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ECE I I Syllabus

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With effect from academic year 2013-2014


B.E. I Year
I - Semester




EG 111

English I

MT 111

Mathematics I

PY 111

Engineering Physics I

CY 111

Engineering Chemistry I

CS 111

Programming and Problem Solving

CE 111

Engineering Mechanics I

CE 112

Environmental Studies



English Language Laboratory I

PY 114/
CY 114

Engineering Physics Lab I/ Engineering

Chemistry Lab I


CS 114

Programming Lab I


ME 114







With effect from academic year 2013-2014

EG 111
(common to all branches)
Duration of University Examination
University Examination

2 Periods per week

3 Hours
75 Marks
25 Marks

Course Objectives:
To enable the students to
To understand the role and importance of communication and to develop their basic communication skills in English.
To enable the students to communicate through listening, speaking, reading and writing.
To achieve a sound foundation and acquaint the students in the basics of grammar.
To develop vocabulary and to use appropriate idiomatic expressions, one word substitutes etc,.
To ensure students use learning materials prescribed, and to inculcate the habit of reading for pleasure.
To enhance imaginative creative and critical thinking through literary texts.
To enable students to write composition and draft different kinds of letters.
Effective Communication: Role and importance of communication, process of communication, types of communication , barriers
to communication, Verbal communication and non verbal communication , formal versus informal communication.
Review of Grammar: 1. Tense and aspect 2. Articles 3. Prepositions 4. Voice
Vocabulary Enhancement: 1. Synonyms 2. Antonyms

5. Concord

6. Direct and indirect speech

Reading comprehension and reading strategies.
Lessons Prescribed: 1. Barack Obama: A Trendsetter
2. Rendezvous with Indra Nooyi
Text based exercises
Vocabulary Enhancement: 1. Homonyms 2. Homophones 3. Homographs
4. Words often confused
Writing Skills: Paragraph writing, Essay writing , Letter of application, Resume writing, Complaint letter with response.
Vocabulary Enhancement: Idiomatic expressions and one word substitutes.
Soft skills - Introduction to soft skills, soft versus hard skills, professional etiquette in formal and semi formal situations,
telephonic etiquette, E-mail etiquette.
Text Books:
1. Essential English- E Suresh Kumar et al. (Orient Balck Swan PVT Ltd.)
2. Communication Skills and Soft Skills: An Integrated Approach- E Suresh Kumar et al. (Pearson Publications)
Suggested Reading:
1. English Vocabulary in Use - Michael McCarthy (Cambridge University Press)
2. Developing Communication Skills Krishna Mohan & Meera Banerjee (Macmillan)
3. Murphys English grammar (Cambridge University Press)
4. English Phrasal Verbs in use - Michael McCarthy (Cambridge University Press)
5. Written Communication in English Sarah Freeman (Orient Longman)
6. Model Business letters, E-Mails and Other Business Documents - Shirley, Taylor (Pearson) Effective Technical
Communication M. Ashraf Rizvi (Tata- McGraw Hill)
7. Business Correspondence and Report Writing R.C Sharma and Krishna Mohan (Tata Mc Graw Hill )
8. Soft Skills, Alex , Publishers S. Chand

With effect from academic year 2013-2014

MT 111
(common to all branches except Biotech)

Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3L + 1T Periods per week

3 Hours
75 Marks
25 Marks

UNIT-I: Matrices: Rank of a matrix, Echelon form-Normal form-Consistency of a linear system of equations. Eigen values,
Eigen vectors- properties (with out proofs). Cayley- Hamilton Theorem (statement only) inverse and powers of a Matrix by
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. Reduction of Quadratic form to Canonical form by linear transformation, rank, positive, negative,
definite, semi-definite, index and signature.
UNIT-II: Sequences and Series: Convergence and divergence, ratio test, Comparison test, integral test, Cauchys root test,
Raabess test-Alternating series, Absolute and conditional convergence, Leibnizs Test (tests without proofs).
UNIT-III: Differential Calculus:
Mean value theorems (statements only) - Rolles Theorem, Lagranges theorem, Cauchys theorem, and generalized mean value
theorem (Taylors Theorem), Geometrical interpretations. Curvature and Radius of curvature, center of curvature, circle of
curvature. Evolutes,involutes and Envelopes. Functional dependence, Jacobian, Taylors series in two variables, Maxima and
Minima for function of two variables with and without constraints.
UNIT-IV: Integral Calculus: Curve tracing Cartesian, polar and parametric curves (standard curves only). Double and triple
integrals change of order integration, applications of integration, rectification, areas, volumes and surfaces of solids of revolution
in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
UNIT-V: Beta and Gamma Functions: Definitions of Beta and Gamma functions-elementary Properties of both Beta and
Gamma functions, Relation between Beta and gamma functions, differentiation under the integral sign. Error function,
complementary error function, properties Differentiation of error functions.
Text Books:
1. Advanced Engineering by Kreyszig, john wiley & sons -publishers.
2. Mathematical Methods of science and engineering, Aided with MATLAB,Kanti.B.Datta.Cengage Learning India Pvt.Ltd,418
Pratapgang,New Delhi.
3. Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists by Alen Jaffery , 6 th edition 2013 CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group.(Elsavier)
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Michael Greenburg, Second Edition Pearson Education.
Suggested Reading:
1. Mathematics for Engineers-a modern interactive approach by A.Craft and Robert Davison-Willey
2. Applied Mathematics and physicists by Loius Pipes-Mc Graw Hill pubulishers.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by R.K.Jain & S.R.K.Iyenger, 3 rd edition, Narosa Publications
4. Matrices for Engineering Dynamics by AR Collar and A. Simpson-John Willey & sons
5. Essential Mathematics for Engineers by W.Bolton-Betterworth and Heineman
6. Mathematical for Physicists and Engineers- L F Landoviz, Publishers- Rienfold Book Corporation.
7. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.Grewal, Khanna Publishers.
8. Engineering Mathematics by B.V.Ramana
9. Calculus by Smith and Minton
10. Applications of Linear Algebra by David.C Lay

With effect from academic year 2013-2014

PY 111
(common to all branches except Chemical & Biotech)
Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3 Periods per week

3 Hours
75 Marks
25 Marks

Unit I
Waves and Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion Differential equation and its solution Torsional pendulum Superposition
of two mutually perpendicular linear SHMs of same frequency Lissajous figures Damped vibrations Differential equation
and its solution Logarithmic decrement - Relaxation time Quality factor Forced vibrations Differential equation and its
solution Amplitude resonance.
Ultrasonics: Introduction Production of ultrasonics by piezoelectric and magnetostriction methods Detection of utrasonics
Determination of ultrasonic velocity in liquids Engineering applications.
Unit II
Interference: Introduction Division of amplitude & division of wavefront Interference in thin films (reflected light)
Newtons rings Fresnels biprism.
Diffraction: Introduction Distinction between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction Diffraction at single slit & double slit
Diffraction grating (N Slits).
Unit III
Polarization: Introduction Brewsters law Maluss law Double refraction Nicols prism Quarter & Half wave plates
Optical activity Laurents half shade polarimeter.
Lasers & Holography: Introduction Characteristics of lasers Spontaneous & stimulated emission of radiation Einsteins
coefficients Population inversion Ruby laser He-Ne laser Semiconductor laser Applications.
Basic principle of Holography Recording & Reconstruction of hologram Applications.
Unit - IV
Electromagnetic Theory: Review of steady and varying fields Conduction and displacement current Maxwells equations in
differential and integral forms Electromagnetic wave propagation in free space, dielectric and conducting media Poynting
Fibre Optics: Introduction Types of optical fibres Propagation of light through an optical fibre Acceptance angle
Numerical aperture Pulse dispersion Fibre materials Fibre drawing process by double crucible method Applications.
Unit V
Elements of Statistical Mechanics: Introduction Ensembles Phase space Thermodynamical probability Boltzmann
theorem on entropy Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein & Fermi-Dirac statistics Photon gas Plancks law of black body
radiation Wiens law and Rayleigh-Jeans law from Plancks law.
Text Books:

