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Creating Change 2010 Workshops

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Check grid schedule for all room assignments.

WORKSHOP SESSION 1 tems of gender and sexuality, heterosexual and gender conform-
Friday, February 5 • 9:00AM –10:30AM ing privilege, strategies of being an ally, and ways in which we can
all confront GLBT oppression. This session is presented by the
Minnesota GLBTA Campus Alliance.
“When Under Your Wing Smells Like Under Your Armpit”:
A Youth Centered Guide To Navigating Ageism In Today’s Presenters: Ryan Kroening, MN; Anne Phibbs, Systemwide
Social Revolutions Director, GLBT Programs Office, University of Minnesota, Minne-
Youth • Fundamentals apolis, MN; Alfonso Wenker, PFUND Foundation, Minneapolis, MN

This session will introduce participants to the concept and prac- Building Your Online Presence
tical application of an equitable youth-adult partnership model. Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences
Participants will be able to explore the need for and benefit of
these partnerships as it relates to today’s advocacy work involving This session gives an overview of the new media ecosystem that
youth. Session participants will able to learn and discuss practical we find ourselves in, and how organizations can make the best
applications of this model of partnership for today’s social and po- use of new tools, reach out to new supporters, and move their
litical movements and gain some useful tools overcome perceived work forward. This is an introduction to how your organization or
institutional barriers. your cause can benefit from using new media such as blogs and
social networks, and will cover an overview of online organizing
Presenters: Ernesto Dominguez tools and strategies.

“Would Jesus Discriminate?” Presenters: Jerame Davis, The Bilerico Project, Indianapolis, IN;
Heather Cronk, New Organizing Institute, Washington, DC
Shifting the Discourse on Faith-Based Prejudice
Faith & Spirituality • All Audiences
Can You Believe It?
In 2009, billboards in Dallas generated media and international Three Tools for Reducing Drama in the Workplace
internet conversations. Rather than addressing the clobber pas- Organizational Development • Intermediate
sages from a defensive position, we will explore techniques used
to shift the discourse to impact the moveable middle. Participants Okay, so drama is not all it’s cracked up to be and sometimes,
will practice tips for moving beyond personal reactions to advanc- we just want to get through the day unscathed. With so many
ing a positive, loving, thought-provoking message through media personalities and needs, how can we transform teamwork from a
or with individuals such that people will re-examine faith-based haphazard free-for-all to more intentional practice where all voic-
prejudice. Participants will leave with tools to respond more ef- es can be heard, decisions are made efficiently, and feedback is
fectively to faith-based prejudice. actively sought out rather than avoided? Join us and learn three
concrete tools for breakthrough teamwork.
Presenters: Rev. Colleen Darraugh, Would Jesus Discriminate?
Campaign / Metropolitan Community Church of Greater Dallas, Presenters: Evangeline Weiss, OpenSource Leadership
Dallas, TX Strategies, Durham, NC

Advancing Equality for LGBT Elders Class Matters
Aging • All Audiences Racial Justice • Intermediate

This workshop starts with an overview of America’s elders and Using Story Circles as a method for self exploration and dialogue,
the key issues they face today, examines how these issues are we will consider how class differences can make organizing in the
different for LGBT elders, and then delves into how we, as a com- LGBT community challenging. By addressing the issue of class
munity, can undertake political and community action to make a on an individual level and engaging in cross-class dialogue, par-
difference. Attendees will break into working groups to discuss ticipants will be able to do their part to build stronger social justice
actions they can take in their organization or community. movements.

Presenters: Ineke Mushovic, Movement Advancement Project; Presenters: Gabriel Atchison, College Park, MD
Catherine Thurston, SAGE
Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Why We Need All
Ally Training of It and How To Make Sure It Is LGBT-Inclusive
Campus • All Audiences Immigration • All Audiences
Ally Training aims to give participants the tools, resources, and Is the fight for comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) important
skills needed to be intentional allies to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and to the LGBT community? Yes! CIR has to potential to directly im-
transgender individuals and communities. Participants will discuss prove the lives of thousands of LGBT families and individuals in
GLBT and ally history and culture, myths and stereotypes, sys- many ways, from the undocumented to LGBT immigrant youth
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 57

to mixed status families to transgender immigrants mistreated in tify common ground that respects the intersection of our histories,
ICE detention. As a nation of immigrants, we are all affected by shared legacies and strategies in an effort to transcend borders
how we ensure protections for everyone, regardless of genera- for an inclusive movement for liberation. This is an open session
tions in the country. However, ensuring LGBT binational families for First Nations / Two Spirit / Indigenous folks & allies.
and Uniting American Families Act are included in the immigra-
Presenters: Coya Artichoker, First Nations Collective,
tion legislation currently under debate in the Congress will require
Minneapolis, MN; Lucia Leandro Gimeno, Audre Lorde Project,
work by advocates all over the country. This interactive workshop
Brooklyn, NY; Paulina Hernandez, Co-Director, Southerners on
will familiarize activists with the importance of LGBT advocacy for
New Ground, New Market, TN; Melissa Hoskins, First Nations
CIR, as well as equipping them with successful strategies for lob-
bying Congress, raising awareness, and building coalitions with
other immigration advocates.
Latino (LGBT) Community Outreach 101
Presenters: Ben de Guzman, Co-Director for Programs, National People of Color • All Audiences
Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, Washington, DC; Jesse
Garcia, President, LULAC 4871 - The Dallas Rainbow Council, In the past ten years, the US Latino population has both grown,
Dallas , TX; Julie Kruse, Immigration Equality, Thomas Saenz, as well as migrated to states that had not previously seen Latino
President, MALDEF communities. This workshop is designed to help LGBT activists
and organizations begin and/or strengthen their Latino outreach
efforts. Let’s increase your capacity to both meet the needs of
Creating Communities of Resistance/Change through
LGBT Latinos, as well as, collaborate and build relationships with
Innovative Sex Organizations and Businesses your larger Latino communities. Note: Workshop not intended for
Sexual Freedom • All Audiences Latino/a LGBT activists.
Innovative sex businesses are popping up all over. Cutting-edge Presenters: Francisco Dueñas, Proyecto Igualdad Coordinator,
sex educators and retailers are changing the face, offerings and Lambda Legal, Los Angeles, CA
quality of sex commerce. Come meet sex entrepreneurs and learn
about how sex-positive businesses are on the forefront of creating
resistance to right wing repression in their communities, and im-
No Retreat
Transgender Community & Issues • All Audiences
portantly, are helping us embody a healthier, more vibrant sexuality.
Transgendered people have no place to retreat. Society literally
Presenters: Tristan Taormino, Sex Educator, Author, Entrepre-
funnels them into the bottom of the prison system. The struggle
neur; I.G. Rivera, Sex Educator, Principal, Poly Patao Productions
for transgendered equality is only beginning and the last great Civil
Rights struggle remaining to be fought in the Land of the Free.
Health as a Tool for Social Justice Organizing Learn how to become involved in this struggle and ways that you
Health • Intermediate can be an effective ally to trans people in your community. Help to
This interactive workshop will explore how good health and ac- create a nurturing society where we can all be healed and grow
cess to high-quality healthcare that values and promotes our over- and fulfill our potentials.
all well-being are issues that cut across multiple diverse identities Presenters: Dani Williams, T.G.I.Justice Project, San Francisco, CA
and affect all members of the LGBT community. After discussing
some of the many facets of health and healthcare, participants
will brainstorm strategies for addressing health issues facing the
Recruiting, Retention & Succession Planning;
LGBT community by mobilizing the community around these is- Building Sustainable Leadership Teams
sues in pursuit of health equity and social justice. Organizational Development • All Audiences

Presenters: Kellan E. Baker, Policy Associate, National Coali- This workshop will provide information and implementable tools
tion for LGBT Health, Washington, DC; Rebecca Fox, Executive for attendees around the critical organizational areas of recruit-
Director, National Coalition for LGBT Health, Washington, DC ing, retention and succession planning. The session will feature a
panel of experts in a moderated discussion and allow attendees
to pose questions specific to their organizations and to share best
Immigration and Indigenous Borders
practices. Participants will gain exposure to market-leading think-
People of Color • 3 Hour Session • All Audiences
ing from the expert panel and engage in a robust exchange of
Some immigration activists call for the dissolution of all national practical experience with their peers in the movement.
borders. But what does this mean for current sovereignty strug-
Presenters: Eliza Byard, Executive Director, GLSEN, New York,
gles of Indigenous nations? How do First Nation peoples who
NY; Kevin Chase, McCormack & Associates, Toluca Lake, CA;
have been colonized by immigrants and some who have had their
Joe McCormack, McCormack & Associates, Toluca Lake, CA;
nations divided by colonial borders (e.g. US-Mexico) view the cur-
Gregg Passin, Principal Mercer Consulting, New York, NY
rent forces of imperialism that have created a global population of
migrant workers? Join us as we take a collective journey to iden-

58 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010


Responding to Bias in Our Communities: The Older Americans Act and Getting Your Money’s
Strategies Adopted from A Guide to Worth into Your Community
Community Rapid Incident Response Fundraising • Advanced
Anti-Violence/Bias Reduction • All Audiences As LGBT community organizations build capacity, finding resourc-
LGBT communities are far too often the targets of hate- or bias- es to support those efforts is always a priority. This session will
motivated violence incidents. How can we, as activists and advo- offer insights into an often overlooked funding source for an often
cates effectively develop responses to violence that bring healing, overlooked part of our community: aging.
justice, and public awareness? We will utilize tips and strategies Presenters: Loree Cooke-Daniels, Transgender Aging Network;
from A Guide to Community Rapid Incident Response developed Joyce Pierson, National Center for Lesbian Rights ; Catherine
by the NYC Anti-Violence Project in coalition with NCAVP mem- Thurston, SAGE ; Laurie Young, The Task Force, Washington, DC
bers, while building upon the collective knowledge of participants.
This interactive workshop will empower and encourage activists
to take action against bias violence wherever it may occur.
Uniting Communities
Community Organizing • 3 Hour Session • All Audiences
Presenters: Maryse Mitchell-Brody, National Coalition of
The Uniting Communities Toolkit is a brand new manual for ad-
Anti-Violence Programs/NYC AVP, New York, NY; Rebecca
vancing LGBTQ issues within organizations of color. Built on work
Waggoner-Kloek , Minneapolis, MN
done in Oregon, The Toolkit features workshops, case studies, as-
sessments, activities, and exercises that help organizations of color
Supporting Local Schools and GSAs Through look at the issues they work on thru an LGBTQ lens, shift organiza-
Community/University/ School Partnerships tional culture to be more inclusive of LGBTQ community members,
School Issues • All Audiences and work to become public allies to the LGBTQ community. This
This interactive workshop will present and explore ways in which session will help participants from LGBTQ organizations learn how
innovative collaborations between community organizations, col- to use The Toolkit, best practices, and strategize with one another
leges/universities and local schools can enhance the develop- about advancing racial justice and LGBTQ equality.
ment, effectiveness and sustainability of gay/straight alliances and Presenters: Kalpana Krishnamurthy, Western States Center,
similar secondary school-based programs geared towards sup- Portland, OR
porting LGBTQA students. Facilitators will present on Philadel-
phia-based collaborations as a launching point for discussion but
the workshop will focus on strengthening participant’s programs
and ideas, by sharing programmatic objectives, challenges and Friday, February 5 • 10:45AM –12:15PM
best practices. Youth are welcomed and encouraged.
A Debrief of LGBT Initiative Campaigns from 2009
Presenters: Allison Buehler, Mazzoni Center, Philadelphia, PA; Elections, Ballot Measures and Campaigns • All Audiences
Quincy Greene, Educational Justice Coalition, Philadelphia, PA;
Nina Harris, Penn LGBT Center, Philadelphia, PA Overall, 2009 marked a year of electoral progress for the LGBT
community. Four communities faced LGBT ballot initiatives on
The Art of the Schmooze a myriad of issues, from protecting LGBT people from job and

Community Organizing • Fundamentals housing discrimination in Gainesville, Florida and Kalamazoo,
Michigan, to upholding domestic partnership rights in Washington
Now that you’re at Creating Change how do you make the most state, to protecting the freedom to marry for same-sex couples
of it? Does it make sense to attend every activity and be the last in Maine. Of these measures, the LGBT community won three, in
one to leave? Does handing out 1000 business cards really work? Gainesville, Kalamazoo, and Washington State. These victories,
What’s the best way to start a conversation? How do you end however, were tempered by the community’s disappointing loss in
conversations so you can keep circulating? Attend this interactive Maine, where the passage of Question 1 repealed the state’s law
workshop to learn tips and tricks to help you work a room, ap- extending marriage equality to same-sex couples. As the LGBT
proach prospective donors and steward supporters. All skill levels community prepares to organize against additional initiative at-
welcomed. tacks in 2010 and beyond, what lessons can we glean from these
Presenters: Robbie Samuels, MSW, Somerville, MA campaigns? LGBT leaders from Maine, Washington, and Kalama-
zoo will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of their respective
campaigns to offer lessons for the community.
Presenters: Joshua Friedes, Advocacy Director, Equal Rights
Washington, WA; Daniel Hawes, Director, Academy for Leader-
ship and Action, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Wash-
ington, DC; Jon Hoadley, Campaign Manager, One Kalamazoo;
Betsy Smith, Executive Director, Equality Maine, Portland, ME
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 59

