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The document outlines various syllabus for M.Sc. (Physics) courses covering topics in mathematical methods, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, communication systems and more.

Unit I of B010701T covers errors and measurements, graphical and empirical methods for fitting data to lines, parabolas and exponential curves.

Unit I of B010702T covers Lagrangian formulations including Lagrange's equations of motion and their application to examples like a simple pendulum.


Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya

Syllabus for M.Sc. (Physics)
Semester I
B010701T : Mathematical Methods for Physics

Unit I
Errors and Measurements
General formula for Errors-Errors and its Types-Graphical Method - Empirical formula -
Principle of Least Squares- Fitting a straight line-Fitting a Parabola-Fitting an Exponential
Curve-Fitting the curve (y=axb )
Unit II
Special Functions:
Second order ordinary differential equations, Legendre’s equation, Legendre polynomials and
their properties, Bessel’s equation, Bessel function and their properties, Laguerre’s equation, its
solutions and properties, Hermite equation, Hermite Polynomials and their properties. Green’s

Complex Variables:
Functions of a complex variable – Single and multi valued functions - Analytic functions -
Cauchy Riemann conditions – Singular points - Cauchy’s integral theorem and formula - Taylor
and Laurent expansions – Zeros and poles - Residue theorem - applications to evaluation of
definite integrals.

Laplace and Fourier Transform:
Laplace transforms: solution of linear differential equations with constant Coefficients – Fourier
integral. Fourier transforms: Fourier sine and cosine transforms – Convolution theorems –

References :
1. Mathematical method for Physicists, Arfken& Weber, Elsevier Academic Press
2. Mathematical Method for Physics and Engineers, K.F.Reily, M.P.Hobson and S.J.Bence,
Cambridge University Press
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, E. Kreyszig, John Wiley & Sons
4. Special Functions, E.D. Rainville, Chelsea Publication Co.
5. Special Functions for Scientists and Engineers, W.W. Bell, Dover Publications
B010702T: Classical Mechanics
Unit I
Lagrangian Formulations: System of particles and equation of motion of a system of particles,
conservation of linear momentum, energy and angular momentum. Constraints, generalized co-
ordinates, virtual displacement, D’Alembert’s principle, Lagrange’s equations of motion and its
application, Single free particle, a bead sliding on a uniformly rotating wire in a force-free space,
Simple Pendulum, Compound Pendulum.

Unit II
Hamilton Formulations: Generalized momenta, canonical variables, Legendre transformations
and the Hamilton’s equation of motion, Examples of (a) The Hamiltonian of a particle in a
central force field, (b) the simple harmonic oscillator. Cyclic co-ordinates and conservation
theorems, derivation of Hamilton’s equations from variational principle.

Unit III
Central force problem: Reduction of two body problem into one-body problem, reduced mass
of the system, conservation theorems (First integrals of the motion), equations of motion for the
orbit, classification of orbits, conditions for closed orbits, The Kepler problem (inverse-square
law of force).

Unit IV
Small oscillations: Types of equilibrium, Quadratic forms for kinetic and potential energies of a
system in equilibrium, Lagrange’s equations of motion, Normal modes and normal frequencies,
examples of (a)longitudinal vibrations of two coupled harmonic oscillators (b) linear, symmetric,
triatomic molecule, (c) oscillations of two linearly coupled plane pendulum.

1. Classical Mechanics, H. Goldstein, Narosa Publishing House
2. Classical Mechanics, N.C. Rana and P.S. Joag, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Introdution to Dynamics, I.C. Percival and D. Richards, Cambridge University Press
4. Classical Mechanics, Gupta and Kumar, PragatiPrakashan, Meerut.
B010703T: Quantum Mechanics

Basic formalism
Wave functions for a free particle - Interpretation and conditions on the wave function -
Postulates of quantum Mechanics and the Schrödinger equation - Ehrenfest’s theorem -
Expectation Value - Stationary States - Hermitian Operators for dynamical variables - Eigen
values and Eigen functions - Uncertainty Principle.

