Food Policy: Munir A. Hanjra, M. Ejaz Qureshi
Food Policy: Munir A. Hanjra, M. Ejaz Qureshi
Food Policy: Munir A. Hanjra, M. Ejaz Qureshi
Food Policy
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Global water crisis and future food security in an era of climate change
Munir A. Hanjra a, M. Ejaz Qureshi b,c,*
International Centre of Water for Food Security, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 2 May 2009
Received in revised form 18 May 2010
Accepted 19 May 2010
Climate resilient
Energy crisis
Credit crisis
Food trade
a b s t r a c t
Food policy should serve humanity by advancing the humane goals of eradicating extreme poverty and
hunger. However, these goals have recently been challenged by emerging forces including climate
change, water scarcity, the energy crisis as well as the credit crisis. This paper analyses the overall role
of these forces and population growth in redening global food security. Specically, global water supply
and demand as well as the linkages between water supply and food security are examined. The analysis
reveals that the water for food security situation is intricate and might get daunting if no action is taken.
Investments are needed today for enhancing future food security; this requires action on several fronts,
including tackling climate change, preserving land and conserving water, reducing the energy footprint in
food systems, developing and adopting climate resilient varieties, modernising irrigation infrastructure,
shoring up domestic food supplies, reforming international food trade, and responding to other global
Crown Copyright 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
When the well is dry, we know the worth of water (Benjamin
Food policy must not lose sight of surging water scarcity. Water
is a key driver of agricultural production. Water scarcity can cut
production and adversely impact food security.1,2 Irrigation has
helped boost agricultural yields and outputs in semi-arid and even
arid environments and stabilized food production and prices (Hanjra
et al., 2009a, 2009b; Rosegrant and Cline, 2003) and the revenue
from the agriculture sector (Sampath, 1992). Only 19% of agricultural
land cultivated through irrigation supplies 40% of the worlds food
(Molden et al., 2010) and has thus brought substantial socioeconomic gains (Evenson and Gollin, 2003). Water for agriculture is critical for future global food security. However, continued increase in
demand for water by non-agricultural uses, such as urban and indus* Corresponding author at: CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra, ACT 2601
Australia. Tel.: +61 2 62421510; fax: +61 2 62421705.
E-mail addresses:, (M.A. Hanjra), (M.E. Qureshi).
Water scarcity refers to a situation where there is insufcient water to satisfy
normal human water needs for food, feed, drinking and other uses, implying an excess
of water demand over available supply. It is a relative concept, therefore, difcult to
capture in single indices (Falkenmark, 2007).
Food security has generally been dened as (Barrett, 2010) the ability of a country
to supply an assured access to food in an adequate quantity and quality to meet
basic food demands by all social groups and individuals at all times (FAO, 2003;
Sanchez and Swaminathan, 2005).
trial uses and greater concerns for environmental quality have put
irrigation water demand under greater scrutiny and threatened food
security. Water scarcity is already a critical concern in parts of the
world (Fedoroff et al., 2010). Further, there are growing public concerns that the footprints (i.e. negative impacts) of food security on
the environment are substantial (Khan and Hanjra, 2009; Khan
et al., 2009a,b). Continued increase in demand for irrigation water
over many years has led to changed water ows, land clearing and
therefore deteriorated stream water quality. Addressing these environmental concerns and fullling urban and industrial water demand will require diverting water away from irrigation. This will
reduce irrigated area and its production and impact on future food
New investments in irrigation infrastructure and improved
water management can minimise the impact of water scarcity
and partially meet water demand for food production (Falkenmark
and Molden, 2008). However, in many arid or semi-arid areas and
seasonally in wetter areas, water is no longer abundant. The high
economic and environmental costs of developing new water resources limit expansion in its supply (Rosegrant and Cai, 2000).
Once assumed unlimited in supply, now even in developed countries water is considered scarce. Further, it is believed that climate
change will increase water scarcity in the coming decades (Lobell
et al., 2008). Even if new supplies are added to existing ones, water
might not be sufcient for increased food demand (Brown and
Funk, 2008).
