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Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

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Research papers

A review of remote sensing applications in agriculture for food security: T

Crop growth and yield, irrigation, and crop losses

L. Karthikeyana,b, Ila Chawlac, Ashok K. Mishrab,
Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Clemson, SC, USA
Interdisciplinary Centre for Water Research (ICWaR), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India


This manuscript was handled by G. Syme, The global population is expected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050. There is an exponential growth of food pro-
Editor-in-Chief duction to meet the needs of the growing population. However, the limited land and water resources, climate
Keywords: change, and an increase in extreme events likely to pose a significant threat for achieving the sustainable
Agriculture agriculture goal. Given these challenges, food security is included in the United Nations’ Sustainable
Remote sensing Development Goals (SDGs). Since the advent of Sputnik, followed by the Explorer missions, satellite remote
Crop yield sensing is assisting us in collecting the data at global scales. In this work, we review how satellite remote sensing
Data assimilation information is utilized to assess and manage agriculture, an important component of ecohydrology. Overall,
three critical aspects of agriculture are considered: (a) crop growth and yield through empirical models, physics-
Crop losses
based models, and data assimilation in crop models, (b) applications pertaining to irrigation, which include
mapping irrigation areas and quantification of irrigation, and (c) crop losses due to pests, diseases, crop lodging,
and weeds. The emphasis is on satellite sensors in optical, thermal, microwave, and fluorescence frequencies. We
conclude the review with an outlook of challenges and recommendations. This paper is the first of a two-part
review series. The second part reviews the role of satellite remote sensing in water security, wherein we discuss
the aspects of water quality and quantity along with extremes (floods and droughts).

1. Introduction fao.org/). The irrigated cropland areas increased from 63 million Ha

(MHa) in 1900 to 306 MHa in 2005 globally (Siebert et al. 2015). The
The global food security is recognized as a part of the Sustainable irrigated agricultural areas are estimated to use around two-third of the
Development Goals (SDGs; SDG2 in particular) by the United Nations total water reserves globally, which accounts for about 80–90% of the
(United Nations, 2015) through an increase in sustainable agriculture total water consumption (Doell et al. 2014; Oki and Kanae 2006;
production, a decrease in food losses and waste, improved nutrition, Shiklomanov and Rodda 2004).
and ensuring zero hunger. Over the past few decades, the global po- Despite the expansion in agricultural areas, food security may
pulation has exceeded 7.5 billion, with the majority of the population continue to be a problem in the developing nations due to improper
residing in the urban areas (Klein Goldewijk et al. 2010). However, management of resources and policies related to the pricing of food and
according to USDA (https://www.usda.gov/topics/food-and-nutrition/ irrigation water use (Calzadilla et al. 2013; Easterling and Apps 2005;
food-security), 700 million people across 76 countries are still food Scholes and Biggs 2004). The effects of anthropogenic climate change
insecure. The increasing population has put immense pressure on food may further influence the crop yield, thereby hampering the manage-
and water resources. Global food production must increase by 50% to ment of the food and water systems in the near future (Easterling and
meet the demands of the projected world population by 2050 Apps 2005). The extreme events such as floods and droughts strongly
(Chakraborty and Newton 2011; Godfray et al. 2010; Tilman et al. influence the four factors, namely, availability of food, access to safe
2011). To ensure food security for the growing population, there has food, food prices, and the sustainable food utilization, which regulate
been a dramatic expansion in the cropland areas and the irrigation the global food security (Brown et al. 2015). The changing climate
water requirement (Tilman et al. 2011). From 1961 to 2004, the total conditions can induce prolonged droughts in the future, which can in-
area under cultivation increased by 2.3 times globally (http://faostat. crease the crop dependency on groundwater resources for irrigation,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ashokm@g.clemson.edu (A.K. Mishra).


Available online 30 March 2020

0022-1694/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

thereby affecting their sustainability (Scanlon et al. 2012). The re- 2. Overview of satellite remote sensing
miniscence of these effects is already evident through an increase in the
groundwater depletion globally from 1960 to 2000 (Wada et al. 2010). Satellite remote sensing emerged as a successor of aerial remote
Climate change can also lead to a reversal of croplands from irrigated to sensing during the 1960 s with the Explorer, TIROS (Television Infrared
rainfed agricultural systems, which can significantly impact food pro- Observation Satellite) series, Corona, and later with Landsat missions,
duction (Elliott et al. 2014). The deficit in irrigation may result in among others (Lettenmaier et al., 2015). The process of remote sensing
wilting of plants, which ultimately reduces the crop yield. is initiated with electromagnetic radiations from the Sun (passive re-
On the other hand, excess irrigation can also impede the crop mote sensing) or from the satellite itself (active remote sensing). The
growth in the forms of lack of sufficient air for respiration (thereby incident radiations are reflected, absorbed and transmitted while in-
affecting the germination of seeds), increase in salinity due to eva- teracting with the Earth’s surface. The satellite sensor measures these
poration of standing water and crop lodging (Chen et al., 2011; reflected radiations, which contain information about the terrestrial
Wichelns and Qadir, 2015). Apart from these factors, pests and diseases processes taking place during the overpass of the satellite at a location.
may significantly reduce crop productivity (Oerke 2006), further The terrestrial processes include the components of the hydrological
adding to the global food insecurity. Besides, the recent changes in the cycle, vegetation processes, interactions with water bodies, geomor-
dietary requirements and production of biofuels on the croplands have phology, and topography. Each of the terrestrial processes could be
added to the existing pressure on the food resources (Godfray et al. sensitive to measurements in only specific wavelengths/frequencies. So,
2010). Therefore, given the growing food demands and changing cli- it is essential to identify the satellite sensors that are appropriate for the
mate, wise management of depleting water resources through improved purpose. Furthermore, the satellite measurements are also influenced
irrigation and storage provisions along with flood/drought resistance by spatial, temporal, spectral and radiometric resolutions, which are
crop varieties may contribute towards sustainable agriculture practices associated with sensor configuration.
and maintain food security (Carruthers et al. 1997; Ozdogan 2011). Satellites sensors record the reflected radiations across various wa-
velengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. These wavelengths typically
range from visible/optical spectrum (0.4–0.7 μm wavelength); infrared
1.1. Necessity of satellite remote sensing spectrum – consisting of three bands, near infrared (NIR) (0.7–1.3 μm
wavelength), mid infrared (MIR) (1.3–3.0 μm wavelength), and thermal
Food security is a broad subject and requires monitoring of several infrared (TIR) (3.0–14 μm wavelength); and microwave spectrum
indicators, such as crop growth and crop yield, irrigation, and the (1 mm-1 m wavelength). In this section, we present a list of satellite
spread of diseases. To achieve this, direct or indirect measurement of sensors that belong to the optical/thermal spectrum (Table 1), micro-
several variables in space–time is required. Satellite remote sensing, in wave spectrum – which are categorized under active microwave sensors
addition to the in-situ observation network, is being increasingly used (Table 2) and passive microwave sensors (Table 3), and gravity field
to provide information on these variables at multiple spatial and tem- sensors (Table 4). These tables also contain information on duration,
poral scales, independent of geopolitical boundaries. Although the in- spatial and temporal resolutions of satellite sensors.
situ data is most accurate, their spatial coverage is inadequate and it is
often expensive to deploy radars and sensors to improve their spatio- 3. Remote sensing for food security
temporal resolutions, especially in developing countries. The remotely
sensed data is often used to retrieve variations in the vegetation state by Agriculture is one of the essential sectors to support the livelihood
providing realistic information on photosynthesis, phenology, dis- of humans and livestock. Its growth is imperative for the growth of the
turbances, recovery, and human interventions. This information is cri- economy and the alleviation of poverty. With the advent of technology
tical for determining crop health and productivity and serves as an and improvements in pesticides and fertilizers, modern agricultural
essential measure for agriculture planning and management. practices have significantly increased crop yields compared to that of
As discussed earlier, food security is intrinsically affected by the traditional agricultural practices (Hazell and Wood 2007). Satellite
water cycle. Water cycle, in turn, receives feedback from vegetation as remote sensing provides efficient means to monitor agriculture at large
transpiration. The objective of this study is to review the satellite re- spatial scales. The following sections present remote sensing applica-
mote sensing for sustainable agriculture management as well as some tions in three aspects of food security, crop growth assessment, irriga-
recent developments that have taken place to monitor and improve tion, and crop losses.
crop management. This review can be characterized under the broad
spectrum of ecohydrology, which studies about soil water-plant inter- 3.1. Crop growth assessment
actions along with plant water stress and productivity (Hsiao, 1973;
Nilsen & Orcutt, 1996; Vico & Porporato, 2015). Food production is the Crop yield is generally used to represent the outcome of agriculture.
biggest anthropogenic consumer of water (D'Odorico et al., 2010). So, It is defined as the weight of crop output (e.g., grain, fruit) at certain
besides understanding the process of irrigation (which is directly re- soil moisture content per unit harvested area of the crop (Fischer 2015).
lated to the field of water resources), it is also important to study the Crop yield is dependent on meteorological conditions, water and nu-
crop productivity and the associated stresses. Three important aspects trient availability, and the amount of absorbed photosynthetically ac-
are addressed in this review, 1) monitoring crop growth and yield as- tive radiation (aPAR). Crops should be supplied with the above inputs
sessment, 2) qualitative and quantitative assessment of irrigation, and and protected from pests and diseases in order to produce expected
3) detecting crop losses due to pests, diseases, crop lodging, and weeds. yield. In this process, there is a need for continuous monitoring of crop
Fig. 1 presents a detailed schematic diagram of these selected areas and growth. Here we present the critical variables necessary to monitor crop
the sub-topics reviewed in this work. This review is the first of the two- growth.
part review series, wherein the second part reviews the applications of The aPAR of the crop depends on the incoming solar radiation and
satellite remote sensing for water security, which includes the aspects of the crop’s photosynthetically active radiation interception capability,
water quality, quantity, and extreme events (Chawla et al., 2020). which is mainly influenced by the leaf area (Rembold et al. 2013).
Section 2 presents an overview of satellite remote sensing along with a Besides, the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation
list of satellites, which find applications in this review. Section 3 pre- (fPAR), a widely used variable, normalizes aPAR with the amount of
sents a review of the three selected areas. Section 4 presents the outlook incident solar radiation. The fPAR further influences a) Gross Primary
of this review. Productivity (GPP) – the rate at which plant absorbs the incident ra-
diation during the photosynthesis, and b) Net Primary Productivity

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the review of the role of remote sensing applications for agriculture management.

