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Comments On String Theory On Ads

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EFI-98-22, RI-4-98, IASSNS-HEP-98-52


Comments on String Theory on AdS3

arXiv:hep-th/9806194 v2 1 Jul 1998

Amit Giveon1 , David Kutasov2,3 , Nathan Seiberg4

Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Department of Physics, University of Chicago, 5640 S. Ellis Av., Chicago, IL 60637, USA
Department of Physics of Elementary Particles, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Olden Lane, Princeton, NJ, USA

We study string propagation on AdS3 times a compact space from an “old fashioned”
worldsheet point of view of perturbative string theory. We derive the spacetime CFT and
its Virasoro and current algebras, thus establishing the conjectured AdS/CFT correspon-
dence for this case in the full string theory. Our results have implications for the extreme
IR limit of the D1 − D5 system, as well as to 2+1 dimensional BTZ black holes and their
Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.

1. Introduction

The purpose of this paper is to study string propagation on curved spacetime manifolds
that include AdS3 . We will mostly discuss the Euclidean version also known as H3+ =
SL(2, C)/SU (2) (in Appendix A we will comment on the Lorentzian signature version of
AdS3 , which is the SL(2, R) group manifold). At low energies the theory reduces to 2 + 1
dimensional gravity with a negative cosmological constant coupled (in general) to a large
collection of matter fields. The low energy action is
1 √ 2
S= d3 x g(R + 2 ) + ... (1.1)
16πlp l

but we will go beyond this low energy approximation.

Our analysis has applications to some problems of recent interest:
(a) Brown and Henneaux [1] have shown that any theory of gravity on AdS3 has a large
symmetry group containing two commuting copies of the Virasoro algebra and thus can
presumably be thought of as a CFT in spacetime. The Virasoro generators correspond
to diffeomorphisms which do not vanish sufficiently rapidly at infinity and, therefore,
act on the physical Hilbert space. In other words, although three dimensional gravity
does not have local degrees of freedom, it has non-trivial “global degrees of freedom.”
We will identify them in string theory on AdS3 as holomorphic (or anti-holomorphic)
vertex operators which are integrated over contours on the worldsheet. Similar vertex
operators exist in string theory in flat spacetime. For example, for any spacetime
gauge symmetry there is a worldsheet current j and j(z) is a good vertex operator.
It measures the total charge (the global part of the gauge symmetry). The novelty
here is the large number of such conserved charges, and the fact that, as we will see,
they can change the mass of states.
(b) There is a well known construction of black hole solutions in 2 + 1 dimensional gravity
with a negative cosmological constant (1.1), known as the BTZ construction [2]. BTZ
black holes can be described as solutions of string theory which are orbifolds of more
elementary string solutions [3]. Strominger [4] suggested a unified point of view for all
black objects whose near horizon geometry is AdS3 , including these BTZ black holes
and the black strings in six dimensions discussed in [5], and related their Bekenstein-
Hawking entropy to the central charge c of the Virasoro algebra of [1]. The states
visible in the low energy three dimensional gravity form a single representation of
this Virasoro algebra. Their density of states is controlled by [6,7] ceff = 1, which in

general is much smaller than c. Our analysis shows that the full density of states of
the theory is indeed controlled by c and originates from stringy degrees of freedom.
(c) Maldacena conjectured [8] (see [9] for related earlier work and [10,11] for a more precise
statement of the conjecture) that string theory on AdS times a compact space is dual
to a CFT. Furthermore, by studying the geometry of anti-de-Sitter space Witten [11]
argued on general grounds that the observables in a quantum theory of gravity on
AdS times a compact space should be interpreted as correlation functions in a local
CFT on the boundary. Our work gives an explicit realization of these ideas for the
concrete example of strings on AdS3 . In particular, we construct the coordinates of
the spacetime CFT and some of its operators in terms of the worldsheet fields.
(d) For the special case of type IIB string theory on

M = AdS3 × S 3 × T 4 (1.2)

Maldacena argued that it is equivalent to a certain two-dimensional superconformal

field theory (SCFT), corresponding to the IR limit of the dynamics of parallel D1-
branes and D5-branes (the D1/D5 system). Our discussion proves this correspon-
(e) In string theory in flat spacetime integrated correlation functions on the worldsheet
give S-matrix elements. In anti-de-Sitter spacetime there is no S-matrix. Instead,
the interesting objects are correlation functions in the field theory on the boundary
[8,10,11]. Although the spacetime objects of interest are different in the two cases, we
will see that they are computed by following exactly the same worldsheet procedure.
(f) Many questions in black hole physics and the AdS/CFT correspondence circle around
the concept of holography [12]. Our analysis leads to an explicit identification of
the boundary coordinates in string theory. We hope that it will lead to a better
understanding of holography.
In section 2 we review the geometry of AdS3 and consider the CFT with this target
space (for earlier discussions of this system see [13-15] and references therein). We then
show how the SL(2) × SL(2) current algebra on the string worldsheet induces current
algebras and Virasoro algebras in spacetime. This leads to a derivation of the AdS/CFT
correspondence in string theory. In section 3 we extend the analysis to the superstring,
and describe the NS and R sectors of the spacetime SCFT. In section 4 we explain the
relation between our system and the dynamics of parallel strings and fivebranes. We

discuss both the case of N S5-branes with fundamental strings and the D1/D5 system.
We also relate our system to BTZ black holes. In Appendix A we discuss the geometry
of AdS3 with Lorentzian signature. In Appendix B we discuss string theory on M with
twisted supersymmetry.

2. Bosonic Strings on AdS3

According to Brown and Henneaux [1], any theory of three dimensional gravity with
a negative cosmological constant has an infinite symmetry group that includes two com-
muting Virasoro algebras and thus describes a two dimensional conformal field theory in
spacetime. In this section we explain this observation in the context of bosonic string
theory on
AdS3 × N (2.1)

where N is some manifold (more generally, a target space for a CFT) which together with
AdS3 provides a solution to the equations of motion of string theory.
Of course, such vacua generically have tachyons in the spectrum, but these are irrele-
vant for many of the issues addressed here (at least up to a certain point) and just as in
many other situations in string theory, once the technically simpler bosonic case is under-
stood, it is not difficult to generalize the discussion to the tachyon free supersymmetric
case (which we will do in the next section).
We start by reviewing the geometry of AdS3 = H3+ . It can be thought of as the
−X−1 + X32 + X12 + X22 = −l2 (2.2)

embedded in flat R1,3 with coordinates (X−1 , X1 , X2 , X3 ). Equation (2.2) describes a

space with constant negative curvature −1/l2 , and SL(2, C) ≃ Spin(1, 3) isometry. The
space (2.2) can be parametrized by the coordinates
X−1 = l2 + r 2 coshτ
X3 = l2 + r 2 sinhτ
X1 =r sin θ
X2 =r cos θ

(where θ ∈ [0, 2π) and r is non-negative) in terms of which the metric takes the form
2 r2 r2
ds = 1 + 2 dr + l 1 + 2 dτ 2 + r 2 dθ 2
2 2
l l

Another convenient set of coordinates is

φ = log(X−1 + X3 )/l
X2 + iX1
γ= (2.5)
X−1 + X3
X2 − iX1
γ̄ = .
X−1 + X3

Note that the complex coordinate γ̄ is the complex conjugate of γ. The surface (2.2)
has two disconnected components, corresponding to X−1 > 0 and X−1 < 0. We will
restrict attention to the former, on which X−1 > |X3 |; therefore, the first line of (2.5) is
meaningful. In the coordinates (φ, γ, γ̄) the metric is

ds2 = l2 (dφ2 + e2φ dγdγ̄). (2.6)

The metrics (2.4) and (2.6) describe the same space. The change of variables between
them is:
γ=√ e−τ +iθ
l +r 2
γ̄ = √ e−τ −iθ (2.7)
l +r 2

1 r2
φ = τ + log(1 + 2 ).
2 l
The inverse change of variables is:

r = leφ γγ̄
τ = φ − log(1 + e2φ γγ̄) (2.8)
θ= log(γ/γ̄).
It is important that both sets of coordinates cover the entire space exactly once – the
change of variables between them (2.7) and (2.8) is one to one.
In the coordinates (2.4) the boundary of Euclidean AdS3 corresponds to r → ∞.
It is a cylinder parametrized by (τ, θ). The change of variables (2.7) becomes for large
r: eφ ≈ reτ /l, γ ≈ e−τ +iθ , γ̄ ≈ e−τ −iθ . Thus, in the coordinates (2.6) the boundary
corresponds to φ → ∞; it is a sphere parametrized by (γ, γ̄).

2.1. Worldsheet Properties of Strings on AdS3

To describe strings propagating on the space (2.2) we need to add a (Neveu-Schwarz)

Bµν field in order to satisfy the equations of motion. From the worldsheet point of view
this is necessary for conformal invariance. The necessary B field is B = l2 e2φ dγ ∧ dγ̄. Note
that it is imaginary. Therefore, the worldsheet theory is not unitary. With a Euclidean
worldsheet the contribution of the B field to the action is real and the theory is not
reflection positive. In this respect our system is different from the analytic continuation to
flat Euclidean space of strings in flat Minkowski space. The worldsheet Lagrangian with
the B field is
2l2 ¯ + e2φ ∂γ∂γ̄

L = 2 ∂φ∂φ (2.9)
(ls is the fundamental string length). Note that with a Euclidean signature worldsheet L
is real and bounded from below; therefore, the path integral is well defined1 . Some of the
SL(2) symmetry is manifest in the Lagrangian (2.9); e.g. we can shift γ by a holomorphic
function. It is convenient to add a one form field β with spin (0, 1) and its complex
conjugate β̄ with spin (1, 0), and consider the Lagrangian

2l2 ¯ + β ∂γ

¯ + β̄∂γ̄ − e−2φ β β̄ .
L= 2
∂φ∂φ (2.10)

Integrating out β and β̄ we recover (2.9). As in Liouville theory, at the quantum level
the exponent in the last term is renormalized. Similarly, a careful analysis of the measure
shows that a dilaton linear in φ is generated. Taking these effects into account and rescaling
the fields one finds the worldsheet Lagrangian
¯ 2 b(2) ¯ 2
L = ∂φ∂φ − R φ + β ∂γ + β̄∂γ̄ − β β̄exp − φ (2.11)
α+ α+

where α2+ = 2k − 4 is related to l, the radius of curvature of the space (2.2), via:

l2 = ls2 k. (2.12)

The Lagrangian (2.11) leads to the free field representation of SL(2) current algebra [16]
(see also [17,18]). It uses a free field φ and a holomorphic bosonic β, γ system [19] (as well
This is one of the reasons we limit ourselves to the Euclidean problem of strings on H3+ . Had
we worked with a Lorentzian signature target space (the SL(2, R) group manifold), the Euclidean
worldsheet action would have had a real part which is not bounded from below and the path
integral would have been ill defined.

as its anti-holomorphic analog β̄, γ̄) with weights h(β) = 1, h(γ) = 0. The last term in L
(2.11) can be thought of as a screening charge. Correlation functions in the CFT that are
dominated by the region φ → ∞ (such as bulk correlation functions [18]) can be studied
by perturbing in this term; this leads to a prescription similar to that used in Liouville
theory. Generic correlation functions are non-perturbative in the screening charge.
We can repeat a similar analysis in the r, θ, τ variables. After introducing new fields
α and ᾱ the Lagrangian for large r becomes

1 ¯ + α∂(τ
¯ − iθ) + ᾱ∂(τ + iθ).
L= ∂r ∂r (2.13)

In this limit log r is a free field which is a sum of a holomorphic and an anti-holomorphic
field. Similarly, τ and θ are free fields with holomorphic and anti-holomorphic components.
However, the equations of motion also guarantee that τ − iθ is holomorphic. This is
consistent with the fact that for large r it is related to the holomorphic field γ ≈ e−τ +iθ
(see (2.7)).
A related description of CFT on Euclidean AdS3 is obtained by constructing the
worldsheet Lagrangian using the r, θ, τ coordinates and performing a T-duality transfor-
mation on θ [20]. In terms of the dual coordinate θe there is no B field; instead there is a
dilaton field which is linear in log r. The Lagrangian is

