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Immunomodulatory and in Vivo Antiplasmodial Activities of Propolis Extracts

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Global Journal of Pharmacology 2 (3): 37-40, 2008

ISSN 1992-0075
IDOSI Publications, 2008

Immunomodulatory and in vivo Antiplasmodial

Activities of Propolis Extracts

Syamsudin, 2Rita Marleta Dewi and 3Kusmardi

Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy Pancasila University,

Jl, Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta 12460,Indonesia
Research and Development Center for Pharmacy and Biomedicine, Jakarta,
Jl, Percetakan Negara, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia,
Jl, Salemba Raya No. 6, Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the immunomodulator and antiplasmodial activities of
Indonesian propolis extracts. This research utilized not only hypersensitivity reaction which measures the
humoral immunity by SRBC-immunized mice but also the activity and capacity of peritoneum macrophage
phagocytosis in Plasmodium berghei-infected mice. The parasitaemia number was calculated using blood smear
method every day for 4 day after the mice had been infected P. berghei to identify the antiplasmodial activity.
The research results reveal that propolis hydroalcoholic solution (PHS) has a strong immunomodulatory
activity but weak antiplasmodial activity.
Key words: Propolis % Immunomodulator % Antiplasmodial

mechanism of humoral immunity in eliminating

plasmodium is not completely understood. However, an
antimalarial antibody is strongly suspected to play
important role in immunity. The aim of this study was to
evaluate the antiplasmodial and immunomodulatory
activities of propolis.

Propolis (bee glue) is a dark-coloured resinous

substance collected by bees from poplar buds and other
plants and used to seal their hives [1]. More than 180
propolis constituents have been identified by gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). These
compounds can be grouped as follows: free aromatic
acids; flavonoids; benzyl, methylbutenyl, phenylethyl,
cinnamyl and other esters of these acids; chalcones and
dihydrochalcones; terpenoids and others such as sugars,
ketones, alcohols [2, 3]. Although in small quantities,
these compounds can be very important to propolis
activity [4].
It has been used in folk medicine since ancient times
and its now known to be a natural medicine with
antibacterial, antifungal, antitumoral, antioxidative,
immunomodulatory and other beneficial activities [5]. The
effect of propolis on the immune system has also been
investigated by some authors, who showed its ability to
activate macrophages [6, 7] and stimulate antibody
production by SRBC-immunized mice [8]. The exact


Propolis Hydroalcoholic Solution: Propolis was produced
by Cibubur honeybees from the apiary located on Lawang
(East Java, Indonesia). A 30% propolis ethanolic solution
was prepared. A week later, this solution was filtered and
used to prepare a 10% propolis hydroalcoholic solution
Animals: Thirty male BALB/c mice weighing
approximately 25-30 g aged between 6 and 8 weeks old
were used for propolis treatment in vivo. The mice
infected with 0.1 mL of the P. berghei suspension at a
concentration of 107 parasite per mouse on day 0. The
drug was administered orally for 4 days from day 0 to 3 at

Corresponding Author: Dr. Syamsudin, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy Pancasila University, Jl, Srengseng
Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta 12460,Indonesia.

Global J. Pharmacol., 2 (3): 37-40, 2008

doses 25, 50 and 100 mg/kgBW in the experimental group.

The control group was given the solven in equal volume
for the same duration [9]. During the experimental period,
the animals were housed under standard laboratory
conditions with ad libitum water and balanced food.


The functional immune response occurs when the
parasites undergo asexual erythrocitic phase. As soon as
the parasites enter the red-blood cells, the antibody can
be detected using conventional serology method. From
the research results shown on Table 1, we can see that the
group of mice PHS-administered in the dosage of 100
mg/kg BW has higher IgG concentration than those in the
dosage of 25 and 50 mg/kg BW. With regards to the
humoral immune response, the ethanolic extract of
propolis (500 g/mouse) increases the antibody
production in sheep red blood cells (SRBC)-immunized
mice [13].
Macrophages as the trigger in the cellular immune
system play a role in the eradication of plasmodium,
mainly in the erithrocyt stage. After the macrophages are
activated by gamma interferon (IFN ) produced by native
T, they change into phagocyte to do the phagocytosys,
to eliminate the parasites [14, 15]. The macrophage
phagocytosys activities could be activated with the
administration of imunostimulant drugs, not only in the
form of vaccine but also certain natural chemicals [16].
The primary target of most of the immunomodulatory
compound is believed to be the macrophages which play
a key role in the generation of an immune response [17].
The phagocitosys response includes the phagocytosis

No of Parasitaemia Analysis: The methods of Giemsa

Blood Smear was used to count the number of the
parasites. The blood in the periphery was taken from the
tails of mice and prepared to a sample of thin and thick
smeared blood method with Giemsa coloring. The number
of parasitemia was calculated by determining the
percentage of red blood cells infected by P. berghei in
5000 red blood cells [10].
Macrophage of Phagocytocyte Analysis: The test of nonspecific phagocytosys activity was conducted in vitro, in
reference to Leijh et al. (1986), using latex particles with
the diameter of 3 Fm. The latex particles were resuspended
in PBS to obtain the concentration of 2.5 x 107/ ml.
Peritoneum macrophages, cultured a day before, were
washed twice in the RPMI medium and then added with
latex suspension of 200 l/well and incubated in a CO2 5%
incubator, 37oC, for about 60 minutes. After that, the cells
were washed with PBS 3X to remove the
unphagocytosysed particles, dried in the room
temperature and fixated with absolute methanol. Once
dried, the cells attached to the cover slip were colored
with Giemsa 20%. The percentage of cells phagocytizing
latex particles and the number of phagocytized latex
particles were counted from 100 cells, using a light
microscope with the zoom of 400x [11].