Creating Transgender-Inclusive College Integrating New Media Into Your Organizing Strategy
Policies and Practices Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences
Campus • All Audiences This session walks through how to assess all the tools at your
This program will discuss strategies for adding “gender identity/ disposal and ensure that your supporters understand a compre-
expression” to campus nondiscrimination policies and the effects hensive and inclusive narrative arc, while moving you closer to
of this change. Using efforts to create trans-inclusive nondiscrimi- accomplishing your organizational goals. This workshop will cover
nation policies at Texas colleges as a case study, the session will ways to maintain your tried and true communication streams,
give participants the opportunity to discuss strategies, challenges, while also adding in tested new media components that will bol-
starting points, and other aspects of advancing change in a re- ster your overall organizing strategy.
sistant institutional system. We will conclude by presenting the Presenters: Waymon Hudson, The Bilerico Project, Ft. Lauder-
findings of the first large-scale study of the extent to which cam- dale, FL; Jenna Lowenstein, Feministing, New York, NY
pus transgender-inclusive policies have led to other transgender-
supportive policy changes, such as providing gender-neutral fa-
cilities, health insurance coverage for transitioning students, and
LGBT Oral History Workshop
Campus • All Audiences
transgender-related programming.
This hands-on workshop will introduce the techniques of oral
Presenters: Genny Janiczek Beemyn, Director, Stonewall Center,
history as a grassroots, inter-generational way of preserving the
Amherst, MA; Katy Stewart, Aggie Allies, Bryan, TX; Josephine
LGBT past. The workshop will cover the nuts and bolts of inter-
Tittsworth, Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Summit, TX
viewing, a quick overview of oral history ethics and methods, and
some considerations when talking about sex and sexual identi-
HIV As We Grow Older: Policy Needs ties. Participants will explore the uses of oral history and will come
AIDS/HIV • All Audiences away with practical tools for launching an oral history project.
This presentation will offer a multi-disciplinary review of HIV in old- Presenters: Kelly Anderson, Smith College, MA
er adults. Research findings and health information will provide the
foundation for the deeper discussion: how current HIV policy does
and does not address the greying of the HIV epidemic. A review of
Love Won Out: The Marketing, Messaging and
a recent strategy session held in DC with policy makers and activ- Manipulation Inside the Million-Dollar Machine
ists in the aging field and in the HIV fields will be presented, and a Faith & Spirituality • All Audiences
discussion will follow. Love Won Out, the traveling ex-gay roadshow of Exodus Inter-
Presenters: Jim Campbell, National Association on HIV Over national and Focus on the Family, draws thousands of people
Fifty, Boston, MA; Ernest Hopkins, Director of Federal Affairs, to its conferences across the country. Attendees are plied with
San Francisco AIDS Foundation, San Francisco, CA; Nathan promises of how to be good Christians and love your LGBT family
Schaefer, GMHC, New York, NY; Dan Tietz, Executive Director, member. However, their methods are anything but about family
ACRIA , New York, NY values. Learn from those who have attended the conference how
LWO is expanding its work, constantly modifying its messages
and what to do when they come to your community.
How To Get What We Want: Understanding and Utilizing

the U.S. Education System to Create Safer Schools Presenters: Elizabeth Fregiato, PFLAG National, Washington,
School Issues • All Audiences DC; Jean-Marie Navetta, PFLAG National / Straight for Equality,
Washington, DC
Want to combat anti-LGBT bias in schools? Frustrated with
schools’ lack of commitment to these issues? This interactive
workshop will help you understand the mindset of those working
Making Strides Even In A Less
in schools and shaping education policy (e.g., teachers, princi- Than Welcoming Environment
pals, politicians). Become familiar with their concerns and learn Community Organizing • All Audiences
how to speak their language. Practice using this information suc- This workshop will give attendees insight on how to make prog-
cessfully and take away new skills and resources. ress towards full equality even in a less than welcoming envi-
Presenters: Shawn Gaylord, Director of Public Policy, GLSEN, ronment. This will be done by sharing real life experiences from
Washington, DC; Ellen Greytak, GLSEN, New York , NY current and past community leaders. Whether the effort is fully
successful or not, progress can always be made if approached
correctly with the right plan, execution and outlook. Participants
Immigration and Indigenous Borders (Continued)
will leave understanding that even though the challenges can be
People of Color • 3 Hour Session • All Audiences
great, the rewards are even greater.
Presenters: Erin Moore, Stonewall Democrats, Dallas, TX

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 61


National Reporting and Data-Driven Advocacy: Telling: Dan Choi and Knights Out
Ending Anti-LGBT Violence By the Numbers Lieutenant Dan Choi and other founding Board members of
Research and Policy • Intermediate Knights Out will review messaging and media strategies of their
Participants will learn how to craft broad-range, data-based advo- work to allow gays, lesbians and bisexuals to serve openly in the
cacy messages on anti-LGBT hate violence and Intimate Partner military. LGBT West Point grads and their allies formed Knights
Violence. They will be guided through ways that these messages Out in March, 2009, and gained attention when Dan Choi came
can and have been used in organizing community responses to out on The Rachel Maddow Show. Since then, Knights Out mem-
violence, media campaigns, Legislative Awareness Days, fund- bers have spoken their truth across the country: that “DADT” vio-
ing proposals, and policy papers and then encouraged to partner lates their honor, disrupts unit cohesion, and is bad for the Army.
with other workshop participants with similar interests to strat- We will discuss: why military service is a “tip of the spear” issue;
egize ways to create their own initiatives using these data driven changing the conversation: don’t let your opponents define the
advocacy tools. terms of the debate; going one-on-one with opponents like Elaine
Donnelly; and after DADT: Why coming out in the military will still
Presenters: Kim Fountain, Director of Community Organizing be an issue, and what we can do about it.
and Public Advocacy, NYC Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Proj-
ect, New York, NY; Maryse Mitchell-Brody, National Coalition of Presenters: Dan Choi, West Point ’03, Spokesperson, Knights
Anti-Violence Programs/NYC AVP, New York, NY; Roberta Sklar, Out; Sue Fulton, West Point ’80, Communications Director, Knights
Roberta Sklar Communications, New York, NY; Terry Slavin, Out; Dan Manning, West Point ’04, Board Member, Knights Out
Lead Staff Attorney Legal Services, L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center,
Los Angeles, CA The Greening of LGBT Business and Travel:
Voluntourism with Sweet
Numbers Matter: The Importance of the Census for Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences
LGBT Americans in 2010 and Beyond Sweet, an eco friendly travel company for lesbians, discusses
Research and Policy • All Audiences how LGBT business owners, trend-setters, and community lead-
In July of 2009, after months of lobbying by LGBT groups, the ers can help their companies and organizations make a difference
Census Bureau announced that it would begin counting same-sex while still making a dollar. Discussion will include topics like niche
married couples for the first time. Join experts from the Task Force marketing, website promotions and pr, green business principles,
Policy Institute, UCLA’s Williams Institute, and the U.S. Census Bu- carbon offsetting, and voluntourism, or volunteer travel.
reau for a panel discussion on what the census tells us about our Presenters: Shannon Wentworth, SWEET, Emeryville, CA
communities, the impacts of this policy change, and plans to advo-
cate for increased LGBT inclusion in future censuses and surveys.
Theater for Social Change:
Presenters: Gary Gates, Senior Research Fellow, The Williams Tell Your Story Change Your World
Institute, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, CA; Jaime M. Art & Culture • Fundamentals
Grant, Director of the Policy Institute, National Gay and Lesbian
Task Force, Washington, DC; Tim Olson, U.S. Census Bureau, Basic theater skills can help make speakers more confident, mes-
Washington, DC sages more artful, and audiences more emotionally connected to
your work. In this interactive workshop participants will learn ba-
sic LGBTQ activist performance principles to apply to their activ-
Serving low-income LGBT people:
ism work. Participants will learn to use theater exercises, writing
Challenges and Strategies for Success prompts and group discussion to explore personal stories and
Racial Justice • All Audiences how they can inspire constructive community dialogue.
People of color and low-income people who are LGBT have been Presenters: Logan Ferrero, Boston, MA; Evelyn Francis, The
underserved by both LGBT organizations and organizations pro- Theater Offensive, Cambridge, MA
viding services to low-income people. Increasingly, LGBT orga-
nizations and legal services organizations are creating specific
projects to meet the needs of LGBT people who are low-income
Trailblazing for Transgender Health
Health • Intermediate
and of color. This workshop will address the legal services needs
of low-income LGBT individuals by examining current models and Ensuring good health care for transgender people takes engaged
how LGBT and service organizations can collaborate effectively. community members, health care providers, allies, and advo-
cates. Through Project HEALTH: Harnessing Education, Advo-
Presenters: Natalie Chin, Lambda Legal, New York, NY; Lisa
cacy, and Leadership in Transgender Healthcare, Lyon-Martin
Cisneros, Student, Brown University, Providence, RI; Cathy Sa-
Health Services, Transgender Law Center and Equality California
kimura, Equal Justice Works Fellow, National Center for Lesbian
are embarking on an innovative program to expand access to
Rights, San Francisco, CA; Terry Slavin, Lead Staff Attorney
healthcare. Come learn how to bridge gaps between community
Legal Services, L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, Los Angeles, CA
and providers, engage people in advocacy efforts, support clinics,
62 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010

and educate providers. es. And yet, current organizing being done on the impact criminal-
ization of drugs has on poor and working class queer communities,
Presenters: Daniel Gould, Equality California, Los Angeles,
especially queers of color, is largely invisible (often the only reference
CA; Kara Nostrand, San Francisco , CA; Kristina Wertz, San
to queers and the war on drugs is to meth use among white gay
Francisco, CA
men). This roundtable will feature an intergenerational dialogue from
experienced queer organizers from the Stonewall Era to the pres-
Victim Advocacy with LGBTQ Clients – ent, about their work organizing against repressive drug policies in
Working Across Systems Across Time poor and low-income queer communities, past and present.
Anti-Violence/Bias Reduction • Intermediate
Presenters: Miss Major, Advisory Board Member, TGI Justice
This highly interactive workshop will provide a broader understand- Project, San Lorenzo, CA; Gabriel Sayegh, Director, State
ing of the social barriers that may affect how LGBTQ victims of Organizing and Policy Project, Drug Policy Alliance, New York,
violence respond to traumatic events such as hate crimes, domes- NY; Laura Thomas, San Francisco Drug Policy Alliance , San
tic violence, sexual assault or harassment. In this workshop we Francisco, CA; Jay Toole, Queers for Economic Justice, NY
will address how these types of events affect LGBTQ individuals
or communities considering past experiences of marginalization, Building Anti-Racist Campus Alliances
discrimination or underrepresentation. Participants will learn from Campus • Intermediate
real life based scenarios and will be encouraged to share their own.
Integrating racial justice work into all campus organizing and
Presenters: Amanda Escamilla, Fenway Health, Boston, MA social justice activism is crucial to creating change. Not only do
LGBT campus activists need to build coalitions with students do-
What Your Parents Never Taught You About Sex ing racial justice work, we need to integrate it into existing work.
Youth • All Audiences This workshop will allow participants to share strategies and ap-
This session will discuss safe sex practices in today’s society, social proaches to building an anti-racist movement as well as challenge
responsibilities, as well as HIV/AIDS and STD training. We will identify us to think about how these approaches manifest in our own lives.
the communities and demographics that are the most at risk and Presenters: Sheri Atkinson, Director, LGBT Resource Center,
how to promote responsible sex practices in local communities. University of California, Davis, Davis, CA; Monroe France, NYU,
Presenters: Ernesto Dominguez; Andrew Striker Office of LGBT Student Services, New York, NY

From Access to Inclusion to Justice:

An Introduction to Disability Justice and Anti-Ableism
Friday, February 5 • 3:00PM –4:30PM
Disability • 3 Hour Session • All Audiences

A Dialog with Youth: Join multi-issue disability activists for a lively roundtable dialogue
Talking About Sex and Sexual Freedom about disability justice and anti-ableism work, followed by small
Youth • Fundamentals group discussion. Why is it important to talk about ableism (dis-
ability-based oppression) in our movements as LGBT/Queer ac-
This thought provoking and important workshop will create a tivists? How does disability need to be integrated into a larger

space for youth to address how sexual freedom issues, both their vision of liberation? What and who do we lose when disability jus-
own sexuality and broader public issues, impact LGBTQI youth. tice isn’t part of progressive multi-issue political agendas. Come
We will completely shift the adult/youth power dynamic for this ready to engage with these questions and more.
youth-led academy where LGBTQI youth activists (ages 22 and
younger) will discuss the importance of including youth in the dia- Presenters: Sebastian Margaret, Community Activist; Mia
logue of LGBTQI issues in order to effectively address the issues Mingus, New Voices Fellow, Georgians for Choice, Atlanta, GA
that are most important to them.
Going back to the beginning, Aprendiendo del pasado
Presenters: Jeannie Beeson, National Youth Advocacy People of Color • All Audiences
Coalition, Washington DC; Greg Varnum, National Youth
Advocacy Coalition, Washington, DC This workshop will explore our history as leaders within a Latino
context and the different ways in which we have held leadership
Beyond the Meth Monster: over time. We will use that exploration to enhance our listening,
leadership and consensus building skills as we discover new
Queer Strategies for Ending the War on Drugs forms of leadership which speak to a truth in accountability and
Health • All Audiences
transparency. This will be a bilingual workshop.
From Prohibition to the present day, the war on drugs has adversely
Presenters: Jorge Cestou, Chicago, IL; Gabriel Gonzalez,
impacted the LGBT community through the policing and raiding of
Omaha, NE; Cristina Martinez, Pearland, TX; Lisbeth Melendez
queer spaces, resulting in disproportionate arrests for drug offens-
Rivera, Principal, Intersections Consulting, Washington, DC
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 63

Homophobia in the Black Church Presenters: Mycroft Holmes, Interfaith Coalition for Transgender
Faith & Spirituality • All Audiences Equality and ,Boston MA ; Richard Juang, Cambridge, MA; Chris
Paige ; Rev. Rebecca Voelkel, IWR and Faith Work Director,
Many of our brothers and sisters are suffering from the destructive ho- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Minneapolis, MN
mophobia that afflicts society at large as well as the African American
community. Too often, gay people within our own communities are
treated without respect. Too often our churches are a source of and
Mobilizing Catholic Support for LGBTQ Equality
Faith & Spirituality • Intermediate
not a refuge from the intolerance and discrimination they experience in
the world. Homophobia makes our churches fertile ground for those Catholics represent the largest religion denomination, and the
who seek to set us against one another, who seek to promote discrimi- highest proportion of religious voters in the US. While Catholic
nation and unequal treatment in pursuit of their own political power. It is Church officials lead the fight to maintain discrimination, the ma-
time that we Speak Until Justice Comes and lift up a gospel of home jority of Catholics “in the pews” support equality for our commu-
and love for one another. It is time for us to challenge discrimination nity. This session will focus on how to identify and connect with
that harms our brothers and sisters, our families, and our communities. pro-LGBTQ Catholics, and on the messages found to be most
persuasive to them.
LGBT Youth and Federal Policy Issues Presenters: Marianne Duddy, Executive Director, DignityUSA,
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • All Audiences Washington, DC
This workshop will provide an overview of the many federal policy
issues currently affecting LGBT youth. Panelists will briefly discuss Sexual Liberation as a Framework for Change
the policy issues affecting LGBT youth including safe schools, Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
comprehensive sexuality education, housing, and federal data
LGBT people have had to cross treacherous terrain in order to find
collection. Participants will then develop and share effective advo-
and claim our desires, and this valuable force remains a razor-sharp
cacy messages and actions related to these issues.
reminder, deep within our hearts, of who we really are-and of ev-
Presenters: Rebecca Fox, Executive Director, National Coali- erything we truly can be. We have been shaped, deformed and lib-
tion for LGBT Health, Washington, DC; Sean Gaylord , Director erated by the sexuality we have dared to claim. Because of that
of Public Policy, GLSEN, Washington, DC; Donald Hitchcock, journey, we know that sex and desire are political. Liberation move-
Director of Public Policy, Advocates for Youth, Washington, DC ments in our country often suppress or fail to understand the power
this political fact exerts on shaping our worldviews, our definitions of
Making music, building the future oppression and freedom, our sense of what is possible. Leftist, femi-
Art & Culture • All Audiences nist, labor, civil rights and transnational freedom movements all suffer
from lacking an integrated view of sexuality as essential to a vision
Imagine a world where music makes everyone equal. Two of the for liberation. Sadly, fighting right wing backlash at the ballot-box has
country’s leading Choruses work with youth to build community and had the same effect on the LGBT movement. Which brings us to the
challenge homophobia. Here’s your chance to see - and hear - how. question of the day: are we still a movement for sexual liberation?
Presenters: Dominic Gregorio, Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Presenters: Amber Hollibaugh, Chief Officer of Elder and LBTI
Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Jonathan Palant, Artistic Director, Women’s Services, Howard Brown Health Center, Chicago, IL;
Turtle Creek Chorale, Dallas, TX; Hywel Sims, Gay Men’s Chorus

