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M SC Physics Course

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School of Physics (Autonomous), Sambalpur University

M.Sc. Physics (General Stream) Course Structure

I Semester

Course No Course Title Credit

PHY - 411 Classical and Relativistic Mechanics 4 CH
PHY - 412 Quantum Mechanics (I) 4 CH
PHY - 413 Mathematical Methods for Physics 4 CH
PHY - 414 Computer Programming 2 CH
PHY - 415 Numerical Methods 2 CH
PHY – 416 Computer Practical (I) 4 CH
PHY – 417 Optics Practical 2 CH
Total of I Semester 22 CH

II Semester

Course No Course Title Credit

PHY – 421 Electrodynamics 4 CH
PHY – 422 Quantum Mechanics (II) 4 CH
PHY – 423 Statistical Mechanics 4 CH
PHY – 424 Basic Electronics 4 CH
PHY – 425 Computer Practical (II) 4 CH
PHY – 426 Electricity and Magnetism Practical 2 CH
Total of II Semester 22 CH

III Semester

Course No Course Title Credit

PHY – 511 Solid State Physics 4 CH
PHY – 512 X-ray and Spectroscopy 2 CH
PHY – 513 Relativistic Electrodynamics 2 CH
PHY – 514 Special Paper (I) 4 CH
PHY – 515 Classical Fields 2 CH
PHY – 516 Modern Physics Practical (I) 4 CH
PHY – 517 Special Paper Practical (I) 4 CH
PHY – 518 Seminar 2 CH
Total of III Semester 24 CH

IV Semester

Course No Course Title Credit

PHY – 521 Nuclear Physics 4 CH
PHY – 522 Particle Physics 4 CH
PHY – 523 Special Paper (II) 4 CH
PHY – 524 Modern Physics Practical (II) 4 CH
PHY – 525 Special Paper Practical (II) 4 CH
PHY – 526 Seminar 2 CH
Total of IV Semester 22 CH

Grand Total Semester I to IV – 90 CH

(1) The courses for I and II semesters will be common to General Stream
(GS) and Nuclear Stream (NS). The Nuclear Stream courses will remain
suspended till the faculty position improves and the students for the
course will read General Stream in III and IV semester.
(2) The student has to submit a write up of his 4th Semester seminar
presentation to the Teacher in charge seminar for record.
(3) There are provisions for running 5 special papers listed below out of which
the student will choose one. However, the School will run some selective
special papers depending on availability of faculty members.
(4) Some new special papers may be introduced in future when the faculty
position improves.

List of Special Papers:

1. Nuclear Physics
2. Electronics
3. High Energy Physics
4. Condensed Matter Physics
5. Computer Application in Physics

New Special Papers:

1. Quantum Information and Computation
2. Nano Science
3. Meta Materials


PHY- 411 (GS/NS): Classical and Relativistic Mechanics

1. Theory of small oscillations: Principal axis transformation, normal co-

ordinates & normal modes, vibration of linear symmetric molecules.
2. Rigid body kinematics and dynamics: Generalised co-ordinates for
rotation, rotation as orthogonal transformation, general motion of a rigid
body, Euler- angles, angular momentum and kinetic energy of rotation in
terms of the Euler-angles, rate of change of a vector, inertia tensor and
moments of inertia, Euler’s equations of motions, motion of a heavy
symmetrical top, motion in a non-inertia frame of reference, coriolis force.
3. Hamiltonian Formulation: Derivation of Hamilton’s equations from
Lagrange’s equations, and from the variational principle, Hamiltonian of
simple systems and in different co-ordinate systems, solution of equations
of motion for Simple Harmonic Oscillator and other simple systems.
4. Canonical transformations: Legendre transformation generating
functions and classifications of canonical transformations, Poisson’s
brackets, Equations of motion in Poisson- bracket form, canonical
invariants, Liouville’s theorem.
5. Hamilton-Jacobi Theory and Action angle variables: The Hamilton-
Jacobi equation, separation of variables, the Harmonic Oscillator problem,
Action angle variables, formulation of periodic systems.
6. Elements of Relativistic Mechanics: Interpretation of Lorentz
transformations as orthogonal transformation in 4-dimensional Minkowski
space, Lorentz scalars, 4-vectors and 4-tensors in Minkowski space, Laws
of mechanics in covariant form and the proper time interval, 4-vector
position, 4-vector velocity and 4-vector momentum, Generalisation of
Newton’s force equation to covariant form, energy-momentum relation in
relativistic mechanics.

Texts and References:

[1] Landau and Liftshitz: Mechanics (Pergamon)

[2] H.Goldstein: Classical Mechanics (Narosa)


PHY- 412 (GS/NS): Quantum Mechanics (I)

1. Review: Inadequacy of classical mechanics, Wave-particle duality, wave-

packets, Uncertainty principle, Schrodinger equation, wave function and
its significance.
2. Postulates of quantum mechanics: Basic postulates, Representation of
states, Representation of dynamical variables, expectation values,
observables, Eigenvalue problem, degeneracy, Eigen function, ortho-
normality, Dirac-delta function and its properties, completeness, closure
property, Application to the momentum space, general derivation of
Uncertainty principle, states with minimum uncertainty product, commuting
observables and removal of degeneracy, evaluation of system with time
and constant of motion.
3. The central Force Problem: Separation of the wave equation, theory of
orbital angular momentum, eigen values and eigen functions, rigid rotator,
the radial equation, spectrum of Hydrogen and Hydrogen-like atoms, three
dimensional square well potential, bound states and energy levels, case of
infinite depths, the three dimensional isotropic Harmonic oscillator.
4. Matrix Formulation of Quantum Theory: Matrix representation of
operators, transformation theory-change of basis of representation,
Quantum dynamics in schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures, interaction
picture, Dirac Bra and Ket notation, harmonic oscillator problem-creation
and annihilation operators, energy spectrum and the eigen functions.
5. Symmetries and conservation laws: Space and time translation
symmetries, generators and the conservation of energy-momentum,
symmetries under rotation, generators.
6. Theory of angular momentum: Algebra of the generators,
diagonalisation, matrix representation of generators J=1/2 and 1 cases,
addition of angular momenta, Clebsch- Gorden coefficients, calculation of
C.G. coefficients for angular momenta 1/2 and 1/2 and 1/2 and 1 cases.

