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ZF - Damping Systems For Rail Vehicles

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The document discusses ZF's history and involvement in providing damping systems and components for rail vehicles since 1953. It highlights the various product lines they offer including twin-tube dampers, yaw dampers, inter-car dampers, and their research and development efforts.

ZF provides a wide range of damping systems for rail vehicles including twin-tube dampers, yaw dampers, electrically switchable yaw dampers, and inter-car dampers. They also offer research and development services as well as a single source for complete damping systems.

Over time, ZF has expanded its rail vehicle damping portfolio through acquisitions and mergers with other companies including Sachs and Boge. They have also developed new damping technologies and applied them to various rail vehicle applications including high-speed trains.

High-Tech for

the Future on Rails

Damping Systems
for Rail Vehicles

Worldwide on Track
Continuity is a key element of our
company philosophy: Since 1953,
the Sachs brand of dampers have
advanced to become a significant
player in the rail market and have
consistently kept pace with the
requirements of rail traffic.


Page 3

Research and Development

Page 15


Page 4


Page 16

Competence Center Rail Vehicle Dampers

Page 6

Market Overview References

Page 18

A Single Source for Complete Damping Systems

Page 8

Wide Range of Services

Page 19

Twin-Tube Dampers

Page 10

Yaw Dampers

Page 12

The ZF Group an Overview

Page 20

Always Close to the Customer Worldwide
Page 22

Electrically Switchable Yaw Dampers

Inter-Car Dampers

Page 14

With the integration in the ZF

Group, the engineers were able to
continuously expand the product
portfolio and adapt it to various
applications. Today, rail vehicles
around the world are equipped
with our vibration dampers to
the satisfaction of customers from
the USA to Europe and further to
Russia and China.


The product name Sachs has been synonymous for quality and
innovative capacity for more than 100 years this has also been
the case for rail vehicles for over 60 years: vibration damper
applications over the course of time.

Since 2002, Sachs is marketed under

passenger and commercial vehicles, Formula 1 race

In 1992, the "Center of Excellence" for rail vehicle

the umbrella of ZF Friedrichshafen AG

cars, and of course rail vehicles.

dampers was established in Eitorf. The correspond-

a globally operating Group charac-

ing basic development is pooled in the Development

terized by future-oriented technolo-

We are proud of our significant, more than 60-year

Center Schweinfurt. Consolidated experience and

gies. It is their aim to surpass even

contribution to the advancement of rail traffic. Our

extensive know-how in combination with global pres-

the highest customer expectations.

suspension components are characterized by long

ence and high innovative capacity make ZF an expert

service life, high functionality, and reliability. In

in the field of rail vehicle dampers. We thereby pur-

This holds true for all markets and

1953, the "Uerdinger Rail Bus" was the first vehicle

sue a clear goal: to prove to our customers each and

product segments where ZF is active:

on the rail market that featured dampers from Sachs.

every day, that they have made the right choice.

Sachs and Boge merger

Acquisition of Sachs
by Mannesmann

Sachs is founded by
Karl Fichtel and Ernst Sachs

Development Center Schweinfurt

Acquisition of Boge
by Mannesmann

Boge is founded




First yaw damper in the

"Airport Express"


Acquisition of Sachs by ZF




Since 1991 High-speed

trains in the "ICE1" and
"ICE3" series (2000)

Change of corporate name

to ZF Friedrichshafen AG




High-speed train
"ZEFIRO China 380

High-speed train "Velaro"

Crash system
"Vossloh streetcar"

First rail vehicle damper

project "Uerdinger Rail Bus"
High-speed train "Velaro China"

High-speed train
"Velaro Russia Sapsan"

Copyright: Vossloh, Siemens,

Bombardier, Deutsche Bahn AG,
SNCF / Velaro is a registered
trademark of Siemens AG

Competence Center
Rail Vehicle Dampers

The quality of ZF technologies, processes, and products is

based on a strong foundation: the people in our company.

This also includes global technical approvals like the

process fulfils special requirements: It ensures that

SNCF (France), the Deutsche Bahn Classification Q1

our rail vehicle dampers receive a finish that is both

(Germany), and the North American AAR (USA).

corrosion-resistant and in compliance with environmental standards.

