N Ovel Designs of B Roadband P Atch A Ntenna For W Ireless C Ommunication A Pplication (1800 MHZ and 2400 MHZ)
N Ovel Designs of B Roadband P Atch A Ntenna For W Ireless C Ommunication A Pplication (1800 MHZ and 2400 MHZ)
N Ovel Designs of B Roadband P Atch A Ntenna For W Ireless C Ommunication A Pplication (1800 MHZ and 2400 MHZ)
3, May 2015
In this paper, three novel designs of broadband patch antenna are proposed. The first design propose
broadband slotted equilateral triangular patch antenna (ETPA) operating on frequency around 1800 MHz.
The second design propose broadband slotted right angle isosceles triangular patch antenna RAITPA
operating on frequency around 2400 MHz. The third design proposes wideband V-Slotted and shorted edge
ETPA antenna operating on frequency around 2400 MHz. The two powerful software HFSS and IE3D are
used to simulate the proposed designs. Very good agreement between HFSS and IE3D software is obtained.
The designs were chosen to fit modern wireless communication applications operate at Industrial Scientific
Medical (ISM) bands such as Wireless local area networks (WLAN). Moreover, mounting the patch on
thick substrate with loaded slot technique and loading the patch with a notch technique were used to
enhance the bandwidth of those designs. Hence, large fractional bandwidth is obtained.
Triangular microstrip antenna, slotted antenna, broadband antenna, notch antenna, wireless application,
Microstrip antennas consist of a patch of metallization on a grounded substrate. They are lowprofile, lightweight antennas, most suitable for aerospace and mobile applications. Microstrip
antennas have matured considerable during the past 35 years, and many of their limitations have
been overcome [1]. Many of the antenna applications for satellite links, mobile communications,
and wireless local-area networks impose constraints on compactness, dual-frequency operation,
frequency agility, polarization control, and radiation pattern control. These functions can be
achieved by microstrip antennas, and hence these antennas are becoming more commonly used
[1]. Among the shapes that attracted much attention lately is the triangular shaped patch antenna
[2]-[13]. This is due to their small size compared with other shapes like the rectangular and
circular patch antennas. It is well-known that microstrip antennas are very narrow band, about
several percent for a typical bandwidth. Therefore, bandwidth enhancement is usually demanded
for practical applications [14]. Thus, bandwidth enhancement is becoming one of the major
design considerations for practical applications of microstrip antennas. To meet bandwidth
DOI : 10.5121/ijcnc.2015.7312
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.7, No.3, May 2015
Figure 1: Geometry of our proposed broadband slotted ETPA; a=9.1 cm, h=1.43 cm, r=1.07, dp=2.125 cm,
w1=0.6 cm, w2=0.4 cm, w3=0.25 cm, l1=2.85 cm, l2=3.89 cm, l3=3.72 cm, and b=1.05 cm.
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.7, No.3, May 2015
Figure 2: Simulated reflection coefficient of our proposed design shown in Figure 1 [IE3D].
For the sake of justification, this design is simulated again using HFSS simulator as shown in
Figure 3. It can be noted from Figure 4 that a very good agreement between both simulators is
Figure 3: Simulated reflection coefficient of our proposed design shown in Figure 1 [HFSS].
Figure 4: Comparison between HFSS and IE3D results for the design shown in Figure 1.
For the sake of justification, the radiation pattern of this design is studied at three different
frequency values within the operating band. Specifically, Figures 5-7 show the radiation patterns
at 1575 MHz, 1680 MHz, and 1800 MHz. It can be noted that the pattern is almost the same at
the three frequencies. In these figures, the beam in the =90o plane gets a bit tilted from
broadside as the frequency increases.
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.7, No.3, May 2015
Figure 8: Geometry of the proposed broadband slotted RAITPA; h=14.3 mm, r =1.07, w1=5 mm, w2=3
mm, w3=6 mm, w4=4 mm, l=17.5 mm, and dp=5 mm.
From Figure 9, it can be seen that this patch operates at frequencies ranging from 2463 MHz to
2948 MHz, with bandwidth equal to 485 MHz. Again, this design is simulated using HFSS
simulator for the sake of justification.
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.7, No.3, May 2015
Figure 9: Simulated reflection coefficient of our proposed design shown in Figure 8 [IE3D].
Figure 10 shows the simulated reflection coefficient using HFSS. The obtained results, using both
simulators, are close to each other as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 10: Simulated reflection coefficient of our proposed design shown in Figure 8 [HFSS].
Figure 11: Comparison between HFSS and IE3D results for design shown in Figure 8.
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.7, No.3, May 2015
The radiation pattern of this design is studied at three different frequencies. From Figures 12-14,
it can be noted that the pattern is almost the same at the three frequencies. In these figures, the
beam in the =90o plane gets a bit tilted from broadside as the frequency increases.
Figure 15: Geometry of our proposed wideband V-slotted ETPA; h=6 mm, r =4.6, w=3.8
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.7, No.3, May 2015
Figure 16: Simulated reflection coefficient of the design shown in Figure 15 [IE3D].
The radiation pattern of this design is studied at three different frequencies. From Figures 17-19,
it can be noted that the pattern is almost the same at the three frequencies. The radiation is in the
broadside direction in the =0o plane, while it is titled approximately 45o in the =90o plane.
Figure 20 shows a comparison between result obtained from reference [13] and result obtained
from proposed design in figure 1. As shown in the figure more bandwidth can be obtained in the
proposed design. It can be seen that the proposed design has a bandwidth of 340 MHz, and a
center frequency of 1700 MHz, which implies that a fractional bandwidth of 20% can be
obtained, whereas the obtained bandwidth in [13] is 308 MHz and a center frequency of 1677
MHz, which implies that a fractional bandwidth of 18.3%. It can be noted, first proposed design
is better than the design proposed in [13] in terms of bandwidth and fractional bandwidth.
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.7, No.3, May 2015
Figure 20: Comparison between result obtained from reference [13] and result obtained from proposed
design in figure 1.
Figure 21 shows a comparison between results obtained from second and third proposed designs.
It can be depicted that both designs are operated around 2400 MHz. Moreover, by using ETPA,
more bandwidth can be obtained.
Figure 21: Comparison between results obtained from second and third proposed designs.
Table 1 shows a center frequency, bandwidth and fractional bandwidth for all designs which
summarize all the results mentioned above.
Table 1: Comparison of Center frequency, bandwidth and fractional bandwidth for all designs.
1st Design
2nd Design
3rd Design
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.7, No.3, May 2015
In this paper, three new designs that fit modern wireless communication application, which
operate at 1800MHz and 2400 MHz, are suggested and simulated using powerful software. The
design is justified by comparing between two software tools (HFSS and IE3d) results and great
agreement is obtained. Good result obtained compared with those obtained in [13]. Wider
bandwidth is obtained which can be fit for new generations of wireless communication that
require wider bandwidth.
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