Texts and References:

[1] Schiff: Quantum Mechanics

[2] Mathews and Venkatesan: A text Book of Quantum Mechanics.
[3] Merzabacher: Quantum Mechanics
[4] Schewabl: Quantum Mechanics
[5] Powel and Crasemann: Quantum Mechanics
[6] Ghatak and Lokanathan: Quantum Mechanics


PHY- 413 (GS/NS): Mathematical Methods for Physics

1. Function of a complex variable: Residue theorem, evaluation of

integrals by the method of residues, multi-valued function-branch point
and branch cut, contour integration involving branch point.
2. Linear vector space: Definition, linear independence, basis and
dimension, scalar product, dual vector, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,
orthonormal basis, Schmidt orthogonalisation process.
3. Matrices: Inverse of a matrix, orthogonal matrix, rotation, similarity
transformation, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, secular equation, Cayley-
Hamilton theorem, matrix diagonalisation.
4. Partial differential equations: of theoretical Physics, 1st Order Differential
Equations, Separation of Variable-Ordinary Differential Equations,
Singular Points, Series Solutions – Frobenius’ Method, A second Solution,
Non-homogenous Equation – Green’s Function.
5. Group theory: Basic concepts of groups, group representation, relevance
to quantum mechanics, Lie group and Lie algebra, SU (2) groups and their
representation, SO (3) groups and their representation.
6. Tensors in physics: Cartesian tensor, covariant, contravariant and mixed
tensors, tensor algebra, the Kronecker delta and Levi-Civita symbol,
tensors in Minkowski space, tensor calculus, tensors in general relativity,
the Reimann-Christoffel symbol, Ricci and Curvature tensor.
7. Integral Transforms: Development of Fourier Integral, Fourier
Transforms – Inversion Theorem & Derivatives, Convolution Theorem,
Momentum Representation, Transfer Functions, Laplace Transform -
Derivatives, Properties, Inverse Laplace Transform and applications to
solution of differential equations.

Texts and References:

[1] Arfken: Mathematical Physics (Academic)

[2] Dennery and Krzywicki: Mathematics for Physicists (Harper and Row)
[3] Joshi: Matrices and Tensors in Physics (Wiley – Eastern)
[4] Chattopadhyay: Mathematical physics (Wiley- Eastern)
[5] Potter and Goldberg: Methods of Mathematical physics (Prentice Hall)


PHY- 414 (GS/NS): Computer Programming

1. Introduction: Introduction to programming language, Introduction to using

a computer system, Introduction to Program (General).

2. Programming with FORTRAN: Programming discipline, statements to

write a program, arithmetic, intrinsic functions, standard input and output,
Constants, variables and data, IF statements, DO loops, Data Input and
Output. Format, arrays and dimension, functions and subroutines, file
managements, Common and data statements.

3. Programmin with C: Programming discipline, Constants, variables and

data types, Operators and expressions, Input and output operations,
Decision-making and branching, decision making and looping, array and
strings. User defined functions, Structures and Unions, Pointers, Dynamic
memory allocation, File managements in C.

Texts and References:

[1] Byron Gottfried: Programming with C (Schaum outline series)

[2] Byron Gottfried: Programming with FORTRAN 77 (Schaum outline series)
[3] E. Balaguruswami: Programming in ANSI C (Tata McGraw-Hill)
[4] Y. Kanetkar: Let Us C (BPB Publications)
[5] Ian D Chivers and Jane Sleightholme: Interactive Fortran 77: A Hands on
approach, Free book at
[6] Internet Resource: http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/fortran/


PHY- 415 (GS/NS): Numerical Methods

• Error calculation and handling of error in programing.

• Interpolation: Linear, Quadratic and Cubic and Spline methods. Newton’s,
Lagrange’s, Stirling’s and Bessel’s interpolation formulae
• Integration: Trapezoidal, Simpson, Weddle’s and Gaussian Quadrature
• Differentiation: Numerical derivative (1st and 2nd order) based on Stirling’s
• Root Finding: Bisection and Newton-Raphson Method
• Differential Equation: (1st and 2nd order): Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta
Method (4th order algorithm), Finite difference method.
• Solution of simultaneous linear equation: Matrix inversion method,
Gaussian elimination method, LU decomposition method,
• Least square fitting of a set of points to a straight line

Texts and References:

[1] J.B. Scarborough: Numerical Mathematical Analysis (Oxford and IBH)

[2] E. Balgurusamy: Numerical Methods (TMH)
[3] V. Rajaraman: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods
[4] George W. Collins, II: Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data
Analysis – Free internet resource available at


PHY- 416 (GS/NS): Computer Practical (I)

Basic: Learning of basic OS commands under Linux and Windows, Learning to

use word processor under Windows and Linux, Learning of editor commands
under Linux
Programming: (using Fortran and C)
1. Solution of quadratic equation
2. Sorting of a set of numbers in a desired way
3. Series summation like Sin(x), Cos(x), ex, Log(x) etc.
4. Interpolation – linear, quadratic and cubic spline methods
5. Solution of transcendental equations
6. Matrix multiplication, Transpose of a matrix,
7. Evaluate determinant of a matrix
8. Matrix inversions and solutions of simultaneous linear algebraic
9. Solutions of simultaneous linear algebraic equations by Gauss
10. Solutions of simultaneous linear algebraic equations by LU
11. Least square fitting of a set of points to a straight line

(Any Other Experiments Suggested by Course Teacher)


PHY- 417 (GS/NS): Optics Practical

1. Experiment With Biprism.

2. Experiment with Narrow wire.
3. Experiment with Single slit.
4. Experiment with Plane diffraction grating.
5. Experiment with Double slit.
6. Experiment with Babinet compensator.
7. Determination of Resolving Power of Telescope.
8. Determination of the Resolving Power of Grating.
9. Experiment with Constant Deviation Spectrograph.