¯ + 1 ∂ θe∂¯θe + 1 ∂r ∂r
L = ∂τ ∂τ ¯ − 2i∂ θe∂τ.
¯ (2.14)
r2 r2 + 1

Note that it has an imaginary term reflecting the lack of unitarity of the system. In terms
of τb = τ − iθe it is
∂b ¯τ + r + 1 ∂ θe∂¯θe + 1 ∂r ∂r.
τ ∂b ¯ (2.15)
r2 r2 + 1
This description of the theory is similar but not identical to that of (2.10), (2.11), (2.13).
For large r the theory becomes free and the corrections to free field theory can be treated
as a screening charge.
The theory has an affine SL(2, R) × SL(2, R) Lie algebra symmetry at level k, gener-
ated by worldsheet currents J A (z), J¯A (z̄), which satisfy the OPE:

kη AB /2 iηCD ǫABC J D
J A (z)J B (w) = + + ···, A, B, C, D = 1, 2, 3 (2.16)
(z − w)2 z−w

where η AB is the metric on SL(2, R) (with signature (+, +, −)) and ǫABC are the structure
constants of SL(2, R). A similar formula describes the operator products of the worldsheet

currents with the other chirality, J¯A (z̄) = (J A (z))∗ . The level of the affine Lie algebra, k,
is related to the cosmological constant via eq. (2.12). The central charge of this model is:
c= . (2.17)
It will be useful for our purposes to recall the free field (2.11) realization of SL(2, R)
current algebra [16]. The worldsheet propagators that follow from (2.11) are: hφ(z)φ(0)i =
− log |z|2 , hβ(z)γ(0)i = 1/z. The current algebra is represented by (normal ordering is
J 3 =βγ + ∂φ
J+ =βγ 2 + α+ γ∂φ + k∂γ (2.18)

J − =β.
Interesting vertex operators are
j+m j+m̄ 2j
Vjmm̄ = γ γ̄ exp φ . (2.19)
The exponents of γ and γ̄ can be both positive and negative. The only constraint that
follows from single valuedness on AdS3 is that m− m̄ must be an integer. Obviously, m− m̄
is the momentum in the θ direction. One can check that j, m and m̄ are the values of the
j quantum number of SL(2, R), and the J 3 and J¯3 quantum numbers, respectively2 . The
scaling dimension of Vjmm̄ is h = −j(j + 1)/(k − 2).
Which SL(2, R) representations should we consider? The affine SL(2, R) algebra does
not have unitary representations. This should not bother us because, as we said above,
our worldsheet theory is not unitary. The problem that we are interested in is string
theory and therefore we should use the SL(2, R) representations which lead to a unitary
string spectrum. One way to do this is the following. Consider the affine U (1) ⊂ SL(2, R)
generated by J 3 (the “timelike direction”) and decompose each SL(2, R) representation
in terms of the coset SL(2, R)/U (1) and the U (1) representation. In constructing a string
vacuum we need the SL(2, R)/U (1) coset to be unitary. The conditions for that were
analyzed in [21] with the conclusion
−1 < j < − 1, 2 < k. (2.20)
Imposing the constraint (2.20) in string theory gives rise to a unitary theory (see e.g. [15]
and references therein).
Our group is really the infinite multiple cover of SL(2, R) (see Appendix A) and therefore
j, m, m̄ are not restricted to be half integers.

2.2. Spacetime Properties of Strings on AdS3

Due to the presence of the worldsheet affine SL(2) Lie algebra (2.16) the spacetime
theory has three conserved charges
L0 = − dzJ 3 (z)
L1 = − dzJ + (z) (2.21)
L−1 = − dzJ − (z)

which satisfy the SL(2, R) algebra [Ln , Lm ] = (n − m)Ln+m (n, m = 0, ±1). The obser-
vations of [1] lead one to expect that (2.21) should be extended to an infinite dimensional
Virasoro algebra with central charge:

c 3
[Ln , Lm ] = (n − m)Ln+m + (n − n)δn+m,0 (2.22)

Our next task is to derive (2.22) in string theory and compute the central charge c.
As a warmup exercise, consider the following related problem. Take the worldsheet
b for a compact group G, generated
CFT on the manifold N to contain an affine Lie algebra G
by currents K a satisfying the OPE:

a b k ′ δ ab /2 if abc K c
K (z)K (w) = + + ···; a, b, c = 1, · · · , dim G (2.23)
(z − w)2 z−w

b Normally, this leads to the existence in the spacetime theory of

with k ′ the level of G.
dim G conserved charges I
T0a = dzK a (z) (2.24)

satisfying the algebra

[T0a , T0b ] = if abc T0c . (2.25)

However, in our case the spacetime theory is a two dimensional CFT and we expect the
charges T0a to correspond to the zero modes of an infinite symmetry – an affine Lie algebra
in spacetime, generated by charges Tna satisfying the commutation relations

k ab
[Tna , Tm
] =if abc Tn+m
+ nδ δn+m,0
2 (2.26)
[Lm , Tna ] =− a

where e k is the level of affine Gb in spacetime. We will next construct the operators T a ,
verify the first line of (2.26), and compute k. Later, when we define the {Lm } we will also
verify the second line.
The second line of (2.26) with m = 0 states that the operators Tna carry −n units of
L0 or n units of J 3 (2.21). Thus, in order to construct them we need to generalize the
definition (2.24) by multiplying the integrand K a (z) by a vertex operator that carries J 3
but has worldsheet scaling dimension zero and is holomorphic, so that it can be integrated
over z. There is a unique candidate, the field (2.19) Vj=0,m,m̄=0 = γ m with integer m.
Thus, we define I
Tna = dzK a (z)γ n (z) (2.27)

and compute the commutator using standard techniques:

[Tn , Tm ] = dw dzK a (z)γ n (z)K b (w)γ m (w)
a b

where the integral over z is taken as usual along a small contour around w, and the integral
over w is taken around some origin 0. The only source of singularities in the contour integral
of z around w comes from the OPE of currents (2.23) (the OPE of γ’s is regular). The
second term in the OPE (2.23) gives a first order pole that is easily integrated to give:
c n+m 1
ifabc dw dzK (w)γ (w) = ifabc dwK c γ n+m = ifabc Tn+mc
The first term in (2.23) gives a second order pole and needs to be dealt with separately:
k ′ δ ab γ n (z)γ m (w) k ′ δ ab n m nk ′ δ ab
dw dz = dw∂w (γ )γ = dwγ n+m−1 ∂w γ
2 (z − w)2 2 2
The r.h.s. of (2.30) is central – it commutes with the generators Tna , (2.27), and more
generally with all physical vertex operators in the theory. Therefore, this charge is not
carried by the excitations of the string but only by the vacuum. The charge is non-vanishing
H 1
only for n + m = 0 because otherwise dwγ m+n−1 ∂w γ = m+n dw∂w γ m+n = 0. For
n + m = 0 the integral I
∂z γ
p≡ dz (2.31)
can be nonzero. It counts the number of times γ winds around the origin when z winds
once around z = 0. Since γ is a single valued function of z, p must be an integer3 .
For Lorentzian signature γ is real (see Appendix A), and there is no natural definition of
winding. This is another reason for studying the Euclidean version of the theory.

To understand the meaning of the integer p, recall the spacetime interpretation of the
free field γ, (2.7). In the spacetime CFT at r → ∞ (2.7), γ = e−τ +iθ is a coordinate
on the sphere with two punctures (corresponding to τ = ±∞). Therefore, p measures
the number of times the string worldsheet wraps around θ. We interpret string theory
on AdS3 as having p stretched fundamental strings at r → ∞. The excitations of the
vacuum described by vertex operators correspond to small fluctuations of these infinitely
stretched strings and this is the reason they do not carry the charge (2.31). String vacua
with different values of p correspond to different sectors of the theory.
It is important that our target space is simply connected. Therefore, there cannot be
any winding perturbative string states and hence p commutes with all vertex operators
describing perturbative states.
Collecting all the terms (2.29), (2.30) we find that the Tna satisfy the algebra (2.26),
kspacetime ≡ e
k = pk ′ (2.32)

Thus, the affine Lie algebra structure is lifted from the worldsheet to spacetime and the
level of the affine Lie algebra in spacetime is equal to p times that on the worldsheet.
A few comments are in order here:
b in
(a) The fact that p is a positive integer is important to get a unitary realization of G
(b) We see that in string theory on AdS3 there is a close correspondence between world-
sheet and spacetime properties. A left-moving affine Lie algebra on the worldsheet
gives rise to a left-moving affine Lie algebra in spacetime, etc. This correspondence,
seen here and in many other aspects of our analysis below, is reminiscent of analogous
phenomena in theories of worldsheets for worldsheets and related ideas [22-24].
(c) The derivation and, in particular, the treatment of the integral in (2.30) makes it clear
that one should think of γ as a holomorphic coordinate in spacetime, in agreement
with the geometric analysis of eqs. (2.6) – (2.8). Note that γ depends holomorphically
on the worldsheet coordinates, ∂γ¯ = 0. This is another example of the worldsheet –
spacetime connection mentioned in item (b).
(d) The discussion above is very reminiscent of the construction of DDF states in string
theory (see [25] for details). One can think of the operators Tna (2.27) as a spectrum
generating algebra.

We are now ready to turn to the original problem of finding the spacetime Virasoro algebra.
We proceed in complete analogy with (2.27) – (2.30) but there are a few new elements.
On general grounds we expect the Virasoro generators to be given by

Ln = dz a3 J 3 γ n + a− J − γ n+1 + a+ J + γ n−1 (2.33)

The operators (2.33) are very similar to photon vertex operators in a three dimensional
curved space. As usual, only one of the three polarizations in (2.33) is physical. First, we
have to impose BRST invariance, i.e. require the operator in brackets to be primary under
the worldsheet Virasoro algebra. This gives rise to the constraint

na3 + (n + 1)a− + (n − 1)a+ = 0 (2.34)

Furthermore, the fact that “longitudinal photons” are BRST exact and decouple leads to
the identification
1 1
(a3 , a− , a+ ) ≃ (a3 , a− , a+ ) + α(1, − , − ) (2.35)
2 2
for all α, corresponding to gauge invariance in spacetime. A natural solution to the above
constraints which reduces to (2.21) for n = 0, ±1 is:
2 3 n n(n − 1) − n+1 n(n + 1) + n−1
−Ln = dz (1 − n )J γ + J γ + J γ (2.36)
2 2
To see that the operators Ln satisfy the Virasoro algebra (2.22) as well as (2.26) it is
convenient to use the gauge invariance (2.35) to transform (2.36) to the equivalent form:
−Ln = dz (n + 1)J 3 γ n − nJ − γ n+1 (2.37)

and compute:
[Ln , Lm ] = dw dz (n + 1)J 3 γ n − nJ − γ n+1 (z) (m + 1)J 3 γ m − mJ − γ m+1 (w)
There are four terms to evaluate; the residues of single poles in the OPE are of three
different kinds: J 3 γ n+m , J − γ n+m+1 and γ n+m−1 ∂γ. The numerical factors conspire so
that the algebra closes. Using the OPE’s
3 n nγ n (w)
J (z)γ (w) = +···
nγ n−1 (w)
J − (z)γ n (w) = +···
J − (w)
J 3 (z)J − (w) = − +···
J 3 (z)J 3 (w) = − +···
(z − w)2

one finds that (2.38) leads to the algebra (2.22) with the central charge in spacetime given
in terms of the level of SL(2, R), k, (2.16), and the charge p, (2.31):

cspacetime = 6kp (2.40)

Thus, for fixed SL(2, R) level k, as p increases the spacetime central charge cspacetime → ∞,
which is the semiclassical limit in the spacetime CFT. We will see later that the string

coupling is proportional to 1/ p; thus the theory indeed becomes more and more weakly
coupled as p → ∞. Similarly, as k → ∞ for fixed p, the curvature of AdS3 goes to zero
and the gravity approximation to (aspects of) the full string theory becomes better and
Note that the Virasoro algebra acts as holomorphic reparametrization symmetry on
γ. Indeed, one can verify using (2.37), (2.39) that:

[Ln , γ(z)] = −γ n+1 (z) (2.41)

which implies that one can think of Ln as

Ln = −γ n+1 . (2.42)

