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Larra Lde 2010

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February 2010

Pump selection

Centrifugal pump
selection process
Centrifugal pumps can be used in many applications, but in order
to operate reliably, with optimal energy use and maximum life span,
a pumps design characteristics must suit the intended service.
Correct pump selection is the first step to ensure this, as Eduardo
Larralde and Rafael Ocampo demonstrate in this first of two articles.

perational versatility is an
outstanding feature of centrifugal
pumps that has contributed to
their extended use in a wide range of
applications. But, although a centrifugal
pump can serve many dierent operating
conditions, it will not provide suitable and
satisfactory performance in all of them.
In order for a pump to run correctly,
without wasting energy or sustaining
internal damage, its design characteristics
must be suitable for the intended service.
Therefore, the correct selection of the
pump is the rst step in guaranteeing
ecient and appropriate performance,
reliable operation and a reasonably long
life span.
In spite of the existence of a large volume
of literature concerning the selection of
pumps, there are still essential aspects that
are sometimes overlooked, leading to an
inadequate selection. The main purpose of
this article is to review the most important
technological details to be dened before
seeking a quotation for a new centrifugal
pump, the aspects to be included in the
enquiry and those to be carefully checked
in the oers received before taking the
decision as to which is the best pump to
full the required service.

1. Denition of the technological process

outline and main process parameters such
as ow, pressure and temperature.
2. Determination of the required
pumping services.
3. Complete description of the uid to be
handled in each pumping service (type
of uid, temperature, density, viscosity,
corrosiveness, erosiveness, vapour pressure,
solids in suspension, toxicity, volatility).
4. Plot of general layout of the plant
and determination of available space in
three dimensions.
5. General arrangement and dimensions
of the piping according to the recommended velocities for each uid and type
of pipe.
6. Determination of elevation for suction
and discharge points or vessels relative to
the centre line of the pump.
7. Preliminary calculation of friction losses
and plotting of system characteristic curve.
Consider allowance for future corrosion
of pipes.

Preliminary denitions

8. Denition of the working parameters

of the pump, namely, capacity, head,
suction and discharge pressures, taking
into account any possibility of variations
in pressure or temperature at dierent
pumping conditions.

The initial selection process for any pump

should include the following steps:

9. Determination of any possible exceptional start, stop or running conditions.


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10. Determination of available NPSH.

11. Preliminary selection of the pump
type, design, position, driver, type of
sealing, and cooling of seal and bearings
if required.
12. Determination of the type of drive
unit (electric motor, steam turbine, etc.)
and its main operating parameters. In
the case of an electric motor, special
attention should be paid to its eciency
(only high-eciency motors should be
specied) and to the advisability of using
a variable speed drive (VSD).
In the authors experience, the buyer
should take the preliminary denitions
highlighted in item 11 and include
them in the technical specications of
the bid request sent to the suppliers.
This action should not eliminate the
possibility and advisability of communication and exchange of criteria between
buyer and seller leading to mutually
agreed changes.
After gathering all the information
outlined in the 12 items listed above,
the buyer will be ready to prepare the
specications for the quotation request.
According to the API 610 standard1,
a good practice is to ll in as much
information as possible in the data sheet
shown in its appendix. Undoubtedly, this
data sheet is a valuable document for
pump owners, which is why its length
has increased from one page in the Fifth


February 2010

Edition (March 1971) to ve pages in the

Eighth Edition (August 1995).

the process; using several pumps in parallel;

or using a VSD.

The rst box shows the data that must be

included in the technical specication. The
data shown relate to an actual pump whose
selection will be discussed in the case study to
be presented in the second article in this twopart series. The second box shows the required
scope of supply.

It may happen that the option adopted entails

the pump running in a capacity range wider
than the recommended 80% 110% of the
ow at the best eciency point (BEP), losing
not only eciency but also reliability, as shown
in Figure 12.

Nevertheless, the previously listed information is not enough. Operational requirements are of the upmost importance,
and therefore should be dened with the
maximum accuracy. Frequently, capacity
and head are established only for normal
and maximum values without taking into
account that the pump could run through
a wide range of capacities and that the
process may not allow pressure dierences
beyond certain limits. This is just the case
in the example to be presented in the next
article. This condition will obviously force
an arrangement to be found to full that
basic requirement with the highest possible
eciency. Several options could be considered, such as choosing a pump whose Q-H
(capacityhead) characteristic curve is at
enough to satisfy the conditions imposed by

Additionally, the minimum safe ow recommended by the manufacturer for the pump
should be clearly stated in order to prepare
the system to ensure the safe, continuous
operation of the pump when the process ow
demand is lower than that value.

