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Wetlands for

Wetlands Day our Future
2 February 2015

Da mundial
Humedales para
de los humedales nuestro futuro
2 de febrero 2015

Journe mondiale Zones humides

des zones humides pour notre avenir

Seven ways wetlands provide

for our future
2 fvrier 2015

Wetlands ensure fresh water

3 Wetlands feed humanity
for all of us
Rice, grown in wetland paddies, is the
Only 3% of the worlds water is fresh,
staple diet of nearly three billion people.
and most of that is frozen. Yet every
The average human consumes 19kg
human needs 20-50 litres of water
of fish each year. Most commercial

a day for basic drinking, cooking
fish breed and raise their young
and cleaning. Wetlands provide that
in coastal marshes and estuaries.
water. They also help replenish
70% of all fresh water extracted
groundwater aquifers.
globally is used for crop irrigation.
2 Wetlands purify and filter harmful Wetlands are bursting with
waste from water

Plants from wetlands can help absorb
Wetlands are home to more than
harmful fertilizers and pesticides,

100,000 known freshwater species
as well as heavy metals and toxins
alone, and that number is growing
from industry.
every year.
The Nakivubo Swamp in Kampala,
Uganda filters sewage and industrial In just 10 years, 272 new species
of freshwater fish were discovered
effluents for free; a treatment plant
in the Amazon.
would cost $2 million per year.
Wetlands are essential to bird life,
breeding and migration.

Wetlands help fight climate change

Peatlands alone store more
than twice as much carbon as all
the forests in the world!
In the face of rising sea levels,
coastal wetlands reduce the impact
of typhoons and tsunamis. They also
bind the shoreline and resist erosion.

Wetlands provide sustainable

livelihoods and products
61.8 million people depend directly
on fishing and fisheries for a living.
Timber for building, vegetable oil,
medicinal plants, animal fodder,
and stems and leaves for weaving
can all originate from sustainably
managed wetlands.

5 Wetlands act as natures

shock absorbers
Peatlands and wet grasslands in
river basins act as natural sponges,
absorbing rainfall, creating wide
surface pools that ease flooding in
rivers. The same storage capacity
can also safeguard against drought.


World Wetlands Day is made

possible by the
Danone Fund for Water.

Convention on Wetlands

Wetlands for
Wetlands Day our Future
2 February 2015

Da mundial
Humedales para
de los humedales nuestro futuro
2 de febrero 2015

Journe mondiale Zones humides

des zones humides pour notre avenir

Facts and paradoxes affecting

our future
2 fvrier 2015

Strange but true

The pyramids of ancient Egypt arose
thanks to wetlands; many early
civilizations evolved as agriculture
took root along the Nile, Tigris,
Euphrates, Mekong and Yangtze.

Two sides to every story

from being a carbon sink to a carbon

source. CO2 emissions from peatland drainage, fires and exploitation
equate to 10% of annual fossil fuel

The water hyacinth is the Jekyll and

Hyde plant of the wetlands world.
In its native Amazon, it purifies the
water and absorbs heavy metals. In
Lake Victoria in East Africa, it purifies,
but also becomes an invasive weed Coastal wetlands are both a victim
One single adult oyster can filter
and a hero in the climate change
that spreads like wildfire. Under
nearly 200 litres of water per day,
drama. Reefs, mangroves and
some conditions, the plant can double
removing sediments and chemical
saltmarshes are caught between
in volume in as little as five days.
contaminants from coastal waters.
the rising oceans and human
A portion of the sewage from the
development along coastlines.
Peatlands cover 3% of the worlds
Indian city of Kolkata (metropolitan
Yet at the same time, they bind the
land area, but they hold 30% of all
population over 14 million) is treated
shoreline together, preventing
carbon stored on land. This is twice
effectively by the East Kolkata marshes,
erosion and slowing storm surges,
the amount stored in forests globally.
which also provide livelihoods to
and increasing resilience to
But when they are burned or
20,000 people.
climate change.
drained for agriculture, they go
Wetlands range in size from your
local pond to the Pantanal in Brazil,
Bolivia and Paraguay, which covers an
area three times the size of Ireland.
At least 64% of the worlds wetlands
have disappeared since 1900.
Wetlands are not just found in low-lying
areas. The worlds highest mountain
wetland is Panch Pokhri, a group
of three sacred lakes in Nepal.
The highest of these is 5,494 m above
sea level.


