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Recognition Plan 2021 Cha Ching CCFA

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Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)


Keynote speaker will provide teachers with inspiration and relevant updates in financial
literacy. This event will also serve as a celebration of the 5th Year of Cha-Ching Curric-
ulum and partnership with JA. The event will also feature best practices in the program


Select educators, school administrators, and partners based on criteria:

1. Cha-Ching Award Recipients

2. Principals of Cha-Ching Educator Award Recipients

3. Department of Education Division Superintendents and Regional Heads in participating


4. Cha-ching Volunteers and industry partner organizations

5. Qualified Cha-Ching Financial Educators (based on number of participants JA PH can


a. Teachers who applied for awards but were ranked 2nd place and lower

b. CCFA Certified teachers

c. Cha-ching Educators recommended in writing by supervisors and principals for

their notable contribution to the Cha-ching curriculum implementation in their


Build a community of Cha-ching financial educators and organizations that will help advo-
cate the increased adoption and continued development of the Cha-Ching Curriculum.

Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)


Time Activity Person Responsible

1:00-1:30 Registration and Pre-Event
1:30-1:35 Opening Program/Welcome Remarks Pru Life UK or Prudence Founda-
1:35 – 1:45 Inspirational Message and Message of Thank JA Asia Pacific
1:45 – 1:50 Video Presentation JA Philippines

Cha-Ching 5 Year Milestone and Achievement &

Best Practice
1:50 – 2:15 Keynote Speaker JA Philippines
2:15 – 2:30 CCFA Awards JA Philippines

- Passers

- Institution Awards

- Individual Awards
2:30 – 2:40 Awarding of Division Coordinators and Cluster JA Philippines
2:40- 2:45 Awarding of Accelerator Award and National Finan- JA Philippines
cial Literacy Leader Award
2:45 – 2:50 Testimonial Videos for Cha-Ching and CCFA JA Philippines
2:50 – 3:10 Raffle draw and participant interaction JA Philippines
3:10-3:15 Awarding of Department of Education Officers and JA Philippines
3:15 – 3:20 Awarding of the Educator of the Year Pru Life UK or Prudence Founda-
3:20-3:25 Educator of the Year Award Speech JA Philippines
3:25-3:30 Closing Remarks JA Philippines

Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)



The Cha-Ching Program will also recognize individuals and organizations with notable
achievements and have made remarkable contributions to the advocacy.

Types of Recognition

I. Individual Awards

A. Top Certified CCFA

1. Selection Criteria: Top 5 passers per Department of Education region. Alongside

with the test results a letter of recommendation should also be issued by the re-
gional director so that the awardee will be properly trimmed down.

2. Selection Process: JA PH to produce list and notify awardees

3. Reward: Medal and certificate

B. Outstanding Cha-Ching Educator of the Year

1. Selection Criteria:

i. The teacher must be a bonafide educator in a JAPI partner school for the
Cha-Ching Program;

ii. The teacher must have taken and successfully passed the CCFA accredita-
tion exam.

iii. The teacher must have successfully implemented the Cha-Ching program
in one class within the last two school years.

iv. The teacher must have received at least a Satisfactory rating in student
evaluations in the last two years.

v. The teacher must show the ability to share knowledge and collaborate
with fellow teachers.

Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)

Criteria Max Range

CCFA Exam 30 pts Passing Rate: 15 pts
80% percentile score: 20 pts
95% percentile score: 25 pts
Top ten place and/or perfect score: 30 pts
Cha-Ching Program 20 pts Complete documentation showing compliance to Cha-Ching
Execution classroom implementation: 10 pts
Complete and insightful presentation of documentation showing
compliance to Cha-Ching classroom implementation: 20 pts
Complete and insightful presentation of documentation showing
innovative approach to Cha-Ching classroom implementation:
30 pts
Extra efforts given for the promotion and implementation of
financial literacy and Cha-Ching Program: 20pts
Trainings Given/Re- 10 pts 5 pts- at least one training received about financial literacy in
ceived the last 2 years
5 pts-at least one training given about financial literacy in the
last 2 years
Student Evaluation 20 pts Satisfactory evaluation: 5 pts
Very satisfactory evaluation: 5 pts
Outstanding evaluation: 10 pts
Extra effort made by 20pts Additional activities and initiatives made by the teachers that
the school for Cha- will help promote Cha-Ching and Financial Literacy in a creative
Ching Promotion and and engaging manner

2. Selection Process

i. JA PH launches Cha-ching Recognition Program together with applica-

tion process and deadlines (cut-off dates).
ii. Teacher applicants must show examples of student work accomplished
by students on the Cha-Ching Program.
iii. Teacher applicants can also submit evidence of trainings given and
received on financial literacy
iv. Teacher submits scanned documents of certificates for prior educa-
tion (degree, courses, training or certificates taken related to busi-
ness, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, accounting, economics,
etc.), relevant work experience relation to financial services indus-
try (accounting firms, banks, insurance companies, credit card
companies, stock and investment companies, etc.).

Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)

v. JA PH/CCFA Master Evaluator reviews documents submitted

vi. Selection committee then reviews all applications and verifies
submitted documentation.
vii. Selection committee then rates all applications and rank them
based on score.
viii. The awardees are identified and issued a notification of acceptance.

3. Reward:

i. Regional: Certificate, Trophy and token prize (teaching gadget, gift cer-
tificate etc)
ii. National: Certificate, Trophy and token prize (teaching gadget, gift certifi-
cate etc) and will join Cha-ching JA Regional Conference

Submission of Requirements: August 2021 – September 15, 2021
Evaluation Period: September 15, 2021 – September 30, 2021
Awarding: 1st Week of October 2021

II. School Based Awards

Outstanding CCFA Bling Award

1. Selection Criteria: Top Cha-Ching School with Recognition to the best implemen-
tation of Earn, Save, Spend or Donate (ESSD) school activities that generated the
highest result and impact to students and community.

2. Selection Process

i. JA Philippines launches Cha-ching Recognition Program together with

application process and deadlines (cut-off dates).
ii. School applicants submit an electronic poster presentation in video
presentation describing details of the ESSD project with the following
a. Project Title (name of project)
b. Project Description (what is the project about?)
c. Project Goals (What did the project set out to do?)

Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)

d. Participants (Who were involved? Teachers, parents, stu-

dents, other community stakeholders, etc.)
e. Activities and Procedures (How was the project implement-
ed? Show documentation such as pictures, samples, videos,
f. Results: Show results in terms of qualitative and quantitative
output (charts, graphs, picture, testimonials, narratives, etc)
iii. Selection committee then reviews all applications and verifies submit-
ted documentation.
iv. Selection committee then rates all applications and rank them based
on score.
v. The awardees are identified and issued a notification of acceptance.

3. Reward:

i. Regional: Certificate, Trophy, and token prize for school

ii. National Certificate, Trophy and token prize for school and 1 delegate to
Cha-Ching Regional Conference

Note: Schools that will be able to win 3 consecutive years will receive Financial Literacy Center
of Excellence Status

Submission of Requirements: August 15 2021 – September 15, 2021
Evaluation Period: September 15, 2021 – September 30, 2021
Awarding: 1st Week of October 2021

III. Special Awards

A. Accelerator Award
1. Selection Criteria: Given to admin who have supported CCFA initiatives of the
best performing partner schools based on number of CCFA Teachers trained
and certified and number of students who took the Cha-Ching Program.
2. Selection Process: The winner will be identified by JA Philippines committee
and judges based on the selection criteria.
3. Reward: Certificate and token

Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)

B. Cha-Ching Financial Literacy Leader Award

1. Selection Criteria: Given to Regional Directors and Superintendents
have supported Cha-Ching Initiatives and showed innovation in the program
implementation. Criteria are as follows: 50% Innovation 30% Regionwide or
Division wide Compliance to all Cha-Ching Implementation Requirements and
submissions 20% Timely submissions of all requirements
2. Selection Process: The winner will be identified by JA Philippines committee and
judges based on the selection criteria.
3. Reward: Certificate and token

C. Cha-Ching Division Coordinator of the Year Award

1. Selection Criteria: Submission of video summary of the implementation of the
division. Division coordinator who was able to successfully implement the Cha-
Ching Curriculum and developed creative ways of implementation. This award is
for division level coordinators.
50% Video Submission 30% Innovation for program implementation 20% compli-
ance to all Cha-Ching requirements
2. Selection Process: The winner will be identified by JA Philippines committee and
judges based on the selection criteria.
3. Reward: Teaching gadget

D. Cluster Head of the Year

Selection Criteria: Submission of video summary of the implementation of their
district. Division coordinator who was able to successfully implement the Cha-Ching
Curriculum and developed creative ways of implementation. This award is for dis-
trict cluster level. 50% Video Submission 30% Innovation for program implementa-
tion 20% compliance to all Cha-Ching requirements
1. Selection Process: The winner will be identified by JA Philippines committee and
judges based on the selection criteria
2. Reward: Teaching gadget

Submission of Requirements: August 15 2021 – September 15, 2021
Evaluation Period: September 15, 2021 – September 30, 2021
Awarding: 1st Week of October 2021

ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SENT TO: entries.japi@gmail.com

FILE TITLE: CCFA_(Title of Award Category)


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