Modern Production Technologies

ZF has decades of experience and profound know-

Optimization of Production Processes

how in the production of rail vehicle dampers. A

for Customer Added Value

highly qualified team which competently masters

The focus of our quality teams is to have all processes

Our employees: innovative, qualified, quality-minded

Safe and Reliable Thanks to Certified Quality

all production processes, works in the "Rail Vehicle

under control while continuously improving these.

Competent and motivated employees are paramount

We use modern technologies for quality assurance in

Damper" segment. We integrate production plan-

Under their scrutiny, processes from product design

for success. For example, quality control is indepen-

all project stages from development on to produc-

ning, logistics, and quality assurance right from the

to production layout planning are constantly reas-

dently performed and accounted for by the assembly

tion and inspection and further to sales and distri-

start. The flexible production structure and the high

sessed and critically examined. This creates a con-

groups. This is closely coordinated with established

bution. Only the perfect command of all of these

degree of automation guarantee maximum efficiency

tinuous improvement process, which is pursued with

training and advanced training programs. We also

processes ultimately leads to compliance with even

and prompt, on schedule damper production: Mod-

dedication by our employees. Our customers benefit

rely on teamwork: to achieve continuously improved

strict internationally recognized standards: This is

ern, future-orientated technology is used for produc-

directly from the results and can fully rely on the

processes, optimization, and greater precision in

reflected in the certification awarded to ZF according

tion and quality assurance, and configured accord-

quality of the dampers at any stage of the project.

the individual work steps as well as in logistics.

to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 and ISO/TS 16949:2002.

ing to the flow principle. And finally, the painting

A Single Source for

Complete Damping Systems

ZF is the competent partner for state-of-the-art

damping systems in modern rail vehicles worldwide.
Vertical damper

ZF supplies a complete portfolio of

Whether the issue at hand is driving stability or en-

rail vehicle dampers: These range

hanced driving comfort: No other type of vehicle

from vertical and horizontal dam-

currently requires such a diverse system of perfect-

pers in primary and secondary ap-

ly calibrated vibration dampers as high-speed rail

plications on to yaw dampers for a

vehicles. The high quality of the ZF damper models

variety of applications.

guarantees maximum service life and therefore

maximum cost-efficiency.

This portfolio is the basis for the

development of innovative and

Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics

Mass 2

Secondary damper
Mass 1

Primary damper
Unsprung mass
(wheel, axle)

efficient damping concepts in close

cooperation with the customer.

Without damper

The basic bogie and body structure requires

separate damping of vibrations, created by
movement, to the bogie and body. ZF has
developed dampers with optimal characteristic curves for both vibration systems. Pathdependent and special systems are available
for special requirements. The primary dampers (axle dampers) are located between the
axle and the bogie frame and can cope with
extremely heavy loads. Vibrations of the
vehicle body are reduced by the dampers
(secondary vertical or horizontal damper)
between the bogie and the vehicle body.

Horizontal damper

Vertical damper

Yaw damper

With damper

Electrically switchable
yaw damper

Product portfolio

Primary vertical damper

Secondary vertical damper
Yaw damper
Secondary horizontal damper
Inter-car damper
Crash system

Yaw damper

Crash System

Twin-Tube Dampers for

Vertical and Horizontal Application

Twin-Tube Principle Vertical damper

The function of the twin-tube principle

ZF supplies twin-tube dampers in

Twin-tube dampers for horizontal installation have a

two different sizes, depending on

specially designed bottom valve. It reliably prevents

the load profile. Their standardized

air from entering into the operating chamber even in

modular design makes production

this installation position, and therefore ensures that

cost-efficient. An integrated lift stop

the damper always functions safely.

is optionally available: This device

When the piston rod moves in (compression stage), the ring volume
flows through the piston valve from the lower to the upper operating
chamber. The oil volume relevant to the piston rod is pushed through
the damping bottom valve into the compensating chamber. When the
piston rod is moved out (rebound stage), only the piston valve generates the damping effect. Simultaneously, the oil volume relevant to
the outward moving piston rod flows back through the bottom valve.

holds the axle on the bogie and the

Linear characteristic curve

bogie on the coach, whenever these

F [N]

vehicles are being put onto the rails.

