Instantons On Noncommutative IR, and (2, 0) Superconformal Six Dimensional Theory
Instantons On Noncommutative IR, and (2, 0) Superconformal Six Dimensional Theory
Instantons On Noncommutative IR, and (2, 0) Superconformal Six Dimensional Theory
HUTP- 98/A004
arXiv:hep-th/9802068v3 10 Mar 1998
Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 117259, Moscow, Russia
Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Department of Mathematics, UCDavis, Davis, CA 95616
We show that the resolution of moduli space of ideal instantons parameterizes the instan-
tons on non-commutative IR4 . This moduli space appears as a Higgs branch of the theory
of k D0-branes bound to N D4-branes by the expectation value of the B field. It also
appears as a regularized version of the target space of supersymmetric quantum mechanics
arising in the light cone description of (2, 0) superconformal theories in six dimensions.
1. Introduction
It seems natural to study all possible solutions Ui to the consistency equations for the
compactification of the matrix fields1 [8].
Recently, the non-commutative torus emerged as one of the solutions to (1.1)[9]. It
has been argued that the parameter of non-commutativity is related to the flux of the
B-field through the torus. It has been further shown in [10] that the compactification on
a non–commutative torus can be thought of as a T -dual to a limit of the conventional
compactification on a commutative torus. See [11] for further developments in the studies
of compactifications on low-dimensional tori.
On the other hand, the modified self-duality equations on the matrices in the Matrix
description of fivebrane theory has been used in [12] in the study of quantum mechanics on
the instanton moduli space. The modification is most easily described in the framework of
ADHM equations. It makes the moduli space smooth and allows to define a six dimensional
theory decoupled from the eleven-dimensional supergravity and all others M -theoretic
degrees of freedom. The heuristric reason for the possibility of such decoupling is the fact
that the Higgs branch of the theory is smooth and there is no place for the Coulomb branch
to touch it.
In this paper we propose an explanation of the latter construction in terms of non-
commutative geometry. We show, that the solutions to modified ADHM equations param-
eterize (anti-)self-dual gauge fields on non-commutative IR4 .
The conjecture of [8] is that the non-abelian tensor fields in six dimensions would also appear
as such solutions
2. Instantons on a commutative space
F + := 21 (F + ∗F ) = 0
where ∗ : Ωk → Ω4−k is the Hodge star. The importance of ASD gauge fields in physics
stems from the fact that they minimize the Yang-Mills action in a given topological sector,
i.e. for fixed k = − 8π1 2 TrF ∧ F . In supersymmetric gauge theories the instantons are
the configurations of gauge fields which preserve some supersymmetry, since the self-dual
part of F appears in the right hand side of susy transformations. For the same reason they
play a major role in Matrix theory.
The space of ASD gauge gauge fields modulo gauge transformations is called the
moduli space of instantons Mk and in a generic situation it is a smooth manifold of
N2 − 1
4N k − (χ + σ)
where χ and σ are the Euler characteristics and signature of X respectively.
The moduli space M is non-compact. The lack of compactness is due to the so-called
point-like instantons. What can happen is that for a sequence of ASD connections Ai the
region Di where some topological charge − 8π1 2 Di TrF ∧ F is concentrated can shrink to
a zero size. There exists a compactification M̄k due to Uhlenbeck [13] which simply adds
the centers of the point-like instantons:
which is suitable for certain purposes but not for all. In particular, the space M̄k has
orbifold singularities.
One can also study non-compact spaces, X = IR4 being the first example. In posing
a moduli problem one has to specify the conditions on the behavior of the gauge fields at
infinity. The natural condition is : Aµ ∼ g −1 ∂µ g + O( r12 ) as r → ∞. One may also restrict
the allowed gauge transformations to those which tend to 1 at infinity.
