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5G Network A New Look Into The Future: Beyond All Generation Networks

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American Journal of Systems and Software, 2014, Vol. 2, No.

4, 108-112
Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajss/2/4/5
Science and Education Publishing

5G Network a New Look into the Future: Beyond all

Generation Networks
Sidhartha Sankar Sahoo*, Malaya Kumar Hota, Kalyan Kumar Barik
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Synergy Institute of Engineering & Technology, Dhenkanal 759001,
Odisha, India
Corresponding author: sidhartha.nmiet@gmail.com

Received June 08, 2014; Revised August 04, 2014; Accepted August 20, 2014

Abstract Were still in the middle of the 4G revolution, in that the superfast mobile data service is still in its
infancy in both coverage and speed capabilities. Customers of telecommunication demand more and more from their
technology. To maintain such a powerful system, we require a high speed wireless connectivity. The drawbacks of
4G mobile technology led the researchers and developers to arise with more advanced and efficient technologies. 5G
mobile technology is the next generation of wireless networks that will totally replace existing 4G networks. This
paper focuses on all preceding generations of mobile communication along with fifth generation technology. Fifth
generation network provides reasonable broadband wireless connectivity (very seamless high speed). The paper
throws light on the difference from 1G to 5G.
Keywords: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 5G architecture
Cite This Article: Sidhartha Sankar Sahoo, Malaya Kumar Hota, and Kalyan Kumar Barik, 5G Network a
New Look into the Future: Beyond all Generation Networks. American Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 2,
no. 4 (2014): 108-112. doi: 10.12691/ajss-2-4-5.

1. Introduction
Wireless technologies are going to take new dimension
in our lives. The wireless broadband will soon become
readily available to everybody while, being at home,
driving the car, sitting in the park, and even on a pleasure
boat in the middle of a lake. And because of this, our need
to have information at anytime and to be connected at all
places, all the time, will be satisfied. The world of
uninterrupted access to information,
entertainment and communication will open new
dimension to [1] our lives and change our life style
significantly. In this way 5G is the new evolution of this
new era. 5G is the name currently being given to the next
generation of mobile data connectivity that will come after
the last drop has been wringed from 4G. It will provide
unbelievably fast broadband speeds, but more importantly
it will have enough capacity wherever you go to perform
every function you want it to without a drop in speed or
connection, no matter how many people are connected at
the same time.

generation, 4G - the fourth generation, and then the 5G the fifth second generation as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Evolution of mobile generation

2. Evolution
Mobile communication has become more popular in
last few years due to fast revolution in mobile technology.
This revolution is due to very high increase in mobile
customers [2]. This revolution is from 1G - the first
generation, 2G- the second generation, 3G - the third

Figure 2. Moores law

American Journal of Systems and Software

Moores law: Moores Law is stated as: the number

of transistors that can be fit onto a square inch of silicon
doubles every 12 months. Moores law describes a longterm trend in the history of computing hardware but it also
prove true for wireless technologies. From 1G to 4G
wireless bit rate has increased from 2.4 Kbps to 100 Mpbs.
The statement of Moores Law is shown in Figure 2.
Similarly considering to the no. of transistors, Moores
Law can be shown in terms of use of bits per seconds (bps)
and no. of users as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4


The second generation, 2G system, fielded in the late

1980s and finished in the late 1990s, was planned mainly
for voice transmission with digital signal and the speeds
up to 64kbps. GSM and CDMA IS 95 were prominent
technologies. It uses digital signals for voice transmission
and has speed of 64 kbps. It provides facility of SMS
(Short Message Service) and use the bandwidth of 30 to
200 KHz [2,3].
2.2.1. (2.5G)
2.5G is used to describe 2G-systems that have
implemented a packet switched domain in addition to the
circuit switched domain. 2.5 G can provide data rate, up to
144 kbps. GPRS, EDGE and CDMA 2000 were 2.5
technologies [3].