(Any Other Experiments Suggested by Course Teacher)


PHY-421 (GS/NS): Electrodynamics

1. Maxwell’s equations, Conservation laws and Electromagnetic

potentials: Maxwell’s equations (No derivation), Equation of continuity
and conservation of charge, Lorentz force law, Poynting’s theorem and
conservation of energy, Maxwell’s stress tensor and conservation of
momentum, Electromagnetic potentials, Gauge transformation, Lorentz
and Coulomb gauge, Lorentz force law in the potential formulation,
Inhomogeneous wave equation for the potentials and its solution by
Green function method, Retarded potentials.
2. Propagation of plane Electromagnetic waves and polarization:
Propagation of plane electromagnetic waves in free space, dielectrics
and conductors, polarization of plane electromagnetic waves, linear,
circular, and elliptic polarizations, linear and circular basis.
3. Dispersion: The oscillator model and dispersion in dielectrics,
conductors and plasma, anomalous dispersion and resonant
absorption, casual and non-local connection between D and E,
Kramers- Kroning dispersion relations.
4. Radiation and Scattering: Retarded potentials, fields and radiation
due to an arbitrary system of charges and currents in the electric dipole
approximation, Multipole expansion of retarded potentials and fields in
the radiation zone, emission of radiation in the electric dipole, magnetic
dipole, and electric quadrupole approximations, simple radiating
system, Linear centerfed antenna, scattering of plane electromagnetic
waves by a bound charge in the electric dipole approximation,
resonance scattering, Raleigh scattering and Thomson scattering.
5. Electromagnetic potentials, fields and Radiation due to a moving
point charge: Leinard-Weichart potentials and fields due to a moving
point charge, Radiation by an accelerated point charge, Larmor
formula and its generalization to Leinard formula, Angular distribution
of emitted radiation, Radiation reaction and damping, Abraham-Lorentz

Texts and References:

[1] J.D.Jackson: Classical Electrodynamics. (Text)

[2] E.C. Jordan and K.G. Balman: Electromagnetic waves & Radiating
[3] B.G.Levich: Theoretical Physics.
[4] D Griffith: Electrodynamics
[5] B Podolsky and K S Kunz: Fundamental of Electrodynamics
[6] Feynman Lectures


PHY-422 (GS/NS): Quantum Mechanics (II)

1. Spin Angular Momentum: Expt. Evidence, Pauli theory, spin wave

functions, properties of Pauli matrices, System of two spin1/2 particles.
2. Identical Particles: symmetry and anti-symmetry of wave functions as
conserved quantities, spin-statistics relation, Pauli exclusion principle,
Simple manifestation of Pauli principle, Fermi level.
3. Approximation Methods: Time independent perturbation theory, energy
levels and eigen functions up to 2nd order, Anharmonic oscillator, non-
degenerate and degenerate case-removal of degeneracy, stark effect,
He–atom, W.K.B approximation, turning points, applications to bound
states and tunneling, Bohr-Sommerfeld quantisation formula, The
variational principle, estimation of ground state and excited state energy
levels. Time Dependent Perturbation Theory: The Dirac-Picture, transition
Probability, density of states, Fermi Golden rule, harmonic perturbation.
4. Scattering Theory: The scattering integral equation, scattering amplitude
and differential equation, Born approximation, Rutherford scattering,
validity of Born approximation, Partial wave analysis, phase shifts,
differential and total cross-section for elastic scattering, Optical theorem,
low energy scattering (l=0) case, scattering length, effective range.
5. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Klein-Gordon equation, drawback,
Dirac equation – derivation, Properties of Dirac matrices, plane wave
solution of Dirac equation.
Texts and References:

[1] Schiff: Quantum Mechanics.

[2] Mathews and Venkatesan: A Text Book of Quantum Mechanics.
[3] Powel and Crassmann: Quantum Mechanics.
[4] Merzbacher: Quantum Mechanics.
[5] Schwabl: Quantum Mechanics.
[6] Ghatak and Lokanathan: Quantum Mechanics.
[7] Bjorken and Drell: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics


PHY-423 (GS/NS): Statistical Mechanics

1. Kinetic Theory: Kinetic theory, binary collisions, Boltzmann transport

equation, H-theorem, Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution law, Mean free
2. Classical Statistical Mechanics: Elements of ensemble theory,
phase space, ergodic hypothesis, Liouville’s theorem, micro-canonical,
canonical and grand canonical ensembles, thermodynamic functions,
classical ideal gas, equipartition theorem, Gibb’s paradox, energy
fluctuations in canonical ensemble, density fluctuations in grand-
canonical ensemble.
3. Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Density matrix, Quantum Liouville’s
theorem, ensembles in quantum mechanics, equilibrium average of
observables, thermodynamic function, partition function, Ideal mono
atomic gas.
4. Application of Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Statistics of
indistinguishable particles, Derivations of Fermi- Dirac, Bose-Einstein
and Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law, ideal Fermi and Bose gas,
theory of white dwarfs and Chandrasekhar limit, Plank’s radiation
formula, Bose Einstein condensation.

Text Book:
[1] K.Huang: Statiatical Mechanics.

Reference Books:
[1] J.D. Walecka: Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics (World Scientific)
[2] Pathria: Statiatical Physics.
[3] Kittel: Elementary Statistical Physics.


PHY-424 (GS) Basic Electronics

1. Network Theory: T and PI network, their inter conversations, Foster’s

reactance theorem, Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem,
Reciprocity theorem, superposition and compensation theorem,
maximum power transfer theorem.
2. Amplifiers: Transistor parameters and equivalent circuit, amplifier
characteristics of transistor in CE, CB and CC configurations, small
signal low and high frequency transistor circuits and analysis, the Miller
effect, gain band width product, effect of cascading, Feedback in
amplifiers, effect of negative feedback on gain, distortion, input and
output resistances, different feedback circuits.
3. Oscillators: Feedback and circuit requirement for oscillators, analysis
of Hartley, Colpitt, RC (phase shift) and Wein-bridge oscillator, circuit
analysis of astable, monostable and bistable multivibrators.
4. Operational amplifiers: Basic OP-AMP-differential amplifier, inverting
and non-inverting type, common mode rejection ratio, use of OP-AMP
in scale changing, phase shifting, summing, voltage to current (and
vice-versa) conversion, multiplying, differentiating and integrating
circuits, solution of linear and differential equation using OP-AMP,
analog computation.
5. Digital Electronics: NAND and NOR as universal gates, Logic
functions and their simplifications using K-map, Combinational logic
design: multiplexer, half ladder and full ladder, use of adder as
substractor, Sequential logic design: Different type of Flip-Flops and
their characteristics, advantage of master-slave configuration,

Texts and References:

[1] Ryder: Electronic Fundamentals and Applications (PHI).