One Dimensional and Three Dimensional Problems
One Dimensional: Particle in a box – simple harmonic oscillator - Square well potential – Barrier
penetration – Three Dimensional: Orbital angular momentum and spherical harmonics - Central
forces and reduction of two body problem - Particle in a Spherical well - Hydrogen atom.

General formalism
Hilbert’s space - Dirac notation - Representation theory - Co-ordinate and momentum
representations - Time evolution - Schrödinger, Heisenberg and Interaction pictures -
Symmetries and conservation laws - Unitary transformations associated with translations and

Approximation methods
Time-independent perturbation theory for non- degenerate and degenerate levels - Application to
ground state of an harmonic oscillator and Stark effect in Hydrogen .

1. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths, Pearson (2005).
2. Quantum Mechanics by G. Aruldhas, PHI, India.
3. Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications by N. Zettili, Wiley
4.Quantum Mechanics by L.I. Schiff, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited Tata Mcgraw
Hill Education Private Limited (2010).
5. Modern Quantum Mechanics by J. J Sakurai, Pearson (1994).
6. Quantum Mechanics: Theory And Applications by A. Ghatak, Macmillan India Limited
7. Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction by Walter Greiner, Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2008)
8. Quantum Physics: Of Atoms Molecules Solids Nuclei AndPracticles by Robert Resnick and
Robert Eisberg, Wiley India Pvt Ltd (2006).
B010704T : Numerical Methods and C Programming


The Iteration Method –Method of false position-Newton-Raphson method – Convergence of
Newton-Raphson Method – Bisection method – Order of Convergence for N-R Method.

Linear Interpolation-Gregory-Newton forward and Backward Interpolation formula Central
difference formula-Gauss forward and backward interpolation formulaLagrange’s interpolation
formula-Newton’s formula for unequal Intervals. 28


Numerical Differentiation for solving first order differential equations:-Euler’s method-Improved
Euler’s method -Runge-Kutta second and fourth order method for solving first order differential
equationsNumerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule-Simpson’s 1/3rd rule-formula and derivation.

Structure of a C program-Primary data types-Constants-Integers-Various types of operators and
expressions-Control structure-if-if-else– go to – while – do, while – for statements-declaration
and initialization of arrays(1-d,2-d)-Functions-Calling a function-Return values and their types.
Development of C program for
1)Fitting a straight line, 2)Newton-Raphson method, 3)Lagrange’s Interpolation 4)Euler’s
method, 5)R.K Second order, 6)Trapzoidal rule


1. B.P.Flannery, S.A.Teukolsky, W.T.Vetterling, Numerical Recipes in C, W.H. Press,
Cambridge University (1996).
2. M.K.Venkataraman, Numerical methods in Science and Engineering, National Publishing
Company, Chennai (2004).
3. E.Balagurusamy, Programming in ANSI – C, Tata McGraw Hill publications (2004).


1. S.S.Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, PHI, New Delhi (2003).
2. Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering – The National Publishing Co. Madras
3. Veerarajan, Numerical Methods in C and C++, S. Chand, New Delhi (2006).
B010705T : Lasers, Optical Fibers and Sensors

MASERS, Concept of Population Inversion, Laser Pumping, Resonators, Ruby laser,
HeliumNeon laser, Semiconductor lasers, Liquid laser, Dye laser and Chemical laser, Properties
of lasers, Lasers in Chemistry, Communication by Laser, Laser in Atmospheric Optics, Laser in
Astronomy, Laser in Biology, Laser in Medicine, Laser in Industry.

Demands of Information Age, The promise of Optical information processing, Evolution of Fiber
Optics, Optical fiber Communication System, Block diagram of Optical fiber Communication
System, Light propagation through medium, Total internal reflection, Numerical Aperture,
Acceptance Angle.

The optical fiber, Structure and types of fiber, Single mode fiber, Multimode Fiber, Step-index
fiber, Graded-index fiber, Attenuation loss, Fiber materials, Fabrication of Optical fibers,
Mechanical Misalignment, Fiber joints and Couples, Fiber Splicing, Demonstration of fiber optic

Optical Sensors, Advantages of optical Sensors, Properties of Sensors, Sensors types,
Biomedical Sensors, Chemical Sensors, Electrical and Magnetic Sensors, Rotation Sensors,
Fiber-Optic Gyroscope, Sensors for structural health monitoring, Miscellaneous Sensors.