John D’Emilio, Historian and Professor of Gender Studies,
of Los Angeles, Los Angeles , CA University of Illinois in Chicago, Chicago, IL; Kenyon Farrow,
Executive Director, Queers for Economic Justice, New York;
Mending Covenants: Strategizing for Transgender Debanuj DasGupta; Jaime Grant, Director, Policy Institute,
Equality in Faith Communities National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC
Faith & Spirituality • Intermediate
Although the lunacy of the Westboro Baptist Church catches the Skills for Surviving Anti-LGBT Politics
media’s attention, the more sober forms of the religious right’s anti- Elections, Ballot Measures and Campaigns • All Audiences
LGBT and anti-progressive activism have much more long-term This workshop offers concrete information for surviving anti-gay
influence in society and the law. This workshop opens up conver- politics, such as the current nationwide battle over same-sex mar-
sations for LGBT activists in faith communities, with a focus on the riage. It will help you make sense of the psychological toll of such
question of the role of faith and faith communities in the transgender campaigns. Information from this workshop has helped people
movement. The workshop will review important developments in who have been impacted by anti-gay rhetoric, and it offers others
law, public policy, the media, and demography, and major changes new skills to protect themselves in the face of current or future
in denominational policies, doctrines and theologies. We will then campaigns. Not only can we survive these campaigns, we can
open up to conversations about developing a long-term national use them to become stronger as people and as activists.
strategy for transgender faith activism. This is the first of a series of
national strategic movement-building discussions. Presenters: Glenda Russell, Louisville, CO

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 65


Story-Telling for Social Change: That’s so gay! School-based interventions and

Gathering LGBTQ Personal Stories classroom homophobia
Movement Building • All Audiences School Issues • Intermediate
Why is telling your personal story so important and so challeng- This workshop assists teachers, students, and service providers
ing? The stories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (working in schools) in creating educational strategies that chal-
lives reveal histories untold and discrimination overlooked. Our lenge anti-LGBT attitudes in classrooms. Participants will review
community needs to tell these stories and our society needs to campus climate results from a large urban school district, research
hear them. Your story is critical to advancing our movement. Yet, on teachers’ attitudes on LGBT-inclusive instruction, and discuss
story collection is a challenge faced throughout the LGBT move- the creation of pragmatic and applicable educational strategies
ment. The purpose of this workshop is to attain the skills to collect that may lead to improved school climate. Participants will leave
and tell our personal stories. We will focus especially on stories of with knowledge and tools to address these issues in their teach-
healthcare denied based on family configuration and experiences ing and engagement of students.
of hate violence. This participatory workshop will guide partici-
Presenters: Erik Martinez, San Francisco LGBT Community
pants through story collection methods to hands on storytelling
Center, San Francisco, CA; Roberto Ordenaña, Director of Com-
and gathering within the workshop. It will also provide guides for
munity Programs, San Francisco LGBT Community Center, San
story dissemination.
Francisco, CA
Presenters: Roberta Sklar, Roberta Sklar Communications,
New York, NY The SAGE Model:
What Is It, Why Use It, and How to Start an Affiliate
Strengthening the Connection: Aging • Fundamentals
Racial Justice and LGBT Rights As older activists look for places in our community that include
Research and Policy • All Audiences
them, the SAGE model is often the answer. This workshop will
This workshop will focus on the current and potential role of the describe how SAGE affiliates are created, provide examples of the
racial justice movement in supporting LGBT rights and constituen- advocacy and services different SAGE affiliates offer, and outline
cies, work already underway across the country. The Applied Re- methods for advocates and organizations to work together to cre-
search Center will lead a discussion about how L/G/B/T constituen- ate inclusive spaces for older LGBT people.
cies and issues are positioned in today’s racial justice movement.
Presenters: Rick Brennan, Sherrill Wayland, Tom Weber, all from
We will present early findings from our national study, funded by the
Arcus Foundation, of racial justice organizations and leaders and
welcome feedback to strategize around the findings.
We’re here! We’re queer! We eat paneer!
Presenters: Kalpana Krishnamurthy, Director, Racial Justice & Mapping LGBTQ AAPI Organizing for Social Change
Gender Justice Program, Western States Center, Portland, OR; People of Color • All Audiences
Rinku Sen, Executive Director, Applied Research Center, New
York, NY Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian and Pacific Island-
er (AAPI) LGBTQs are organizing like never before. This workshop
Taking the Mystery out of Nonprofit Marketing: will give an overview of the nation’s LGBTQ AAPI groups, and
will provide comparative information about their infrastructure, ca-
Use Your Mission, Build Your Brand, Achieve Your Goals pacity, and challenges. Presenters will showcase local multilingual
Communications, Media and Messaging • 3 Hour Session
education campaigns to counter anti-gay bias and organizing
• All Audiences
campaigns for immigrants’ rights and marriage equality. Repre-
When an organization’s mission drives its communication, the sentatives of some of the nation’s leading LGBTQ AAPI organiza-
messages become clear and passionate, empowering clients, vol- tions will provide current information and on-the-ground analysis
unteers, donors and staff. This workshop will help not-for-profits of their work.
raise public awareness, engage supporters, use resources more
Presenters: Joyce Gabiola, Queer & Asian, Houston, TX; Alice
efficiently and grow through periods of diminished resources. This
Hom, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy, Los An-
three-hour workshop will introduce the mission-ing system foun-
geles, CA; Glenn D. Magpantay, Co-Chair, Gay Asian and Pacific
dations (research, positioning, strategy development, messaging,
Islander Men of NY (GAPIMNY), New York, NY; Tawal Panya-
communications planning, evaluation and fiscal management).
cosit, Director, API Equality
Then, participants will work in teams to solve real-life problems.
Presenters: Stephanie Blackwood, Double Platinum, New York, What To Say When We Get There
NY; Arthur Korant, Co-Founder and Creative Director, Double Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • All Audiences
President Obama can’t singlehandedly deliver the equality mea-
sures that we demand and a call for action has been made for us
66 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010

to begin lobbying elected members of Congress. But what do we Presenters: Laura Burrow, Southwestern University; Mary
say when we get to their office or get them on the phone? Faith Gonzalez, Austin, TX; Christopher Ray, Southwestern University;
In America will present a 90-minute workshop on best- messag- Kamna Tripathi, Southwestern University
ing to elected officials who may feel a pro-equality vote will have
negative consequences with their religious-minded constituents. Change we can believe in? LGBT equality and
This is messaging we can give to the parents, community lead- HIV/AIDS policy under the Obama administration
ers, clergy and everyday Americans who are making calls on our AIDS/HIV • Intermediate
This workshop will provide an update about developments in fed-
Presenters: Mitchell Gold, Faith In America, Hudson, NC eral lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and HIV policy
under the Obama administration. Participants will discuss the sta-
WORKSHOP SESSION 4 tus of key policy issues including a national HIV/AIDS strategy,
Friday, February 5 • 4:45PM –6:15PM defunding abstinence only programs, the HIV entry ban, employ-
ment nondiscrimination, and family recognition.
“Elders Speak,” GRIOT still the only LGBT Elders of Color Presenters: Randall Ellis, Houston, TX; Ronald Johnson, AIDS
organization, why? Action Council , Washington, DC; Lyndel Urbano, Gay Men’s
People of Color • All Audiences Health Crisis (GMHC), New York, NY
The power point presentation was taken over a five year period of
over 451 elders of color in New York City. GRIOT looked at health, From Access to Inclusion to Justice: An Introduction to
income, family, housing and isolation. Disability Justice and Anti-Ableism (Continued)
Disability • 3 Hour Session • All Audiences
Presenters: Glen Michael, Executive Director, GRIOT Circle,
Brooklyn, NY
How Homophobia Affects Straight People...
and the REST OF US
A Dialog with Youth: Talking About Sex and Gender Issues • Fundamentals
Sexual Freedom (continued)
Youth • Fundamentals Homophobia is often understood as an irrational fear of homosex-
uals, however when changing this definition to an irrational fear of
Advanced Movement Building through intimate same-sex relationships, we discover a whole new realm
of social dimensions of which to explore. What we find uncovers
Lifelong Sexuality Education many ways in which homophobia affects our whole world and can
Movement Building • Intermediate
address a plethora of issues from the marriage debate, to the lack
This workshop is for advanced activists and educators who wish of young men entering college, to the way in which fathers and
to explore and develop radical sexuality education programs de- sons interact. Join us as we explore the ways that homophobia
signed to further LGBT social justice movements by promoting has shaped our society and what we can do to overcome this ir-
lifelong healthy sexuality and well being including desire, pleasure, rational fear that has oppressed our LGBT community.
and sexual happiness (sexual literacy). This is an interactive expe-
Presenters: Ryan Ubuntu Olson, Center for Artistic Revolution,

riential workshop and will focus on developing concrete and prag-
Little Rock, AR
matic strategies for implementing progressive sexuality education
programs. Prior knowledge of needs assessments, program de-
velopment, implementation, and evaluation is required. How Straight Spouses of LGBT Partners Become Allies:
How YOU Can Help
Presenters: Christopher White, Director of Education and Train- Movement Building • Intermediate
ing, San Francisco State University– NSRC, San Francisco, CA
How do straight spouses, whose husbands or wives come
Building Coalition: Strategies for Success out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, move from shock
Campus • All Audiences and anger to become allies fighting for equality? Amity Buxton,
Straight Spouse Network founder, describes the process with
Historically, coalitions have been powerful in the struggle for so- personal stories in text and film told by diverse spouses who
cial change. This interactive workshop examines the historical and became social justice advocates. Participants will devise and
current issues surrounding coalition building, as well as barriers practice ways to help spouses become allies and design local
and opportunities when developing coalitions. Attendees will have advocacy projects they and straight spouses could achieve
the opportunity to examine their own identities and discuss how together.
social identities intersect and play a significant role when building
coalitions around LGBT issues. Attendees will leave with practical Presenters: Amity P. Buxton, Founder, Straight Spouse
knowledge and strategies on coalition building. Network, Oakland, CA

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 67


How to Become Gay for Pay- Inroads to a Queer Career sion of this ground-breaking work, attendees will learn some best
Movement Building • All Audiences practices and strategies around racial diversity and inclusion now
being developed and applied within our Movement.
Whether you’re a young person just beginning your career, or a
working professional looking to shift your work to a new arena, if Presenters: Sue Doerfer, Executive Director, Equality Ohio,
you’ve ever contemplated a career in the LGBT movement this Cleveland, OH; Valarie Larabee, Utah Pride Center, UT; Clarence
workshop is for you! Through practical information and tips as well Patton, Executive Director, The Pipeline Project; Guido Sanchez,
as personal stories of how some of us working in the movement National Manager of Membership and Development, CenterLink
now have gotten here, we’ll help you to recognize your options,
decide whether a “queer career” is right for you, and begin to Reaching Out to the Blogosphere
develop a personal action plan for reaching your goals. Bring your Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences
questions and your resumes!
Blogs can be powerful engines of information sharing and places
Presenters: Somjen Frazer, The National Gay and Lesbian Task of substantive conversation, but only when people actively engage
Force, New York, NY; Alex Kent, SAGE: Services & Advocacy with you and your blog. This workshop focuses on the culture(s) of
for GLBT Elders , NY; Clarence Patton, Executive Director, The the blogosphere and gives concrete strategies for engaging blog-
Pipeline Project; Terry Stone, Executive Director, CenterLink, gers in your work, whether you’re an organizational staff person
Washington, DC or an individual activist.
Presenters: Bil Browning, The Bilerico Project, Indianapolis, IN;
Intersex Workshop Mike Rogers, Page One Q, Washington, DC; Michael Crawford,
Sexual Freedom • All Audiences The Bilerico Project, Washington, DC; Jenna Lowenstein, Femi-
Intersex is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which nisting, Washington, DC
a person is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t
fit the typical definitions of female or male. This will be an informa- Standing on the Side of Love
tional/educational workshop about intersex, including: a brief his- Faith & Spirituality • Intermediate
tory of intersex and the medicalization of intersex bodies, and the
Standing on the Side of Love is a grassroots public advocacy
issues with current standards of treatment and care for intersex
campaign, designed to help local communities respond to in-
cidents of violence, oppression, and exclusion. GLBT activists
Presenters: Gina DeVries can use the campaign to build coalitions with other communities
which are oppressed, excluded, or violated. While primarily de-
Keeping the Peace: Conflict Mediation Training signed for people of faith anyone may use the campaign’s tools,
Community Organizing • All Audiences found at standingonthesideoflove.org. This workshop will explore
how to do this work most successfully.
This workshop will focus on providing participants with the neces-
sary tools for basic conflict mediation. Attendees will have the op- Presenters: Meg Riley, Director, UUA, Boston, MA
portunity to improve their conflict mediation skills through a series
of activities modeling situations that may be encountered in daily State of the queer movement through the
life. This workshop will help attendees become more familiar with historic lens of other social movements
the process of conflict mediation and how it relates to community Movement Building • Intermediate
organizing. Participants will leave with skills instrumental in sus-
taining community and working towards social justice. This workshop will help attendees examine their activism through
the historic lens of other social movements, and help to contex-
Presenters: Siche Greene-Mitchell, Women’s Center, Eugene, tualize the queer movement on the continuum of a rights only
OR; Erin McGladrey, Women’s Center, Eugene , OR; Arielle Reid, based approach to equality. The workshop will offer participants
Women’s Center, Eugene, OR; Tiffany Wong, Youth Leader, an opportunity to explore alternative models for achieving equal-
Rainbow Revolutionaries Youth Group, Honolulu, HI ity through culture change versus strictly legal political change.
Participants will engage in a dialogue that will help to inform their
Lessons on Inclusion from the Pipeline Project: current activism and grassroots organizing efforts.
A Panel Discussion on Work Being Done, Presenters: Julie Davis, Face Value, SF, CA; Anne Marks,
Best Practices and Lessons Learned Face Value, SF, CA; Timothy McCarthy, Harvard University,
Organizational Development • Intermediate Cambridge, MA
This workshop will present a panel discussion on racial diversity
and inclusion work happening through Pipeline Project program- Taking the Mystery out of Nonprofit Marketing: Use Your
ming. With Community Center recipients of our Organizational/ Mission, Build Your Brand, Achieve Your Goals (Continued)
Environmental Change curriculum participating in a panel discus- Communications, Media and Messaging • 3 Hour Session
• All Audiences
68 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010