The severity of the water crisis has prompted the United
Nations (UNDP, 2007) in concluding that it is water scarcity, not
0306-9192/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Withdrawals, Model 1
Withdrawals, Model 2
Consumption, Model 1
Consumption, Model 2
Note: Model 1 (IPOT) accounts for fossil groundwater and non-local blue water such as diverted from rivers whereas in Model 2 (ILIM) they are not accounted for (Rost et al.,
Data for Australia under Model 1 gives the total water resources in gigaliters for 20042005, while the data under Model 2 does not account for deep drainage inows (ABS,
2008) and must therefore be used and/or interpreted with care.
wide, water shortages are reected in the per capita decline in irrigation water use for food production in all regions of the world
during the past 20 years. Water resources, critical for irrigation,
are under great stress as populous cities, states, and countries require and withdraw more water from rivers, lakes and aquifers
every year (Gleick, 2003b). A major concern to maintaining future
water supplies is the continuing over-draft of surface and groundwater resources (Loehman, 2008). As a result, there is decline in
available surface water and groundwater for irrigation (Shah
et al., 2006). For example, in Australia, CSIRO estimated that there
will be a major decline in irrigation water for diversions in the
MDB which is the food basket of Australia (CSIRO, 2008).
Climate change
Climate change poses signicant threats to global food security
and peace due to changes in water supply and demand (Alcamo
et al., 2007; Barnett et al., 2005; Dll and Siebert, 2002; Spash,
2008a), impacts on crop productivity (Droogers, 2004; Droogers
and Aerts, 2005), impacts on food supply (Arnell et al., 2004;
Rosenzweig and Parry, 1994), and high costs of adaptation to climate change (Kandlikar and Risbey, 2000).
Climate change may affect agriculture and food security by
altering the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall, and the
availability of water, land, capital, biodiversity and terrestrial resources. It may heighten uncertainties throughout the food chain,
from farm to fork and yield to trade dynamics, and ultimately impact on the global economy, food security and the ability to feed
nine billion people by 2050. Modelling by IIASA (Fischer et al.,
2007) shows that future socioeconomic development and climate
change may impact on regional and global irrigation requirements
and thus on agricultural water withdrawals. Net irrigation requirements may increase by 45% by 2080. Even with improvements in
irrigation efciency, gross water withdrawals may increase by
20%. Global irrigation requirements with climate change will
increase by 20% above the reference base case scenario (without
climate change). The simulation shows that the global impacts of
climate change on irrigation water requirements could be as large
as the projected increase in irrigation due to socioeconomic
The impacts of climate change on global food production are
small but geographically very unevenly distributed, with losses felt
mostly in arid and sub-humid tropics in Africa and South Asia (Parry et al., 2001) and particularly in poor countries with low capacity
for adaptation (Kurukulasuriya et al., 2006). Some fairly robust
conclusions that emerge from climate change analysis on agriculture and food availability (Parry et al., 2001; Tubiello and Fischer,
2007) show that: (a) there will be food shortages due to decrease
in net global agricultural production and disrupted access to water
and energy; (b) a likely increase in the number of people at risk of
hunger; (c) the impact on undernourishment will depend mainly
on the level of economic development and poverty reduction
achieved in the future and its positive effects on distribution, and
human responses to climate change; (d) mitigation of climate
change can have signicant positive effects on agricultural productivity and food security; and (e) current production and consumption gaps between developed and developing countries will
deepen; and unmitigated climate change and the small risk of
abrupt climate change may cause human carrying capacity decit, suggesting insufcient resources leading to economic menace,
global conict and population contraction (Alley et al., 2005).
Climate change will impact on crop productivity, with implications for food security (Spash, 2008a,b). Global warming has been
speculated to increase yields due to the fertilizer effect of rising
atmospheric carbon, but the impacts are likely to be net negative
for poor countries. For example, global warming will reduce food
production in countries closer to the equator (Droogers and Aerts,
Fig. 1. Trends in calorie consumption from animal products 19612003 (FAO, 2008).