[2] Millman and Halkias: Electronic Devices and Circuits (TMH).
[3] Mottershed: Electronics Devices and Circuits (PHI).
[4] Rakshit and Chattopadhyay: Foundations of Electronics.
[5] R.P.Jain: Modern Digital Electronics.
[6] Gupta and Kumar: Handbook of Electronics


PHY-425 (GS/NS): Computer Practical (II)

Basic: Learning to plot graphs under windows and Linux OS, Learning to use
Internet/E-mail, Learning to design web-pages - Learning the basic of HTML

Programming: (using Fortran and C)

1. Solution of cubic equation

2. Evaluation of integrals using Trapezoidal method and testing the
accuracy of the method
3. Evaluation of integrals using Simpson’s 1/3rd method
4. Evaluation of integrals using Weddle’s methods
5. Evaluation of integrals using Gauss quadrature formula
6. Numerical differentiation- calculation of first and second order
derivatives at any point in the range of a tabular data
7. Solution of first order differential equations using Euler’s method and
testing the accuracy of the method
8. Solution of first and second order differential equations using Runge-
Kutta method
9. Solution of first and second order differential equations using finite
difference method
10. Solution of Eigen value equation – Schrodinger equation for a given
11. Generation of random numbers

( Any other experiments suggested by the Course Teacher)


PHY-426.: Electricity and Magnetism Practical

1. Static characteristics of a triode, tetrode, and pentode and

determination of tube Parameters.
2. Static characteristics of BJT.
3. Determination of the tube constants of a triode by Miller’s method.
4. Setting up, calibration and experiments with VTVM.
5. Measurement of current, voltage and frequency with CRO.
6. Setting up and study of unregulated power- supply with various filters
and determination of ripple factor.
7. Determination of power factor of a fan.
8. Measurement of the ballistic constant using the Hilbert’s magnetic
9. Measurement of ballistic constant by standard solenoid.
10. Measure of a magnetic field by using a search coil and Bismuth spiral.
11. Experiments to obtain B.H. curve.

( Any other experiments suggested by the Course Teacher)


PHY- 511 (GS): Solid-State Physics

1. Lattice Vibration and Thermal properties of solids: Normal modes of

mono and diatomic lattice, salient features of dispersions curves, phonon
density of states, quantum theory of heat capacity.
2. Free electron theory of matter: Sommerfeld theory of free electron gas,
density of states, Fermi-Dirac (FD) distribution function and its
temperature dependence, electronic heat capacity, Hall effect and
cyclotron resonance.
3. Band Theory: Bloch Theorem, Nearly free electron model (NFEM),
approximate solution near a Zone boundary, Kronig-Penny model,
effective mass.
4. Semiconductor Physics: Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, band
model, carrier concentration and electrical conductivity, law of mass
5. Magnetism: Review of basic formulae, quantum theories of dia, para and
ferromagnatism, elementary idea of antiferromanetism, Ferrimagnetism.
6. Dielectric Properties: Definitions, local field, Clausius-Mossotti relation,
7. Superconductivity: Experimental study, Meissner effect, Type-I and
Type-II superconductors, London’s equation, elementary discussion of the
BCS theory, High TC superconductors.

Texts and References:

[1] M. Ali Omar Elementary Solid State Physics, Pearson Edition

[2] A.J. Dekker: Solid-state Physics
[3] C. Kittel: Introduction to Solid-state Physics, Wiley Edition
[4] Ashcroft and Mermin: Solid-state Physics.
[5] Kachhava: Solid-state Physics.
[6] S.O. Pillai: Solid-state Physics.


PHY- 512 (GS): X-Rays and Spectroscopy

(i) X-rays: Production and properties of X-rays, Augur transitions, Thomson

and Compton scattering, X-ray spectra, Mosley diagram, Regular and
irregular doublets.

(ii) Atomic Spectra: Sommerfeld’s extension of the Bohr theory, fine

structure of Hydrogen lines, series spectra of alkali metals, Zeeman
spectra, Paschenback effect, the Stern-Gerlach Expt., Hyperfine splitting,
LS and JJ coupling schemes.

(iii) Molecular spectra: Vibrational and rotational spectra, Raman spectra,

selection rules, the Frank-Condon principle, elementary theory of lasers,
optical pumping and coherence.

Texts and References:

[1] Compton and Allison: X-rays in theory and expts.

[2] Clark: Applied X-rays.
[3] Sproull: X-rays in practice.
[4] White: Atomic spectra.
[5] Hertzberg: Spectra of diatomic molecule.
[6] King: Spectroscopy and molecular spectra.
[7] Bhagawantam: Scattering of light and Raman spectra.


PHY- 513 (GS): Relativistic Electrodynamics

1. The 4-vector covariant formulation: 4-vector gradient and the

D’Alembertian operator, the charge-current 4-vector and covariant
formulation of charge conservation law, the 4-vector electromagnetic
potential, covariant formulation of the wave equation for the
electromagnetic potentials in the Lorentz gauge and the Lorentz condition,
Maxwell’s electromagnetic field tensor in Minkowski space and
transformation equations for the electromagnetic field components,
covariant formulation of Maxwell’s equations and the Lorentz force law,
the four dimensional wave vector and invariance of the phase of plane
electromagnetic wave under Lorentz transformation, relativistic Doppler
effect, the electromagnetic stress-energy-momentum tensor in the 4-
dimensional, Minkowski space and covariant formulation of energy and
momentum conservation law for a system of charge particles and
electromagnetic fields. Energy momentum conservation in relativistic
collision between two particles. Covariant formulation of equation of
motion of a charge particle under electromagnetic force, relativistic
generalization of Larmor formula.

2. Dynamics of Relativistic particles and electromagnetic fields:

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of a charge particle with electromagnetic

Texts and References:

[1] J.D. Jackson: Classical Electrodynamics.

[2] H. Goldstein: Classical Mechanics.
[3] B.G. Levich: Theoretical Physics.