The second line of (2.26) is also a straightforward consequence of (2.27), (2.37), (2.39).
Note that our derivation of the Virasoro and affine Lie algebras was performed in the free
field limit of (2.11), in which one can ignore the screening charge β β̄exp(−2φ/α+ ). This
is accurate at the boundary of AdS3 , φ → ∞. One can check that the affine Lie and
Virasoro generators (2.27), (2.37) do not commute with the screening charge. This means
that there are corrections to these generators which form a power series in exp(−2φ/α+ ).
In the presence of both SL(2, R) (2.16) and G (2.23) affine Lie algebras on the world-
sheet one can define a second Virasoro algebra in spacetime – the Sugawara stress tensor of
b generated by T a (2.27). This second Virasoro algebra should be thought of as a part
the G n
of the total Virasoro algebra (2.36). In the three dimensional string theory the reason for
this is that all degrees of freedom must couple to three dimensional gravity. In particular,
if the spacetime theory is unitary, the central charges must satisfy the inequality

k ′ pdim G
cspacetime = 6kp ≥ (2.43)
k′ p + Q
b and Q is the quadratic
where the right hand side is the Sugawara central charge for G,
Casimir of G in the adjoint representation. The inequality (2.43) becomes trivial in the

weak coupling limit p → ∞, but for large string coupling p ≃ 1 it provides a constraint on
the parameters of the theory. Of course, the whole discussion of unitarity in the bosonic
string is quite confusing because of the instability which is signaled by the tachyon. Below
we will apply a similar discussion to stable vacua of string theory.
The form of the spacetime central charge (2.40) is interesting. In the original work of
Brown and Henneaux [1] this central charge was computed using low energy gravity and
was found to be
cspacetime = (2.44)
where l is the radius of curvature of AdS3 (see (2.4)) and lp is the three dimensional
Planck length (lp ≡ G3 , the three dimensional Newton constant). The calculation of [1] is
expected to be reliable in the semiclassical regime l ≫ lp ; (2.44) should be thought of as
the leading term in an expansion in lp /l. In our case l is related to the level of the SL(2, R)
affine algebra, k (2.12), while lp is given in terms of the fundamental string coupling g and
the volume of the compactification manifold N (2.1), VN (measured in string units), by:

1 VN
= 2 (2.45)
lp g ls

Thus, the formula (2.40) for the central charge implies in this case that the string coupling
is quantized. More precisely, the three dimensional Planck scale satisfies:

ls /lp = 4p k (2.46)

The three dimensional string coupling g32 ∼ lp /ls ∼ 1/(p k) is small if either k or p are
large. As we will see later, the higher dimensional string coupling is typically large 4 for
small p, and it decreases as p → ∞, where perturbative string theory is reliable. The fact
that the string coupling is fixed in string theory on AdS3 in a given sector of the theory (i.e.
for given k, p) implies that the dilaton is massive and its potential has a unique minimum.

The string coupling behaves like g ∼ 1/ p, which is reminiscent of the coupling

between mesons in large N gauge theory (where g ∼ 1/ N ). Perhaps one can think of
the closed strings on AdS3 as “mesons” constructed out of “quarks.”
Another (related) useful analogy is WZW models. The WZW Lagrangian for a com-
pact group G at level P is proportional to P (at the fixed point where the infinite conformal
and affine Lie symmetries appear). The interactions between physical states are of order
Essentially because the volume of N (2.1) typically grows as VN ∼ k a , with a > 1/2.


1/ P ; P is quantized due to non-perturbative effects (it must be a positive integer). Sim-
ilarly, in the string theory described above the spacetime action is proportional to p, while

interactions are proportional to 1/ p. The fact that p is quantized is non-perturbative
in the string loop expansion5 , and presumably related to the appearance of the infinite
symmetry (2.22), (2.26) in spacetime.
Physical states in the theory fall into representations of the Virasoro algebra (2.36).
A large class of such states is obtained by taking a primary of the worldsheet conformal
algebra on N (2.1), and dressing it with a conformal primary from the AdS3 sector. In
what follows we will describe this dressing first for the case of vanishing worldsheet spin
and then for non-zero spin.
Let WN be a spinless worldsheet operator in the CFT on N , with scaling dimension
∆L = ∆R = N (which of course need not be integer). We can form a physical vertex
operator by “dressing” WN by an AdS3 vertex operator Vjmm̄ (2.19). The physical vertex
Vphys (j, m, m̄) = WN Vjmm̄ (2.47)

must have worldsheet dimension one:

j(j + 1)
N− =1 (2.48)

Stability of the vacuum requires the solutions of (2.48) to have real j (see below). Further-
more, the unitarity condition (2.20) shows that only operators with N < (k/4) + 1 can be
dressed using (2.47).
To determine the transformation properties of the spacetime field corresponding to
Vphys under the spacetime conformal symmetry, we need to compute the commutator
[Ln , Vphys ]. A straightforward calculation using the form6 (2.37) of Ln and the free field
realization of SL(2, R), (2.11), leads to:

[Ln , Vphys (j, m, m̄)] = (nj − m)Vphys (j, m + n, m̄) (2.49)

However, the discussion after eq. (2.31) makes it clear that if p is non-integer the theory is
non-perturbatively inconsistent.
One can also derive this relation by using the representation (2.36) and the operator product
J (z)Vj,m,m̄(w, w̄) = (m ∓ j)Vj,m±1,m̄(w, w̄)/(z − w) + ....

To understand the meaning of eq. (2.49), recall the following result from CFT. Given an
operator A(hh̄) (ξ, ξ̄) with scaling dimensions (h, h̄), we can expand it in modes:
X (hh̄)
A(hh̄) (ξ, ξ̄) = Amm̄ ξ −m−h ξ̄ −m̄−h̄ . (2.50)

The precise values of m and m̄ depend, as usual, on the sector – the operator insertion
at ξ = 0. In the identity sector m + h, m̄ + h̄ ∈ Z. The mode operators Amm̄ satisfy the
following commutation relations with the Virasoro generators:

(hh̄) (hh̄)
[Ln , Amm̄ ] = [n(h − 1) − m] An+m,m̄ . (2.51)

Comparing (2.49) with (2.51) we see that we should identify the physical vertex operators
Vphys (j, m, m̄) with modes of primary operators in the spacetime CFT, Amm̄ . The scaling
dimension in spacetime of the operator Vphys (j, m, m̄) is h = h̄ = j + 1:

Vphys (j, m, m̄) ↔ Amm̄ ; h = h̄ = j + 1 (2.52)

Note that due to (2.20) there are bounds on the scaling dimensions arising from single
particle states: 0 < h < k/2. Equation (2.48) furthermore relates the spectrum of scaling
dimensions to the structure of the compact CFT on N . Tachyons correspond to solutions
of (2.48) with complex j = − 12 + iλ, and we see (2.52) that they give rise to complex
scaling dimensions in the spacetime CFT. According to (2.48), worldsheet operators WN
with N < 1 − 4(k−2) in the CFT on N correspond to tachyons. Since the identity operator
is such an operator that always exists, bosonic string theory in the background (2.1) is
always unstable, just like in flat space.
The operators (2.47) give rise to spacetime primaries with spin zero, i.e. h = h̄, (2.52).
One expects in general to find many primaries with non-zero spin (in spacetime). These
are obtained by coupling worldsheet operators with non-zero worldsheet spin to the AdS3
sector. Consider, for example, a worldsheet primary ZN,N̄ in the CFT on N , with scaling
dimensions ∆L = N , ∆R = N̄ . We will assume, without loss of generality, that N < N̄ .
We cannot couple ZN,N̄ directly to Vjmm̄ as in (2.47), since this would violate worldsheet
level matching. In order to consistently couple Z to AdS3 , we need a primary of the
worldsheet conformal algebra on AdS3 that has spin n = N̄ − N ∈ Z, and is thus a
descendant of Vjmm̄ (2.19) (under the SL(2, R) current algebra) at level n.
There are many such descendants; to illustrate the sort of spacetime states they give
rise to, we will study a particular example, the operator (∂z γ)n Vjmm̄ . It is not difficult

to check that this operator is a conformal primary with ∆R = −j(j + 1)/(k − 2) and
∆L = ∆R + n. Therefore, as in (2.47), we can form the physical operator
Vphys (j, m, m̄) = ZN,N̄ (∂z γ)n Vjmm̄ (2.53)

j(j + 1)
N̄ − =1 (2.54)
Under the right moving spacetime Virasoro algebra L̄n , the operator (2.53) transforms, as
before (2.47), as a primary with dimension h̄ = j + 1. The addition of (∂γ)n does change
the transformation of (2.53) under the left moving Virasoro algebra. Using eq. (2.41) we
have: [Ls , (∂z γ)n ] = −n(s + 1)γ s (∂z γ)n and, therefore,
(n) (n)
[Ls , Vphys (j, m, m̄)] = [s(j − n) − (m + n)] Vphys (j, m + s, m̄) (2.55)

Comparing to (2.51) we see that the left moving spacetime dimension of our operator is
h = j + 1 − n and the modes m are shifted by n units. This adds another entry to our
spacetime – worldsheet correspondence: operators with spin n on the worldsheet give rise
to operators with spin n in the spacetime CFT.
One might wonder what happens for j + 1 − n < 0 when the left-moving scaling
dimension might become negative. The answer is that the unitarity constraint (2.20) does
not allow this to happen. Indeed, j < (k−2)/2 implies using (2.54) that n ≤ N̄ < (j +3)/2.
Therefore j + 1 − n > (j − 1)/2; it can become negative only for j < 1. Furthermore, since
N ≥ 0 and N̄ ≥ N + 1 ≥ 1, (2.54) implies that j ≥ 0. For j < 1 we have n < 2, which
leaves only the case n = 1; therefore, j + 1 − n = j ≥ 0.
Note that it is not surprising that we had to use the constraint (2.20) to prove that
the scaling dimensions in spacetime cannot become negative, since both have to do with
the unitarity of our string theory in spacetime.
One can also study the transformation properties of physical states under the space-
b (2.27). For example, if the operator WN in (2.47) transforms
time affine Lie algebra G,
under the worldsheet affine Lie algebra (2.23) in a representation R:

ta (R)
K a (z)WN (w, w̄) = WN (w, w̄) + ... (2.56)
where ta (R) are generators of G in the representation R, then the physical vertex operator
(2.47) satisfies the commutation relations:

[Tna , Vphys (j, m, m̄)] = ta (R)Vphys (j, m + n, m̄) (2.57)

i.e. it is in the representation R of the spacetime affine Lie algebra.
Correlation functions of physical operators Vphys satisfy in this case the Ward identities
of two dimensional CFT. To prove this one uses (2.49) and the fact that Ln |0i = 0 for
n ≥ −1. This last condition can be understood by thinking of the Virasoro generators
(2.33) as creating physical states from the vacuum. Since energies of states are positive
definite, we can think of Ln with n < −1 as creation operators, and of Ln>1 as annihilation
operators. The latter must therefore annihilate the vacuum. Note that the identification
of observables in three dimensional string theory with two dimensional CFT correlators
found here provides a proof (for the case of AdS3 ) of the map between string theory in
anti-de-Sitter background and boundary CFT proposed in [10,11].
We see that string theory on AdS3 has many states which are obtained by applying
H (L)
the holomorphic vertex operators dzVphys (j = 0, m, m̄ = 0) and their anti-holomorphic
analogs to the vacuum. Examples include the generators of the spacetime affine Lie (2.27)
and Virasoro (2.36) algebras. More generally, since the worldsheet and spacetime chiral-
ities of operators are tied in this background, the chiral algebra of the spacetime CFT
is described by states of this form. As we stressed above, these states are not standard
closed string states. This new sector in the Hilbert space must be kept even at large k, p,
where the theory becomes semiclassical and the weakly coupled string description is good.
Clearly, these chiral states should also appear in the discussion of [10,11].

3. Superstrings on AdS3

Bosonic string theory on AdS3 contains tachyons, which as we saw means that some of
the operators in the spacetime CFT have complex scaling dimensions, and thus the theory
is ultimately inconsistent. In this section we generalize the discussion to the spacetime
supersymmetric case, which as we will see gives rise to consistent, unitary superconformal
field theories in spacetime. We will work in the Neveu-Schwarz-Ramond formalism [19].
There are two steps in generalizing the discussion of section 2 to the supersymmetric
case. The first is introducing worldsheet fermions and enlarging the worldsheet gauge
principle from N = 0 to N = 1 supergravity. This is usually straightforward, but it does
not solve the tachyon problem. The second step involves introducing spacetime fermions
by performing a chiral GSO projection. This leads to spacetime supersymmetry and a host
of new issues, some of which will be explored below in the context of superstring theory
on the manifold M (1.2).