2.1. Review of ADHM construction
Given the matrices obeying all the conditions above the actual instanton solution is
determined by the following rather explicit formulae:
A µ = ψ † ∂µ ψ (2.3)
M = µ−1 −1
r (0) ∩ µc (0) /U (V ) (2.4)
2.2. Regularization of ADHM data
As we noted above the compactification M̄k is a singular manifold. One may resolve
it to a smooth variety by deforming the equations µr = µc = 0 to µr = ζr Id, µc = 0. One
may add a constant to µc as well but this modification is equivalent to the one already con-
sidered by a linear transformation of the data B0,1 , B0,1 , I, I †, J, J †. The modification has
been studied mathematically by various people and we recommend the beautiful lectures
by H. Nakajima [15] for a review. The deformed data form a moduli space:
Mζ = µ−1 −1
r (ζId) ∩ µc (0) /U (V ) (2.5)
and they parameterize the torsion free sheaves on CIP2 with fixed framing at the line at
infinity. As we shall show in the next section, the deformed moduli space parameterizes
the instantons on the non-commutative IR4 .
where ωαβ is a constant antisymmetric matrix. There are three distinct cases one may
1. ω has rank 0. In this case Aω is isomorphic to the algebra of functions on the ordinary
IR4 .
2. ω has rank 2. In this case Aω is the algebra of functions on the ordinary IR2 times
the non-commutative IR2 = {(p, q)|[p, q] = −i}.
3. ω has rank 4. In this case Aω is the non-commutative IR4 . Let π αβ be the inverse
matrix to ωαβ and xα = π αβ xβ . Let ~x = (xα ) and ~x∨ = (xα ).
The algebra depends essentially on one number ζ (which can be scaled away, but we
shall keep it in order to able to take a limit to the commutative case). We shall denote it
as Aζ . Introduce the generators: z0 = x1 + ix2 , z1 = x3 + ix4 , then2
[z0 , z̄0 ] = [z1 , z̄1 ] = − (3.2)
So, π µν is proportional to ζ, while ωαβ is proportional to 1
in accordance with the standard
quasiclassical limits
The commutation relations (3.2) have an obvious group of authomorphismes of the form
xα 7→ xα + βα · 1, βα ∈ IR. We denote the Lie algebra of this group by g. For the algebra
(3.2) to represent the algebra of real-valued functions (and be represented by Hermitian
operators) we need ζ ∈ IR. ( In the language of mathematics we can say that this condition
means that the algebra at hand has an involution.) We choose ζ > 0. Of course, the
algebra of polynomials in z, z̄ should be completed in some way. We propose to start with
the algebra EndH of operators acting in the Fock space H = (n0 ,n1 )∈ZZ2 C|n0 , n1 i where
The algebra EndH has a subalgebra End0 H of operators A which have finite norm; we
will take the Hilbert-Schmidt norm: TrH (AA† ) 2 . We consider an algebra Aζ defined
as a subalgebra of End0 H which consists of smooth operators, i.e. those A for which the
function fA : g → End0 H, fA (~t) = Ad~t·~x A is smooth. Notice that 1 does not belong to this
algebra. This is a consequence of non-compactness of IR4 . One can represent the elements
of the Fock space H as L2 functions in two variables q0 = x1 and q1 = x3 (oscillator wave
functions in real polarization). It is actually possible to prove using the results of [16] that
smooth operators are those whose matrix elements A(q0′ , q1′ ; q0 , q1 ) belong to the Schwartz
space S(IR2 × IR2 ). We consider representations of the involutive algebra Aζ by means of
operators in Hilbert space ( Hilbert modules with involution in mathematical terminology).
A vector bundle over a non-commutative space A is a projective module E, i.e. such a
module for which another module E ⊥ exists with the property E ⊕ E ⊥ = A ⊕ . . . ⊕ A (The
last module is called free. In commutative case free modules correspond to trivial bundles).
In our description of instantons over IR4 we shall be dealing with free modules only.