Table 1:

Hemagglutination antibody titer of Propolis Hydroalcoholic

Solution (PHS)
Hemagglutination antibody titer

Hypersensitivity Reaction Which Measures the Humoral

Immunity: The PHS (in doses of 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg,
body weight) was administered to the animals (test group)
orally for five days and the vehicle was administered to
the control animals. Each group consisted of five mice.
The mice were immunised by injecting 0,5 mL of SRBCs
intraperitoneally (i.p) on the day of the immunisation.
Blood samples were collected by retro-orbital puncture on
the tenth day after immunisation. Antibody levels were
determined by the hemagglutination technique [12]. The
antibody titer was determined by a two-fold serial dilution
of one volume (100 L) of serum and one volume (100 L)
of 0,1% SRBCs in BSA in saline was added and the tubes
were mixed thoroughly. They were allowed to settle at
room temperature for about 60-90 min until the control
tube showed a negative pattern. The value of the highest
serum dilution showing visible hemaglutination was taken
as the antibody titer.

Successive ethanol


extract (mg/kg.p.o)

8 days (mean SD

15 days (meantSD)













Values are mean SD, n=5 in each group, *P<0.05 when compared with
control group
Table 2:

Effect of Propolis Hydroalcoholic Solution (PHS) treatment to

mice on phagocytosis by peritoneum macrophages

Propolis Hydroalcoholic

No of




(mg kg G1 of b.wt


( %)













Values are mean SD, n=5 in each group, *P<0.05 when compared with
control group


Global J. Pharmacol., 2 (3): 37-40, 2008

Table 3: Percent parasitemia in P. berghei infected mice after 4 days of treatment from Propolis Hydroalcoholic Solution (PHS)
% parasitemia (mean SD) on the following day after treatment
Dose (mg KgG1

No of Mice



of b. wt per day)




























activity (the number of active phagocyt in 100 phagocyt

cells) and phagocyt capacity (the number of phagocytized
plasmodium in 50 active phagocyt cells). The
phagocytosis activity and capacity of propolis extract in
the dosage of 100 mg/kg BW/day is higher than those in
the dosage of 50 and 25 mg/kg BW might be caused by
the chemical components in the active fraction stimulating
the limphocyt cells to mature and self-divide into
(cytocin/interleucine) to keep macrophage active. Not
only can the activated macrophage produce lisozyme
enzym and the complements, but also increase their
capacity to kill through the phagocytosys process on the
plasmodium. In the control group, the activity of
phagocyt cells was low because the phagocyt cells were
not induced.
Lymph as one of the secondary organs also plays
important role in supporting body defense. By
transferring lymphatic cells from P berghei-immune mice
to recipients, all parasites were eradicated relatively fast.
Under the P. berghei-infected condition, the lymph sizes
of the mice in negative control group were larger than
those in normal mice and PHS-administered mice. The
increase of lymph weight in the mice of control negative
mice was probably due to the increase of erythropoietic
activity in the lymph. During malarial infection the number
of infected erythrocytes multiplies 8 times every 48 h and
all of them will be destroyed when the schizonts breaks
out. The lost of these numerous erytrocytes triggers the
bone marrow to produce new ones [18].
Recent reports indicate that several types of
flavonols stimulate human perpheral blood leukocyte
proliferation. They significantly increase the activity of
helper T cells, cytokines, interleukine 2, (-interferon and
macrophages and are thereby useful in the treatment of
several diseases caused by immune dysfunction [19]. The
chemical profile of propolis can be characterized by three
parameters: total flavone and flavonol content, total
and dihydroflavonol content and total
phenolic content [20]. It is thus apparent that the

immunostimulatory effect produced by the PHS

containing flavonoids, may be due to cell mediated and
humoral antibody mediated immune response.
As the mice were infected by P. berghei, the
parasitaemia increase (Table 3) since the body immune
response was not quite perfect and the parasites were still
phagocytosized slowly mainly in lymph. A lot of infected
erythrocytes were found in lymph and phagocytosis by
macrofage. The phagocytosis on IgG-sensitized cells and
C3b-attached cells by the lymphatic macrofages of
infected mice was higher than that of normal mice.
Plasmodium berghei is a synchronized parasite target
erythrocytes infected by young parasites might not cause
the change of erythrocyte membrane surface. Lymph
macrofages activated by malarial infection may
phagocytosize those. The factor increasing infectederythrocytes phagocytosis is macrofage activation. Free
parasites and full-grown erythrocytes are targets of
phagocytosis because they express surface antigens
against serum [21]. The Table 3 reveals that PHS
administered showed weaker antiplasmodial activity than
chloroquine dose. On the other hand, Dantas et al. (2006)
investigated that effects of Bulgarian propolis (25 and 50
mg/kg) in the experimental model of Trypanosoma cruziinfected Swiss mice, verifying that this bee product led to
a decrease in parasitemia and showed no hepatic or renal
toxic effect [22]. Propolis hydroalcoholic solution (PHS)
antiplasmodial activity, proved by the increase of IgG and
the macrofage phagocytosis activity and capacity in the
dosages of 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg BW. The antiplasmodial
activity of PHS was due to the mice immunity increase so
that they lived longer.


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