(The student shall choose any one of the following special papers)

1) Electronics (I)

1. Fundamentals:
Semiconductors: Formation of energy bands, band gap, elemental and
compound semiconductors, E-k diagram, direct and indirect
semiconductors, electrons and holes, effective mass, intrinsic
semiconductors, extrinsic semiconductors – donor and acceptor levels,
Fermi level and Fermi-Dirac distribution function, density of states, thermal
equilibrium electron and hole concentrations in C-band and V-band
respectively, Intrinsic carrier concentration and Fermi level, extrinsic
carrier concentration and Fermi level, degenerate and non-degenerate
Carrier transport: Drift current density, mobility and conductivity, velocity
saturation, diffusion and total current density.
Excess carriers: Generation and recombination, continuity equation, time
dependent diffusion, steady state carrier injection, diffusion length

2. Junctions:
p-n junction: basic structure, contact potential, electric field, space charge
width, effect of reverse biasing, junction capacitance, linearly graded
junction, hyper abrupt junction and the varactor, forward bias and current
flow in p-n junction, carrier injection, minority carrier distribution, ideal
current-voltage relation, junction breakdown – Zener and avalanche,
transients and switching diodes.
Metal-semiconductor junction: Ohmic and rectifying contacts, Schottky
diode – ideal junction properties, non-ideal effects on barrier height,
current-voltage characteristics, comparison with p-n junction.
Heterojunctions: Materials and band diagram, 2-D electron gas, electric
field, potential, space charge, junction capacitance, isotype and anisotype
heterojunction, current-voltage relation.

3. Transistors:
BJT: Fundamentals of BJT operation, current gain relations, amplification
with BJT, minority carrier distribution, evaluation of terminal currents and
current gains and approximations for them, biasing modes and Ebers-Moll
model, BJT switching, non-ideal effects – base width modulation, high

injection, emitter band gap narrowing, non-uniform base doping,
avalanche breakdown.
JFET: basic operation, pinch off and saturation, ideal dc current voltage
relation, transconductance, the MESFET
MOSFET: Properties of the two terminal MOS structure, the MOSFET
structure, current-voltage relation, transconductance
HEMT and MODFET: Quantum well structure, Transistor performance,
current-voltage relation.

4. Special Devices: Basic structure, principle, mechanism of operation,

Current voltage relation/characteristics and applications of SCR, UJT,
Diac, Triac; photodiode, photo transistor, solar cell, LED, Laser diode,
Tunnel diode, Gunn diode and IMPATT diode.

Text Books:

[1] Semiconductor Physics and Devices by Donald A. Neamen (TMH)

[2] Solid State Electronic Devices 4th Edition by Ben G. Streetman (PHI)

Reference books:

[1] Physics of semiconductor devices: S.M. Sze

[2] Physics of semiconductor devices by D.K.Roy, University press
[3] Electronics devices and circuits: Boylested and Nasholsky
[4] Electronics devices and circuit theory: Mottershed

2) Nuclear Physics (I)

1. Nuclear forces and two nucleon systems: Spin, parity and iso-spin of
two nucleon states, symmetry and nuclear forces.

2. The Deuteron problem: Ground state of Deuteron with central force and
tensor force, magnetic dipole moment and eletric-quadrupole moment of
the deuteron, Low energy Neutron- Proton scattering and phase shift,
effective range theory and low energy neutron proton scattering
parameters and charge independence of nuclear force.

3. Meson theory of nuclear force: scalar and pseudo-scalar meson theory,

exchange character of nuclear force, elementary idea about three body
and many body forces in nuclei.

4. Shell Model and Unified Collective Model of the Nucleus: Motion of

nucleon in a mean field of force and extreme single particle shell model,
Magic numbers in infinite square-well and harmonic oscillator potential
well, spin-orbit interaction and prediction of correct magic numbers,
Angular momentum, magnetic dipole moment and electric quadrupole
moment of odd-A nuclei, elementary ideas about single particle shell

5. Collective motion in nuclei: Rotational and Vibrational motions,

Rotational spectra of even-even and odd-A nuclei, collective surface
vibration of deformed nuclei in the liquid drop model.

Text and References:

[1] Roy and Nigam: Nuclear Physics. (TEXT)
[2] Elton: Introductory Nuclear Physics
[3] Ghosal: Nuclear Physics (Chand Publishers).
[4] Preston and Bhaduri: Structure of the Nucleus.
[5] K Heyde, The Nuclear Shell Model, Basic Ideas and Concepts in
Nuclear Physics
[6] Bohr and Mottelson, Nuclear Structure Vol-II
[7] Samuel S.M. Wong: Introductory Nuclear Physics
[8] Greiner Marulin: Nuclear Models

3) Condensed Matter Physics (I)
1. Lattice Dynamics: Harmonic and Anharmonic approximation, Born-
Openheimer approximation, Hamiltonian for lattice vibration in the
harmonic approximation to normal modes, quntisation, phonons.

2. Energy Band Theory: wave equation of an electron in a periodic

potential, Bloch Floquet theorem, Brillouin zones, Effective mass of an
electron, tight binding approximation.

3. Fermi Surfaces: Characteristics of the fermi surfaces, construction of the

fermi surfaces, case of metals, experimental studies of the fermi surfaces,
De Hass Van Alphen effect, Cyclotron resonances in metals.

4. Beyond the Independent Electron Approximation: Hartree and

Hartree-Fock equation, correlation, Screening,Thomas Fermi Theory of di-
electric function.

5. Wannier representation: Wannier function, Equation of motion in the

Wannier representation, The equivalent Hamiltonian-Impurity levels,

Texts and references:

1. Kittel: Introduction to solid-state physics.

2. Kittel: Quantum theory of solids.
3. Ibach and Luth: Solid-state physics.
4. Kachhava: Solid state physics.
5. Aschroft and Mermin: Solid-state physics.
6. Ziman: Principles of the theory of solids. (Vikash publishing house pvt.
7. M.Ali Omar: Introduction to solid-state physics.

4) High-Energy Physics (I)

1. Basic Field Theory: Lagrangian formulation, Euler-Lagrange equations,

symmetries of the Lagrangian, Noether’s theorem, canonical quantisation
procedure, symmetries of quantum fields, quantisation of free hermitain
scalar field, Dirac field and electromagnetic field, propagators as vacuum
expectation values, time ordering, normal ordering.

2. Fields in Interaction: Construction of interaction Lagrangians, Interaction

picture and S matrix, Wick’s theorem, Feynman diagrams, Lowest order
calculation of Compton scattering, the Klein-Nishina formula. Elementary
discussion of mass and charge renormalisation in the lowest order.