The Race for Equality Includes YOU! Breast Cancer Impacts on the LGBT Community
Elections, Ballot Measures and Campaigns • Intermediate Health
This session is meant to raise awareness and increase excitement Lesbian, gay, bisexual women and transgender people have a
about the opportunities and challenges of running as an openly greater risk of breast cancer than other women. This interactive
GLBT candidate for every level of elected and appointed office. workshop will dispel the myths around breast cancer and sexual
We will set a framework for asking important questions as you orientation while raising awareness and providing practical ways
decide whether or not running for office is right for you. participants can mobilize and advocate for equal access to care
and treatment for all.
Presenters: James Dozier, Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund,
Washington, DC; Shawn Werner, Field Director, Gay and Lesbian Presenters: Philip Deitch, Susan G. Komen for the Cure LGBT
Victory Fund and Leadership Institute, Washington, DC National Advisory Council, Dallas, TX

Trans Youth & Safe Schools: Advocacy & Policy Building Community Beyond the Binary
School Issues • All Audiences Transgender Community & Issues
Through fun, immersive, and engaging exercises this work- This caucus will explore ways to build community for those who
shop will help participants to identify the key barriers and chal- live between and outside the boxes marked male and female.
lenges that transgender and gender non-conforming youth face Themes will be exploration of gender-neutral language: what’s
in schools. We will discuss administrative, physical, and mental out there, what’s missing and how do encourage its use; and
health aspects of transitioning in schools. We will then shift our looking at what community looks like for us currently and what
attention to examining some model policies and finding innovative our hopes are for community in the future. Participants will share
advocacy and policy solutions to meet those challenges head on. their knowledge, make connections with others, and leave with
Participants will leave with a solid game plan for helping transgen- hope for a stronger community.
der and gender non-conforming youth in schools.
Presenters: Shane Whalley, Austin, TX
Presenters: Danielle Askini, GSA Network, San Francisco, CA;
T. Aaron Hans, Consultant/Activist, RISE Consulting, Marina, CA; Caucus for State and/or Local Transgender Advocacy,
DJ O’Donoghue, Steering Committee Member, MA Transgender Legal, and/or Political Organizations/Activists
Political Coalition , Boston, MA Transgender Community & Issues

Working Effectively with Partisan Organizations This caucus is for transgender activists working on the state/local
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • Advanced level advancing transgender equality. Facilitated by members of
the Coalition of State/Local Transgender Advocacy/Political Or-
Employment non-discrimination, hate crimes, marriage, school ganizations, which works to bring together transgender led orga-
bullying, etc. Across the nation, we’re working on many equality- nizations for networking and resource sharing. Activities include:
based issues and that sometimes means we need to work with capturing a snapshot of the local transgender advocacy work that
local and state parties as well as the LGBT partisan organizations, was done in 2009 through group activity and small group discus-
whether they be at the local, state or national level. This brings to- sions based on policy areas in order to share strategies, resourc-
gether members of the Stonewall Democrats and Log Cabin Re-

es, and skills with fellow participants.
publicans to discuss how nonpartisan and partisan groups may
strategically join forces. Presenters: Masen Davis, Executive Director, Transgender Law
Center, San Francisco, CA; Tobias Packer, Co-Founder, Florida
Presenters: Kyle Bailey, GLBT Caucus Vice-Chair, Young Demo- Action Coalition for Transgender Equality, FL; Pauline Park, Co-
crats of America, Atlanta, GA; Kris Banks, Houston Gay Political chair, New York Association For Gender Rights Advocacy , New
Caucus; Christian Berle, Log Cabin Republicans ; Ted Jackson York, NY; Gunner Scott, Director, Massachusetts Transgender
Political Coalition (MTPC), Boston, MA
Friday, February 5 • 6:30PM –7:30PM Creating a Safe Zone Program on Your Campus.
Case Study - Aggie Allies at Texas A&M University
40 Years After Stonewall - A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Campus
Transgender Activist Timeline Are you part of a GLBT and allies safe zone program at your Univer-
Community Organizing sity? Would you like to work with other people engaged in safe-zone
This caucus will feature speakers from the early LGBT Rights work to arrive at something better for all of us? Join us in a caucus
Movement in America. They will talk about what things were like designed to look at what is currently being done in Texas and across
then and how they feel things have progressed. Sharing and the country and help us decide what we can each do better.
questions from the audience encouraged. Presenters: Katy Stewart, Aggie Allies, Bryan, TX
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 69

Don’t Call Me a Tranny Chaser Learning to Be Allies in the LGBT Aging Movement
Transgender Community & Issues Aging
This caucus will provide an opportunity for people (both trans- Interested in aging issues, but unsure where to begin? Wonder-
identified and not) who love transgender folks to meet and discuss ing if you’re “too young” to get involved? Maybe you’re helping
our experiences with stigmatization in the LGBTQ community as to care for aging parents, or your friends are older and you’d like
“tranny chasers.” We will explore the diversity of our identities and to learn more about how to advocate with and for them. Join us
discuss how the phrase tranny chaser has affected our feelings of for this caucus of LGBT elders and allies to discuss ageism and
inclusion in transgender affirming spaces and the overall LGBTQ advocacy.
community. Join us for productive discussion and community
Presenters: Rev. Shaba A. Barnes, Emeritus Co-Director,
building opportunities!
Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, Albuquerque, NM; Jerry
Presenters: Mel Goodwin, The Gay & Lesbian Community Hoose, New York, NY; Alex Kent, SAGE: Services & Advocacy
Center of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV for GLBT Elders , NY

Engaging Employee Participation in LGBT Activities LGBTQ Youth of Color Organizing Summit Caucus
Workplace Youth
This session will focus on ways to create awareness and a posi- FIERCE will host a LGBTQ Youth of Color Organizing Summit
tive impression towards your company’s LGBT resource group Caucus to reconvene the participants of Wednesday’s summit.
in ways that are fun, inclusive and non-threatening. We’ll share This safe space will be a facilitated open discussion about the
challenges, expectations, and lessons learned from a conserva- experiences of LGBTQ youth of color at Creating Change. The
tive business environment. This will be followed by recommenda- caucus space is also open to skill shares, identifying goals for next
tions for planning a successful event and reaching your employee year’s LGBTQ youth of color organizing summit, or other topics
base. We’ll have time for open discussion and for attendees to identified by the participants. The caucus is only open to partici-
share their success strategies. pants of the LGBTQ Youth of Color Organizing Summit.
Presenters: Donna Barlow; Brook Bennett; Katy Krekler, First Presenters: Glo Ross, FIERCE, NY
American Corporation, Westlake, TX
Life as the “unofficial” Campus Queer
Finding Our Voice at the Table: advocating for emerging School Issues
and less popular issues in the LGBT communities This caucus is designed for individuals doing LGBT education &
Community Organizing advocacy but are not employed specifically to do so. Caucus at-
Some of the issues facing LGBT communities are well understood tendees will share ideas for programs, educational sessions, ad-
and well funded; others are just emerging, struggling for accep- vocacy, and other best practices in addition to sharing tips on
tance and financial support. This caucus will be an opportunity for how to obtain buy in from other faculty and staff. Attendees with
people organizing around new or less popular issues to meet and leave this session with ideas and tools that can be implemented
strategize about ways to educate the community, create coali- on their campus.
tions with other groups, share strategies for engaging potential Presenters: Matthew Le Brasseur, Tampa, FL
funders and use new media, like twitter, for outreach.
Presenters: Liz Margolies, National LGBT Cancer Network, Old Lesbian caucus - lesbians 60 and over
New York, NY Movement Building
A time for lesbians 60 and over to gather to share movement
Getting to Know You building stories, change strategies, personal support .
Transgender Community & Issues
Presenters: Rev. Jan Griesinger, Co-Director - Old Lesbians
This workshop will help attendees become familiar with and im- Organizing for Change, Athens, OH
prove their existing advocacy skills with Transgender Community
issues. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions to panel Perspectives and Experiences of Queer Southeast
participants in an effort to improve their advocacy and messaging
talents to include issues that encompass Transgender individuals.
Asians in LGBTQ Organizations
People of Color
Attendees will hear directly from Transgender individual and leave
with practical advice and tools for their own advocacy situations. This caucus is an opportunity for queer Southeast Asians and
their allies to share their experiences and views on advocacy in
Presenters: Marla Compton, Resource Center Dallas, Dallas, TX;
LGBTQ organizing on college campuses and the larger commu-
Maeve O’Connor, Resource Center Dallas, Dallas, TX; Mo Snow
nity. Presenters and participants alike will share their own initiatives

70 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010


and struggles to integrate advocacy and support for other queer gotten stories of some of our nation’s most vulnerable citizens.
Southeast Asians around racial, economic, and social justice. Diverse contributors share stories of survival and abuse with poi-
gnant accounts of the sanctuary of community and the power
Presenters: Beng Chang, MN; Kohei Ishihara; Sarah Suong;
of creating chosen families. Kicked Out highlights the nuanced
Kevin Xiong
perspectives of national organizations such as The National Gay &
Lesbian Task Force and The National Alliance Against Homeless-
Protecting Ourselves Against Our Own Bodies ness and regional agencies, including Sylvia’s Place, The Circus
Youth Project and Family Builders. This anthology, introduced by Judy
Remember your first time going to the gyno? Never been? Come Shepard, gives voice to the voiceless and challenges the stereo-
chat with other young women about strategies and terminology typical face of homelessness.
about your body. This 60-minute caucus will leave you with all Presenters: Sassafras Lowrey, Author, Kicked Out
the information you may need to be comfortable at your doctors.
Have a great time educating yourself about your body.
Running a Women’s Group
Presenters: Stephanie Robinson, BAGLY, Inc., Boston, MA Community Organizing
This workshop will help attendees increase attendance of women
QPOC Organizing on College Campuses in their GLBT centers and women’s groups. Participants will com-
People of Color pare and analyze types of meetings and advertising methods from
QPOC Organizing on College Campuses is intended for those their own experiences. Attendees will leave with practical guide-
who identify as queer people of color. This caucus will focus on lines for when women will participate, meeting ideas, and adver-
discussing issues relevant to QPOC community building on col- tising skills unique to women.
lege campuses, such as: the importance of politicization in QPOC Presenters: Jennifer Owens, Resource Center Dallas, Dallas,
spaces, strategies for fostering political analysis while maintaining TX; Sandy Thornton, Resource Center Dallas, Dallas, TX
a safe, supportive space; the incorporation of class-based and
ability-based discourses into QPOC spaces; how to relate QPOC
college organizing to larger social justice movements.
Talking About Sex in Communities of Color
Sexual Freedom
Presenters: Ajanli Jaiman; Luis Penate; Watufani Poe; Sasha
Doing the nasty just isn’t a polite conversation topic, but for SLG-
BT activists of color, laughing about what really happened on Sat-
urday night with your friends is normal. By extension, being able to
Queer Activism in Spanish Caucus engage others both inside and out of your immediate community
Movement Building in honest discussions about sexuality should be just as normal.
In most Queer Latino activist efforts English is the default language Join us as we address ways to accomplish this by charting some
that is used. However, many Latino community members are of the effective ways African American, Asian, Hispanic and white
Spanish-dominant and prefer to engage civic and cultural issues LGBT activists have held positive conversations on sexuality in
in Spanish. This caucus is designed as a Spanish-language LGBT communities of color.
activist gathering. We hope to share resources, best practices Presenters: Yoseñio V. Lewis, Woodhull Freedom Foundation,

and confer around the needs of LGBT activism in Spanish. San Francisco, CA
Presenters: Francisco Dueñas, Proyecto Igualdad Coordinator,
Lambda Legal, Los Angeles, CA Transitioning Beyond the Boxes
Gender Issues
Queer Youth Caucus How is your gender identity defined by you? By society? In what
Youth ways do you conform to gender norms? In what ways do you
Come one, come all to this wonderful networking opportunity for challenge them? Move beyond the gender boxes! This caucus will
young people to meet the leaders of our movement and vice versa. explore gender identity and expression against the backdrop of
the mainstream gender binary system. Share your thoughts, feel-
Presenters: Greg Varnum, Executive Director, National Youth ings, stories, and ideas on how gender is questioned, accepted,
Advocacy Coalition, Washington, DC shaped, and challenged in our community and in our society.

Reading: Sassafras Lowery reads from Kicked Out Presenters: Anne Hodson, St. Paul, MN; Shawyn Lee,
Youth Assistant Director, University of Minnesota GLBTA Programs
Office, Minneapolis, MN
In the U.S., 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ. Kicked
Out published by Homofactus Press brings together the voices
of current and former homeless LGBTQ youth and tells these for-
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 71

What Does the “A” Stand For Again? Caucus on the Are You Ready?
Place of Straight Allies Within the Movement Moving Racial Justice in LGBT Organizations
Movement Building Racial Justice • 3 Hour Session • Fundamentals
This is not about how to get people to become allies. This is not When it comes to race and racism, many LGBT organizations
about ooey-gooey talk of how “the best thing you can do is be have trouble walking their talk or even talking their talk. But like
there.” How can allies harness their particular status to contribute individuals, organizations evolve, change and grow. In this inter-
to the movement in unique ways? Where do we need to involve active workshop, participants will develop an understanding of
more allies, and where do we need separatist space? What does how racism operates within their organization’s own walls, assess
the ideal ally look like (perhaps within specific contexts)? where their organization fits in the four stages of Anti-Racist Orga-
nizational Development, identify steps to move forward, and share
Presenters: David Phinney, CA
fears, struggles and best practices in this work.