M.N. Avadhanulu and P.G. Kshirsagar, A Text Book Engineering Physics, S. Chand Publications, 2014
S.L. Gupta and Sanjeev Gupta, Modern Engineering Physics, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2011
V. Rajendran, Engineering Physics, McGahill Education Publications, 2013

Suggested Reading:

R. Murugeshan and Kiruthiga Sivaprasath, Modern Physics, S. Chand Publications S. Chand Publications, 2005
M. Arumugam, Materials Science, Anuradha Publications, 2002.
Satyaprakash and Agarwal, Statistical mechanics, Kedannath Publications
P.K. Palanisamy, Engineering Physics, Scitech Publications, 2012
Hitendra K Malik and A.K. Singh, Engineering Physics, Tata McGahill Education Publications, 2011

With effect from academic year 2013-2014

CY 111
(common to all branches except Chemical & Biotech)

Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3 Periods per week

3 Hours
75 Marks
25 Marks

Course Objectives:
The syllabus has sought to fulfill the objective of making the student of engineering and technology realize that
chemistry like other subjects is the real base of his profession and that therefore he must have a good understanding of chemistry
before he can use it in his profession. The various units of the syllabus is so designed to fulfill the following objectives.
1. Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry units give conceptual knowledge about spontaneous processes and how can they
be harnessed for producing electrical energy and efficiency of systems. It also discusses the devices used for electrical
energy storage and captive generation and tapping it as and when required.
2. Those who control materials control technology. Newer materials lead to discovering of technologies in strategic areas
like defense and space research. Recently modern materials synthesized find applications in industry and creating
instruments for solving problems of electronics, telecommunications, health care, agriculture, and technology etc.,
Inorder to emphasize the above the topics like composite materials, polymers, conducting polymers and nano materials
have been incorporated in the curriculum.
3. Knowledge to prevent corrosion of machinery and metallic materials and water chemistry which require serious attention
in view of increasing pollution has been included in the syllabus.
4. Fuels have been taught with a view to give awareness as to materials which can be used as sources of energy and fuel
cells which are the alternate energy sources for generating electrical energy on spot and portable applications.
5. To appraise the students about the importance and role of chemistry in the field of Engineering by explaining the relevant
6. To enable students to apply the knowledge acquired in improving the properties of engineering materials.
The engineer who has the above background can effectively manage the materials in his designing applications and
discovering and improving the systems for various uses in industry, agriculture, health care, technology,
telecommunications, electronics and instruments detecting in advance in natural calamities. The above knowledge also
helps students to carry out inter disciplinary research such that the findings benefit the common man.
Chemical Thermodynamics I:
The concept of reversible and irreversible process, Work done in isothermal and adiabatic reversible and irreversible process,
Success and limitations of First law of thermodynamics, need for second law of thermodynamics, statements of second law of
thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, heat engine and its efficiency, Carnot theorem, numericals.
Chemical Thermodynamics - II & Phase Rule:
Concept of Entropy Entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes, physical significance of entropy, Helmholtz free
energy and Gibbs free energy functions, chemical potential, criteria of spontaneity in terms of entropy and Gibbs free energy
function, Gibbs Helmholtz equation and its applications, numericals.
Phase rule Terminology, phase diagram one component system (water system).
Fuels I:
Classification, requirements of a good fuel, calorific value, types of calorific value, relation between HCV & LCV and
numericals. Determination of calorific value by Bomb calorimeter, Dulongs formula, numericals.
Combustion, ignition temperature of fuel, calculation of air quantities by weight and volume required for combustion of fuel,
Solid fuels: coal and its chemical composition, analysis of coal proximate and ultimate analysis, importance.