(NPP) – the rate at which the absorbed energy is stored as plant bio- and incident PAR), NDVI can be related to crop yield (Baret and Guyot
mass. GPP and NPP are expressed in the units of weight of carbon per 1991; Groten 1993; Prince 1991). In addition to NDVI, some more
unit area per unit time (generally gC m2 yr ). The GPP, in a way, vegetation indices are proposed in the past in order to address the issues
measures the accumulated photosynthesis during the crop growth. Both about atmospheric effects and canopy background, among others
crop yield and crop biomass are measured as weight per area (generally (Gitelson 2004). Some of them include Enhanced Vegetation Index
kg/hectare or tons/hectare). The Light Use Efficiency (LUE) is the ef- (EVI) (Liu and Huete 1995), Normalized Difference Water Index
ficiency with which the plant converts aPAR to NPP (NDWI) (Gao 1996), two-band EVI (EVI2) (Jiang et al. 2008), and
(NPP = aPAR × LUE ) (Monteith 1977). Green-Red Vegetation Index (GRVI) (Motohka et al. 2010). Additional
The Leaf Area Index (LAI), defined as the ratio between the one- vegetation indices can be found in the agricultural drought section of
sided green leaf area and ground surface area, is used to assess the leaf part two of this review series (Chawla et al., 2020). In the past, the
characteristics and crop biomass (Mulla 2013). It influences the canopy timeseries of vegetation indices have been used to monitor crop growth.
reflectance. Typically, LAI ranges between 0 (bare ground) to more Lunetta et al. (2010) used MODIS NDVI data to assess the cropping
than 10 (evergreen coniferous forests) (Iio et al. 2014). Recently, Solar patterns in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. Skakun et al. (2017) used
Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF), an indicator of plant photo- MODIS NDVI data along with air temperature information from
synthetic activity, is used to study plant productivity (Guanter et al. MERRA2 reanalysis product to carry out winter crop mapping in Kansas
2014). The indicators discussed here are widely used to study plant (USA) and Ukraine. Tao et al. (2017) assessed spatio-temporal varia-
growth with remote sensing (Bartlett et al. 1988; Fassnacht et al. 1997; tions in the crop frequency using MODIS NDVI and EVI data along with
Shibayama et al. 1993; Thenkabail et al. 1994; Wiegand and ancillary information in Hubei province (China).
Richardson 1990). The methods to estimate these indicators using re-
mote sensing information can be classified broadly into three cate- Crop yield estimation using vegetation indices. In the case of crop
gories: 1) regression-based methods, 2) physics-based methods.
yield estimation, the plethora of literature indicated the existence of the
strong relationship between crop yield and vegetation indices
3.1.1. Regression-based methods (Anderson et al. 1993a; Shanahan et al. 2001; Tucker et al. 1980;
Remote sensing of crop yield relies on crop spectral properties, Wiegand and Richardson 1990; Wylie et al. 1991). Several of these
which vary according to the growth stage of the crop, type of crop, and works established a regression relationship between vegetation index
its health. During the 1970 s, field and airborne remote sensing cam- and observed crop yield and later used the relationship to predict crop
paigns are conducted to monitor the vegetation and crop yield (Collins yield with new vegetation index information. For instance, Bolton and
1978; Tucker, 1979; Tucker and Maxwell 1976). These efforts have Friedl (2013) setup linear regression between county-level yield and
resulted in the development of vegetation indices, which are functions MODIS NDVI, EVI2, and NDWI in the Central United States. The crop
of spectral reflectance from specific wavelengths (recorded by the re- yield information is obtained from data compiled by the United States
mote sensor). Specifically, the vegetation is found to be very reflective Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics
and absorptive in the near infra-red (NIR) and red bands. Therefore, Service (NASS). Recently, Tuvdendorj et al. (2019) found that a
some combination of these reflectivities from these two bands will be combination of NDWI, NDVI, and visible and shortwave infrared
sensitive to the vegetation dynamics (Sellers 1987; Tucker, 1979). drought index (VSDI) (Zhang et al. 2013) among nine considered
Among these indices, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) vegetation indices performs best when linearly regressed with spring
(Rouse et al., 1974) is perhaps the most widely used index to monitor wheat yield.
vegetation health and dynamics. Given its strong relationship with LAI Our review of the literature indicated that most of the works have
and fraction of absorbed PAR (fPAR; the ratio between absorbed PAR aggregated the vegetation index over a period of time and then related

L. Karthikeyan, et al.

Table 1
List of satellites with optical/thermal sensors and their configurations. Note that the table is not exhaustive. We present only the sensors that are included as a part of this review.
Satellite Sensor Duration Frequency Range (Number of Spatial Resolution Temporal
Bands) Resolution

Landsat Multispectral Scanner System (MSS) 1972 – present 500 nm – 1.1 µm (4 for Landsat 1,2,3, 57 m, or 60 m 18 days, 16 days
4, and 5)
Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) 1972 – present 450 nm – 2.35 µm; 10.4 – 12.5 µm (7 30 m, 120 m 16 days
for Landsat 4, and 5; 8 for Landsat 7)
NIMBUS-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) 1978 – 1995 433 nm – 12.5 µm (6) 825 m 6 days
Satellite pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) High Resolution Visible (HRV) 1986–2009 500 nm – 900 nm (4) 20 m 26 days
High Resolution Visible and Infra-red (HRVIR) 1998 – 2013 500 nm – 1.75 µm (4) 20 m; 10 m 26 days
Vegetation 1998 – 2015 430 nm – 1.75 µm (4) 1 km 26 days
IKONOS Multispectral Sensor; Panchromatic Sensor 1999–2015 445 – 900 nm (5) 3.2 m, 0.82 m 3 days
Terra, Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 2000 – present 400 nm – 14.4 µm (36) 250 m, 500 m, and 1 km 16 days
Earth Observatory-1 Hyperion 2000–2017 390 nm – 2.5 µm (2 2 0) 30 m 16 days

QuickBird Multispectral Sensor; Panchromatic Sensor 2001–2015 450 – 900 nm 2.62 m, 0.65 m 1 – 3.5 days
ENVISAT Medium Resolution Imaging Specrometer Instrument (MERIS) 2002 – 2012 390 – 1040 nm (15) 300 m; 1200 m 35 days
Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) 2004 – present 0.4 – 1.6 µm (4; visible/NIR); 3.9 – 1 km; 3 km –
satellites 13.4 µm (8 IR)
METOP-A/B Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) 2006 – present 240 – 790 nm (0.26–0.51 nm spectral 80 km × 40 km 1.5 days
WorldView-1/2/3/4 Panchromatic, multispectral, SWIR sensors 2007 – present 450–800 nm (panchromatic) 0.31 m (panchromatic), 1.24 m < 1 day
400–1040 nm (8; multispectral) (multispectral), 3.7 m (SWIR)
1195–2365 nm (8; SWIR)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 2009 and 2012 – 580 nm – 12.5 µm (6) 1.1 km; 4 km 1 day
Administration's (NOAA's) Polar Orbiting present
Environmental Satellites (POES)
NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) 2011-present 412 nm – 12.01 µm (22) 375 m, 750 m 16 days
Sentinel 2A and 2B Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI) 2015 and 2017 – 440 nm – 2.19 µm (12) 60 m, 20 m and 10 m 5 days
Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) Thermal And Near Infrared Sensor for carbon Observation - Fourier 2018 – present 750 nm – 2.38 µm (4) 500, 1500 m 3 days
Transform Spectrometer (TANSO-FTS); Thermal And Near Infrared
Sensor for carbon Observation - Cloud and Aerosol Imager (TANSO-
Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905
Table 2
List of satellites with active microwave sensors and their configurations. Note that the table is not exhaustive. We present only the sensors that are included as a part of this review.
Satellite Sensor Duration Frequency Range (Number Spatial Resolution Temporal Resolution
of Bands)
L. Karthikeyan, et al.

ENVISAT Advanced Synthetic Aperture 2002 – 2012 5.3 GHz (1) 30 m 35 days; 30 days (from
Radar (ASAR) 2010)
COSMO-SkyMed SAR 2000 2007 - present 9.60 GHz (1) 1 m (SPOTLIGHT); 5 m (STRIPMAP-HIMAGE); 15 m (STRIPMAP-PINGPONG); 30 m 16 days
MetOp-A/B Advanced SCATterometer (ASCAT) 2007 – present 5.225 GHz (1) 25 km 1–2 days
RADARSAT-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar (C-band) 2007 – present 5.405 GHz (1) 3–100 m 24 days
TerraSAR-X SAR-X 2007 – present 9.65 GHz (1) 1.1 m (SPOTLIGHT); 3.3 m (STRIPMAP); 18.5 m (SCANSAR) 11 days
TanDEM-X SAR-X 2010 – present 9.65 GHz (1) 1.1 m (SPOTLIGHT); 3.3 m (STRIPMAP); 18.5 m (SCANSAR) 11 days
RISAT-1 C Band Synthetic Aperture Radar 2012–2017 5.35 GHz (1) 1 – 50 m 25 days
Sentinel 1A and 1B C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar 2014 and 2016 – 5.405 GHz 5 m × 5 m (stripmap mode), 5 m × 20 m (interferometric wide swath mode), and 12 days
present 25 m × 100 m (extra-wide swath mode); 5 m × 20 m (wave mode)

*indicates footprint

Table 3
List of satellites with passive microwave sensors and their configurations. Note that the table is not exhaustive. We present only the sensors that are included as a part of this review.
Satellite Sensor Duration Frequency Range (Number of Spatial Resolution Temporal
Bands) Resolution

