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MSC Physics

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University of Science & Technology, Bannu

Township Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan, www.ustb.edu.pk

Department of Physics
Ph: 0928-633373 Fax: 0928-633821

M.Sc Physics 2 Years Program

Term Wise Layout of the Courses M.Sc (Physics)
Total Credit Hours: 66

Previous Year

1st Term 18 Credit Hours

Classical Mechanics Electronics Quantum Mechanics-I

Lab-I (Electronics)
Mathematical Methods of
Functional English &
Lab-II (Optics)

2nd Term 18 Credit Hours

Nuclear Physics Computational Physics Quantum Mechanics-II

Lab-III (Nuclear Physics)

Mathematical Methods of Functional English (Technical
Physics-II Writing Skills)
Lab- IV (Modern Physics)

Final year

3rd Term 15 Credit Hours

Special Theory Of
Electrodynamics-I Solid State Physics-I Relativity and Tenser

Atomic & Molecular Physics Thermal & Statistical Physics ------

4th Term 15 Credit Hours

Electrodynamics-II Solid State Physics-II Optional-I

Optional-II Optional-III/ Project ------

Phy-302: Classical Mechanics 3 Cr. Hr

 To develop the basic knowledge of classical world using the laws of Physics
 To develop the understanding of two bodies central force Problems
 To give understanding of kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies
 Development of Hamiltonian equation and use of canonical transformation in classical physics

Elementary Principles
Brief survey of Newtonian mechanics of a single particle, Laws of Conservations for single particle,
Motion of a system of particles, Conservation theorems for a system of a particles, Constraints, virtual
work, Virtual work principle, D. Alemberts principle, Lagrange’s equation and its applications.

Variational Principle
Calculus of variation, Euler Lagrange’s equation and Hamilton’s principle, Derivation of Lagrange’s
equation from Hamilton’s principle, Applications of Hamilton’s equation

Two Body Central Force Problem

Central forces, Equation of motion for a particle in central force field, Differential equation for the orbit
under a central force field, Conservation of energy in a Central force field, Two body problem and its
reduction to equivalent one body problem, Laboratory and the Centre of mass coordinate system and their
mutual transformation , Kepler's Laws, Rutherford scattering.

Hamilton Equation of Motion and Canonical Transformation

Legendre's transformation and Hamilton equation of motion, Lagrange’s Bracket, Canonical
transformation and their examples, Poisson Brackets and their fundamentals, Hamilton’s Canonical
equation in terms of Poisson Brackets

Recommended Book
 “Classical Mechanics” by H. Goldstein, (3rd edition).
 “Classical Mechanics” by N.C Rana and PS Joag.
 “Classical Mechanics” by M. Yar Khan.
 “Classical Mechanics of Particles and Systems” by Jerry B.Marion and Stephen Thonton.

Phy-302: Electronics 3 cr. Hrs.

Review of Introductory Concepts

DC and AC circuit analysis, Voltage divider rules, Thevinin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum
power transfer, Loop analysis, Superposition theorem, r.m.s value of AC , Complex impedance, RC and
RL Filters, Differentiating and Integrating Circuits

Diode and Diode Circuits

PN-Junction diode, I-V characteristics of diode, Applications of diode, Half-wave rectifier, Full-wave
centre tap rectifier, Bridge full wave rectifier, Capacitor filters, Voltage doublers, Clipper and clamper
circuits, Special diodes, Zener diode, Zener voltage regulators, Varactor diodes, Schottky diodes, Light
emitting diodes, Photodiodes, Tunnel diodes

Transistors Circuits
Bipolar junction transistor, Common emitter, Common base and common collector amplifier, Biasing and
stability, Switching circuits, Hybrid parameters, Power class A, B and C amplifiers, Field effect
transistor, FET amplifiers, MOSFET, Operation and Construction, Negative feedback

Operational Amplifiers and Oscillators

Ideal op-amplifiers, Simple op-amplifiers arrangements, Non inverting and inverting circuits, Hartley
oscillator, Wien Bridge Oscillators, Phase Shift Oscillators, Colpitts Oscillators, Crystal Control

Recommended Books:
 “Basic electronics” by James. J. Brophy, (5th edition).
 “Electronic devices” by T. L. Floyd.
 “Electronics Principles” by P. Malvino.
 “Principles of Electronics” by V.K.Mehta and Rohit Mehta.

Phy-304: Quantum Mechanics - I 3 Cr. Hr

Course Objective:
 To provide the comparison of the classical and quantum concepts.
 To learn about the wave function and uncertainty principles
 To learn about the Eigen functions and application of Schrodinger equations.

Review of Breakdown of Classical Concepts and Old Quantum Theory

Particle aspects of radiation and Plank’s hypothesis, Wave aspects of matter and de Broglie’s hypothesis,
Discrete levels and Bohr’s hypothesis

Functions of Wave Mechanics

Wave function, Physical interpretation of Wave function, Superposition of plane waves, Wave packet and
the Einstein de Broglie relations, Wave function for a free particle, Schrodinger’s equation, Postulates of
Quantum Mechanics, Dirac notations, Function and Expectation value, Time development of Expectation

Wave Packets and the Uncertainty Principle

Uncertainty Principle for a pair of Canonical Variables, Proof of Uncertainty Principle for a Wave Packet
and the related Gedanken experiments, The Gaussian wave packet and spreading with time

Operators and Eigen Functions

Dynamical Variables and Operators, Eigen functions and Eigen values, Linear Operators, The Operator
formalism in quantum mechanics, Orthogonal system, Hermitian Operator, Simultaneous Eigen function
and the Commutators, The parity operator, The fundamental Commutation Rules, and quantization of
classical dynamics, Equation of motion, Commutation Rules and the Uncertainty principle.