Texts and References:

[1] Leon: Particle physics: An Introduction (AP)

[2] Perkins: Introduction to High-energy Physics.
[3] Cheng and O’neil: Elementary particle Physics.
[4] S N Ghosal: Atomic and Nuclear Physics
[5] M P Khanna: Particle Physics an Introduction


PHY- 515 (GS): Classical Fields

1. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation of fields: Transition

from a discrete to continuous system, Lagrangian formulation of
continuous system and fields, Action principle and Euler-Lagrange
equation for fields. Poisson bracket, Hamiltonial formulation.

2. Symmetry transformation and Noether’s theorem, Rotation:

Angular momentum operators, Representation of rotation group,
Rotation matrices, Parity, time reversal, Rotation in four-
dimensional Minkowski space, angular momentum tensor.

3. Electromagnetic fields: Equation of motion of a charge in a field,

Gauge invariance, Fourier resolution of the electrostatic field,
characteristic vibration of the field, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of
the field.

4. Quantization of fields: Field operators, many particle

representation, Quantization of Boson and Fermion fields.

Texts and References:

[1] The classical Theory of Fields (vol-2) by Landau and Lifshitz

[2] Quantum mechanics and Field Theory by B.K. Agrawal
[3] Classical mechanics by Goldstein
[4] Quantum mechanics by L.I. Schiff
[5] An introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Palas Das


PHY- 516 (GS): Modern Physics Practical (I)

1. Experiments with the ESR Spectrometer, determination of the Lande’s g-


2. Resistivity of semiconductor at different temperatures by Four-probe


3. Determination of Hall Coefficient by Hall effect apparatus.

4. Determination of e/m by Braun tube method.

5. Determination of e/m by helical method.

6. Determination of e/m by Magnetron Valve.

7. Determination of Plank’s constant using an optical pyrometer.

8. Determination of Planck’s constant using photocell and a ballistic


9. Verification of Bohr’s postulates using Frank-Hertz experiment.

(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)


PHY – 517 (GS): Special Paper Practical (I)

The student shall choose the corresponding special paper practical as for Course
No. PHY – 514 (GS)

1) Electronics Practical (I)

1. Characteristics of OP-Amp IC741, Inverting and Non-Inverting type,
Mathematical Operations using Op-Amp - Adder, Substractor,
Differentiator and Integrator.

2. Feedback amplifier using Op-Amp.

3. Relaxation Oscillator using Op-Amp

4. High and low frequency compensation of RC amplifier.

5. Effect of circuit elements on RC amplifier frequency response.

6. Negative feedback effects on RC amplifier.

7. Characteristics of RF amplifier.

8. Characteristics of power amplifier.

9. Hartely oscillator.

10. Colpitt Oscillator

11. Phase shift Oscillator

12. Astable Multivibrator

13. Characteristics of a regulated power supply

14. Characteristics of an FET Amplifier

(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)

2) Nuclear Physics Practical (I)

Experiments with GM counter:

1. Determination of the operating plateau and its percentage slope.

2. Determination of the dead time of the instrument using Beta source.

3. Determination of the linear mass absorption co-efficient of aluminium

for beta source.

4. Determination of the end point energy of beta rays by finding its range
in aluminium.

5. Verification of the inverse square law.

6. Determination of half-life of given beta-source.

7. Calibration and determination of resolution of the spectrometer.

8. Spectrum analysis of given Gamma-sources (Cs137, Co60, Co57, N22

etc) with the photo peak, back scatter peak, Compton peak etc.

9. Determination of energy and relative intensity of Gamma rays of the

supplied source.

10. Determination of the resonance frequencies of different samples using

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance technique.

11. Determination of Lande’s “g” factor using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)

3) Condensed Matter Physics Practical (I)

1. Measurement of magnetic susceptibility (χm) by Quinck’s method

2. Measurement of χm of solid by magnetic balance.

3. Measurements with the Ultrasonic-interferometer: determination of

velocity of ultrasonic waves in the given liquid.

4. Measurements of the di-electric constant of the given liquid by the

ultrasonic interferometer.

5. Determination of heat capacity of a given sample.

6. Measurements of di-electric constant of wax (and other materials)

using the Lecher wire.

7. To study the hybrid parameters of a junction transistor.

8. Experiments with the Lattice dynamics Kit: (i) Study of dispersion

relation of Mono and di-atomic linear chain, (ii) to determine the band-
gap frequency.

9. Study of LED, Zener diode and Phototransistor characteristics.

10. Determination of energy gap of a given semiconductor.

11. Determination of transition temperature of the given high Tc material

using superconducting kit.

12. Determination of transition temperature of the given high Tc material by

plotting resistance versus temperature curve using superconducting

13. Verification of Bohr’s postulates using Frank-Hertz experiment.

(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)

4) High-Energy Physics Practical (I)

Experiments with GM counter:

1. Determination of the operating plateau and its percentage slope.

2. Determination of the dead time for Beta rays.

3. Determination of the linear mass absorption co-efficient of aluminium

for beta source.

4. Determination of the end point energy of beta rays by finding its range
in aluminium.

5. Verification of the inverse square law.

6. Determination of half-life of given beta-source.

7. Experiments with the Gamma Ray Spectrometer:

8. Calibration and determination of resolution of the spectrometer.

9. Spectrum analysis of given Gamma-sources (Cs137, Co60, Co57,N22 etc)

with the photo peak, back scatter peak, Compton peak etc.

10. Determination of energy and relative intensity of Gamma rays of the

supplied source.

(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)


PHY – 518 (GS): Seminar

Every student will deliver a seminar talk on novel ideas in Physics which will be
evaluated by the faculty members of the School of Physics


PHY- 521 (GS): Nuclear Physics

1. Basic facts about Nuclei: Composition, mass, charge, density, radii, spin
parity, I-spin and statistics, Nuclear size: Nuclear and E.M. methods,
electron scattering.

2. The two Nucleon problem and Nuclear Force: Ground state of deuteron
with central force, low energy neutron-proton scattering, concept of
scattering length and spin dependence of nuclear force, Elementary idea
about proton-proton and neutron-neutron scattering.

3. Symmetries and Nuclear Force: Exchange nature of nuclear force,

phenomenological nucleon-nucleon potentials, elementary idea about
Meson theory of nuclear force.

4. Nuclear Structure: Binding energy, semi-empirical mass formula, Fermi

Gas Model, extreme single particle shell model, magic numbers, magnetic

5. Nuclear Reaction: Elastic and reaction cross-sections, compound

nucleus, resonances, Breit-Wigner formula.