Bid analysis
At this point the buyer is ready to ask for
preliminary oers in order to carry out
a thorough analysis of the characteristic
curves of the oered pumps and, of course,
a detailed check of all the other information contained in the oers. When checking
the characteristic curves there are three
main aspects to consider.
Firstly, the API 610 standard must be
fullled concerning the supply of all the
required curves, namely, dierential head,

eciency, NPSH(R) and power consumption, all of them plotted against the
capacity of the pump. The scope of these
curves should cover at least up to 125%
of the pump capacity at the BEP. Additionally, headcapacity curves for minimum
and maximum impeller diameters should
be shown. The necessary corrections for
viscosity should be clearly indicated. The
area of ow for the eye of the rst-stage
impeller as well as its identity number
should also be shown. Although the API
610 standard requires the inclusion of these
data for the rst-stage impeller in the characteristic curves, it should be pointed out
that only a few manufacturers do so and
therefore this information will have to be
insisted on by the buyer. The worst case is
when the supplier fails to include the eciency curve or the NPSH(R) curve, which is
completely unacceptable if a correct selection of the pump is to be made.
Secondly, the rotational speed, density and
viscosity to which the curves relate must
be taken into consideration. If they do not
match up with the data in the bid request
it will be necessary to do the pertinent
corrections. Failure to do this detailed
checking can cause misunderstandings,





February 2010

leading to mistakes. A common problem

for electrically driven pumps occurs when
the pump is to be installed in a country
using a dierent electric voltage and/or
frequency from that used in the country of
the manufacturer.
Lastly, the actual eciency occurring at
the operating point of the pump and
the maximum eciency the pump can
achieve should be compared; unreasonably
large dierences should not be allowed.
This comparison is made by intersecting
the system characteristic curve with the
pumps head curve in order to establish
what the operating point of the pump
will be and compare it with the BEP. As
mentioned before, it is recommended that
the pump run between 80% and 110%
of the capacity at the BEP. Overlooking
this important detail leads to a signicant energy loss. Many pump users do
not realize that the cost of energy can
represent between 30% and 90% of the
life cycle cost (LCC) of the pump36. The
curves shown in Figure 2 and the pie
chart in Figure 3 clearly illustrate this fact.
According to process variations, a pump
service might need to cover several duty
points, of which the largest ow and/or
head will determine the rated duty for the
pump. The engineer in charge of pump
selection must carefully consider the duration of operation at each duty point to
select properly the number of pumps and
the control system to use.
In order to carry out a thorough analysis and
correctly select the pump it is advisable to
obtain complete information from the supplier
about the full range of pump models, rotational speeds and impeller diameters as well as
the characteristic curves for all the proposed
pumps. The suppliers should be consulted
during the bid analysis in order to clarify every
detail and ensure the selection of the best
pump model.

Selection and acquisition

After fullling all the preliminary steps and
obtaining all the aforementioned information,
the buyer can ask for nal oers for the pump
models that best t the requirements. Comparisons between oers will then be made
focusing on aspects such as the purchase
price, the payment conditions and facilities,
the time for delivery, the guarantee for spare
parts supply over a reasonably long period, the
prestige of the manufacturer and its references.
It is good practice to contact previous buyers
of the same or a similar pump type to get
information about its behaviour.

Figure 1. Adverse eects of operating away from the BEP (reproduced from Ref. 2, courtesy of Allweiler AG).

From both the engineering and economical standpoints, the efficiency of the
pumpmotor set is of the upmost importance. The selection of pump and motor
should ensure high efficiency values,
aiming for the lowest possible energy
consumption per volume of pumped fluid.
It is very convenient (sometimes mandatory) to choose high-efficiency motors,
whose initial cost is higher, but that
reimburse the expense through the saving
in energy consumption in the long run.
Nowadays, some authors consider that
a low-efficiency motor is too expensive
even if it is free7. The decisions taken
concerning efficiency and energy saving
will have an influence not only on the
LCC of the pumpmotor set but also in

reducing carbon dioxide emissions to the

Pump owners should be aware that selecting
ecient pumps and motors alone is not
enough to achieve cost-eective and reliable operation. The pump characteristics
must properly t the system requirements
throughout the variations occurring in the
process, ensuring operation as close as
possible to the BEP for the majority of the
operating time.
Operating a pump away from its BEP can
cause adverse eects such as cavitation,
shortening of the life of seals, impellers and
bearings, internal uid recirculation and
internal heating. On the other hand, running
a pump at or close to its BEP avoids those