With effect from academic year 2013-2014

High Polymers:
Definition of polymer, degree of polymerization. Thermo plastics and thermo sets. Molecular weight number average and
weight average. Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by viscosity method.
Preparation, properties and uses of plastics (Polyvinyl chloride, Bakelite), fibers (Kevlar, polyurethane), Rubbers natural rubber
and its chemical structure, vulcanization and its significance.
Preparation, properties and uses of silicone rubber, conducting polymers definition, classification and applications.
Engineering Materials:
Nano materials Introduction to nano materials and general applications, basic chemical methods of preparation Sol-gel and
hydrothermal methods. Carbon nanotubes and their applications.
Powder X-ray diffraction- particle size estimation (Scherrers equation)
Composite materials definition, types of composites, fibre reinforced, glass fibre reinforced and carbon fibre reinforced
composites and applications.
Text Books:

J.C. Kuriacase & J. Rajaram, Chemistry in engineering and Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.Co.Ltd, New Delhi (2008).
S.S.Dara & S.S.Umare, Engineering Chemistry, S.Chand company.
ShasiChawla, Text Book of Engineering Chemistry, Dhantpat Rai Publishing Company,
NewDelhi (2008).
P.C.Jain and Monica Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Pub, Co., New Delhi (2002).
Puri & Sharma, Principles of Physical Chemistry
P.R.Vijayasarathi, Engineering Chemistry PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi (2011).

Suggested Reading:

Physical chemistry by P.W.Atkin (ELBS OXFORD PRESS)

Physical chemistry by W.J.Moore (Orient Longman)
Physical Chemistry by Glasstone
Physical Chemistry by T.Engel & Philip Reid, Pearson Publication.
Introduction to nano materials by T.Pradeep.

With effect from academic year 2013-2014

CS 111
(common to CSE, IT, ECE, EEE & Biotech)
Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3L + 1T Periods per week

3 Hours
75 Marks
25 Marks

Introduction to computers: Hardware Components, Functional block diagram, Operating Systems, Program Development
Programming languages: System Programming, Application Programming, Low-level, High-level, Classification of
Programming languages.
Translators: Compiler, Interpreter, Loader and Linker.
Number Systems: Representation of Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers, Conversions, Negative Binary Numbers,
Fractional Numbers.
Problem solving: Algorithm: Key Features of an Algorithm, Strategy for designing an Algorithm. Tracing an Algorithm to
depict logic. Specification for converting algorithms to programs, Flow chart and Pseudo codes.
Introduction to C Programming: Standardizations, Developing Programs In C, Parts and structure of C Program, character set
,Variable, Data types ,Statement, Declaration, Token, Operators and Expressions.
Control Structures: Test Condition for Selection and Iteration, Conditional Execution and Selection, Iteration and Repetitive
Execution, Break, Continue and go to statement, Nested Loops.
Functions: Concept of Functions, Types of functions, Parameter passing techniques, Scope and Extent, Storage Classes,
Case Studies on Control structures and Functions (Tutorial Purpose only).
Arrays: Declaration, Initialization, Accessing Array Elements, Internal Representation and Variable Length Arrays of Onedimensional Array and Multidimensional Arrays, Passing Arrays to Functions, Searching and Sorting.
Pointers: Address Operator (&),Declaring and Initializing Pointers, Indirection Operator and Dereferencing, Pointer Arithmetic,
Pointers to Pointers, Array of Pointers, Pointers to Functions, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Command Line Arguments.
Case Studies on Arrays and Pointers (Tutorial Purpose only).
User-defined Data Types and Variables: Structures , Declaring Structures and Structure Variables, Accessing the members of a
Structure , Initialization, Nesting of Structures, Arrays of Structures, Structures and Pointers, Structures and Functions, Union,
Enumeration Types.
File Processing: Working with Text and Binary Files, Sequential and Random Access File, Files of Records.
A Case Study on Files (Tutorial Purpose only).
Text Books:
1. Pradip Dey and Manas Ghosh Programming in C 2/e Oxford University Press , 2nd Edition 2011.
2. B. W. Kernighan & D.M. Ritchie, "The 'C' Programming Language Prentice Hall India, 2 nd Edition. 1990.
3. R S Bichkar Programming with C University Press, 2012.
Suggested Reading:
1. Rajaraman V. "The Fundamentals of Computers" 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
2. Behrouz A .Forouzan, Richard F.Gilberg Computer Science : A Structured Programming Approach using C Cengage
Publishers, 2006.