2.3. Third Generation (3G)

Figure 3. Use of bps over year

The third generation, 3G wireless system, was

developed in the late 1990s and might be well-done in the
late 2000s. 3G is not only provided the transmission
speeds from 125 kbps to 2 Mbps, but also included many
services, such as global roaming, superior voice quality
and data always add-on. UMTS, CDMA, EVDO, HSPA
are 3G technologies. In 3G the data are sent through
Packet Switching technology and Voice calls are
interpreted through Circuit Switching technology. Along
with verbal communication it includes internet services,
access to television/video streaming, GPS (Global
Positioning System) and new services like Global
Roaming. It operates at a range of 2100 MHz and has a
bandwidth of 15-20 MHz used for High-speed internet
service, video chatting [3].

2.4. Fourth Generation (4G)

Figure 4. No. of user over year

2.1. First Generation (1G)

communication systems, was introduced in the early
1980s and completed in the early 1990s. 1G was analog
and supported the first generation of analog cell phones
with the speeds up to 2.4 kbps. The prominent ones
among 1G system were advanced mobile phone system
(AMPS), Nordic mobile telephone (NMT), and total
access communication system (TACS). It uses analog
radio signal which have frequency 150 MHz, voice call
modulation is done using a technique called FrequencyDivision Multiple Access (FDMA). It has low capacity,
unreliable handoff, poor voice links, and no security at all
since voice calls were played back in radio towers, making
these calls susceptible to unwanted eavesdropping by third
parties [2,3].

2.2. Second Generation (2G)

The fourth generation (4G) is a conceptual framework

for high speed wireless network that can transmit
multimedia and data to and interface with wire-line
backbone network perfectly. The speeds of 4G can
theoretically be promised up to 1 Gbps. LTE is considered
as 4G technology. 4G offers a downloading speed of
100Mbps. 4G provides same feature as 3G and additional
services like Multi-Media Newspapers, to watch T.V
programs with more clarity and send Data much faster
than previous generations [3,4]. 4G is being developed to
accommodate the QOS and rate requirements set by
forthcoming applications like wireless broadband access,
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), video chat,
mobile TV, HDTV content, Digital Video Broadcasting
(DVB), minimal services like voice and data, and other
services that utilize bandwidth.
4G networks are integrated with one core network and
several radio access networks. A core interface is used for
communication with the core network and radio access
networks, and a collection of radio interfaces is used for
communication with the radio access networks and mobile
users. This kind of integration combines multiple radio
access interfaces into a single network to provide seamless
roaming/ handoff and the best connected services.
The main distinguishing factor between 3G and 4G is
the data rates. 4G can support at least 100 Mbps peak rates
in full-mobility wide area coverage and 1 Gbps in lowmobility local area coverage. The speeds of 3G can be up
to 2 Mbps, which is much lower than the speeds of 4G.


American Journal of Systems and Software

However, 4G standard will base on broadband IP-based

entirely applying packet switching method of transmission
with seamlessly access convergence. It means that 4G
integrated all access technologies, services and
applications can unlimitedly be run through wireless
backbone over wire-line backbone using IP address. But
5G will be the new entrance for real world wireless or
called WWW: World Wide Wireless Web.

2.5. Fifth Generation (5G)

This generation is expected to be rolled out around
2020. 5G network technology will open a new era in
mobile communication technology. The 5G mobile
phones will have access to different wireless technologies
at the same time and the terminal should be able to
combine different flows from different technologies. 5G is
predicted to be an intelligent technology capable of
interconnecting the entire world without limits.