World Wetlands Day is made

possible by the
Danone Fund for Water.

Convention on Wetlands

Wetlands for
Wetlands Day our Future
2 February 2015

Da mundial
Humedales para
de los humedales nuestro futuro
2 de febrero 2015

Journe mondiale Zones humides

des zones humides pour notre avenir

A future without wetlands?

2 fvrier 2015

Its a frightening possibility. Newly-published estimates

show that 64% of the worlds wetlands have disappeared
since 1900. In some regions, notably Asia, the loss is
even higher. This rapid decline means that access to fresh
water is eroding for 1-2 billion people worldwide, while flood
control, carbon storage and traditional wetland livelihoods
all suffer. Biodiversity has also been affected. Populations
of freshwater species have declined by 76% between
1970 and 2010 according to WWFs Living Planet Index.
Ramsar jointly sponsors the Wetlands
Extent Index, another indicator of
the loss in recent decades, which
measures the decrease in a global
sampling of more than 1000 wetland
sites between 1970 and 2008. Overall,
these sites shrank by an average
of 40% over the period. Individual
wetlands and regions vary widely, but
the continuing trend is unmistakable.

What is driving this loss?

Unfortunately, wetlands are often
viewed as wasteland; something to
be drained, filled and converted
to other purposes.
The main causes of wetlands loss
and degradation are:
Major changes in land use, especially
an increase in agriculture and grazing
Air and water pollution and excess
Water diversion through dams,
dikes and canalization

Relative extent (1970 =1)


North America








Year 1970










2006 08

World Wetlands Day is made

possible by the
Danone Fund for Water.

Convention on Wetlands

Wetlands for
Wetlands Day our Future
2 February 2015

Da mundial
Humedales para
de los humedales nuestro futuro
2 de febrero 2015

Journe mondiale Zones humides

des zones humides pour notre avenir

Safeguard our future:

what you can do!
2 fvrier 2015

Wetlands provide a multitude

of benefits, including filtering
our water, ensuring biodiversity,
protecting our coastlines,
and mitigating climate change.
Yet half of the worlds wetlands
have disappeared in the last
century... So what can you
actually do to help turn the tide?
Experience wetlands for yourself
Check the list of Ramsar Sites
the-ramsar-sites and see if theres
a designated Wetland of International
Importance in your area. Talk with
the managers there about what kind
of help they could use.

Educate others
Host an event to help others understand the benefits that wetlands
bring, both globally and locally.
Drop a some fun facts and paradoxes
into the conversation.
Organize a wetlands clean-up
In populated areas, wetlands often
attract rubbish. Together in a group,
clean-up can be achieved in a few
hours. Take pictures before and after
to highlight the difference.
Take everyday decisions with
the environment in mind
Buy sustainably raised or caught
seafood, organic produce and meat.

Get involved in World

Wetlands Day
Visit a wetlands site and enter
Wetlands Youth Photo Contest.
Make a pledge to take action.
Join with others to make
a difference
Many organizations and networks
already work for wetlands and
their sustainable use. If you feel
strongly about the issue, consult
the Ramsar website for partners,
and link up with their efforts.

Use reusable bags at the grocery

Take shorter showers.
Recycle household trash, and make
sure that batteries and other harmful
waste do not end up in landfills
or in wetlands!
If you have a garden, select native
plants and use organic fertilizer
where possible.


World Wetlands Day is made

possible by the
Danone Fund for Water.

Convention on Wetlands

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