With effect from academic year 2013-2014

CE 111
(common to all branches)
Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3L + 1T Periods per week

3 Hours
75 Marks
25 Marks

To provide fundamental understanding of any anatomy for which Engineering Mechanics forms the basis.
To understand the concept of force transfer, necessary conditions of equilibrium, significance of friction and geometric
properties in statics.
To equip the students to apply the principles learnt for the analysis of structures and equipments.
Unit - I
Force Systems: Resolution of coplanar and non-coplanar force systems (both concurrent and non-concurrent), Determining the
resultant of all force systems using scalar and vector concepts. Moment of force and its applications.
Unit II
Equilibrium of force system: Free body diagrams, equations of equilibrium of planar force systems. Equilibrium of spatial force
Unit III
Theory of friction: Introduction, types of friction, laws of friction, application of friction to a single body & connecting systems.
Wedge and belt friction.
Unit IV
Centroids: Significance of centroids, moment of area, centroids of line elements, plane areas, composite areas, theorems of
Pappus & its applications.
Unit V
Area Moment of Inertia: Definition, polar moment of Inertia, radius of gyration, transfer theorem, moment of Inertia of plane &
composite areas, product of inertia, transfer formula for product of inertia.
Text Books:
1. K. Vijay Kumar Reddy and J. Suresh Kumar, Singers Engineering Mechanics, BS Publications, Hyderabad, 2011.
2. Ferdinand L Singer, Engineering Mechanics, Harper and Collins, Singapore, 1904.
Suggested Reading:
1. A. Nelson, Engineering Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
2. S. Rajashekaran & G. Sankarasubramanyam, Engineering Mechanics, Vikas publications, Hyderabad, 2002.
3. S.B. Junarkar and H.J Shah, Applied Mechanics, Charotar publishers, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Basudeb Bhattacharyya, Engineering Mechanics, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008.
5. K.L Kumar & Veenu Kumar, Engineering Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2011.

With effect from academic year 2013-2014

CE 112
(common to all branches)
Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3L + 1T Periods per week

3 Hours
75 Marks
25 Marks

Course Objectives:
1. To equip the students with inputs on the environment, natural resources, ecosystems and Bio-diversity.
2. To enable the students become aware of environmental pollutions, causes, effects and control measures.
3. To make the students contribute for capacity building of nation for arresting and/or managing environmental disasters.
Environmental Studies Definition, Scope and importance, need for public awareness. Natural resources: Water resources, use and
over utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems. Effects of
modern agriculture, fertilizer pesticide problems, water logging salinity. Energy resources; growing energy needs, renewable and
non-renewable energy sources. Land resources; land as a resource, land degradation, soil erosion and desertification.
Ecosystems: Concept of an ecosystem, structure and function of an ecosystem, producers, consumers and decomposers, energy
flow in ecosystem, food chains, ecological pyramids, aquatic ecosystem (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries).
Biodiversity: Genetic species and ecosystem diversity, biogeographical classification of India. Value of biodiversity, threats to
biodiversity, endangered and endemic species of India, conservation of biodiversity.
Environmental Pollution: Cause, effects and control measures of air pollution, water pollution,
soil pollutions, noise pollution, thermal pollution and solid waste management. Environment protection act: Air, water, forest &
wild life acts, issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation.
Social issues and the environment: Water conservation, watershed management, and environmental ethics. Climate change; global
warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, Environmental protection act, population explosion.
Disaster Management: Types of disasters, impact of disasters on environment, infrastructure and development, Basic principles of
disaster mitigation, disaster management, and methodology disaster management cycle and disaster management in India
Text Books:
1. Y. Anjaneyulu, Introduction to Environmental Science, B.S. Publications, 2004
2. S.S.Dara, A Text book of Environmental Chemistry & Pollution Control, S.Chand & Comp. Ltd, 2000.
Suggested Readings:
1. De A.K. Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1989.
2. Odum E.P. Fundamentals of Ecology, W.B. Saunders Co., USA, 1975.
3. Rao M.N. and Datta A.K., Wastewater treatment, Oxford & IBH publishing Co., 1987.
4. Miller T.G. Jr. Environmental Science, Wordsworth Publishing Co., 1984.
5. Benny Joseph, Environmental Studies, Tata Mc. Graw Hill education Pvt. Ltd., 2000
6. Raman Siva Kumar, Introduction to environmental Science and Engineering, Tata Mc. Graw Hill
education Pvt. Ltd., 2010.