Application of Schrodinger’s Equation for One Dimensional Problems

Principle of superposition of states, Probability density and current, Motion of wave packets, Ehrenfest
theorem, Equation of continuity, Potential Step, Potential Barrier, Rectangular Potential Well, Linear
Harmonic Oscillator and its wave function and their parity.

Books Recommended:
 “Introductory Quantum mechanics” by Richard L. Liboff.
 “Introduction to Quantum mechanics” by David J. Griffiths.
 “Quantum Mechanics” by N. Zittalli.

Phy-303: Mathematical Methods of Physics – I 3 Cr. Hrs

 To give the understanding of Differential equations and their uses in Physics
 Introduction to special functions, Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms
 Solution of Boundary value problems and their uses

Vector Analysis
Review of Vectors algebra, Vector differentiation and gradient, Divergence and Gauss’s theorem, Green’s
theorem in the plane, Curl and Stoke’s theorem.

Complex Variables
Complex algebra, Function of complex number, Cauchy Reimann conditions and analytic functions,
Countours, Cauchy Gourset theorem and Cauchy integral formula, Laurent’s expansion, Singularities,
Calculus of residue and its applications.

Fourier Series and Transforms

Definition of Fourier series, Examples of Fourier series, Fourier sine and cosine series, Complex form of
Fourier series, Pointwise and mean convergence of Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Fourier integrals,
Laplace’s transform, its properties and applications.

Group Theory
Introduction to groups, Elements of group theory, Subgroups, Invariant subgroups, Mapping,
Homomorphism, Isomorphism, Kernel, Vector space, Group representation, Continuous groups, O-
groups, SU(2) groups, Lie groups.

Recommended Books:
 “Mathematical Methods” by G. Arfken.
 “Vector Analysis” by M. R. Spiegel.
 “Introduction to Mathematical Physics” by C. Harper.
 “Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences” by M L. Boss, (3rd edition).

Phy-104: Functional English 3 Cr. Hr

Course Objectives:
 To build the sound vocabulary of the students
 To improve the grammatical and Linguistics skills

Basics Units
Letter, Syllable, Word, Phrase, Clause, Sentence, Paragraph

Sentence Parts
Subject, Predicate, Types of sentences, Simple, Compound and Complex sentences

Parts of Speech
Definition & kinds
(Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection), Articles (Definition
and indefinite)
Tenses & Grammatical Structures
 Tenses and usage (Present, Past & Future)
 Voices (Active & Passive voices)
(Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative)
 Narrations (Direct & Indirect Narrations)
(Assertive, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory)
 Punctuation Marks (Period of full stop, Quotation Marks, Comma, Semi-colon, Colon, Dash,
Hyphen, Apostrophe, Italics, or, underscore, Parenthesis, Ellipses, Exclamation Marks)
Comprehension Skills
 Similar Words (Words that confuse)
 Comprehension
 Précis or one third summary

Paragraph Writing, (Four Elements in Paragraphs)

Dialogue Writing

Suggested Reading:
 “High School English Grammar & Composition” by Wren and Martin.
 “Exploring the world of English” by Sadaat Ali Shah.

Lab – I (Electronics)
 The students must perform at least 10 experiments from the list given below.
 50 % of marks is given for performing experiments and
 50 % of marks to viva about apparatus, theory of experiments and estimation of errors.

List of Experiments
 Recording the Current –Voltage characteristics of Zener diode.
 Recording the Current –Voltage characteristics of LEDs.
 Recording the Current –Voltage characteristics of Silicon and Germanium diodes.
 To design half wave rectifier and calculate the ripple factor without filter.
 To design half wave rectifier and calculate the ripple factor with capacitor, Choke and Pi-section
 To design full wave rectifier and calculate the ripple factor without filter.
 To design full wave rectifier and calculate the ripple factor with capacitor, Choke and Pi-section
 To construct full wave bridge rectifier circuit using four diodes and calculate the ripple factor
without filter.
 To construct full wave bridge rectifier circuit using four diodes and calculate the ripple factor
with capacitor, choke and Pi-section filters.
 To verify maximum power transfer theorem.
 To calculate the current value across load resistor by Thevenian Theorem.
 To calculate the current value across load resistor by Norton Theorem.

Lab –II (Optics)

List of Experiments
1. Setting up a Michelson interferometer on the laser optics base plate.
2. Determining the wave length of the light of an He-Ne laser using a Michelson interferometer.
3. Newton rings Experiment.
4. Determine the wave length of laser using diffraction grating of known spacing.
5. Determine the grating spacing using known wavelength (laser).
6. Determination of velocity of light in air.
7. Determine the moment of inertia of a rod.
8. Determine the moment of inertia of a rotating disk.
9. Determine the moment of inertia of a rotating sphere.
10. To observe the magnetic field around a single wire.
11. To observe the magnetic field around single and double loop.
12. To observe the magnetic field of solenoid.

