Poker Game Instructions: Consent Form
Poker Game Instructions: Consent Form
Poker Game Instructions: Consent Form
Below I reproduced the instructions and poker playing rules presented to subjects when they
accessed the web site.
Consent Form
The purpose of this project is to study the effect of software agents* with faces-how facial
expressions and characteristics can be used in an effective way.
* Software agents: “Software agents” provide active, personalized assistance to a person engaged in the use of
a particular computer application.
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APPENDIX 2 Poker Game Instructions
The experiment contains two parts: a poker game and a questionnaire. The game part is done
by playing poker against poker playing agents for 15 rounds. It takes approximately 10-15
minutes. After playing poker, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire which takes 1-2
minutes. The questionnaire will ask you to evaluate each poker player’s face.
After submitting your answers, you can continue another experiment which also consists of
another poker game and questionnaire. Poker playing agents differ in every experiment.
Answering a questionnaire is voluntary, but greatly appreciated. Your activities while play-
ing poker and your answers for a questionnaire are stored in a secured disk, and will be used
only in the conduct of this research project or related projects.
Questions can be emailed to the Autonomous Agents Group, the MIT Media Laboratory by
clicking HERE.
Consent Declaration
I have read the description of the experiment and I fully understand that my participation is
voluntary. I am free to withdraw my consent and discontinue participation at any time with-
out prejudice myself. I understand the procedure and the propose of the experiment. I also
understand that I will not be paid for taking part in this experiment.
I give permission to MIT and its research personnel to log my on-line activities while partic-
ipating in an experiment and to use the logs for the purpose of research. I understand that I
114 Agents with Faces: A Study on the Effects of Personification of Software Agents
APPENDIX 2 Poker Game Instructions
may withdraw this consent at any time, and that by my participation in this study I am not
waiving any of my legal rights. I understand that I may also contact the Chairman of the
Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects, M.I.T. 617-253-6787, if I feel
that I have been treated unfairly as a subject.
Media Lab E-Poker is for experimental (and entertainment) purposes only. You can play
against different players every time you participate in an experiment. An experiment con-
sists of two parts: a poker game and a questionnaire. Please play poker with the same play-
ers for 15 rounds, then answer a questionnaire. After submitting your answers, you can play
poker with other players.
The rule is based on five draw poker. Since the purpose is not to make a perfect poker game,
the rules of this game might not correspond to the traditional poker rules. At the beginning
of the game you will be given 200 dollars in cyber money. There is no real money involved.
A round consists of ante, initial bets, discarding cards, and final bets. The ante cost is 1.
You’re out if you can’t meet this ante.
Initial bets can all be zero. (i.e. no one bets anything). Please type the amount of money to
raise in the entry field next to the RAISE button when you raise. There is a betting limit in
order not to lose too much money. A message appears when you try to raise over the limit.
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APPENDIX 2 Poker Game Instructions
Bets and discarding cards are done in order of slot position. A selection can’t be undone. In
Final bets, if no one makes a bet (i.e. everyone checks), then the round ends. During the
game, folding can be done anytime except during discarding.
• Full House - basically a pair and three of a kind in the same hand.
Example: 9-D 9-S 9-C 3-D 3-S
• Flush - all five cards in the same suit, but not consecutive numerical order.
Example: 3-D 5-D 7-D 9-D J-D
• Straight - all five cards in consecutive numerical order, not of same suit.
Example: 4-D 5-S 6-D 7-C 8-D
116 Agents with Faces: A Study on the Effects of Personification of Software Agents
APPENDIX 2 Poker Game Instructions
How to Play
You are sitting in front of the table. Your hands are shown in front of the table. Opponent
player’s actions and a message to you appear in the center of the table.
Messages addressed to you are blue. Current pot is shown under the message.
During ante, you decide whether to open or fold by clicking the OPEN or FOLD button.
You can either CALL, RAISE, FOLD, or PASS in each betting round.
When you raise, enter the amount of money you want to raise in the entry field next to the
RAISE button, then press RAISE.
To discard, please click the cards you want to discard then press DISCARD.
Press CONTINUE when the “Please press continue” message appears or you want to start
another game.
Your current money is shown under your hands. (Don’t worry, there is no penalty if you lose
all your money.)
After playing 15 rounds, please press QUESTIONNAIRE. A new browser window for a
questionnaire appears. After submitting your answer, you can start a new game with differ-
ent players by pressing CONTINUE button on the poker game window.
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APPENDIX 2 Poker Game Instructions
If your browser does not support Java then you will not be able to play. You have to have
HotJava browser or Netscape 2.0 or higher, and enable Java support.
Your browser must also allow a socket connection to be opened back to the host from which
the applet was loaded, i.e.the server you are now accessing.
Currently, the poker game does not support Macs and PC with Linux.
While you are playing poker (including the login screen), please don’t resize the browser
window horizontally. This is a limitation for Netscape users.
Dowloading an applet takes up to seven minutes (it depends on where you are). Please be
patient during downloading -please don’t click the START GAME button again and again
even if it looks like it is not responding.
If your display’s resolution is not high enough (i.e. 640x480), you may not be able to see the
whole poker table. In this case, you don’t have to answer a questionnaire. Just enjoy playing
poker with not-totally-visible players :)
118 Agents with Faces: A Study on the Effects of Personification of Software Agents