With effect from academic year 2013-2014

EG 112
(common to all branches)
Duration of University Examination
University Examination

2 Periods per week

3 Hours
50 Marks
25 Marks

Comuter Assisted Language Learning Lab (CALL)

The language lab focuses on the production and practice of sounds of language and familiarizes the students with the use of
English in everyday situations and contexts.
The following are the objectives of the course:
1. To make students recognize the sounds of English through audio visual aids and computer software.
2. To help them overcome their inhibitions and self consciousness while speaking in English and to build their confidence.
The focus shall be on fluency rather than accuracy.
3. To enable them to speak English correctly with focus on stress and intonation.
4. To expose the students to a variety of self instructional, learner friendly modes of communication.
1. Introduction to English Phonetics: Introduction to auditory, acoustic and articulatory phonetics, organs of speech: the
respiratory, articulatory and phonatory systems.
2. Sound system of English: Phonetic sounds and phonemic sounds, introduction to international phonetic alphabet, classification
and description of English phonemic sounds, minimal pairs. The syllable : types of syllables, consonant clusters.
3. Aspects of connected speech: Strong forms, weak forms, contracted forms, elision.
Interactive Communication Skills Lab


The objective of the course is to enrich interpretation skills, problem solving skills, interpersonal skills, analytical skills and
leadership skills of the students, the most essential requirement of communication skills for Engineering students. The course lays
emphasis on the language integrated skills in simple and comprehensive manner.
The following are the objectives of the course:
1. To expose the students to a team environment and how best one works with teams while adapting themselves to a corporate
environment and to make business presentations.
2. Use proper body language expressions in presentation and speeches.
3. Depict situations in the dialogue that are relevant and useful to the learner, retain the truth value in the dialogue.
4. Public speaking is to be shown in action by incorporating narrative examples and extracts from speeches relating directly to
students actual life experiences.

Situational dialogues & role plays.

Group discussions: Objectives of a GD, types of GDs, initiating, continuing and concluding of GD.
Public speaking: Advantages of public speaking, essentials of an effective speech, rehearsal techniques, planning and
delivering speeches.

Suggested Reading:

E Suresh Kumar et al. English for Success(with CD), Cambridge University Press India Pvt Ltd. 2010.
T Balasubramanian. A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students, Macmillan, 2008.
Kavita Tyagi and Padma Misra. Professional Communication, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, 2011
J Sethi et al. A Practical Course in English Pronunciation (with CD), Prentice Hall India, 2005.
Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma. Technical Communication, Oxford Universuty Press 2009.


With effect from academic year 2013-2014

PY 114
(common to all branches except Chemical)

Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3 Periods per week

3 Hours
50 Marks
25 Marks

1. Error Analysis Estimation of errors in the determination of time period of a torsional pendulum
2. Newtons Rings Determination of wavelength of given monochromatic source
3. Single Slit Diffraction Determination of wavelength of given monochromatic source
4. Diffraction Grating Determination of wavelengths of two yellow lines of mercury light
5. Maluss Law Verification of Maluss law
6. Double Refraction Determination of refractive indices of O-ray and E-ray of given calcite crystal
7. Polarimeter Determination of specific rotation of glucose
8. Laser Determination of wavelength of given semiconductor red laser
9. Fibre Optics Determination of NA and power losses of given optical fibre
10. Recording & Reconstruction of Hologram


With effect from academic year 2013-2014

CY 114
(common to all branches except Chemical & Biotech)
Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3 Periods per week

3 Hours
50 Marks
25 Marks

Course Objectives:

To impart fundamental knowledge in handling the equipment/glassware and chemicals in the chemistry laboratory.
To offer hands on experience on the basic equipment related to engineering chemistry.
For practical understanding of theoretical concepts of chemistry

I. Volumetric Analysis:
1. Introduction to volumetric analysis and Techniques of weighing and usage of analytical balance.
2. Estimation of amount of ferrous ion using K2Cr2O7 solution.
3. Estimation of Carbonate and Bicarbonate in the given solution using HCL (Link) Solution
II. Kinetics:
4. Hydrolysis of methyl acetate in acidic medium.
III. Organic Polymers:
5. Preparation of urea formaldehyde / phenol- formaldehyde resin.
IV. Instrumental Chemical Analysis:
i) Conductometric Titrations:
6. Strong acid vs strong base.
7. Mixture of strong acid and weak acid vs strong base.
ii) Colorimetry:
8. Determination of concentration of given K2Cr2O7 solution.
9. Determination of concentration of given KMnO4 solution.
10. Determination of viscosity of sample oil by Redwood viscometer.
Text Books:

Vogels text book of quantitative chemical analysis by J.Mendham and Thomas, Person education Pvt.Ltd.New Delhi 6 th
Senior practical physical chemistry by BD Khosla, A.Ghulati, VC.Garg; R.Chand and CD; NewDelhi 10 th edition
Laboratory manual in engineering chemistry by S.K.Bhasin and Sudha Rani; Dhanpath Rai Publishing company


With effect from academic year 2013-2014

CS 114
(common to all except Chemical)
Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3 Periods per week

3 Hours
50 Marks
25 Marks

1. Identify the hardware components, assembling of computers.

2. Basic of OS commands, Installation of OS (Linux, DOS and XP).
3. Familiarization of Editors.
4. Sin x and Cos x values using Series expansion.
5. Demonstration of switch case (menu driven).
6. Demonstration of Parameter passing in Functions.
7. Demonstration of Functions using Recursion.
7. Program to count No of lines, characters, blanks, tab and special characters.
8. Demonstration of arrays
(ii)Sorting-Bubble, Selection.
(iii)Operations on Matrix.
9. Generation of address labels using structures.
10. Implementation of string manipulation operations with and without library function.
11. Sequential file operations.
12. Random Access File Operations.


With effect from academic year 2013-2014

ME 114
(common to CSE, IT, ECE & EEE)
Duration of University Examination
University Examination

3 Periods per week

3 Hours
50 Marks
25 Marks

Trades For Practice

1. Carpentry



3. House Wiring


Tin Smithy & Soldering

Exercises in Carpentry

To plane the given wooden piece to required size


To make a cross lap joint on the given wooden piece according to the given dimensions.
To make a Tee lap joint on the given wooden piece according to the given dimensions.
To make a dove tail-joint on the given wooden piece according to the given dimensions.
To make a bridle joint on the given wooden piece according to the given dimensions.

Exercises in Plumbing

To make external threads for GI pipes using dies.


To connect the GI pipes as per the given diagram using taps, couplings & bends.


To connect the GI pipes as per the given diagram using, couplings, unions, reducer & bends.


To connect the GI pipes as per the given diagram using shower, tap & valves


Demonstration of above exercise by giving water connection.

Exercises in House Wiring


Wiring of one light point controlled by one single pole switch, a three pin socket controlled by a single pole switch, and
wiring of one buzzer controlled by a bell push.


Wiring of two light points connected in series and controlled by single pole switch. Verify the above circuit with
different bulbs.


Wiring of two light points connected in parallel from two single pole switches and a three pin socket


Stair case wiring-wiring of one light point controlled from two different places independently using two 2-way switches.


Go-down wiring.

Exercises in Tin Smithy


To make a square tray from the given sheet metal.


To make a rectangular box from the given from the sheet metal with base and top open. Solder the corners.


To make a scoop.


To make a dust pan from the given sheet metal.


To make a pamphlet box.

Demonstration of BOSCH tools.

Note: A minimum of 12 exercises from the above need to be done


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