Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
1.1 Introduction
Look at the fig. shown on the right side. What is it called in English, in
Hindi and in your mother tongue? It is a Parrot in English, Thotha in Hindi and
some other in your mother tongue. The fig. is same but depending on the
language it will be called in different ways. Before there in no language and
script the idea of the people are communicated by the pictures only. The picture
is a drawing and communicates some message, communicating a message is
called a Language.
1.2 Importance of Engineering Drawing
Engineering Drawing is also a language which communicates its ideas. Engineering
drawing is Engineers language in which the communication between Engineers of different
Countries and between top level Engineers to lowest working community will take place.
Engineering Drawing is called Universal language of Engineers.
Engineering Drawing is a two dimensional representation (on Paper which have two
dimensional) of a three dimensional object in this universe. In general, it provides necessary
information about the Shape, Size, Surface roughness, Material used, Manufacturing process,
Assembly etc of the object of the Machine component.
1.3 Need for preparing for Drawing as per standards SP 46 1988
Every language will have its own grammar or rules. When Engineering Drawing is called
as a language of Engineers it will also have its grammars or rules. The common rules and
methods adapted are similar throughout the world and makes the communication between
various levels of people involved in Engineering Design, Production, Management, Servicing,
Maintenance, etc Simple, effective and efficient.
For this purpose, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) adopted the international standards on
code of practice for Drawing. The other foreign standards are: DIN of Germany, B.S of Britain
and ANSI of America.
1.4 Role of Drawing in Engineering Education
In this modern world, Engineering Drawing has come to stay as the most important
branch of Engineering. It is rightly called Language of Engineers. With this language, the
thoughts, ideas and designs regarding objects existing in this universe can be represented through
different lines. It not only saves the time and labour, but also gives complete information of the
object to be produced of manufactured. It is therefore, very essential for all disciplines of
Engineering students to have a thorough knowledge of Engineering Drawing and its wide
applications in Engineering fields like Civil, Mechanical etc. Based on these principles, other
drawings like Building drawing, Machine drawing, Production drawing, Computer Aided
Drawing, etc., are developed in various branches of Engineering.
1.5 Scope of the Subject on Engineering Drawing
The subject matter presented here relates to basis engineering drawing and is intended to
be used for class room training of the beginners of the engineering curriculum at diploma level.
It mainly deals with the geometrical drawing. It is the art of representation of geometrical objects
on a drawing sheet and is the fundamental of all engineering drawings.
Plane geometrical drawing deals with the representation of objects having two
dimensions. Solid geometrical drawing deals with the representation of objects having three
dimensions. Geometrical drawing is the basis for various specialised types of drawings, related
to different fields of engineering.
Throughout the book, the problems have been treated in first angle projection and all
drawings as well as the text matters are in conformity with the latest code of practice,
recommended by Bureau of Indian Standards, SP. 46 1988.
1.6 Object of the subject of Engineering Drawing
A practice speaks thousands of words. A message conveyed by a picture on a sketch or a
sign in much effective than a message conveyed by word. That is why, since before the start of
civilization, human beings used the language of drawing to convey their ideas. With the progress
of technology, man felt the need for a standardization of drawing language so that it could be
understand globally. Drawing is therefore included in every engineering curriculum to train the
student to express his ideas in a manner which is easily understood by others.
readers are strongly encouraged to see and adopt these standards in drawing practice. This book
uses the following ISs:
IS 1444: 1989
IS 10711: 2001
1. Why Engineering Drawing is called as Universal Language of Engineers?
2. Explain the role of Drawing in Engineering education?
3. Name the various types of engineering drawings?
4. Discuss the relation between drawing and other engineering subjects?
5. What are the observations learn in a typical study of the drawing course?
6. List out the various IS s specification of practice for drawing?