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Grade 7 Igcse Maths Syllabus PDF

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The syllabus of Grade VII is designed in such a way that the students are introduced to a sound
foundation in the basic concepts of Mathematics. An information and technology based society
requires individuals, who are able to think critically about complex issues, analyze and adapt to
new situations, solve problems of various kinds, and communicate their thinking effectively.
The study of mathematics will equip students with knowledge, skills, and habits of mind that
are essential for successful and rewarding participation in such a society. As students identify
relationships between mathematical concepts and everyday situations and make connections
between mathematics and other subjects, they develop the ability to use mathematics to
extend and apply their knowledge in other curriculum areas, including science, music, and
language. They will also be taught how to use mathematical instruments like compass,
protractor etc. However usage of calculators will be discouraged in order to inculcate mental
The Mathematics curriculum for Grade 7 is comprised of the following five standards.

Numbers and
Reasoning and
logical thinking



Handling data

Measurements and

Aims and Objectives:

The mathematics curriculum continues the development of the learning of mathematics in the
middle school. To enable students to cope confidently with the mathematics needed in their
future studies, workplaces or daily life in a technological and information-rich society, the
curriculum aims at developing in students:

the ability to conceptualize, inquire, reason and communicate mathematically, and to

use mathematics to formulate and solve problems in daily life as well as in mathematical

the ability to manipulate numbers, symbols and other mathematical objects

the number sense, symbol sense, spatial sense and a sense of measurement as well as
the capability in appreciating structures and patterns

a positive attitude towards mathematics and the capability in appreciating the aesthetic
nature and cultural aspect of mathematics

The skills of investigation and research

Learning Outcome
Throughout Grade 7, the students will:
develop, select, apply, and compare a variety of problem-solving strategies as they pose and
solve problems and conduct investigations, to help deepen their mathematical understanding.
develop and apply reasoning skills (e.g., recognition of relationships, generalization through
inductive reasoning, use of counter-examples).
demonstrate that they are reflecting on and monitoring their thinking to help clarify their
understanding as they complete an investigation or solve a problem. (e.g., by assessing the
effectiveness of strategies and processes used, by proposing alternative approaches, and by
verifying solutions).


select and use a variety of appropriate computational strategies to investigate mathematical
ideas and to solve problems.
make connections among mathematical concepts and procedures, and relate mathematical
ideas to situations or phenomena drawn from other contexts (e.g., other curriculum areas, daily
life, current events, art and culture, sports).
create a variety of representations of mathematical ideas (e.g., numeric, geometric, algebraic,
graphical, pictorial; onscreen dynamic representations), connect and compare them, and select
and apply the appropriate representations to solve problems.
communicate mathematical thinking orally, visually, and in writing, using mathematical
vocabulary and a variety of appropriate representations, and observing mathematical
LABORATORY SKILLS shall be evaluated using the following criteria: construction of hypothesis,
designing experiments, data collection, data analysis, and making conclusions.

Curriculum Content
1. Algebraic manipulation and formulae

Simple algebraic fraction

Multiplication and division of algebraic fractions
Highest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple of algebraic expressions
Addition and Subtraction of algebraic fractions
Equations involving algebraic fraction
Problem solving involving algebraic fraction
Changing the subject of the formula

Learning outcome:
manipulate algebraic fractions
change the subject of a formula
find the value of an unknown quality in a given formula

2. Expansion and Factorization of algebraic expression

Expansion of algebraic expressions
Perfect squares and difference of two squares
Factorization by grouping
Learning outcome
Expand product of algebraic expressions
Factorize algebraic expressions
Recognize and apply three algebraic identities
3. Statistics and Measures of Central Tendency
The averages
The mean
The mode
The median
Learning Outcome
Find mean, median and mode of a set of data
Make appropriate use of mean mode and median
4. Angle properties of Polygons

Sum of interior angles of a polygon
Sum of exterior angles of a polygon
Regular polygons

Learning Outcome:
students will learn how to solve problems based on sum of interior and exterior
angles of a polygon
5. Pythagoras Theorem
Pythagoras theorem
Application of Pythagoras Theorem
Learning outcome
Pythagoras theorem
How to find the length of a right angle triangle using Pythagoras theorem
How to solve problems involving Pythagoras theorem

6. Simultaneous linear equations

Solving equations using elimination method

Solving equations by substitution method
Problem solving involving simultaneous equations

Learning outcome
Solve a pair of simultaneous equations by elimination and substitution
Apply the technique to solve some practical problems
7. Quadratic equations

Factorization by splitting the middle term

Problem solving involving quadratic equations

Learning outcome
Solve quadratic equations by factorization
Solve problems involving quadratic equations
8. Linear Graphs and their application

Graphs of equations of lines parallel to the coordinate axes

Graphs of linear equations in two variables
Choice of appropriate scales of graphs
Solving simultaneous equations

Learning outcome
Plot straight line graphs
Solve simultaneous equations graphically
9. Mensuration

Volume and surface area of simple solids like cube and cuboid.
Volume and surface area of cylinder and cone

Learning outcome
Calculate the volume and surface area of simple solids

10. Arithmetic problems

Profit and loss

Learning outcome
Solve problems on personal and household finance and simple financial transaction
11. Ratio and Proportion

Equivalent ratios
Increase & Decrease in ratios
Direct and Inverse Proportion
Word Problems

Learning outcome
Find the ratio of two or more quantities
Use direct and inverse proportion
Solve problems involving ratios and proportions
12. Set Language and Notation
Introduction to Sets
Number of elements in a set
Venn Diagram ,
Union and Intersection of Sets
Learning outcome
Define a set, an empty set, equal sets finite subsets and proper subsets, universal
set and complement of a set.
To show the relationship between sets by using Venn diagrams
Define the intersection and the union of sets using Venn diagrams
13. Geometrical constructions
Angle constructions (30 , 45 , 60 , 90 , and 120 ) using compass and ruler
Learning outcome
Use of geometrical instruments to construct the above angles.

This course provides a brief survey of the history of Mathematics, the discoveries and ideas that
originated and evolved, and look into the life - history of some Great Mathematicians. Maths
was born with man and has developed down the centuries along with civilizations. The
development of certain Mathematical facts which students can comprehend will be discussed
in class and they will be encouraged to research upon. The main resource will be the school
library and resource material from the internet.
To help the student gain an insight into the way in which Math ideas have been
originated and evolved.
To know and appreciate some Great Mathematicians and their contributions.
To look at results the way mathematicians do (ie. expect to find the deepest mysteries
from simple fundamental concepts by developing them creatively).
Enables the students to develop:

the ability to appreciate concepts and ideas in the field of mathematics.

a sense of how Mathematicians were persistent in establishing facts that originated in

their minds.

the belief that practicing certain techniques to understand the concepts involved is

will provide extensive opportunity for reference work and expose students to the
voluminous information available.

Mathematical exercises that require investigation will be given to the student on a regular basis
during the scheduled class lessons. These tasks are designed to develop the childs creative and
original thinking. There will be challenging activities with more than one solution that
stimulates mathematical thinking and helps the student reach logical conclusions. These tasks
have no right or wrong answers, but their interpretations will be assessed.

To help the student develop his/her individual approach in understanding, processing

and analyzing the task.

To develop a methodical manner in analysis and to exhaust all the possible cases which
the task requires.

To help the student draw conclusions based on the findings.


tackles the task at their respective pace and feels self-motivated.

acquires logical, analytical and problem-solving skills.

encouraged to communicate his/her findings on paper which will help them learn to
record mathematical findings with clarity.

Some tasks involve group work and the group designates the responsibilities of each
individual in the group and the effectiveness of working in a team is established.

This includes activities in the Math Lab which help make Maths more pragmatic with a hand-on
approach in understanding certain theorems and results. The activities involved in the Lab will
help the student further enhance the formulae and theorems learnt in the regular lessons.

The students explore mathematical concepts, facts and theorems through a variety of
activities using different materials.

Through this kind of hands-on-approach the student is helped to learn formulae better,
to understand theorems and study geometric shapes.