3.1. Fermionic Strings on AdS3

Following the logic of section 2, we are interested in fermionic string propagation in

a spacetime of the form (2.1). The σ model on AdS3 × N has N = 1 superconformal
symmetry with c = 15 which we gauge to construct the string vacuum. The worldsheet
SCFT with target space AdS3 will be taken as before to have an affine SL(2, R) Lie algebra
symmetry at level k, generated by worldsheet currents J A satisfying the OPE (2.16). We
will also assume that the SCFT on N has in addition an affine Lie algebra symmetry G b
corresponding to some compact Lie group G, at level k ′ , with currents K a and OPE’s
(2.23). Under the N = 1 superconformal algebra on the worldsheet, the currents J A ,
K a are upper components of superfields, whose lower components are free fermions ψ A
(A = 1, 2, 3) and χa (a = 1, · · · , dim G), respectively (see e.g. [26] for a detailed discussion
of superstring propagation on group manifolds). The currents J A , K a can be written as
sums of “bosonic” currents j A , k a whose levels are k + 2, and k ′ − Q (recall that Q is the
quadratic Casimir of G in the adjoint representation, as in (2.43)), which commute with
the free fermions, and contributions from the free fermions which complete the levels to k
and k ′ :
i A
J A =j A −
ǫ ψB ψC
k BC (3.1)
a a i a b c
K =k − ′ f bc χ χ
We are using the convenient but unconventional normalization of the free fermions,

kη AB /2
hψ A (z)ψ B (w)i = , A, B = 1, 2, 3
k ′ δ ab /2
hχa (z)χb (w)i = , a, b = 1, ..., dim G
As in the bosonic case, the worldsheet currents (3.1) lead to spacetime symmetries. To
construct the corresponding charges, recall that in fermionic string theory, physical states
are obtained from superconformal primaries with dimension h = 1/2 by taking their upper
component (by applying the N = 1 supercharge G−1/2 = dwG(w)), and integrating the
resulting dimension one operator. In the present case, the gauged worldsheet supercurrent
G is given by
2 i 2 i
G(z) = (ηAB ψ A j B − ǫABC ψ A ψ B ψ C ) + ′ (χa ka − ′ fabc χa χb χc ) + Grest (3.3)
k 3k k 3k
where Grest is the contribution to G of the degrees of freedom that complete (3.1), (3.2)
to a critical string theory. The relevant dimension 2 superconformal primaries are ψ A and

χa . The corresponding upper components are J A , K a (3.1), in terms of which the charges
have the same form as in the bosonic case (2.21), (2.24), respectively. In particular, they
satisfy the SL(2, R) × G algebra.
The global symmetry algebra can again be extended to a semi-direct product of Vi-
b affine Lie algebra generators are:
rasoro and affine G (2.22), (2.26). The G
Tn = dz{G−1/2 , χa γ n (z)}

The Virasoro generators Ln are:

2 3 n n(n − 1) − n+1 n(n + 1) + n−1
−Ln = dz G−1/2 , (1 − n )ψ γ + ψ γ + ψ γ (z)
2 2
I   (3.5)
2 3 n n(n − 1) − n+1 n(n + 1) + n−1
= dz (1 − n )J γ + J γ + J γ
2 2
In the second line of (3.5) we used the fact that all the terms in which G−1/2 acts on γ
cancel. Note that this way of writing Ln is the same as (2.36), which can also be simplified
as (2.37). In fact, this result should have been anticipated because (2.36) only uses the
presence of SL(2). We emphasize that in (3.4), (3.5) G−1/2 is a worldsheet supercharge,
while Tna , Ln are spacetime symmetry generators. It is not difficult to verify by direct
calculation that the generators (3.4), (3.5) satisfy the algebra (2.22), (2.26), with the
central charges (2.32), (2.40).
Just as in the bosonic case, one can construct physical states which are primaries of the
conformal algebra (3.5). For simplicity, we describe the construction for spinless operators
(both on the worldsheet and in spacetime). These are obtained by taking a primary of the
N = 1 worldsheet superconformal algebra on N , WN , with scaling dimension ∆L = ∆R =
N , and dressing it with a superconformal primary on AdS3 . The corresponding vertex
operator in the −1 picture is:

Vphys (j, m, m̄) = e−φ−φ̄ WN Vjmm̄ (3.6)

where φ and φ̄ are the bosonized super-reparametrization ghosts7 [19]. The commutation
relations of the operators (3.6) with the Virasoro generators [Ln , Vphys ] are similar to the
bosonic case (2.49). The resulting scaling dimensions are:
j(j + 1) 1
h = h̄ = j + 1; N − = (3.7)
k 2
In section 2 we denoted by φ the radial direction in AdS3 (2.5). It should be clear from the
context which φ we mean everywhere below.

1 1
In particular, states with N < 2 − 4k (tachyons) give rise to complex scaling dimensions.
The lowest such state is the identity WN = 1. Its presence in the spectrum implies that
the fermionic string on AdS3 × N is an unstable vacuum of string theory, just like the
bosonic theory of section 2. However, in this case there is a well known solution to the
problem. One can eliminate the tachyons from the spectrum by performing a chiral GSO
projection. We will next describe this projection for the particular case of AdS3 . Rather
than being very general, we will do that in the context of an example: superstring theory
on AdS3 × S 3 × T 4 (1.2).

3.2. Superstrings on M = AdS3 × S 3 × T 4

In addition to AdS3 , the manifold M includes now a three-sphere, or equivalently the

SU (2) group manifold. The worldsheet theory is the N = 1 superconformal WZW model
on S 3 . We use the notation of (3.1), (3.2). The AdS3 fermions and currents are denoted
by (ψ A , J A ), while those corresponding to SU (2) are (χa , K a ). The levels of SL(2) and
SU (2) current algebras are k and k ′ , respectively.
The total central charge of the AdS3 × S 3 part of the worldsheet SCFT is:

3(k + 2) 3 3(k ′ − 2) 3
c= + + + (3.8)
k 2 k′ 2
The first and third terms on the r.h.s. of (3.8) are the contributions of the bosonic σ
models on AdS3 and S 3 ; the second and fourth are due to worldsheet fermions. Criticality
of the fermionic string in the background (1.2) implies that c = 9, which leads to a relation
between the levels of the curent algebras:

k′ = k (3.9)

The T 4 in M corresponds to an N = 1, U (1)4 SCFT; four canonically normalized (com-

pact) free scalar fields Y i and fermions λi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4. The energy-momentum tensor
T (z) and supercurrent G(z) of this system are:

1 1 1
T (z) = (j A jA − ψ A ∂ψA ) + (k a ka − χa ∂χa ) + (∂Y i ∂Yi − λi ∂λi )
k k   2  (3.10)
2 A i A B C 2 a i
G(z) = ψ jA − ǫABC ψ ψ ψ + χ ka − ǫabc χ χ χ + λi ∂Yi
a b c
k 3k k 3k

So far our treatment of string theory in the background (1.2) was a special case of the
discussion of the previous subsection and, in particular, the resulting spacetime theory is

tachyonic. We would like next to perform a chiral GSO projection and remove the tachyons,
in the process making the vacuum supersymmetric. We expect to be able to perform
different projections, corresponding to different boundary conditions for the spacetime
supercharges. We start with the construction of the vacuum corresponding to the NS
sector of the spacetime SCFT, and then turn to the Ramond vacuum.

1) The Neveu-Schwarz Sector of the Spacetime Theory

A well known sufficient condition for spacetime supersymmetry is the enhancement of the
N = 1 superconformal symmetry of the worldsheet theory to N = 2 superconformal. This
requires in particular the existence of a conserved U (1)R current in the worldsheet theory,
under which the supercurrent G splits into two parts, G = G+ + G− with charges ±1.
It will turn out that this standard route is not the way to proceed here8 . We will next
construct the spacetime supercharges directly, and study the resulting superalgebra.
It is convenient to start by pairing the ten free worldsheet fermions (i.e. choosing a
complex structure) and bosonizing them into five canonically normalized scalar fields, HI ,
I = 1, ..., 5, which satisfy hHI (z)HJ (w)i = −δIJ log(z − w):

2 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3
∂H1 = ψ ψ , ∂H2 = χ χ , i∂H3 = ψ χ , ∂H4 = λ1 λ2 , ∂H5 = λ3 λ4 (3.11)
k k k

All the fields except for H3 satisfy the standard reality condition HI† = HI . Because of
the negative norm of ψ 3 , H3 instead satisfies H3† = −H3 . Note that the standard “fermion
number” current J = i I ∂HI is not suitable for extending the N = 1 superconformal
algebra (3.10) to N = 2, since the OPE of J(z) with G(w) contains a double pole from the
second and fourth terms in G (see Appendix B for a discussion of the N = 2 superconformal
structure on the worldsheet).
Ignoring this complication and proceeding, following the most naive version of [19],
we attempt to construct supercharges of the form
φ i
Q= dze− 2 S(z); S(z) = e 2 I (3.12)

In Appendix B we describe some features of the theory obtained by utilizing an N = 2
superconformal symmetry on the worldsheet, and its relation to the spacetime SCFT studied in
this section.

where ǫI = ±1. In flat space all 32 supercharges (3.12) are BRST invariant and due to
the requirement of mutual locality between different supercharges, which is necesssary to
have a sensible worldsheet theory, one keeps only the sixteen supercharges that satisfy
ǫI = 1 (3.13)

Since we did not use an N = 2 superconformal algebra on the worldsheet to construct the
supercharges, in our case BRST invariance of (3.12) is not guaranteed. Indeed, due to the
second and fourth terms in G (3.10) one finds that only the supercharges that satisfy in
addition to (3.13),
ǫI = 1 (3.14)

are physical. Thus, this system has eight spacetime supercharges (from each worldsheet
chirality). The supercharges that survive (3.13), (3.14) can be labeled by three signs, say ǫ1 ,
ǫ2 and ǫ4 (= ǫ5 ). The meaning of these signs is revealed by looking at the transformation of
the supercharges under the bosonic symmetries of the vacuum, SL(2, R) × SU (2) × SO(4),
with the last factor rotating the four fermions λi . The supercharges are in the ( 21 , 21 , 21 , 0)
of this symmetry. Thinking about the SL(2, R) charges as the global part of a spacetime
ǫ2 ,ǫ4
Virasoro algebra, we see that we have four pairs of supercharges Q± 1 in the ( 12 , 21 , 0) of
SU (2) × SO(4).
Using the technology of [19] one finds that the anticommutators of Qrǫ2 ,ǫ4 (r = ±1/2,
ǫ2 , ǫ4 = ±1) close on the SL(2, R)×SU (2) charges (2.21), (2.24). The superalgebra formed
by these objects is the global N = 4 superconformal algebra in the NS sector:

{Qir , Q̄js } = 2δ ij Lr+s − 2(r − s)σij

a a
{Qir , Qjs } = 0 = {Q̄ir , Q̄js }, i, j = 1, 2, r, s = ±1/2
1 a j 1 a∗ j (3.15)
[T0a , Qir ] = − σij Qr , [T0a , Q̄ir ] = σij Q̄r
2 2
n n
[Ln , Qir ] = ( − r)Qin+r , [Ln , Q̄ir ] = ( − r)Q̄in+r , n = 0, ±1
2 2
where we have formed out of our supercharges (3.12) two SU (2) doublets (for given
SL(2, R) weight r). Qir in (3.15) corresponds in the language of (3.12) to ǫ1 = 2r,
{ǫ2 = ±1} ↔ {i = 1, 2}, ǫ4 = 1, and Q̄ir is the same but with ǫ4 = −1; σ a are Pauli
matrices. The commutation relations of the supercharges with Ln , n = 0, ±1, and T0a ,
a = 1, 2, 3, are determined by recalling that the supercharges have scaling dimension

h = 3/2 in spacetime and (2.51), and that they transform in the 2 of the spacetime SU (2)
symmetry and (2.57).
As we saw in the previous subsection, the bosonic part of the superalgebra (3.15),
namely SL(2) × SU (2), is extended to a semi-direct product of a c = 6kp Virasoro algebra
and an affine SU (2) at level kp. This clearly means that the N = 4 supercharges Qr which
we have constructed only for r = ±1/2, actually exist with an arbitrary r ∈ Z + 1/2. One
way of finding them is to act with Ln , Tna (3.4), (3.5) on Q±1/2 . The resulting structure is
the full N = 4 superconformal algebra in spacetime.
Note also that, as in the bosonic case, there is a correlation between chirality on the
worldsheet and in spacetime. The spacetime dynamics is that of a (4, 4) superconformal
field theory, with the right moving chiral algebra in spacetime arising from the right movers
on the worldsheet via formulae like (3.4), (3.5), (3.12), and similarly for the left movers.
There are now two kinds of physical states. Bosons are described by vertex operators of
the form (3.6). The fermion vertices are straightforward generalizations of those described
in [19]. They are related to the bosons by supersymmetry (3.12) – (3.15). Additional
bosonic states appear from the worldsheet RR sector.
We will only comment briefly on the spectrum of physical states, leaving a more
detailed analysis to future work (see also section 4.3). Consider the vertex operators (3.6).
The string theory has eight towers of oscillator states coming from all three sectors in
(1.2): the AdS3 , SU (2) and T 4 parts of the worldsheet SCFT. Roughly speaking, four of
the eight towers can be thought of as describing descendants of the N = 4 superconformal
algebra in spacetime (3.15). The four remaining towers correspond to descendants of the
U (1)4 affine Lie algebra generated by the operators
αm = dze−φ λi γ m

which satisfy the commutation relations (2.26)

