PG Syllabus Description Semester I PHY - 501N: Mathematical Physics Credit 4+0
PG Syllabus Description Semester I PHY - 501N: Mathematical Physics Credit 4+0
PG Syllabus Description Semester I PHY - 501N: Mathematical Physics Credit 4+0
Semester I
Unit – I
Special Functions: Second order linear differential equations; Solution by series expansion;
Legendre, Bessel, Hermite and Laguerre differential equations, their solutions and properties,
Spherical Harmonics.
Unit – II
Fourier Transform: Dirac Delta function, Fourier Transform, Sine and Cosine transform,
Linearity, Change of Scale, Translation, Modulation, simple applications.
Green Function: Green’s function as a technique to solve linear ordinary differential
equations, Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous boundary conditions, Solution of Poisson
equation using Green’s function technique, Symmetry property.
Unit – III
Complex Variables I: General function of complex variable, Cauchy-Riemann differential
equation and analyticity, conformal mapping (translation, rotation, inversion), Cauchy's
integral formula, Taylor's and Laurent's series, singularity poles.
Unit – IV
Complex Variables II: Residue theorem. Evaluation of definite integrals, around (i) unit
circle and (ii) infinite semi-circle; using Jordan's lemma with poles lying on real axis, and of
integrals involving multiple valued function-branch point.
1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by G. Arfken, H. Weber and F.E. Harris (Elsevier)
2. Mathematics for Physicist by P. Dennery and A. Krzynicki (Dover Publication)
3. Special Functions and their Applications by N.N. Lebedev (Dover Publication)
4. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by K.F. Riley, M.P. Hobson and
S.J.Bence (Cambridge University Press)
5. Mathematical Physics by B. S. Rajput (Pagati Prakashan)
6. Complex Variables and Applications by J.W. Brown and R. V. Churchill (McGraw-Hill)
Course Outcomes:
The students will understand various functions and solutions to differential equations.
The foundation for understanding of Classical and Quantum Mechanics will be laid.
The techniques learnt will be useful in different branches of Physics.
Syllabus_2 Year M.Sc.-Physics_24-25
PHY- 502N: Classical Mechanics Credit 4+0
Course Objectives: Understanding basic methods of mechanics and use of Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian approach.
Unit - I
Vectors: Curvilinear Coordinates, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Laplace equation in
spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates and their solution, Green’s theorem, Gauss
and Stokes Theorems.
Tensors: Covariant and Contravariant vectors, Tensors – Addition, Multiplication,
Contraction, Symmetry properties; Tensor density, Pseudo-tensors.
Mechanics of a system of particles: Generalized coordinates and Constraints, Generalized
coordinates, D’ Alembert’s principle, Lagrange’s Equation. Hamilton’s principle, Least
action principle, Langrange’s equations, symmetry properties and Noether’s theorem,
Lagrangian formulation for elementary mechanical systems - free particle, simple and double
Two Body Problem: Reduction to one-body problem, reduced mass, Virial Theorem,
planetary orbits.
Scattering: Collision between particles, disintegration of particles, elastic collisions,
scattering, Rutherford’s formula.
Small oscillations: Damped and Forced oscillations, coupled vibrations.
Hamiltonian Formulation: Hamilton equations, canonical transformations, Poisson’s
bracket, Symplectic approach to canonical transformations; Hamilton Principle function,
Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Harmonic Oscillator Problem, Hamilton characteristic Function,
separation of variables, Central Force problem.
1. Vector Analysis and Introductory Tensor Analysis by M.R. Spiegel (Schaum Series)
2. Matrices and Tensors in Physics by A.W. Joshi (New Age)
3. Classical Mechanics by H. Goldstein (Narosa, New Delhi)
4. Classical Mechanics by K.C. Gupta (Wiley Eastern)
5. Classical Mechanics by L.D. Landau (Elsevier)
6. Classical Mechanics by N.C. Rana and P.S. Joag (Tata-McGraw-Hill)
Course Outcomes:
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PHY- 503N: Quantum Mechanics Credit 4+0
Wave Mechanical formulation: Schrodinger wave equation, Hermitian operators and
observables, Discreet and continuous spectrum, Dirac delta function, Commuting observables
and related algebra, Pure and mixture states; Simple applications: potential well, barrier
potential, tunnel effect, unbound states: reflection and transmission of waves.