It provides scope for greater involvement of both the mind and the hand.


an opportunity / scope for individual participation in the process of learning and

becoming autonomous learners.

to understand and internalize the basic mathematical concepts through concrete

objects and situations.

to verify or discover several geometrical properties and facts using models or by paper
cutting and folding techniques.

the laboratory allows and encourages the students to think, discuss with each other and
the teacher and assimilate the concepts in a more effective manner.

It enables the teacher to demonstrate, explain and reinforce abstract mathematical

ideas by using concrete objects, models, charts, graphs, pictures, posters, etc.

The following are the Lab activities which will be conducted during the year:

S. No. Name of the Kit


Concepts taught
To be used as bridging activity
As a class activity to develop Thinking and reasoning
Expansion (a + b ) (c + d (a + b ) (c + d ) proof
a b 2
a b 2 Proof

b 2 Proof
Surface Area and volume


Pythagoras theorem
Trinomial factorisation
3-D shapes(Cube and



Coordinate system


Angle measure Sum

The two assessment objectives in Mathematics are:

Mathematical techniques

Candidates should be able to:


organise, interpret and present information accurately in written, tabular

graphical and diagrammatic forms;
perform calculations by suitable methods;
understand systems of measurement in everyday use and make use of them in
the solution of problems;
estimate, approximate and work to degrees of accuracy appropriate to the
context and convert between equivalent numerical forms;
use mathematical and other instruments to measure and to draw to an
acceptable degree of accuracy;
interpret, transform and make appropriate use of mathematical statements
expressed in words or symbols;
recognize and use spatial relationships in two and three dimensions, particularly
in solving problems;
recall, apply and interpret mathematical knowledge in the context of everyday

Applying mathematical techniques to solve problems

In questions which are set in context and/or which require a sequence of steps to solve,
candidates should be able to:

make logical deductions from given mathematical data;

recognize patterns and structures in a variety of situations, and form
respond to a problem relating to a relatively unstructured situation by
translating it into an appropriately structured form;
analyze a problem, select a suitable strategy and apply an appropriate technique
to obtain its solution;
apply combinations of mathematical skills and techniques in problem solving;
set out mathematical work, including the solution of problems, in a logical and
clear form using appropriate symbols and terminology.

Types of Assessment:
There will be formative and summative assessments.
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: include both formal and informal methods, such as quizzes, oral
questioning, observations, project works, and writing assignment, accompanied by peer group
discussions, formation and display of information on Bulletin Boards.
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: are generally taken by the students at the end of a unit or term to
demonstrate the sum of what they have learned.



Mathematics for the international student MYP 7- Haese and Harris Publications
International Mathematics for the middle years 2 Pearson






In studying English, students develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing that
they will need to participate in society and employment. Students learn to express themselves
creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others confidently and effectively.
Literature in English is rich and influential. It reflects the experiences of people from many
countries and times and contributes to our sense of cultural identity. Students learn to become
enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama as well as non-fiction and media
texts, gaining access to the pleasure and world of knowledge that reading offers. Looking at
the patterns, structures, origins and conventions of English helps students understand how
language works. Using this understanding, students can choose and adapt what they say and
write in different situations, as well as appreciate and interpret the choices made by other
writers and speakers.
At TISB the middle years English programme forms a crucial connect between the CIPP and
the IGCSE. Concepts and ideas introduced during initial years are reinforced during the
middle years, which make for a smooth transition to the IGCSE programme.
Any literary study encompasses three genres Prose, Poetry and Drama which encourages
exploration of a wide range of texts. Special emphasis is laid on writing from ones own
critical point of view. A variety of tasks and activities are used to this end role play, class
debates, speeches, small group discussions, presentations based on student research, creative
writing, literary analysis of texts, and activities based on audio visual aids.

The aims are to:
Enable students to communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively in speech
and writing.
Enable students to understand and respond appropriately to what they hear, read and
Encourage students to enjoy and appreciate a variety of language.
Encourage students to make personal responses.
Encourage students to use a dictionary effectively for sense ,usage, derivatives,
pronunciation, etymology thus enriching their appreciation of the language and expanding

To be able to use the library, internet and other available resources effectively for
research and thus develop their research skills in the form of projects and
To provide a smooth transition into the IGCSE curriculum.


Understand ideas and opinions

Understand both simple and detailed information
Understand more complex information
Recognize statements of opinion and attitude
Discern underlying assumptions and points of view


Articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined

Communicate clearly and fluently
Order and present facts, ideas and opinions
Speak audibly and intelligibly with appropriate tone, intonation and pace.
Understand and convey both simple and detailed information
Present facts, ideas and opinions in an orderly sequence
Discuss statements of opinion and attitude.

Understand and relate ideas.
Understand, explain and expand their vocabulary
Select analyze and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes


Articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined

Order and present facts, ideas and opinions
Understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary
Make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences,
punctuation and spelling
express thoughts, feelings and opinions in order to interest, inform or convince the
demonstrate adequate control of vocabulary, syntax and grammar
write accurate simple sentences
recognize the need for paragraphing
write in well-constructed paragraphs
use appropriate vocabulary

Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary
Students should, in addition to the curriculum framework for Grade 7:
Learn an increasingly wide range of vocabulary appropriate to their needs.
Learn the spelling of different and commonly misspelt words and develop strategies
for correcting their own errors in spelling.
Grammar and Punctuation
Areas of study include:
Parts of Speech
Suffix / Prefix
Reported speech
Active & Passive voice
Punctuation: the correct use to define shades of meaning

Recitation, extempore, debate, PPP, group discussion, speech
Listening to audio books poems, prose extracts, speeches, plays, songs
Listening to the teachers/students rendering of poems etc, debates, group
Listening to audio-visual aids
Set tasks (written / oral) to analyse tone, vocabulary, syntax, pause etc.
Text based exercises, advertisements, brochures, short passages from newspapers,
magazines, stories, poems, plays
Pre-writing tasks:
Reading, brainstorming, analyzing the question, planning and organizing
Writing various drafts and editing the final draft
Guided reading in the Library --- students encouraged to read prose extracts, poems,
play extracts and other kinds of non-fiction writing like travelogues, biographies,
diaries etc.
Various activities on the reading that they have done such as dramatisation, writing
book reports, analyzing the style of the writer, research work on writers etc

Students are able to:

communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively in speech and writing.

write in different formats for different audiences
formulate a suitable response to what they hear, read and experience.
make personal responses to literary texts
become familiar with how ideas, experiences and values are portrayed differently in
texts from a -range of cultures and traditions.
understand how English varies locally and globally, and how these variations relate to
identity and cultural diversity.
use a dictionary effectively for sense ,usage, derivatives, pronunciation, etymology
thus enriching their appreciation of the language and expanding vocabulary
use the library, internet and other available resources effectively for research and thus
develop their research skills in the form of projects and presentations.


In keeping with the philosophy of the IBDP we develop internationally minded people who,
recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet help to create a
better and more peaceful world. Our students strive to be:
Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct
inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and
this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.

Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global
significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across
a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to
recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and
creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work
effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and
respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for
their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.
Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and
are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities.
They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to
grow from the experience.
Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of
others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to
the lives of others and to the environment.
Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and
forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies.
They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.
Balanced They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to
achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.
Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are
able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning
and personal development.