Aqua Advanced Microwave Scanning 2002–2011 6.925 GHz; 10.65 GHz; 18.7 GHz; 56 km (6.925 GHz); 38 km (10.65 GHz); 21 km (18.7 GHz); 24 km 1–2 days
Radiometer-Earth Observing System 23.8 GHz; 36.5 GHz; 89.0 GHz (6) (23.8 GHz); 12 km (36.5 GHz);5.4 km (89 GHz)
Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) L- 2010 – present 1.4 GHz (1) < 50 km 2.5–3 days
Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) band radiometer
GCOM-W Advanced Microwave Scanning 2012 – present 6.93 GHz; 7.3 GHz; 10.65 GHz; 62 × 35 km (6.93 GHz); 62 × 35 km (7.3 GHz); 42 × 24 km (10.65 GHz); 1–2 days
Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) 18.7 GHz; 23.8 GHz; 36.5 GHz; 22 × 14 km (18.7 GHz); 19 × 11 km (23.8 GHz); 12 × 7 km (36.5 GHz);
89 GHz 5 × 3 km (89 GHz)
Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) SMAP L-band radiometer 2015 – present 1.4 GHz (1) 47 × 39 km 1–3 days
Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905
L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

to the corresponding crop yield instead of using instantaneous (satellite

Temporal Resolution
overpass) observations. This is because the nature of dependency be-
tween crop yield and spectral reflectance varies with crop growth
(Labus et al. 2002; Rudorff and Batista 1990). Besides, temporal in-
tegration or aggregation of vegetation indices reduce the noise due to
30 days
30 days

other factors (such as effects due to soils and clouds) in the vegetation
responses. They also account for the total effect of photosynthesis
(Benedetti and Rossini 1993; Rudorff and Batista 1990). The aggrega-
tion can be carried out by considering the maximum value of vegetation
Spatial Resolution

index, mean of peak values of vegetation index, the summation of ve-

getation index values in a crop cycle, vegetation index during the end of
List of satellites that measure the gravity field and their configurations. Note that the table is not exhaustive. We present only the sensors that are included as a part of this review.

the season, among others. In this context, Funk and Budde (2009) in-
400 km
400 km

dicated that NDVI accumulated during the mid-to-late season has a

better correlation with the crop yield compared to other aggregation
methods. Quarmby et al. (1993) used smoothened AVHRR (Advanced
Very-High-Resolution Radiometer) NDVI integrated over the growing
season for estimation of crop yield of wheat, cotton, rice, and maize
Frequency Range (Number of Bands)

crops through linear regression. Liu and Kogan (2002) used AVHRR
Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) (Kogan, 1995) to monitor soybean
crop production in Brazil. In this work, the authors considered the ratio
of observed yield and trend yield (to account for technological im-
provements and an increase in food demand) as yield indicator. Lai
et al. (2018) estimated wheat yield as a function of integrated Landsat
24 GHz; 32 GHz
24 GHz; 32 GHz

NDVI (obtained during the growing season) with reasonable accuracy

in the northern grain-growing region (NGR) of Australia. Mirasi et al.
(2019) used the sum of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) NDVI
values (during the growing period) as an indicator to estimate wheat
yield in Iran. Their results indicated that the model simulates yield at
the highest accuracy 49 days before harvesting during which wheat
grains would turn milky matured.
2018 – present

Some studies also used a non-linear regression approach to estimate

2002 – 2017

crop yield using vegetation index (Hayes and Decker 1996; Holzapfel

et al. 2009; Ma et al. 2001; Mkhabela et al. 2011). Attempts have also
been made to consider meteorological variables along with vegetation
index as predictors in the statistical regression model to estimate the
crop yield (Balaghi et al. 2008; Cai et al. 2019; Johnson 2014; Prasad
et al. 2006; Shao et al. 2015).
K-Band Ranging (KBR) twin-satellite system
K-Band Ranging (KBR) twin-satellite system LAI estimation using vegetation indices. Estimation of LAI using

remote sensing techniques generally involved optical and microwave
sensors. Early studies have used local-scale (field) measurements to
linearly relate LAI with spectral reflectance information (Asrar et al.
1985; Gallo and Daughtry 1987; Gardner and Blad 1986). These works
tested the applicability of NDVI and ratio vegetation indices (RVI; by
considering various plausible wavelength combinations) (Pearson and
Miller 1972). Johnson (2003) established linear regression between
Ikonos NDVI and in-situ LAI in a Napa Valley vineyard. Fan et al.

(2009) established linear and exponential relationships between NDVI

and LAI using in-situ measurements over grasslands in Mongolia. Use of hyperspectral vegetation indices. Despite the popularity of

Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)

NDVI, the literature indicates that the NDVI values tend to saturate
when the LAI values are very high (greater than 8) (Baret and Guyot
1991; Gu et al. 2013; Houborg et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2018). Gitelson
(2004) attempted to reduce the effect of saturation by proposing a new
index called the Wide Dynamic Range Vegetation Index (WDVI).
Furthermore, hyperspectral vegetation indices have also exhibited an
ability to reduce the saturation effect (Fang et al. 2019). The
hyperspectral sensors also measure the reflectance from the red-edge
GRACE-Follow-On (FO)

vegetation spectrum – which is the sharp slope between low reflectance

red spectrum and high reflectance NIR spectrum – situated between 350
and 1050 nm wavelength (Darvishzadeh et al. 2009; Thenkabail et al.
2000). Some of the vegetation indices that consider red-edge spectrum

include Red-edge normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI-RE)

Table 4

(Gitelson and Merzlyak, 1994), Chlorophyll index Red-edge (CI-RE)

(Gitelson et al., 2003), and Modified simple ratio Red-edge (R-RE) (Wu

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

et al. 2008). Several studies have indicated a strong relationship of the PROSAIL model (Berger et al. 2018).
between the red-edge inflection point (wavelength where the Retrieval of crop parameters such as LAI through these physics-
maximum slope of spectral reflectance is attained) and LAI of crops based models involves model inversion wherein the set of inputs that
(Delegido et al. 2013; Dong et al. 2019; Gupta et al. 2003; Herrmann can minimize the error between simulated model atmosphere corrected
et al. 2011; Liu et al. 2004). Kira et al. (2016) ascertained that red-edge reflectance and remotely sensed reflectance are estimated. Dorigo et al.
and NIR bands to be most informative for LAI estimation. Besides, (2007) noted three kinds of model inversion schemes, 1) model opti-
several narrow-band vegetation indices are proposed that can mization, 2) lookup table approach (LUT), and 3) Artificial Neural
accurately model the crop yield and LAI information (Haboudane Networks (ANNs). For instance, Bacour et al. (2006) used ANNs to train
et al. 2004; Thenkabail et al. 2000). the synthetic data generated with the PROSAIL model and then re-
Attempts are made to compare the efficiency of multispectral and trieved LAI (along with other variables) using ENVISAT-MERIS re-
hyperspectral reflectances and associated vegetation indices towards flectance information. Li et al. (2015) used multi-objective genetic al-
the estimation of LAI and crop yield (Broge and Leblanc 2001; Lee et al. gorithms based inversion of the PROSAIL model to retrieve LAI of
2004; Mariotto et al. 2013; Thenkabail et al. 2002; Viña et al. 2011; winter wheat. Li et al. (2018) performed LUT inversion of the PROSAIL
Zhao et al. 2007). We find no consensus on which among the two sets of model to estimate LAI of winter wheat using China Centre for Resources
indices is more accurate. The accuracy of a vegetation index is found to Satellite Data and Application (CRESDA)’s GF-1 Wild Field Camera
be influenced primarily by the crop type, vegetation saturation, soil, (WFV) data. Despite the applicability of physics-based models over
and atmospheric effects, among others (Fang et al. 2019). Furthermore, larger areas, these models often suffer from the problem of equifinality,
sophisticated regression and machine learning techniques are also used i.e., possibility of the existence of multiple solutions that result in op-
to model crop yield and LAI using satellite sensor-based vegetation timality. Besides, model and observation uncertainties also result in the
indices. Some of them include partial least square regression (Hansen inversion to be an ill-posed problem. Several regularization schemes
and Schjoerring 2003; Li et al. 2014; Nguyen and Lee 2006), artificial including incorporating prior information about variables of interest
neural networks (ANN) (Johnson et al. 2016; Panda et al. 2010), sup- (for example, Combal et al. (2003)), have been proposed to circumvent
port vector machines (Durbha et al. 2007; Tuia et al. 2011), and the problem of equifinality in physics-based models (Atzberger 2004;
random forests (Liang et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2016). Recently, Wang Baret and Buis 2008; Rivera et al. 2013; Verrelst et al. 2013). Li et al.
et al. (2018) estimated rice LAI using all of the above techniques and (2015) used the prior knowledge of the empirical relationship between
found random forests to perform better. LAI and leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) to improve the PROSAIL model
inversion for the retrieval of winter wheat LAI.
3.1.2. Physics-based methods Regression and physics-based models (radiative transfer model in-
It is important to note that the above-described regression-based version) are used to obtain LAI products at global scales. Some of the
techniques are site-dependent and cannot be spatially transferrable. operational products include MODIS MCD15A3H Version 6 (Myneni
Due to this issue, these methods are only applicable at the local scale. et al. 2015; Myneni et al. 2002), EUMETSAT’s SEVIRI (Spinning En-
Moreover, it is generally not possible to determine multiple variables hanced Visible and Infra-red Imager) MSG (Meteosat Second Genera-
through these techniques (Dorigo et al. 2007). Large scale simulation of tion) LSA-423 (García-Haro et al. 2019), Visible Infrared Imaging
crop biophysical variables requires the incorporation of the physics of Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) VNP15A2H (Myneni and Knyazikhin 2018;
the process into the modeling strategy. Land surface covered with ve- Yan et al. 2018), and AVHRR LAI Version 4 (Claverie et al. 2016)
getation will have reflectance from three components, 1) individual among others. Fang et al. (2019) provide a comprehensive list of global
leaves, 2) canopy as a whole, and 3) soil type. Ideally, the physics-based LAI products.
models simulate reflectance from all the three components to estimate
the top-of-canopy reflectance. The top-of-canopy reflectance values si- 3.1.3. Assimilation of remote sensing data in crop simulation models
mulated from these models are then corrected for atmospheric effects – It can be noted that the physics-based models described above only
using an atmospheric radiative transfer model – to obtain top-of-at- consider the crop and soil-related parameters. Crop simulation models,
mosphere reflectance, which is comparable with measured satellite on the other hand, consider the changing meteorological conditions,
reflectance (Verhoef and Bach 2003; Vermote et al. 1997). agricultural practices along with crop and soil conditions to simulate
Leaf optical models and canopy reflectance models deal with si- crop yield, among other variables. Some of the widely used crop si-
mulating the scattering and absorption properties of leaves and canopy, mulation models include decision support system for agrotechnology
respectively. One of the widely used leaf optical models is the PROS- transfer (DSSAT – a package of multiple crop models) (Hoogenboom
PECT model (Jacquemoud and Baret 1990), which is a radiative et al. 2019; Jones et al. 2003), WOrld FOod Studies (WOFOST)
transfer model that simulates the optical properties of leaves in the (Boogaard et al. 1998; Van Diepen et al. 1989), Agricultural Production
wavelength range of 400–2500 nm. The PROSPECT model considers Systems sIMulator (APSIM) (Holzworth et al. 2014), Simulateur mul-
leaf mesophyll structure, pigment concentration, dry matter content, TIdisciplinaire pour les Cultures Standard (STICS) (Brisson et al. 2003),
and water content as inputs. PROSAIL-4 and PROSAIL-5 models are the model for nitrogen and carbon dynamics in agro-ecosystems (MONICA)
improved versions of the original model (Feret et al. 2008). Canopy (Nendel et al. 2011), Daisy model (Abrahamsen and Hansen 2000),
reflectance models are categorized into kernel-based, turbid-medium, AquaCrop model (Raes et al. 2009; Steduto et al. 2009), Environmental
geometrical, and computer simulation models (Fang et al. 2019). Of Policy Integrated Climate Model (EPIC) (Williams et al. 1989), SWAP
these models, turbid-medium models are used widely. These models (Soil, Water, Atmosphere and Plant) model (Kroes et al. 2009), and
consider leaves as “small, randomly distributed absorbing and scat- Crop Environment REsource Synthesis – CERES (wheat – Godwin
tering elements with no physical size” (Dorigo et al. 2007). The Scat- (1990); maize – Ritchie et al. (1989); barley – Otter-Nacke et al. (1991);
tering by Arbitrarily Inclined Leaves (SAIL) model (Verhoef 1984) is a rice – Singh et al. (1993)). Delécolle et al. (1992) noted three important
widely used canopy reflectance model. The SAIL model is a radiative characteristics of crop simulation models, 1) they can dynamically
transfer model, which considers primarily 1) canopy parameters (e.g., consider inputs at an interval and produce the outputs while updating
LAI and leaf angle distribution), 2) view and illumination parameters the state variables, 2) they contain parameters, which can be tuned
(e.g., view angle), 3) soil reflectance, and 4) leaf transmittance and according to the growth period and the crop species, and 3) they take
reflectance parameters as inputs to simulate canopy bidirectional re- into account the crop development. Applying crop models over large
flectance. The SAIL model, coupled with the PROSPECT model – in areas can be challenging due to immense data requirements. Moreover,
terms of providing leaf transmittance and reflectance – results in the there can be uncertainties associated with the input datasets that affect
PROSAIL model (Jacquemoud et al. 2009). Fig. 2 shows an illustration the quality of the outcome. Remotely sensed information has the

