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A S S D S E: Hort Urvey of Iminutives in Lovak and Nglish

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Alena Kamrov
Abstract: The article deals with the issues of diminutive structures in the Slovak and English
languages. It surveys their forms and ways of usage, providing means of their formation and
situations in which diminutives tend to occur in the two languages whether projecting an
endearing or derogatory meaning. In the article, the differences in usage between the two
languages are pointed out. When discussing the English language, the Australian variety is given
appropriate space due to the wealth of such forms, as opposed to American English; British
English bears resemblance to Australian English in this respect. The survey provides preliminary
material, compiled through personal observation, not yet methodically attested.
Key words: affective connotation, child-centered discourse, diminutives, hypocorisms

Every language is charming in its own way. That charm is recognized through particular features
typical of that particular language. A means by which a language can be considered cute is the usage
of diminutive forms of nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. Most often they are formed
morphologically, by means of adding a derivational morpheme, yet analytical forms are also possible.
Inasmuch as languages differ in the frequency of their occurrence or in the formation of these forms,
linguists have frequently observed that universal statements could be made about semantic aspects of
the diminutive (Jurafsky, 1993: 423). The connotations identified in diminutive forms are of affective
nature and range from endearment to tenderness on the positive end of the semantics of diminutives;
the negative connotations range from belittlement or deprecation to derogation and insult (ibid). When
searching for the areas of usage of diminutives across languages, it seems that the most prominent one
is hypocorisms closely followed by baby talk. This prompts the question what a semantically central
sense of the diminutive construction is. Jurafsky (1993: 425) agrees with Heine et al. that the
historically and semantically prior sense of the diminutive is the sense child, yet adds that most of the
extensions of the category have linkage with the sense small. This may serve as reasoning why
diminutives are so closely linked with child-centered discourse and why many languages use the
diminutive form to name an offspring of an animal. The two meanings are obvious in the English
language; in the Slovak language, diminutives are also used with intentions other than these two. The
aim of the presented paper is to survey diminutive forms their formation, areas of usage and
connotations in the Slovak and English languages.

1 A General Overview of Diminutives in Slovak

A user of Slovak can make use of adjectives like malik, malink, malilink, which are diminutive
forms of the adjective mal [small/little]. Such formations of a word convey a slight degree of the
notional content of the root morpheme. Diminutive forms like these make the speech genteel and the
relationship between interlocutors familiar. Using diminutives is most frequent in adult-child talk. Not
only do names get a diminutive form on a regular basis but also most objects and activities can be
referred to in this way to make the speech sound softer. Many languages apply the diminutive suffix
only to nouns (English being the case), however, in Slovak, diminutive forms are found among other
parts of speech, too. In Slovak, almost every noun, adjective or verb takes a diminutive suffix when
talking to children (or like children). Slovak diminutive constructions range as follows; the forms in
question are given in italics. A note on the translation of the following Slovak diminutive forms is
necessary. In the following exemplification, not all Slovak diminutive forms are translated into