[αin , αjm ] = pnδ ij δn+m,0 (3.17)

Examples of low lying physical states are the scalar fields B iī obtained by Kaluza-Klein
reduction of the metric and B field from ten down to six dimensions on T 4 . The l = 2j
partial wave of B iī on the sphere transforms in the (j, j) representation of the SU (2)L ×
SU (2)R isometry of S 3 and is described by the vertex operator

B iī (j; m, m′ , m̄, m̄′ ) = e−φ−φ̄ λi λ̄ī Vjmm̄ Vjm

′ m̄′ (3.18)

where Vj′′ m′ m̄′ is the vertex operator of the SU (2) WZW model with isospin j ′ , j3′ = m′ ,
j̄3′ = m̄′ , and we have set j = j ′ in (3.18) to satisfy (3.7). The scaling dimension of
the operator B iī (j) is (3.7), h = h̄ = 1 + j = 1 + l/2. j takes the values9 j = l/2,
l = 0, 1, 2, · · · , k−2. Applying the superconformal and U (1)4 generators to (3.18) generates
the spectrum of the theory.
The states obtained by acting on the massless vertex operators (3.18) with the spec-
trum generating operators (3.16) can be alternatively described by replacing λi in (3.18)
by excited state vertex operators in the (4, 4) supersymmetric worldsheet theory on T 4 .
This confirms that there are four towers of such (single particle) states.
Spacetime fermion vertices are obtained as usual [19] by acting on the boson vertex
operators, e.g. (3.18), with the spacetime supercharges (3.12) – (3.14). This gives rise to
vertex operators in the −3/2 picture, which can be brought to the standard −1/2 picture
by applying the picture changing operator of [19].
Some of the resulting spacetime fermions correspond to chiral operators in the space-
time SCFT in the sense that their SU (2) quantum number coincides with their dimension.
For example, the superpartners of the partial waves of the six dimensional massless scalar
B iī (3.18) are complex fermions F aī (j + 12 ; r, r ′ , m̄, m̄′ ) carrying a spinor index a under
SO(4) and spin j + 2 under SU (2). r and r ′ are the eigenvalues of −L0 and T03 . Since
B iī (j) ∼ Q−1/2 F aī (j + 21 ), the scaling dimension of the fermions F in the spacetime SCFT
is hF = j + 12 . Thus, these operators have the property that their scaling dimension and
SU (2) spin coincide – they are chiral in spacetime. This gives rise to k −1 (complex) chiral
operators with SU (2) spins j = n/2, n = 1, 2, · · · , k − 1. Of course, we can also apply the
supercharges with the opposite spacetime chirality and construct bosons B aā which are
chiral under both the left moving and the right moving spacetime superconformal algebras.
From the general representation theory of N = 4 SCFT, in a unitary theory with
c = 6kp we expect to find chiral operators in small representations with SU (2) spins
j ≤ kp/2. The states with k/2 ≤ j ≤ kp/2 correspond in string theory to multiparticle
states. For finite p the spectrum of multiparticle chiral states is truncated at j = kp/2. This
is reminiscent of a similar phenomenon in WZW theory. Classically, the WZW Lagrangian
b while quantum effects restrict the possible
describes an infinite number of primaries of G,
representations, e.g. in the case of G = SU (2) to j ≤ k/2. Like here, the simplest way

Note that this is consistent with (2.20) since we have to replace k → k + 2 there to account
for the difference between the full and bosonic SL(2) level.

to see this restriction is to impose unitarity of the quantum theory. The truncation of
the spectrum of multi-particle chiral operators in string theory on M has been recently
discussed in [27].

2) The Ramond Sector of the Spacetime Theory

Having understood the string vacuum corresponding to the NS sector of the spacetime
SCFT we next turn to the Ramond vacuum. In this vacuum we expect to find integer
modded spacetime supercharges Qin , Q̄jm with i, j = 1, 2 and n, m ∈ Z, satisfying the
algebra (3.15) (and a similar structure from the other spacetime chirality).
Since the Euclidean AdS3 space (2.2) is simply connected, it has only one spin struc-
ture. Spinors do not change sign when transported around any point, say γ = 0, with any
φ (in the notation (2.5) – (2.8)). The change of variables (2.7) leads to a change of sign
when spinors are transported around γ = 0, i.e. under θ → θ + 2π. In terms of a SCFT
on the boundary, string theory on AdS3 thus corresponds to the NS sector. If we want to
describe the R sector we need to introduce two spin fields in the boundary field theory. We
can put them at γ = 0 and γ = ∞, i.e. at τ = ±∞. These two points on the boundary can
be connected by a line through the bulk. The line going through the bulk is the (analytic
continuation to Euclidean space of the) worldline of an M = J = 0 black hole. With this
line omitted from the space, the latter is no longer simply connected and there can be a
non-trivial spin structure. In the R sector, fermions are antiperiodic under γ → e2πi γ.
To construct the Ramond sector of the spacetime SCFT using worldsheet methods,
we use the isomorphism (a.k.a. spectral flow) [28] of the NS and R N = 4 superalgebras
(3.15). Given generators that satisfy the NS algebra (3.15), we can define a one parameter
set of algebras labeled by a variable η, which for η = 1 (say) goes over to the NS algebra,
and for η = 0 to the Ramond one. Some of the generators in (3.15) have η dependent
modes. If we denote the generators of the algebras by Ln (η), etc., the generators of the
algebra at η are given in terms of the η = 0 (Ramond) generators by [28]:

ηkp ±
Tn3 (η) = Tn3 (0) − δn,0 ; Tn±η (η) = Tn± (0)
Qn+ η (η) = Qn (0); Q2n− η (η) = Q2n (0)
1 1
2 2

Ln (η) = Ln (0) − ηTn3 (0) + η 2 δn,0

One can verify that the generators (3.19) indeed satisfy the N = 4 superconformal algebra

Therefore, the operators that we have constructed before, (3.4), (3.5), (3.12) – (3.14),
that were interpreted as generating an NS N = 4 superalgebra (3.15), can be reinterpreted
as generators of the Ramond superalgebra using the dictionary (3.19) with η = 1. Denoting
the charges which generate the Ramond superalgebra by L e n , Tea , Q
e n , etc., we have for
Ten3 =Tn3 + δn,0
Ten+ =Tn+1
; Ten− = Tn−1

e n =Ln + T 3 + kp δn,0
L n
The shifts in T0 and L0 (first and third lines of (3.20)) are due to the fact that the Hilbert
space also transforms non-trivially under spectral flow. For example, the NS vacuum, which
is annihilated by L0 , T 3 , is mapped to a Ramond ground state with L e 0 = kp/4(= c/24)
and the largest possible SU (2) charge, Te03 = kp/2.
The excitations of the Ramond ground states are given, as before, by vertex oper-
ators such as (3.18). Using the redefinition of the Virasoro generators (3.20), as well
as the commutation relations (2.49), (2.57), one finds that physical operators such as
B iī (j; m, m′ , m̄, m̄′ ) (3.18) satisfy the commutation relations

e n , B iī (j; m, m′ , m̄, m̄′ )] = (nj − (m − m′ )) B iī (j; n + m, m′ , m̄, m̄′ )

[L (3.21)

Comparing to (2.51) we see that the fields still have the same scaling dimensions h = h̄ =
j + 1, but their modes are shifted by m′ (the SU (2) charge T03 ). The chiral operators
B aā (j + 21 ; r, r ′ , r̄, r̄ ′ ) with j ∈ Z + 21 acquire zero modes, corresponding to r = r ′ (and thus
e 0 − kp/4 = 0) and/or r̄ = r̄ ′ . Therefore, the Ramond vacuum is highly degenerate.

4. Applications of String Theory on M

In this section we explain the relation of string theory on AdS3 discussed here to other
problems of recent interest.

4.1. Relation to the Theory of the NS Fivebrane

Callan, Harvey and Strominger (CHS) [29] found the classical supergravity fields
around k N S5-branes. One can wrap the fivebranes on a four-torus of arbitrary vol-
ume10 vls4 , parametrized by the coordinates xi , i = 1, 2, 3, 4; the fivebranes then become
We will mostly ignore other moduli of the torus, and possible background RR fields. The
full moduli space will be discussed in section 4.3.

k strings whose worldsheet is in the (γ, γ̄) plane. One can extend the CHS solution by
adding p fundamental strings (which are “smeared over the four-torus”) parallel to the
fivebranes. The supergravity solution corresponding to p fundamental strings (and k = 0)
was found in [30]; the solution with general p and k was found in [31]. The dilaton, NS
Bµν field and metric corresponding to this collection of fivebranes and strings are:
1 1
2 = e−2Φ = 2 f5−1 f1
gef f (r) g
2ig 2 p (4.1)
H = 2ikǫ3 + f5 f1−1 ∗6 ǫ3
ds2 = f1−1 dγdγ̄ + dxi dxi + f5 (dr 2 + r 2 dΩ23 )
The two contributions to the Kalb-Ramond field in the second line of (4.1) correspond to
the k fivebranes and p strings, respectively. g is the (arbitrary) string coupling at infinity,
∗6 is the Hodge dual in the six dimensions γ, γ̄, r, Ω3 , and
g 2 ls2 p
f1 = 1 +
vr 2 (4.2)
ls2 k
f5 = 1 + 2 .
The first line of eq. (4.2) takes into account the smearing of the fundamental string charge
over the four-torus. It is valid (for a torus which is roughly square) for r ≫ v 4 ls .
Note that in the classical limit, g → 0, the solution goes over to that of CHS [29].
In this limit the k N S5-branes affect the background fields because they are heavy (their
tension scales like g2
), while the effect of the fundamental strings (whose tension is of order
one) goes to zero. If we want to retain the effect of the fundamental strings in the classical
limit, we have to take p → ∞ with g 2 p fixed. Intuitively, the mass of the p strings then
scales like g2
and, therefore, they can affect the background.
We can now study the near horizon geometry of (4.1), which corresponds to distances
r which satisfy:
g 2 ls2 p ls2 k
≫ 1; ≫1 (4.3)
vr 2 r2
Since the validity of (4.2) requires r ≫ v 4 ls , we conclude that to study the near horizon
3 1
region (4.3) in a weakly coupled theory we must have p ≫ v 2 , k ≫ v 2 . In the limit (4.3)
the configuration (4.1) turns to:
1 p
2 = e−2Φ0 =
g0 (r) vk
H0 = 2ik(ǫ3 + ∗6 ǫ3 ) (4.4)
r2 1
ds20 = k 2
dγdγ̄ + kls2 ( 2 dr 2 + dΩ23 ) + dxi dxi
ls r

where we have rescaled γ and γ̄. We would like to make a few comments about this
(a) Unlike the solution (4.1), here the string coupling is a constant independent of r. Its
value is independent of the coupling at infinity, g. Thus the dilaton is a fixed scalar.
(b) The number of strings p enters only in the string coupling constant. Furthermore, the
string coupling depends on p in exactly the way that was needed above in order for
the fundamental strings to affect the background, i.e. g 2 ∼ p. The six dimensional
string coupling
1 v p
2 = 2 = (4.5)
g6 g0 k
is independent of v.
(c) The moduli space of classical solutions such as (4.1) is subject to some stringy iden-
tifications. For example, the action of T-duality on the four-torus includes the trans-
formation v → 1/v. Therefore, we can limit ourselves to v ≥ 1.
(d) The configuration (4.4) is precisely the one we studied11 in section 3. Here we see
how it is embeded in a CHS-like solution (4.1) which is asymptotically flat. This
provides further evidence for the interpretation of p defined in (2.31) as the number
of fundamental strings in the background.
(e) It is important to identify the range of validity of the analysis in section 3. The
worldsheet theory is weakly coupled for k ≫ 1. However, most of our analysis in
section 3 treats the CFT exactly and, therefore, does not depend on this condition.
For the strings to be weakly coupled we need g02 (r) = p
≪ 1.