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

Fig. 2. Illustration of the PROSAIL model (reproduced from Berger et al. (2018)). Readers may refer to Berger et al. (2018) for details on the symbols used in the

potential to address these issues. There are two ways of using remotely sensing can be used to retrieve surface soil moisture content. It is
sensed crop growth variables in the crop simulation models, 1) replace important to note that the backscatter or the brightness temperature at
them with model-simulated state variables to obtain output, and 2) use top-of-canopy contains the contributions from canopy and soil (e.g.,
them to tweak the model state variables thereby altering the output. refer to WCM in Section Therefore, having an accurate soil
The second method is generally applied in a data assimilation frame- moisture information helps in separating these two contributions.
work. Several retrieval algorithms are available to retrieve soil moisture
from microwave observations (Karthikeyan et al. 2017; Wigneron
et al. 2017). For instance, Ines et al. (2013) assimilated AMSR-E soil Assimilation of vegetation variables. In the process of using
moisture and MODIS LAI in a modified DSSAT crop simulation model
remote sensing information, studies have used either the readily
using EnKF to improve the yield estimation of maize crop. A similar
available products (discussed above) or used the state variables
attempt is made by Chakrabarti et al. (2014) in the context of SMOS to
retrieved from the canopy reflectance model or regression-based
improve the estimates of soybean yield. Wit and Van Diepen (2007)
model as an input to the crop simulation model. Some of the state
assimilated ERS 1/2 scatterometer based soil moisture product into the
variables, such as fPAR, LAI, canopy height, and above-ground biomass
WOFOST crop simulation model using EnKF to improve estimates of
used in crop simulation models, can be “corrected” using remote
winter wheat crop yield. Soil moisture from passive microwave sensors
sensing information (Dorigo et al. 2007). Doraiswamy et al. (2004)
is found to improve crop yield estimation (Mladenova et al. 2017).
and Doraiswamy et al. (2005) used Landsat and MODIS reflectance
Recently, Huang et al. (2019) and Jin et al. (2018) provided a
respectively as input to the SAIL model (which is driven by in-situ
comprehensive review of data assimilation techniques used in the
measured leaf reflectance data) to retrieve LAI, which is fed as input
crop simulation models.
along with weather and soil data to a simple climate-based crop model
to obtain crop yield map. While Doraiswamy et al. (2004) used
minimization of error between observed (in-situ) and simulated LAI
3.1.4. Crop yield assessment using remote sensing of plant photosynthetic
to tune the SAIL model, Doraiswamy et al. (2005) also considered error
between observed (satellite) and simulated reflectance in the objective
Photosynthetic activity influences biomass production (Hofius and
function. A similar methodology is also implemented in other works
Börnke, 2007). Therefore, Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) can be a
(Migdall et al. 2009; Verhoef and Bach 2003).
direct indicator of crop yield, compared to the optical vegetation in-
It is important to note that by replacing the model simulated data
dices such as NDVI (which are responsive to only leaf area changes)
with the satellite retrievals, the satellite-based output is assumed to be
(Guan et al. 2016; Guanter et al. 2014). SIF can be retrieved using
completely free from errors. In case, this assumption is violated, the
physics-based radiative transfer models. For instance, the SAIL model is
quality of output from the crop models get affected. Data assimilation
modified to include a fluorescence component (Miller et al. 2003;
attempts to alleviate this issue by combining the satellite and simulated
Rosema et al. 1991). The model proposed by Miller et al. (2003) is
data by considering their error variance. So, the data assimilation
extended further to result in state-of-the-art Soil Canopy Observation,
scheme adjusts the state variable (e.g., LAI) simulated by the model
Photochemistry, and Energy fluxes (SCOPE) model (Tol et al. 2009).
based on satellite information. The modified state variable will alter the
Pacheco-Labrador et al. (2019) used ground measurements as input to
subsequent model fluxes (such as crop yield). Kalman filter (Kalman
retrieve SIF, GPP, among other variables by inverting the SCOPE model.
1960), Ensemble Kalman Filter (Evensen 2003), Particle Filter
Recently, radiative transfer models with the ray-tracing technique are
(Arulampalam et al. 2002; Gordon et al. 1993), Variational Data As-
proposed to simulate fluorescence from a three-dimensional vegetation
similation (Barker et al. 2004; Rawlins et al. 2007) are some of the
structure (suitable for crops) (Gastellu-Etchegorry et al. 2017; Zhao
widely used assimilation techniques. Liu et al. (2019) assimilated
et al. 2016). The detailed developments on the remote sensing of SIF are
AMSR-E and SMOS soil moisture into the DSSAT model and found
presented by Meroni et al. (2009) and Mohammed et al. (2019).
improvement in the accuracy of maize yield estimates in South Car-
Attempts are made to relate the remotely sensed SIF observations
olina, USA.
with GPP (Guanter et al. 2014; Hu et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2017). In one of
the earlier studies, Guan et al. (2016) estimated GPP empirically over Assimilation of soil moisture. Apart from vegetation variables, the USA using Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment–2 (GOME-2) based
the information on soil moisture plays an essential role in the aspects of SIF data. Paul-Limoges et al. (2018) find that the type of diurnal re-
agricultural management, monitoring droughts, and crop yield lationship (linear or hyperbolic) between SIF and GPP is affected by the
assessment, among others. Active and passive microwave remote local environmental conditions. Somkuti et al. (2020) found a strong