Alena Kamrov

English; those that have an English alternative (e.g. an implicit superlative) are given. The English
alternatives are not provided if the translation would produce incompatible structures causing
confusion or false impression. In order to make the lexeme or phrase understandable, its base form is
nouns bielunk snieik [white snow], drobunk chrobik [a tiny bug]
adjectives bielunk [white], drobunk [tiny/wee], peknuk bbo [a cute baby]
adverbs o chvku (in general) [in a little while], pomalinky (child-oriented talk) [slowly]
verbs spinka (child-oriented talk) [sleep/go to bed]
greetings ahojky [hi], auko [hi/bye], sevasky [hi/bye], pekn dnk [have a nice day]
In the case of adjective phrases, the diminutive adjective typically triggers the usage of a diminutive
noun, as shown in the examples above.
The desired effect is achieved when the notional content of a diminutive form is intensified by means
of adding an expressive suffix. Not all forms having a diminutive suffix are actually diminutive forms
with affective connotation implying tenderness or endearment. In Slovak, many words have such a
structure even though they are not meant to function as diminutives. They have a diminutive structure
either for no specific reason or because they are somehow attributed to the smallness of the object.
The examples are as follows: vreckov nok [a jack knife], ponoky [socks], ajov lyika [a
teaspoon], vrecko na nohaviciach [a pants pocket], kolienka [a type of pasta], vianon
darek/stromek [Christmas gift/tree]. If this is the case, the unmarked member is missing, that is to
say no word form free of a diminutive suffix exists for denoting the objects of extra-linguistic reality
named so.
The stylistic and semantic function depends on the context of usage and/or sphere of application. The
communication registers typically include hypocorisms and baby talk. However, diminutive forms
were spotted also in other areas. The following examples (personal observation) represent situations in
which we would not use a diminutive construction as a rule; my assumption is that such constructions
were used to:
a) give a friendly tone to an utterance
Tu mte zmluvku. /Union, the insurance company, 27/08/2008; client-oriented talk/ [a contract]
stiahneme bruko a zadoek /aerobic class/ [pull your abdominals (tummy and bummy/botty) in]
b) make an unfavorable condition less so
prdem o chvku /a door notice be back soon/
c) talk about a topic which is ones expertise or familiar to the presenter and/or include the receiver
into the assumed in-group
odoberieme krviku /TV News, Markza Channel a coverage from a blood transfusion clinic,
23/08/2008/ [take blood]
pripravme si cibuku a mrkviku, do oleja vlome msko z kuriatka a dusme tvrhodinku.
altik zapijeme ervenm vnkom. /a TV cooking show/ [make onion and carrots ready, heat oil
and add the chicken pieces to the pan, saut for about 15 minutes. Serve it with red wine.]
d) emphasize a contrast to the context, provide a characteristic opposite to the context
85-kilov osbka [85-kilo person]; Kovka (for Kovov; a last name)
All of them add to the informal tone of the transmitted message which is necessarily linked with
expressiveness and emotionality paired up with subjectiveness. In example d), the effect of diminution
is more derogatory than endearing, especially in the case of the diminutive form of a surname
(Kovka). In listing examples of overtly manifested diminutive forms not intended to show affection
or intimacy, it is necessary to mention toponyms, i.e. names of cities, villages etc, like Lesek, Krsna
Hrka, Zlat mesteko, which are not rare in the Slovak language either.
The usage of diminutive structures is highly idiosyncratic. Many users indulge in such formations and
use them abundantly, even contribute new structures prolifically. Others loath any sign of a word

A Short Survey of Diminutives in Slovak and English


layered with tenderness and exaggerated intimacy; they view the overusage of diminutive structures as
displeasing and annoying. As an example might serve an article Neserka sa so zdrobneninkami posted
on T-Station on 31st July, 2008 (Uhrov, 2007) presenting the usage of diminutives in a rather
derogative way, viewing diminutives as unnecessary bulk and an overvalued feature of a language.
The article called attention and encouraged 121 responses, for the most part approving of its content.
Even so, a moderate usage of diminutives scattered reasonably in adult verbal production is
acceptable, hence widespread among speakers of the Slovak language.

2 A General Overview of Diminutives in English

English, being an analytical language, does not pride itself in a wealth of diminutive forms. Their
scarce distribution in the language may well be the reason why it is almost non-existent in the English
language (especially in the American variety), except for baby talk. The mindset of native speakers of
English is such that endearing names of everyday objects or activities do not make part of their verbal
production; they are not very common in adult-adult speech. The primary reason for their usage is, as
it were, implying smallness or endearment/tenderness towards a child.
The largest area in which diminutives are used is hypocorisms, when a suffix is added to the end of an
already shortened name, typically of a child; yet it is not uncommon for an adult to be referred to by
the diminutive especially by family and friends. Usually meant affectionately, often times there are
varying degrees of diminutives. A man is William to his acquaintances, Will to his friends, and Willie
to his mother (webspace.webring.com). Slovak parents, grandparents or other relatives may view
English as rather cold due to its incapability to form diminutive forms of names on a systematic basis.
This is only a skin-deep impression; morphologically it is impossible to add a diminutive suffix to
some names, but English has other means to compensate for the absence of morphological means. The
emotional relationship is maintained through analytical structures, i.e. through pairing the names up
with names of endearment like sweetie, honey, sweet pea, pumpkin, baby. In this way, the alternative
to Slovak address form Janka may well be Jane pumpkin/baby/sweetie, etc.
In English, terminologically speaking, diminutives and hypocorisms are often used interchangeably,
which might as well suggest the spheres of usage of these forms. It follows that diminutives can fall in
three fields in English: endearing first names (nicknames) or address forms, objects of extralinguistic
reality in baby talk, and names of baby animals (mostly in baby talk).
English diminutives are formed through shortening a word and adding a Scottish suffix ie, or ee, or
ey, y. This suffix gave rise to the most common type of diminutive ending used in modern-day
English. It was applied at first only to names popular in Scotland. Christopher became Christie, which
was originally a male name. James became Jamie. Later, the Scottish ie became popular in England
and gave rise to Johnny from John, Gracie from Grace, and Rosie from Rose (Carman, 2009). The
same suffix is applied also to general nouns, which is the only word class in English that allows for
such alteration. Some nouns may also take other suffixes, yet ie seems to be the most frequent. As a
result, the following forms occur in adult-child talk: -y, -ie: kitten kitty, -ette: kitchen kitchenette,
-let: book booklet, pig piglet; -ling: duck duckling; a -kin: lamb lambkin (Vt, 2008). In
addition to diminutive address forms like mommy/daddy/granny/grandma/grandpa/auntie
and diminutive structures like pacie (for pacifier), diapie (for diaper) children analogically come up
with new structures. The following examples are my personal observation: I want milkie (i.e. milk);
Where is your cuppie (i.e. cup)? Dont lie down there. Come on up, uppie up (intensified up).
Another alternative to Slovak morphologically formed diminutives is an analytically formed structure
making use of lexemes little (little house) and baby (a baby elephant). If this is the case, one has to be
aware of the difference between little and small since little has more meanings. The difference can be
seen in the following examples:
1 They have a small weekend house in the woods. the speaker provides factual information, size (i.e.
how big the house is)
2 They spend their weekends in a little house in the woods. the speaker implies his/her positive
feelings about the house