Reference Books:
1. Optical Fiber Communication Principle and Practice: John M Senior, Pearson Education.
2. Optical Communication System: John Gower, Prentice Hall of India
3. Fiber Optics Communication: Palais, University Press
4. Introduction to Optical Fibers and its Applications: Rajesh Shukla LAP LAMBERT Academic
5. Nonlinear Fiber Optics: G.P. Agarwal, Academic Press, San Diego California.
6. Laser: Eberly
7. Principles of Laser: OrazioSvelto, Springer
8. Introduction to Optics: Anchal Srivastava etc, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi
9. Laser, theory and Applications: K. Thyagarajan
B010706P: Physics Lab-I

A. List of Experiments

1. To determine Planck’s constant by photocell

2. Michelson Interferometer - Thickness of mica sheet.

3. Verification of Stefan’s law for black body radiation

4. Determination of the velocity of Ultrasonic waves in solids/liquids.

5. Specific charge of an electron -Thomson’s method / Magnetron


B. Project Presentation / Seminar on an assigned topic .

*Marks distribution :
ETE : One practical – 50
CTE : Practical record (20) + Seminar (30) = 50
B010707P:Electronics Lab-I

A. List of Experiments :

1. Study of Half / Full Bridge rectifier circuits with filters.

2. Setting up a Power Supply using a Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator.

3. Study of Bipolar Junction Transistor Static Characteristics.

4. Study of CE, CB and CC configuration of BJT circuit.

5. Study of Field Effect Transistor Characteristics.

B. Project Presentation / Seminar on an assigned topic.

*Marks distribution :
ETE : One practical – 50
CTE : Practical record (20) + Seminar (30) = 50
Semester II

B010801T: Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Perturbation Theory :Perturbed oscillator, First order Stark effect, Zeeman effect, Variation
method: Basic principles, Applications to: One dimensional harmonic oscillator, Ground state
energy of hydrogen atom, Ground state of helium atom, Time dependent perturbation theory,
Emission and absorption of radiation, Spontaneous emission.

Relativistic Quantum Mechanism:
Free particle Klein-Gordan equation, Charge and current densities, Minimal electromagnetic
coupling, Dirac’s relativistic equation, Covariant form of the Dirac’s equation, Adjoint Dirac
equation, Continuity equation.

Dirac equation :
Free particle solutions, Dirac and Feynman interpretation of negative energy states, Dirac
equation in electromagnetic field and its non-relativistic reduction, Dirac’s equation in a central
field: spin angular momentum, spin-orbit energy, the hydrogen atom.

Quantisation of Fields:
Single-particle and Many-particle Hilbert space, Fock Space, Introduction to second
quantization, Occupation number representation, Creation and annihilation operators, Bosons.
Representation of operators: Change of basis and the field operator, Representation of one-body
and two-body operators. Applications of Second Quantisation.

1. Quantum Mechanics by L.I. Schiff, Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited Tata
Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited (2010).
2. Introduction To Quantum Mechanics by David J. Griffiths, Pearson (2005).
3. Advanced Quantum Mechanics by J. J Sakurai, Pearson (2005).
4. Quantum Mechanics: Theory And Applications by A. Ghatak, Macmillan India Limited
5. Relativistic Quantum Fields by James D. Bjorken, Sidney D. Drell, Dover publications (2012)
6. A First Book Of Quantum Field Theory by A Lahiri, Narosa Book Distributors Pvt Ltd
7. Quantum Field Theory by F. Mandl and G. Shaw, John Wiley & Sons (20100525). 8.
Principles of Quantum Mechanics by R. Shankar, Springer (2006).
B010802T : Electrodynamics

Electrostatics Differential equation for electric field, Poisson and Laplace equations, Boundary
value problems, Solutions of Laplace equation in cylindrical and spherical coordinates by
orthogonal functions, dielectrics, polarization of a medium, electrostatic energy.