At present, 5G is not a term officially used for any

particular specification or in any official document yet
made public by telecommunication companies or
standardization bodies likes Wi-Max Forum or ITU-R.
New release will further enhance system performance and
add new capabilities with new application areas [5,6,7].
5G would be the next major phase of mobile
telecommunications standards beyond the 4G/IMTAdvanced standards. The 5G technologies include all type
of advanced features which make 5G mobile technology
most powerful and in huge demand in near future. Users
can hook their 5G technology cell phones with their
Laptop to get broadband internet access. Some of the
applications, benefiting from mobile connectivity are
home automation, emergency response, intelligent
shopping smart transportation sustainable urban
environment, smart product management security and ebooks. The details Synopsis of evolution are shown in
Table 1.

Table 1. Synopsis of evolution








1970 1980

1990 - 2001



2015-20 onwards

Data Rates




200 Mbps to 1

1Gbps and higher

Digital Cellular Technology:

Digital narrow band
circuit data
Packet data

Digital Broadband
Packet data:
CDMA 2000

Packet data:

wwww Unified IP
combination of

audio, video
IP telephony
HD mobile TV

Wearable devices
with AI




Analog Cellular


Analog voice
No data service

Digital voice with higher clarity

Higher capacity packetized data

Enhanced audio video

video conferencing
Web browsing at
higher speeds
IPTV support





Core Network



Packet N/W





Single unified

Single unified



www (IPv4)

wwww (IPv6)



WEB Standard

Horizontal only

Horizontal only

Horizontal & Vertical

Horizontal &

Horizontal &


Low capacity,
Unreliable handoff,
Poor voice links, Less

Digital signals were reliant on

location & proximity, required
strong digital signals to help
mobile phones

Need to accommodate
higher network

Being deployed

Yet to be

3. Key Concepts of 5G and beyond 4G

Wireless Communications [5,6,7]
a. Massive Dense Networks also known as Massive
Distributed MIMO providing green flexible small cells 5G
Green Dense Small Cells. A transmission point equipped
with a very large number of antennas that simultaneously
serve multiple users. With massive MIMO multiple
messages for several terminals can be transmitted on the

same time-frequency resource, maximizing beam forming

gain while minimizing interference.
b. Advanced interference and mobility management,
achieved with the cooperation of different transmission
points with overlapped coverage, and encompassing the
option of a flexible usage of resources for uplink and
downlink transmission in each cell, the option of direct
device-to-device transmission and advanced interference
cancellation techniques.
c. Efficient support of machine-type devices to enable
the Internet of Things with potentially higher numbers of

American Journal of Systems and Software

connected devices, as well as novel applications such as

mission critical control or traffic safety, requiring reduced
latency and enhanced reliability.
d. Pervasive networks providing Internet of things,
wireless sensor networks and ubiquitous computing: The
user can simultaneously be connected to several wireless
access technologies and seamlessly move between them.
These access technologies can be 2.5G, 3G, 4G, or 5G
mobile networks, Wi-Fi, WPAN, or any other future
access technology. In 5G, the concept may be further
developed into multiple concurrent data transfer paths.
e. Multi-hop networks: A major issue in beyond 4G
systems is to make the high bit rates available in a larger
portion of the cell, especially to users in an exposed
position in between several base stations. In current
research, this issue is addressed by cellular repeaters and
macro-diversity techniques, also known as group
cooperative relay, where also users could be potential
cooperative nodes thanks to the use of direct device todevice (D2D) communications.
f. Wearable devices with AI capabilities such as smart
watches and optical head-mounted displays for augmented
g. Li-Fi (a portmanteau of light and Wi-Fi) is a massive
MIMO visible light communication network to advance
5G. Li-Fi uses light-emitting diodes to transmit data,
rather than radio waves like Wi-Fi.

4. 5G architecture
Up to 4G, the wireless evaluation is following path of
Moores law. The newer generations were identified by
increased bit rate. (2G (9.6 Kpbs) to 4G (1Gbps)). There is
belief that, 5G will be generation will defy the Moore law
and it will be phase of integration of network technologies,
rather expansion or evaluation of new wireless standard.
The architectural diagram is shown in Figure 5.


