Thesis Chapter 1-True
Thesis Chapter 1-True
Thesis Chapter 1-True
The Municipality of Conner is part of the Old Mountain
Province. It was administrative under Kalinga Apayao at that
time until it was created as a regular Municipality of Conner.
The said municipality has a total land area of 91,384.42 square
kilometers as indicated in the newly approved cadastral survey,
CAD1010D. It ranks 3rd in size for the entire province
representing 20.65% of the hectarage.
Conner has both surface and ground water. The former is
abundantly scattered in the mountainside, which serve as
watershed for the rivers. The latter is found in the lower
elevated areas tranversed by the rivers. The average depth of
ground water in these areas is 15 meters from the surface. This
shows that the soil formation is permeable to river water. With
the favourable climate, the soils of Conner are generally
suitable for all kinds of agricultural plants. The municipality
in particular already has established a plantation for fruit
crops. High value crops such as banana, lanzones, rambutan and
others are observed to thrive in different elevation in the
municipality. With the abundance of these fruit crops, it will
create an avenue for the province not just of the technology
within the region but also of its Agri-tourism potential.
This study is specifically address in Conner Apayao. This
study does not applicable to all fruit crops of bananas,
rambutans, lanzones and citrus of other places due to the
differences in the weather ,their topographical area and the
fertility of the soil.