Vertical damper

Horizontal damper

Twin-Tube Principle Horizontal damper

v [m/s]

Degressive characteristic curve

Linear characteristic curve

F [N]

F [N]

Direction of compression
Direction of rebound
v [m/s]

v [m/s]
Examples of characteristic curve progressions:
Linear characteristic curve
F [N]
Extremely long service life
Great characteristic curve variance due
to the adjustable piston and bottom valves
Path-dependent characteristic curves
Space-saving construction
Integrated lift stop
Standardized and modular design
Easy overhauling

Path-dependent damping

Degressive characteristic curve

F [N]

v [m/s]

F [N]

v [m/s]

v [m/s]

Degressive characteristic curve

Path-dependent damping

F [N]

Nominal rebound and compression

Reduced compression
Reduced rebound

F [N]



Yaw Dampers

Twin-Tube Principle

Yaw dampers minimize the sine mo-

rements, we supply yaw dampers in a wide range of

tion effects of the bogie. Specifically

technical specifications: based on the twin-tube or

rail vehicles with medium and high

recirculating principle, as well as a version equipped

speeds can be thereby securely kept

with continuous piston rod.

In contrast to the twin-tube damper for vertical and

horizontal installation, in the yaw damper there are
additional sealing elements integrated in the rod
guide of the piston specifically for small amplitudes
(< 2 mm). There is also an oil-tight venting valve
integrated in the rod guide. ZF supplies the yaw
damper with twin-tube principle in two sizes. They
feature exceptional symmetrical damping properties
and system stiffness especially from a dynamic

on track. In order to provide the best

possible adherence to market requiYaw Damper with Continuous Piston Rod

Typical Characteristics of Yaw Dampers

Standard Characteristics,
measuring stroke +/- 12,5 mm

at small stroke +/- 1 mm


This yaw damper variant operates on the principle of a synchronized cylinder. Due to the overall geometry and absolutely
identical surface area ratio on both sides of the piston, ZF has

s [mm]

achieved maximum symmetry for the characteristic curve as well

as for the system stiffness. This yaw damper model therefore meets
the highest demands for dynamic performance.

s [mm]
Yaw Dampers According to the Recirculation Principle


F [N]

Extremely long service life
Equal damping force for rebound
and compression settings
High damper stiffness
Blocking safety
Space-saving construction
Standardized and modular design
No venting required prior to
Potential use of electrically
engageable valves
Easy overhauling


The damper model, based on the recirculation principle, has the following special feature: If the piston
rod moves in the rebound or compression direction,
the oil flow is rectified in the piston and base areas
by the non-return valves.

F [N]

Damping Characteristic
F [N]

v [m/s]

Direction of compression
Direction of rebound

As a result of the special dimensioning of the piston

rod and the cylinder tube, the surfaces for the piston
rod and the toroidal chamber between the rod and
the cylinder tube are the same size. This enables
symmetrical compression rates and volume flows.
Since the same damping valves are used for both
the rebound and the compression settings, these
also generate symmetrical damping forces. The
characteristic curves of the damper are generated
in the interchangeable valve cartridges. Since the
valves are arranged at the base of the damper and
are designed as cartridges, they can be quickly and
easily exchanged. This is a great advantage for both
the characteristic curve changes and overhauling.

T70 Yaw damper



Electrically Switchable
Yaw Dampers

Research and Development

The yaw damper is not required for stable operation

At ZF, expert teams with vast professional experience

Our goal: to create an efficient development process

when maneuvering curves. Instead, the case is rather

employ modern technologies to develop high quality

in close cooperation with our customers

that wheel/rail forces resulting from the yaw damper

damper innovations.

At ZF, expert teams in all rail vehicle damping sec-

often lead to wear on tracks and wheelsets.