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

relationship between the Japanese Greenhouse gases Observing SA- Dunne et al. (2017) provided a comprehensive review of the develop-
Tellite (GOSAT) based SIF retrievals and crop yields of corn and soy- ments that modeled crop variables using airborne and ground-based
bean in the USA. The satellite SIF data is used to estimate the crop yield radars.
using statistical regression (Cai et al. 2019; Guan et al. 2017). Attempts Retrieval of crop variables from radar backscatter measurements
are now being made to couple the radiative transfer models that si- generally involve three kinds of models, 1) Water Cloud Model (WCM)
mulate SIF with biosphere models in an assimilation framework to (Attema and Ulaby 1978) – a semi-empirical model that assumes ca-
improve the accuracy of GPP simulations (Norton et al. 2018). nopy as a cloud with uniform water droplets randomly distributed
within the canopy, 2) energy and wave approaches – that involve
3.1.5. Crop yield assessment using microwave data physics of radiation interactions with vegetation, and 3) polarimetric
Satellite microwave sensors measure the electromagnetic radiations decompositions – that extract elementary scattering contributions from
emitted from the Earth's surface in the microwave spectrum. They can the total backscatter. We find that WCM is widely used in the literature
be classified into the active microwave (radar) and the passive micro- for modeling the crop variables. So, to keep the review concise, we limit
wave (radiometer) sensors. In the former case, the radar sends its beam the applications pertaining to only WCM. A detailed review of radar
of radiation towards the Earth's surface and measures the reflected backscatter applications in agriculture can be obtained from Steele-
signal in the form of backscatter coefficient (σ ° ). In the latter case, the Dunne et al. (2017). In WCM, the co-polarized backscatter coefficient
radiometer measures the naturally emitted electromagnetic radiations (σpp ) from vegetation is computed as a summation of backscatter con-
from the Earth's surface in the form of brightness temperature (TB ). ° °
tribution from vegetation (σveg ), soil (σsoil ), and their interactions (λ )
During this process, the microwave radiations get influenced by the (Eq. (1)).
dielectric properties of the target medium (e.g., vegetation, soil). ° ° °
Besides, these interactions are also influenced by the sensor config-
σpp = σveg + λ2σsoil (1)
uration, such as polarization, incidence angle, and frequency. In con- where,
trast with the optical sensors, microwave radiations can penetrate
through the clouds (essentially a transparent atmosphere, except during σveg = A·V1·cos θ ·(1 − λ2) (2)
heavy rainfall) and are also independent of solar illumination. The
following section presents the review of active and passive microwave λ2 = exp(−2·B·V2·sec θ) (3)
remote sensing in crop monitoring applications. °
σsoil = C + D·m v (4) Use of active microwave remote sensing. Active microwave where, θ is the angle of incidence; A, B, C, and D are the empirical
(radar) remote sensing is used to retrieve crop variables, which parameters, which need to be tuned according to the local conditions; V1
include LAI, crop height, biomass, crop yield, and leaf structure. The and V2 are the functions of vegetation indicators (here crop variables).
radar backscatter measurements in higher frequencies (C and X bands) So, WCM simulates σpp °
as a function of the crop variable of interest and
necessarily look at the upper layers of the canopy, which suits the soil moisture along with four calibration parameters. Inoue et al. (2014)
retrieval of crop variables (Ulaby et al. 1984). L-band sensors, on the used C-band backscatter to establish a relationship with LAI and leaf
other hand, would have relatively greater penetration capability. So, biomass, and also retrieved LAI using WCM over rice fields in Japan.
the backscatter signal recorded by the sensors will have a significant Hosseini et al. (2015) estimated LAI using WCM in corn and soybean
effect due to soil, the effect of which needs to be separated to obtain with RADARSAT-2 (C-band) and Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic
accurate retrieval. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is used generally for Aperture Radar (UAVSAR) (L-band) data. Chauhan et al. (2019b) at-
crop monitoring applications (Steele-Dunne et al. 2017). Experiments tempted to retrieve what crop height using RISAT-1 SAR data by cou-
have been carried out to assess the strength of relationship between pling WCM with ANN. They considered a variable that includes plant
backscatter coefficient and crop variables (Baghdadi et al. 2009; height and other plant variables as vegetation indicators in WCM. Their
Bouman and van Kasteren 1990a,b; Brakke et al. 1981; Canisius et al. study indicates that C-band backscatter is sensitive over corn and soy-
2018; Chakraborty et al. 2005; Chen et al. 2009; De Loor et al. 1982; bean, whereas L-band backscatter is sensitive over corn. We observed
Fontanelli et al. 2013; Harfenmeister et al. 2019; Jiao et al. 2011; that WCM being used to retrieve crop variables and soil moisture
Lopez-Sanchez et al. 2010; Paloscia 1998). Kim and van Zyl (2009) (Hosseini et al. 2015) simultaneously as well as retrieve only crop
proposed the Radar Vegetation Index (RVI), a function of backscatter variables with soil moisture obtained from ancillary sources (Bériaux
coefficients in four polarizations (HH, VV, HV, VH) to estimate et al. 2011).
Vegetation Water Content (VWC) of rice and soybean. RVI is further It is important to note that inversion of WCM to determine crop
used to monitor crop growth (Kim et al. 2011) and biomass (Wiseman variables is an ill-posed problem, which leads to equifinality, i.e., pos-
et al. 2014). Furthermore, attempts are made to analyze the backscatter sibility of the existence of multiple combinations of vegetation variable
° ° °
ratio (e.g. σHH σVV ) to assess their relationship with biomass (Satalino and soil moisture that may result in an optimum value σpp . Therefore,
et al. 2009; Veloso et al. 2017), LAI (Chen et al. 2009), and crop growth inverting WCM is a challenging task while retrieving the crop variables.
(He et al. 2018). Attempts are made to investigate several inversion techniques (e.g.,
Macelloni et al. (2001) attempted to relate multi-frequency SAR optimization, LUT, SVR, and random forests) that address the ill-posed
data (from airborne and satellite sensors) and biomass with a focus on problem of WCM to retrieve crop variables using SAR data (Mandal
broad and narrow leaf crops. They concluded that the backscattering et al. 2019a; Mandal et al. 2019b). Furthermore, Steele-Dunne et al.
increases with an increase in biomass in the case of broadleaf crops, and (2017) illustrated that the vegetation water content is not uniform
remains flat or decreases in the case of narrow-leaf crops. Some studies along with the height of the canopy, and it also varies with the crop
also reported saturation of backscatter at higher LAI or biomass (Asilo growth.
et al. 2019; Inoue et al. 2002; Jiao et al. 2011; Wiseman et al. 2014). The models explained above are used primarily for the estimation of
Inoue et al. (2002) took multi-frequency (L, C, X, Ku, Ka bands), mul- LAI and biomass, which are primary indicators of crop yield. In the case
tiple incidence angles (20°-60°), and four polarizations (HH, VV, HV, of retrieval of crop height – a strong indicator of crop phenology –
VH) backscatter measurements over the complete growth of rice crop to radiative transfer models that describe the scattering nature of vege-
compare with in-situ measured LAI, biomass, crop height, and stem tation are available (Blaes et al. 2006; Bracaglia et al. 1995; Chuah et al.
density. Efforts also focused on understanding the influence of soil 1996; Karam et al. 1995; Karam et al. 1992; Le Vine et al. 1985; Ulaby
moisture and surface roughness on backscatter measurements while et al. 1990; Wang et al. 2009; Yueh et al. 1992). They belong to the
modeling crop variables (Major et al. 1994; Wang et al. 1987). Steele- category of energy and wave approaches. These models consider

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

canopy variables such as vegetation height, stem width, number of quantifies the total water content in the leaf and woody components
leaves, leaf angle, leaf size, dielectric constant, and backscatter from the of above-ground biomass (Liu et al. 2011). The VOD is found to have a
soil as inputs to simulate the top-of-canopy backscatter. Although some relationship with optical vegetation indices (Grant et al. 2016;
attempts are made to retrieve crop height using these models (Le Toan Lawrence et al. 2014; O’Neill et al. 2018), and radar backscatter
et al. 1997; Zhang et al. 2014a,b), there may be a need to generate measurements (Rötzer et al. 2017). In addition to the VOD,
many datasets (e.g., using Monte Carlo simulations (Tsang et al. 1995)) microwave vegetation indices (which are functions of dual-polarized
to run the models (Erten et al. 2016). TB are also found to be useful to monitor vegetation (Becker and
SAR interferometry (InSAR) is another popular technique to retrieve Choudhury 1988; Choudhury and Tucker 1987; Choudhury et al. 1987;
vegetation height. The method is based on the phase difference between Paloscia and Pampaloni 1992; Shi et al. 2008). Current retrieval
two spatially/temporally SAR acquisitions. However, this method has algorithms can retrieve VOD using the satellite TB measurements
limited applications to retrieve crop height due to low spatial and potentially without the need for ancillary vegetation information (Du
temporal resolutions of satellite SAR sensors (Erten et al. 2016). et al. 2016; Fernandez-Moran et al. 2017; Jones et al. 2011;
Tandem interferometry – wherein two satellites are flown in close Karthikeyan et al. 2019; Konings et al. 2017; Konings et al. 2016;
formation – circumvent these issues, and are useful in retrieving the Owe et al. 2001).
crop height. The interferometric coherence (which measures the phase VOD is reported as a potential indicator for crop yield estimation
variance between two SAR images) and differential interferometric (Chaparro et al. 2018; Mladenova et al. 2017; Piles et al. 2017). VOD
phase are key variables for crop height estimation in this method (Blaes provides complementary information compared to optical indices such
and Defourny 2003; Rossi and Erten 2014). Studies have found a ne- as EVI while estimating crop yield, given its ability to provide three-
gative correlation between coherence and crop height (increase in crop dimensional vegetation water content (Guan et al. 2016; Piles et al.
height results in a decrease in coherence) (Engdahl et al. 2001; 2017). VOD (from SMOS) is found to explain the crop growth and yield
Srivastava et al. 2006). The TanDEM-X mission (Krieger et al. 2007), variability of corn (Hornbuckle et al. 2016; Patton and Hornbuckle
which contains twin X-band frequency satellites, became widely pop- 2012). Recently, Chaparro et al. (2018) proposed SMAP VOD seasonal
ular to retrieve crop height (Lee et al. 2018; Rossi and Erten 2014; Yoon metrics to assess crop yield variability over the north-central United
et al. 2017). States. On the other hand, Mladenova et al. (2017) observed low sen-
Polarimetric Interferometric SAR (PolInSAR) is the advanced tech- sitivity of AMSR-E (Aqua satellite) VOD compared to MODIS NDVI and
nology available to retrieve crop height information. This method uses EVI while estimating crop yield over the central and eastern US. At-
polarimetry and interferometry to determine the three-dimensional tempts are being made to utilize the respective advantages of optical
structural parameters of vegetation (Cloude and Papathanassiou 1998). and passive microwave data synergistically to monitor crop yields
PolInSAR is used widely for estimating the forest height (Cloude et al. (Mateo-Sanchis et al. 2019). Recognizing the importance of VOD, long
2013; Garestier et al. 2007; Khati et al. 2017; Khati et al. 2018; term VOD products are being developed (Liu et al. 2011; Moesinger
Papathanassiou and Cloude 2001). The accuracy of height estimation is et al. 2019).
influenced by two important factors among others, 1) temporal dec- It is important to note that the satellite TB measurements have a
orrelation – degradation of phase quality that occurs due to structural coarse spatial resolution (which is directly related to the frequency of
and dielectric changes in the plant between two acquisitions, and 2) the sensor) in the order of tens of kilometers. So, the agricultural studies
spatial baseline decorrelation – noise due to difference in positions of using these measurements can be carried out with reasonable accuracy
radar sensors between two SAR images that affect the scattering along only when there is homogeneous agriculture taking place in the whole
the vertical coordinate (Zebker and Villasenor 1992). PolInSAR data is of the pixel. Besides, standing water, in the case of rice crops, can also
inverted to retrieve crop height typically using Volume-over-Ground impact the VOD retrievals (Piles et al. 2017).
(VoG) models. These models describe a volume of discrete scatterers
(here crop canopy) on top of an impenetrable topography (here soil) 3.2. Irrigation
(Pichierri and Hajnsek 2017).
There are two types of VoG models, 1) random-volume-over-ground Irrigation is defined as the full or partial application of water by
(RVoG) model (Papathanassiou and Cloude 2001; Treuhaft and Siqueira artificial means (either surface or groundwater resources) to counter
2000), and 2) oriented-volume-over-ground (OVoG) model (Treuhaft the precipitation deficit during the crop growth periods (Ozdogan et al.
and Cloude 1999; Treuhaft and Siqueira 2000). After initial tests using 2010). Irrigation is the largest consumer of freshwater resources, with
airborne sensor and laboratory data (Lopez-Sanchez et al. 2007; Lopez- the usage of approximately 70% of the groundwater withdrawals
Sanchez et al. 2011), Lopez-Sanchez et al. (2017) proposed a metho- (Bastiaanssen et al. 2000). The irrigate water is sourced either from the
dology using VoG algorithms to retrieve rice crop height using surface (diverted from control structures such as dams) or groundwater
TanDEM-X data. Erten et al. (2016) compared the backscatter radiative resources.
transfer model, PolInSAR, and InSAR based inversion algorithms for Satellite remote sensing offers means to monitor irrigation at large
rice crop height estimation using TanDEM-X data. They recommended scales. While we monitor irrigation, we primarily study three aspects a)
that an algorithm that combines the former two techniques can make identify the locations where irrigations would have taken place, and b)
more reliable crop height retrievals. Apart from InSAR and PolInSAR, quantify either the amount of irrigation water supplied or the amount
crop height estimation is also possible with the polarimetric synthetic of water needed to reduce the crop water stress. This section deals with
aperture radar (PolSAR) measurements. However, we find only limited the developments concerning these perspectives of irrigation.
applications involving PolSAR for the retrieval of crop height
(Yuzugullu et al. 2016). 3.2.1. Mapping of irrigated areas
Accurate mapping of irrigated areas is necessary for a) achieving Use of passive microwave remote sensing. Passive microwave precise water allocations to agriculture, b) improving our under-
remote sensors (called radiometers) measures the naturally emitted standing of water budget, and c) for the betterment of simulations from
electromagnetic radiations from the Earth’s surface in the form of crop and hydrological models. If we consider optical satellite sensors,
brightness temperature (TB ). Typically, the retrieval algorithm for the information from MODIS, AVHRR, and Landsat is used widely for
vegetation involves a radiative transfer model (RTM). The RTM, detecting the irrigation. We find irrigation mapping is carried out in
when applied over low frequency (in L-, C-, and X- bands) two ways, 1) analyzing the spectral patterns of a single image to classify
measurements, can simulate the measured satellite TB as a function of irrigated and non-irrigated areas, and 2) using images over a time
the Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD), a vegetation indicator that period (e.g., crop growth period) to assess the spatio-temporal