Alena Kamrov

The above lines, however, cannot be applied to all Englishes. The stated is for the most part true of
American English. Australian English is becoming well known for its quirky, larrikin, idiosyncratic
creativeness. [] A major strand in this intense creative layer of Australian English belongs to
hypocorisms, also known as diminutives (Sussex, 2004). A typical feature of Australian English is
shortening words. Shortened or modified forms of words have become a regular part of Australian
English morphology and can be found in all lexical fields from general vocabulary (hubbie for
husband, barbie for barbeque, sunnies for sunglasses, cab-sav for cabernet sauvignon, arvie for
afternoon, pollie for politician, yuppie for young urban professional), through place names (Brizzie for
Brisbane, Gabba for Wooloongabba), hotels (The Wello for The Wellington Hotel, The Bouldie for
The Bouldecombe Hotel, The YJ for Young and Jacksons) to sportspersons (AB for the cricketer Alan
Border). Some shortened forms are even accepted into Aussie (for Australian) national dictionaries
(Sussex, 2004). Diminutives form an open-class category in Australian English; the majority belongs
into the informal and colloquial style, however, many are becoming part of a formal style.
It appears Australians do not view the usage of diminutives as irritating; quite on the contrary, they see
it as a sign of having become a member of a particular in-group. Wierzbicka (1984) tags diminutives a
solidarity code. Sussex (2004) explains, we use hypocoristics among ourselves as a way of
indicating a good-humoured, but also quite serious, sharing of social space. Foreigners using
hypocoristics can sound intrusive: hypocoristics require Australian phonology to be consistent and
fully solidaristic. Furthermore, not using customary hypocoristics will sound formal, stilted or
unnatural. Even more, the usage of diminutives points to the laid-back social and linguistic behavior
of Australians. Sussex (2004) maintains, we play with language creatively, and share this
playfulness, at all levels of society. What other country would use pollie for both politicians and
parrots? Other examples (Sussex, 2004): barbie barbiturates, Barbie dolls, and barbecues; flattie
flathead (a fish), flat-soled shoes, flatmate, flat tyre, a flat-bottomed boat. These examples raise a
question of whether homonymy obscures communication in any way. Sussex (2004) assures, such
homonyms are part of word-play. They seldom cause problems of communication, and where there are
collisions, they present welcome opportunities for punning. I dare add another reason for having such
an abundance of diminutives/hypocorisms, and that is the economy of the language, the shortening of
words to make a talk smooth. Nevertheless, the stated reason is obviously not as sound, as it might
seem at first, since if it were so, other Englishes would adopt this means of economizing, too.
In terms of vocabulary, grammar, or spelling, Australian English is generally understood as a
combination of British and American varieties of English. Especially vocabulary is mainly British. For
this reason, one needs to consider the usage of diminutives in British English as fairly common, too,
though not as much so as it is in the Australian variety. Based on an interview with a native speaker of
British English, the following are used commonly: baccy tobacco, backy to give a person a lift on a
bike or motorcycle, bezzie best as in bezzie mate, biccy biscuit, bookies betting shop or
bookmakers, breakie for breakfast, chippy carpenter or fish and chip shop, choccie chocolate,
cuppa for cup of tea/coffee, hippy/yuppy/nimby/dinky social groups, leccie electric or electricity,
moby mobile phone, offy an off-licence, prezzie present /as in gift/, rom-com romantic comedy,
sat-nav satellite navigation, sparky electrician, touchy feely to describe a tactile person or overly
hippy emotions, wheelie to drive a car on two wheels or a bike on one wheel (Eddy, 2010). Some
of the presented examples can be found in both British and Australian varieties of English.