4.2. Relation to the D1/D5 System

The field configuration corresponding to k N S5-branes and p fundamental strings

(4.1) is mapped under S-duality into that describing k D5-branes and p D-strings [33]:

1 2 b = g 2 f −1 f
2 (r) = gef f (r) = e 1 5
gbef f
b = H = 2ikǫ3 + 2ipg f5 f −1 ∗6 ǫ3
H (4.6)
b 2 = e−Φ ds2 = 1 f − 2 f − 2 dγdγ̄ + 1 f 2 f − 2 dxi dxi + 1 f 2 f 2 (dr 2 + r 2 dΩ2 ).
1 1 1 1 1 1
ds 1 5 1 5 1 5 3
g g g

The role of SL(2) × SU (2) in describing the near-horizon geometry of (4.1) was pointed out
in [31,32].

Its near horizon limit is

1 b0 = kv
= e−2Φ
gb02 (r) p
b 0 = 2ik(ǫ3 + ∗6 ǫ3 )
H (4.7)
r r
b =2 r v p i kp 2 1 2
ds 0 dγdγ̄ + dx i dx + l ( dr + dΩ23 ).
ls2 kp kv v s r2

A few comments are in order:

(a) After rescaling all the coordinates in (4.6) by g 2 we find the D1/D5 solution of [33,34]
with the identifications Q5 = k and Q1 = p.
(b) The direct relation between (4.4) and (4.7) was obtained in [27]. Our minor addition
to their calculation is the observation that S-duality commutes with taking the near
horizon limit of (4.1).
(c) In the D-brane picture the volume of the four-torus and the six and ten dimensional
string couplings are
vb =
1 kv
2 = (4.8)
gb0 p
1 vb
2 = 2 = v.
gb6 gb0
The free continuous parameter of the N S problem, v, is now interpreted as the six
dimensional coupling constant, while the volume of the four torus vb is fixed in terms
of p and k.
(d) The parameter space of the problem is subject to discrete identifications. For example,
T-duality includes the transformation p ↔ k. Therefore, we can limit ourselves to
p ≥ k.
(e) String loop corrections are small in the D-brane picture when gb02 = kv ≪ 1. The
worldsheet theory is weakly coupled (the low energy supergravity is a good approxi-
mation) when also v
≫ 1. Clearly, there is no situation where both the N S and D
descriptions are simultaneously weakly coupled.
Maldacena [8] proposed that string theory in the near-horizon background (4.6) de-
scribes in spacetime the CFT obtained by studying the extreme IR dynamics of p D-strings
and k D5-branes (see also [27,35-40] for more recent work on this correspondence). This

system corresponds to a (4, 4) SCFT with central charge12 c = 6kp. It has two decoupled
sectors which are sometimes referred to as the CFT’s of the Coulomb and Higgs branches.
The former is obtained by quantizing the motion of the D-strings away from the D5-
branes in the directions transverse to both; the latter corresponds to the D-strings being
absorbed by the D5-branes, becoming p small instantons in U (k) and growing to finite size
The theory of the Higgs branch (which we will refer to as the D1/D5 SCFT) is of
interest for applications, such as the calculation of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of five
dimensional black holes [5], as well as three dimensional ones [4], the matrix description
of certain non-critical string theories and the (2, 0) theory [41], etc, and is the one that,
according to [8], is described by string theory on (4.6).
As we saw here, there are actually two weakly coupled descriptions of the D1/D5
SCFT, each useful in a different region in parameter space. The theory depends on the
discrete parameters p, k, and on continuous moduli like v. This parameter space is subject
to discrete identifications such as v → v1 , p ↔ k, etc. These identifications can be used to
restrict to p ≥ k, v ≥ 1. For some range of parameters (p ≫ vk) the N S description is
weakly coupled and useful. For p ≪ vk the D description is weakly coupled but it requires
an understanding of string theory in RR background fields. If also pk ≫ v, one can use
supergravity to understand many aspects of the physics. Most of the existing work on this
system is in this regime. For generic p, k, v the theory is strongly coupled in all of the
above descriptions.

4.3. Comparison of String Theory on M and the σ Model on T 4kp /Skp

In the previous section we described some of the features of the spacetime SCFT
corresponding to fundamental string theory on M (1.2); as explained above, it is the same
SCFT as the D1/D5 system. This SCFT is expected to be equivalent to a (4, 4) σ model
on the target space
P = (Te4 )kp /Skp (4.9)

at some value of the moduli which resolve the orbifold singularity [42,5,43] (see also [44]).
Te4 must be distinguished from the four-torus T 4 on which the fundamental strings prop-
agate. In this subsection we will comment on the relation between the spacetime SCFT
Actually, c = 6(kp + 1), but a c = 6 part of the theory is free and decoupled; it plays no role
in the subsequent discussion and thus will be ignored.

corresponding to string theory on M and the σ model on P (4.9); a precise study of the re-
lation is left for future work. Since the NS and R sectors of any (4, 4) SCFT are equivalent
by spectral flow (3.19), we will restrict our comments to the NS sector of the spacetime
First, note that the two theories have the same chiral algebra. In addition to the (4, 4)
superconformal algebra they also share a U (1)4 affine Lie superalgebra (actually two copies
of U (1)4 from the two chiralities). In string theory on M this symmetry is generated by
the vertex operators e−φ λi γ m (3.16). In the σ model on P there is a “diagonal” Te4 which
is invariant under the orbifold action, and is insensitive to the blow up deformations; the
symmetry comes from SCFT on that Te4 .
Furthermore, like the σ model on P, the spacetime SCFT obtained in string theory
on M appears to be unitary (see [15] and references therein). In our description the no
ghost theorem follows from the explicit construction of the Hilbert space of the theory.
To complete the proof of unitarity one needs to show that the set of states satisfying the
bound (2.20) is closed under OPE.
The moduli spaces of the two CFT’s agree as well. The moduli space of (4, 4) su-
perconformal σ models on P is twenty dimensional. Sixteen of the moduli correspond to
the metric Gij and antisymmetric tensor field Bij on Te4 . The remaining four moduli are
certain blowing up modes of P. This space has singular subspaces fixed under various
elements of Skp . A standard CFT analysis shows that the only element of Skp whose fixed
point set can be blown up by a marginal operator is the Z2 that exchanges two Te4 ’s. All
other blowing up operators are irrelevant.
The fixed point set of the Z2 ∈ Skp is a connected 4(kp − 1) dimensional manifold.
The marginal operators that blow up the Z2 singularity have vanishing momentum along
this set (higher momentum leads to higher scaling dimension). They are isomorphic to the
blowing up modes of a single Z2 singularity in CFT on T 4 /Z2 . Therefore these blowing
up modes extend the Narain moduli space SO(4, 4)/SO(4) × SO(4). (4, 4) supersymmetry
guarantees [45,46] that the space is locally SO(5, 4)/SO(5) ×SO(4). The full moduli space
H\SO(5, 4)/SO(5) × SO(4) (4.10)

H is a discrete duality group that determines the global structure of the moduli space. It
contains the T-duality group SO(4, 4; Z); a natural guess is H = SO(5, 4; Z).
In string theory on M one finds the same twenty moduli; the sixteen moduli Gij , Bij
correspond to the operators (3.18) with j = m = m̄ = 0. Changing these spacetime moduli

¯ j.
corresponds to adding to the worldsheet Lagrangian the term (Gij + Bij ) d2 z∂Y i ∂Y
Thus, the size and shape of Te4 is directly related to that of T 4 .
The four remaining moduli are related to the chiral fields described by the vertex
1 1 1 1
e−φ−φ̄ (ψ 3 − γψ − − γ −1 ψ + )(ψ̄ 3 − γ̄ ψ̄ − − γ̄ −1 ψ̄ + )Vjmm̄ Vjm

′ m̄′ (4.11)
2 2 2 2
One can show that (4.11) corresponds to a chiral primary of the (4, 4) superconformal
symmetry (3.15), with h = h̄ = j = j̄, for all 0 < j ∈ Z/2. The highest components of
the field (4.11) with j = 1/2 are four singlets under SU (2)R × SU (2)L which are truly
marginal in spacetime. They are described on the worldsheet by RR vertex operators.
The fact that the moduli space of string theory on M is given by (4.10) can be
understood by noting that type II string theory on T 4 (or M-theory on T 5 ) has the moduli
space of vacua
SO(5, 5; Z)\SO(5, 5)/SO(5) × SO(5) (4.12)

Compactifying the remaining six dimensions on AdS3 × S 3 gives a mass to five of the
twenty five scalars parametrizing (4.12) and restricts the moduli space to (4.10). The
discrete duality group SO(5, 5; Z) is reduced as well. Thinking of M as the near horizon
geometry of a system of N S5-branes and fundamental strings (as in section 4.1), the U-
duality group is the subgroup of SO(5, 5; Z) that leaves the k fivebranes and p strings
invariant. This clearly includes the T-duality group SO(4, 4; Z). It is possible that the
discrete symmetry of the near horizon theory is larger, as mentioned above.
The connection between the T 4 and Te4 parameters can be made more precise as
follows. As an example, take T 4 to be a square torus with sides R and volume v =
R4 , with 1 ≪ v ≪ p/k such that the T 4 is large but the description of section 3 is
still weakly coupled. To calculate the volume of Te4 we would like to consider string
states (3.6) which carry momentum along the T 4 . These are states of the general form
exp(−φ − φ̄)exp(i~p·Y~ )WN Vjmm̄ , with WN an operator constructed out of the non-zero
modes of the worldsheet fields as in (3.6). The components of p~ are quantized in integer
multiples of 1/R. We would like to compute the spacetime scaling dimensions of the
corresponding operators and, in particular, the spacing between subsequent momentum
Substituting into (3.7) we have:

j(j + 1) 1 2 1
N− + |~
p| = (4.13)
k 2 2
Solving for j we find:
r !
1 1
j= −1 + p|2
1 + 4k(N − ) + 2k|~ (4.14)
2 2

We are interested in the dependence of the spectrum on p~ for small |~

p|. To leading order
we have r
1 1 1 1 p|2
j=− + 1 + 4k(N − ) + q +··· (4.15)
2 2 2 2 1 + 4k(N − 1 )

Thus the spacetime scaling dimension is proportional to |~ p|2 , and therefore the volume of
Te4 is proportional to v. The precise coefficient of proportionality depends on N . This is
probably due to the presence of the blowing up modes and requires more study13 .
We see that the volume v discussed in section 4.1 is indeed the modulus controlling
the volume of the torus Te4 (4.9). This identification was made in the region of validity of
the description of section 3, v ≪ p/k. As discussed in the previous subsections, when v
grows and eventually becomes much larger than p/k, the description of the system given in
section 3 becomes strongly coupled and we have to pass to the D picture of subsection 4.2.
There, the volume of T 4 , vb, is fixed at p/k and the parameter v corresponds to another
modulus of the SCFT on P, perhaps one of the four blowing up modes.
Next we turn to the chiral fields of both theories. Consider first the σ model on
P. Denote the σ model fields by ZA i
, with i = 1, · · · , 4 a vector index in the Te4 , and
A = 1, · · · , kp. The (left and right moving) fermion superpartners of ZA will be denoted
by Ψaα , Ψ̄bβ , respectively, where a, b are spinor indices of the SO(4) acting on the Te4 and
α, β are spinor indices in SU (2). The orbifold in (4.9) acts on the index A; the SCFT has
an untwisted sector and various twisted sectors. We will focus on the untwisted sector;
the twisted sectors can be discussed analogously.
The basic chiral operators of dimension (h, h̄) = (1/2, 0) and (0, 1/2) in the untwisted
P P bβ P
sector are A Ψaα A , A Ψ̄A . The upper components of these operators are
A ∂ZA and
P ¯ i
A ∂Z , respectively. These chiral superfields live in the decoupled Te4 sector and generate
the U (1)4 affine Lie superalgebra which we have identified in the string context before.