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

variations of irrigation patterns. The core concept of these two methods in irrigated locations (increased greenness due to higher soil moisture).
depends on the variations offered by irrigated areas in terms of spectral Hence, several studies utilized maximum NDVI composites for mapping
reflectance compared to other land cover categories. irrigated regions (Biggs et al. 2006; Chance et al. 2018; Jin et al. 2016).
For instance, Biggs et al. (2006) applied unsupervised classification Use of optical and infrared sensors. Traditionally visual over MODIS monthly maximum NDVI composite images for the year
interpretation is carried out to identify the irrigated regions using 2002 to detect irrigation areas in the Krishna basin, India. Jin et al.
static maps (Heller and Johnson 1979; Rundquist et al. 1989; (2016) applied the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification algo-
Thiruvengadachari 1981). The information from red and NIR bands is rithm on HuanJing (HJ)-1A/B maximum NDVI timeseries to differ-
used widely for visual interpretation. These works also considered entiate irrigated and rainfed wheat agriculture in China for circa 2011.
multiple images within a growing season to account for differences in Attempts are made to use peak NDVI information in thresholding based
the irrigation timing and growth stages. Despite its accuracy, visual decision-tree algorithm framework to derive irrigated areas (Ambika
interpretation is a cost and time-intensive process (Ozdogan et al. et al. 2016; Pervez et al. 2014). Studies have reported similarity in the
2010). Also, the visual interpretation can be carried out only on a local greenness of irrigated and rain-fed crops in humid regions (Ozdogan
scale. Image classification techniques tend to alleviate this problem. et al. 2010; Xiao et al. 2005). So, the inclusion of climate information in
Some of the commonly used classification algorithms for this purpose the classification algorithms can address the uncertainties
include maximum likelihood technique, image segmentation technique, (Kamthonkiat et al. 2005). Ozdogan and Gutman (2008) implemented
spectral matching technique, decision tree classification, density slicing decision trees classification algorithm to identify irrigated areas using
with thresholds, and multi-stage classification (Abou EL-Magd & MODIS NDVI and GI (Greenness Index) (Gitelson et al., 2005) along
Tanton, 2003; Eckhardt et al. 1990; Manavalan et al. 1995; with climate and agricultural extent information over the CONUS re-
Simonneaux et al. 2008; Velpuri et al. 2009). Apart from spectral gion for circa 2001.
signatures, vegetation indices are also useful for irrigation mapping. Chen et al. (2018) determined the irrigation attributes (extent,
NDVI is used widely for this purpose, given its ability to exhibit a timing, and frequency) using MODIS and Landsat timeseries along with
considerable difference between irrigated and non-irrigated pixels precipitation data, among others, in a heterogeneous landscape in
(Ozdogan et al. 2006; Toomanian et al. 2004). northwestern China. Recently, Deines et al. (2019) developed high re-
Several studies used multi-temporal images during crop growing solution (30 m) annual irrigation maps spanning from 1984 to 2017
season over several years for irrigation mapping. The multi-temporal over the central US. They used Landsat imagery and Google Earth En-
analysis can consider the varying cropping patterns, planting dates, and gine along with temperature, rainfall, soil, and terrain information as
crop growth, along with the extent of irrigation. In this context, covariates in a random forest classifier along with other steps to pro-
Thenkabail et al. (2005) developed a comprehensive algorithm based duce the dataset.
on timeseries of MODIS spectral bands (2, 3, 5, 6, and 7) data to detect
irrigation and rainfed classes along with crop onset, peak, and senes- Use of microwave sensors. In addition to optical sensors,
cence (aging of the plant). The time series of spectral signatures are satellite soil moisture products from microwave sensors are also used
generally transformed into vegetation indices and are subjected to un- to identify the irrigated areas. Microwave sensors offer an advantage
supervised classification or thresholding (value that differentiates irri- over optical sensors to provide measurements independent of solar
gated and non-irrigated areas) to map the irrigation locations (Gumma illumination and cloud cover conditions. The operational soil moisture
et al. 2011; Jeong et al. 2012; Nhamo et al. 2019; Xiang et al. 2019; missions SMOS and SMAP achieved substantial improvements in terms
Xiao et al. 2005). For instance, Gumma et al. (2011) used eight-day of the accuracy of satellite soil moisture products. Lawston et al. (2017)
composites of MODIS NDVI (circa 2001) to map irrigated areas with an found SMAP 9 km soil moisture products to have an ability to identify
unsupervised classification based framework in the Krishna basin, the spatio-temporal patterns of irrigation in the US. There have been
India. Xiao et al. (2005) combined eight-day composites of MODIS attempts to compare the satellite soil moisture products with rainfall as
NDVI, EVI, and LSWI (Land Surface Water Index) using thresholding to well as vegetation patterns to assess the irrigated areas (Qiu et al. 2016;
detect flooded paddy fields of southern China. Xiang et al. (2019) at- Singh et al. 2016). Notwithstanding the recent efforts, several
tempted to differentiate the irrigated areas from forest pixels using a hydrological models do not consider the effects of irrigation because
similar thresholding process involving MODIS NDVI and LSWI in of the challenges involved in coupling irrigation modules into the land
northeastern China. surface model schemes. In this regard, attempts are made to compare
Efforts are made to use multi-temporal spectral information in a soil moisture simulations from these models (that do not consider
supervised classification framework (e.g., spectral matching techni- irrigation effects) with satellite soil moisture products (which consider
ques). Based on these techniques, the satellite information is correlated both rainfall and irrigation effects on soil moisture) in order to identify
with the spectral bank (obtained from the ground), and the class that the irrigated areas (Escorihuela and Quintana-Seguí 2016; Kumar et al.
achieves maximum correlation (with satellite data at a location) will be 2015; Malbeteau et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2018).
assigned (Dheeravath et al. 2010; Thenkabail et al. 2007). Sharma et al. Research is also conducted to assess the potency of radar backscatter
(2018) used Landsat NDVI, NDMI (Normalized Difference Moisture measurements to detect irrigated areas. Fieuzal et al. (2011) found that
Index), and EVI timeseries from 1990 to 2015 in a supervised SVM σHH Envisat/ASAR sensor is sensitive to irrigated areas in the wheat-
(Support Vector Machine) classification framework to identify the ir- growing seasons in Yaqui irrigated area, Mexico. Similarly, Hajj et al.
rigated areas in an Indian watershed with spatially heterogenous (2014) found that the timeseries of TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed X-
cropping system. It is important to note that the supervised analysis Band SAR backscatter is sensitive to the irrigation events over grass-
requires an adequate amount of ground-truth information in order to lands. Recently, attempts are made to use backscatter measurements in
train the model. Uncertainties in the training data can affect the ac- a classification framework to derive irrigation map (Bazzi et al. 2019;
curacy of classification. Furthermore, it is difficult to conduct su- Bousbih et al. 2018; Gao et al. 2018; Sharma et al. 2019). For instance,
pervised classification at continental scales. Some studies attempted to Bazzi et al. (2019) used Sentinel 1 SAR timeseries in three classification
circumvent the requirement of ground data by using the Landsat re- algorithms – wavelet-random forest, principle component analysis-
flectance information as a reference (Peña-Arancibia et al. 2014). random forest, and convolution neural network (CNN) classifiers – to
Irrigation can result in different crop growth patterns compared to map irrigated and non-irrigated areas in Catalonia, Spain.
that of exclusively rainfed agriculture (Thenkabail et al. 2005). Irri-
gated agriculture can result in 2.7 times more crop yield compared to Global products of irrigated area. Few attempts are made to map
rain-fed agriculture. Given these reasons, NDVI is predominantly higher the irrigated areas (or areas indicative of irrigation) at the global scale.