ZF is a leading supplier of damper solutions for the

tors are available for the customers. By performing

future on rails. Today, our products and services are

dynamic tests and calculations, the experts already

For precisely this reason, ZF developed the electri-

designed to meet the requests and requirements

ascertain all basic data required for optimal damper

cally switchable yaw damper, which significantly

of our customers just as they have been for over

design at a very early stage of the project. Employ-

reduces contact force between wheel and track. The

60 years.

ees in Engineering and Testing implement the specific customer requirements with the latest tech-

maintenance costs for vehicles and track sections

that are generated by wear are thereby considerably

The most recent findings from ZF research conse-

nologies. The dampers are subjected to testing at


quently flow into the further development of rail

modern test benches, in order to ensure optimal

vehicle dampers. In addition, customers benefit

quality. ZF is consequently hallmarked by the valu-

from numerous synergetic effects at ZF, which are

able alliance of expertise, technical know-how, and

the result of basic research for road vehicle dampers.

innovative capacity.

Electrically Switchable Yaw Damper

Inter-Car Dampers
Inter-Car Damper

Inter-car dampers are applied on the interfaces

between the coach bodies, in order to equalize the
movements among the rail car.
In this segment, ZF has an extensive product portfolio for various types of vehicles. In close cooperation
with the customer, engineers design the dampers to
meet the requirements of the relevant application
and individually configure response and stiffness. Our
tailor-made damper solutions thereby ensure comfortable operational performance of the vehicles entirely without having to compromise on operational



Innovations, Trends,
and Challenges

ZF engineers rise to meet current and future challenges

and to develop groundbreaking technologies for every
type of rail vehicle.

Inter-Car Dampers with Integrated Rebound and Com-

With the ZF Crash System

pression Spring Use also for Limited Installation Space

Since 2012, DIN EN15227 is the official mandatory

The main issue is to increase riding comfort and

standard for all rail vehicles requiring a high colli-

safety for rail vehicles. Improvements are focused on

sion safety grade. The ZF Crash System meets these

the chassis or drive, which is usually designed as a

demands on all levels. The highly efficient solution

bogie. Of course, the interior furnishing and the tran-

is based on high performance hydrodynamic impact

sition between coaches are also important factors. For

absorbers, which absorb impact forces according to

the latter, ZF developed a damper suspension element

We continuously develop our

and decreased operation costs can be reached by

the force of the collision. Light pushing movements

to control relative motions in the transverse direction.

products according to a variety of

reducing weight, whichs lowers energy consump-

that can occur when maneuvering are absorbed in

This enables passengers to conveniently transfer from

perspectives: Faster trains in con-

tion and promotes greater transport capacity. The

the reversible function range, whereas if strong colli-

one passenger carriage to the next. Since the ZF in-

nection with the ever-increasing

trend towards platform strategies gives rise to new

sions should occur, the dampers irreversible function

novation with individually customized damping and

transport traffic leads us to consider

tasks, both for rail vehicle manufacturers, and for

range comes into action.

suspension characteristics only permits gentle motion,

the growing safety concerns and

ZF. In doing this, we not only support our custom-

requirements. Greater passenger

ers today, but also intensify our associations in the

As a result of the modular design principle, the crash

traffic places higher demands for


system can be customized for the individual applica-

unwanted abrupt jolts are effectively prevented.

more comfort, as well as noise

tion - both in regard to the level of force as well as to-

optimization. Increased mileage

wards the type of rail vehicle.

Crash System

The connection of the ZF Crash System

to the power rail can either be done
according to standard (EN 15551) or
customer specification. This is also the
case for the anti-climber, which can be
implemented as a connecting element
between the energy absorbers or as an
individual body.
For the highest possible stiffness at
a low weight, ZF also supplies the
combination with a center support.


Reversible and Irreversible Damping Solutions

Inter-Car Dampers with Integrated

Rebound and Compression Spring

Deformation elements in
compliance with EN 15227
Reversible function according VDV 152
Integrated anti-climber protection EN 15227
High energy efficiency
Customer-specific adjustable force level
Tested by TV [German Technical
Monitoring Association]
Proven product

Inter-car dampers are applied at the

interfaces between the coaches in
order to compensate for the relative
movement of coach bodies.
A special challenge was the development of a damping device with overlaid
spring characteristics for rebound and
compression, that can also be used in
a very limited installation space. Damping as well as the appropriate spring
characteristics may be defined individually to the requirements within a rather
wide range.

