Create Quotation From DP81 - For Project PDF
Create Quotation From DP81 - For Project PDF
Create Quotation From DP81 - For Project PDF
But we would like to have 3 finished products listed in the Sales price view with their respective costplanning.
Ex Product 1 - Material cost
Labout cost
External Service cost
Product 2 - Material cost
Labout cost
External Service cost
Product 3 - Material cost
Labout cost
External Service cost
What did you do when you "performed Unit costing for the Project WBS element with 3 finished Products"?
Finished products should not be attached to the project. The DIP profile will determine the finished products.
You need to look for a way to separate out costs to the different materials. For example, if you have 1 WBS
and charge a bunch of labor to it on the same cost element how can the system decide what labor goes to your
3 different products? It can't so you need 3 different WBS elements or 3 different cost elements or some other
If we want to use 2 or 3 finished products in the Unit costing for the project to be reflected in the quotation. How
do we acheive this ?
Now we do not want the DIP to decide the Material - as the finished product change for every quote.
We are implementing quotation process as well for the projects.
What we have done till now is Configured DIP, and able to get the unit costing of the project in the quote
(DP81) with items 1. Labour cost, 2. External Service cost 3. Raw Matl cost 4. Internal Service cost.
The issue we are have is DIP clubs all the three finished products and gives only the above four items.
we think it would be better if we show in the quotation finished product wise 1. Labour cost, 2. External Service
cost 3. Raw Matl cost 4. Internal Service cost.
Please help me to achive the same. Attached a screen shot for more clarity
If you want to capture the costs for each of these Panels you will need to structure the project accordingly.
Create a seperate WBS element for each panel. These WBS elements can be assigned to the Sales Order
line items. Then your actual costs can flow to the right material being sold.
There are few BADI in material determination config. Like i said before , changing network type from PS01 to
PS02 will help , however only with some form of customization/BADI, this is posisble.
What you are trying to achieve is recomneded by SAP in Project system Training Manuals, but those systems
comes ready with many additionals configs.