6. Radioactivity: Laws of radioactivity, Gamow theory of alpha decay, Fermi

theory of beta decay, selection rules.

Texts and References:

[1] Elton: Introductory Nuclear Physics.

[2] Roy and Nigam: Nuclear Physics.
[3] Ghosal: Nuclear Physics (Chand Publishers).
[4] Preston and Bhaduri: Structure of the Nucleus.


PHY- 522 (GS): Particle Physics

1. Particle and their classification: Basic interactions and their

characteristics, leptons, hadrons and gauge fields.

2. Symmetries and conservation laws: Energy, momentum, angular

momentum, electric charge, lepton and baryon number, parity, charge
conjugation and time reversal, so-spin, strangeness and hypercharge
quantum numbers, the Gellman Nishijima scheme.

3. Elementary discussion of the quark model: Colour and flavour, basic

characteristics of weak interaction, parity non-conservation in weak

4. Detection of particles and radiation: Passage of radiation through

matter, classical derivation of stopping power (dE/dx) of heavy charged
particles, G.M. counter, semi-conductor detectors, bubble chamber and
cloud chamber, spark counter.

5. Accelerators: The Van-de Graff generator, cyclotron, synchrotron, linear

and circular operators.

Texts and References:

[1] Leon: Particle physics: an introduction (AP)

[2] Perkins: Introduction to High-energy physics.
[3] Cheng and O’neil: Elementary particle physics.
[4] S N Ghosal: Atomic and Nuclear Physics
[5] M P Khanna: Particle Physics an Introduction


PHY – 523 (GS): Special Paper-II

The student shall choose second part of the corresponding special paper as in
PHY - 514
1) Electronics (II)
1. Fundamentals: Transmission through Linear System; Ideal and Practical
Filters; Distortion over a channel; Energy and Energy Spectral Density;
Power and Power Spectral Density
2. Analog Modulation: Principle, Generation, and Detection of DSB, DSB-
SC, AM, and SSB, Elementary idea on Superheterodyne AM Receiver;
Exponential Modulation, Concept of Instantaneous Frequency, Bandwidth
of Angle Modulated Wave, Indirect (Armstrong) and Direct Generation of
FM, FM Demodulation, Interference in Angle Modulation.
3. Digital Modulation: Sampling approximations, Quantization, PCM,
DPCM, Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta Modulation, ASK, PSK, DPSK,
and FSK.
4. Noise in Communication Systems: AM receiver SNR, Noise in DSB-SC
& SSB using coherent receiver, Noise in AM using envelop detection,
Noise in FM system, FM threshold effects, Pre-emphasis and De-
emphasis in FM, BW requirements for CW Modulation.
5. Information Theory and Coding: Discrete message, Concept of
Information amount, Entropy, Information Rate, Coding to increase
Average Information per Bit, Shannon’s Theorem, Channel capacity,
Gaussian Channel Capacity, BW-S/N Tradeoff, Orthogonal Signals for
Shannon’s Limit, Orthogonal Signal Transmission efficiency.
6. Ionosphere Communication: Stratification of ionosphere, propagation of
electromagnetic waves through the ionosphere, Effective є and σ of an
ionized gas, reflection and refraction of e-m waves by the Ionosphere,
Attenuation factor for Ionosphere propagation, Effect of collision and
Earth’s magnetic field. Skip distance and Maximum usable frequency.

Texts and References:

[1] Principles of Communication Systems: Taub & Scheiling, TMH – 2nd

[2] Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems: B. P. Lathi,
Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition
[3] Electromagnetic waves & Radiating Systems: E.C. Jordan, K.G.
Balman, PHI 2nd edition
[4] Communication Systems: Symon Hykins, New Age International.
[5] Electronic Communication System: Kennedy, TMH Publication.

2) Nuclear Physics (II)

1. Nuclear Reactions: Partial wave analysis, Scattering and reaction cross-

section, Resonances, The one level Breit- Weigner formula for S-wave
neutrons, Kapur-Pierl’s many level dispersion formula for S-wave

2. Compound Nuclear Model: Formation cross-section of compound

nucleus and its various modes of decay. The continuum model of nuclear
reaction, Statistical theory of nuclear reactions.

3. The Optical Model: The complex potential and mean free path of a
nucleon in a nucleus, averaging of scattering and reaction cross section
Phenomenological optical potentials. General features of direct nuclear
reactions, stripping and pick-up reaction cross-sections in Plane wave
Born approximation, Qualitative features of distorted wave Born

4. Nuclear beta decay and weak interaction: Observed beta decay

spectrum, neutrino hypothesis and Fermi theory of beta decay, Kurie plot,
Fermi and Gamow –Teller transitions, Nuclear transition matrix elements,
weak interaction in beta decay and parity violation.

5. Nuclear fission: spontaneous and induced fission, fission cross section,

mass and energy distribution of fission fragments, description of fission in
the liquid drop model, nuclear fission as a barrier penetration phenomena,
chain reaction and elementary idea on construction and working
principle of fission reactors.

Texts and References:

[1] Roy and Nigam: Nuclear Physics.

[2] Preston and Bhaduri: Structure of the Nucleus.
[3] Pal: Theory of Nuclear Structure.
[4] Ghosal: Nuclear Physics (Chand)
[5] Elton: Introductory of Nuclear Physics.
[6] Blatt and Weisskof: Theoretical Nuclear Physics.
[7] Bethe and Morrison: Nuclear Physics.
[8] Samuel S.M. Wong: Introductory Nuclear Physics

3) Condensed Matter Physics (II)

1. Magnetism: Dia and Para magnetism, Langevin’s equations, diamagnetic

and Para magnetic susceptibility, the Curie law, quantum theory of
paramagnetism, Pauli paramagnetism, Landau levels, Ferro, anti-ferro
and ferrimagnetism, exchange interactions and their characterization,
molecular field theory, temperature dependence, the ferromagnetic phase
transition, spin waves and magnons, Bloch T3/2 law, anti ferromagnetic
order, Neel temperature, simple description of magnetic resonances: NMR
and ESR, the Bloch equation.