Flexible rebound and compression stops
Progressive spring characteristic possible
Use possible even in extremely limited
installation space
Compensates tolerances due to adjustable
in-vehicle lengths
Cost-effective due to modular construction
Completely maintenance-free


Front Runner on the Track

for Good Reasons

Our Wide Range of Services

Our references show: At ZF, customers can rely

on sustainable innovations and optimal support
in all sectors.

You will enjoy comprehensive carefree operation

with our products, comprehensively formulated
instructions, and training.

We go from intercity to high-speed

and continuity. With a global sales network in all

The maintenance-free design of the

ZF also places great value on the corresponding

trains, to construction equipment:

parts of the world, we ensure that our customers

rail vehicle dampers was our top

processing for the specific design or further devel-

ZF is the leading supplier of tech-

receive the optimal support they deserve. Designed

priority from the very beginning:

opment of the individual damper components: This

nologies for rail vehicle damping.

with quality, reliability, and cost effectiveness, our

Even today, this valuable feature is

includes detailed text and video instructions to op-

Our products and services are

dampers are proven to be safe, prompt, and com-

characteristic for each new devel-

timally support customers with damper installation.

equally reliable, powerful, and in-

fortable whether they are transporting passengers

opment in the extensive damper

On request ZF will of course also organize extensive

novative. We build customer trust

or goods.


product trainings at the company itself or on-site

with our employees competence,

at the customer.

Copyright: ALSTOM Transport, Bombardier Transportation, Brush Traction, CAF Beasain, Plasser & Theurer-Bahnbaumaschinen-Industriegesellschaft m.b.H., Siemens AG Transportation Systems, Vossloh Locomotives GmbH, Deutsche Bahn AG

High-Speed Trains


Rapid Transit and

Light Rails


Track Maintenance


ZF Group Overview

Worldwide, the ZF Group has 121 production companies and 8 main

development locations in 27 countries. In addition, we have approx.
34 service companies and representative offices as well as 650 service
partners. This enables ZF to provide a tight network of highly qualified
contacts close to international customers at all levels and in all regions.
ZF is consistently expanding its

to the Asia-Pacific region and the new markets in

global market presence. Both estab-

Eastern Europe and India. Key aspects here are

lished market regions and new

market development through adapting products

markets play very important roles.

to specific market requirements and best-cost-

Particularly activities outside Eu-

country considerations which play a decisive role

rope will gain more importance in

in production and procurement. ZF supports the

the future. This applies not only to

international expansion of established customers

the established markets in North

while also adding partners from new market regions

and South America, but especially

to its customer portfolio.

Driveline and Chassis Technology



Commercial Vehicle


Steering Systems


Chassis Systems

Truck & Van Driveline


Off-Highway Systems

Passenger Car
Steering Systems

Axle Drives

Chassis Components

Test Systems
Bus Driveline Technology

Powertrain Modules

Rubber & Plastics

Commercial Vehicle
Steering Systems

CV Axle Systems

Special Driveline

CV Chassis Modules

Electronic Systems

Passenger Car
Steering Columns

CV Damper Technology

Marine Propulsion Systems

Global Aftermarket

CV Powertrain Modules

Aviation Technology

ZF Lenksysteme GmbH
is a joint venture of
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
and Robert Bosch GmbH.

Suspension Technology

Wind Power Technology

Marken von ZF

ZF Services


We develop and manufacture innovative, high-quali-

through leading technologies, quality, and service.

ty products and related technologies that improve

Our passionate commitment to achieving greater

the mobility of people and goods. Our products and

efficiency and resource conservation has made us

services offer our customers clear added value

a trendsetter in new markets.


