar vessels, on stream determination after 1000 hrs. of
16. What other examination methods may be used to supplement the visual examinations?
17. Do you always have to remove insulation at the time of each external inspection?
No, but must be observed every 5 years.
22. Name and define 4 methods that actual thickness and max corrosion rate may be
23. For an area of considerable size in which circumferential stress governs the least
thickness along a critical element may be averaged over a length not exceeding?
24. Can large vessels with 2 or more zones of differing corrosion rates have each zone
treated independently regarding inspection intervals?
Yes, for a large vessel w/ 2 or more zones of differing corrosion rates, each zone may be treated independently
regarding the interval of inspections.
25. List 5 features that must be covered in the owner/user QA manual for assessing
pressure vessel inspection systems.
26. What is the efficiency factor to be used when determining the MAWP for a corroded
area in the solid material area of a vessel?
When the vessel surface away from a weld is corroded and the joint efficiency is less
than 1.0, an independent calculation using the appropriate weld joint factor (typically
1.0) can be made. For this calculation, the surface at a weld includes 1 in. (2.5 cm) on
either side of the weld (measured from the toe) or twice the required thickness on either
side of the weld, whichever is greater.
27. How are intervals between pressure relieving device inspection/testing determined?
Pressure-relieving devices shall be tested and inspected at intervals that are frequent
enough to verify that the valves perform reliably in the particular service conditions.
Other pressure-relieving devices, (e.g. rupture disks and vacuum-breaker valves) shall
be inspected at intervals based on service conditions. The inspection interval for all
pressure-relieving devices is determined by either the inspector, engineer, or other
qualified individual per the Owner/Users quality assurance system.
28. What is the max period between internal and on stream inspections?
It shall not exceed the estimated remaining life of the vessel based on corrosion rate or 10 years.
29. When an internal inspection is to be performed name at least 5 safety precautions prior
to entry into a vessel.
Isolate, Purge, Drain, Clean, Ventilate
30. Surfaces of shells and heads are carefully examined for what?
Surfaces of shells & heads should be examined for possible cracks, blisters, bulges & other forms of
31. For buried vessels what is the basis for establishing the external inspection frequency?
corrosion rate during maintenance activity on adjacent connecting pipe of similar material
from internal inspection of similarly buried test coupons of similar material
from representative portions
from a vessel of same circumstance.
32. Repairs and alterations to PVs are covered by API 510 provided what method is
33. When ownership and location of vessel has changed what must be done?
the vessel shall be internally & externally inspected prior to reuse, the allowable conditions of service & the
next period of inspection shall be established for the new service.
36. What are the minimum pressure test temperatures recommended by API 510?
30 deg, F above the MDMT for more than 2
10 degrees F above MDMT for 2 or less MAX temp should not exceed 120 deg. F
38. When the pressure test exceeds the settings of safety relief valves what must be done?
Safety relief valves or appurtances should be removed or use test clamps to hold valve disks
39. Repair org. that repair pressure relief valves are required to have what kind of written
Quality Control System
40. Name at least 9 topics that are part of a pressure relief valve repair org. quality control;
Title page
Revision Log
Contents Page
Statement & Responsibility
Org. Chart
Scope of work
Drawing & Spec controls
Repair and Inspection Program
41. In addition to the 15 topics in the pressure relief repair org. quality program what
additional requirement is needed?
Training Program
42. What is the efficiency factor to be used when determining the MAWP for a corroded
area in a weld?
Less than 1.0
43. What authorizations and approvals are required prior to the commencement of repairs
or alterations?
Before any repairs or alterations are performed, all proposed methods of design,
execution, materials, welding procedures, NDE, and testing must be approved by the
inspector and, if an alteration, by an engineer. The inspector may establish hold points
to be implemented during the work execution.
44. What ASME code section are welding procedures and qualify welders with?
Sec IX
45. What is the welding technique that is used as an alternative to PWHT for P-1 and P-3
Controlled Deposition
47. What must be done for PVs without nameplates & minimum design documentation?
48. When local PWHT is substituted what are 4 conditions that must adhere to?
PWHT temp shall be maintained for a distance of not less than 2X the base metal
thickness measured from the weld
50. When fillet welded patches are used for repairs what design considerations must be
Relating to efficiency, may be used for temporary repairs, use of fillet welded patches may be subject to
jurisdictional and must be approved by AI and Engineer competent in vessel design
52. What alternative method may be used to determine acceptability vessel walls when
corrosion has reduced the thickness below the min. reqd. thickness?
Employing design by analysis methods of Sec VIII div 2 app4
53. If a corroded area is found in the center section of an ellipsoidal or torispherical head,
what formula would be used to calculate the reqd T min.?
The thickness of the central portion of the dished region may be considered a spherical segment whose
allowable pressure is calculated by the code formula for spherical shells.
55. Who must review and endorse repair procedures used on stainless steel weld overlay
and cladding?
Repair procedures should be reviewed & endorsed by an engineer & authorized by an AI
56. For the controlled deposition welding method using the SMAW, the weld area shall be
maintained @ what temp. and for what time after completion of weld?
For welds made by SMAW, after completion of welding and without allowing the
weldment to cool below the minimum preheat temperature, the temperature of the
weldment shall be raised to a temperature of 500F 50F (260C 30C) for a
minimum period of two hours to assist out-gassing diffusion of any weld metal hydrogen
picked up during welding. This hydrogen bake-out treatment may be omitted provided
the electrode used is classified by the filler metal specification with an optional
supplemental diffusible-hydrogen designator of H4 (such as E7018-H4).
57. The repair area on stainless steel weld overlay & clad vessels constructed of P-3,P-4 or
P-5 base materials should have the base materials examined for what type of defects and by
which method?
The base metal area should be examined for cracking by UT and is appropriately accomplished following a 24
hr. delay after completed repairs for equipment in Hydrogen service & other alloys that could be affected by
delayed cracking.
58. When a pressure test is not performed following a repair or alteration what is reqd as a
59. What min. preheat temp. may be considered an alternative to PWHT for repairs or
alterations to P-1 materials?
60. What is the min. number of thickness measurements that should be taken on each vessel
to satisfy the internal or on-stream requirements?
One quadrant on shells, nozzles, heads or cone sections
62. Who must be consulted prior to repairs of cracks at high stress concentrations?
Vessel Engineer
69. Can the 10 year inspection limit be increased or decreased as a result of an RBI
70. What are the responsibilities of the Inspector & vessel engineer?
71. What are the requirements for preheat or controlled deposition welding methods as
alternative to PWHT?
The preheat temperature shall be checked to assure that 4 in. (100 mm) of the material
or four times the material thickness (whichever is greater) on each side of the weld joint
will be maintained at the minimum temperature during welding. When the weld does
not penetrate through the full thickness of the material, the minimum preheat
temperature need only be maintained at a distance of 4 in. (100 mm) or four times the
depth of the repair weld, whichever is greater on each side of the joint
72. What mandatory NDE must be performed prior to and after weld repairs?
Prior to welding, usually the area prepared for welding is examined using either the MT
or PT examination technique to determine that no defects exist. This examination is
especially important after removing cracks and other defects.
After the weld is completed, it shall be examined again by the appropriate NDE
technique specified in the repair specification to determine that no defects exist using
acceptance standards acceptable to the Inspector or the applicable construction code.
73. Can a vessel constructed in accordance with Sec VIII prior to 1968 be rerated using the
latest edition of the code?