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

The Global Map of Irrigated Areas version 5 (GMIA 5.0) product relationship with vegetation indices such as NDVI and SAVI (Calera
spanning from 2000 to 2008 (Siebert et al. 2015), and MIRCA2000 et al. 2017). Remote sensing information can be used to estimate
product for circa 2000 (Portmann et al. 2010) are the two datasets directly ETcrop using surface energy balance methods. ET is estimated
prepared used the census information. These two products are available through latent heat flux (product of latent heat of vaporization and ET)
at 5 arc-minute resolution. Global irrigated area map (GIAM) is a global in the energy balance equation. The two-source energy balance (TSEB)
product developed using meteorological data, land use, and multiple (Norman et al. 1995), the surface energy balance algorithm (SEBAL)
satellite sensors information (Thenkabail et al. 2009b). The product (Bastiaanssen et al. 1998), the simplified surface energy balance index
primarily uses unsupervised classification and is available at 1 km (S-SEBI) (Roerink et al. 2000), and the surface energy balance system
resolution for circa 2000. The Global Rain-fed, Irrigated, and Paddy (SEBS) (Su 2002) are some of the widely used energy balance models to
Croplands (GRIPC) map is another global product that is based on estimate ET. Attempts are made to compare these models for their
statistics, climate, and satellite sensor data (Salmon et al. 2015). This accuracy (Eswar et al. 2017; Wagle et al. 2017). Apart from IWR,
product is developed using a decision-tree algorithm at a 500 m irrigation scheduling is also necessary to prevent crops from water
resolution for the year 2005. The ESA under Climate Change stress. The remotely sensed Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) (Jackson
Initiative (CCI) produced a global land cover map, containing et al. 1981), computed as a function of the differences between canopy
irrigated and non-irrigated areas, at 300 m resolution for the years and air temperatures, is widely used for this purpose (Gontia and Tiwari
2000, 2005, and 2011 using Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer 2008; O'Shaughnessy et al. 2012; Veysi et al. 2017). Attempts are also
(MERIS) data with unsupervised clustering and expert knowledge made to assess the efficiency of irrigation by considering vegetation
(Bontemps et al. 2013). Meier et al. (2018) developed a 1 km indicators and water policies along with ETcrop (Al Zayed and Elagib
resolution global irrigated area product spanning from 1999 to 2012. 2017). Further information on crop and irrigation water requirements
The product is based on GMIA and satellite/reanalysis/observations can be obtained from Calera et al. (2017).
based vegetation, agriculture, land cover, and precipitation
information. Recently, Zohaib et al. (2019) developed global irrigated Estimation of irrigation water use (IWU). In the case of IWR, the
areas product for the year 2015 using satellite-based soil moisture, LST, irrigation withdrawals from the source are estimated, which may or
and surface albedo along with reanalysis products. It is important to may not be translated to actual irrigation usage due to either under or
note that these datasets are difficult to validate at the global scale due over-irrigation. Besides, the uncertainty in ET can also impact the
to the lack of observed data. Studies also noticed discrepancies when accuracy of IWR estimates. Analyzing the soil moisture variations
these products are evaluated at local scales (Meier et al. 2018; concerning precipitation can indicate the amount of water consumed
Thenkabail et al. 2009a; Thenkabail et al. 2009b). through irrigation (IWU). Recent efforts have focused on using this
concept to determine the IWU. (Brocca et al. 2014; Brocca et al. 2013)
3.2.2. Quantification of irrigation water have developed precipitation datasets using soil moisture as the driving
Unlike identifying the irrigated areas, it is challenging to quantify variable. The underlying algorithm called ‘SM2RAIN’ is applied to
the irrigation water at large scales. This is because, 1) the observed several soil moisture products (Brocca et al. 2016; Ciabatta et al. 2017).
information of the volume of irrigated is limited to limited spatio- The IWU is attributed to the systematic differences between the
temporal scales, 2) technical and legal constraints of setting up in-situ resultant precipitation from SM2RAIN and the actual precipitation
stations (Brocca et al. 2018). Besides, the heterogeneous agricultural data (Brocca et al. 2018; Jalilvand et al. 2019). In a similar attempt,
system with varying irrigation practices can lead to significant un- Zaussinger et al. (2019) quantified IWU by determining the systematic
certainties in the irrigation estimates. In literature, we find two ways in difference between the satellite soil moisture products (SMAP, AMSR2,
which the irrigation water is quantified, 1) estimate Irrigation Water and ASCAT) and reanalysis soil moisture product (MERRA-2, which
Requirement (IWR), and 2) estimate Irrigation Water Consumption does not account for irrigation) over the Contiguous United States
(IWU). According to the definitions provided by Allen et al. (1998), the (CONUS) region. Besides, attempts are being made to arrive at IWU by
IWR is the difference between the Crop Water Requirement (CWR) and estimating the difference between the soil moisture simulations from
effective precipitation. It is the amount of water that should be supplied land surface model simulations (that do not consider irrigation effects)
to maintain the potential transpiration of the crop (Calera et al. 2017). and the soil moisture simulations obtained by assimilating satellite soil
The IWR also considers water needed for leaching of salts and com- moisture into the land surface model (to account for the irrigation
pensates for the non-uniform water application. Apart from ETcrop , IWR effects) (Abolafia-Rosenzweig et al., 2019; Nair and Indu 2019). It may
is a function of precipitation, soil moisture, and soil properties. The be noted that the satellite products provide soil moisture of only surface
CWR is the amount of water required to manage the losses due to crop (~5 cm) (Karthikeyan et el., 2017). However, the uptake of water from
evapotranspiration (ETcrop ). Several works used these schemes as basis soil depends on the root depth of the crop species. Therefore, it is
to model the IWR (Döll and Siebert 2002; Hanasaki et al. 2010; important to quantify the rootzone soil moisture to infer accurately
Hanasaki et al. 2006; Pokhrel et al. 2012; Rost et al. 2008; Siebert et al. about the IWU. In this regard, attempts are being made to simulate
2010; Sulser et al. 2010; Van Dijk et al. 2018; Wada et al. 2011; Wisser rootzone soil moisture by assimilating satellite soil moisture products in
et al. 2008). a land surface models using data assimilation algorithms (Das and
Mohanty, 2006; De Lannoy and Reichle, 2016; Li et al., 2010; Liu and Estimation of irrigation water requirement (IWR). ETcrop is one of Mishra, 2017; Martens et al., 2017; Reichle et al., 2017; Reichle et al.,
the important variables to estimate IWR. ETcrop is influenced by climate 2019). Similar attempts are being made to assimilate Gravity Recovery
(air temperature, humidity, radiation, and wind speed) and crop and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) in
(growth stage, crop height, and rooting characteristics, etc.) land surface models (Girotto et al., 2019; Tian et al., 2019).
conditions (Allen et al. 1998). Traditionally Penman-Monteith (PM)
equation is used to estimate ETcrop for determining the CWR. This 3.3. Crop losses
equation is derived from surface energy balance and aerodynamic
resistance equations. The PM equation, under standard conditions of Crop losses significantly affect agricultural productivity. They occur
vegetation, as defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), due to abiotic factors and biotic factors (Oerke 2006). The former in-
can be used to determine reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0 ) (Allen clude irradiation, water, temperature, and nutrients. The latter include
et al. 1998). ET0 multiplied with crop coefficient (kc ) yields ETcrop . kc is pests, diseases, and weeds. Crop lodging (roots may lose the anchorage
dependent on crop characteristics and soil evaporation conditions. kc to sustain the crop) as a result of some of the abiotic factors. Satellite
can be determined using remote sensing products through its remote sensing is increasingly being used to detect crop losses. The

