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Passenger Processing and Check-In: 23, 24, 25 MARCH 2010 Brussels, Belgium

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23, 24, 25 MARCH 2010



passenger processing and check-in
TUESDAY 23 MARCH 2010 09.40-10.10
PASSENGER PROCESSING AND CHECK-IN: Normand Boivin, Vice President, Aéroports De
MOVING FORWARD Montréal, Canada
How to improve passenger experience while
Welcome to the session and introduction – complying with the latest US customs regulations
Conference Chairs The new transborder departures sector at Montreal-
How can you increase your check-in capacity and Trudeau is the first one to comply with the new
improve the passenger experience without large regulations from US Customs. The paper presents
terminal investments? Automated check-in with the associated technical and operational challenges
improved bag drop capability reduces operating costs and how the baggage system has been designed to
by increasing capacity with a smaller footprint. Our allow for a smooth flow of passengers through check-
speakers will discuss current and future solutions that in, baggage drop and Canadian and US security. At
combine creativity with enhanced customer service. every step from baggage drop to reconciliation, the
movement of passengers and baggage is coordinated
09.00-09.10 by repeated scanning of the barcodes on their
CHAIR: Brian Keene, Director Airport Services, boarding passes, which match their bag tags. The
Continental Airlines, USA preparation and the organisation of the overnight
CHAIR: Robert Smallback, President, Robert C. transfer of operation are described, to show how
Smallback Consulting Inc, USA much they contributed to the successful first day.
The presentation will explain how a baggage system
based on DCV technology can be designed to satisfy
09.10-09.40 complex and multiple functionalities while minimising
Tony Gollin, COO, Auckland International Airport the space requirements and ensuring a quick delivery
Limited, New Zealand to the chutes. It will also give useful information for
Continuous improvement in the passenger journey the planning and preparation of a major change in an
experience operating airport.
Auckland Airport was awarded the 10th Best Airport
in the World, and Best Airport in Australasia and 10.10-10.40
Pacific for 2009 in the most recent Skytrax survey. We Susanne Hermann, Manager Traffic Operations,
have received similar recognition by the Star Alliance Stuttgart Airport, Germany
and the Australasian Travel Industry Association. This Implementing CUSS as central infrastructure at a
presentation will discuss what we believe helped medium-sized airport
us achieve these rankings, and our plans to try to at CUSS kiosk versus airline dedicated kiosk. Why should
least equal and hopefully improve on our position an airport proceed with CUSS? What are the benefits
next year. One of our continuous improvement for an airline? What are the benefits for the airport?
programmes is applying Lean Six Sigma Service The presentation will explain why Stuttgart Airport
methodology in a multi-agency international airport decided on CUSS kiosks even when there is talk that
setting, which has had very positive outcomes to kiosks are dead? Other issued covered will include
date, and aligns well with passenger experience and passenger benefits, how to deal with all kind of
quality criteria used by Skytrax and for ACI’s Airport different airline expectations, and what to do about
Service Quality (ASQ) quarterly survey results. We branding.
will outline our plans to use the latter survey as a
measurement tool to achieve good outcomes in the 10.40-11.00
former global survey. Our most immediate focus is REFRESHMENT BREAK
to introduce significant improvements in the trans-
Tasman passenger processing experience in 2010. 11.00-11.30
Rob Broere, VP - IT Passenger Services Systems and
Passenger Experience, Emirates Group (Emirates
Dnata & Mercator), United Arab Emirates