2. Superconductivity: Fundamental characterization of superconductors,

Meissner effect, London’s equation, Instability of the Fermi sea and
cooper pairs, BCS ground state and the BCS theory, comparison with
experimental results, super current, critical current, the coherence length,
type-I and type-II superconductors, elementary discussion of high TC
superconductors, Heavy Fermion superconductor and Fullerene

3. Nanostructured materials: Brief introduction to different nanostructured

materials, Discussion of the size dependent properties related to
Mechanical, magnetic and optical properties of these nano particle,
Quantum mechanical solution and the derivation for the energy spectrum
and density of states for Quantum wells, Quantum wires and Quantum

Texts and references:

[1] Kittel: Introduction to solid-state physics.

[2] Kittel: Quantum theory of solids.
[3] Ibach and Luth: Solid-state physics.
[4] Kachhava: Solid state physics.
[5] Aschroft and Mermin: Solid-state physics.
[6] Ziman: Principles of the theory of solids. (Vikash publishing house pvt.
[7] M.Ali Omar: Introduction to solid-state physics.
[8] Nano material synthesis, properties and applications Ed by A.S.
Edelsteuin and R.C.Cammarata (IOP publications).
[9] Physics and chemistry of finite systems: From clusters to crystals by
P.Jena, S.N.Khana and B.K.Rao (Deventer: Kluwer) (1992).
[10] Quantum Heterostructures by Vladimir V Mitin, V.A.Kochelap, Michael
A. Stroscio.

4) High-Energy Physics (II)

1. Symmetries and quarks: SU (2), SU(3), quarks and leptons, color and
iso-spin quantum number, evidence for colour, hadrons as color singlets,
Gellman-Okubo mass formula.

2. Parton Model: Deep inelastic scattering, scaling of structure functions,

the quark-parton model, Scaling violations, elementary discussion on

3. Standard Model: Weak Interaction, V-A structure, Electro-Weak

unification, Salam-Weinberg model, spontaneous symmetry breaking,
masses of W and Z bosons, fermion masses and mixing, CP violation

4. Neutrino Physics: neutrino mass, neutrino oscillation in vacuum and in

matter, Solar and Atmospheric neutrinos, Detection of neutrinos.

Texts and References:

[1] Perkins: Introduction to High Energy Physics

[2] T.D. Lee: Elementary Particle Physics and Field Theory
[3] Ryder: Quantum Field Theory
[4] Quigg: Particle Theory and Unification
[5] R.N. Mohapatra: Neutrino Physics
[6] Leon: Particle Physics


PHY – 524 (GS): Modern Physics Practical (II)

1. Characteristics of an astable multi vibrator.

2. Experiments with a Lecher wire.

3. Spectral sensitivity of a photocell.

4. Experiments with an Ultrasonic interferometer.

5. Experiments with CD-spectrograph.

6. Magnetic susceptibility of solid by magnetic balance.

7. Determination of e by Millikan’s Oil-drop method.

8. Determination of the resonance frequencies of different samples using

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance technique.

9. Determination of Lande’s “g” factor using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)


PHY – 525 (GS): Special Paper Practical (II)

The student shall choose the corresponding special paper practical as for Course
No. PHY – 514 (GS)

1) Electronics Practical (II)

1. Design and study of AM and SSB systems (Generation and Detection).

2. Design and Study of FM systems (Generation and Detection).

3. Design and Study of PCM, PAM and PDM (PWM) systems.

4. Study of truth tables of different logic gates.

5. Study of NAND and NOR gates as Universal building block.

6. Study of various arithmetic circuits, Half adder, full adder, half

substractor, full substractor,

7. Study of various Flip-flops.

8. Study of 7-segment display.

9. Study of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer.

10. Design and study of TDM Units.

11. Design and study of FDM Units.

12. Study of ADC and DAC.

13. Measurement of microwave frequency, wavelength, power, and SWR.

14. Study of satellite communication.

(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)

2) Nuclear Physics Practical (II)
1. Determination of energy resolution of given Gamma sources.
2. Activity of the Gamma source (Relative Method).
3. Activity of the Gamma source (Absolute Method).
4. Photo-peak efficiency of Na-I crystals.
5. Experiments with the Beta-Ray Spectrometer:
6. Plot of momentum distribution of beta-rays.
7. Calibration by a pulser.
8. Determination of the end point energy of beta rays.
9. The Fermi plot and Kurie plot.
10. Measurement of energy spectrum of emitted beta rays.
11. Experiments with the radiation detection inerfacing instrument: Spectrum
analysis of given Gamma-sources (Cs137, Co60, Co57, N22 etc) with the
photo peak, back scatter peak, Compton peak etc. by obtaining the
spectrum on the computer screen with the radiation detection interfacing
12. Calibration of the gamma spectrum and determination of the energy of
unknown source

(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)

3) Condensed Matter Physics Practical (II)

1. Measurement of electrical resistivity of germanium crystal by Four-Probe

method, at different temperature.
2. Measurement of electrical resistivity of GaAs at different temperature by
the Four-Probe method.
3. To set up and study the Hall-effect and measurement of carrier
concentration in Ge, Si and GaAs semiconductor.
4. Determination of carrier mobility and Hall coefficient for Ge, Si, and
5. Experiment with the electron spin resonance spectrometer.
6. Determination of dielectric constant of a given sample.
7. Determination of longitudinal velocity of Ultrasonic wave.
8. Study of characteristics of transistors (common base and common
emitter configurations).
9. Study of characteristics of FET.
10. Determination of band gap in a semiconductor using p-n junction diode.
11. Determination of transistor parameters in CE, CB and CC using BJT.
12. Determination of Young’s modulus using Piezo electric oscillator.
13. Determination of Curie temperature of a given ferroelectrics sample.
14. Determination of loss factor and natural frequency of a sample.

(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)

4) High-Energy Physics Practical (II)

1. Determination of energy resolution of given Gamma sources.

2. Activity of the Gamma source (Relative Method).
3. Activity of the Gamma source (Absolute Method).
4. Photo-peak efficiency of Na-I crystals.
5. Experiments with the Beta-Ray Spectrometer:
6. Plot of momentum distribution of beta-d\rays.
7. Calibration by a pulser.
8. Determination of the end point energy of beta rays.
9. The Fermi-Curie point.
10. Measurement of energy spectrum of emitted beta rays.

(Any other experiment suggested by the course teacher)


PHY - 526 (GS): Seminar

Every student will deliver a seminar talk on advances in their field of Special
Paper and shall submit a write up of the same to the Teacher in charge seminar
for record.


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