Alice Is A Bit Loopy
Alice Is A Bit Loopy
Alice Is A Bit Loopy
ch- Chain
sl st- Slip stitch
sc- Single crochet
hdc- Half double crochet
dc- Double crochet
tr- Treble crochet
inc- Increase (2 stitches in 1 space)
dec- Decrease (2 stitches together)
rnd- Round
rep- Repeat
Jodi xxx
Shoes ~ Make 2
1. With black yarn. Chain 9, Starting in the second chain from hook 1sc in the next 7
chains. In Last chain 3sc, then working on the other side of the chain 1sc in the next 7
2. Insert stitch marker or keep count as you go around , Inc in the next stitch, 1sc in the
next 6stiches , inc in the next stitch, 1sc in the next stitch, inc in the next stitch, 1sc in
the next 6stiches , inc in the next stitch, 1sc in the next stitch. (You are working in the
3. 1sc in the next 8 stitches, 1dc in the next 5 stitches, 1sc in the next 8 stitches.
4. 1sc in the next 7stitches, dec 4 times (over 8 stitches), 1sc in the next 8stitches.
5. 1sc in the next 4 stitches, ch 5, 1sc in the next 4 stitches in same place as last 4sc but on
other side of the shoe. Fasten off.
When I write repeat around it means to repeat the process all the way around.
Example: 1sc in the next stitch , Inc in the next stitch, repeat around.
Means to repeat the process. 1sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 1sc, inc etc until you reach the starting stitch.
2. 1sc in the next stitch, Inc in the next stitch, repeat around.
3. 1sc in the next 2 stitches, Inc in the next stitch, repeat around.
4. 1sc in the next 3 stitches, Inc in the next stitch, repeat around.
5-11. 1sc in each stitch around (at this point you should stitch the crotch together with white yarn and a needle)
12. 1sc in the next 3 stitches, dec in the next stitch, repeat around
13. 1sc in each stitch around
14.1sc in the next 2 stitches, dec in the next stitch, repeat around
15. 1sc in each stitch around
16. 1sc in each stitch back loops only around
17. Change to blue yarn 1sc in each stitch back loops only around
18-21. 1 sc in each stitch around
22. Change to flesh colour, 1sc in each stitch in back loops only around
23. 1sc in the next stitch, dec in the next stitch, repeat around
24. 1 sc in each stitch around, fasten off. Leave a long tail to attach head. (Stuff body)
25. If you havent already, add bloomer frill.
Front post to
attach petticoat.
Front post to
attach skirt.
Starting in the middle of the back of doll, into the front loops on body. This is worked in rows,
the chain 1 is only done at the beginning of the row as a step up.
In white yarn.
1. Ch 1, 1dc in the first stitch, inc (2dc in one stitch) into the next stitch,
repeat around, sl st to first dc.
2. Ch 1, inc into each stitch around, sl st to first dc.
3-5.Ch1, 1dc into each stitch around, sl st to first dc .
6. Ch 1 skip 2 stitches, 5dc into the next stitch (shell), skip 2 stitches sl
st, repeat around. Sl st to beginning ch 1 and fasten off
*NOTE~ The shells may not even out perfectly the last shell may need
to be smaller ie 3or 4 dc.
Starting in the middle of the back of doll, into the front loops on body.
This is worked in rows, the chain 1 is only done at the beginning of the
row. In blue yarn.
1. Ch 1, 1dc in the first stitch, inc (2dc in one stitch) into the next stitch,
repeat around, sl st to first dc.
2. Ch 1, inc into each stitch around, sl st to first dc.
3-5.Ch1, 1dc into each stitch around, sl st to first dc .
6. Ch 1, 1hdc into each stitch around, sl st to first hdc. Fasten off
Working in rows, in white yarn.
1. Ch 9
2. Starting in the 2 chain from hook, 8sc. turn
3-5. Ch 1, 8sc across,turn.
6. ch 1, 8sc across.
Remember when I write repeat around it means to repeat the process all the way around.
Example: 1sc in the next stitch , Inc in the next stitch, repeat around.
Means to repeat the process. 1sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 1sc, inc etc until you reach the starting stitch.
Wig Cap
The wig cap is created in rounds, going into back loops only to create a
ridge effect.
Use yellow yarn
Arms ~ Make 2
Starting in the skin colour.
Ch 2, starting in the 2nd chain from hook, 3sc.
1sc , Inc in the next stitch, repeat around
1sc in each stitch around
1sc in the next 3 stitches, 1tr in next stitch ( Thumb) ,
1sc in next 2 stitches.
5. 1sc in each stitch around
6. 1sc in next 2 stitches, Inc in the next stitch, repeat around
7-11 1sc in each stitch around
12. Change to blue, 1sc in each stitch around
13. In back loops only 1sc in each stitch around (creates ridge for sleeve frill)
14-16. 1sc in each stitch around. Attach Sleeve frill, see instructions page 3
17. 1sc in the next 2 stitches, 1hdc in the next 2 stitches, 3dc into the next stitch, 1 hdc in
the next 2 stitches, 1sc in the next stitch
18. 1sc in the next 2 stitches, 1hdc in the next 2 stitches, 4dc into the next stitch, 1 hdc in
the next 2 stitches, 1sc in the next 3 stitches. Fasten off. *NOTE~ The first arm is the right.
~For the second arm, fasten off at row 11. Change to blue on opposite part of arm to make a
left arm. Otherwise you will have 2 right arms
1. Using light rosey pink. Ch 2, in 2nd stitch from
hook, 6sc
2. 2sc in each stitch around
3. 1sc, Inc into the next stitch, repeat around.
Fasten off
Pigtail Spirals
1. Chain 20-25 ( depending how long you want each spiral)
2. In 2nd stitch from hook, 3 dc into each stitch across to create the
spiral Fasten off.
Make 3 per pigtail.
I sew them all together then attach them to the head. And cover my
attachment when I put a piece of black ribbon around it.
Youll notice I only included stitch counts in the legs, this is mainly because I find it frustrates
me if my stitch count doesnt add up.
Sew doll together. Making sure to sew in all the ends (if you havent already)
Sew shoes to feet to prevent them coming off
Attach button eyes, embroider eyelashes behind eye so they poke out from under button.
Embroider Smile
Attach ribbons around pig tail, and a bow to right side pigtail.
You can use this template to make the card
suits for her apron.
I glued the felt card suits to the apron then
wacky stitched for effect.
Any problems with the pattern feel free to comment and I will help you as best I can