Ch2 - BaseBoard Descriprion
Ch2 - BaseBoard Descriprion
Ch2 - BaseBoard Descriprion
The power to run STM32F4-Discovery board is normally supplied from a USB cable connected to a
personal computer (PC). However, there are times when the board is to be used without the
connection to the PC, and in such cases the board needs an alternative power supply. This can be any
source capable of providing a voltage between 8V and 25V, 0.25A min. This source can be connected
to the BaseBoard using pads B200 and B201; there is a protective diode D270 to prevent damage due
to the incorrect polarity, and a LED D242 to signal the presence of the external power source. The
BaseBoard includes a regulator LM7805 (U800) to reduce the applied voltage to 5V as required to
power the Discovery board. There are several decoupling capacitors added on the board. The input
voltage is used also for the driving of the power outputs from the BaseBoard.
The regulated +5V voltage should not be applied to the Discovery board simultaneously
with a voltage from a USB cable. A jumper J802 is used to disconnect the external power
supply when the USB cable is attached to the Discovery board.
The interface bus SPI uses four signals SCK, MISO, MOSI and SEL. Two SPI connectors are
implemented, therefore two select signals SEL are needed. The hardware to manage all these signals
is built into the microcontroller (block number 2 for SPI is used), and signals are available at port B,
Two resistors R600 and R601 in combination with two diodes D600 and D601 are used as protective
Eight lines of port E (PE8 to PE15) are available for digital interfacing, these are available at the
connector K440. The connector additionally offers a power supply of +3V and a power supply of +5V.
Resistor R440 to R447 in combination with diodes D440 to D447 serve as protective elements.
The microcontroller houses several counters/timers. The connections to some of them are available
at the connector K406. The same can be used as general purpose digital input/output when counters
are not required.
Resistors R406 to R411 in combination with diodes D406 to D411 serve as protective elements.
The microcontroller hosts two DACs (12 bit resolution), their outputs are available at port A,
PA4:DAC1_OUT and PA5:DAC2_OUT. These pins of port A must be declared properly to serve as analog
outputs. The signals from these pins are buffered and filtered using two operational amplifiers and
passive RC filters, and are finally available at connector K300. The range of output voltages is from 0V
to +2.5V, the output current is limited by the internal circuitry of the operational amplifier U320.
The pins PA4 and PA5 are used on the STM23F4-Discovery board to drive
digital inputs of peripheral chips. In order to fully utilize the properties of DAC, the
PCB traces to these peripheral chips should be cut.
The microcontroller hosts three ADCs (12 bit resolution each), and three multiplexers to connect
signals from several pins of the microcontroller to each of them. The BaseBoard utilizes four pins to
measure external analog signals, these are PA1:ADC123_IN1, PA2:ADC123_IN2, PC1:ADC123_IN11,
and PC2:ADC123_IN12. These pins must be initialized to analog mode prior to the use of the ADC
function, and external analog signals can be connected to connector K300.
Input signals are fed to four identical stages before being passed to the microcontroller. Each stage
consists of a voltage divider (resistors R300, R301, capacitor C301 and jumper J301 for the first stage).
The divider is followed by a unity gain connected operational amplifier U300A and an RC low-pass filter
(R302 and C302). A double diode D301 is connected to the non-inverting input of the operational
amplifier, and serves as a protective element.
The input range depends on the position of the jumper (J301 for the first stage):
Five lines of port C (PC6 to PC9 and PC11) are buffered using an integrated circuit U500, and can be
used to drive a stepper motor or two DC motors. The circuit U500 must be enabled prior to the use by
setting its enable input (PC11) high. Buffered signals PC6 to PC19 then appear at connector K500, Fig.
2.2.12. The circuit U500 is supplied by the external power supply +12V applied at B200. The maximum
output current is 800mA.
The signals at the headers of the STM23F4-Discovery board are given in Fig. 2.2.13.
Figure 2.2.19: Photo of the finished BaseBoard without the STM32F4 Discovery board installed
Figure 2.2.19: Photo of the finished BaseBoard with the STM32F4 Discovery board installed