New Oxford English 2

Swami And Friends
Stories Then And Now
The Oxford Treasury Of Classic Poems




Diaries and Journals

1. Zlatas Diary
2. A Life Exposed
3. Developing Character
Setting the Scene
1. Fireweed
2. Under Milk Wood
3. Google Eyes
1. Dollmaker
2. The Call

Poem as Story
1. Limericks
2. Ballads
Poem as Picture
1. Metaphor
2. Personification
3. Riddles
Poem as Shape
1. Shaping Poems
2. Verse Pictures
Poem as Sound
1. Rhythm in Poetry
2. Onomatopoeia
3. Sound Echoes Sense
4. Alliteration

Giving Information
1. Making News 1 & 2
1. What Makes a Magazine?
2. Womens Magazines
3. A New Magazine
4. Magazines Past And Present
Media Texts
1. Image Making
2. Advertising Past And Present
Travel Writing
1. Brochure or Travelogue?
2. The Ends of the Earth

Plays and the Gods

1. Stories from Ancient Greece

2. The Murder of Agamemnon

3. The Greek Theatre
4. Oedipus and the Circle of Fate
Plays and the Bible
1. Judas and the Great Betrayal
2. Judas and the Mystery Plays
3. Mystery and Morality Plays
4. Changing the Audience
Plays and History
1. Writing about Real Setting & People
2. Shakespeares Sources and Theatre
Language Study
1. Middle English-The Canterbury Tales
Chapters 1 to 19

Lamb to the Slaughter

The Whole Towns Sleeping
The Landlady
The Speckled Band

1. Nouns
2. Pronouns
3. Verbs
4. Direct & Indirect Speech
5. Punctuation (Full Section)
6. Topic Sentences & Linking Paragraphs
7. Adjectives
8. Adverbs
9. Conjunctions
10. Prepositions
11. Prefixes
12. Suffixes
13. Active & Passive Voice
14. Tenses

The Wild Swans At Coole Yeats

Song Rossetti
Leisure Davies
The Way Through the Woods Kipling
Lochinvar Scott



Students must read and understand the question carefully and highlight what they are
required to do. They must then select information that is relevant for particular task.
A specific time frame is allocated for this question and it is expected that the students
will plan their essay and organize their thoughts (including what to write and how to
elaborate points).
Students are required to collect their material for the writing task from the text
provided and use all the points given. It is advisable to cross out the points that have
been used to be sure none is left out.
Elaborate on the points given. A crucial aspect of this paper is language and the
students ability to write can only be tested if sufficient language is provided for the
examiner to gauge linguistic ability.
Students are advised to not waste precious time by including points of their own
unless they have been specifically asked to do so. Extra marks are not allotted for
points not asked for.
A variety of sentence structures should be used so that the essay is not dull and
A writing style must be adopted to suit the audience and purpose (that is, to adopt a
formal or informal, persuasive or informative manner, assuming an audience that may
be young or old, sympathetic or hostile, ignorant or knowledgeable etc.).
An introduction and conclusion must be included and paragraphs well organised.
A thorough knowledge of the format for different text types is expected( notes,
summaries, letters, speeches, articles, leaflets, reports etc.).
Students are expected to have read through what they have written and make
amendments where necessary by rectifying grammatical, spelling and punctuation

Diary Entry
Formal and Informal letters
Essays narrative and descriptive
Comprehension of unseen passages with focus on context, sub-text and how
punctuation, diction and figurative language contribute to meaning.

Students must read and understand the question carefully and highlight what they are
required to do. They must then select information that is relevant for particular task.
A specific time frame is allocated for this question and it is expected that the student
will plan his/her essay and organise their thoughts (including what to write and how to
elaborate points).
Students are advised and encouraged to use the question as a starting point and to
include as many points of their own as possible.
Since material for the writing task is not provided to the student it is expected that the
student use his/her imagination and learn to think on their feet so detailed planning of
the task becomes critical.
All the points planned must be elaborated upon. A crucial aspect of this paper is
language and the students ability to write can only be tested if sufficient language is
provided for the examiner to gauge linguistic ability.
Originality of thought, a feeling for words and the use of a variety of sentence
structures will ensure that the essay is not dull and monotonous.
A written style must be adopted to audience and purpose (that is, to adopt a formal or
informal , persuasive or informative manner, assuming an audience that may be young
or old, sympathetic or hostile, ignorant or knowledgeable etc.).
An introduction and conclusion must be included and paragraphs well organised.
A thorough knowledge of the format for different text types is expected( notes,
summaries, letters, speeches, articles, leaflets, reports etc.).
Students are expected to have read through what they have written and make
amendments where necessary by rectifying grammatical, spelling and punctuation

Descriptive Paragraphs
Scripting a Play
Story Writing

Internal assessments include seven formative assessments and five summative
assessments. Three formative and two summative assessments are conducted in Term
I. Four formative and three summative assessments are conducted in Term II. There is
an examination at the end of each term in December and June respectively.

The duration of the assessments is one class period and the maximum mark is 20. The
duration of the examination in the terminal examinations is two hours and the
maximum mark is 80.
The formative assessments will test listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
The summative assessment includes objective, short answer and structured questions.
The question paper is designed to test the students understanding of the concepts
included in the curriculum.


Text books
Reference books, magazines, newspapers, leaflets etc from the library
Audio books
Audio visual

READING LIST: (Please review this)

Term I

London, J. White Fang

Horowitz, Anthony Stormbreaker
Betjeman-Hunter Trials (from The Oxford Treasury Of Classic Poems)
Byron - The Destruction of Sennacherib(from The Oxford Treasury Of Classic

Term II
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan The Sign of the Four
Riordan, Rick The Lightning Thief
Walter De La Mare - The Listeners(from The Oxford Treasury Of Classic Poems)
Burns - My Hearts in the Highlands(from The Oxford Treasury Of Classic Poems)

[Guidelines on how to acknowledge sources and websites for online research]
While using other sources, students need to keep in mind the following:
1. Ensure that there is academic honesty in all the work done.

Underline or italicize or use inverted commas while making a reference to the title
of a book.

3. Cite books in this manner in the bibliography:

Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. London: Penguin, 1995.
4. Cite websites in this manner in the bibliography:


5. Follow the pattern given below to footnote a printed text:

Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. London: Penguin, 1995. p 219.

[the abbreviation for page

is p (singular) and pp (plural) and not pg.]

6. Follow the pattern given below to footnote a website:

www.oxforddictionaries.com/ , 10.08.10, 08:46 am

7. Leave a line between paragraphs. Do not indent.
8. Do not number the list of books in the Bibliography.
9. Use double inverted commas for quotes and make sure that they are well








The history curriculum for Grade 7 has been devised in a way that will help
students develop historical awareness about the importance of history. The
teaching of history helps students explains the present, to analyze it and trace its
course. The cause and effect relationship between the past and the present is
important in history. History thus helps us to understand present day problems
both at national and international levels.
Besides the prescribed Curriculum, the school promotes awareness of the
contemporary world around us through the Global Awareness Programme
(GAP). It is a well formulated, specially designed programme, that deals with
personality profiles; global updates on past and current events, and interesting
facts about countries in the world. Every week a lesson is devoted to current
affairs and general knowledge. This programme is taught in our school at two
levels- Basic and Advanced levels.
Learning of history creates an interest as well as a love for historical figures,
characters, events and facts which are necessary for solving present problems
effectively. History trains memory, reasoning, practices and the presentation of facts
systematically and successfully.
Learning history enables pupils to achieve various instructional objectives such as:

The students acquire knowledge of various terms, concepts, events,

personalities and principles related to the study of history.

The students develop understanding of terms, facts, events, etc. related to the
study of history.

The students develop the ability of critical and logical thinking.

The students develop the practical skills necessary for the study and
understanding of historical events.

The students develop interests in the study of history and activities relating to


To develop reasoning and critical thinking about the early established


To provide opportunities for independent research and analysis.

To understand, analyze, and evaluate events leading to the emergence of new


To develop awareness among the students that human attitudes and opinions are
widely diverse.

To prepare students for discussions about international and global issues and

To build awareness that human attitude, beliefs, and behavior can both be
universal and diverse, depending upon cultural settings.

