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Greconici PDF
Greconici PDF
1 Introduction
The development of the electromagnetic devices, very useful in our daily life, has
also some useless effects, which affect the environment and in some cases produce
serious unbalances. The present paper refers to these aspects, trying to systematize
the knowledge for evaluation of the electromagnetic field around the three-phase
conductors. Knowing the values of the electromagnetic field around a three-phase
electrical overhead line is important for the protection of the voltage substation
The calculus of the electromagnetic field around the high voltage electrical
overhead lines has been made using the MatLab medium. The steady state of
the electrical lines has been considered during the calculation of the electric and
magnetic field.
A device based on a spherical dipole for measuring the electrical field has been
presented in [1]. The presence of the device in an electrical field has a less influence
Manuscript received December 12, 2004.
The authors are with Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, Parvan Str. 2, Department
of Electrical Engineering (e-maii:
over the field distribution. The experimental measurements show that in electrical
fields that exceed 500 V/m, the human presence at a distance greater then 1.5m
does not affect the precision of the device. The experimental measurements in this
paper have been made on the 400 KV electrical line Mintia-Arad.
The calculus of the potential V (against the earth) and the electrical strength E
around a three- phase high voltage overhead electrical line with double circuit, Fig.
1, has been made using the electrical imagine method. Using the superposition
principle we obtained the values of the electromagnetic quantities in a current
point around the line.
For the evaluation of the potential V, has been used, [3, 4]:
r pki
qk ln
E pyi
qk x p Fpki
qk y p Fpki
We have denoted = 1=(20 ), with 0 = 1=(4 9109 ) F/m and Fpki = 1=r2pku
2 , where r
pki is the distance between the phase k and the current point P; r pki
is the distance between the electrical image of the phase k and the current point
P; n is the number of the phases that take influence over the electrical quantities
that are calculated; qk is the electrical charge of the phase k, considered as a linear
Note that the electrical potential V and the electric field strength E depend
on the electrical charges from the three-phase conductors and on the geometrical
design of the pillars, and the lines.
Using the Maxwell equations for capacities, the linear distributed electrical
charge on the phase conductors is
[U ] = [ p][q]
where [U ] is the phases potential matrix (towards the earth) and [q] is the potential
coefficients matrix in form
D0i j
pi j = ln
Di j
pii = ln
with Di j the distance between the conductors i and j; D0i j the distance between the
conductor i and the image of the conductor j (against the earth); r0i the radius of
the conductor i.
I S = Ie
j 23
= Ie
j 23
The magnetic flux density components produced by the curents (6) are
B pxi
B pyi
y pki
x pki
and the magnetic flux density is
B pi =
0 =(2 ) and 0 = 4 10
+ B2py
Numerical Evaluation
The calculus for the electric and magnetic field around a three-phase high voltage
400 KV overhead electrical line with double circuit has been made using the MatLab medium. Considering line pillars type Sn 400.272, we show below the initial
dates used as program steps in numerical evaluation.
%Initial Data
>> h1=26; h2=16.25; h3=8;
>> d1=14; d2=22; d3=14;
>> r0=92.5*10(-3);
>> L=104;
>> eps0=1./(4*pi*9*109);
>> miu0=4.*pi.*10.-7;
>> f=50; ro=50;
>> omega=2.*pi.*f;
>> Rcp=550.*sqrt(ro./f);
%Phase voltage
>> U=zeros(6,1);
>> U(1,1)=230.94*103;
>> U(2,1)=( 230.94*103)*(-.5-i*sqrt(3)/2);
>> U(3,1)=( 230.94*103)*(-.5+i*sqrt(3)/2);
>> U(4,1)=U(1,1); U(5,1)=U(2,1); U(6,1)=U(3,1);
%The phases current flow
>> I1=200; I2=200.*(-.5-i*sqrt(3)/2);
>> I3=200.*(-.5+i*sqrt(3)/2);
>> I4=I1; I5=I2; I6=I3;
There results for the electrical potential V (against the earth), the electric field
straight E, and the magnetic flux density B are presented in Fig.2, Fig.3 and Fig.4,[5].
Experimental Measurements
In order to verify the values of the electric field strength E obtained by numerical
evaluation, we have determined the electrical field by experimental measurements
around a three-phase high voltage overhead electrical line, [5]. The experimental
measurements have been done using an electrical device built in the Measurement
Department of the Politehnica University from Timisoara. In Table 1 we have
presented the measured values of the electric field straight E, around the electrical
Fig. 3. The electrical field straight around a three-phase high voltage overhead electrical line.
Fig. 4. The magnetic flux density around a three-phase high voltage overhead electrical line.
y p =x p
E [KV/m]
26.08 20.35
Table 2. The measured values of the electrical field straight around electrical line
y p =x p
B[ T ]
5.63 6.04
On the values of the electrical potential V and the electric field strength E around a
400 kV high voltage overhead line, it follows:
the highest value of the potential (against the earth) and the electric field
strength takes place in the neighborhood of the conductor S in the point (x =
0, y = 20 m); the point is placed on the pillar axes at a height of 20m, vhere
V = 40:35 kV and E = 20:36 kV/m;
around the conductor, the potential and the electric field strength decreases,
so U = 40:35 kV and E = 3:3 kV/m;
the highest value of the magnetic flux density takes place in the pillow axes
around the conductor R. A value of B = 138 T, obtained on the pillow axes
could be a dangerous value for the human body. The experimental measurement shows that the human presence around the lines modifies the electrical
field distribution. The human insulation (against the earth) modifies the field
value. Better insulation raises the value of the field. For a good insulation,
the field could be 6-7 times greater in the case when human body is in contact with the ground. The electric field in the highest part of the human body
could be reduced by using the protection equipment.
The highest values are mentioned, using the General normes of work protection
from 1996, [2]:
10 kV m 1 / work shift;
30 kV m 1 , short time exposing in the field;
500 T/ work shift;
5 mT, less then 2 hours exposing;
25 mT, short time exposing of the human body extremities.
The maximum exposing time for electrical fields between 10 kV/m and 30
kV/m, could be calculated with: t 80E 1 , where t is the length of a days work
and E is the electric field strenght in kV/m.
[1] V. Stoica and S. Crisan, About the electrical field in the external high voltage station
(in romanian), Energetica Journal, no. 5-6, pp. 184186, 1975, (in Romanian).
[2] V. Titihazan, The impact of the electrical networks on the environment and the electromagnetic compatibility (in Romanian). Bucuresti: Ed. AGIR, 2000.
[3] V. Titihazan and D. Toader, Metodologie de calcul a influentei electromagnetice pe
LEA 220 kV DC portiele de fier-resita, Elemente de compatibilitate electromagnetica,
Timisoara, Tech. Rep. 928/2002, 2002, (Contract de ceretare aplicativa).
[4] E. Pop, S. Crisan, and V. Stoica, New method and device for measuring of the electric
field with industrial frequency, Romaian Patent 67 108, 1990, (IPITV, Timisoara).
[5] A. Marincu, Contribution on the calculus and the influence of the high voltage electrical overhead lines on the adjacent electrical lines, Ph.D. dissertation, Politehnica
University of Timisoara, 2004, (in Romanian).