Phy-402: Nuclear Physics 3 Cr. Hrs.


 To understand the constituent particles of a nucleus

 To learn about Radioactivity and nuclear reactions.
 To understand the different nuclear models.

Basic Properties of Nucleus

Nuclear size, Mass, Binding Energy, Nuclear Spin, Magnetic Dipole and electric quadrupole moment,
Parity and statistics

Theories of Radioactive Decay

Theories of Alpha decay and explanation of observed phenomenon, Measurement of beta ray energies,
Fermi theory of beta decay, Neutrino Hypothesis, Theory of gamma Decay, Nuclear isomerism

Nuclear Forces

Yukawa’s theory of nuclear forces, Nucleon scattering (n-p scattering, p-p scattering, Deuteron theory),
Charge independence and Spin dependence of nuclear forces, Isotopic Spin.

Nuclear Reactions

Conservation laws of nuclear reactions, Q- value and threshold energy of nuclear reaction, Reactions
induced by protons, neutrons, deuterons and photons, Fission and Fusion of Nuclei, Energy released in
Nuclear Fusion, Controlled thermonuclear Reaction.

Nuclear Models

Liquid Drop Model, Shell Model, Collective Model, Fermi Gas Model.

Books Recommended
 “Nuclear Physics” by Kaplan (1980).
 “Nuclei and Particles” by Segre and Bejamin, (1977).
 “Introducing Nuclear Physics” by Kenneth. S. Krane, (1995).
 “Concept of Nuclear physics” by B. L Cohen.
 “Nuclear Physics” by S. N Ghoshal.

Phy-210: Computational Physics 3. Cr. Hrs.

Computer Languages:
Fundamentals of a digital computer and its uses, Hardware and Software concepts, Introduction to I/O
devices, Operating systems (Dos, Windows, Unix, etc), Format statements, Control statements,
Introduction to algorithm development and flow chart writing, Introduction to a Programming language
C++, Introduction to data types, C++ program Repetition structures; Introduction to FOR, WHILE and
DO-WHILE loops, Introduction to decision making structures; IF, IF-ELSE, Switch Statements,
Introduction to Functions and arrays

Numerical Analysis:
Error and Sources of errors, Gross error, Rounding errors, Truncation errors, Finite difference, finding
difference using Newton forward scheme, backward and central scheme (Stirling Formula), Basic concept
of interpolation and finding Interpolation using Lagrange's formula, Basic concept of Numerical
integrations, Finding integration using Trapezoidal rule and Simpson's 1/3rd rule, Ordinary differential
equations, Solution of ODE using Euler's Method, Non Linear equations, Finding solution of Non linear
equation by Simple Iterative method, Bi-section method and Secant method, Linear system equation
concept, Finding solution of linear system equation by Gaussian elimination method, Implementation of
all above in C++

 Lab Practice for writing programs for Maths and physics problems; Projectile motion, Motion of
freely falling object, SHM, Electric circuit Analysis, etc.

Books Recommended:
 “Object oriented programming in C ++” by Robert Lafore.
 “Numerical Analysis with C ++” by S A. Bhatti and N A. Bhatti.
 "Introduction to Computational Physics” by M. L. De Jong (1991).
“Computational Physics” by S. T. Koonini, (1986).
 “Numerical Methods for Engineers with Personal Computer Applications” by S. C. Chapra

Phy-309: Quantum Mechanics – II 3 Cr. Hrs

Course Objectives
 To develop concepts about spherical symmetric system
 To understand the approximation methods and its applications in Quantum mechanics
 To learn about the identical particles

Spherically Symmetric Systems

The Schrödinger Equation for Spherically Symmetric potentials, The Hydrogen Atom, Angular

Matrix Formulation in Quantum Mechanics

Operators and state Functions as Matrices, Eigen Value Equations in Matrix from, Dirac Ket and Bra
notations, Schrödinger, Heisenberg and Interaction Pictures, Harmonic Oscillator in Matrix Mechanics,
Electron spin and Pauli Spin Matrices, Spin States for two Particles of spin ½

Perturbation Theory
Perturbation of non-degenerate and degenerate stationary states, Time Dependant Perturbation, Transition
Probability and Fermi’s rule, Variational method

Identical Particles
Principle of indistinguishability of identical particles, Generalized Pauli exclusion principle, Statistics of
identical particles, Helium Atom, Symmetric and Anti-symmetric wave functions

Books Recommended:
 “Quantum Mechanics” by D. Griffith.
 “Quantum Mechanics” by N. Zittali
 “Quantum Mechanics” by Schiff.
 “Quantum Mechanics” by S. Merzbacher.

Phy-308: Mathematical Methods of Physics – II 3 Cr. Hrs

Course Objectives
 To understand Differential equations and their uses in Physics
 To learn about different special functions
 To know about Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of Matrices

Special Functions
Gamma Functions, Beta Functions, Bessel functions, , Integral form of Bessel Function, Legendre’s
Differential equation and Legendre’s Polynomials and Generating Functions, Rodríguez formula for the
Legendre’s Polynomials, Laguerre Polynomials

Linear Vector Spaces, Basic Definitions, Determinants, Matrices, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of
matrices, Orthogonal matrices, Hermitian matrices, Similarity transformations, Diagonalization of

Differential Equations in Physics

First and second order linear differential equations, Partial differential equation of the theoretical physics,
separation of variables, Homogenous differential equations, Non Homogenous differential equations.