1. History of the Fertile Crescent
This chapter deals with the Worlds oldest civilizations in the region of
Mesopotamia, part of a larger area known as the Fertile Crescent.
2. Judaism and Christianity
This chapter is about the origins and spread of two major world religionsJudaism and Christianity.
3. History of the Islamic World
The chapter focuses on the origins of Islam, its spread and the cultural
achievements of the Muslim empires.
4. Eastern Mediterranean

This chapter deals with the history, government, economy and culture of the
Eastern Mediterranean region Turkey, Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Jordon.
5. The Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and Iran
The chapter speaks about the history, culture, and rich oil resources of the
Arabian Peninsula, Iran and Iraq.
6. Africa
This chapter focuses on the history and culture of West, Central and Southern
Every topic in the curriculum is tested.
The assessment includes a variety of questions.
Students will have to maintain a scrap book which will be assessed from time to
The question paper is designed to test students understanding and knowledge
included in the curriculum.
a) Summative assessment will include unit tests and term tests. The papers will
include short answers, detailed answers, map and source work. The question
paper is designed to test students understanding and knowledge, thinking and
analytical skills included in the curriculum.
b) Formative Assessment will include construction of models, oral
presentations and preparation of charts that will stimulate creative thinking.
Students will have to maintain a scrap book which will be assessed from time
to time.
1. South West and Central Asia (Holt Social Studies) by Christopher L.
2. Africa (Holt Social Studies) by Christopher L. Salter
3. Internet: online web site activeschoolhistory, wikipedia, Google etc.


Since the programme is structured in the form of a monthly magazine, the curriculum
content may differ from month to month.
1. Pick of the month - A current event of considerable significance will be picked
this will be discussed with students.
2. Gap Profiles -

Profile of an eminent Personality in different fields will be

discussed in detail.

3. Global update -

The students will be informed about the latest global events.

4. Gappenings

5. Discover India -

Key past events

Facts about India.

6. There are other interesting topics such as :

Amazing Firsts
Country watch
Science and Technology
Art and Entertainment
Word Origin
Born this Month and Monthly Quiz

7. The students will research on some of the pre- released topics and answer a data
response test.
REFERENCE: Gaptopedia, a monthly magazine of GAP, Newspapers.






Geography is a dynamic subject that is firmly grounded in the real world and focuses on
the interaction between individuals, societies and the physical environment in both time
and space. It seeks to identify trends and patterns in these interactions and examines the
processes behind them. It also investigates the way that people adapt and respond to
change and evaluates management strategies associated with such change. Geography
describes and helps to explain the similarities and differences between spaces and places.
The grade 7 Geography curriculum is a structured and comprehensive syllabus that will
introduce the students to physical and environmental geography, and also provide them
an understanding of the economic activities of man. It lays emphasis on world issues such
as global warming and energy usage. It stresses essential geographical skills such as map
reading, use of graphs in the analysis and interpretation of data.

To develop the skills of map reading.

To train the pupils in nature study.
To enable the pupils to appreciate natural beauty and other physical forces.
To help the pupils to acquire knowledge of their physical and social environment and
thus to broaden their outlook.
To enable the pupils to acquire a knowledge of natural resources.
To acquaint the pupils with the living conditions of men in different parts of the globe.


Students develop the capacity to identify, to analyze critically and to evaluate theories,
concepts and arguments about the activities of man in relation to the environment.
Students develop a concern for human welfare and the quality of the environment and an
understanding of the need for planning and sustainable management.
Students appreciate the relevance of geography in analyzing contemporary issues and
challenges, and develop a global perspective of diversity and change.



Graphs- Line, bar, pie, scatter and triangular.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Students recognize the importance of geography and appreciate its real-life
2. Students will draw graphs suitable to a range of data.

Weathering and erosion processes.

Erosion and depositional features of rivers.
Erosion and depositional features of coasts.
Coastal erosion.
Coral reefs formation, types.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will identify the processes of weathering in fluvial and coastal areas. They
will associate them with the resultant landform features.
2. Students will describe and evaluate the different techniques of controlling coastal
3. Students will relate their knowledge about coral reefs to examine the problems
encountered by these ecosystems using a case study.

Types of agriculture- case studies.

Green Revolution.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will compare and contrast between the different types of agriculture and relate
them to various parts of the world.
2. Students will evaluate the effects of the Green Revolution.

Classification of industry.
Location factors of an industry.
Case Studies.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will study the factors determining the location of industries.
2. Students will relate their knowledge of the location factors in the growth of specific

Distribution of population.
The Demographic Transition model.
Population structure.
Migration types, effects.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to relate a countrys population growth in terms of the
Demographic Transition model.
2. Students will critically evaluate the effects of migration on a countrys population,
using a case study.

Global Warming causes, effects.

Change in energy usage.
Water and food problems.
Poverty- causes and reduction.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will realize the importance of conserving natural resources.
2. Students will list the causes and effects of global warming.
3. Students will understand the reasons for water and food shortages.
4. Evaluate the schemes taken up for poverty reduction.

Environmental problems.
Wildlife protection.
Industry and pollution.
Conservation of resources.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will study about different techniques of resource conservation.
2. Students will be aware of the endangered and extinct animal species.
3. Students will evaluate the importance of renewable energy sources.


FORMATIVE: Students will be assessed based on map skills, graphs, interpretation of

aerial photographs, oral presentations, projects, debates, quiz and case studies.

SUMMATIVE: There will be three summative assessments, one conducted in term one
and two in term two. Every topic in the curriculum will be tested. .Students assessment
will be based on their knowledge, understanding and skills, which includes short answers,
brief answers, maps, and diagrams.


1. New Key Geography Connections by David Waugh and Tony Bushell.
2. IGCSE geography- Paul Guinness and Garrett Nagle.
3. A textbook of geography Rita Rajen.
4. Planet geography Stephen Codrington.
5. Topographic mapping skills Grant Kleeman.
6. Internet : Wikipedia, google etc.






10. http://maps.google.co.in/




This course has been tailored to develop the Hindi linguistic skills of those who plan to take
up Hindi as a second language in IGCSE. The course concentrates mainly on all the four
language skills namely: speaking, listening, reading and writing. A number of activities
which are a part of the course help the students in developing the skills. Debates,
documentary films, role plays, reading comprehension and writing are some examples of the
activities included in the course.
Aims/ Objectives:
The main emphasis is on language acquisition and its usage in practical situations. Equal
importance is given to the cultural exposure of the countries where Hindi is spoken, along
with the regular development of the four main following linguistic skills:
Listening: The learners will be able to:
understand the gist and some details of conversational exchanges and
understand some colloquial language in a social context.
Speaking: The learners will be able to:
engage in general conversation;
give factual information and respond appropriately in a spontaneous discussion
on a chosen topic;
use some colloquial language;
deal with various situations based on day to day life in the form of Role plays.
interpret documentaries, excerpts from movies and songs to the target language
and vice versa.
Reading: The learners will be able to:
understand the main idea and some details of the information given in texts;
skim and extract information from texts, including visual materials (such as
charts and graphics);
analyze texts;
distinguish between key points and supporting details in texts.
Writing: The learners will be able to:
convey straightforward information clearly;
convey some straightforward concepts clearly;
organize key points into a basic overall plan;
provide some supporting details for the key points;
express personal opinion competently;
produce longer and structured pieces of writing such as emails, letters and essays .
translate a variety of texts to the target language and vice versa.
Learning outcome
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
express themselves in written and spoken Hindi at an intermediate level;
comprehend reading and audio materials at an intermediate level;
learn to appreciate the culture of Hindi speaking countries;
develop skills in giving personal opinions and asking questions.