Maxwell’s Equations Displacement current,vector and scalar potentials, gauge symmetry,
Coulomb and Lorentz gauges, electromagnetic energy and momentum, conservation laws,
inhomogeneous wave equation and Green’s function solution. Electromagnetic Waves Plane
waves in a dielectric medium, reflection and refraction at dielectric interfaces, frequency
dispersion in dielectrics and metals, dielectric constant and anomalous dispersion, wave
propagation in one dimension, group velocity, metallic wave guides, boundary conditions at
metallic surfaces, propagation modes in wave guides, resonant modes in cavities.

Radiation Field of a localized oscillating source, fields and radiation in dipole and quadrupole
approximations, antenna, radiation by moving charges, Lienard-Wiechert potentials, total power
radiated by an accelerated charge, Lorentz formula.

Concepts of Plasma Physics Formation of plasma, Debye theory of screening, plasma
oscillations, motion of charges in electromagnetic fields, magneto-plasma, plasma confinement,
hydromagnetic waves.

1. J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics.
2. D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics.
3. J.R. Reitz, F.J. Milford and R.W. Christy, Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory.
4. W.K.H. Panofsky and M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism.
5. F.F. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion.
B010803T: Electronics

Operational Amplifier : Introduction to OP-Amp, Basic parameters, Applicability of OP-Amp
in analog computation, OP-Amp as voltage follower, Adder, Substractor, Integrator,
Differentiator, Log amplifier, Anti-log Amplifier, Analog multiplier & divider circuit. OP-Amp
as Low pass filter, High Pass, Band pass filter and Band elimination filter.
Transistor Oscillators :Oscillator as positive feedback amplifier, Condition of sustained
oscillations, Phase shift and Weinbridge Oscillator, Hartley &Colpits circuit, Negative resistance
oscillator, Frequency stability & distortion in oscillators, Miller circuit.
Non Sinusoidal Generators :Multi vibrators, Bistable, Mono stable and astablemultivibrator,
Saw tooth wave generators, Pulse generator, Clipping and Clamping circuits.
Power Electronics:
Power Devices : SCR- basic structure, I-V characteristics and two transistor model, DIAC and
TRIAC, Basic structure, Operation timer and equivalent I-V characteristics, TRIAC as high
power switch, DIAC as triggering device of TRIAC, UJT in over voltage protection, Saw tooth
wave generation using UJT.

Regulator Circuits : Load and Line regulation, Stablization ratio, Internal impedance and
temperature coefficient of voltage regulation, Linear voltage regulation circuit.

Text and Reference Books:

1. Principle of electronics – V K Mehta
2. Switch model power conversion basic theory & design – Kitscem (MorcelDecnar, New
3. Power Electronics- P C Sen ( Tata McGraw Hill)
4. Electronic Devices & Circuits- Millman&Halkias
5. Functional Electronics- Raja Raman
B010804T: Physics in Daily Life

Unit I

Units, Dimensions and Errors:Fundamental and derived quantities. Units and

dimensions, dimensional analysis, order of magnitude, significant figures, errors.

Light: Reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, scattering(elementary ideas

only) – examples from daily life – apparent depth, blue color of sky, twinkling of

Total internal reflection, mirage, sparkling of diamond, primary and secondary

rainbow – optical fibres. Concave and convex mirrors, lenses – focal length, power
of a lens, refractive index, prism, dispersion. Human eye, defects of the eye –
myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia and astigmatism and their correction by lens.

Unit II

Motion :Velocity, acceleration, momentum, Idea of inertia, force - laws of motion.

Newton’s law of gravitation, acceleration due to gravity, mass and weight, apparent
weight, weightlessness. Rotational motion, Moment of inertia, torque, centripetal
and centrifugal acceleration examples- banking of curves, centrifugal pump etc.

Unit III
Electricity:Voltage and current, ohms law. Electric energy, electric power,
calculation of energy requirement of electric appliances – transformer, generator,
hydroelectric power generation – wind power – solar power – nuclear power

Matter and energy:Different phases of matter, fluids - surface tension, viscosity-

capillary rise, Bernoulli’s theorem and applications.Heat energy, temperature,
different temperature scales – degree Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.Waves –
transverse and longitudinal waves, sound waves, Doppler Effect.Lasers,
fluorescence, phosphorescence, electromagnetic waves – applications – microwave
oven, radar, super conductivity.