The notion of connection in the bundle E has several definitions. The most convenient
for us at the moment will be the following one. Let g ⊂ Aut(A) be a Lie sub-algebra of the
algebra of authomorphismes of A. Then the connection ∇ is an operator ∇ : g × E → E
which obeys the Leibnitz rule:
3.1. Instantons on non-commutative IR4
Just like in the commutative case one may define the Yang-Mills action, the instanton
equations etc. See [1] for the definitions and [9] for recent discussion. We are looking at
the solutions of the ASD conditions
F+ = 0
on the connection in the module E over Aζ , where the + sign means the self-dual part
with respect to the natural Hodge star operator acting on the Λ2 g where g ≈ IR4 is the
abelian Lie algebra of authomorphismes of Aζ .
Now we are going to show that the resolution (2.5) gives rise to the ADHM description
of instantons on the non-commutative IR4 .
Indeed, the core of the ADHM construction are the equations
where the operators σz , τz are constructed as above. Now suppose that the matrices
B, B † , I † , I, J, J † obey the modified equations (2.5). Then (3.6) are no longer valid but
they will be valid if the coordinate functions zi , z̄i will not commute! In fact, by imposing
the commutation law [z0 , z̄0 ] = [z1 , z̄1 ] = − ζ2 we fulfill (3.6) as the term with ζ from
commutators of B’s is now compensated by the commutators of z’s! We now follow the
steps of the ordinary ADHM construction. We define an operator:
Dz† : (V ⊕ V ⊕ W ) ⊗ Aζ → (V ⊕ V ) ⊗ Aζ (3.7)
by the same formula (2.2). We look for the solution to the equation
Dz† ψ = 0, ψ : W ⊗ Aζ → (V ⊕ V ⊕ W ) ⊗ Aζ (3.8)
which is again normalized: ψ † ψ = IdW ⊗Aζ . These are defined up to unitary gauge transfor-
mations g acting on ψ on the right. Again, Aµ = ψ † ∂µ ψ, where the derivative is understood
as the action of g = IR4 on Aζ by translations. We may now derive the formula for the
curvature of the gauge field A. The derivation is very simlar to the commutative case and
it yields:
† 1
F =ψ dDz dDz† ψ (3.9)
Dz† Dz
The operator Dz† Dz : (V ⊕ V ) ⊗ Aζ → (V ⊕ V ) ⊗ Aζ is again block-diagonal:
∆z 0
Dz† Dz = , ∆z = τz τz† = σz† σz (3.10)
0 ∆z
which is anti-self-dual. We should warn the reader that here dzi , dz̄i are just the generating
anti-commuting parameters for representing the matrix F∇ (ξ, η) in short print. They
commute with zi , z̄i .
The construction above is not yet completely rigorous. We must prove that ψ exists
and that ∆z is invertible. A useful technique is to represent the equations over Aζ in terms
of the (perhaps differential) equations on ordinary functions. In this way the multiplication
of operators a · b is mapped to
1 µν ∂2
a ⋆ b(x) = e 2 π ∂ξµ ∂η ν a(x + ξ)b(x + η)|ξ=η=0 (3.12)
Now we can study the questions we posed in the beginning of the section.
It follows from (3.10) that the condition that υ is a zero mode of ∆z is equivalent to
the conditions: τz† υ = 0, σz υ = 0 where υ is an element of our algebra that is considered
as algebra of Hilbert-Schmidt operators in Fock space.
Let us remark that an operator equation KL = 0 is equivalent to condition that the
image of the operator L is contained in the kernel of K. In other words if we can solve
the equation Kv = 0, where v is a vector then we can also solve the operator equation
KL = 0, where L is an unknown operator. This remark allows us to say that in the
conditions above we can consider υ as an element of Fock space; if non-zero solution does
not exist in this new setting it does not exist in the old setting either. The elements of
the Fock space H can be represented either as polynomials in z0 , z1 (this representation
we use below) or as L2 functions on IR2 with coordinates q0 , q1 .
