Recognition Plan 2021 Cha Ching CCFA
Recognition Plan 2021 Cha Ching CCFA
Recognition Plan 2021 Cha Ching CCFA
Keynote speaker will provide teachers with inspiration and relevant updates in financial
literacy. This event will also serve as a celebration of the 5th Year of Cha-Ching Curric-
ulum and partnership with JA. The event will also feature best practices in the program
a. Teachers who applied for awards but were ranked 2nd place and lower
Build a community of Cha-ching financial educators and organizations that will help advo-
cate the increased adoption and continued development of the Cha-Ching Curriculum.
Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)
- Passers
- Institution Awards
- Individual Awards
2:30 – 2:40 Awarding of Division Coordinators and Cluster JA Philippines
2:40- 2:45 Awarding of Accelerator Award and National Finan- JA Philippines
cial Literacy Leader Award
2:45 – 2:50 Testimonial Videos for Cha-Ching and CCFA JA Philippines
2:50 – 3:10 Raffle draw and participant interaction JA Philippines
3:10-3:15 Awarding of Department of Education Officers and JA Philippines
3:15 – 3:20 Awarding of the Educator of the Year Pru Life UK or Prudence Founda-
3:20-3:25 Educator of the Year Award Speech JA Philippines
3:25-3:30 Closing Remarks JA Philippines
Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)
The Cha-Ching Program will also recognize individuals and organizations with notable
achievements and have made remarkable contributions to the advocacy.
Types of Recognition
I. Individual Awards
1. Selection Criteria:
i. The teacher must be a bonafide educator in a JAPI partner school for the
Cha-Ching Program;
ii. The teacher must have taken and successfully passed the CCFA accredita-
tion exam.
iii. The teacher must have successfully implemented the Cha-Ching program
in one class within the last two school years.
iv. The teacher must have received at least a Satisfactory rating in student
evaluations in the last two years.
v. The teacher must show the ability to share knowledge and collaborate
with fellow teachers.
Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)
2. Selection Process
Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)
3. Reward:
i. Regional: Certificate, Trophy and token prize (teaching gadget, gift cer-
tificate etc)
ii. National: Certificate, Trophy and token prize (teaching gadget, gift certifi-
cate etc) and will join Cha-ching JA Regional Conference
Submission of Requirements: August 2021 – September 15, 2021
Evaluation Period: September 15, 2021 – September 30, 2021
Awarding: 1st Week of October 2021
1. Selection Criteria: Top Cha-Ching School with Recognition to the best implemen-
tation of Earn, Save, Spend or Donate (ESSD) school activities that generated the
highest result and impact to students and community.
2. Selection Process
Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)
3. Reward:
Note: Schools that will be able to win 3 consecutive years will receive Financial Literacy Center
of Excellence Status
Submission of Requirements: August 15 2021 – September 15, 2021
Evaluation Period: September 15, 2021 – September 30, 2021
Awarding: 1st Week of October 2021
Online CCFA Awarding and Recognition 2021 (Philippines)
Submission of Requirements: August 15 2021 – September 15, 2021
Evaluation Period: September 15, 2021 – September 30, 2021
Awarding: 1st Week of October 2021