February 2010

Minimum specications required

for pump quotation request
Service: hot water circulating pumps
Type of pump: centrifugal.
Preferred position of the shaft: horizontal.
Fluid: treated water, pH: 9.5
Corrosive/erosive agent: no.
Normal pumping temperature: 185C; maximum: 195C.
Density at pumping temperature: 881 kg/m3.
Viscosity at pumping temperature: 1.68 x 10-7 m2/s.
Vapour pressure at pumping temperature: 1.123 MPa.
Normal capacity at pumping temperature: 105 m3/h.
Rated capacity at pumping temperature: 120 m3/h.
Minimum operating ow: 45 m3/h.
Rated dierential head (water at 20C): 111.3 m.
Rated dierential head (corrected for the density): 126.3 m.
Maximum suction pressure: 1.37 MPa (from a pressurized vessel).
Discharge pressure: 2.46 MPa.
Maximum discharge pressure allowed by the process: 2.58 MPa.
NPSH available: 20 m.
Preferred rotational speed: 3500 rpm.
Shaft sealing: packing.
Seal cooling: yes.
Bearing cooling: yes.
Cooling uid available: treated water, 35C.
Construction materials: according to the manufacturing standards
taking into account the pump design and operating conditions
indicated above.
Drive: electric motor with the following features:
Phases: 3
Start: delta-star.
Voltage: 760/440 V; voltage tolerance: 10%
Frequency: 60 Hz; frequency tolerance: 4%
Eciency class: EFF 1
Minimum protection: IP 55 for tropical conditions.
Type of service: continuous, industrial, heavy.
Operating conditions: 24 hours/day, 6 days/week.
Starting: not less than 3 starts per hour. Interval
between starts could be as short as 30 seconds.
Power: suitable for the whole Q-H curve of the pump.
Environmental conditions:
Maximum temperature: 40C.
Minimum temperature: 10C.
Relative humidity: 85%.
Altitude: 100 m above sea level.
Location of installation: under shed, without walls.





February 2010

Scope of supply
Induction electric motor (with VSD if
Steel base plate, common to pump and
Flexible coupling.
Protection of mobile parts.
Counter anges, neck type UNI/DIN for
welding to ANSI Schedule 40 pipes.
Technical documentation, which
should include: complete data sheets
for pump and driver as stated by API
610; drawings and specifications for
driver, coupling and pump; materials
specications; characteristic curves;
installation, operation and maintenance
instructions; lubrication instructions;
spare parts recommendations; and
so on.
Inspection and testing certicates as per
the scope stated by API 610.

outlined here and explaining the decisionmaking process.

Figure 2. Eciency drop versus capacity.

problems and therefore increases its reliability (Figure 1).

Nowadays, the increase in the costs associated with running a pump, mainly the cost
of energy, has made the initial cost less
important when compared with the LCC
of the pump, making the LCC calculation
an indispensable tool to be used for the
acquisition of any type of pump. After the
full selection process described has been
completed, the nal selection of the pump
can be made.

Other considerations
Besides the selection of the pump itself there
are some points worth considering. Shop
inspection and testing of the pumps must

full the standards regarding the type of test

to be made, the correct application of the
test procedure and the handing over of the
resulting test data. More frequently than is
desirable, some manufacturers submit scant
information on tests results. Depending on
the quantity and importance of the equipment being bought, the buyer should assess
the practicality of his personnel or hired technicians participating in the shop inspection
and testing of the pumps.
The buyer should conrm that the standard
applied for manufacture and testing
is a recognized international standard
and should check it and verify that it
satises requirements.
In the second article a case study will be
discussed, applying all the procedures

[1] API 610, Centrifugal Pumps for
Petroleum, Heavy Duty Chemical and
Gas Industry Services, Eighth Edition,
American Petroleum Institute, (1995).
[2] E. Braun and W. Leiber, The right
pump lowers total cost of ownership,
World Pumps, No. 491, pp. 3033, (2007).
[3] B. Went, The systems approach to
reducing carbon emissions, World Pumps,
No. 500, pp. 5255, (2008).
[4] L. Dingley, Will sustainability end
up costing the earth?, World Pumps,
No. 494, pp. 2628, (2007).
[5] P. Noll, Determining the real cost
of powering a pump, World Pumps,
No. 496, pp. 3234, (2008).
[6] M. Cieslak, Life cycle costs of
pumping stations, World Pumps,
No. 505, pp. 3033, (2008).
[7] H-J. Bittermann, Germany makes strides
into energy eciency, World Pumps,
No. 493, pp. 3639, (2007).

Eduardo Larralde
E-mail: larralde@quimica.minbas.cu
Rafael Ocampo
E-mail: rocampod@gmail.com

Figure 3. Typical breakdown of pump costs.


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