4.1.2. EDGE (Exchanged Data Rate for GSM

It is an advanced version of GPRS.
It provides a data speed of 473kb/sec.
4.1.3. 3G
3G makes it possible to do video call on mobile
It also provides efficient way to browse internet on
mobile network.
4.1.4. WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)
WLAN provides short range, high speed wireless
data connection between mobile data device using
radio signal.
4.1.5. LTE (Long Term Evolution)
LTE is a standard for mobile communication for high
speed data transmission for mobile network.
It has speed up to 100mbps.

4.2. Technologies of 5G
The technologies behind 5G architecture are [5,6]
a. NanoEquipment
b. Cloud computing
c. IP platform
4.2.1. NanoEquipment
In 5G mobile equipment is generally reffered as nano
equipment. This mobile is designed by nano core
technology which has ubiquitous specification as given
Self cleaning: The mobile cleans by itself
Self charged: the mobile derives its power from sun,
water or air.
Flexible: not breakable
Environmental sensor: The mobile gives details
about weather, temperature, pollutiion.
4.2.2. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet
and central remote server to maintain data and
applications. Cloud computing allows consumers and
business to use applications without installation and
access their personal files at any computer with internet
access. The development of cloud computing provides
operators with tremendous opportunities. Since cloud
computing relies on the networks, it shows the
significance of networks and promotes network
4.2.3. IP Platform

Figure 5. Architectural diagram of 5G

4.1. Services
The services behind 5G architecture are
4.1.1. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
It is used to transmit data at 60kb/sec.
It also consumes less battery during sending and
receiving mail or to browse internet.

IP architecture acts as an essential part of 5G network.

The IP Network is an evolution of the 4G system to meet
the increasing demands of the mobile telecommunications
market. IP provides a continued evolution and
optimization of the system concept in order to provide a
competitive edge in terms of both performance and cost.
The key benefits of flat IP architectures are:
lower costs
universal seamless access


American Journal of Systems and Software

improved user experience

reduced system latency
decoupled radio access and core network evolution

5. Objectives of 5 G
5.1. Superior Service Quality and User
Consumer expectations for mobile broadband service
quality are growing in parallel with traffic complexity and
increase usage. Complex and constantly evolving multivendor networks and services are placing considerable
demands on service management. The focus shifting
towards managing the delivery of high-quality services i.e.,
support service centric and user-centric management [5,6].

5.2. Reliable Connectivity Experience

The next wave of the Digital Society will be
characterized by an ICT networks capability for
immediate service availability and on-demand adaptability.
An instant immediacy in mobile services will lay the
foundation for a whole new set of mobile apps to
proliferate and push the capabilities of communications
beyond what is currently possible. Widespread adoption of
M2M services will be encouraged when there would be
provision of higher network capacity required for handling
enormous connections [5,6].

6. Conclusion
At the present time Mobile equipments are designed
with higher processing power, more inbuilt and supporting
memory, longer battery life, more screen resolution and
more camera power for the same applications. The 5G
includes most recent technologies such as SDR, nano
technology, cognitive Radio, cloud computing and based
on all IP platforms. Finally 5G will bring evaluation of
active infra sharing and managed services and eventually
all existing network operators will be MVNOs (Mobile
Virtual Network Operators). We hope that this Paper helps
to promote stronger links between people working in
different fields creating future concepts of mobile
communication, Internet services, Cloud computing, All
IP network, and Nanotechnologies.




5.3. Ability to Handle Upsetting Growth in

Network Capacity
Server workloads are growing by 10% a year. Network
bandwidth demand is growing by 35%. Storage capacity is
growing by 50%. Power costs growth is 20%. Throwing
more capacity at demand is not the solution; there is a
need to optimize capacity in new ways. Over 1.5 billion
Web pages are accessible, 450,000 iPhone apps are being
accessed, over 200,000 Android apps are being used, and
10,500 radio stations are existing [5,6].


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