Unit IV

Universe: Planets, – solar system, moon- faces of moon, lunar and solar eclipses,
constellations, Different types of stars, Galaxies, black hole. Satellites, Artificial
satellites, Global positioning system. Geo stationary satellite.

Reference Texts

• Fundamentals of Physics with Applications by Arthur Beiser

• Conceptual Physics by Paul G Hewitt
B010805T : Home Appliances


CAUTION PRACTICED IN ADVANCE : Electricity – Basic principles - Practical unit of

electricity - Electric shock– Precautions to avoid electric shock– Rescue steps in electric Shock -
Electric Line Circuit Breaker (ELCB).
WIRING : Wiring system – Electric supply to house and factories – Types of wiring– ISI Rules
– Megger testing – Ear thing. Electricity in house: Design for heating element– Electric iron,
Table heater, Hot plate and Room heater.

ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS : Moving coil instruments– Voltmeter –
Ammeter – Wattmeter– Kilowatt meter– Frequency meter– Multimeter.

ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES : Electric fan – Refrigerator – Air Conditioner – Air cooler.
Electric bell – Buzzer -Washing machine

LIGHT : Incandescent lamp – Fluorescent lamp – LED lamp - Solar powered street lights.
COURSE OUT COME: Understand the working principles and applications of latest Appliances.

1. A.L. Anwani and I. Anwani, Basic Electrical Engineering, DhanpatRai and Co (P) Ltd., Delhi,
2003. (Units 1to 5)
2. William D.Cooper, Electrical Instuments and Measurement Techniques, PHI Pvt Co., New
Delhi, 1997. (Units 2,3&4)
3. S.P.Bali, Consumer Electronics, Pearson Education,India,2005.
4. B.L.Theraja, Textbook of Electrical Technology , Vol.1&2,S.Chand,2
B010806P : Physics Lab-II

A. List of Experiments

1. To determine laser beam parameter

2. Characteristics of Solar cell

3. Study of Hall’s effect in a given semiconductor.

4. Resistivity measurement of a semiconductor by Four – Probe


5. Determination of e/m by Millikan’s Oil drop method

B. Industrial Training / Field visit .

*Marks distribution :
ETE : One practical – 50
CTE : Practical record (20) + Field Visit (30) = 50
B010807P : Electronics Lab-II

A. List of Experiments

1. Study of Op-amp - Basic operational circuits.

2. Astable and mono stable multivibrators using IC 555.

3. Characteristics of SCR.

4. Characteristics of LDR.

5. Up/down counter using mod10

B. Industrial Training / Field visit.

*Marks distribution :
ETE : One practical – 50
CTE : Practical record (20) + Field (30) = 50

B010901T: Nuclear Physics

Binding Energy
Basic properties of nuclei, nuclear stability, nuclear size by electron scattering.
Nuclear Forces:
Ground state of deuteron, n-p scattering, analysis by method of partial wave, effective range
theory, p-p scattering , charge independence and charge symmetry. Non central forces, exchange
forces, isospin and charge independence, Pion theory of nucleon forces ( elementary treatment).
Nuclear Models :
Liquid drop model, Single particle model of nucleus, shell model, Magic numbers, magnetic
moments and Schmidt lines, Collective model (qualitative discussion).
Nuclear reactions:
Concept of scattering and absorption cross sections, Partial wave analysis, Optical theorem,
Compound nucleus, Breit- Wigner formula, Direct reaction , kinematics of nuclear reactions.
Nuclear Decay :
α-decay and Geiger-Muller law, Gammow’s theory, β-decay – parity violation, selection rules,
Fermi theory, Fermy-Curie plots, Comparative half life, -decay-multipole radiation, selection
rules, photo disintegration of deuteron.
Particle Physics:
Concept of elementary particles, Basic idea of fundamental interactions in nature, classification ,
conservative laws , Invariance associated production, strange particles, Quark model, Gell-
Mann-Nishijima formula, symmetry transformation.