Winning Washington: How One Woman’s Story Became Presenters: Jeana Frazzini, Executive Director, Basic Rights
Key in a Major Movement Victory Oregon, Portland, OR; Aubrey Harrison, Field Organizer, Basic
Elections, Ballot Measures and Campaigns Rights Oregon, Portland, OR; Alejandro Juarez, Basic Rights
Oregon, Portland OR; Jessica Lee, Youth Organizer, Basic Rights
Charlene Strong, of the film “For My Wife,” became a key propo- Oregon, Portland, OR
nent of the Washington State comprehensive domestic partner
legislation. Charlene’s compelling story of a family tragedy helped Being Safe OUTside the System: LGBTSTGNC Communi-
to propel the victory in November 2009 on Referendum 71 that
cemented most rights of marriage for same-sex couples in Wash-
ties of Color Ending Violence Without Law Enforcement
Anti-Violence/Bias Reduction • All Audiences
LGBTSTGNC (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans, and
Presenters: Charlene Strong, For My Wife, Seattle, WA
Gender Non Conforming) people of color face hate violence and
police violence on a daily basis. However due to the prevalence of
Young and Poly state based violence LGBTSTGNC people of color are unable and
Sexual Freedom unwilling to rely upon law enforcement to ensure our safety. In a
Polyamory being one of the more marginalized identities of our highly interactive workshop members of the Audre Lorde Project’s
community, young people need a safe space to be validated S.O.S. Collective will support participants in creating strategies to
within their truths. Being young and poly even in the “queer” reduce violence against LGBTSTGNC communities of color.
community is impacted by a hetero-normative model of family Presenters: Ejeris Dixon, Audre Lorde Project, Brooklyn, NY
and relationships. This caucus is not designed as a poly 101 but
is designed for young people that identify on the poly spectrum
to voice shared experiences and learn from one another.
Beyond Binaries: Identity and Sexuality
Movement Building • All Audiences
Presenters: Daunasia Yansey, BAGLY, MA
Like snowflakes, no two people are exactly alike. How do we as-
sign labels to our complicated and unique experiences? What

WORKSHOP SESSION 5 generational changes are we experiencing around labeling? We
Saturday, February 6 • 9:00AM –10:30AM will discuss uses and limitations of the Kinsey scale and other
measures of sexual orientation, with attention to factors such as
Aging Out - Facilitating Healthy Transitions sex, gender, time, and more. We will conduct a short, anonymous
Youth • Intermediate study, and examine the data. Finally, we will consider the implica-
tions for our activism. This engaging workshop provides much
This workshop provides a forum for youth and adults at youth- food for thought.
serving organizations to discuss contemporary practices and
policies regarding age-limits, aging out and facilitating supported Presenters: Robyn Ochs, Editor, Bisexual Resource Guide,
transitions for youth. Participants will learn about contemporary Jamaica Plain, MA
aging out models being employed by other organizations. Youth
and adult attendees will dialogue about their respective needs as Building An Employee Resource Group (ERG) With Impact
individuals and organizations. Participants will depart with tools to Workplace • All Audiences
evaluate their own organizations and strategies for building a fully
The corporate world has been a leader on progressing LGBT
supportive aging out policy.
equality by recognizing that their employees can be more produc-
Presenters: Heather Lenox, Texas GSA Network, Austin, TX; tive if they can bring their whole self to work each day. This work-
Andie Lyons, The LGBT Community Center of Colorado, shop will provide those attending insight on starting, building and
Denver, CO; Trevor Wright, Board of Directors, The Boston growing LGBTF Employee Resource Groups within their company.
Alliance of Gay and Lesbian Youth (BAGLY), Boston, MA Although each topic is touched, the session emphasis will be on
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 73

how to help develop your ERG’s standing within the company and Data for a Change
the community. ERG’s with real influence on corporate policies can Research and Policy • Intermediate
have a lasting positive impact on LGBT employees for many years.
Data about transgender communities is sorely lacking. Time and
Presenters: Jeff Snook, Dallas, TX time again, we see that the lack of data about our communities
hinders our efforts to make change. But there is good news: recent
Centralizing Your Community: Why & How To Start or surveys have begun to fill in research gaps. Come learn how to use
Expand Your LGBT Community Center existing data on transgender discrimination issues, conduct similar
Community Centers • All Audiences surveys in your area, how to determine the implications of the data,
and how to use the data for policy advocacy. We will use examples
LGBT centers serve over 40,000 people weekly in 48 states, and from the Transgender Law Center’s State of Transgender California
this workshop will help organizers and others to consider the report and the Task Force and the National Center for Transgen-
direction of their local community relative to the formation of an der Equality’s National Study of the Prevalence of Discrimination
LGBT center and to learn the tools necessary to take that first against Transgender and Gender Non-conforming People.
leap. The content will assist those who are considering beginning
a center, those who have started a center, and those with existing Presenters: Masen Davis, Executive Director, Transgender Law
centers looking at building their presence in the community. Center, San Francisco, CA; Somjen Frazer, The National Gay and
Lesbian Task Force, New York, NY; Kristina Wertz, San Fran-
Presenters: Kendall Clawson, Executive Director, Portland Q cisco, CA
Center, Portland, OR; David Kilmnick, Executive Director, Long
Island Gay & Lesbian Youth, Bay Shore, NY; Guido Sanchez,
Enhancing HIV/STD Prevention Outreach to Diverse
National Manager of Membership and Development, CenterLink;
David Stocum, New Mexico LGBT Centers,NM Communities: African-Americans, Hispanics, and
Men Who Have Sex with Men
Communicating at the Intersection of Race and Sexuality: AIDS/HIV • Intermediate
Ideas on How To Build Bridges with African Americans This workshop will assist attendees become familiar with and
Research and Policy • Intermediate understand a variety of organizational and interpersonal dynam-
ics involved in outreaching to diverse communities, including
This workshop will offer a research-based discussion of how
African-American, Hispanic, and MSM populations for HIV/STD
communications can be strengthened between the LGBT move-
prevention. Participants will exchange best outreach practices,
ment and African American communities. The workshop will draw
techniques and strategies with outreach professionals of effective
upon research conducted by the Arcus Foundation and others
local and statewide health promotion campaigns. Attendees will
to articulate the complex intersections of sexuality and race with
leave with some essential outreach knowledge and skills to further
the goal of how these lessons can help activists create greater
develop their HIV/STD prevention programs.
public support and message effectively when engaging African
Americans. This session is for advocates, policy makers and lead- Presenters: Mikael Andrew; Jai Makokha; Ruben Ramirez,
ers who are sincerely engaged in organizing and communication Resource Center Dallas, Dallas, TX
across the lines of race and sexuality.
Presenters: Cornell Belcher, Brilliant Corners Research and Equity, Fidelity and Sustainability
Strategy; Rashad Robinson, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
Defamation, NY; Donna Victoria, Victoria Research and Consulting How do we create equitable agreements in our sexual encounters
and relationships? Does equity require symmetry in sexual prac-
Creating Diverse Coalitions around Family Definition tices and rules? How do divergent needs get met equitably? What
Families • Intermediate is fidelity? Is it sexual exclusivity? Is it honesty? Is it both or nei-
ther? How are we creating sustainable practices and frameworks
This workshop will help participants understand the ways in which
in our relationships? How do we measure success? Is longevity
LGBT advocates can find common ground around family defi-
the measure of a successful relationship? Or vibrancy? Or some-
nition issues with immigrants’ rights, women of color, economic
thing else? This lively discussion will feature panelists who are
justice, and other social justice advocates and organizations. Par-
embodying and exploring these values and concepts in greatly
ticipants will leave this workshop with concrete tools they can use
varying ways.
to create model coalitions based on a broad definition of family.
Presenters: Amelie Zurn, Jack Harrison, Kenyon Farrow
Presenters: Kellan E. Baker, Policy Associate, National Coalition
for LGBT Health, Washington, DC; Veronica Bayetti Flores, Na-
tional Latina Institute for Reproductive Health , NY; Rebecca Fox,
Executive Director, National Coalition for LGBT Health, Washing-
ton, DC; Miriam Yeung, Executive Director, National Asian Pacific
American Women’s Forum, New York, NY
74 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010

Model for Civic Engagement through Sex[+] More than the Birds and the Bees
Campus LGBT Resource Centers Youth • All Audiences
Campus • Intermediate For the past eight years, federal funded abstinence-only programs
University-based LGBT Resource Centers can do more than they have been teaching that: Young persons may sense affection and even
might think for the social justice movement. In this workshop we infatuation for a member of the same sex. This is not the same thing
will trace the development of our LGBT Resource Center in a con- as “being” homosexual. Any same sex “sexual experimentation” can
servative part of the country including its effective civic engage- be confusing to young persons and should be strongly discouraged.
ment strategies. Participants will develop their own strategies for (FACTS Middle School, Teacher’s Edition, p. 72) Abstinence-only be-
institutionalizing advocacy. By leveraging the power of the univer- fore marriage programs have failed to equip young people with the in-
sity, enormous change can be created in our communities. formation needed to make healthy and informed decisions about sex.
Sex education is a necessary and vital piece of young people’s educa-
Presenters: Milt Ford, Director, LGBT Resource Center, Grand tion – one that impacts our decisions, our health and potentially our
Valley State University ; Matthew Mokma, Graduate Assistant, whole lives. Regardless of people’s beliefs, we deserve truthful, medi-
LGBT Resource Center, Grand Valley State University ; Colette cally accurate information that speaks to our real, diverse experiences
Seguin Beighley, Assistant Director, LGBT Resource Center and trusts us to make informed decisions. In this workshop, we’re
-Grand Valley State University going to delve deeper into the issue that America loves and hates to
talk about – sex and sex education. We’re going to look at a brief his-
Online to Offline Engagement tory of sex education in this country and the abstinence-only culture
Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences shift of the last decade. Through the use of pop culture, PowerPoint
It’s great to drive people to your website, but if you can’t move and interactive discussion, we will talk about the dangerous impacts
them to take offline action in the “flesh world,” you haven’t done of abstinence-only-until-marriage curricula and discuss our vision for
your job. This session will cover how to move supporters from sex education that speaks to diverse experiences of all young people.
online support to offline activist, including some case studies from Presenters: Kierra Johnson and Edith Sargon, ChoiceUSA,
some of the most successful organizations in the U.S. Washington, DC
Presenters: Michael Crawford, The Bilerico Project, Washington
DC; R. Fureigh, New York, NY The Cutting Edge in Trans Rights:
Healthcare, Prisons, and ID Documents
Passing Good Legislation or Fighting Bad: Transgender Community & Issues • All Audiences
Using Research for Good Transgender rights are rapidly evolving. There have been great
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • Intermediate victories in some states and localities and some losses in oth-
Want to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance in your city? Trying ers. Whether fighting for insurance coverage for gender transition,
to fight an adoption ban? This session will give you an opportunity fighting for better jail/prison treatment, or for accurate IDs there is
to talk about upcoming legislative and policy initiatives (the good plenty cutting edge advocacy going on. Come hear about efforts
and the bad) and learn how to use cutting edge public policy re- in various states and localities, and even the national level, and
search to accomplish your goals. what you can do where you are to make a difference.

Presenters: M.V. Lee Badgett, Research Director, The Presenters: Simon Arnoff, Community Educator, Lambda Legal,
Williams Institute, Amherst, MA; Angie Buhl, Equality South Chicago, IL; Daniel Gould, Equality California, Los Angeles, CA;
Dakota; Naomi Goldberg, Williams Institute, Los Angeles, CA; Lisa Mottet, Transgender Civil Rights Project Director, National
Christopher Ramos, Williams Institute, Los Angeles, CA Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC; Gunner Scott,
Director, Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC),
Boston, MA; Harper Jean Tobin, Policy Council, National Center
Promise and Peril: Managing a statewide coalition and
for Transgender Equality, Washington, DC
public funding for LGBT health and human services
Movement Building • All Audiences
United Nations and International LGBT Issues
This session will help attendees become familiar with and improve their International Issues • Fundamentals
advocacy skills around securing funding for LGBT health and human
Bruce Knotts, with 23 years experience in the State Department
services. We will present a model for collaboration between statewide
and 2 in the Peace Corps (Ethiopia), was instrumental in the first
LGBT advocacy organizations, local community based health and hu-
inclusion of LGBT issues by the UN’s Human Rights Council. Join
man service providers and state officials and offer participants practi-
as he details the UN’s work on civil rights on the international
cal tools for creating and managing collaborations in their own states.
stage, and how we as individuals can help our cause in other
Presenters: Daniel Gould, Equality California, Los Angeles, countries as well as our own.
CA; Jonathan Lang, Empire State Pride Agenda, NY; Carmen
Presenters: Bruce Knotts, Unitarian Universalist United Nations,
Vazquez, AIDS Institute, New York, NY
New York, NY
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 75

You Lie! Right-Wing Race Backlash:

What it Means for Queers
Research and Policy • All Audiences
What do Teabaggers, Birthers, and town hall gun-totin’ scream-
ers have to do with LGBTQ equality? Sit in on a strategy session
about race politics in the age of Obama and its implications for
our work.
Presenters: Pam Chamberlain, Political Research Associates,
Somerville, MA

Saturday, February 6 • 10:45AM –12:15PM

Are You Ready? Moving Racial Justice

in LGBT Organizations (Continued)
Racial Justice • 3 Hour Session • Fundamentals

Creating Change in your Community -

A Toolkit for LGBTQ Campus Activism
Campus • All Audience
Are you a student who wants to see change but doesn’t know
where to start? Have you been engaged in campus activism for a
while but need a few new ideas? Join us for an interactive step-
by-step process to creating change on your campus or in your
community. We’ll discuss the spectrum of activism, how to build
an inclusive movement, and the dynamics of power, privilege, and
intersectionality. Let’s learn from and share with each other!
Presenters: Joy Messinger, Rochester, NY

Did They Just Say That? Responding to the Right’s Lies

Communications, Media and Messaging • Fundamentals
Find yourself screaming at the TV when someone says something
totally false about the GLBT community? Learn how to neutralize
GLBT rights opponents’ arguments and what to say in response.
This session will use actual materials put out by GLBT rights op-
ponents. Participants will learn the skills to respond with current
and accurate research.
Presenters: M.V. Lee Badgett, Research Director, The Williams
Institute, Amherst, MA; Gary Gates, Senior Research Fellow, The
Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, CA; Naomi
Goldberg, Williams Institute, Los Angeles , CA; Christopher Ra-
mos, Williams Institute, Los Angeles, CA

From Front Line to Bottom Line:

Engaging Corporate Social Responsibility makes cents
Workplace • Intermediate
This workshop will help attendees become familiar with and
improve their existing advocacy skills in corporate relationships.
Participants will learn a variety of strategies for talking to corpora-
tions and how to translate activist-speak into corporate social
responsibility. Connecting the important impact that corporations

have on the LGBT equality movement and expanding that influ- Land, Desire and Culture:
ence will be a main focus. Participants will develop skills to cre- Two Spirit People and the LGBT Movement
ate long term mutually beneficial relationship with corporations to People of Color • All Audiences
further social change.
Join us in a session geared for collective learning about sover-
Presenters: Pat Baillie, Associate Director of Training , Out eignty, Two Spirit people, and our shared legacy, as well as our
& Equal Workplace Advocates, San Francisco, CA; Stephen expanding analysis and identities. Some of our discussion will re-
Gould, Associate Director of NETWORKS, Out and Equal Work- volve around what Two Spirit people’s inclusion in the LGBTIGNC
place Advocates, San Francisco, CA movement has to offer, how the larger movement can align itself
to issues of sovereignty, and how a movement inclusive of Two
Gaybingo: Unity, Fun and Money Spirit leadership, issues and their intersections would contribute
Fundraising • All Audiences to the liberation of us all. This is an open session for First Nations
This workshop will assist participants learn basic operations and / Two Sprit / Indigenous folks & allies.
event management of a monthly fundraiser that attracts GLBTA Presenters: Coya Artichoker, First Nations Collective,
friends and family to your agency. Minneapolis, MN ; Paulina Hernandez, Co-Director, Southerners
Presenters: Henry Ramirez III, Center Programs Manager, on New Ground, New Market, TN; Melissa Hoskins, First Nations
Resource Center Dallas, Dallas, TX Collective ; Melissa Pope, Coordinator, Gender and Sexuality
Center, Oakland University
Getting Bi & Passing It On:
Mapping Your Desire
Learning to Teach Bisexuality with a Free Curriculum Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
Bisexual Community • All Audiences
Desire matters. Claiming and acting on our desires creates a
Bisexuality doesn’t just have 2 parts. Come get an overview about
more healthy, sustainable life path for all of us. Fully embodying
an exciting, free, inter-active, 4-part curriculum that you can take
our desire gives us an integrity and fierceness that we take into
back to your community to teach them about the ins & outs of
our families, our communities, and our work for social change.
bisexuality, pansexuality & the other names it goes by these days.
Creating the sexual life you deserve requires an understanding
Program confronts myths & misconceptions, provides queer defi-
of your desire, which can be found by mapping your sexual path
nitions, discusses the intersection of gender identities in relation
to date. The key treasure trove of information concerning what
to sexual orientation, and addresses single & multiple partner re-
turns you on, what keeps you interested, and what touches you
most deeply lies in your unique sexual story. In any persons life, 5
Presenters: Dana Dwinell Yardley, Interweave Continental, or 10 key points on our sexual map or biography jump out at us
Montpelier, VT; Allyson Diane Hamm, Interweave Continental, these are the moments when we learned something crucial about
Allentown, PA ourselves, or when we felt most vulnerable, most excited, or most
true to our desires. Points on our Desire Map are important guide-
HIV and young gay and bisexual men and posts for our lives; ignoring them saps us of our sexual vibrancy
transgender women: Promoting Support and our creative resistance. This workshop will provide an intro-

AIDS/HIV • All Audiences duction to Desire Mapping, and a tool for your life-long journey
toward sexual empowerment and a more just world.
Nearly three in five new HIV infections occur among gay and bisex-
ual men. Young Black and Latino gay men are disproportionately Presenters: Jaime M. Grant, Director of the Policy Institute,
affected. Family acceptance and LGBT-affirming interventions National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC; Amelie
correlate with lower HIV risk behavior. How can we encourage Zurn, Lesbian Health Activist and Therapist, Washington, DC,
greater collaboration between public health and education policy Monique Meadows
makers? How can we promote family support? How can youth
involvement, social marketing and the internet be harnessed to Moving Voters on Marriage!:
address this growing problem? A Door-to-Door Voter Persuasion Model
Marriage • All Audiences
Presenters: Francisco Roque, Institute for Gay Men’s Health,
Gay Men’s Health Crisis , New York, NY; Caitlin Ryan, Family This workshop will help you think differently about how to move
Acceptance Project, San Francisco, CA; Lyndel Urbano, Gay voters to be supportive of marriage equality. Since January 2009,
Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), New York, NY Vote for Equality has been developing a new model of in-person,
door-to-door voter persuasion. Learn how to use the tools that
have been developed and how to analyze the data that has come
out of having over 5,000 conversations at the door with voters in
swing and unsupportive areas in California.

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 77


Presenters: Kathleen Campisano, Senior Field Organizer, The Volunteer Connection: Maximizing Your
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Los Angeles, CA; Regina Organization’s Potential by Creating an
Clemente, LA Gay & Lesbian Center, Los Angeles; Jay Darling,
Amazing Volunteer Experience
LA Gay & Lesbian Center, Los Angeles, CA; Laura Gardiner, LA
Organizational Development • Intermediate
Gay & Lesbian Center, Los Angeles, CA
Learn the basics of creating and maintaining the support neces-
Staying Safe While TRANSitioning sary for a volunteer program that results in thrilled volunteers and
Transgender Community & Issues • All Audiences greater productivity for the agency. The workshop will provide the
necessary tools to support a volunteer program and to effectively
While going through the transition from female to male or male to utilize volunteers. Attendees will learn the basics of volunteer man-
female staying safe while having sex becomes more complicated. agement, from recruiting, communicating to and recognizing vol-
This workshop will go over different ways in which one can protect unteers. Information applies to volunteer coordinators and other
themselves and their identity. Instead of putting the power in the staff at all levels, from beginner to experienced.
hands of your sexual partner, take it back and protect yourself.
Presenters: Deborah Cavazos, Resource Center Dallas, Dallas, TX
Presenters: Conor Lipchus, Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual and Transgender Youth, Boston, MA
Welfare Warriors: Surviving Violence,
Fighting Injustice and Building Community
The Journey from Laws to Jobs For Trans People Racial Justice • All Audiences
Transgender Community & Issues • Intermediate
This interactive workshop led by low income LGBTGNC members
With the help of tireless activists, more jurisdictions are passing
of Queers for Economic Justice will focus on sharing the resistance
laws protecting transgender people from workplace discrimina-
and resilience strategies that low income queer, trans and gender
tion. Still, many transgender people remain marginalized and con-
non conforming people use to navigate poverty related violence
tinue to experience discrimination in hiring and on the job. Local
and build strong self determining communities. The Welfare War-
activists have turned their attention to creating comprehensive
riors project utilizes participatory action research (PAR), in which all
workforce development programs focusing on the unique needs
members of the collective participate at each step of the research.
of transgender job seekers. This workshop will help you pass non-
The session will be an opportunity to learn about PAR as a mecha-
discrimination laws, and begin to work toward enforcement. We’ll
nism for raising critical consciousness around structural violence
discuss ways to create, fund and implement workforce develop-
against queers of color and how QEJ has incorporated research
ment programs designed especially for transgender and gender
into our on going campaigns. This workshop will screen the docu-
non-conforming job seekers.
mentary of the Welfare Warriors Research Collaborative, a project of
Presenters: Lisa Mottet, Transgender Civil Rights Project Queers for Economic Justice. The half hour documentary captures
Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, on screen how low income LGBTGNC fought back against injus-
DC; Kristina Wertz, San Francisco, CA tice, created liberating communities and survived poverty related
violence in New York City. We will share how this media project has
The National Transgender Discrimination Survey: become a strategy of the Welfare Warriors to challenge discrimina-
A Talk on Preliminary Findings tion, homophobia and transphobia in New York City.
Research and Policy • All Audiences Presenters: Reina Gossett, Queers for Economic Justice, New
From November 2008-March 2009, The National Center for York, NY
Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task
Force fielded the largest study of transgender discrimination ever What Do Funders Want? Developing Your Grant Proposal
undertaken in the U.S. Nearly 6,500 respondents have provided a Fundraising • Fundamentals
striking portrait of the tremendous barriers to employment, hous- Will foundations fund your organization? Should you even both-
ing, health care, public and family life that transgender and gender er to apply? Who should you apply to? What makes a proposal
non-conforming people face in every day life due to bias. Come strong and fundable? Aren’t foundations cutting back because
here preliminary findings from this historic study. of the recession? These and other questions will be explored in
Presenters: Somjen Frazer, The National Gay and Lesbian Task depth by staff from the two largest LGBT foundation funders, Ar-
Force, New York, NY; Mara Keisling, Executive Director, National cus and Gill. This session will benefit beginners and those at an
Center for Transgender Equality, Washington, DC intermediate level.
Presenters: Dave Montez, Associate Program Officer, Gill
Foundation, Denver, CO; Cindy Rizzo, Director of Grant Making
Programs, The Arcus Foundation, New York, NY

78 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010


What it Means to be an LGBT Asylee & How You Can Help WORKSHOP SESSION 7
International Issues • All Audiences Saturday, February 6 • 3:00PM –4:30PM
This workshop will walk attendees through the LGBT asylum seek-
ing process and give first hand accounts of what it is like for LGBT ¿Qué Dijeron?/What Did They Say?
people in countries where they are persecuted. Attendees will have Creating Multilingual Spaces
the chance to learn about the ways religion has often been the basis Movement Building • 3 Hour Session • All Audiences
for oppression and the ways many churches are fighting and taking
a stance against that oppression. Participants will leave with practi- Why do I have to use this equipment? Repeating everything into
cal tools for supporting LGBT asylum seekers around the country. another language makes the meetings take twice as long! If they
dont understand, they should bring someone to interpret for
Presenters: Rev. Judith Hanlon, LGBT Asylum Support Task them. Any of these sound familiar? Language is a powerful tool
Force, Holden, MA; Angela Knapton, LGBT Asylum Support that can be used to achieve different political goals. It can be used
Task Force, Worcester, MA; Sean Martin, LGBT Asylum Support to silence voices of marginalized communities to oppressively
Task Force, Worcester, MA; Lisa Laurel Weinberg, Lutheran maintain privilege; or it can be used to create spaces for new
Social Services, LGBT Human Rights Protection/Political Asylum community voices in ways that transform race relationships and
Representation Project, Worcester, MA empower marginalized groups. Organizing is about relationships,
so is movement building. But how can we do either if we cannot
Working Against Elitist Activism: talk to one another? A commitment to Language Justice and to
A Discussion with Youth Activists creating multilingual political spaces is an important component
Youth • All Audiences of SONGs (Southerners on New Ground) organizing work. SONG
has been developing its Language Justice analysis and practice
This discussion-based workshop will address the conflicts and bar- for several years and successfully effected its first fully linguisti-
riers created by the down-er than thou mentality that often leads cally integrated Organizing School in Virginia in August 2009. This
to feelings of exclusion and grudges in social justice organizing. workshop will cover the why and the how of creating multilingual
Speaking specifically to youth and student organizers, this ses- spaces. The workshop is highly interactive and based on a popu-
sion will discuss and then outline strategies to build communities of lar education model.
strong organizers instead of alienating one another with destructive
judgments. In an effort to create sustainable activism, we will devel- Presenters: Roberto Tijerina, Board of Directors, Southerners
op real methods for confronting the effects of judgmental conflict. on New Ground, Durham, NC

Presenters: Jeannie Beeson, National Youth Advocacy Co-

Advocacy, Community Mobilization and Outreach,
alition, Washington, DC; Vincent Villano, Campus Progress,
Washington DC Participation and the Rest of the Mess in HIV Clinical
Research: What’s the Deal for Populations Most Impacted?
WTF is Going On with Congress? AIDS/HIV • All Audiences
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • All Audiences Common words in the field of HIV/AIDS work, regardless of ones
Our LGBT agenda is getting bogged down in Congress, or is it title, Community Member, PI/Researcher, Community Educator/

on the brink of passage? We have had a victory or two, but what Recruiter etc., are used in an almost drowning fashion. Is it fa-
does it take to get the rest of our priorities passed? Join national tigue, boredom or something else? While finding a safe and ef-
advocates for a frank discussion of the status and expectations fective vaccine that works for everyone, to prevent the spread of
on various bills, including the Employment Non-Discrimination HIV is our worlds best long-term hope for controlling the AIDS
Act, the Uniting American Families Act, the Safe Schools Im- epidemic, there is more out there in the abyss of health and well-
provement Act, Military Readiness Enhancement Act, Education ness! HIV clinical research is also essential in the fight against HIV
Non-Discrimination Act, and the Respect for Marriage Act. Be along with prevention, treatment, care and its in-laws advocacy
prepared to be told what individuals and local/state organizations community mobilization and outreach. People are tired and in the
need to be doing to get these bills moving as the real key to pass- US more focused now than ever on other environmental factors.
ing these priorities is in the hands of the grassroots and don’t be Added on top of that yummy cake, there are still a lot of myths,
surprised if we ask you to call your Representative/Senator in the misunderstanding, and historical challenges that prevent persons
middle of the workshop. most impacted, specifically Blacks and Latinos, from participating
in research, accessing care or at the basic level, really caring at
Presenters: Mara Keisling, Executive Director, National Center all. The Gay Mens Health Agenda and the National Coalition for
for Transgender Equality, Washington DC; Stacey Long, Federal LGBT Health have outlined a clear road and approach to an im-
Legislative Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Wash- proved health and wellness. This workshop will provide the space
ington, DC Julie Kruse, Policy Director, Immigration Equality, New to identify areas of collaboration for the individual and at the orga-
York, NY; Sue Fulton, Communications Director, Knights OUT; nizational level to ignite the fire for a resurgence of passion, hope
Kara Suffredini, Esq., Director of Public Policy and Community and care for our collective well being. Come join us and contribute
Engagement, Family Equality Council, Boston, MA
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 79

your thoughts, ideas, and passion while we drive toward action Presenters: Kendall Clawson, Executive Director, Portland Q
steps of hope. Center, Portland, OR; Marjorie J. Hill, Chief Executive Officer, Gay
Men’s Health Crisis, New York, NY; Lorri L. Jean, Chief Executive
Presenters: Chris Bartlett, Executive Director, LGBT Leadership
Officer, L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, Los Angeles, CA; Kate
Initiative, Chester, PA; Russell Brewer, Program Manager, Center
Kendell, Esq., Executive Director, National Center for Lesbian
on AIDS and Community Health, Washington, DC; Kaijson
Rights, San Francisco, CA; Mike McKay, Executive Director,
Noilmar, Legacy Project Coordinator, HIV Vaccine Trials Network,
Resource Center Dallas, Dallas, TX
Seattle, WA

Culturally Sensitive Practice with Gays God and the Workplace:

LGBTQ Youth in Out-of-Home Care SANE Conversations and TFR Love
Faith & Spirituality • Advanced
Youth • All Audiences
Corporate America provides a radical example of progress toward
This workshop will discuss distinct challenges faced by LGBTQ
equitable treatment for LGBT-identified individuals. Since 1991, more
youth in the child welfare, juvenile justice and homeless systems
than 95% of the Fortune 500 has adopted non-discrimination poli-
of care, where they are often subject to discrimination, harass-
cies and two-thirds offer Domestic Partner Benefits. The most vocal
ment and violence. Participants will learn about the ways LGBTQ
opposition to these policies has come from religious extremists who
youth enter these systems, the risks they are subject to once there
claim Biblical authority for condemning LGBT equality. This workshop
and the principles that guide culturally competent work with LG-
will provide a model for SANE conversations that can lead to relation-
BTQ youth. Participants will also learn about innovative laws and
ships based on TFR (*Truth, Forgiveness and Reconciliation).
policies and available resources to improve care for these youth.
Presenters: Susan Gore, Mentor Group, Dallas, TX
Presenters: Flor Bermudez, Lambda Legal, NY; Dennis
Coleman, Lambda Legal, Dallas, TX; Judith Dumont, Youth
First Texas, Dallas, TX HIV, Race and Generational differences
AIDS/HIV • Intermediate
Engaging Queer Youth in Your Advocacy Efforts Gay and bi men are a small minority in the U.S., but nearly three
Youth • Fundamentals in five new HIV infections. Black gay/bi men are hardest hit. In-
fections among gay/bi men are increasing. Has HIV prevention
Wondering how to get those youth from the marches and rallies
policy failed? How do preventionists address the striking race and
you see on TV to your organization’s advocacy events? Wishing
age differences among HIV+ gay/bi men? How will we handle the
you had more young people participating in your advocacy work?
graying of AIDS, with a third of HIV+ people 50+?
Join us for a presentation and discussion on solving these riddles.
Presenters: Kenyon Farrow, Executive Director, Queers for
Presenters: Greg Varnum, Executive Director, National Youth
Economic Justice, New York, NY ; Ronald Johnson, AIDS Action
Advocacy Coalition, Washington, DC
Council , Washington, DC; Francisco Roque, Institute for Gay
Men’s Health, Gay Men’s Health Crisis , New York, NY; Lyndel
Executive Directors Roundtable Urbano, Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), New York, NY
Organizational Development • 3 Hour Session
• All Audiences
King & King Redux: Beating The Use of School
If you are the staff leader (Executive Director, CEO, etc.) of a non- Curriculum as a Wedge Issue
profit organization, this is the session for you! Being a nonprofit Movement Building • 3 Hour Session • Fundamentals
CEO can be a lonely job, especially if you are working in the LGBT
or AIDS realms. Plus, in this economy, organizations are facing Our opposition has enjoyed considerable success in leveraging
unprecedented challenges. Opportunities rarely exist to interact fear of children [being] taught about same-sex marriage in schoolto
with, help and learn from colleagues in similar positions. This shift public–and explicitly voter–opinion against same-sex marriage
three-hour session will provide current EDs with an opportunity to in both California and in Maine marriage equality campaigns. This
do just that. Led by a group of seasoned EDs/CEOs at a variety workshop will engage attendees in interactive information and strat-
of organizations across the country (larger, smaller, national, local), egy exercises to evaluate the Right’s use of school curriculum as a
this session will focus on managing through difficult times, includ- wedge issue and our best responses to them. We will delve into the
ing specific tactics and strategies for maintaining and increasing opposition’s strategies and available public opinion research data
fundraising. Large and small group interactive discussions (as the and work together to develop effective public education campaigns
attendees desire) will address subjects such as effective relation- and collaborate broadly within different communities.
ships between an ED and his/her Board, stress management, Presenters: Judy Appel, Executive Director, Our Family
maintaining staff morale, etc. The session concludes with a recep- Coalition, San Francisco, CA; Amy R. Simon, Goodwin Simon
tion to provide an opportunity for EDs/CEOs to network with their Strategic Research, Oakland, CA; Betsy Smith, Executive
colleagues and share ideas and best practices. Director, Equality Maine, Portland, ME

80 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010


Kink, Race and Class eratively develop real-life, workable solutions. Attendees will gain
Sexual Freedom • All Audiences hands-on experience during the workshop, and will leave with
tools to begin their own crisis communications planning.
How does race/racism/classism play into our kink? As a person
of color in the kink world, can we leave some of our identities Presenters: Laura McGinnis, Account Manager , Renna
at the door? Are queer play parties and kink worlds accessible Communications, Washington, DC; Cathy Renna, Co-Founder
to poor people? Why? Why not? Do kinksters operate in a po- and Principal, Renna Communications, Washington, DC
litical vacuum? Is it possible to be kinky and political? How can
we respect one another and continue to navigate within the kink Reinvigorating Your LGBTQA Campus Organization
sphere? (Kink may encompass bondage and discipline, domina- Campus • All Audiences
tion and submission, sadism and masochism, power exchange
This workshop will help attendees identify problems with their LG-
play, fetishes, multi-partner encounters or relationship configura-
BTQA campus organizations and come up with solutions for those
tions, etc.)
problems. Participants will brainstorm ideas on how to reinvigorate
Presenters: I.G. Rivera, Sex Educator, Principal, Poly Patao their organization through small groups and large group discus-
Productions sion. Participants will then use these ideas to create an action plan
for the following year on how to strengthen their organizations.
Outing Age 2010: Research and Policy Presenters: Laura Graving, Dayton, OH; David Topping,
Research and Policy • Intermediate Kalamazoo, MI
In 2000, the Task Force released an historic document on re-
search and policy issues affecting LGBT older adults. The 2010 Small-Dollar Online Fundraising
update includes new findings, more research, and key policy rec- Communications, Media and Messaging • All Audiences
ommendations as we prepare for the reauthorization of the Older
We can’t ensure that you’ll raise $500 million like the Obama cam-
Americans Act in 2011.
paign, but we can help you parse out how to create an effective
Presenters: Sunny Bjerk; Loree Cooke-Daniels, Transgender small-dollar online fundraising program. This session gives some
Aging Network; Somjen Frazer, The National Gay and Lesbian stats on why email is still the killer fundraising app, how to include
Task Force, New York, NY; Laurie Young, The Task Force, your supporters in your fundraising asks, and how to ensure that
Washington, DC your asks are part of a meaningful theory of change.
Presenters: Julia Rosen and Andy Szekeres
Publicity and Awareness:
Linking the GLBT community and the media Spiritual Self-Defense
Communications, Media and Messaging • Fundamentals Faith & Spirituality • All Audiences
This workshop will help attendees formulate and develop a vari- LGBT people and their allies don’t have to be at the mercy of
ety of strategic GLBT communications messages and effectively those who preach condemnation. We can empower ourselves
communicate those messages to print, broadcast and social me- and recapture our connection to God. In her workshop “Spiri-
dia. Participants will learn who to message, how to message and

tual Self-Defense” pastor and author Candace Chellew-Hodge
about specific cases where messaging achieved desire results. teaches: How to answer hatred or condemnation; How to avoid
Attendees will leave with practical advice and tools for messaging pointless religious debates; Learn to see opponents as God’s gift;
success. Spiritual practices to reclaim your authentic self.
Presenters: Rafael McDonnell, Resource Center Dallas, Dallas, TX Presenters: Rev. Candace Chellew-Hodge

Put the Fire Out: Dealing with Crisis Situation in the Media Talking About Sex in the Trans and Trans Allies Community
Communications, Media and Messaging • Intermediate Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
What happens when the news catches wind of something you How do we talk about sex in the transgender community with our
wish stayed under wraps? For those times when crawling under a friends and partners? How about with our allies? We probably
rock isn’t an option, this interactive workshop will give participants don’t. And if we can’t talk about sex with our intimate friends and
useful tools that can actually make a bad situation better, or at our activist allies, how will we ever have these important discus-
least mitigate the fallout. By addressing the steps that define a sions with legislators and policy makers? We talk about equality
communications crisis and identifying effective strategies to deal (very important conversation!), and we talk about issues with iden-
with unforeseen challenges - before they occur, this workshop will tification documents, and we talk about workplace discrimination,
prove to be a vital asset to organizations of all sizes. Participants but do we talk about our fundamental human right to sexual free-
who are currently encountering communications challenges and dom - to freedom of sexual expression? And do we talk about
those who just haven’t had to deal with a crisis - yet - will come how those documents and that discrimination violates our fun-
together to share experiences with fellow colleagues and coop-
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 81

damental human right to our personal autonomy? No - we often Building LGBT Domestic Violence Coalitions:
don’t. But we will here. How do these conversations take place? It Takes A Village
What’s important for our community and for our allies to know Anti-Violence/Bias Reduction • All Audiences
about how we live our lives as sexual beings...as human beings?
What are the discussions we need to have with each other to While domestic violence within the LGBT community has received
demystify the issues around sex and sexuality in our community? more attention, resources to assist survivors are limited, making
Join Yosenio Lewis for this interactive discussion as he leads par- Coalition-building essential. Attendees will leave with ideas on
ticipants through a series of exercises that will help create con- how to begin their own coalition, people and resources to contact
crete tools for individuals to use in their every day lives to facilitate and ideas on how to gain attention and membership to the coali-
and engage in these important discussions. tion. Attendees will leave with tools and ideas on whom to contact
within their communities and how to best create collaborations.
Presenters: Yoseñio V. Lewis, Woodhull Freedom Foundation,
San Francisco, CA Presenters: Kitty Olde, Plano, TX; Heidi Pyron, Dallas, TX

The State of Higher Education for LGBT People: 2001-2009 Executive Directors Roundtable (Continued)
Campus • Fundamentals 3 Hour Session • All Audiences

In a 2003 study the climate on college campuses was found to be

Faith and LGBTI Equality:
less than welcoming for LGBT people (e.g., 42% were the target
of harassment). In 2009, a follow-up study re-examines the cam- Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk
pus climate for LGBT people. Given the increase in LGBT inclu- Faith & Spirituality • Intermediate
sive policies, curricular and co-curricular programs, and services, The intersection of faith communities and the LGBTI movement is
has the climate changed? This program will engage participants, groundbreaking territory for our justice movement. In this session,
reviewing the results and brainstorming recommendations to ad- years of valuable experience in this work are combined to offer ef-
dress the challenges unearthed in the report. fective methodology both for organizing supportive communities
Presenters: Somjen Frazer, The National Gay and Lesbian Task of faith and for training secular LGBTI and ally organizers to speak
Force, New York, NY; Sue Rankin, Assistant Professor of Educa- the language of and work with communities of faith. You will value
tion, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA this workshop if you are a faith leader who wants to learn how to
engage other religious leaders in organizing within your own faith
community, and/or a secular LGBTI or ally organizer who wants
Transforming Leadership: Approaches to to learn how to organize more effectively with people and com-
Developing & Sustaining Trans Leaders munities of faith.
Organizational Development • Intermediate
Presenters: Kerry Chaplin, California Faith for Equality, West
This collaborative session will focus on key approaches to develop- Hollywood, CA; Sharon Groves, Deputy Director Religion and
ing and sustaining Trans leaders in the movement. From identifying Faith Program , HRC, Washington, DC; Harry Knox, Director,
and recruiting, to tackling organizational priorities around trans is- Religion and Faith Program, HRC, Washington, DC
sues, to sustaining and developing leadership; this workshop has it
all. Participants will leave with a solid understanding 6 key principals
From Inclusive to Intersectional: The Joys and
in developing and sustaining trans leaders in the movement.
Challenges of Diverse Online Communities
Presenters: Danielle Askini, GSA Network, San Francisco, CA; Communications, Media and Messaging • Intermediate
Pauline Park, Co-Chair, New York Association For Gender Rights
Advocacy , New York, NY; Kim Pearson, AZ; Jaan Williams, Multi-contributor blogs are virtual platforms where writers with
National Center for Lesbian Rights, San Francisco, CA different identities, experiences, and politics come together. In
this workshop, editors and contributors from The Bilerico Project
and Feministing will examine the challenges of creating inclusive
WORKSHOP SESSION 8 communities for marginalized voices and issues. How do we cre-
Saturday, February 6 • 4:45PM –6:15PM ate spaces where diverse perspectives are heard and nurtured?
Based on real life case studies, this workshop will engage partici-
¿Qué Dijeron?/What Did They Say? pants in dialogue about best practices for nurturing intersectional
Creating Multilingual Spaces (continued) analyses and building new coalitions, online and off.
Movement Building • 3 Hour Session • All Audiences Presenters: Bil Browning, Bilerico Project, Indianapolis, IN ;
Miriam Perez, Feministing.com, Washington, DC; Paige Schilt,
Bilerico Project, Austin, TX; Jos Truitt, Feministing.com

82 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010


House/ Ballroom Scene 101: A hands-on workshop on Our Common Cause - A place for polyamorous/
the history of ballroom culture for LGBT people of color non-monogamy communities in the LGBTIQA movement
People of Color • All Audiences Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
For decades, the LGBT House/Ballroom circuit has nourished As LGBTIQA movements strive for society to recognize and em-
itself throughout the country in the shadows of urban life. Dat- brace a spectrum of gender and sexual identities, the polyam-
ing back to the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s, LGBT House/ orous/non-monogamous (poly/NM) communities are working to
Ballroom sensibilities and practices have been on the cutting edge gain recognition and equity within these movements. This work-
of pop culture ever since, influencing everything from American shop is aimed at people who are interested in having a dialogue
fashion, music, entertainment and beauty industries. In spite of regarding poly/NM issues in broader LGBTIQA movements. We
the scene’s ubiquitous presence, mainstream audiences have yet will examine issues of “outness,” inclusion in LGBTIQA move-
to accredit the origins of its influence on so many arenas of cul- ments, and strategies for raising poly/NM concerns within your
ture. In light of media exploitation, and the scene’s rapidly increas- own work.
ing popularity, it is important to educate our communities about
Presenters: Timothy Gardner, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA;
the LGBT House/Ballroom scene’s structure and its tremendous
Robin Nussbaum, SUNY, NY
significance in LGBT history.
Presenters: Vogue Evolution Preaching to the Choir?
Moving Your Message Through Communities of Color
King & King Redux: Beating The Use of Communications, Media and Messaging • Intermediate
School Curriculum as a Wedge Issue (Continued) This workshop will help attendees move their LGBT messaging
Movement Building • 3 Hour Session •
into the challenging minority media market. By identifying typical
obstacles encountered by LGBT organizations in minority media,
Learning to be Allies to Support Old Pride and encouraging participants to share the real-world challenges
Movement Building • All Audiences they have recently faced, the workshop will openly discuss and
This workshop for people of all ages will explore and practice generate workable solutions to working effectively with minority
ways we can work together across the age divide to celebrate media outlets.
getting older/old. Participants will get information on ageism, the Presenters: Laura McGinnis, Account Manager, Renna
myths of aging, the ways young and old are divided from each Communications, Washington, DC
other. They will then be asked to practice challenges to ageist
policies and treatment and to list some specific things they can do
to make change at home.
Talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation:
Intergenerational Storytelling & Dialogue
Presenters: Rev. Shaba A. Barnes, Emeritus Co-Director, Old Youth • All Audiences
Lesbians Organizing for Change, Albuquerque, NM; Rev. Jan
Griesinger, Co-Director - Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, Young people often feel left outside of the mainstream LGBTQI
Athens, OH movement, while seasoned activists experience their own set of

challenges aging in a youth-centric LGBTQI community. This ses-
sion aims to bridge that generation gap through personal storytell-
LGBT Families Count! How to Mobilize
ing. Participants will improve their abilities to build effective coalitions
Your Community Around the 2010 Census and communities by cultivating meaningful relationships across
Legislative/Legal Reform and Public Policy • All Audiences generations - relationships that hinge not on ageist assumptions,
This workshop will train activists and community leaders on ways but rather on common ground as explored through dialogue. Par-
to promote the 2010 Census in their communities, and mobilize ticipants of different age groups will be partnered so please come
their communities around the Census. It will include a training and with an open mind and heart, ready to listen and to share.
discussion on how to form LGBT Complete Count Committees, Presenters: Susan Gore, Mentor Group, Dallas , TX; Moonhawk
which are local, community-driven efforts to educate and engage River Stone, Task Force Board Member; Co-Chair, Empire State
LGBT people around the Census, with a goal of getting a com- Pride Agenda Foundation; Ending Disparities Committee, Niska-
plete count of LGBT Americans in 2010. yuna, NY; Vincent Villano, Campus Progress, Washington, DC
Presenters: Lanette Swopes, United States Bureau of the
Census, Philadelphia , PA; Matt Weinstein, United States The Future of Sexual Orientation
Bureau of the Census, Northridge , CA Sexual Freedom • All Audiences
As the gender revolution proceeds, LGBT sexual behavior and
partnerships appear to be aligning less and less with identities
based on traditional, binary gender categories. How do we think