Internal assessments include 4-7 formative assessments and two summative assessments.
Minimum two formative assessments and one summative assessment are conducted in each
Term. There is an examination at the end of each term in December and June respectively.
The duration of the summative assessments is 40 minutes and the maximum marks is 25.
The duration of the examination in the terminal examinations is 1 hour 30 minutes and the
maximum mark is 60.
The assessments will test listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The end of term
exam includes the testing of these skills as per the IGCSE pattern. The question paper is
designed to test the students understanding of the concepts covered in the curriculum.
Syllabus for the academic year 2015 2016

Customs and traditions

Global issues
Communication and media
Science and technology

Text and Resources list:

1. Madhbaun Saral Hindi Pathamala (Text-cum-workbook) 6
2. Bhasha Vyavahar Vyaakaran 6
3. Collins Gem English-Hindi dictionary
Text books
Reference books, magazines, newspaper etc. from the library.
Audio books
Audio visual




The three year Middle Year Chinese curriculum has been planned to prepare students in an
intensive manner to enter the IGCSE Chinese language programme. The grade 7 MandarinChinese syllabus, in specific, is aimed at students with one year of prior knowledge in MandarinChinese. The syllabus would build on their acquired knowledge of Mandarin-Chinese to further
progress their expression in oral and written communication, as well as develop listening and
reading comprehension skills.
Aims/ Objectives:
The main emphasis is on language acquisition and its usage in practical situations. Equal
importance is given to the cultural exposure of the countries where Mandarin- Chinese is spoken,
along with the regular development of the four main following linguistic skills:
Listening: The learners will be able to:
understand the gist and some details of conversational exchanges and presentations;
understand some colloquial language in a social context.
Speaking: The learners will be able to:
engage in general conversation;
give factual information and respond appropriately in a spontaneous discussion on a
chosen topic;
use some colloquial language;
deal with various situations based on day to day life in the form of Role plays.
Reading: The learners will be able to:
understand the main idea and some details of the information given in texts;
skim and extract information from texts, including visual materials (such as charts and
analyze texts;
distinguish between key points and supporting details in texts.
Writing: The learners will be able to:
convey straightforward information clearly;
convey some straightforward concepts clearly;
organize key points into a basic overall plan;
provide some supporting details for the key points;
express personal opinion competently;
produce longer and structured pieces of writing such as emails, letters and essays .
Learning outcome
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
express themselves in written and spoken Mandarin Chinese at an intermediate level;
comprehend reading and audio materials at an intermediate level;
learn to appreciate the culture of Mandarin -Chinese speaking countries;
develop skills in giving personal opinions and asking questions.

Syllabus for the academic year 2015 - 2016


My Family
School Activities
Try Your Best
I Am Sick
Where Is Your Home?
My Moods
Watching a Ball Game
My Hobbies
Television Programs
The Weather Today

Learn to express family structure
Learn to say the extracurricular activities
Learn to express learning attitude and result
Learn to describe illness
Learn to describe geography and directions
Learn to describe your moods
Learn to describe sports
Learn to describe hobbies
Learn to discuss TV programs
The use ofand the metaphor




This course is taught as a continuation for students who have already studied German for one year
in Grade 6. It builds on the grammatical and linguistic skills acquired in the first year.
Topics covered:

Shopping and Food
After school activities
Going out

Grammatical aspects covered:

Past and present tenses, irregular and regular verbs, adverbs, separable verbs

Cultural aspects covered:

Cultural elements are also taught in the course, including an introduction to Grimms Fairy tales,
German festivals and traditions (St. Martin Laternenfest, Nikolaus, Ostern .) and German-speaking
Assessment will be based on speaking, reading, listening and speaking skills throughout the year.

Skills Acquired
Basic listening, reading, writing and speaking skills acquired, along with basic grammatical and
cultural knowledge.

Texts and Resources List

Text book:
Echo 2 (Publisher: Heinemann)
Echo 2 Workbook (Publisher: Heinemann)
German Grammar Guide: Sheela Mahadevan (Publisher: Goyal)




The MYP language curriculum for French comprising of three years will enable a student to begin
learning the language in grade 6 from the basic level and reach the high intermediate level at the
end of the language program in grade 8.
The grade 7 language syllabus in French is aimed at students with a minimum of one year prior
knowledge of French.
Aims/ Objectives:
The main emphasis is on language acquisition and its usage in practical situations. Equal
importance is given to the cultural exposure of the countries where French is spoken, along with
the regular development of the four main following linguistic skills:
Listening: The learners will be able to:
understand the gist and some details of conversational exchanges and presentations;
understand some colloquial language in a social context.
Speaking: The learners will be able to:
engage in general conversation;
give factual information and respond appropriately in a spontaneous discussion on a
chosen topic;
use some colloquial language;
deal with various situations based on day to day life in the form of Role plays.
interpret documentaries, excerpts from movies and songs to the target language and vice
Reading: The learners will be able to:
understand the main idea and some details of the information given in texts;
skim and extract information from texts, including visual materials (such as charts and
analyze texts;
distinguish between key points and supporting details in texts.
Writing: The learners will be able to:
convey straightforward information clearly;
convey some straightforward concepts clearly;
organize key points into a basic overall plan;
provide some supporting details for the key points;
express personal opinion competently;
produce longer and structured pieces of writing such as emails, letters and essays .
translate a variety of texts to the target language and vice versa.
Cultural exposure: the learners will be able to:

reinforce their knowledge by participating in educational and cultural tours

attend various language events such as language week, other cultural activities
outside school.

describe, compare and reflect on the diversity of the target culture and their own
Learning outcome
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
express themselves in written and spoken French at an intermediate level;
comprehend reading and audio materials at an intermediate level;
learn to appreciate the culture of French speaking countries;
develop skills in giving personal opinions and asking questions.

IB learner profile
Each lesson plan will focus on developing the skills that come under the IB learner profile. At
the end of each term each student will be assessed on the development of these skills under the
following criteria:
NS (needs support)

App (Approaching)

ACH (Achieved)

Risk taker

Assessment Term I 2012 -2013




End of term I examination



Term II 2012-2013
(2 and 3)

(2 and 3)


End of term II examination



Syllabus for the academic year 2012 - 2013

Unit 1: En Ville (Text book, page no. 6 to 17)
Aims/Objectives - to be able to:
identify some French shops, know what they sell and shop for food;
talk about numbers, money and prices to indicate how much of something you want to
form sentences using -er, -ir and re ending verbs;
use negation such as nepas and neplus.
Unit 2: On fait des projets (Text book, page no. 18 to 33)
Aims/Objectives - to be able to:
discuss different countries, transport, town or region;
describe what you do there, what you can do;
obtain permission to do something;
read and write holiday post cards;
use prepositions (au, en, aux) with towns and countries;
form sentences using verbs voir and venir;
use aller+ infinitive and pouvoir+ infinitive.
Unit 3: Au college (Text book, page no. 34 to 49)
Aims/Objectives - to be able to:
describe your school, school day, travel to school, school routines;
express opinion about school subjects;
talk about the aspects of school life;
express likes and dislikes to do something;
use verbs dire, lire, crire, apprendre, comprendre ;
use reflexive verbs ;
use verb vouloir.
Unit 4: En famille (Text book, page no. 50 to 65)
Aims/Objectives - to be able to:
introduce people;
talk about presents, souvenirs;
say good bye and thank you;
use perfect tense of regular verbs;
use expressions of time in the past;
use ce, cet, cette, ces.

Term II
Unit 5: Bon apptit! (Text book, page no. 66 to 81)
Aims/Objectives - to be able to:
buy drinks, snacks and ice cream in a caf;
discuss likes and dislikes about food and drink;
order a meal and describe a meal;
use verb boire;
use perfect tense of some irregular verbs;
ask questions in perfect tense;
use negative forms in perfect tense.
Unit 6: En Voyage (Text book, page no. 82 to 95)
Aims/Objectives - to be able to:
talk about travel plans, by air, coach, boat;
understand travel information, signs at a station;
describe a recent day out;
use present tense of verb partir;
use the expression il faut + infinitive ;
use perfect tense of verbs (with tre).
Unit 7: a va? (Text book, page no. 96 to 109)
Aims/Objectives - to be able to:
discuss clothes;
describe peoples appearance;
talk about parts of the body;
say how you feel and what hurts you;
use verb mettre with clothing;
use some more adjectives;
use direct object pronouns (le, la, l, les) ;
use expressions using avoir;
use imperative.
Unit 8: Rendez vous! (Text book, page no. 110 to 119)
Aims/Objectives - to be able to:
propose, accept or refuse invitations;
buy tickets;
discuss leisure activities;
talk about things you have done and things to be done;
use verb sortir ;
use conjunctions si, quand and mais ;
make comparisons.