2030 (FAO, 2003) or about $10.8 billion of grain decits (Mu et al.,
2008). A more moderate estimate is for Chinas grain imports to increase from 8 MMT in 1997 to 48 MMT in 2020 (Heilig, 1999).
Although future food production and demand estimates for China
differ widely, depending on the population growth scenario and
water availability (Mu et al., 2008), they have clear implications
for global food demand.
More afuent populations have tended to diversify diets towards animal food items (Popkin, 2003) which require several
multiples of water per calorie of dietary energy (Molden et al.,
2010). The consumption of calories has also increased signicantly
in the last four decades in many developing countries (Fig. 1) (FAO,
2008). For example, meat demand (including demand for beef,
meat, eggs and more dairy products) or calorie consumption has
grown in the Chinese diet from less than 100 kcal/capita/day to
more than 600 kcal/capita/day between 1961 and early 2003. All
of this increase in calorie consumption requires enormous
amounts of grain to feed livestock. China alone may account for
43% of additional meat demand worldwide in 2020 compared to
1997, placing higher demand on world water resources and upward pressure on commodity prices in the longer term. An increase
in food prices will directly hit food security for the poor nations3
(Mahal and Karan, 2008).
A key challenge facing agriculture in the 21st century is how to
feed a world with a continuously growing and increasingly afuent
population with greater meat demand. Due to strong economic
growth, millions of people will buy diets far richer in protein in
the cases of China and India, three to ve times richer (Pingali,
2007). To meet such level of increase in demand as shown in
Table 2 (UNDP, 2007), global food output must rise by 110% in the
next 40 years. According to FAO (2003) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (von Braun, 2008), this goal is technically feasible provided most countries have modern farming
systems. However, the continued increase in population growth
in the poorest countries poses immense challenges for their food
security. More than half of the worlds population will live in urban
areas and China and India will be the biggest economies in the
Poor countries and households will be the most vulnerable to price increases and
social unrest.
Table 2
Global food demand for agricultural commodities (million tons).
Less developed
Other crops
Animal products
Population (million)
Cropland (Mha)
Pasture (Mha)
Irrigated area
cropland, pasture
Fig. 2. Global food chain and human population growth (Khan and Hanjra, 2009 and references therein).
Water Gap
Improved efficiency in
Table 3
Top 6 virtual water exporting and importing countries (19951999).
Sri Lanka
Raw sugar
Fig. 4. Global virtual water trade in top ve crop products (19951999) (Hoekstra
and Chapagain, 2007).
water-scarce areas within large countries, such as China, can enhance food security.
Future food security and investment policy
Future food security depends on investments decisions made
today for tackling climate change, conserving water and energy resources, developing and adopting new seeds, renewed investments
in agricultural water, shoring up domestic food production,
reforming international trade, and diversication of food production away from farming. Future food security requires governments and the public to deal forcefully with the issues critical in
food production and food security, including population growth,
widespread poverty and income disparity, climate change, water
scarcity, land degradation and energy and food price ination.
Addressing these interlocking issues simultaneously is inevitable
to prevent famine in poor nations. This is only possible through
greater international collaborations and strategic investments on
several fronts, as discussed below.
Tackling climate change
Climate change challenges to future food security seem immense. There are two potential pathways in dealing with climate
change, i.e. mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation is about gasses.
Adaptation is about water, therefore our focus in this paper is on
adaptation. Water sector adaptations can address water scarcity
and food security issues but the costs of adaptation are particularly
high in the developing world (Kandlikar and Risbey, 2000). Under
population growth and climate change scenarios, irrigated land
will be expected to produce most or about 70% of the additional
food supplies, placing increased pressure on existing water
supplies (Dll and Siebert, 2002). Uncertainties as to how the climate will change and how irrigation systems will have to adapt
to these changes pose complex issues that water policies and water
institutions must address. The major challenge is to identify shortterm strategies to cope with long-term uncertainties regarding climate change and its impact on food security.
The response to climate change must:
Adapt implementation of core water programs to maintain and
improve program effectiveness in developed countries (EPA,
2008), and tailor such programs in developing countries in the
context of changing climate, as they will be hard hit.