Unit - II
Identity of Particles: Distinguishability of identical particles, exchange degeneracy and
operator, construction of symmetric and antisymmetric wave functions, Pauli’s exclusion
principle and Slater’s determinant, Electron spin hypothesis, spin matrices and eigen value
equations, symmetric and antisymmetric wave functions for hydrogen molecule.
Unit - III
Matrix formulation: Concept of Hilbert Space, Dirac's bra and ket notations,
Orthonormality and completeness relations (discrete and continuous), linear and real
operators, eigen value equations and related theorems, projection operators and measurement,
application to Harmonic Oscillator, Equivalence of wave and matrix mechanics.
Unit - IV
Theory of Angular momentum: Orbital, spin and total angular momentum operators: eigen
value equations and matrix representations, Ladder operators, commutation relations,
Addition of angular momenta, Clebsch-Gordon coefficients.
1. Quantum Mechanics, Vol. I & II by Albert Messiah (Dover Publication)
2. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics by P.A.M. Dirac (Oxford University Press)
3. Quantum Mechanics by L.I. Schiff (Tata-McGraw-Hill)
4. Modern Quantum Mechanics by J.J. Sakurai (Addison Wesley)
5. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by D.J. Griffths (Pearson Education)
6. Quantum Mechanics by C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu and F. Laloe (Wiley VCH)
7. Quantum Mechanics by B. K. Agarwal and Hari Prakash (Prentice-Hall, India)
Course Outcomes:
The students will understand wave mechanical formulation of quantum particles and
various rules arising out of it.
The understanding of different formulations of quantum mechanics laying
foundations for the study of molecules, atoms and fundamental particles
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PHY- 504N: Electronics Credit 4+0
Unit - I
Power Electronics: SCR: Basic structure, I-V characteristics and two- transistor model of
SCR, SCR controlled half and full wave rectifier circuit and their analysis. UJT, equivalent
circuit, I-V characteristics, Saw tooth wave generation. Elements of SMPS.
Unit - II
Operational Amplifier:IC-741 -Block diagram, operation, Characteristics of op-amp;
inverting and non-inverting inputs: Input offset current and Input offset voltage, differential
amplifier, CMRR, Slew rate and power band width, op-amp as an amplifier. Application of
Op-amp: summer, integrator and differentiator. Timer: IC-555 -Block diagram, Astable and
Monostable operations, applications of IC-555 - VCO.
Unit - III
Boolean Algebra and Gates: Boolean algebra, composite function and their algebraic
simplification, De-Morgan’s theorem ,duality in Boolean algebra, Universality of NAND
and NOR gates. SOP and POS forms, karnaugh map, design of logic circuits, X-OR gate and
its applications, half adder and full adder, parallel adder, look ahead carry.
Unit - IV
Elements of Logic Families: Transistor as a switch, FAN IN , FAN OUT, Noise Immunity,
propagation delay, RTL, DTL, TTL logic, Sourcing and Sinking logic, TTL loading and Fan
out, ECL logic.
1. Switch Mode Power Conversion by K. Kit Sum (Marcel Dekker).
2. Power Electronics by P.C. Sen (Tata Mc Graw-Hill)
3. Pulse, Digital and Switching Wave Forms by J. Milman and H. Taub (McGraw-Hill)
4. Op-amp and Linear Integrated Circuits by R.A. Gayakwad (Prentice-Hall India)
5. Integrated Circuits by J. Millman and C.C. Halkias (Tata-McGraw-Hill)
6. Digital Principle and Application by A.P. Malvino and D.P. Leach (McGraw-Hill)
7. Modern Digital Electronics by R.P. Jain (Tata McGraw-Hill)
Course Outcomes:
The students will understand electronic circuits and control using various devices.
The students will understand simple logic and control via logic circuits.
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* The following two courses PHY- N505 and PHY- N506 are mandatory.
One course will be allotted in the I semester and the other in II semester.
Course Objectives: The student will handle instruments, take readings and analyze the
results, to understand various concepts and applications.
Students will be required to perform at least five experiments from each course. They will
have to maintain record books of experiments done.
Course Outcomes:
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PHY- 506N: Physics Practical- Optics Credit 0+4
Course Objectives: The student will handle instruments, take readings and analyze the
results, to understand various concepts and applications.
Students will be required to perform at least five experiments from each course. They will
have to maintain record books of experiments done.
Course Outcomes:
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