Reference Books:
1. Atomic & Nuclear Physics- S N Ghosal
2. Nuclear Physics- D C Tayal
3. Nuclear Physics- Roy and Nigam
4. Nuclear Physics- Berkhum
5. Nuclear and Particle Physics- E B Paul
B010902T : Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy

Quantum mechanical treatment of one electron atom, fine structure of hydrogen atom. Spectra of
alkali elements, singlet and triplet states of He.
Spin-orbit interaction, L-S and J-J coupling, Lande g-factor for L-S coupling, Lande interval
rules, selection rules, Intensity relations, Zeeman (Normal and anomalous), Paschen back and
stark effects, hyperfine structure and isotopic shift, Lamb shift.
Spectra of Diatomic Molecules Rotational Spectra (rigid rotator and non-rigid rotator model)
Vibrational Spectra (harmonic and enharmonic model) Molecular Symmetric Top, Vibrating
rotator Isotopic shift.
Raman Spectra (Quantum mechanical and classical approach) Electronic Spectra-vibrational
structure of band system, fine structure of the band systems. Intensity distribution in band
systems: Frank Condon principle.

Books for Study:

1. H.E. White, Introduction to Atomic spectra
2. C.N. Banwell, Fundamental of Molecular spectroscopy, TMH.
3. G. Herzberg, Atomic spectra & Structure
4. Bransden and Joachain, Physics of Atoms and Molecule
5. Rajkumar, Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy
6. Gupta, Kumar & Sharma, Elements of Spectroscopy
Books for Reference:
1. J. M. Brown, Molecular spectroscopy
2. G. M. Barrow, Introduction to Molecular spectroscopy
3. P.F. Bemath, Spectra of Atoms and Molecule
4. B. P. Stranghan and S. Walker, Spectroscopy, Vol I, II and III.
5. G. K. Woodgate, Elementary atomic structure, Claredon Press.
6. M. Karplus, Atoms and Molecules, Benjamin-Cumming Pub. Co
B010903T : Digital Electronics and Microprocessor

Number systems, Code (Grey code, ASCII code & BCD code), Basic logic gates, DTL, RTL
TTL & ECL logic circuits, Analysis and synthesis of combinational logic circuits, Karnaugh
map, Pairs, Quad & Octets.
Arithmetic logic circuits, Controlled inverter and adder substractor circuits, Data processing
circuits, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Encoder & Decoder, ( 1 of 16 decoder, BCD decoder &
LED decoder)
Introduction to FF, R-S, D, T, J-K and J-K master slave FF, Synchronous and asynchronous
counters, Mode counters, Ring counter, Serial and parallel shift registers.
Introduction to semiconductor memories, RAM, ROM, EPROM and their addressing
techniques, A/D and D/A converter, 555 timer and its application as mono stable , astable and
Microprocessor Architecture & programming:
Introduction to microprocessor, Architecture of 8085 system components, Control signal of
8085, System timing diagram, Memory R/W cycle, instruction set of 8085, Addressing modes,
Elementary programming , concept of 8085 M.P.
Data Transfer Scheme & Memory Interfacing :
Data transfer scheme in microprocessor, Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped, I/O scheme
synchronous, Asynchronous & interrupts driven schemes, Hardware and software interrupts of
8085, Concept of memory & I/O interfacing of DMA, Controller.

Text and References Books

1. Digital principle and application- Malvino and Leach
2. Modern digital electronics- R P Jain
3. Microprocessor- Gaonkar
4. Microprocessor and interfacing- Douglas Hall
B010904T : Statistical Physics

Introduction to statistical physics: phase space and phase space trajectory, concept of a
statistical ensemble, distribution function, mean value of a physical quantity, statistical
equilibrium, statistical independence and quasi-closed systems. Liouville’s theorem (no
derivation) and its significance, thermodynamic potential: Helmholtz and Gibb’s potentials, first
and second order phase transitions

Ensemble Theory: Concept of ensembles: microcanonical, canonical and grand canonical
ensembles. Microcanonical distribution in classical statistics. Gibb’s canonical distribution.
Partition function, grand canonical distribution, free energy and equation of state of an ideal gas,
chemical potential of a monoatomic ideal gas. Statistical distribution in quantum statistics.