Always Close to
the Customer Worldwide

ZF Friedrichhafen AG
Rail Technology
Bogestrasse 50
53783 Eitorf
+49 2243 12-383
+49 2243 12-280
SFT Service und Fahrzeugteile GmbH
Freiberger Strae 77-83
01159 Dresden
+49 351 499 12 60
+49 351 499 12 61
RHIAG Group Ltd.
Oberneuhofstrae 9
6341 Baar
Phone I +41 41 769-5547
Phone II +41 41 769-5555
+41 41 769-5595
ZF Italia S.r.I.
Via Donizetti, 11
ITA 20090 Assago (MI) Milano
mauro.peli@zf-group.it /
+39 02 48883 337
+39 02 4884 3260


Peter Renz sp. z o.o
Piotr Dzieszkowski
ul. Armii Krajowej 43
PL 05-600 Grjec
+48 48 6650618
+48 48 6703531
Mobile +48 601574200
Jozef Mihalisko
Ketkovice 151
66491 Ivanice
Cesk Republika
(Czech Republic, Slovakia)
+420 725 773 328
ZF Services Nederland B.V.
Postbus 557
2600 AN Delft
+31 15 270 23 50
+31 15 270 23 51
SKF Railways Business Unit,
Nordic Area
Camilla Svensson, RKv-1
SE-415 50 Gteborg
(Denmark, Finland,
Norway, Sweden)
+46 31 337 2146
+46 31 337 1610
Mobile +46 730 224404

ZF Services Espaa, S.A.U.

Dpto. Vehiculos Especiales
Avda. Fuentemar, 11
E-28823 Coslada (Madrid)
Phone +34 91 485 2721
+34 91 485 20109
John S. Mattheou Sons OE
Nicholas J. Mattheou
Managing Director
17 G.Olympiou st. Thrakomacedones
13676 Athens
Phone I +30 210 2430152
Phone II +30 210 2433996
+30 210 2430161
Alexander E. Sivachenko
Bor, Gorky Gasse 8
Nizhny Nowgorod 606440
(Russia, CIS)
+7 (831) 596 7500
Mobile +7 910 886 1324

Sachs Automotive Components &

Systems Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Yuanjiang Road 4440
Minhang District
Shanghai 201111
P.R. China
(China, Korea, Hong Kong)
sas-gm@zf.com / zfchina@zf.com
+86 21 2416 9544
+86 21 2416 9402
ZF Japan Co., Ltd.
Palazzo Astec 7,8F
2-8-1 Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku
105-0021 Tokyo
+81 3 4590 7700
+81 3 4590 7770
ZF Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
11 Tuas Drive 1
638678 Singapore
cheeluen.cheah@zf.com /
+65 6424 8787
+65 6424 8788
ZF Sales & Service
Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
No. 2 & 3, Lorong Teknologi B
Nouvelle Industrial Park,
Kota Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
cheeluen.cheah@zf.com /
+603 6140 6058
+603 6140 6055

PTL Global Co., Ltd.
Mr. Ki Hwan Oh
Room No 624
Unhyeongung SK Hub 102-dong
89-4,Gyeongun-Dong, Jongno-Gu
110-776 Seoul
South Korea
kho@ptlglobal.net / dnmkho@naver.com
Phone I +82-2-3210-1337
Phone II +82-70-8813-133
Mobile +82-10-3707-7551
Giant Motors International Co., Ltd.
No. 48, Shuang-Lien Street
P.O. Box 68
1758 Taipei
+886 2 2557-9557
+886 2 2557-7880
MG Worldwide Pvt. Ltd.
1004, 10th Floor, Hemkunt Tower
98, Nehru Place
New Delhi 110019
Phone I +91 11 26412284
Phone II +91 11 26412285
+91 11 26412287

ZF Sachs Automotive of America

15811 Centennial Drive
Northville MI 48168
+1 734 582 8126
+1 734 582 8027
Mobile +1 248 670 1289
Hadady Corporation
510 West 172nd Street
South Holland, Illinois 60473
+1 708 596-5168
+1 708 596-7563

Parts Direct Oceania
Suite 6, 84-85 River Street,
PO Box 347
Balina NSW 2478
+61 2 6881 4587
+61 2 6681 4578
Mobile +61 411 690 737

Tradimpex (Pvt) Ltd

701-703 (7th Floor)
Al-Qadeer Heights
1 Babar Block, New Garden Town
Lahore 54700,
Phone I +92 (0) 42 - 35866174 upto 78
Phone II +92 (0) 42 - 35866172
+92 (0) 42 - 35866169 upto 71

Driveline and Chassis Technology

EN 0000 750 180 - 2012

ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Rail Vehicle Dampers
Bogestrae 50
53783 Eitorf
Phone +49 2243 12-383
+49 2243 12-280

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