IAR Security
IAR Security
IAR Security
Security and
customer service:
Can they go hand
in hand?
Istvn Szab, Head of Security
Screening, Budapest Airport
screening at
Vclav Havel
Airport Prague
Marek Najman, Security Training
Manager, Vclav Havel Airport Prague
AVI Alliance.
Besides that, according to local regulations we are also responsible
for airport security itself (perimeter control, patrols, gate security).
These tasks are performed by the Armed Guards Unit, who are also
direct employees of the airport. In total the Security Department
employs over 500 people and is the biggest department within the
airport administration.
with Vision
HELLA LED Aireld Lighting
Screening of passengers
Before the opening of the new terminal in 2011, the screening of
passengers had several problems. We only had available a dark,
small area, which was uncomfortable for passengers and had no
suitable ventilation to create fresh air. We used old equipment and
passenger screening took place in the two terminals separately
(Terminal 2A for Schengen and 2B for non-Schengen traffic).
Due to the two separated terminals it was often the case that
screening at Terminal 2B could be empty while Terminal 2A was
overcrowded with passengers, causing waiting times to increase
above 30 minutes. There was also no explanation for the
passengers as to why the other terminal could not be used.
Staff also tended to be focused only on security without taking
into consideration the customer service aspects. There was also no
flexibility in the shift system with most of the screening personnel
working in 12 hour shifts from 7am to 7pm, meaning that shift
changes were in the middle of the peaks and lanes had to be closed
which created huge congestion for passengers before the screening
area. Security itself was also problematic, with the airport failing
EC audits three times between 2005 and 2010. With this, there
were also a high number of passenger complaints.
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and we have procured an X-ray tutor system
which is used continuously by screening
personnel with the aim of improving their
detection capabilities. As a result, BUD has
become clean again after an EC audit at the
beginning of 2011, and our goal is to maintain
this level of security.
Regarding customer service, BUD decided
to participate in the Airport Service Quality
survey (ASQ) to have direct feedback from
passengers in which areas we can improve.
We have realised that if we want to reach good
results in the ASQ survey, we need employees
who speak foreign languages and are able to
communicate with passengers in a customer
service oriented way. We organised several
A new culture at Budapest Airport has seen a large focus on customer service for its screening staff
screener as well.
performance is acceptable.
of passengers.
from Budapest.
behaviour analysis.
passenger information.
Customer service
Improving passenger
screening at Vclav
Havel Airport Prague
Marek Najman, Security Training Manager at Vclav Havel Airport Prague explains
how it has modernised both in the technology it uses and in its approach to
passenger processing to improve threat detection and the individual experience.
Youve just landed at Vclav Havel Airport
The centralised screening point in Terminal 2 offers several advantages over the
decentralised design, including the ability to share equipment between lanes
departing passengers.
estimated traffic.
01 2013
checkpoints, the traditionally rooted dogma of three fully trained
employees rotating at each lane was left behind. A new position
of a security searcher carrying out purely hand searches of
passengers and their baggage without operating the X-ray was
put in place. A targeted group of such employees was focused on
students. Tight specification of the job description allowed them to
focus on better training in communication and soft skills to devote
maximum attention to each passenger. Diversification of job
positions also created an effective tool for coverage of peak times
using three to four hour shifts.
Clariant provides
deicers such as Safewing for aircraft and
Safeway for runways.
Take off
features that improve passenger flow and
detection abilities.
Figure 1: Fundamental factors that need to be considered when developing an optimal screening process
security staff.
Relying on devices:
Finding the optimal solution
Airport Prague.
level of security.