The equations for the vector υ can be written in holomorphic representation as follows:
B0 υ = z0 υ B0† υ = ζ
∂z0 υ
B1 υ = z1 υ B1† υ = ζ
∂z1 υ
Jυ = 0 I †υ = 0
The right column suggests that:
4z0 B0
z0 B0
υ∼e ζ υ0 (z1 )
which is inconsistent with the left column equations. We also say that the left column
equations imply that the creation operators have a finite-dimensional invariant subspace
which is impossible. In the case N = 1 the operator ∆z is explicitly positive definite.
The question of existence of ψ is addressed similarly: write ψ = ψ+ ⊕ ψ− ⊕ ξ, then
(3.8) assumes the form:
ζ ∂ ζ ∂
(B0 + − z0 )ψ+ − (B1 + − z1 )ψ− + Iξ = 0
4 ∂ z̄0 4 ∂ z̄1
ζ ∂ ζ ∂
(B1† − − z̄1 )ψ+ + (B0† − − z̄0 )ψ− + J † ξ = 0
4 ∂z1 4 ∂z0
Here ψ is a function which corresponds to an operator from our algebra. The equation
(3.14) can be rewritten in the form:
DA Ψ = −Ξ (3.15)
−J † ξ
Ψ= , Ξ=
ψ− Iξ
and DA being the Dirac operator in the gauge field Aµ dxµ where
Aµ − 21 ωµν xν dxµ = −B1† dz1 − B0† dz0 + B0 dz̄0 + B1 dz̄1
ζ ∂ ζ ∂
(B0 + − q0 )v+ − (B1 − + q1 )v− + Iw = 0
4 ∂q0 4 ∂q1
ζ ∂ ζ ∂
(B1† − − q1 )v+ + (B0† − − q0 )v− + J † w = 0
4 ∂q1 4 ∂q0
It has again the form (3.15) with DA being Dirac-like operator in two dimensions.
Let us assume that the operator DA has no zero modes (we hope that this assumption
can be justified in the framework of perturbation theory with respect to ζ). Then we can
write a solution to (3.15) in terms of the Green’s function of the operator DA . The space
of solutions to (3.16) is identified with the space of w’s i.e. the space of W -valued L2
functions on IR2 . Now, given the solution v+ (w) ⊕ v− (w) ⊕ w to (3.16) we construct a
solution to (3.15) as follows: ψ is supposed to map W ⊗ H ⊗ H → (V ⊕ V ⊕ W ) ⊗ H ⊗ H
(where we used the fact that the algebra of Hilbert-Schmidt operators can be identified
with the Hilbert tensor product H ⊗ H and that Aζ ⊂ H ⊗ H). Now,
does the job for any non-degenerate g ∈ GLk (A). What remains is to normalize: ψ =
− 1
† 2
ψ̃ ψ̃ ψ̃. This normalization ψ † ψ = 1 reduces the freedom of the choice of solutions
to (3.16) to the unitary gauge transformations in U (k).
One can also rewrite the ASD equations for the gauge field on the non-commutative
IR in terms of commutative functions which are Wick symbols of the gauge fields. Let
Aµ (x) be four functions on IR4 and consider the equations:
Fµν =0 (3.17)
Fµν,j = ∂µ Aiν,j − ∂ν Aiµ,j + Aiµ,k ⋆ Akν,j − Aiν,k ⋆ Akµ,j (3.18)
Thus, the non-commutative ASD equations can be thought of the deformation of the
ordinary ASD equations. The solutions to (3.17) are automatically the solutions to the
deformed Yang-Mills equations:
Just like in the case of ordinary IR4 one faces the question - whether the full set of
solutions of ASD equations on non-commutative IR4 is enumerated by the solutions to the
matrix equations (3.6). It is natural to try to imitate the arguments of [17] and express
the matrices Bα , I, J in terms of solutions to the massless Dirac equations in the instanton
background field. We simply sketch the relevant steps of the construction without giving
any proofs.
