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Some of the key takeaways are that technology has changed the way information is accessed and shared, schools need to integrate technology and new curriculums to stay relevant, and hidden curriculums can influence student behavior and learning in both positive and negative ways.

Technology has made information widely available online, meaning teachers are no longer the sole providers of knowledge. Learning can now take place anywhere and anytime. This has impacted the role of schools who must now integrate technology and advance to stay relevant.

Written curriculums are formally taught frameworks, while hidden curriculums refer to implicit social norms and values conveyed in a school setting, such as conformity, competition, and accepting authority hierarchies.

Hidden Curriculum Paper


Hidden Curriculum Paper

Nellie Deutsch
University of Phoenix
CUR 558
Elizabeth Ferguson
November 9, 2004

Hidden Curriculum Paper

Society is continually changing as a result of the fast moving pace of technology. The
Internet is now a major provider of information which schools used to house. Information is now
available at the click of a finger. Teachers are no longer the sole providers of knowledge and
information. Learning is no longer limited to space or time. Learning can take place online at any
time or from any location. Schools may lose their place unless they advance with the times. They
do not need to mirror an outdated social structure. They can now integrate technology and open
their doors to new and more challenging curriculums.
A school curriculum is an organized framework that guides teachers and students in the
required learning. It is similar to a "contract between society, the State and educational
professionals with regard to the educational experiences that learners should undergo during a
certain phase of their lives" (Braslavsky, 1999). Both the school and the community have a say in
the development of the written and unwritten or hidden school curriculum.
There are differences between written and hidden curriculums. Teachers teach and
students learn implicit concepts and patterns. Some of these are written in the curriculum while
others are not. Teachers may not be as aware as their students that they are transmitting
unwritten or hidden curriculum ideas. Students may sense it much faster because some of these
ideas force them to behave in ways they do not always like. They learn quickly that they have to
conform to the rules of the school if they want approval.
According to Terry Anderson, there are three historical ways of viewing an unwritten
curriculum (2001):
1) to mean a kind of indoctrination that attempts to maintain social privilege--or esoteric
knowledge and practices--and that is imposed together with the formal, taught
2) to refer to the subtle effects of the setting in which forma education occurs

3) to refer to the unstated rules necessary for successful completion of formal education
Students acquire these hidden ideas while attending school. In many schools they still consist of
social norms and values that "schools promote" (Jackson, 1968 as cited in Marsh) such as being
punctual, competitive, waiting one's turn, learning to accept hierarchy of authority, patience and
other "goals and functions of the wider society" (Jackson, 1968 as cited in Marsh).
School promoted socializing codes of behavior may adversely affect students and their
learning. Teachers convey many messages to learners from the outset of their schooling. Michael
Apple describes a situation in a kindergarten where the teacher controlled the children's behavior
and perception of the world in a negative way. According to Apple, the youngsters had to "adjust
their emotional responses to conform to those considered appropriate by the teacher" (Noel,
2000). Youngsters do not always feel at ease with being quiet and not being able to express their
feelings. The hidden curriculum sometimes determines limitations to student behavior in the
classroom and in the school which may be a hindrance to learning.
On the one hand, the hidden curriculum may limit teachers' instruction because it forces
them to teach students how to behave in ways that may not enhance learning instead of devoting
time to content and other skills that could facilitate life long learning. This takes time away from
the written curriculum's "plan for learning" (UOP, 2002, p. 37). In addition, teachers do not
always feel comfortable instructing students on socialization. They feel that these are things
parents should be doing at home.
On the other hand, teachers are accountable to students, parents, the administration,
supervisors and principals who have needs, expectations, philosophies, motivation, and unique
self-concepts. Teachers should consider these aspects and apply them to their instruction because