In conclusion, it can be stated that the primary meaning of diminutives is baby talk and secondary
meaning endearing address forms and establishing intimacy, whether in Slovak or English
(Australian English being an exception). Slovak diminutives tend to be longer due to the addition of
suffixes and not necessarily colloquial in style; diminution is part of grammar. English diminutives
tend to be shorter than their base forms and rather colloquial in style; they are absent from the speech
of news presenters or from other general-viewer-oriented situations. Australian English strays away
from this generalization as many diminutive structures are making their way to formal discourse.

A Short Survey of Diminutives in Slovak and English


The most common ways in which diminutive suffixes are used are as follows; communicating these
meanings can be done through diminutive structures in both languages, or in one, yet not in the other
as a matter of fact in Slovak but not in English:

to talk to very young children:

to indicate something is small:
to indicate something is charming or endearing:
to provide a nuance of meaning (esp. adj and adv):
make an unfavorable condition less so:
to give a friendly tone to a sentence:
to indicate something is unimportant:
to show solidarity:

vtik a birdie
domek a little house
mamka mommie
mliko a tiny little bit
o chvku one second, please
tu je kvika heres your coffee
mal ranka tiny ache
manelk a hubby

The issue of diminutives falls in the field of morphopragmatics. It is a subbranch of linguistics in

which morphology and pragmatics meet. A morphological device, a derivational morpheme, is used to
project a pragmatic meaning. Largely dependent on the context, diminutives provide, most commonly,
the way of establishing rapport, solidarity or friendliness. They make ones production emotional,
expressive, and most of all subjective. The survey of their usage in the varieties of English shows that
their occurrence differs in the three Englishes American, British, and Australian. This serves as a
springboard for the research into its usage, how and why, and with what frequency diminutive
structures are used by either native or non-native speakers of English throughout the world.

A Brief Discussion of Nicknames and Diminutives, In: 2004 2006 Edgars Name Pages, available at
<http://webspace.webring.com/people/ge/edgarbook/names/other/nicknames.html>, retrieved: June 5,
Carman, C. (2009), Finding Our Ancestors by Deciphering Their Nicknames, In: Ask Us, Issue 8-8-09,
available at <http://www.kindredkonnections.com/newsletter/nlcenter/20090808/questions.html>,
retrieved: Sept 6, 2010.
Eddy, J. (2010), an interview.
Erichsen, G. (2010), Spanish Diminutives, Suffixes Indicate More than Size, In: About.com: Spanish
Language, available at <http://www.spanish.about.com/od/nouns/a/diminutives.htm>, retrieved: Aug
22, 2010.
Jurafsky, D. (1993), Universals in the Semantics of the Diminutive, In: J. S. Guenter, B. A. Kaiser, C.
C. Zoll (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Parasession
on Semantic Typology and Semantic Universals, pp. 423 436.
Sussex, R. (2004), Australian hypocoristics: putting the ie into Aussie, In: Australian Style: Volume
12.2, December, available at <http://www.ling.mq.edu.au/centres/sc/dec2004.htm>, retrieved: July 15,
Uhrov, K. (2007), Neserka sa so zdrobneninkami, In: T-Station, available at
<http://archiv.station.zoznam.sk/station/clanok.asp?cid=1194246067778>, retrieved: July 20, 2008.
Wierzbicka, A. (1984), Diminutives and depreciatives: semantic representation for derivational
categories. Quaderni di Semantica V(1), Bologna: Il Mulino: [poi] Clueb, pp 123 130.
Vt, M. (2008), Zdrobnliny v anglitin (diminutives), In: Help for English, available at:
<http://www.helpforenglish.cz/slovni-zasoba/tvoreni-slov/c2008062401-Zdrobneliny-v-anglictine-diminutives-.html>, retrieved: July 15, 2009.

PaedDr. Alena Kamrov, PhD., Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of
Humanities and Natural Sciences, Preov University in Preov, Slovakia, e-mail: alenakac@unipo.sk

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