Use a river basin approach (with an emphasis on spatial consequences at basin scale) to adapt core water management programs to climate change challenges (Molden et al., 2010).
Strengthen the link between water programs, food security,
energy security, and climate change research to highlight the
synergies and tradeoffs.
Educate water program stakeholders on climate change impacts
on water and food security, through knowledge sharing and
capacity building.
Establish the management capacity in food insecure hotspots to
address climate change challenges on a sustained basis.
Further, studies are needed to identify and quantify more
clearly the potential impact of climate change on water resources,
water productivity and poverty to help identify the current adaptation decit in water resources management.5
Getting consumers to eat more grains rather than meat (Mancino et al., 2008) or better go vegetarian (Deckers, 2009), and
reducing energy intensive lifestyles offers the best hope to tackle
climate change and food security issues. Governments must provide incentives to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and promote
the more efcient use of energy and water resources as well as reduce food wastage from farm to fork. Global level collective action
frameworks and policies and investments are needed to adapt to
and mitigate the effects of climate change on agriculture and global
food security.
water harvesting, crop intensication and diversication, aquaculture and sheries, and livestock production, with overall
emphasis on technical modernisation and targeted support to
smallholders and female farmers.
Implement policies that increase physical and economic access
to food, including through social safety nets.
Promote participatory policies and practices in the sectors holding key to food security such as food, agriculture, livestock, sheries, and forestry.
Promote investments in human resources, sustainable food, and
rural development.
Ensure national ownership, engagement with development
partners, and smallholders and gender inclusion.
Debate about global water scarcity and food security has intensied in recent times, and precise estimates of future water and
food demand are elusive. Climate change is adding another layer
of complexity. The global human population may hit a record 9 billion people by 2050. The much needed increase in food production
is not forthcoming. Crop yields are not increasing fast enough
either. Instead, limits are faced due to carrying capacity in some
areas of the world. Public investments in agricultural research
and irrigation are dwindling (Turral et al., 2010). The bulk of the increase in food production must come from areas currently cultivated through increase in water and energy use efciency.
The analysis showed that, population and income growth will
increase the demand for food and water. Irrigation will be the rst
sector to lose water as water competition by non-agricultural uses
increases and water scarcity intensies. Increasing water scarcity
will have implications for food security, hunger, poverty, and ecosystem health and services. Feeding the 2050 population will require some 12,400 km3 of water, up from 6800 km3 used today.
This will leave a water gap of about 3300 km3 even after improving
efciency in irrigated agriculture, improving water management,
and upgrading of rainfed agriculture (de Fraiture et al., 2007;
Molden, 2007; Molden et al., 2010). This gap will lead to a food
gap unless concerted actions are taken today. Disrupted access to
energy can further deepen the food production gap. The currently
unknown adaptation decit in water management as a response to
climate change poses further challenges to future food security.
Food consumption and its immense role in the demand for and
types of food and volumes of water, and unfair trade relations must
be recognized as challenges to food security. The developing economies and especially the African economies have dismal crop
yields for many reasons but one of the most important is global
food prices over the past half century. Farmers never had a chance
to make a surplus and then invest as governments could not resist the opportunity to import cheap food.
A fundamental shift is needed in water and energy use in food
systems policy to avoid a severe food crisis in the future. Enhancing
food security requires governments and donors to deal forcefully
with the underlying issues driving food security, such as population growth, widespread poverty and income inequality, climate
change, water scarcity, land degradation, energy and food price
ination. This requires investments for: tackling climate change;
conserving water and energy resources; developing, adopting and
adapting climate resilient varieties; modernising irrigation; shoring up domestic food supplies; reengaging in agriculture for further development; and reforming global food market and trade.
The issues and approaches may be well accepted but investing in
the global commons is the greatest challenge faced by the global
community. Unprecedented global cooperation is required to address the institutional, governance and nancial constraints to ensure future food security for all by 2050 and beyond.
The authors wish to thank two anonymous reviewers of this
journal for their recommendations and constructive comments,
which have helped us in improving the quality of this manuscript.
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