Science Olympiad Anatomy & Physiology 2014
Science Olympiad Anatomy & Physiology 2014
Science Olympiad Anatomy & Physiology 2014
Integumentary Sys: skin, hair, nails, subcutaneous tissue below skin, and
assorted glands. Funct: Protection vs injury + infection. Regulates body
tempt. Sensory perception. Regulates H2O loss. Chemical synthesis
Physical barrier: continuity of the skin (prev bact. invasion) hardness of
keratinzed cells (H20pf + protect) Glycolipids (prevt H2O btw cells)
Chemical bar: (skin secretion + melanin) Skin secretions like sebum, human
defens (antimicrobial peptides), acid mantle of skin stop bacter growth / kills
Melanin protect from UV damage
Biological bar: Langerhans cells (in epider- antigens to lymphocyte), dermal
macrophages (attk penetra epider), + DNA (absorb UV ray heat)
Layers of epidermis Stratum corneum 25-30 lay dead keratinocytes.
Shed contin. replaced by cells from deeper strata. H20, micro, injr. barrier
Stratum lucidum thick skin only3-5 dead keratinocytes
Dense packed intermediate filaments Thick plasma membranes
Stratum granulosum
above Sratum Spinsosum3-5 lay keratinocytes undergoing apoptosis
Marks transition btw deeper metabolically active strata + dead cells of
Superficial Strata.Contains lamellar granulesSecretes lipid-rich secretion
acts as h2o sealant
Stratum spinosum above Stratum Basale8-10 lay keratinocytes. Some
cells retain ability for cell divisionCells = spinelike projections (bundles
of filaments of cytoskeleton) tightly joins cells to each other.
Provides skin strength and flexibility
Stratum basale/stratum germinatum where new cells are formed
Deepest layer of epidermis Single row of cuboidal /columnar
keratinocytes. Epidermis Growth: Newly form cells in stratum basale
undergo keratinazation as they pushed to surface get more keratin
Dermis: 2nd deepest part of the skin. Blood vessels, nerves, glands and
hair follicles are embedded here Composed = connect tissues (collagen
70% struct. tough/streng. elastic fibers=elasticity)
2 Layers Papillary Layer and Epidermal layer.
Papillary layerSuperficial portion of dermis. Made of areolar connect
tissue w/ elastic fiber. SA incre b/c dermal papillae: contains
capillaries/ tactile receptors.Epidermal ridges conforms to the dermalSkin Pigments: 3 for skin color- melanin, carotene, hemoglobin
Melanin: epidermis. Melanocytes synthes. Melanin from tyrosine w/ tryosinase in the
melanosome (organelle in melanocyte). 2types: Eumelanin (brownish/black) Pheomelanin
Reticular layer Deeper portion of the dermis. Made of dense irregular
(reddish/yellow). UV light incr melanin product tan = melanin+darkness incr.
connect tissue w/collagen/elastic fibers
Provides skin w/ strength + elasticity. hair follicles, nerves, sebaceousEumel=protect UV. Pheome=break down w/ UVCarotene: yellow/org. pigment. Precursor
for Vit.A pigment for vision. In Stratum Comeum + fatty area of
and sudoriferous glands
Derm&Hypoderm.Hemoglobin: O2-carry. Pigment in RBC Aging: begin in 20s. stem cell
Hypodermis (subcutaneous) Not part of skin- below dermis.
acti dec: skin thin, repair=hard. Epiderm dendritic cell decre: decr immune respons. VitD3
Has connet. Tis and dispose (subcutaneous fat) for insulation
produc decr: Ca absorp decr: brittle bones. Feel cold. Loss of skin firmness+elasticity +drier.
Light Touch: Meissners corpuscles. Very sensitive.
Nonspecific Response :responds quickly, fights all invaders
Heavy Pressure: Paccinian corpuscules
1st skin, mucus, secretions 2nd phagocytic white blood cells,
Cold receptor: >95F, most at 77F, none >41F
Hot receptor: >86F, most at 113F, none above 113F Inflammatory response: releases histamines redness, pain,
swelling, heat 3rd attack vs particular foreign substances;
Psoriasis: chronic, noninfectious skin disease dry+scaly. Skin celle
product incr 3-4x,stratum corneum gets thick;dead cells build up genetic
component. triggered by trauma, infection , hormonal changes/ stress
Vitiligo: autoimmune pigmentation disorder melanocytes in tepidermis are
destroyed eg M. Jackson
Burns: too much sunlight/ heat 1st degree: skin is inflamed, red surface
layer of skin is shed 2nd degree: deeper injury: blisters form as fluid builds
up beneath outer layers of epidermis 3rd degree:full thickness of skin is
destroyed -sometimes even subcutaneous tissues results in ulcerating wounds
fourth- degree additionally involves injury to deeper tissues, such as muscle
or bone Basal Cell carcinoma: least malignant Squamous: cancer of
stratum spinosum Malignant Melanoma: ~1%
Allergies:hypersensitivity of the immune system
Asthma:obstructive pulmonary disorder- bronchial walls muscles spasms breathing difficult - causes
airways of lungs to swell and narrow, leading to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness coughing
Autoimmune Disorder: immune system mistakenly attacks +destroys healthy tissue ex:Addison's
disease , Celiac disease - (gluten-sensitive enteropathy), Graves disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, MS,
Myasthenia gravis, Pernicious anemia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Type I
diabetes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) final stage of HIV
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).- HIV infects vital cellsex helper T cells, macrophages, Tissue
Rejection - Foreign MHC Proteins - human immune system is designed to attack anything doesn't