they impact student learning. By having the whole student in mind, teachers can help build a
learning environment for their students that facilitate learning.
Accounting for the needs, expectations, philosophies and self-concepts of all the
stakeholders is a tough task. Teachers need to find the right style of instruction to satisfy their
students and their parents. They can utilize a needs assessment questionnaire to help find a
common denominator. This is a good way for teachers to show that they care and increase
motivation. Students claim that consideration of their feelings and needs has brought them closer
to their teacher and to learning.
There are other factors such as student learning styles, learning groups, bias, and students
with special needs that impact instruction and student learning. Student learning styles suggest
individualized learning. Not everyone learns in the same way. Every learner is unique in his or
her learning style. A learner may be visual, tactile, auditory, kinesis or a combination of these.
Each learner has the right to his or her special way of learning. The teachers' instruction will take
this into account.
Both teacher and student may be biased towards each other. This can certainly interfere
with learning. Moral issues of this nature need special attention. Character education should be
part of the written curriculum. Learning about other cultures may help in learning to respect each
other. Team work can probably help members of different cultures to become better acquainted.
Many students benefit from learning on a team. Teachers can use special instruction
methods to help student feel at home in their team. This kind of managerial teaching instruction
needs careful preparation. Teachers need to consider how to group their students. They may
divide their teams according to ability, interest or levels. Conducting a needs assessment
questionnaire and interviewing students may help in the process of grouping them. One way of

utilizing learning teams is by means of a jigsaw puzzle. The teacher divides the class into groups
and then sub-divides the members within the team into A, B, C, and D. Each team has the task of
learning a certain them or specialty that they will be responsible for and teach it to the other
teams. Then the team learns a certain part by teaching each other. Each of the members (A, B, C
and D) then goes to the other teams and teaches them their specialty. This helps students learn
hidden curriculum values such as "learning to learn" (Anderson, 2001). Students learn to take
responsibility for learning by teaching others.
Other factors that influence instruction are classroom size and arrangement of the
furniture. Class size is a variable that affects instruction and learning. Smaller classes are easier
to manage. Dividing the class into teams or sub-grouping is a wonderful solution. Each member
is unique on the team. The teacher can walk around and devote quality time to each individual
Learning is no longer dependent on what the teacher does as much as what the learner
does. Teachers are not actively teaching but walking around facilitating student learning.
Learners are now in the spotlight. The layout of the classroom does not need to be rigid to
suggest teacher control. The teacher can arrange the furniture in a different way. Instead of
having tables and chairs arranged in a formal way, students can sit in a circle without a table or in
teams with the tables joined together. The furniture and plan need careful planning.
Teachers should have the end in mind as they plan their lessons. The desired outcome of
the session should be the students' and not the teachers'. The teachers' success will depend on
whether the student has reached the desired outcome or not. Instruction will depend on planning
by backward design (Wiggins & McTighe, 2004). Backward design answers the question: "What
would we accept as evidence that students have attained the desired understandings and

proficiencies - before proceeding to plan teaching and learning experiences? (Wiggins &
McTighe, 2004)." The teacher has the student in mind throughout the planning stage so that
instruction becomes relevant and meaningful for the learner. The student can then learn about
"social forces, treatment of knowledge, human growth and development, the process of learning,
and technology: (UOP, 2002, p. 37).
Teaching methods and instructions have changed as teachers move from instructing to
facilitating. Teachers no longer control their students. Facilitators can now collaborate with their
students as they share in the learning experience. They are both willing partners in the process of
learning. They can reflect on their experiences and feelings. Instead of using the old hidden
curriculum idea of socialization with the teacher controlling the student in the classroom, the
teacher should now become a facilitator for students who take responsibility for their own

Anderson, T. (2001, November-December). The hidden curriculum in distance education.
Retrieved November 8, 2004, from
Braslavsky, C. (1999). The curriculum. Retrieved November 7, 2004. from
Marsh, C.J. (1997). The hidden curriculum. Retrieved November 7, 2004, from
Noel, J. (2000). Notable selections in multicultural education. Retrieved November 6, 2004, from
Skelton, A. (1997). Studying hidden curricula: Developing a perspective in the light of
postmodern insights. Curriculum Studies. 5 (2). Retrieved November 8, 2004, from
University of Phoenix (Ed.). (2002). Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction [University of
Phoenix Custom Edition e-text]. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.
Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2004). The Understanding by design professional development
workbook. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Retrieved
October 23, 2004, from http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/2004mctighe/intro.html
Wren, D. J. (1999). School culture: Exploring the hidden curriculum. Retrieved November 7,
2004, from http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2248/is_135_34/ai_60302524

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