Books Recommended:
 “Mathematical Methods” by G. Arfken
 “Introduction to Mathematical Physics” by C. Harper.
 “Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences” by M L. Boss, (3rd edition)

Phy-110: Functional English: Technical Writing Skills 3 Cr. Hr

Course Objectives:
 To build technical skills of the students in English
 To improve written as well as oral skills of the students

Technical Writing Process

 Pre-writing, Writing, Post writing

Mechanical Layout of a Letter

 Letter parts-standard and optional parts of letter

 Memo parts and layout of a standard memo body

Resume (CV)
 Different parts of a standard resume

Report Writing
 Long Formal Reports (Parts)
 Short Reports (Essential Parts)
 Memo Reports (parts)

Thesis and Assignments Writing

Standard format/Essential parts

Oral Communication
 Interview
 Steps/measures before an interview
 Steps/measures during an interview
 Meeting
 Purpose & kinds
 Planning steps
 Procedure during a meeting

Suggested Reading:
 “Effective Business Communication” by Herta A. Murphy (7th Edition).
 “Business Communications Today” by Bovee.

Lab – III (Nuclear Physics)
 The students must perform at least 08 experiments from the list given below.
 50 % of marks is given for performing experiments and
 50 % of marks to viva about apparatus, theory of experiments and estimation of errors.

List of Experiments
 Recording (γ) radiations with a GM counter.
 Measuring the range of (α) radiation in air.
 Measuring the range of (β) radiation in air.
 Measuring the activity of a radioactive source (α, β and γ) using GM counter.
 Determine the half-life of α, β or γ source and plot the decay curve using GM counter.
 Determining the half-life of α, β or γ source and evaluating the decay curve using CASSY
 Ionization of air due to radioactivity.
 Confirming the law of distance for (β) radiation (Inverse square law).
 Attenuation of (β) radiation when passing through matter.
 To determine the absorption co-efficient for Gamma rays.

Lab –IV (Modern Physics)

 The students must perform at least 07 experiments from the list given below.
 50 % of marks is given for performing experiments and
 50 % of marks to viva about apparatus, theory of experiments and estimation of errors

List of Experiments
 Observe the bending of electrons in a uniform magnetic field.
 Variation in magnetic field due to change in accelerating potential.
 Determination of e/m ratio in a vacuum tube filled with H gas.
 Determination of specific charge on electron using Millikan oil drop experiment.
 To observe fringe shift using Michelson interferometer.
 Determining the wave length of the light of an He-Ne laser using a Michelson interferometer.
 Formation of Newton’s Rings.
 To observe the Photo Electric Effect.
 Determination of plank’s constant using different filters.

Phy-307: Special Theory of Relativity and Tensor Analysis 3 Cr. Hr

Course Objectives

 To learn about the Special theory of relativity

 To develop the ideas of relativistic mechanics.
 To understand the concept of Four vectors.
 To know the invariance of electromagnetic systems

Galilean Transformations, Michelson-Morley Experiment, Einstein Postulates, Intervals, Lorentz

Application of Lorentz Transformations

Life Span of a Meson, Clocks and Rods, Time dilation and Length Contractions, Simultaneity and
Casualty, Clock Paradox, The Relativistic Transformation of Velocities, Successive Lorentz

Four Vectors
Introduction, Variation of Mass with velocity, World Vectors, Form of Newton’s Second Law in
Relativistic Mechanics, Relation between Mass and Energy

Lorentz Invariance of Physical Theories

Maxwell’s Equations and the conservation of Charge, Maxwell’s Equations and the Lorentz
Transformations, Solution of Maxwell’s Equations, Invariance of Electromagnetic Systems, The Lorentz

Tensors Analysis
Introduction, Rank of tensors, Tensor representation, Tensor Algebra (Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication), Quotient Law, Contraction of Tensors, Symmetric and Skew symmetric Tensors, Contra-
variant and Covariant Tensors

Books Recommended:

 “Special Theory of Relativity” by Muirhead.

 “An Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Relativity” by H.F. Lawden.

Phy-401: Electrodynamics -I 3 Cr. Hr

Course Objectives:
 To Study the rules governing the charge in static positions.
 To learn about the response of matter under electric and magnetic fields.

Electric field, Continues charge distribution, Divergence and Curl of electrostatic fields, Gauss’s law,
Applications of Gauss’s law, The curl of E, Electric Potential, The Potential of a localized charge
distribution, Electrostatic boundary conditions. Work and energy in electrostatics, Work done to move a
charge, Energy of a point charge distribution, The energy of a continuous charge distribution, Conductors,
induced charges, Surface charge and force on a conductor, Capacitors.