The setup is similar to the commutative case. Given a projective module E over Aζ
one studies the associated the modules S± = E ⊗Aζ S± , S± = C2 ⊗Aζ . Given a connection
∇ in the module E we form the Dirac-Weyl operators
D † : S+ → S− , D : S− → S+ (3.20)
DD† = ∆∇ ⊗ 1 + Fµν
⊗ σ µν , +
D† D = ∆∇ ⊗ 1 + Fµν ⊗ σ̄ µν (3.21)
Here ∆∇ is the covariant Laplacian E → E. Since there are no normalizable (see below)
solutions to the equations ∆∇ φ = 0 then for the ASD ∇ one concludes that there are no
solutions to the equation Dψ = 0. On the other hand, the index arguments predict, just
like in the commutative case, the existence of N normalizable (in the sense, described in
the next paragraph) zero modes of D† .
Let ψ i ∈ E ⊗ S+ be a solution to D† ψ i = 0, i = 1, . . . , N . Then one may define a
projection (just like in the commutative case) of xα ψ i onto the space of zero modes of D † :
4. Examples
It is very interesting to study the case k = 1. In the commutative case there are no
solutions to the abelian instanton equations except for the trivial ones. We shall see that
for every N there are non-trivial abelian instantons in the non-commutative case.
We need to solve the equations µr = ζId, µc = 0. It can be shown that for ζ > 0 the
solution must have J = 0 [15]. Moreover, on a dense open set in Mζ the matrices B0 , B1
can be diagonalized by a complex gauge transformation3 :
The eigenvalues βαi parameterize a set of N points on IR4 . The actual moduli space is the
resolution of singularities of the symmetric product. Now suppose (B0 , B1 , I) is a solution
to the ADHM equations. If we write the element of V ⊕ V ⊕ W as ψ = ψ0 ⊕ ψ1 ⊕ ξ then
the equation D † ψ = 0 is solved as:
ψα = −(Bα − zα )† δ −1 Iξ
X (4.2)
δ= (Bα − zα )(Bα† − z̄α )
¯ − ∂ξξ −1
A = ξ −1 ∂ξ (4.4)
where ∂ = dzα ∂z∂α , ∂¯ = dz̄ᾱ ∂∂z̄ᾱ . Explicitly:
A = ξ −1 dξ + ξ −1 αξ,
α = ξ 2 ∂ξ −2 =
1 (4.5)
I † δ −1 (Bα† − z̄α )dzα δ −1 I
1 + I † δ −1 I
We thank D. Bernard for pointing out an error in the earlier version of this paper
d−ζ/2 2
For N = 1: ξ = d+ζ/2 , d = z0 z̄0 + z̄1 z1 , and the gauge field α is explictly non-singular
if the correct ordering is used:
α= (z̄0 dz0 + z̄1 dz1 ) (4.6)
d(d + ζ/2)
FA = (f3 (dz0 dz̄0 − dz1 dz̄1 ) + f+ dz̄0 dz1 + f− dz̄1 dz0 )
(d − ζ/2)d(d + ζ/2) (4.7)
f3 = z0 z̄0 − z1 z̄1 , f+ = 2z0 z̄1 , f− = 2z1 z̄0
The factor (d−ζ/2)d(d+ζ/2) has a singularity at the state |0, 0i but it is projected out since
f3,± always have z̄0 or z̄1 on the right. The action density is given by
1 ζ2 1
Ŝ = − 2
A A = 2 2
Π (4.8)
8π 4π d (d − ζ/2)(d + ζ/2)
X 1
(ζπ)2 TrH Ŝ = 4 =1
N (N + 1)(N + 2)
where Σµν is self-dual in µν and takes values in traceless two by two Hermitian matrices.
In the commutative case the ASD conditions boil down to the Laplace equation on Φ [18].
