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CHAP. 16, DIV.


cremental changes of the design overturning moment shall be distributed to the various resisting elements in the manner prescribed
in Section 1630.6. Overturning effects on every element shall be
carried down to the foundation. See Sections 1612 and 1633 for
combining gravity and seismic forces.
1630.8.2 Elements supporting discontinuous systems.
1630.8.2.1 General. Where any portion of the lateral-loadresisting system is discontinuous, such as for vertical irregularity
Type 4 in Table 16-L or plan irregularity Type 4 in Table 16-M,
concrete, masonry, steel and wood elements supporting such discontinuous systems shall have the design strength to resist the
combination loads resulting from the special seismic load combinations of Section 1612.4.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. The quantity Em in Section 1612.4 need not
exceed the maximum force that can be transferred to the element by the
lateral-force-resisting system.
2. Concrete slabs supporting light-frame wood shear wall systems
or light-frame steel and wood structural panel shear wall systems.


forces of Section 1630.2.1, DS , shall be determined in accordance

with Section 1630.9.1. To determine DM , these drifts shall be
amplified in accordance with Section 1630.9.2.
1630.9.1 Determination of DS . A static, elastic analysis of the
lateral force-resisting system shall be prepared using the design
seismic forces from Section 1630.2.1. Alternatively, dynamic
analysis may be performed in accordance with Section 1631.
Where Allowable Stress Design is used and where drift is being
computed, the load combinations of Section 1612.2 shall be used.
The mathematical model shall comply with Section 1630.1.2. The
resulting deformations, denoted as DS , shall be determined at all
critical locations in the structure. Calculated drift shall include
translational and torsional deflections.
1630.9.2 Determination of DM . The Maximum Inelastic
Response Displacement, DM , shall be computed as follows:

0.7 RD S


EXCEPTION: Alternatively, DM may be computed by nonlinear

time history analysis in accordance with Section 1631.6.

For Allowable Stress Design, the design strength may be determined using an allowable stress increase of 1.7 and a resistance
factor, f, of 1.0. This increase shall not be combined with the onethird stress increase permitted by Section 1612.3, but may be combined with the duration of load increase permitted in Chapter 23,
Division III.

The analysis used to determine the Maximum Inelastic

Response Displacement DM shall consider PD effects.

1630.8.2.2 Detailing requirements in Seismic Zones 3 and 4.

In Seismic Zones 3 and 4, elements supporting discontinuous systems shall meet the following detailing or member limitations:

1630.10.2 Calculated. Calculated story drift using DM shall not

exceed 0.025 times the story height for structures having a fundamental period of less than 0.7 second. For structures having a fundamental period of 0.7 second or greater, the calculated story drift
shall not exceed 0.020 times the story height.

1. Reinforced concrete elements designed primarily as axialload members shall comply with Section 1921.4.4.5.
2. Reinforced concrete elements designed primarily as flexural
members and supporting other than light-frame wood shear wall
systems or light-frame steel and wood structural panel shear wall
systems shall comply with Sections 1921.3.2 and 1921.3.3.
Strength computations for portions of slabs designed as supporting elements shall include only those portions of the slab that comply with the requirements of these sections.
3. Masonry elements designed primarily as axial-load carrying
members shall comply with Sections 2106.1.12.4, Item 1, and
4. Masonry elements designed primarily as flexural members
shall comply with Section 2108.
5. Steel elements designed primarily as axial-load members
shall comply with Sections 2213.5.2 and 2213.5.3.
6. Steel elements designed primarily as flexural members or
trusses shall have bracing for both top and bottom beam flanges or
chords at the location of the support of the discontinuous system
and shall comply with the requirements of Section 2213.7.1.3.
7. Wood elements designed primarily as flexural members shall
be provided with lateral bracing or solid blocking at each end of
the element and at the connection location(s) of the discontinuous
1630.8.3 At foundation. See Sections 1629.1 and 1809.4 for
overturning moments to be resisted at the foundation soil interface.
1630.9 Drift. Drift or horizontal displacements of the structure
shall be computed where required by this code. For both Allowable Stress Design and Strength Design, the Maximum Inelastic
Response Displacement, DM , of the structure caused by the
Design Basis Ground Motion shall be determined in accordance
with this section. The drifts corresponding to the design seismic

1630.10 Story Drift Limitation.

1630.10.1 General. Story drifts shall be computed using the
Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, DM .

EXCEPTIONS: 1. These drift limits may be exceeded when it is

demonstrated that greater drift can be tolerated by both structural elements and nonstructural elements that could affect life safety. The drift
used in this assessment shall be based upon the Maximum Inelastic
Response Displacement, DM .
2. There shall be no drift limit in single-story steel-framed structures
classified as Groups B, F and S Occupancies or Group H, Division 4
or 5 Occupancies. In Groups B, F and S Occupancies, the primary use
shall be limited to storage, factories or workshops. Minor accessory
uses shall be allowed in accordance with the provisions of Section 302.
Structures on which this exception is used shall not have equipment attached to the structural frame or shall have such equipment detailed to
accommodate the additional drift. Walls that are laterally supported by
the steel frame shall be designed to accommodate the drift in accordance with Section 1633.2.4.

1630.10.3 Limitations. The design lateral forces used to determine the calculated drift may disregard the limitations of Formula
(30-6) and may be based on the period determined from Formula
(30-10) neglecting the 30 or 40 percent limitations of Section
1630.2.2, Item 2.
1630.11 Vertical Component. The following requirements apply in Seismic Zones 3 and 4 only. Horizontal cantilever components shall be designed for a net upward force of 0.7Ca IWp .
In addition to all other applicable load combinations, horizontal
prestressed components shall be designed using not more than 50
percent of the dead load for the gravity load, alone or in combination with the lateral force effects.
1631.1 General. Dynamic analyses procedures, when used,
shall conform to the criteria established in this section. The analysis shall be based on an appropriate ground motion representation
and shall be performed using accepted principles of dynamics.

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