Special Techniques
Laplace’s and Poisson Equation, Laplace’s equation in one dimension, Laplace’s equation in two
dimension, Laplace’s Equation in three dimension, Uniqueness theorem and boundary conditions,
Conductors and the second Uniqueness theorem, The method of images and its applications, separation of
variables, Cartesian coordinates, Spherical coordinates. Multi pole expansion, approximate potentials at
large distances, the monopole and dipole terms, Origin of coordinates in multipole expansions, Electric
field and potential of dipole.

Electric Fields in Matter

Polarization, Dielectrics, Field of polarized objects, Bound charges, Field inside a dielectric, Electric
displacement, Gauss’s law in presence of dielectric, Boundary conditions, Linear Dielectrics,
Susceptibility, Permittivity, Dielectric Constant, Energy in dielectric systems, Forces on dielectrics.

The Lorentz force law, Magnetic field, Currents, Magnetic Forces, Motion of charged Particle in Uniform
Magnetic Field, Cycloid Motion, Biot-Savart law, Magnetic field of steady current, Divergence and Curl
of B, Straight line currents, Ampere’s law and its applications, Magnetic Field of a long Solenoid and
Toroidal coil, Magnetic vector potential, Multipole expansion of vector potential, Magneto statics
Boundary Condition.

Magnetic Fields in Matter

Magnetization, Torque and force on magnetic dipole field inside matter, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism,
and Ferromagnetism, Effect of Magnetic Field on Atomic Orbits, Field of a Magnetized Object, Bound
Charges. H-field, Ampere law in magnetized materials, Linear and non linear magnetic media, Magnetic
susceptibility and permeability, Ferromagnetism and Hysteresis loop, Boundary conditions

 “An Introduction to Electrodynamics” by D. Griffiths, (3rd edition).
 “Classical Electrodynamics” by H.C. Ohanion, (1988).

Phy-305: Solid State Physics-I 3 Cr. Hr

Course Objectives:
 To understand the concept of crystal systems and their properties
 To learn about the principles of X-Ray diffraction in different crystal systems.
 To know about the different inherent properties of the crystals

Crystal Structure:
Periodic array of atoms , Lattice translation vectors, basis and the crystal structure, Primitive unit cell,
Wigner-Seitz unit cell, Bravais lattices, two dimensional lattice types, three dimensional lattice types,
miller indices for crystal planes, inter planar spacing, Packing fraction, Index system and common crystal

Principle of X-Ray Diffraction

The incident beam ( X-rays, neutrons, electrons ), Bragg’s law , Experimental diffraction methods ( laue
method, rotating crystal method, powder method ), Fourier analysis, Reciprocal lattice vectors,
Diffraction conditions, Brillion zones, Reciprocal lattice to SC, BCC, and FCC, lattice, Structure factor of
the BCC and FCC lattice, Atomic form factor

Crystal Vibrations
Vibrations of crystal with monoatomic basis, First Brillion zone, Phase velocity, Group Velocity, long
wave length limit, two atoms per primitive basis, optical and acoustical branch, quantization of elastic
waves, Phonon momentum, and Inelastic scattering by phonons.

Thermal Properties
Phonon heat capacity, Planck distribution, Normal mode enumeration, Density of state in one dimensions,
Density of state in three dimensions, Debye model for density of states, Debye T 3 law, Einstein model of
the density of states, General result for density of states

Books Recommended:
 “Introduction to Solid State Physics” by C. Kittle, (7th Edition).
 “Elementry Solid State Physics” by M. A. Omer.
 “Solid State Physics” by S. O. Pillai, (2003).

Phy-208: Atomic and Molecular Physics 3 Cr. Hr
Course Objectives:
 To learn about the developmental stages of modern atomic concepts.
 To develop the scientific approach of describing different phenomena.

Atomic Structure of Matter

Atomic Models (Dalton’s atomic model, Thomson’s atomic model), Rutherford's Nuclear atom model
and its drawbacks, Rutherford scattering, Hydrogen Spectrum, Bohr’s theory of the Hydrogen Atom and
its drawbacks, Finite Mass Correction, Summerfield model, Frank-Hertz experiment, Stern-Gerlach
experiment, Schrodinger's equation for Hydrogen atom.

Space Quantization and Periodicity

Space Quantization, Spinning electron, Angular Momenta and Magnetic Momenta, Orbital angular
Momentum, Electron spin and Spin Quantum Number, Total angular Momentum of electron, Magnetic
Quantum Numbers, Coupling Schemes(L-S Coupling and JJ-Coupling), Selection Rules, Pauli's
Exclusion Principle, Zemann effects (normal and anomalous).

Molecular Structure and Spectra

Ionic and Covalent Bonding, Diatomic molecular-rotational-vibrational and electronic spectra,
polyatomic molecules, Black Body Radiation, Einstein Coefficient and stimulated emission,
Characteristics of laser beams, Resonators, Different types of lasers

Books Recommended
"Modern Physics" by S.L. Kakani and S Kakani.
"Principles of Modern Physics" by A, P. Sexana.
 “Perspectives of Modern Physics” by Arthur Beiser.
 “Physics of atoms and molecules” by B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, (1983).

Phy-403: Thermal and Statistical Physics 3 Cr. Hrs

Course Objectives

 To understand thermodynamical properties of matter

 To learn about statistical distribution of particles in energy states.
 To understand the concepts of Thermodynamic functions.

Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics system, Thermodynamics variables and equation of state, Thermodynamics
Equilibrium, Quasi-state process, Energy of a system, Energy transfer, Energy as a state function, First
Law of Thermodynamics, Enthalpy, Steady state, Heat capacity, Second Law of Thermodynamics,
Reversible and Irreversible process, Entropy, Clausius inequality , Thermodynamics identity, Absolute
entropy and Third Law of Thermodynamics, Helmholtz and Gibbs energy, thermodynamics potentials,
Relation of thermo dynamical potential with their variables, Basic postulates, Response functions,
Maxwell relations

Classical Statistical Mechanics

Phase space description of physical system, Macro and Micro systems, Ensembles, Canonical and grand
canonical ensembles, Probabilities, Distribution functions, Statistical Interpretation of Entropy, Maxwell
Boltzmann Distribution, Ideal Gas.

Partition Function
Introduction, Translational, Rotational and vibrational partition function, Relations of partition function
with thermodynamic variables as function of: Entropy, Free energy, Internal energy, Enthalpy, Gibbs
energy, Pressure of gas, Heat capacity, Pauli and Van Vleck Paramagnetic, Diatomic molecules, Heat
capacity of diatomic gases, Equipartition of Energy

Quantum Statistics
Basic Concept of Quantum Statistics, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Fermi Dirac Statistical Distributions,
Bose Einstein, Fermi Dirac Statistical systems, Black body radiation, Gas of Electron in solids

Books Recommended

 “Statistical physics” by F. Mandle, (2nd edition).

 “Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics” by F. Reif, (1965).

Phy-403: Electrodynamics-II 3 Cr. Hrs

Time Dependent Electromagnetic Field

Electromotive force, Motional emf, EM-induction, Faraday law, Induced electric field, Induced electric
field in terms of vector potential, Inductance, Self inductance, Mutual inductance and its examples,
Neumann Formula for Mutual induction, Magnetic energy, Magnetic energy in terms of Magnetic
induction, Magnetic energy density

Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves:

Maxwell’s Equations, Magnetic charge, Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations in matter, Boundary
conditions, Continuity Equation, Conservation of momentum, Electromagnetic Waves, Waves in one
Dimension, Wave Equation, Sinusoidal Waves, Plane EM Waves, Polarization, Waves in three
dimensions Spherical waves, Energy and Momentum in EM-Waves, Poynting Theorem and Poynting

Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Matter:

Propagation characteristics of EM waves in a non-conducting media, Conductors and Dielectrics, EM
waves in conducting media, Propagation in good dielectrics, Propagation in good conductors, Intrinsic
impedance of a medium, Depth of penetration (Skin Depth), Optical dispersion in materials, Force
Oscillation of an electronic Oscillators, Resonance absorption by bound charges, Group velocity, The
frequency dependence of Permittivity.

Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Waves and Waves Guides:

EM-Waves in bounded media, Reflection and Refraction of plane wave at a dielectric boundary, Law of
reflection and refraction, Normal incidence, Oblique incidence, Fresnel equations, Total internal
reflection, Reflection from the surface of a conductor, Wave Guides, Wave Guided by Parallel Plane
Conductor, Rectangular Wave Guide, dielectric Wave guide Wave guide as a Cavity resonator.

Recommended Books:
 “An Introduction to Electrodynamics” D. Griffiths, (3rd edition).
 “Classical Electrodynamics” by J.D. Jackson, (1975).
 “Electromagnetism” by I.S. Grant and W.R. Phillips, (1990).

Phy-310: Solid State Physics -II 3 Cr. Hr
 To learn about the crystal defects.
 To understand the Band Theory of solids.
 To Study the general electrical and magnetic properties of solids.

Crystal Imperfection
Introduction, Vacancy, Interstitial, Point imperfection, Line imperfections, Surface imperfections,
Volume imperfections, Concentration of Point defect, Schottky and Frankel defect

Electrons in Crystal and Band Theory of Solid

Introduction, Conduction electrons, Free electron model, Electrical conductivity of Metal, Electrical
Resistivity of Metal, Hall effect, Fermi surface, Thermal conductivity in metal, Energy bands in solids,
Bloch theorem, Brillion Zone, Kronig-Penny Model, Metal, Insulator and semiconductor, Nearly free
electron Model, Tight bonding Approximation

Dielectric Properties
Introduction, Dipole moment, Polarization, Electric field of a dipole, Local electric field of an atom,
Dielectric constant and polarizability, Sources of polarizability, The classical theory of electronic
polarizability, Dipolar polarizability, Ionic polarizability, Electronic polarizability

Magnetic Properties of Materials and Superconductivity

Introduction, Response of substance to magnetic field, Classification of magnetic materials, Magnetic
susceptibility, Atomic theory of Magnetism, Langevin's classical theory of diamagnetism, Sources of
Paramagnetic, Langevin's theory of Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism, Ferromagnetic domain, Domain
theory, Anti ferromagnetism, Sources of Superconductivity, Response of magnetic fields, Meissnere
effect, Origin of energy gap, London equation, BCS theory of superconductivity, High temperature

Books Recommended:
 “Introduction to Solid State Physics" by C. Kittle, (7th Edition).
 “Elementary Solid State Physics” by M. A. Omer.
 “Solid State Physics” by S. O. Pillai, (2003).