This flexible, broad-ability course is the continuation of the course started in grade VI and
offers a comprehensive foundation to continue at the next level There is plenty of
reinforcement and extension throughout. The course lays emphasis on pronunciation,
contextual vocabulary; basic speaking through role-plays, CD-based listening activities,
reading comprehension and written skills.
Curriculum Content
- Demonstratives
- Expressing consequences, why / because/ to/for
- Relatives, what
- More irregular verbs as querer, preferir,
- Future : verb to go + infinitive
- Adverbs here and there.
- Gerund
- Adverbs -ly
- Imperative
- Some irregularities in the gender.
- Conditional sentences.
- Direct/ indirect pronouns.
Skills Acquired
Students will learn during the TERM I/ TERM II:
- Talk about the house.
- Expressing preferences, desires, opinions and causes.
- Places in the city.
- Ask about plans.
-Describing personality and physical features.
- Present continuous.
- Moods.
- Body parts.
- Frequency
- Giving advices.
- Proposing plans, accept and reject them.
- Giving direction instructions.
Texts and Resources List
GRADE VII Generacion3.0 , A2 textbook and student's work book (A1 and A2)
(A1 Book from chapter 5/ A2 Book from 0 to 2)

Movies: will be selected by the instructor
Audio visual aid - CDs; video ele; miscellaneous grammar web sites
Electronic texts: TECLA
Supplementary worksheets provided by the instructor

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 assessments
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: Minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 assessments
Reading List
Not applicable in foreign languages in Middle years.





Grade 7 PHYSICS (Year 2012-2013)

The Physics course for grades 7 is designed to inculcate the principles of scientific research and analytical
skills. It is a student centered, investigation-based course. It is aimed at getting the students ready for the
challenges in the senior school.

Generate enthusiasm and interest in physical phenomena.

Promote independence of thinking and approach to a range of physical phenomena.
Formalize the scientific method in approaching problems and using that method in an organized
and methodical way.
Learning by doing approach.
To promote the analytical skills required by all students to succeed in Science at IGCSE and IB.

Students will be able to formulate research questions, identify variables, plan and carry out a systematic
investigation and then process and present their findings. They will research and reflect about their
experimental processes and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses. They will develop manipulative skills,
interpersonal skills, speaking and listening skills and most importantly they will develop technical writing
skills. The application of Science in day-to-day life is closely studied. The environmental impact of
technology and also its ethical implication is discussed. Students are encouraged to think and implement
solutions to some of the issues.

The aim of the Physics course is to develop internationally-minded citizens who recognize their social
responsibilities. Students are encouraged to inquire, think and communicate their learning in terms of written
work and oral presentations. They learn to be caring towards the planet and to think beyond curriculum.
They are encouraged to reflect upon the investigations and research they carry out. Academic honesty is
stressed in all the learning activities.
Physics lessons will include a lot of experimentation which will include identifying research questions and
then following through the full scientific process of experimental design, data collection/ analysis and
presentation. Students are encouraged to conclude the experiment and evaluate the set up. To supplement the
investigations, background research will be carried out by the student. A varied range of classroom
activities will be used including videos, animations, simulations and work with interactive whiteboards.
Students will also do non-quantitative research where they will find information not only from the internet
but from books, encyclopedia and their own observations. They will be expected to process this information
and make links and interpretations. These findings will be presented in the form of a written report or a
presentation to the whole class.
Students will be given textbooks. These will be supplemented with resources compiled by the teacher. The
resource material and text is to enhance the learning process. Students are not expected to memorize the
resource materials.
However, the majority of the course involves investigations done by the students and their findings/notes
from the laboratory equipment and various other printed resources.

Formative assessments:
Written reports of lab work, presentations, and a notebook of fieldwork/labs/demonstrations will be a part of
the formative assessment throughout the term. Students are encouraged to think beyond the books and to
apply the concepts of Physics in day-to-day life and contemporary issues related to the subject will be taken
up for class discussions. These will be assessed under the component of Applied Science.
Summative Assessments include standard paper-pencil tests, practical examinations and end of term
examinations that are linked to their investigations and research projects.

Syllabus Outline:
Grade 7
Topic 1: Measurements
Using vernier caliper and screw gauge, Measuring density of a light weight object
Topic 2: Forces and Motion
On the move, motion graphs, Thrills and spills, Forces in action, Force, Mass and acceleration, Weight and
buoyancy, Balanced forces, Speed and safety, action-reaction, turning effect, pressure
Topic 3: Waves and Light
Rays of light, Flat mirrors, Bending light, Internal reflections, Waves, Ripples of water and light, Sending
signals, Sound waves, Speed of sound, Noise and vibration, Ultrasound and Seismic Waves
Topic 4: Heat
Thermal Conduction, Convection, Radiation
Topic 5: Atoms and Nuclei
Inside atoms, Models of atom, Nuclear Radiation, Using Radioactivity

New Coordinated Science 3rd Edition Physics - Stephen Pople


In the course of the studying Physics in Grade 7, the students will be actively engaged in conducting various
investigations towards furthering their understanding and interest in the subject. The students will be
practising the scientific method in order to attain the appropriate practical skills and to understand the
procedures involved in conducting effective experiments. The students are encouraged in the application of
the theory learnt to practical and everyday life situations. By actually doing and experiencing Physics,
students develop their critical thinking skills as well as discover scientific concepts leading to an enhanced
appreciation of the multi-faceted scientific world. This provides an excellent foundation for advanced study
in pure sciences, in applied science or in science-dependent vocational courses.
1. Manipulative Skills : This involves
(a) following instructions accurately from a handout or as explained by the teacher.
(b) adapting to new circumstances (seeking assistance when required).
(c) competent use of the equipments for the conduction of the experiment.
(d) paying attention to the safety issues.
2. Observation & Data Recording Skills: This involves accurate measuring and accurate recording of
results of the experiment.
3. Analytical Skills: This involves manipulating and analyzing the recorded data.
4. Data Interpretation Skills: This involves interpreting the analyzed data and drawing reasonable
5. Evaluation Skills: This involves evaluating the strengths and weaknesses in the procedure used for
experimentation and suggesting improvements in the same.
6.Interpersonal Skills: This involves communicating and interacting with rest of the students in the group.
He/She will learn to recognize and acknowledge the contribution of others in the team and to integrate their
views along with his/her own. It will help in developing the attitude of a team-player in the student.


Each student should keep a record of her/his practical work in the interleaves note book provided to
them, which will be common for both theory and practical. Legibility, correct use of symbols and
terminology, neatness and clarity of presentation should be emphasized.

Diagrams should be drawn with HB pencil. This can be a clearly labeled diagram of the setup or the
equipments/apparatus used by the students in the lab.

The lab report should include the following :

Title: The title should be specific and scientific.
Aim/Research Question: The aim/research question should be clearly stated.
Materials Required: All the materials used for the conduction of the experiment should be
Procedure: A brief account of the procedure followed for experimentation should be given in
a step-by-step format. Passive voice should be used in detailing the procedure.
Observations & Presentation of the Data: The observations must be recorded in a proper
data table with clearly labeled rows and columns. The units of the quantities measured should
be written in the column heading.

The data can be represented by using a graph. The graph should have a descriptive title. The
graph should be plotted with the independent variable along the X-axis and the dependent
variable along the Y-axis. The data points should be clearly marked on the graph and the
points should be joined with a smooth line.
Conclusion/Result: The result of the experiment should be clearly stated. Also, the sources
of error in the experiment must be mentioned.
Reference: The reference book used should be given as a footnote in the proper format.
(Name of the Author, Name of the Book, Publication, Year of Publication, Page Number)

Formative assessments:
The students will be assessed on written reports of lab work, presentations, and a notebook of
fieldwork/labs/demonstrations and the same will be a part of the formative assessment throughout the term.
Students are encouraged to think beyond the books and to apply the concepts of Physics in day-to-day life
and contemporary issues related to the subject will be taken up for class discussions. These will be assessed
under the component of Applied Science.
Guidelines for General Conduct and Safety Measures in the laboratory
Lab safety is everyones responsibility. Here are some safety rules that should be adhered to by the students
in the Physics laboratory.
The Physics laboratory is to be used for serious work. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are
dangerous and prohibited. Always follow your teachers instructions.
Study your lab assignment carefully before starting the lab. If you are in doubt about any procedure,
ask your teacher for help. Pay particular attention to any cautions.
Set up and use the prescribed apparatus as directed in the laboratory instructions or by your teacher.
Experiments must be personally monitored at all times. You will be assigned a laboratory station at
which to work. Do not wander around the room, distract other students, or interfere with the
laboratory experiments of others.
DO NOT perform unauthorized experiments or use materials and equipment in a manner for which
they were not intended. Use only materials and equipment listed in the activity equipment list or
authorized by your teacher. Steps in a procedure should only be performed as described in the
textbook or lab manual or approved by your teacher.
Notify the teacher immediately in case of accident or injury, no matter how minor. Report any
incorrect procedure. Report any equipment that you suspect is malfunctioning.
Tie back long hair to prevent injury. Long hair could catch on fire around an open flame, could block
your view or the view of your lab partner, or could become caught in the equipment.
Keep the work area and the floor around you clean, dry, and free of clutter. Keep the workstation
free of non-essential materials.