Quantum statistics: Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distribution, F-D and B.E gases of
elementary particles. The electron gas in metals, Degenerate electron gas-equation of state,
degeneracy temperature, specific heat. Degenerate Bose Gas, Specific heat and pressure, B-E
condensation, Ising model, Diffusion equation

Fluctuations: Fluctuations in ensemble, correlation of space-time dependent fluctuations,
fluctuations and transport phenomenon, Brownian motion, Langevin theory, fluctuation
dissipation theorem, Fokker-Plank equation.

Reference Books:
1. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics.
2. K. Huang, Statistical Mechanics.
3. R.K. Pathria, Statistical Mechanics.
4. D.A. McQuarrie, Statistical Mechanics.
5. S.K. Ma, Statistical Mechanics.
B010905T: Renewable Energy Resources

Conventional Energy Sources, Non Conventional Energy Sources, Renewable Energy Potential.

Solar Energy: Solar radiation Availability, Instruments for measurement of Solar Radiation,
Solar angles, Atmospheric phenomena, Solar Collectors (FPC, ETC and PTC), Solar thermal and
PV applications: water heating application, Solar Dryer, Solar distillation, Solar refrigeration and
Fundamental of Photovoltaic..

Hydropower Energy:Magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) system, Ocean thermal energy
conversion (OTEC), Tidal energy conversion, Spring and neap tides, Single and double basin
system, Geothermal Energy, Types of geothermal energy sites, Geothermal power plants.,

Bio-Energy:Biomass availability, Technologies for Bioenergy conversion, Global and Indian
Bio Energy Potential, Nuclear Energy.

Wind Energy: Fundamental of Wind Energy, Indian Wind Energy Potential, Types of wind
turbine, Characteristics of the wind, Wind speed monitoring instruments and applications.

1. Twidell& A. W. Wier, Renewable energy resources, English Language book, Society I E & F
N Spon (1986).
2. N. K. Bansal, M. Kleeman& M. Mielee, Renewable Conversion Technology, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi.
3. T. John and W. Tony, Renewable Energy Resources, Taylor & Francis.
B010906P : Physics Lab-II

A. List of Experiments

1. To study Zeeman effect and to determine the splitting of spectral lines

2. G.M. Counter - Absorption coefficient.

3. To determine paramagnetic susceptibility of given material (solution)

4. Study of Iodine absorption spectrum.

5. Study of Mercury spectrum using Grating Spectrometer

B. Project Presentation / Seminar on an assigned topic.

*Marks distribution :
ETE : One practical – 50
CTE : Practical record (20) + Seminar (30) = 50
B010907P : Electronics Lab-II

A. List of Experiments :

1. Study and Verification of Basic and Universal gates.

2. Design & Implementation of half and full adder using XOR &

NAND gates

3. Realization of SR, JK, D and T flip-flops.

4. Design and implementation of comparator using logic gates and IC


5. Microprocessor kit:

(a) hardware familiarization

(b) programming for (i) addition and subtraction of numbers using

direct and indirect addressing modes (ii) Handling of 16 bit

numbers (iii) use of CALL and RETURN instructions and block

data handling.

B. Project Presentation / Seminar on an assigned topic.

*Marks distribution :
ETE : One practical – 50
CTE : Practical record (20) + Seminar (30) = 50
Semester IV

B011001T: Condensed Matter Physics

Lattice Dynamics:
Central and non central forces, Generailized force constants, Harmonic approximation,, three
dimensional lattice, Dielectric constants, source of polarizability and Clausius-Mossoti relation,
introduction to liquid crystals-sematic and nematic, principle uses of liquid crystals ( qualitative).
Electron Band Theory:
Bloch theorem, one electron band theories, plane wave like localized wave functions, nearly free
electron approximation, linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) method, tight binding
Persistent current, Meissner effect, Isotopic effect, Type-I and type-II superconductors ,
electronic specific heat, London’s equation, simple idea about screened Coulombian interaction.
Cooper pairs, elementary idea about BCS theory , Ground state energy, Superconducting
tunneling, Josephson effect.
Paramagnetism, molecular field theory of ferromagnetism, exchange interaction between spins,
ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic order, neutron diffraction method to obtain magnetic order
in ferromagnetic and anti ferromagnetic cases of ferroelectricity.
Lattice defect:
Point defect, Frenkel and Schottky defect, color centres, number of defects (vacancies) in
equilibrium, dislocation edge and screw, Burger vector, role of dislocation in material strength
and crystal growth.