Phy-502: Particle Physics 3 Cr. Hrs

 To learn about the elementary particles.
 To understand the relativistic and quntum approach of particles.
 To learn about scattering phenomena of particles.

Fundamental Interactions and Elementary Particles

Units used in high energy physics, Historical survey from 1930-1960, Discovery of neutron, Positron,
neutrino meson theory of nuclear forces, Muons, Pions, Strange particles and anti particles. Basics
interactions, Gravitational – electromagnetic-weak and strong interactions, Classification of particles
statistic-wise and interaction-wise, Hadrons (baryons & mesons), Quarks, Leptons, Angular momentum,
Spin, Parity, Isospin, Strangeness, Hypercharge, SU (2) Multiplets SU (3) multiplets

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

Klein – Gordon equation, The Dirac wave equation for a free particle, Algebra of gamma matrices, Spin
and magnetic moment of the Dirac particle, The hole theory, The Dirac equation for a particle of mass
zero, Covariance of the Dirac equation under the Lorentz Transformation, The Dirac bilinear covariant.

Scattering Theory
Two body problem, Scattering amplitude and Cross section, Calculation of cross section by phase – shift
analysis at low energy, Born’s approximation, The optical theorem.

Recommended Books
 “Quarks and Leptons” by Halzen and Martin, (1984).
 “Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics” by Griffiths (1984).
 “Quantum Mechanics” by Riaz ud din and Fayyaz udin (1990).

Phy-503: Solid State Electronic Devices 3 Cr. Hrs


 To understand base of conduction mechanism in matter.

 To learn about rules governing the motion of charge carriers in semiconductor materials.
 To know about FET and BJT

Review of crystallography, Band theory of solids, electron, holes and Recombination, Fermi level and
Fermi energy, Bloch Theorem, Kronig-Penney Model

Equilibrium conditions: The Contact Potential, Equilibrium Fermi level, Forward and reverse - bias
junctions: Qualitative description of Current flow at a junction, Carrier injection, Reverse-Bias, Reverse
Bias Breakdown: Zener Breakdown, Avalanche Breakdown, Rectifiers, The Breakdown diode, Metal-
Semiconductor Junctions: Schottky Barriers, Rectifying Contacts, Ohmic Contacts

Field Effect Transistors

Transistor Operation: The Load Line, Amplification and Switching, The Junction FET: Pinch-off and
Saturation, Gate control, Current-Voltage characteristics, The Metal-Semiconductor FET: The GaAs
MESFET, The High electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT )

Bipolar Junction Transistors

Fundamental of BJT Operation, Amplification with BJTs, BJT Fabrication, Hetero-Junction bipolar

Recommended Book:
 “Solid State Electronics Devices” by Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Banarjee, (5th Edition)
 “Introduction to Solid State Physics” by C. Kittle, (7th Edition).
 “Elementry Solid State Physics, by M. A. Omer, (1974).
 “Solid State Physics” by S. O. Pillai, (2003).

Phy-504: Semiconductor Physics 3 Cr. Hrs

 To understand the different parameters governing the semiconductor materials.
 To learn about carrier mobility in semiconductors.
 To know about electric and magnetic field effect on semiconductors.

Growth of semiconductors
Metals, Insulators and Semiconductors, Semiconductor materials, Periodic table and Semiconductors,
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, n-type and p-type semiconductors, Bloch theorem, Kronig Penny

Energy Bands and Charge Carriers in Semiconductors:

Bonding forces in solids, Energy bands, Direct and Indirect Semiconductors, Charge Carriers in
Semiconductors: Electrons and Holes, Effective mass, Carrier Concentrations: The Fermi level, Electron
and hole concentrations at equilibrium, Temperature dependence of carrier concentration, Drift of
Carriers in Electric and Magnetic fields: Conductivity and Mobility, Effects of temperature and doping on
mobility, High field effect, The Hall effect

Excess Carriers in Semiconductors:

Optical Absorption; Luminescence: Photoluminescence, Electroluminescence, Carrier lifetime and
Photoconductivity: Direct recombination of electrons and holes, Indirect recombination; Trapping, Steady
state carrier generation; Quasi-Fermi levels, Photoconductive devices, Diffusion of Carriers: Diffusion
Processes, Diffusion and drift of Carriers; Built-in fields, Diffusion and Recombination; The Continuity
equation, Steady state Carrier injection; diffusion Length, Gradient in the Quasi-Fermi levels.

Recommended books:
 “Semiconductor Physics” by Neemons.
 “Introduction to Solid State Physics” by C. Kittle, (7th Edition).

Phy-505: LASERS 3 Cr. Hrs.

 To understand basics rules regarding laser production.
 To learn about concepts of resonators and their function.
 To know about laser types and their applications.