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

detection is possible when there is a difference in the spectral signature population density, nitrogen nutrition, plant growth regulators, stem
from the crop, which is affected by any of the above-described factors. diseases, weak stems, and weak root anchorage (Kendall et al. 2017).
Some of the losses may not be detectable in case they do not exhibit Crop lodging has resulted in losses of £47-120 million for rapeseed crop
differentiable spectral patterns. (Kendall et al. 2017) and $80 million for winter wheat crop (Berry et al.
1998) in the UK per year. Crop lodging results in the reduction of crop
3.3.1. Pests and diseases height, crop inclination, and crop yield, which is dependent on the crop
Pests and diseases damage the crops primarily in four ways, 1) re- growth stage at which lodging would have occurred. Identifying these
duction of biomass due to destruction of leaf, stalk and stem, 2) de- features through remote sensing information can be crucial to detect
velopment of crop lesions or pustules due to infections, 3) destruction of crop lodging. Although detection of crop lodging is widely carried out
leaf pigments, and 4) wilting of plants (Zhang et al. 2019). Wheat rusts, at field scale using in-situ and airborne remote sensors, the use of sa-
locusts, armyworms, fruit flies, rice blast, sheath blight of rice, mildew, tellite remote sensing is still at primitive stages (Chauhan
leafhopper, aphid bugs, beetles, and rhizomania are some of the crop et al.,2019a,b). Besides, most of the studies use backscatter from active
pests and diseases, which can be detected through remote sensing. Ef- microwave satellite sensors for this purpose.
forts are being made to detect losses due to pests and diseases at the The studies that carried out a qualitative detection used radar
leaf, canopy, and regional scales. Satellite remote sensing in optical and backscatter coefficients or their ratios to identify lodging and non-
NIR frequencies is used prominently at a regional scale for this purpose. lodging regions. In one of the first studies, (Yang et al. 2015) used
Apart from optical and NIR satellite sensors, attempts are made to use backscatter polarization ratio, odd-scattering contribution ratio, and
fluorescence and microwave measurements for detecting pests and the double-bounce scattering ratio in total scattering obtained from
diseases. However, most of the studies are limited to the leaf/canopy RADARSAT-2 to detect wheat lodging regions. Similar attempts are
scales. Information from both multispectral and hyperspectral satellite carried out by Zhao et al. (2017) and Li et al. (2019) to detect wheat
sensors – which include Landsat, MODIS, Hyperion, SPOT, among and canola and sugarcane lodging, respectively, using RADARSAT-2
others – is found to be useful for pest and disease detection (Bauriegel data. Some studies used the reduction of crop height as an indicator to
et al. 2011; Eklundh et al. 2009; Oumar and Mutanga 2013; Pengra arrive at a quantitative assessment of crop lodging. Han et al. (2017)
et al. 2007; Yuan et al. 2014). Apart from widely used vegetation in- used crop height as a proxy to estimate the severity of corn lodging. Shu
dices such as NDVI, EVI, NDWI, and LAI, indices such as Disease Water et al. (2019) estimated the lodging angle (crop inclination) by de-
Stress Index (DWSI) (Apan et al. 2004), Disease Index (DI) (Zheng et al. termining the crop height before and after lodging of maize crop using
2018) and Yellow Rust Index (YRI) (Huang et al. 2014) for detecting Sentinel-1 SAR data. Recently, Chauhan et al. (2020) modeled crop
wheat yellow rust, Aphid Index (AI) (Luo et al. 2013), and Leafhopper inclination (in-situ measurement) and polarization metrics derived
Index (LHI) (Prabhakar et al. 2011), among others are proposed for pest from Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT-2 data using Support Vector Regres-
and disease detection. sion (SVR) technique. Further details on the status of remote sensing of
The growth of pests and diseases require suitable vegetation and crop lodging detection can be obtained from Chauhan et al. (2019).
meteorological conditions (Coops et al. 2006). The Tasseled Crop
Transformation (TST) (Crist and Cicone 1984) – that determines para-
meters such as brightness, greenness, and wetness of vegetation – is 3.3.3. Weeds
generally used to identify the vegetation conditions that are prone to Weeds are competitive (or invasive) plants that grow in farms. They
pests and diseases. The combined use of these datasets is found to im- reduce crop productivity since they compete for the inorganic nutrients
prove the accuracy of the detection of pests and diseases (Bhattacharya with crops (Oerke 2006). Weeds account for almost 34% of the global
and Chattopadhyay 2013; Yuan et al. 2017; Zhang et al. 2014a). It may crop losses and can potentially lead to the highest crop losses compared
be noted that a crop can be subjected to various forms of pests and to other factors (Oerke 2006). However, they can be destroyed either
diseases during its growth. Besides, there may be spatial heterogeneity through mechanical treatment or by spraying herbicides. For the ef-
of species of pests and diseases in the field. Hence it is essential to assess fective operation of these treatments, it is essential to identify the lo-
the spatio-temporal heterogeneities along the severity of pests and cations of weeds, which can be carried out using remote sensing. In the
diseases to strategize their treatment. It is possible to identify these past, airborne sensors are used widely to identify the locations affected
heterogeneities through the differences in the patterns of reflectance. by weeds (Thorp and Tian 2004). Currently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
This task can be achieved through the classification algorithms such as (UAVs) are regularly being used for field-scale identification of weeds.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN), random forests (RF), partial least Since satellite remote sensing retrieves information at the coarser spa-
squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), maximum likelihood classifier, tial resolution, it can be challenging for weed detection given their size
Bayesian classifiers, among others (da Rocha Miranda et al. 2020; Dhau and patchiness (Müllerová et al. 2017).
et al. 2019; Yuan et al. 2014). In the case of hyperspectral remote Weeds can be identified from the difference in the spectral patterns
sensing, spectral unmixing algorithms are used to discriminate pests of reflectivities compared to that of a crop. Initial studies used band
and diseases (Fitzgerald et al. 2004; Franke and Menz 2007). On the reflectance information from satellites such as SPOT, Landsat TM, and
other hand, the severity of pests and diseases can also be identified AVHRR in classification algorithms to identify weed-infested regions
using machine learning regression-based algorithms (Chemura et al. (Anderson et al. 1993b; Everitt et al. 1993; Peters et al. 1992; Ullah
2017; Liu et al., 2019a,b; Oumar and Mutanga 2013). Satellite revisits 1989). Attempts are made to identify weeds using vegetation indices.
are found to be useful to carry out multitemporal analysis to assess the (Backes and Jacobi 2006) used NDVI from QuickBird in a supervised
spread of pests and diseases (Dhau et al. 2019; Eklundh et al. 2009; classification framework to identify weed patches. Castillejo-González
Franke and Menz 2007; Ji et al. 2004; Wulder et al. 2008; Zhang et al. et al. (2014) used band reflectance and NDVI of Quickbird in seven
2016; Zhang et al. 2014b). Further details on the applications of remote classification algorithms to identify wild oat patches in wheat fields.
sensing to detect crop pests and diseases can be obtained from (Zhang Similar attempts are made using Sentinel-2A, Landsat 8, SPOT-5, and
et al. 2019). Worldview-2 data (Matongera et al. 2017; Odindi et al. 2014; Ottosen
et al. 2019; Tarantino et al. 2019). We find the usage of satellite sensors
3.3.2. Crop lodging for weed detection limited mostly to commercial satellites, which
Crop lodging is the displacement of stem or root anchorage from provide reflectance information at very high spatial resolution
their vertical position (Pinthus 1974). It occurs mainly in cereal crops (< 10 m).
(rice, wheat, barley, etc.) (Chauhan et al.,2019a,b). Some of the factors
that cause crop lodging include wind forces, rains, soil strength, plant

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

4. Summary detection, the experiments are confined, as of now, to field scale

(using field/airborne sensors). Crop lodging is another cause of crop
In this work, we review three aspects of the role of satellite remote losses. Currently, crop lodging is detected using backscatter mea-
sensing for managing agriculture, 1) crop growth and yield assessment, surements. Since lodging is linked with crop height, the detection
2) irrigation mapping and quantification, and 3) crop losses. In this algorithms derive height and its related parameters (such as in-
process, we reviewed how satellite sensors that measure signals from clination). Lastly, weeds, which lead to crop losses, are detected
the Earth’s surface across various frequencies, including optical, using vegetation indices and classification algorithms.
thermal, and microwave spectrum, are contributing to the above areas
of research. Following is the summary of the review. 5. Outlook

• Crop growth and yield assessment: Regression relationship with The following conclusions can be drawn from this review.
indices such as NDVI, RVI, and VCI are used to estimate crop yield
and LAI. Both multispectral and hyperspectral imageries are found • There is a need to develop robust algorithms that determine the crop
to be useful for this purpose. Physical models, such as the PROSAIL productivity (in terms of yield) in heterogeneous agricultural sys-
model (that simulates canopy reflectance as a function of LAI and tems since most of the research focused on scales that match satellite
other variables/parameters), are widely used to retrieve LAI. footprint. Upcoming satellite missions such as NASA-ISRO SAR
Besides, crop simulation models account for climate and agricultural mission (NISAR) (https://nisar.jpl.nasa.gov/), which can retrieve
conditions for simulating crop variables. Data assimilation has backscatter as high as 10 m spatial resolution, can contribute to
turned into a useful tool to synergistically combine model simula- addressing the need. Besides, planned missions such as Copernicus
tions and remote sensing data for improving the crop state variables Microwave Imaging Radiometer (CMIR) (Kilic et al., 2018) based on
such as fPAR and LAI. With increased efforts of obtaining soil multi-frequency (L, C, X, Ka/Ku) bands brightness temperature
moisture observations at global scales (using microwave sensors), measurements can contribute towards obtaining enhanced opera-
attempts are made to ingest soil moisture (in data assimilation fra- tional products.
mework) into crop simulations models to improve the estimation of • There are challenges associated with application of crop models in
crop yield. SIF is one of the emerging areas of research. Attempts are terms of parameter calibration, large scale applicability, and quan-
made to use SIF measurements to determine GPP and crop yield tification of uncertainties. Although data assimilation is intended to
through regression analysis. The radar microwave signals, due to complement with some of these issues, most of the research is fo-
their ability to penetrate through the atmosphere, are being used cused on assimilating only LAI. There is a need to carry out multi-
widely for crop growth assessment. These studies use methods such variable assimilation to improve the quality of crop yield simula-
as semi-empirical models (e.g., WCM), energy and wave approaches, tions. In this process, the issues pertaining to the mismatch between
and polarimetric decomposition to retrieve crop variables such as spatio-temporal scales of different sensors, as well as crop models,
LAI and biomass. Crop monitoring is also carried out by estimating need to be addressed.
crop height. For this purpose, InSAR, tandem interferometry, • Over the recent years, satellite sensor based Solar Induced
PolSAR, and PolInSAR techniques are widely used. Research is in- Fluorescence (SIF) is gaining much importance due to its ability to
itiated to study the linkage between passive microwave VOD and capture the plant’s photosynthetic activity. There is a need to de-
crop growth in regions where agriculture is practiced in large spatial velop crop models that can simulate plant fluorescence so that SIF
scales. from satellites can be ingested to improve the yield estimation. ESA's
• Irrigation: Remote sensing information contributes to irrigation future mission Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) (Drusch et al., 2017)
research by either identifying the irrigated areas or quantifying the dedicated to measure SIF shall contribute towards these research
amount of water required/supplied. Optical/thermal reflectance efforts.
information collected over several years is subjected to either su- • Uncertainties persist in the irrigation assessment in terms of quan-
pervised or unsupervised classification algorithms to identify the tifying both requirements and utilization through satellite remote
irrigated areas. Derived products such as NDVI, NDMI, EVI, LSWI sensing. Addressing this challenge requires in-situ information of
are also used in classification schemes for this purpose. Similar irrigation water supplied to farms.
classification schemes are applied to backscatter timeseries from • Detecting irrigation under heterogeneous agriculture with varying
radar sensors for detecting irrigation. In the case of passive micro- irrigation scheduling at the plot scale remains a concern. For this
wave sensors, the soil moisture obtained measures the moisture purpose, the possibility of integrating remote sensing data with
changes due to rainfall as well as irrigation events. Therefore, at- hydro-economic models (Harou et al. 2009) (that take into account
tempts are made to use soil moisture products to identify the spatial water allocation policy, water pricing, among others) can be ex-
and temporal patterns of irrigated areas. ET is an essential variable plored.
for quantifying the irrigation water requirement. Energy balance • It is challenging to detect pests and diseases in the early stages since
methods are popular in determining ET using optical/thermal re- most of them originate from the base of the plant. The crop would
flectance from satellites. On the other hand, the identification of have been already destroyed by the time leaves get affected (which
irrigation water supplied to a farm is a primary function of soil could be detected with remote sensing). Multi-look angle sensors
moisture. Recent efforts have focused on extracting the irrigation may aid in early detection of pests and droughts.
information by using satellite soil moisture and precipitation data- • A crop may be subjected to variety of stresses, which change over its
sets. growth cycle. Efforts have to be made to differentiate the stresses
• Crop losses: Crop losses due to pests and diseases are detected at a using satellite sensors so as to precisely strategize the crop protec-
large scale using optical/thermal reflectance data. Apart from ve- tion.
getation indices, disease detection indices such as Aphid Index, • Most of the research on crop losses is currently being carried out
DWSI, among others, are used. The spread of pests and diseases are using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), which have very high re-
identified by applying classification algorithms on multi-temporal solution. There is a need to develop a framework of integrating in-
data. However, such detection is possible only when the reflectance formation from UAVs at a local scale with satellite sensors, which
from pest/disease affected plant exhibit significantly different have a global reach for large scale monitoring of crop losses in real-
spectral pattern compared to that of a healthy leaf. Although efforts time.
are being made to use microwave or SIF data for pests and disease

L. Karthikeyan, et al. Journal of Hydrology 586 (2020) 124905

CRediT authorship contribution statement Bartlett, D., Hardisky, M., Johnson, R., Gross, M., Klemas, V., Hartman, J., 1988.
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