Reference Books:
1. Solid State Physics- C. Kittle
2. Quantum theory of Solids- C Kittle
3. Theoretical Solid State Physics- Wuang
4. Solid State Physics- S O Pillai
5. Mossbauer effect and its application – V G Bhinde
6. Semiconductor Physics- S M Sze
B011002T :Communication and Microwave Electronics

Analog and Digital Communication : Different type of modulation, Amplitude modulation,
Depth of modulation, Frequency spectrum, Square law modulation, Balanced modulator, DSBSC
modulation, SSB modulation, Frequency modulation, Reactance tube modulation, Detection of
AM and FM waves, linear diode detector, Foster- Shelley discriminator and ratio detector,
Fundamentals of PAM, PAW & PPM.
Microwave Devices :Klystron, Reflex-Klystron, Principles of operation of Magnetrons,
traveling wave tubes, Gunn diode.
Microwave Communication: Advantages and disadvantages of microwave transmission lines
in free space, Propagation of microwaves , Atmospheric effects on propagation, Antennas used
in microwave communication.
Radio and Television Receivers :TRF and super heterodyne receiver , block diagram of B & W
T.V. , Transmitter and receiver.
Satellite Communication :Fundamental principle of satellite communication, Communication
satellite link design, Satellite orbit inclination, basic elements of RADAR system.
Optical Communication: Introduction to optical fiber, ray transmission step index, Grounded
index , Single mode and multi mode , Fundamental of LED optical propagation theory, basic
idea of optical detectors.

Reference Books:
1. Principle of Communication- Taub& Shelling
2. Communication System- S. Haykins
3. Communication System- Kennedy
4. Satellite Communication- D.C. Agrawal
5. Microwave Devices – Liao
6. Optical Fibre Communication- G. Keiser
7. Fibre optic communication & Practice- J M Senior
B011003P:Physics Lab-IV

A. List of Experiments

1. Co-efficient of linear expansion - Air wedge method.

2. Susceptibility of a liquid by Quincke’s method
3. B-H curve using CRO
4. Study of Electron Spin Resonance in crystals and determination of
‘g’ factor

5. Determination of bulk modulus of a liquid using ultrasonic


B. Industrial Training / Field visit.

*Marks distribution :
ETE : One practical – 50
CTE : Practical record (20) + Field visit (30) = 50
B011004P : Electronics Lab-IV

A. List of Experiments

1. Design and study of amplitude modulation and demodulation


2. Design and study of pulse width modulation and demodulation


3. Waveform analysis using storage CRO

4. Study of reflex klystron characteristics

5. Study of Gunn diode characteristics and PIN modulator

B. Industrial training / Field visit.

*Marks distribution :
ETE : One practical – 50
CTE : Practical record (20) + Field visit (30) = 50
B011005P : Major Research Project/ Dissertation

The concept of introducing the project will help the student community to learn
and apply the principles of Physics and explore the new research avenues. In the
course of the project the student will refer books, Journals or collect literature /
data by the way of visiting research institutes/ industries. He/she may even do
experimental /theoretical work in his/her college and submit a dissertation report
with a minimum of 40 pages not exceeding 50 pages.

Format for Preparation of Dissertation

The sequence in which the dissertation should be arranged and bound should be as

1. Cover Page and title Page

2. Declaration
3. Certificate
4. Abstract (not exceeding one page)
5. Acknowledgement (not exceeding one page)
6. Contents (12 Font size, Times new Roman with double line spacing)
7. List of Figures/ Exhibits/Charts
8. List of tables
9. Symbols and notations
10. Chapters
11. References

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