Maw5595 Paper 1
Maw5595 Paper 1
Maw5595 Paper 1
For these experiments human metastatic breast cancer cells
(MDA-MB-231, ATCC-HTB 26 presumptive equivalent)
that were genetically engineered to produce green
fluorescent protein (GFP) were utilized. Hereafter these are
referred to as BCs. Derived from a pleural effusion [15],
MDA-MB-23GFP cells are known to invade the murine
skeleton [16].
Before use, the cells were grown to confluency in
Dulbeccos Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM) with 5%
fetal bovine serum and 1 essential amino acids in 24- or
48-well standard tissue culture plates made of polystyrene
capability, a secondary current limiter is included via a 500k resistor stack. Increasing the voltage or mass flow rate
of the helium results in an increasing length and visible
intensity of the plasma plume. Figure 3 shows the setup
used for these experiments.
Over several days, data were collected to determine how
the cells responded to treatment with LTP. Cell cultures
were observed with microscopy pre- and post-exposure.
For the first group of experiments, it was observed that
there was an equal amount of cell detachment from both the
plasma and helium exposure. This result suggests that there
was a physical effect of the flow velocity on the cell culture
medium. Specifically, it is likely that the kinetic energy of
the flowing helium was sufficient to damage the cultured
cells under these conditions. It was necessary to limit this
effect in the subsequent experiments in order to isolate
potential effects of reactive chemistry.
For the second group of experiments, the cells were
exposed to helium and plasma for 90 seconds with 200-L
of PBS (phosphate buffered saline). PBS provides a
physical buffer to the cell culture and also prevents the cells
from drying out and dying. This buffer was then
immediately removed after the treatment and cell culture
medium was re-introduced. No effect was observed for
both helium- and plasma-exposed cells indicating that jet
kinetic energy did not penetrate the PBS, which further
supports the conclusions from the first group of
experiments. However, the diffusion of reactive chemical
species was also likely prevented in this case.
For the third group of experiments, the growth medium
was removed from the cells and 200 L of PBS was added
to two sets of wells and 100 L of PBS to one set. The
plasma was then applied for 120 seconds to the 200- and
100-L samples. The other 200-L sample was also
exposed for 180 seconds. After exposure, the samples were
left alone for 5 minutes before the PBS was removed and
the growth medium re-introduced. The same procedure was
followed for the pure-helium exposure to the cells as a
control. The voltage was 2.5 kVpp at a frequency of 5 kHz.
It was observed that the cell cultures had large circular
holes in the areas that were exposed to both the plasma and
the helium. Critically, the holes left from the pure helium
were smaller in area.
The final group of experiments utilized 50 L of PBS
in each of six total wells. Three cell culture wells were
exposed to the helium and three wells were exposed to the
plasma. Two of the six wells were exposed for 60 seconds,
whereas the other four were exposed for 180 seconds. The
mass flow rate was at its maximum of 775 mL/min. After
the experiments, it was observed that the plasma exposed
cultures had voids in the cell culture that were two to three
times the diameter of the voids in the helium-exposed
cultures, as shown in Figure 4. This result indicates an
Figure 4. Images of metastatic breast cancer culture MDA-MB-231 post treatment. Images are equivalent in scale. Each
culture was exposed to 3-minute dosages. (a) Helium-exposed culture, (b) Plasma-exposed culture, (c) Helium-exposed
culture, (d) Plasma-exposed culture. The voids in cell culture are larger for plasma-exposed culture.
additional mechanism of cell destruction is active in the
low-temperature plasma beyond the kinetic energy of the
jet molecules. The hypothesis is that reactive oxygen
species generated in the plasma plume are responsible for
the increased destructive effects due to increased oxidative
stress on the cells. These reactive species can diffuse
through the surrounding air and the PBS buffer, resulting in
a larger area of cell destruction compared to the helium jet.
Further experimentation is planned to quantify the
generation of reactive chemical species and evaluate this
In summary, a preliminary investigation of the effects of a
low-temperature plasma needle on metastatic breast cancer
cultures was undertaken. The results indicate that the
helium jet and the plasma jet both result in cell destruction
under certain conditions. Cell destruction was observed to
occur for a larger area in the case of the plasma jet
indicating an additional mechanism of cell destruction
beyond the kinetic energy of the jet molecules. The
generation of reactive oxygen species in the plasma plume
and the subsequent oxidative stress on the cells is the
proposed method of action. The results provide a solid basis
for continuing investigations regarding the mechanisms
and efficacy of low-temperature plasma on metastatic
breast cancer.