It is interesting to note that if we take N to have the largest value compatible with the
p = 0) = (k − 1)/2, we find from (4.15) that j(~
unitarity bound (2.20), j(~ p|2 /2 + · · ·
p) = j(0) + |~
which seems to imply that Te4 has the same volume as T 4 .

The first non-trivial chiral operators have dimension (1/2, 1/2), and are given by14 :

A Ψ̄A (4.16)

The operators (4.16) have spin (1/2, 1/2) under SU (2)L × SU (2)R and transform as ( 21 , 21 )
under SO(4). More generally, we can define chiral operators with (h, h̄) = (l/2, l/2):

al αl bβ1 a3 β2 a4 β3 a2 βl
Ψaα a2 α2 a3 α3
A1 ΨA2 ΨA3 · · · ΨAl Ψ̄A1 Ψ̄A2 Ψ̄A3 · · · Ψ̄Al

symmetrized over (α1 , · · · , αl ) and (β1 , · · · , βl ). The operators (4.17) have SU (2)L ×
SU (2)R spin (l/2, l/2). We have summed over a2 , · · · , al in (4.17) since it is sufficient
to identify operators corresponding to low representations of SO(4) in the SCFT on P and
string theory on M. Higher representations of SO(4) can then be obtained by acting with
the affine U (1)4 Lie superalgebra, which has been identified in both theories. Note also
that, due to the Fermi statistics of the Ψ’s, one must have l ≤ kp.
The corresponding chiral operators in string theory on M are the lowest components
of superfields whose highest components are the scalars with (−1, −1) picture vertex op-
erators (see (3.18))
e−φ−φ̄ λi λ̄ī Vjmm̄ Vjm

′ m̄′ . (4.18)

These fields have SU (2)R × SU (2)L spin (e

j, e
j) and spacetime scaling dimensions (h, h̄) =
j, e
j), with e
j ≡ j + 21 . These states are in one to one correspondence with the chiral
primaries (4.17), with j = l/2. Note that while l in (4.17) is bounded by kp, the string
construction only gives rise to operators with l ≤ k − 2, since unitarity of the worldsheet
SU (2) affine Lie algebra requires j ≤ (k − 2)/2. The remaining states are supposed to
arise from multiparticle states or bound states at threshold; it would be nice to understand
precisely how that happens.
In the orbifold limit the σ model on the space P has a large chiral algebra of operators
with L0 = m ∈ Z/2, L̄0 = 0. For example, one can consider products of the N = 4
superconformal generators of each Te4 in (4.9), symmetrized to impose the permutation
symmetry [38]. One can ask what happens to these states with scaling dimension (h, h̄) =
(m, 0) when one turns on the blowing up moduli α. Typically, one expects the dimensions
h and h̄ to shift, while preserving the spin h − h̄. For small α, the resulting h̄(α) will be
small and, similarly, h(α) will be approximately equal to its orbifold limit value.

Here and below a sum over repeated indices is implied.

We have seen that operators with spin larger than two correspond in string theory on
M to massive string modes, such as (2.53). If we take k to be large to make supergravity
reliable, operators with non-zero spin (on the worldsheet and in spacetime) have N̄ ≥

1 and therefore due to (3.7) large j and scaling dimension in spacetime, h, h̄ ∼ k N̄ ,
(2.54). Therefore, the spacetime SCFT obtained from string theory on M has the peculiar
√ √
property that for large k and p states15 with 2 < |L0 − L̄0 | ≪ k must have L0 , L̄0 ≥ k.
In particular, in the language of SCFT on P, operators which in the orbifold limit have

scaling dimensions (h, h̄) = (m, 0) with 1 ≪ m ≪ k have after the blow up h, h̄ ≫ m,
but h − h̄ = m. This means that the deformation from the orbifold limit is large. This is
consistent with expectations based on six dimensional supergravity in which all the light

states have small spin [38]. The remaining states have large dimension ≥ k and hence
are stringy in nature.

4.4. BTZ Black Holes and Fundamental String States

Since string theory on M reduces to Einstein gravity in the low energy limit, we know
that it should contain BTZ black holes [2] which are parametrized by their mass M and
angular momentum J. The Lorentzian signature black hole metric is given by:

ds2 = − N 2 dt2 + N −2 dr 2 + r 2 (N φ dt + dφ)2

N 2 =(r/l)2 − 8lp M + (4lp J/r)2 (4.19)
N φ = − 4lp J/r 2

One can think of the black holes (4.19) as excitations of the vacuum described by the
M = J = 0 black hole, i.e. the Ramond vacuum of the spacetime SCFT [2,4]. The mass
and spin of the black holes are given in terms of the Virasoro generators in the Ramond
sector L0 , L̄0 by:
M l = L0 + L̄0 , J = L0 − L̄0 (4.20)

where we have defined L0 such that it vanishes on the Ramond vacuum (by subtracting
e 0 (3.20)). Some of the solutions (4.19), namely those with J = ±M l,
c/24 = kp/4 from L
preserve half of the supersymmetries of the M = 0 vacuum [47]. In the spacetime SCFT
these are states with either L0 = 0 or L̄0 = 0.
Of course, here we are referring to single particle states. Multi-particle states with spin

higher than two but scaling dimensions much smaller than k can and do exist.

Note that the correspondence (4.20) means that from the spacetime gravity point of
view the lowest lying BTZ black holes are very light. Since the low lying states in the
spacetime CFT have L0 ∼ 1, the lowest mass BTZ black holes have M ∼ 1/l and are
much lighter than the natural mass scale of the theory 1/lp . In fact, comparing (2.40) and
(2.44) we see that M ∼ 1/(lp kp). Note also that the scales l and lp of our system depend
differently on the parameters k, p, v of the model in the two different regions corresponding
to weak N S and D coupling discussed in the previous subsections:
kp π 3 1
D: l =2πls , lp = ls (kp)− 4 v − 4
v 2
√ ls
NS : l =ls k, lp = √
4p k

The Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of BTZ black holes with mass M and angular mo-
mentum J has the usual form in terms of the area A of the event horizon:
s s
p q
A l(lM + J) l(lM − J)
S= =π +π = 2π kpL0 + 2π kpL̄0 (4.22)
4lp 2G3 2G3

How can one describe BTZ black holes in the framework of our previous analysis? The
states we are looking for should have finite masses (4.20) in the weak coupling limit p ≫ 1,

M ∼ L0 /ls k. Thus, we would like to identify them with fundamental string states. By
the analysis of the previous sections, we can associate to every perturbative string state a
value of L0 and L̄0 and, therefore, (4.20) a mass and spin.
Of course, string states should only be thought of as black holes if their horizon area
is larger than their size, which is of order ls . In fact, while one can construct large black
holes with A ≫ ls , lp from multi-particle perturbative string states at weak string coupling,
the perturbative description is not valid for such black holes. Indeed, substituting (2.46)
in (4.22) one finds that A ∼ ls L0 /p; thus large black holes necessarily have L0 ≫ p.
The corresponding energies are of order 1/g62 (with the six dimensional string coupling
g62 ∝ k/p), and the perturbative string picture is not expected to be reliable at such high
energies. It is nevertheless possible that one can use the large symmetry of this system to
obtain useful information about the physics of large black holes.
BTZ black holes with M l = ±J (i.e. vanishing L0 or L̄0 (4.20)) correspond in string
theory to multi-particle states constructed out of the chiral algebra modes L−n , T−n , αi−n ,
etc. Most of the black holes correspond to massive string states, have non-zero L0 , L̄0 and
break the supersymmetry completely.

The above construction of BTZ black holes in string theory on M allows one to
compute the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of these objects. Since BTZ black holes are
described in our framework as multiparticle states in the spacetime SCFT, we can apply
the standard result from CFT [50], to compute the entropy S:

r r
cL0 cL̄0
S = 2π + 2π (4.23)
6 6

The central charge of the spacetime theory is c = 6kp (2.40); thus (4.23) agrees with the
form (4.22) we found by using the area formula before.
This argument is due to Strominger [4] (see also [53]). Our analysis supplements that
of [4] in two respects:
(a) The formula (4.23) only applies to CFT’s for which the lowest dimension operator has
h = h̄ = 0. In the context of gravity on AdS3 it was applied to the CFT living on
the boundary of AdS3 , but it was not clear whether this condition applies (see [35,51]
for recent discussions). In fact it has been argued that the boundary (S)CFT is a
(super-)Liouville theory [52], for which c should be replaced [6,7] by ceff = 1 in (4.23).
Our string theory on M is unitary and its lowest dimension operator has h = 0 (the
identity operator). Therefore, the conditions for applying (4.23) are satisfied here, at
least for weak coupling (i.e. for large enough p).
(b) We showed that the states contributing to the density of states (4.23) are fundamental
string states, most of which are furthermore massive; therefore, one cannot reduce to
supergravity without losing the microscopic interpretation of (4.22).

Acknowledgements: We thank S. Elitzur, J. Harvey, E. Martinec, E. Rabinovici, A.

Strominger, E. Witten, and especially A. Schwimmer for discussions. The work of A.G. is
supported in part by BSF – American-Israel Bi-National Science Foundation and by the
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities – Centers of Excellence Program. A.G. thanks
the Einstein Center at the Weizmann Institute for partial support. The work of D.K. is
supported in part by DOE grant #DE-FG02-90ER40560. The work of N.S. is supported
by DOE grant #DE-FG02-90ER40542.

Appendix A. The Geometry of Lorentzian AdS3

The Lorentzian signature version of AdS3 is obtained by analytically continuing the

Euclidean version described by eq. (2.2). The inequivalent continuations correspond to
replacing X3 = iX0 and X1 = iX0 in (2.2). Clearly there should not be any difference
between them. The first corresponds to setting τ = it in (2.3) and (2.4). It leads to16

ds2 = 2
dr 2 − (1 + r 2 )dt2 + r 2 dθ 2 . (A.1)

The second corresponds to treating γ and γ̄ as two independent real coordinates and letting
u = e−φ in (2.5) be both positive and negative (now u = 0 is not a boundary of the space).
The metric is
1 2
ds2 = du + u2 dγdγ̄. (A.2)
Because of the reality properties of γ and γ̄, we can no longer use (2.7) to relate them.
Instead, these two coordinate systems are related by the transformations
u= 1 + r 2 cos t + r cos θ

1 + r 2 sin t + r sin θ
γ=√ (A.3)
1 + r 2 cos t + r cos θ

− 1 + r 2 sin t + r sin θ
γ̄ = √
1 + r 2 cos t + r cos θ

and the inverse map

2 [u2 (γγ̄ − 1) + 1]2 (γ + γ̄)2 u2 [u2 (γγ̄ + 1) + 1]2 (γ − γ̄)2 u2

r = + = + −1
4u2 4 4u2 4
u(γ − γ̄)
sin t = √ (A.4)
2 1 + r2
u(γ + γ̄)
sin θ =

where in the last two expressions we use r from the first. Note that the expression for r 2 is
always non-negative and, therefore, the square root can be taken. Similarly, the two ways
of writing r 2 guarantee that sin t and sin θ are in [−1, 1]. This shows that for t ∈ [0, 2π)
and u ∈ (−∞, ∞) the change of variables (A.3), (A.4) is one to one.

We set l = 1 in this appendix.

The relation to the SL(2, R) group manifold is obtained by parametrizing it by the
Gauss decomposition

1 γ̄ u 0 1 0 γγ̄u + u γ̄u
g= = (A.5)
0 1 0 u γ 1 γu u

where γ and γ̄ are two independent real numbers. The metric on the group is
1 1
ds2 = Tr(g −1 dg)2 = 2 (du)2 + u2 dγdγ̄ (A.6)
2 u
which is readily identified with (A.2). Here it is clear that the SL(2, R) group manifold is
described by u ∈ (−∞, ∞).
For physics we would like the time t to be non-compact. Therefore, although in the
original space there is a closed time-like curve corresponding to t ∈ [0, 2π), we must consider
the infinite cover of this space with t ∈ (−∞, ∞). Now we see that the transformations
(A.3), (A.4) are no longer one to one. Points which differ by t → t + 2π are mapped to
the same u, γ, γ̄.