passenger processing and check-in
How technology drives the Emirates seamless experience. Cross-functional action plans with
passenger experience internal and external stakeholders such as airlines
Emirates is an airline for which the passenger and control authorities are the means by which we
experience is key to its success and growth. On are turning strategy into reality. The presentation will
an ongoing basis, Emirates strives to improve this show how Heathrow is linking measures of passenger
experience, and the use of technology to achieve this experience to its capital programme, to ensure that
is paramount. During this presentation the audience the passenger is at the heart of the transformation.
will be able to see how Emirates has been deploying It will also show how we are constructing cross-
technology to improve the experience while, in the functional road maps to deliver performance
economic climate, still keeping a tight control on improvement. We will illustrate the road maps
costs. The presentation will also touch on some of with examples of technological innovations we are
the challenges that the airline faces when optimising introducing at Heathrow.
the usage of IT in an environment of security and
government compliance. 12.30-14.00
LUNCH in the delegate dining area of the exhibition
11.30-12.00 hall
Johnathon Bear, Manager Airport Services,
American Airlines, USA 14.00-14.30
Innovating airport experiences via common Brian Keene, Director Airport Services, Continental
situational awareness and technical thought Airlines, USA
leadership User-friendly has arrived
This audio-visual presentation demonstrates Over the past decade, airlines have encouraged
how information technology services (ITS) passengers to use websites to book tickets and check
departments can partner with their airline field in for flights, as well as to use self-service kiosks
business counterparts to identify opportunities for in airports. At the same time, online commerce
automation. Beginning with a definition of common has exploded, with consumers more accustomed
situational awareness, the presentation will provide to making high-value purchases from home. As a
an overview of recent airport automation initiatives. result of these converging trends, this presentation
Through the involvement of employee groups across will analyse the channels of choice through local
the enterprise, conference attendees will learn how and global research. The audience will arrive at a
our customer experience leadership efforts have better understanding of what passengers think are
identified business process changes and automation important conveyances of information, preferred
solutions, to deliver enhanced passenger processing methods of booking, check-in, and the perceived
(and employee productivity) made possible by functionality of self-service kiosks.
technical thought leadership.
12.00-12.30 Betty Samola, Programme Manager, Amsterdam
Alec Gilbert, Head of Process Engineering, BAA Airport Schiphol, Netherlands
Heathrow, UK Victor Vaessen, Manager Product Development,
Putting the passenger at the heart of Heathrow’s KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Netherlands
capital programme Redesigning passenger processes at Amsterdam
Heathrow is investing over £4billion to transform Airport Schipol by KLM and AAS
the airport. We are using this opportunity to ensure The presentation will show how KLM and Amsterdam
that the passenger experience is also transformed to Airport Schiphol work closely together in redesigning
make Heathrow Europe’s hub of choice by making the passenger processes, in order to save space, time
every journey better. We are using Lean Six Sigma and money and to solve passengers’ irritants and
to focus on our passengers and our processes, and improve passenger satisfaction.
have established lean road maps for improving the
passenger journey, aligned to the IATA passenger

passenger processing and check-in
15.15-15.30 16.45-17.30
REFRESHMENT BREAK PANEL: How will passenger processing and check-in
practices develop in the long term? What impact will
15.30-16.00 this have on systems and facilities in the future?
Luc Heynderickx, Support Manager Passenger & Tony Gollin, Normand Boivin, Rob Broere, Jonathon
Customer Services, The Brussels Airport Company, Bear, Alec Gilbert, Victor Vaessen, Luc Heynderickx
Pursuing the CUPPS initiative at Brussels Airport 17.00-19.30
A joint initiative was launched by IATA, ACI and Brussels South Charleroi Airport will be hosting
ATA to incorporate passenger processing proven The Passenger Terminal EXPO 2010 opening day
technologies in an expanded CUPPS standard. In exhibition hall party with drinks, canapés and
January 2008 Brussels Airport was approached excellent networking opportunities. Everyone is
to actively participate in a CUPPS pilot site in welcome!
Brussels. Resa (our CUTE software provider) not only
developed a brand-new CUPPS platform that is quite 17.45-18.45
impressive, but also worked very hard to validate the Presenting the 2010 Skytrax WORLD AIRPORT
new technical specification when they entered into AWARDS
the pilot phase at Brussels in 2009. We at Brussels
Airport are convinced that the CUPPS standard with
an open architecture and simplified infrastructure
will be the future, and benefit the smooth processing
of passengers at the airports of the world. On 12
October 2009 we successfully completed CUPPS beta
testing at Brussels Airport, and are prepared to share
our experiences with the conference participants.

Adrian Dunne, Deputy Director of Ground
Operations, Ryanair, Eire
Mark Brommersma, Solution Manager, IBM Canada
Ltd, Canada
Make your kiosks pay
We all know passengers love self-service. One of the
increasing challenges is how to balance maximum
revenue generation with a fast, efficient process.
Can the kiosk investment be further leveraged
for additional revenue opportunities? Are there
specific techniques to maximise up-sell transactions?
Will passengers embrace payment at the kiosk to
enhance their travel experience? We will show how
to maximise the revenue potential while maintaining
an exceptional passenger experience and an efficient
process. Learn about different types of revenue-
generating transactions that are being used at the
kiosk, their relative uptake and details on passenger


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