Introductory Concepts
Spontaneous Emission, Absorption, Stimulated Emission, Pumping and pumping methods, Absorption
and stimulated Emission Rates, Absorption and Gain Coefficients, Resonance Energy Transfers.
Properties of Laser beam: Monochromaticity, Coherence, Directionality, Brightness, active medium, Rate

Optical Resonators: Plane parallel (Fabry-Perot) Resonator, Concentric (Spherical) Resonator, Confocal
Resonator, Generalized Spherical Resonator, Unstable Resonator

Types of Lasers
Solid State Lasers: Ruby Laser, Nd: YAG and Nd: Glass Lasers, Semiconductor Lasers, Gas lasers:
Helium Neon laser, Co2 laser, Free electron lasers

Laser Applications
Application in: Mechanical industry, Electronic industry, Nuclear energy, medicine, defense, Holography,
Laser communication

Books Recommended:
 “An introduction to Lasers, theory and applications” by M.N. Avadhanulu, (2008).
 “Principles of Lasers” by O. Svelto, (1992).
 “Laser Fundamentals” by W. T. Silfvast.
 “Laser Theory” by H. Haken.

Phy-506: Digital Electronics 3 Cr. Hrs.

 To learn about number systems.
 To understand basics rules regarding Boolean algebra.
 To develop the concept of logic gates and it applications.

Review of Number Systems:

Binary , Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal number system, Their inter-conversion, Concepts of logic,
Basic logic gates, Truth tables

Boolean algebra
Boolean algebra, Postulates of Boolean algebra, Laws of Boolean algebra (Laws of Complementation,
AND Law, OR Law, Commutative Law, Associative Laws, Distributive Laws), De Morgan's theorem,
Demorganization of Boolean Expression, , Different codes, ( BCD, ASCII , Gray etc )

IC Logic Families
Basic characteristics of a logic family, ( Fan in / out ), Propagation delay time , dissipation, noise margins
etc, Different logic based IC families (DTL, RTL, ECL, TTL , CMOS )

Combinational Logic Circuit

Logic Circuits based on AND –OR, OR –AND, NAND, NOR Logic, Gate design, Addition, Subtraction
(2's compliments, Half adder, Full adder, Half subtractor, Full subtractor, Encoder, Decoder Multiplexer,

Sequential Logic Circuit

Flip-flops, Clocked RS-FF, D-FF , T-FF, JK-FF, Shift Register, Counters (Ring, Ripple , Up-down,
Synchronous ) A/D and D/A Converters

Memory Devices
ROM, PROM, EAPROM, EE PROM, RAM (Static and dynamic) Memory mapping techniques

Books Recommended:
 “Digital Logic and Computer Design” by Morris Mono (1995).
 “Principles and applications of digital electronics” by Larry D. Jones, (1993).
 “Digital Electronics” by Tochim, (1999).
 “Digital Fundamental” by T.L. Floyd, (8th edition).

Phy-507: Experimental Nuclear Physics 3 Cr. Hrs

 To develop the concept of nuclear detection systems and related measurements techniques.
 To learn about the particles accelerator and nuclear reactors
 To understand the nuclear reactions and their physics

Nuclear Detectors

Interaction of nuclear radiation with matter, Photographic emulsions, Gas-filled detectors, Scintillation
counters and Solid-State detectors

Linear and orbital accelerators, Van de Graff, Cyclotron, Betatron, Synchrocyclotron, Electron-
Synchrotrons; Proton-synchrotron

Neutron Physics
Neutron Sources, Reactor as a neutron source, Measurement of neutron cross-sections as a function of
energy, Slowing down of neutrons, Nuclear fission, Description of fission reaction, Mass distribution of
fission energy, Average number of neutrons released, Theory of fission and spontaneous fission, Nuclear
chain reaction and applications

Elementary Reactor Physics

Controlled fission reactions, Types of nuclear reactors (Power and Research), Detailed study of PWR and
CANDU type reactors

Books Recommended:
 “Digital Logic and Computer Design” by Morris Mono (1995).
 “Principles and applications of digital electronics” by Larry D. Jones, (1993).
 “Digital Electronics” by Tochim, (1999).
 “Digital Fundamental” by T.L. Floyd, (8th edition).

Phy- 501: Plasma Physics 3 Cr. Hrs.

 To understand different parameter regarding plasma.
 To understand the aspects of plasma.
 To learn the wave and fluid nature of plasma.

Occurrence of Plasma in nature, Definition of Plasma, Concepts of temperature, Debye Shielding, The
plasma parameter, Criteria for plasma, applications of plasma Physics

Motion of a Single Particle

Motion of charged particle in uniform E and B fields, Non uniform E field, Time varying E field, Time
varying B field, Summary of guiding centre drifts, Adiabatic Invariant

Plasma as a Fluid
Introduction, Relation of plasma physics to ordinary electromagnetics, The fluid equation of motion,
Fluid Drift perpendicular to B, The plasma approximation

Waves in Plasma
Representation of waves, Waves propagation in plasma, Group velocity, Plasma Oscillation, Electron
plasma waves, Sound waves, Ion waves, Validity of plasma approximation, Electrostatic electron
oscillation perpendicular to B, Electrostatic ion oscillation perpendicular to B, Lower hybrid frequency,
Electromagnetic waves with B0 =0, Electromagnetic waves perpendicular to B0, Cutoff and Resonances,
Summary of elementary plasma waves

Books Recommended:
 “Introduction to plasma physics” by F.F. Chen, (2nd edition).
 “Principles of Plasma Physics” by N.A. Krall and A.W. Trivelpiece, (1973).
 “Fundamentals of Plasma Physics” by Bitoncourt, (1987).


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