In the non-commutative case the potential trouble comes from the term in the curvature
Fµν :
{Σµα , Σνβ }[Jα , Jβ ]
[Jµ , Jν ] − 21 ǫµναβ [J α , J β ]
which is explicitly anti-self-dual. Hence we have shown that the ansatz (4.9) works in the
non-commutative case if Φ obeys the Laplace equation which is now to be solved in the
non-commutative setting. A solution looks exactly like the commutative ansatz:
X ρ2i
Φ=1+ (4.10)
|~x − β~i | 2
which is true for Υ = x2 .
~ The operator Υ is diagonal in the occupation number represen-
tation and its eigenvalue on a state |n0 , n1 i is equal to ζ .
2 (n0 +n1 +1)
In the recent papers [12][19] the proposal for Matrix description of six dimensional
(2, 0) superconformal theory of k coincident fivebranes has been made. The theory which
arises on the worldvolume of k coincident fivebranes has the property that when it is
compactified on a circle it becomes U (k) gauge theory in 4+1 dimension which the coupling
which goes to zero as the radius goes to zero. So, by compactifying the theory on a light-like
circle one gets the gauge theory with zero coupling. Of course, in a given instanton sector
the only surviving gauge configurations are instantons. The theory becomes a quantum
mechanics on the moduli space of instantons. But, the latter space has singularities coming
from the point-like instantons and at these singularities a second branch of the theory,
corresponding to the emmission or absorption of D0-branes develops. The theory becomes
interacting with the bulk degrees of freedom which makes it harder to study. The proposal
of [12] was to deform the instanton moduli space by turning on a B field along four
dimensions which serves as a FI term ζ in (2.5). The interpretation of our paper is that
turning on the B field effectively makes IR4 non-commutative and the instantons live on
Now, the problem of instantons shrinking to zero size is cured by quantum fluctuations!
Indeed, the position of the point-like instanton is smeared over a region of size ∼ ζ which
makes it no longer point-like. So the Higgs branch becomes smooth hyperkahler manifold
and the theory becomes six dimensional (at least decoupled from the bulk degrees of
6. Future directions
Uµ Uν = eiθµν Uν Uµ
ˆ µ on A
The condition (6.1) implies that the curvature of connection ∇α ⊕ ∇ θ⊕θ̂ is constant.
One more assumption is that ∇α commutes with multiplication by elements of Aθ̂ and
ˆ α commutes with multiplication by elements of Aθ . Of course, the module P and the
ˆ µ obeying the above requirements exist only under certain conditions
connections ∇α , ∇
on θ, θ̂. For any right Aθ -module R with connection ∇R
α we consider Dirac operator
D = Γα (∇R
α + ∇α ) acting in the tensor product
(R ⊗Aθ P) ⊗ S.
(To define Γ-matrices we introduce inner product in Lθ and in Lθ̂ .) This operator commutes
with multiplication by the elements of Aθ̂ hence the space of zero modes of D can be
ˆ µ induces a connection ∇
regarded as Aθ̂ -module; we denote it as R̂. The connection ∇ ˆ′
(R ⊗Aθ P) ⊗ S.
(R ⊗Aθ P) ⊗ S → R̂
equivalence of algebras and the categories of left- and/or right- modules over them.4 . In
the context of gauge theories we study the modules with connections. Nahm’s construction
gives correspondence between such modules; modules with ASD connections are mapped
to each other.
The instantons on the non-commutative torus appear in the problem of D0-branes
bound to D4-branes wrapping the four-torus A = T 4 with the B-field turned on. T -
duality maps the torus A to its dual and the natural conjecture [22] is that on the level
of low-energy fields it maps the instantons on A to those on A∨ . There exist stronger
conjectures about the moduli space of instantons on the four-torus which fulfill the base
of the constructions fo six dimensional interacting string theories [23] and also provide a
heuristic test of U -dualities [24]. One assumes that MN,U(k) = SymkN T 4 and studies the
two dimensional sigma model with target MN,U(k) . Since the symmetric product is an
orbifold of the hyperkahler space one may perturb the theory by the marginal operators
responsible for blowing up the singularities of the orbifold. As was argued in [25] such a
perturbation breaks the natural symmetries of the problem (and cannot be interpreted as
responsible for interactions of little strings) . We have argued that given a non-commutative
torus (or non-commutative IR4 ) where the relevant SU (2) symmetry is already broken by
the non-commutative deformation the moduli space of instantons is already smooth and
the decoupling arguments can be applied.