Appendix B. Twisted Strings on M

In section 3 we discussed superstring theory on the manifold M (1.2). Our con-

struction of spacetime supercharges did not follow the usual route of identifying a global
N = 2 superconformal symmetry on the worldsheet and using the U (1)R current inside
that N = 2 algebra to construct the spacetime supercharges in the standard way. In this
appendix we will describe the string vacuum that is obtained by following the usual path.
This vacuum seems to be related to the Ramond vacuum of the spacetime SCFT dis-
cussed above by twisting the spacetime supersymmetry and treating it as a BRST charge.
This interpretation of the construction below is conjectural and requires a much better
To enhance the N = 1 superconformal algebra (3.10) to N = 2 we must find a U (1)R
current, JN=2 , which is part of the N = 2 algebra. In our case this U (1)R current can be
chosen to be17 [54]:

2(k + 2) + − 2(k − 2) + − 2 3 2 3 2 3 3
JN=2 (z) = − ψ ψ + χ χ + j − k + ψ χ + iλ1 λ2 + iλ3 λ4 (B.1)
k2 k2 k k k
In this appendix we normalize ψ + ψ − = iψ 1 ψ 2 , etc. This differs by a factor of two from the
normalization used in the text.

(B.1) is unique up to global symmetries18 . It can be obtained by decomposing
SL(2, R) SU (2)
M≃ × × U (1)2 × U (1)4 (B.2)
U (1) U (1)
Each of the factors in (B.2) has a natural complex structure; (B.1) (as well as the other
N = 1 superconformal generators (3.10)) can be written as a sum of the corresponding
(1) (2) (3) (4)
JN=2 =JN=2 + JN=2 + JN=2 + JN=2
(1) 2 + − 
JN=2 = − ψ ψ − J3
(2) 2 
JN=2 = χ+ χ− − K 3 (B.3)
(3) 2
JN=2 = ψ 3 χ3
JN=2 =iλ1 λ2 + iλ3 λ4
where J 3 and K 3 are the total SL(2, R) and SU (2) currents defined in (3.1). Note that
the choice of the complex structure (B.1), (B.3) breaks SL(2, R) × SU (2) → U (1) × U (1).
It is also useful for future purposes to note that the currents J 3 and K 3 have non-singular
OPE’s with the U (1)R currents JN=2 (B.3).
T , G, JN=2 , (3.10), (B.1) generate together an N = 2 superconformal algebra. The
supercurrent G (3.10) splits into two parts, G = G+ + G− with charges ±1 under J. To
construct the spacetime supercharges [19], we bosonize the U (1)R current (B.1):

JN=2 = i∂(H + H1 + H2 + H3 ) (B.4)

where H, H1,2,3 are chiral scalar fields obeying

i∂H = −ψ + ψ − + χ+ χ− + J 3 − K 3
k (B.5)
i∂H1 = ψ 3 χ3 , ∂H2 = λ1 λ2 , ∂H3 = λ3 λ4
The fields HI , I = 1, 2, 3 are normalized canonically, hHI (z)HJ (w)i = −δIJ log(z − w),
while hH(z)H(w)i = −2 log(z − w). The spacetime supercharges are the zero-modes Q±
Q̄ᾱ of the eight mutually local BRST invariant spin-fields:
± −φ ± i i
Sα =e 2 2 H+ 2 H1
Sα , Qα = dzSα±

I (B.6)
± −φ ± i i
S̄ᾱ =e 2 2 H− 2 H 1
Sᾱ , Q̄ᾱ = dz S̄ᾱ±

Assuming that we do not want to mix the SL(2, R) × SU (2) and T 4 parts of the theory.

Sα , Sᾱ are spinors in the 2, 2̄ of the SO(4) symmetry acting on the fermions λi :
i i
Sα = e± 2 (H2 +H3 ) , Sᾱ = e± 2 (H2 −H3 ) (B.7)

The spacetime superalgebra is

{Q+ 3 3
α , Qβ } = δαβ (J − K )
{Q̄ᾱ , Q̄−
} = δᾱβ̄ (J 3 + K 3 ) (B.8)

{Q− + + i
α , Q̄β̄ } = {Qα , Q̄β̄ } = γαβ̄ Pi

All other (anti-) commutators vanish. Pi is the four-vector of momenta along the T 4 , and
J 3 , K 3 are the zero-modes of the total CSA currents (3.1).
The first line of the superalgebra (B.8) looks similar to the Ramond sector superalgebra
(3.15) in the zero mode sector. We have four supercharges Q±
α which one can attempt to
identify19 with Qi0 , Q̄j0 in (3.15). J 3 − K 3 on the r.h.s. of the first line of (B.8) is then
interpreted as L0 , which is just the way the Ramond sector L0 is expected to be related to
the NS generators L0 = −J 3 and T03 = K 3 , as in the last line of eq. (3.20). It is important
for the above interpretation of Q± 3 3
α and J − K that the supercharges commute with the
bosonic generators J 3 , K 3 .
The second line of (B.8) appears to describe another copy of the same structure as
the first line, with four more supercharges, Q̄±
ᾱ which square to the bosonic generator
J 3 + K 3 . At first sight it looks like we should interpret this as the Ramond superalgebra
corresponding to the other chirality in spacetime, but this appears to be inconsistent for
the following reasons:
(a) The third line of (B.8) would then say that left and right moving supercharges in
spacetime have non-zero anticommutators. Such terms indeed arise in two dimensional
(4, 4) supersymmetric theories, e.g. when the latter are obtained by compactifying
N = 1 supersymmetric six dimensional theories; the charges Pi in (B.8) correspond
to central charges in the superalgebra. However, such central charges are inconsistent
with the conformal symmetry that string theory on AdS3 is supposed to possess.
(b) We saw in the text that in string theory on AdS3 the worldsheet and spacetime
chiralities are related. It would be strange to get both left and right movers in the
spacetime SCFT from the same chirality on the worldsheet. A related problem is that
The symmetry structure implies that the index ± on Q±
α corresponds to the index i on Q,

Q̄ in (3.15), while α = + and α = − correspond to Q and Q̄ in (3.15).

if this had happened, we would have had trouble interpreting the eight additional
supercharges and translation generators J¯3 , K̄ 3 arising from the other worldsheet
A clue towards the correct interpretation of the vacuum in question comes from noticing
that while the superalgebra (B.8) looks symmetric under interchange of J 3 − K 3 and
J 3 + K 3 , this is misleading. The choice of the complex structure (B.1), which contains
the term (B.3) 2(J 3 − K 3 )/k, picks one over the other. This leads to an asymmetry of
the spectrum of excitations, which must satisfy the GSO projection (i.e. have integer U (1)
charges under (B.1)). There is another vacuum in which we flip the relative sign between
J 3 and K 3 in (B.1) and in which the roles of J 3 ± K 3 are reversed.
Therefore, we would like to propose that what we are actually describing here is the
two possible Ramond vacua corresponding to different twists (3.19) of the NS vacuum
of section 3. Of course, we cannot be describing both vacua of the theory at the same
time. Thus, to make sense of the theory we are instructed to do the following. If the
U (1)R current JN=2 contains the combination J 3 − K 3 as in (B.1), we define the theory
by restricting physical states to the cohomology of the operators Q±

α |physi = 0, |physi ∼ |physi + Q|anythingi (B.9)

Because of (B.8) all such states have J 3 − K 3 = 0. We then interpret the four remaining
supercharges Q̄± 3 3
ᾱ together with J + K as forming the zero mode sector of the left moving
N = 4 superconformal algebra (3.15). Obviously, if JN=2 contains the combination J 3 +
K 3 , we reverse the roles of Q and Q̄ and of J 3 ± K 3 .
Note that this procedure resolves the difficulties mentioned above. The non-zero
anticommutators in the third line of (B.8) are no longer relevant since all the states are
killed by Q. In fact, (B.8) implies that physical states have P i = 0. The reason is that we
expect the spacetime theory to be unitary, and positivity of the norm of physical states
implies that they satisfy
(J 3 )2 ≥ (K 3 )2 + |P~ |2 (B.10)

Since J 3 = K 3 , one must have P i = 0. The doubling of the superalgebra compared to what
one expects in the Ramond sector is avoided by imposing the condition (B.9) on physical
states. And, the correlation between the worldsheet and spacetime chirality is restored:
left moving symmetries on the worldsheet give left moving symmetries in spacetime, and

To summarize, string theory on M with the GSO projection related to the U (1)R
current (B.1) is non-unitary (see below). One can restrict to a unitary sub-sector by
restricting to the cohomology of Q±
α (B.9). This unitary sub-sector describes in spacetime
the chiral ring or zero mode sector of the D1/D5 SCFT, obtained by restricting to states
satisfying L0 = T03 (and similarly L̄0 = T̄03 ). The projection (B.9) is an analog of the twist
one does in N = 2 SUSY theories in two dimensions, which leads to a topological N = 2
theory whose physical states are in one to one correspondence with the chiral ring of the
original theory.
To verify this interpretation we next turn to the spectrum of excitations of the theory.
Due to the spacetime supersymmetry we can restrict our attention to the Neveu-Schwarz
sector of the worldsheet theory (i.e. concentrate on spacetime bosons); we will study the
spectrum in the −1 picture of [19] and continue to work chirally. As discussed above, we
will also set the momenta along the T 4 , Pi , to zero.
Before the projection (B.9) the system appears to contain tachyons, analogs of those
that exist in fermionic string theory in flat space. They are described by the vertex
operators (we consider only the holomorphic part of the vertex operators):

Tjmj ′ m′ = e−φ Vjm Vj′′ m′ (B.11)

where, as in the text, Vjm is a primary operator of SL(2) affine Lie algebra with quadratic
Casimir −j(j + 1) and J 3 = m; Vj′′ m′ is an SU (2) primary with similar notation. Unitarity
restricts the allowed values of j ′ , m′ ,

j′ ≤ − 1, |m′ | ≤ j ′ (B.12)

The mass shell condition on T is in this case

j ′ (j ′ + 1) j(j + 1) 1
− = (B.13)
k k 2

The GSO projection provides a constraint on m, m′ :

m′ − m 1
∈Z+ (B.14)
k 2

Thus, these states disappear from the spectrum in the flat space limit k → ∞. Many of the
solutions of (B.11) – (B.14) have complex j = −(1/2) + iλ and, therefore, correspond to
tachyons; an example is states with j ′ = m′ = 0, m = (2n + 1)k/2 for integer n. Therefore,

before the projection (B.9), the string vacuum in question is unstable and the spacetime
dynamics in it is not unitary. The projection (B.9) eliminates the tachyons (B.11) since
due to (B.14) none of these modes satisfy J 3 = K 3 .
The low lying states of the theory are “transverse photons.” As usual there are eight
physical polarizations, four along the T 4 and four living in SL(2, R) × SU (2). The photons
polarized along the T 4 are described by the vertex operators

Wjm = e−φ λi Vjm Vjm


where we set j = j ′ so that the total scaling dimension of (B.15) is one, and m = m′ to
enforce (B.9), J 3 = K 3 . The four remaining light transverse photons are described by
vertex operators of the form

W = e−φ a+ ψ + Vjm−1 Vjm

+ a− ψ − Vjm+1 Vjm


b+ χ+ Vjm Vjm−1 + b− χ− Vjm Vjm+1
′ ′
+ (c3 ψ 3 + d3 χ3 )Vjm Vjm

BRST invariance and the freedom to add BRST commutators to W imply in the usual
way that four of the six independent polarizations in (B.16) are physical.
In addition to the photons (B.15), (B.16), the spectrum also includes eight towers of
oscillator states obtained e.g. by replacing λi in eq. (B.15) by an N = 1 superconformal
primary with scaling dimension h = N + 1/2. This leads to the standard exponential
density of states at level N . The SL(2, R) and SU (2) Casimirs obey in this case the
j(j + 1) j ′ (j ′ + 1)
= +N (B.17)
k k
Of course, one still has to impose the projection J 3 = K 3 and the bound (2.20). All
operators (B.15) – (B.17) satisfy L0 = T03 and, therefore, are chiral. Their form and
degeneracies are in agreement with the discussion of chiral operators in section 3.
Note that unlike the discussion in the text (sections 2, 3), here we cannot find an
infinite super-Virasoro algebra in spacetime. The reason is that, as discussed above, this
vacuum describes the topological dynamics of the chiral ring, on which the infinite dimen-
sional algebra does not act.


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