Be careful when working with apparatus that may be hot. Exercise extreme caution when using a gas
burner. Take care that hair, clothing and hands are a safe distance from the flame at all times. Do not
put any substance into the flame unless specifically instructed to do so. Never reach over an exposed
flame. Light gas (or alcohol) burners only as instructed by the teacher.
Never leave a lit burner unattended. Never leave anything that is being heated or is visibly reacting
unattended. Always turn the burner or hot plate off when not in use.
Heated metals and glass remain very hot for a long time. They should be set aside to cool and picked
up with caution.
Be careful when operating electrical equipment. When removing an electrical plug from its socket,
grasp the plug and not the electrical cord. Hands must be completely dry before touching an
electrical switch, plug or outlet.
Use electrical equipment only under the supervision of your teacher. Report any damaged electrical
equipment immediately.
If a thermometer breaks, notify the teacher immediately. Do not heat glassware that is broken,
chipped, or cracked. Use tongs or a hot mitt to handle heated glassware and other equipment that
may be hot.
Food, beverages, and chewing gum are NEVER permitted in the laboratory.
Clean and dry your lab work area at the close of the lab period. Return all equipment
and materials to the proper place.
Know what to do if there is a fire drill during the laboratory period; containers must be closed, gas
valves turned off and any electrical equipments turned off.

List of some suitable labs planned for Grade 7


Finding the thickness of stationery materials with Vernier Calipers and Screw Gauge.
Finding the density of metal block.
Finding the density of thermocol.
Measuring the time taken by a student to walk a particular distance and hence finding the average
speed of the student.
5. Finding the time taken to slide a metallic block down a ramp and hence finding the average speed
with which the block slides down the ramp.
6. Finding the factors affecting air resistance parachute activity.
7. Finding the force needed to lift a block with pulley.
8. Finding the upthrust acting on a body in water.
9. Understanding the relationship between stopping distance and speed of the body.
10. Measuring the static frictional force between different types of surfaces in contact.
11. Finding the centre of gravity of a lamina.

12. Finding the moment of a force using a metre rule and slotted weights.
13. Ray diagram of the image formation in a plane mirror.
14. Refraction of light through a glass block (Ray Box Method)
15. Measuring the Speed of sound using echo method
16. Classifying thermal conductors and thermal insulators from the given samples.
17. Finding the time taken for the wax-fixed pins to fall from rods of different materials when the
rods are heated.
18. Measuring the temperature of black and white bricks/sheet and hence to understand the
difference in their absorptivity.
19. Studying the rate of cooling of hot water in shiny and black test tubes.
20. Study of Radioactive decay(using Dice)






The syllabus of Grade 7 is designed in such a way that the students broaden their understanding
of the topics learnt in Grade 6. They are also made aware of the relevance of chemistry and its
impact on the environment.

To acquire sufficient understanding and knowledge of core concepts in Chemistry so as

to be suitably prepared for the IGCSE course.

To develop abilities and skills that are relevant to the study and practice of Chemistry.

To cultivate enquiry and initiative that will help not just in the study of Chemistry but
also in developing a greater appreciation for Science.

To stimulate interest in the environment.

To promote the awareness and importance of group work in scientific investigations.

To develop skills that encourage safe and efficient practice.

During the course of the year the following assessment objectives will be sought to be attained:
Knowledge and understanding of scientific phenomena, laws, definitions, facts and

Knowledge and understanding of scientific vocabulary, terminology, symbols, quantities

and units.

Knowledge and understanding of scientific instruments and apparatus, including

techniques of operation and safety.

Ability to translate information from one form to another (e.g. words to symbols and vice

Ability to present reasoned explanations for phenomena, patterns and relationships.

Ability to solve problems and to interpret and evaluate experimental observations and

Ability to use apparatus, techniques and materials.

The curriculum for grades 7 have been designed to provide a smooth transition into the grade 8
curriculum and the IGCSE curriculum. The students develop an analytical frame of mind and
understand the scientific reasons to support their observation .Hands on experience in the
laboratory enables them to enjoy the learning of chemistry. The lab activities develop skills in
data collection and analysis of the data collected. They are able to relate and apply their learning
to everyday life situations.


Knowledgeable- Students gains knowledge of the concepts taught and apply the concepts.
Inquirers- Students develop a natural curiosity and acquire the skills necessary to conduct
inquiry and research and show independence in learning.
Thinkers- Students exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively.
They recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
Open mindedness- Students become open minded and learn to appreciate and value the
findings of other individuals.
Communicators- Students work effectively and willingly in collaboration with the others.
Reflective- Students learn to be reflective and are able to assess and understand their own
strengths and limitations in order to support their learning.

Atoms deals with the structure of an atom, atomic number, mass number, isotopes,
electronic configuration, valency and formula writing.
Learning outcome
learns to draw the structure of an atom
identifies isotopes
understands the concept of valency and
learns to derive valency of the elements from electronic configuration
Periodic Table- outline of the Periodic Table, based on the atomic number
Learning outcome
identifies the position of an element in the periodic table from the electronic
configuration of the element
learns to predict the properties of elements from their position in the Periodic
learns about the metal groups
Metals- properties of alkali metals and transition metals
Learning outcome
learns to compare the reactivity of alkali metals and trends in physical properties
learns to compare the reactivity of metals with metal solutions, oxygen, water and
learns about the special characteristic properties and uses of transition metals

Non metals- halogens Learning outcome

learns to identify the halogens and
understands the trends in physical properties and reactivity
learns about some of the compounds of halogens
understands the halogen displacement reactions
Acids and Bases reactions, properties and usesLearning outcome

identifies acids and bases through simple tests

identifies acidic substances, use of acids and alkalies in daily life

learns about the reactions of acids with hydroxides, metals carbonates and
metal oxides

learns about the types of oxides

Chemical EquationsLearning outcome

using the concept of valency, learns to write molecular formula and
apply it to represent chemical reactions in the form of simple equations
Learns about the relative atomic mass
Uses relative atomic masses to calculate relative formula mass
Percentage compositionLearning outcome
learns to calculate the percentage composition of different elements in a given
applies the calculation to compare percentages of elements in different
Air and waterLearning outcome
learns about the percentage composition of air
understands the method of measuring the percentage of oxygen in air and the method of
liquefying air by fractional distillation of liquid air
learns about hard and soft water
understands the method of treatment of water

Students need to maintain an interleaf notebook to make notes of the content taught and to record
the data collected during the lab sessions.
Every topic in the curriculum is tested. The assessments enable students to interpret data, reason
logically and develop critical, analytical and application oriented thinking.
The pattern of assessments falls under two categories: formative and summative.

Term I comprises two formative and two summative assessments.

Term II comprises three formative and three summative assessments.
The formative assessment includes a written test on the concepts taught, lab skills and
research skills.
Summative assessments include written tests and the end of term examination.