The asymptotically locally eucldean (ALE) manifolds XΓ are the hyperkahler resolu-
tions of singularities of the orbifold C2 /Γ for Γ ⊂ SU (2) being a discrete subgroup. The
subgroups correspond to ADE Lie groups G via McKay’s correspondence[26]. The space
XΓ depends on r = rkG parameters ζ~i ∈ IR3 , i = 0, . . . , r,
ζ~i = 0
Two algebras A, B are called Morita equivalent if there exist the (A, B) module E and (B, A)
module F s.t E ⊗B F ≈ A, F ⊗A E ≈ B For example, every algebra A is Morita equivalent
to the algebra MatN (A) of matrices with coefficients in A. Given two Morita equivalent algebras
one may construct for any A-module E a B-module F and vice versa: F = F ⊗A E .
The fact that the holomorphic counterpart of Nahm’s transform - the Fourier-Mukai trans-
form - can be understood in the framework of generalized Morita equivalence has been pointed
out to us by M. Kontsevich.
The spaces XΓ as well as the moduli spaces of U (N ) instantons on XΓ can be constructed
via hyperkähler reductions of vector spaces [27][28]. These constructions were interpreted
in [29] as originating from the gauge theory on v Dp-branes, put at the orbifold point
of C2 /Γ inside the w D(p + 4)-branes. It has been noticed in [29] that in principle the
condition i ζ~i = 0 can be relaxed by turning on a self-dual part of Bµν along C2 /Γ. As
before, we interpret this as the process of going to the non-commutative ALE space with
instantons on it. The ADHM construction of [28] generalizes straightforwardly to this case
provided the original vector space V = Hom(CΓ ,CΓ ⊗C2 )Γ whose reduction yields the ALE
space is replaced by its non-commutative deformation:
V q = Hom(CΓ ,CΓ ⊗ Aζ )Γ
In our presentation the non-commutativity of IR4 entered only through the construc-
tion of the connection in a given bundle. The holomorphic bundle underlying the instanton
could be described in purely commutative terms. This relies on the fact that with our choice
of the Poisson structure the subalgebra O of holomorphic functions on C2 is commutative.
It is interesting to study the picture in other complex structures. In fact, slightly redundant
but interesting deformation of ADHM equations is the three-parametric one:
µr = ζr Id, µc = ζc Id (6.2)
where ζr ∈ IR, ζc ∈ C. It is customary to combine (ζr , ζc , ζ̄c ) into a three vector ζ~ ∈ IR3 .
The specifics of IR4 is that one can always get rid of ζc by appropriate rotation in the
SU (2)R global group. Let us not do it but rather look at the complex equation µc = ζc Id:
Thus the ζc -deformation allows one to construct a coherent sheaf over the non-commutative
C2 as the cohomology of the complex of sheaves:
σz τz
0 → V ⊗ Oζc → V ⊗ C ⊕ W ⊗ Oζc → V ⊗ Oζc → 0,
where Oζc is the associative algebra generated by z0 , z1 obeying the relation [z0 , z1 ] = − 12 ζc
and τz , σz are given by the same formulae (2.2).
7. Acknowledgements
[19] O. Aharony, M. Berkooz, S. Kachru, N. Seiberg, E. Silverstein, “ Matrix Description
of Interacting Theories in Six Dimensions”, hep-th/9707079
[20] P. van Baal, P. Braam, “Nahm’s transformation for instantons” , Comm. Math.
Phys. B 122 (1989) 267-280
[21] A. Astashkevich, N. Nekrasov, A. Schwarz, in preparation
[22] M. Douglas, G. Moore, N. Nekrasov, S. Shatashvili, unpublished
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