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 83


about this? What does lesbian gay or bisexual mean today? The Visual Voices: Latino GLBTQ Artists, Art and You!
emergence of homoflexible, heteroflexible, queer, and pansexual Art & Culture • All Audiences
sexual orientations in community discussions and on social net-
working sites reveals shifting identities. Additionally, some sexual Sabrina Zarco, Chicana Two Spirit artist, will lead a discussion
communities and identities are forming principally around what we spotlighting some U.S. GLBTQ artists of Latino heritage. Partici-
do in bed, i.e. based on sensation, power relationships or specific pants will gain a better understanding of how these artists use the
fetishes. Other communities are forming based on how we con- visual as a tool for activism. Explore how these artists address
figure our relationships, i.e., serial or life-long monogamy, polyam- social realities such as poverty, discrimination, religion, family, and
orous family configurations, swinging, or long-term single life. The the legacy of machismo, a gender differentiation found in most
question arises: What is the future of sexual orientation? Latin American cultures. Take a look at how these artists found a
visual voice to challenge racism and heterosexism and discover
Presenters: Justin Tanis, Tristan Taormino, Amy Andre how you can also find your visual voice.
Presenters: Sabrina Zarco, Organizer, Dos Locas Productions,
The Pursuit of Bully-Free Schools: Innovative Little Rock, AR
Approaches to Improve School Climate for LGBTQ Kids
Youth • All Audiences
Youth Led Youth Groups:
This interactive presentation will bring participants up to speed The Benefit of Youth Helping Each Other
on the most recent information on bullying and cutting-edge bul- Youth • All Audiences
lying prevention programs. Participants will leave the presentation
with an understanding of the best practices for bullying prevention More often than not, the time in life when growing up is the hard-
and the tools to promote safe and friendly schools. Participants est is even harder if you’re growing up queer. Unfortunately there
will also learn about ways to build community-based partnerships aren’t a lot of good ways to deal with it. To make it worse, this
that foster respect and acceptance among youth of different seems to be a time when adults seem to forget, causing difficulty
backgrounds. when trying to relate to today’s kids. This is what makes youth
led youth groups so successful. This seminar will outline a suc-
Presenters: Carol Bresnahan, Ewing , NJ; Professor Robert cessful youth led youth group, as well as a successful relationship
Salem, University of Toledo College of Law, Toledo, OH; between youth, youth leaders, and adult guides.
Professor Michelle Stecker, Ewing, NJ
Presenters: Samantha Iwen, Boston Alliance Of Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual, and Transgender Youth, Boston, MA
The Trevor Project’s Lifeguard Workshop
Youth • All Audiences
Join The Staff from The Trevor Project to learn more about how Saturday, February 6 • 6:30PM –7:30PM
you can become a lifeguard and save the lives of your LGBT and
questioning friends who may be going through an incredibly tough Bisexuality and Political Issues
time because of the way they are treated in their homes, commu- Bisexual Community
nities, schools, and religious institutions. The Bisexual Political Caucus is open to individuals who would like
Presenters: Kelli Peterman, Trevor Project, New York, NY; to share their views on what issues the Bi/fluid/pansexual move-
Dave Reynolds, The Trevor Project, Los Angeles, CA; Phoenix ment should focus on. We will discuss personal political beliefs
Schneider, The Trevor Project, Los Angeles, CA; Michael Vacha from a non partisan perspective and how we can best work col-
Jr., Trevor Project, Los Angeles, CA lectively to achieve equal rights.
Presenters: Matt Goodman, BiNET USA, Dallas, TX
Using Monologues as an Educational Tool
Campus • All Audiences Butch/Femme: A Feminist Conversation between Lovers
Learn about a different way to start conversations about LGBTQ Gender Issues
identities and issues. The Gender and Sexuality Center at The This session will be a public conversation between Kelly Anderson
University of Texas at Austin started a peer facilitation program and Carmen Vazquez who have been in a relationship for three
that uses student written and performed monologues as a way to years and have had many a private conversation about feminism
educate and start dialogues around LGBTQ identities. This work- and queer liberation, butch and femme and the evolution of those
shop will talk about their model; students in the program will per- identities and their place in lesbian culture; about how sexual and
form monologues and talk out their experiences with the program. gender identity self determination represents the democratization
Presenters: Shane Whalley, Austin, TX of intimate identities in our culture, not just in queer culture but
the broader culture as well. In the intimacy of their relationship to
each other and to past lovers, they have experienced how butch/

84 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010


femme conforms to and defies the stereotypes and how it has managing emotional and physical changes in a non-self-destruc-
shaped the content of their erotic lives. Following the conversa- tive manner? Are all FTM’s full of anger and aggression? How do
tion, the session will be open to Q/A and commentary. we create or re-negotiate our support networks? Where can we
find mentoring and safe, reliable information? These are all im-
Presenters: Kelly Anderson, Smith College, Northampton, MA;
portant questions that come up as we transition. This workshop
Carmen Vazquez, AIDS Institute, New York, NY
will create the space for participants to speak openly and frankly
about their personal identity, transition, fears (and joys) of transi-
Caucus/Networking of LGBT Asian Americans, South tioning from Female-to-Male.
Asians, Southeast Asians and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs)
People of Color Presenters: Shane Morgan, TransOhio, Columbus, OH

Join other LGBT Asian Americans, South Asians, Southeast How LGBTQA History Informs Current Activism
Asians and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) to tell about your organiza- Campus
tions, share strategies, and plan for a National Queer Asian Pacific
Islander Alliance. This caucus will be an opportunity to learn about LGBTQA Activ-
ist History in the Heartland and how it relates to national issues
Presenters: Ben de Guzman, Co-Director for Programs, and the LGBTQ rights movement of today. Let’s dialogue about
National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance, Washington, DC; ways to find out about our history, share stories and experiences,
Liz Thompson, API Pride of Chicago, Chicago, IL and how to use this information for inspiration and ongoing social
change in the work we are doing today!
College Student Caucus
Campus Presenters: Pat Tetreault, Sexuality Education Coordinator,
University Health Center, Lincoln, NE
Student leaders on college campuses rarely have a chance to
breathe, let alone work with, support, and learn from student on Intercountry & Transracial Adoptees Caucus
other college campuses. This is disappointing given the fact that People of Color
these students are involved in such amazing work on their home
campuses. This caucus will bring together student leaders from An informal discussion and networking session for all transracial
campuses across the country to identify common issues; learn and intercountry adoptees and people of color raised in foster care.
new program strategies and program practices; and create col- Presenters: Shawyn Lee, Assistant Director, University of
laborative relationships with other students. Minnesota GLBTA Programs Office, Minneapolis, MN; Pauline
Presenters: Elizabeth Elkins, Emory University Office of LGBT Park, Co-Chair, New York Association For Gender Rights
Life, Atlanta, GA; Michael Shutt, Emory Office of LGBT Life, Advocacy , New York, NY
Atlanta, GA
Latin@s: Estamos Presente
Designing Usable Research People of Color
Research and Policy This Latino LGBT caucus Latin@s: Estamos Presente will allow

This year’s research caucus will focus on how to insure that a activists from around the country to connect, network, hear and
research project is useful for activists. We will discuss issues of share the status of the Latino LGBT movement in the U.S.A. and
design, reporting, timeliness, and accessibility/formats most help- Puerto Rico. Join us to discuss the state of the Latino LGBT
ful to activists. movement and where it’s headed.
Presenters: Pam Chamberlain, Political Research Associates, Presenters: Jorge Cestou, Chicago, IL; Cristina Martinez,
Somerville, MA Pearland, TX

Forget the Polite Conversation: Leather Caucus

Getting Real About FTM Transition Sexual Freedom
Transgender Community & Issues Whatever your kink – come meet your peers – fetishists of every
Let’s drop the polite conversations and let’s talk bluntly. Let’s talk stripe, the tippity tops, the brash bottoms, the doms and dom-
about our experiences growing up and being socialized as female. mes, the bois, the high femmes, the givers and takers, the lovers
What kinds of changes do we experience in our community once of pain and pleasure. We’ll all be here, queer and fabulous.
we transition or come out as transgender? How does transition Presenters: Jaime M. Grant, Director of the Policy Institute,
affect our sexuality and relationships? What are the golden pieces National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Washington, DC
of information that you know now, that you didn’t know before?
What are realistic expectations to have about testosterone and

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 85


LGBTQ Jewish Caucus The Alphabet Soup of Sexual “Minority” Youth

Faith & Spirituality People of Color
Calling all LGBTQ Jews, activists for LGBTQ inclusion, and folks Latino Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning
who want to support LGBTQ Jews! This session is an opportunity (GLBTQ) youth face tremendous difficulties in a society and cul-
to connect, share plans and experiences, and learn with LGBTQ ture where heterosexuality often seems the only acceptable orien-
Jews and their allies. tation, homosexuality is regarded as deviant, and variation from
cultural concepts of “machismo” often evokes hostility or violence.
Presenters: Gregg Drinkwater, Co-Director, Mosaic: The National
Through this workshop, participants will be introduced to the vari-
Jewish Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity, Denver, CO; Andrea
ous sexual minority groups in society and gain a greater under-
Jacobs, Jamaica Plains, MA; Vanessa Prell, Washington, DC
standing of the concept of the sexuality spectrum. Through an
interactive exercise and presentation, this workshop seeks to act
Polyamory/Nonmonogamy Caucus as a catalyst for greater understanding of sexual minority groups
Sexual Freedom and the many youth who identify themselves as queer.
The Polyamory/Nonmonogamy Caucus provides an important af- Presenters: Ariel Cerrud, Advocates For Youth, OR; William
finity group for those who aren’t monogamous. The session pro- Dennis, Advocates for Youth, Washington, DC
vides a safe, non-judgmental space for folks to meet, network
with others, ask questions, and share ideas.
The National LGBT Aging Roundtable:
Presenters: Timothy Gardner, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA; A Report on Activities
Robin Nussbaum, SUNY, NY Aging
This caucus will offer a report-out and update on the activities of
Queerspawn Caucus
the National LGBT Aging Roundtable. The Roundtable is facilitat-
ed by SAGE is includes representatives from LGBT organizations
As folks with LGBTQ parents we often act as ambassadors for around the country that are doing key work in aging services and
the queer community - educating peers and teachers, represent- advocacy.
ing the real face of the LGBTQ family, and being advocates for
Presenters: Lisa Krinsky, Boston, MA; Karen Taylor, SAGE/
change. At the same time, living in a world that treats our families
Queens, New York, NY; Laurie Young, The Task Force,
differently can be isolating or challenging. This caucus will bring
Washington, DC
together folks with one or more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen-
der, and/or queer parent/guardian for community building and
empowerment as queerspawn activists. Transgender Religious Leaders Network Reception
Transgender Community & Issues
Presenters: Monica Canfield-Lenfest, COLAGE, San Francisco,
CA; Bethany Lockhart, COLAGE, San Francisco, CA Join leaders from the Transgender Religious Leaders Network to
learn about our organizing within and around diverse faith tradi-
tions, including an emerging speakers bureau and other network-
Sex Workers’ Caucus
ing resources. Both secular and faith -based allies are encouraged
Sexual Freedom
to join us for this time of relationship building and getting to know
A space for all people who work or have worked in the sex indus- one another.
try to discuss our role and needs within the larger queer/LGBTQ
Presenters: Lauryn Farris, United Church of Christ Transgender
Collective; Richard Juang, Cambridge, MA; Chris Paige
Presenters: Gina de Vries, San Francisco, CA
Using Social Media to Build a Movement -
SOFFAs Supporting Each Other Pink Menno Campaign
Gender Issues Faith & Spirituality
Significant Others, Friends, Family, and Allies of transpeople face The Pink Menno Campaign focused on creating a visible presence
a unique set of issues that are rarely addressed within dialogues of LGBTQ individuals and allies at Mennonite Church convention.
around sexual orientation or gender identity. This will be a space The successful movement relied heavily on social networking. This
for SOFFAs, particularly lesbians partnered with FTMs, to discuss session explores strategies and tools employed by Campaign or-
maintaining ones identity while affirming ones partner’s, combat- ganizers. Participants will leave with increased understanding of the
ing misconceptions about orientation and gender and how to take role Ning, Facebook, Twitter and texting played. Participants will
care of oneself emotionally. This is not trans 101. have the opportunity to work together to identify tools and strate-
Presenters: Daunasia Yansey, BAGLY, Boston, MA gies that make sense within the communities they seek to impact.
Presenters: Luke Yoder, Pink Menno Campaign, Denver, CO
86 National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010

Weaving the Nations Together:

First Nations Community Dialogue
People of Color
This is an internal dialogue for self-identified First Nations folk to
build community and connect Two Spirit organizing occurring
across North and South America. As part of this dialogue, we will
share the ongoing work of the First Nations Collective and discuss
the next steps as we struggle for inclusion in the overall movement
for LGBT equality. This session for First Nations / Two Spirit / In-
digenous - identified people only.
Presenters: Coya Artichoke; Paulina Hernandez, Co-Director,
Southerners on New Ground, New Market, TN; Melissa Hoskins;
Melissa Pope, Coordinator, Gender and Sexuality Center, Oak-

land University

Working in Coalition - How a committee of LGBT

organizations from across the state are able to
do coalition work together.
Movement Building
This caucus will detail how one coalition of organizations doing
LGBT aging work from across NYS came together to do advo-
cacy and create a standardized cultural competency training. This
caucus will provide the opportunity for participants to share their
own experiences of working in coalitions and provide some useful
‘how-to’s’ to make that successful.
Presenters: Glen Francis, GRIOT Circle, Brooklyn, NY; Jonathan

Lang, Empire State Pride Agenda, NY; Tom Weber, SAGE

Workplace Equality for Public Employees

Public Employees Caucus. Join fellow public employees at the
local, state, and national levels, as we devise a plan to ensure
equality and inclusion of LGBTQ employees and their partners.

Presenters: Kayci Barnett, Denton, TX

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force • Creating Change 2010 87

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