1. New Coordinated Science 3rd Edition , Chemistry for Higher Tier by Rose Marie
Gallagher and Paul Ingram
2. www.qldscienceteachers.tripod.com/junior/chem/acid.html
3. www.chemistry.about.com/
4. www.esf.org/conferences/pc06018
5. www.sciencespot.net/Pages/kdzchem2.html
6. www.softschools.com


Hands on learning reinforces the age old adage:
I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand
Laboratory studies and data analysis form the cornerstone of
Chemistry. Lab work in the Middle School provides students with hands on experience. Handson learning involves the child in a total learning experience which enhances the child's ability to
think critically. The child plans a process to test a hypothesis, puts the process into motion using
various hands-on materials, sees the process to completion, and then is able to explain the
attained results.
Students in a hands-on science program will remember the material better, feel a sense of
accomplishment when the task is completed, and be able to transfer that experience more easily
to other learning situations.
Skills: Through the Practical work conducted in the Middle School the following skills are
sought to be developed:

Observation Skills
Measuring Skills
Background Research
Formulating Hypotheses
Experimental Design
a) Recognizing variables (dependent and independent) b) Writing a procedure
6. Data Collection
7. Data Interpretation
8. Designing comprehensive data tables
9. Writing procedures / Instructions for an experiment
10. Graphical representation of data
11. Data Tabulation
12. Drawing of Inference
13. Predicting
14. Evaluation of experiment and stating reasons for experimental errors
15. Safety procedures
16. Drawing diagrams
17. Manipulative Skills (using equipment or apparatus for experiments)
18. Maintaining lab journals
19. Describing processes using scientific terminology
20. Creating scientific models

Assessment of labs:
Skills learnt and developed in the laboratory
will be gauged and tested at two levels. Each
student will be assessed in the laboratory itself
based on the following:

Carrying out a range of techniques proficiently with attention to safety,

following a variety of instructions,
ability to work in a team and
approaching scientific investigations with self motivation and perseverance.

The Practical work covered in the laboratory will also be tested in the formative assessment and
summative assessment. A test will also be conducted at the end of each term on all the labs done
in that term.

Maintenance of laboratory work:

Students will record the labs performed in the same note books in the format given below
1. Title/ Aim:
The title says what you did. It should be brief (aim for ten words or less) and describe the
main point of the experiment or investigation.
2. Introduction / Purpose:
Usually the Introduction is one paragraph that explains the objectives or purpose of the
lab. In one sentence, state the hypothesis. Sometimes an introduction may contain
background information, briefly summarize how the experiment was performed, state the
findings of the experiment, and list the conclusions of the investigation. Even if you don't
write a whole introduction, you need to state the purpose of the experiment, or why you
did it. This would be where you state your hypothesis.
3. Materials:
List everything needed to complete your experiment.
4. Methods:
Describe the steps you completed during your investigation. This is your procedure. Be
sufficiently detailed that anyone could read this section and duplicate your experiment.
Write it as if you were giving direction for someone else to do the lab. It may be helpful
to provide a Figure or diagram of your experimental setup.
5. Data:
Numerical data obtained from your procedure is usually presented as a table. Data
encompasses what you recorded when you conducted the experiment. It's just the facts,
not any interpretation of what they mean.

6. Results:
Describe in words what the data means. Sometimes the Results section is combined with
the Discussion (Results & Discussion).
7. Discussion or Analysis:
The Data section contains numbers. The Analysis section contains any calculations you
made based on those numbers. This is where you interpret the data and determine
whether or not a hypothesis was accepted. This is also where you would discuss any
mistakes you might have made while conducting the investigation. You may wish to
describe ways the study might have been improved.
8. Conclusions:
Most of the time the conclusion is a single paragraph that sums up what happened in the
experiment, whether your hypothesis was accepted or rejected, and what this means.
9. Figures & Graphs:
Graphs and figures must both be labeled with a descriptive title. Label the axes on a
graph, being sure to include units of measurement. The independent variable is on the Xaxis. The dependent variable (the one you are measuring) is on the Y-axis. Be sure to
refer to figures and graphs in the text of your report. The first figure is Figure 1; the
second figure is Figure 2, etc.
10. References:
If your research was based on someone else's work or if you cited facts that require
documentation, then you should list these references.

Safety Rules:
1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory.
2. Be familiar with your lab assignment before you come to the lab. Follow all written and
verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a direction or part of a procedure, ask the
teacher before proceeding.
3. Never work alone. No student may work in the laboratory without an instructor present.
4. When first entering a science room, do not touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials
in the laboratory area until you are instructed to do so.
5. Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the laboratory. Do not use laboratory
glassware as containers for food or beverages.
6. Perform only those experiments authorized by the instructor. Never do anything in the
laboratory that is not called for in the laboratory procedures or by your instructor. Carefully
follow all instructions, both written and oral. Unauthorized experiments are prohibited.
7. Safety goggles and aprons must be worn whenever you work in the lab. Gloves should be
worn whenever you use chemicals that cause skin irritation or you need to handle hot
8. Observe good housekeeping practices. Work areas should be kept clean and tidy at all times.
Bring only your laboratory instructions, worksheets, and/or reports to the work area.

10. Be alert and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory. Notify the instructor
immediately of any unsafe conditions you observe.
11. Dispose of all chemical waste properly. Never mix chemicals in sink drains. Sinks are to be
used only for water and those solutions designated by the instructor. Solid chemicals, metals,
matches, filter paper, and all other insoluble materials are to be disposed of in the proper waste
containers, not in the sink. Check the label of all waste containers twice before adding your
chemical waste to the container. Cracked or broken glass should be placed in the special
container for Broken Glass.
12. Labels and equipment instructions must be read carefully before use. Set up and use the
prescribed apparatus as directed in the laboratory instructions provided by your teacher.
13. Keep hands away from your face, eyes, mouth, and body while using chemicals. Wash your
hands with soap and water after performing all experiments. Clean (with detergent powder),
rinse, and dry all work surfaces and equipment at the end of the experiment.
14. Experiments must be personally monitored at all times. You will be assigned a laboratory
station at which to work. Do not wander around the room, distract other students, or interfere
with the laboratory experiments of others.

The following are some of the suitable labs for grade VII that can be conducted:
1) Lab apparatus:
a) Observation and uses
b) Measurement of liquids
c) Using a Bunsen burner
d) Measuring the volume of a gas
2) Reactions of sodium with water
3) Physical and Chemical properties of Group I and Group VII elements.
4) To study the reactions of acids
5) To investigate the reaction between acids and bases, acids and carbonates and metals and
6) To investigate the pH of a range of acids and alkalis.
7) To test whether the solid has produced an alkaline solution when put into water.
8) To investigate the reaction of four different metals with acid, water
9) To investigate the reaction of metals with metal solutions
10) Testing hardness of water .






The biology curriculum for grade 7 envisages hands-on activity either in the lab or field (outdoors)
supported by a strong open ended discussion oriented approach. This curriculum will be taught by
encouraging the children to make their own observations in the field on living organisms in their
natural habitat, as well as by encouraging children to conduct their own experiments under guidance
by the teacher. The main resource material will be the textbook. The supplementary resource
materials shall be sourced from the internet, the school library and resources available to the teacher.
Aims and objectives
To enable the student, in a small way, to construct hypotheses on the basis of constructs chosen by
him/her and to enable him/her to develop the logical skills this will help him/her to verify his/her
To enable him/her to verify his/her skills in this subject, so as to examine the prospects of choosing a
career option in this subject.
To develop investigative and research based skills.

Learning outcomes

The ability to appreciate scientific concepts and ideas in the field of biology in a global
perspective will be encouraged.

An understanding of how the bodies of living organisms function and the biochemical and
physiological processes which keep them alive will be emphasized.

Ability to compare life processes between plants and animals as well as between different
animals and different plants will be emphasized so as to be able to evaluate the differences and
give reasons for these differences.

Extensive opportunity for reference work will be provided and they shall be exposed to the
thoughts and investigations of great biologists who have contributed to the subject.

They shall be exposed to TOK aspects of biological knowledge. Ample opportunity will be given
to investigate TOK issues in the subject and present opinions, viewpoints and perceptions as well
as to critically examine ethical issues related to global warming, human health cloning and
genetic experimentation.

They will be given the opportunity to execute projects, conduct seminars and communicate their
findings to peers.

Challenging and higher level problems and issues will be provided, both in the theory as well as
in the investigative (laboratory) classes, so that the learner can be confronted with complex issues
which involve prediction, ability to design experiments, data collection, hypothesis testing and
extrapolation of data.

The opportunity to theorize, read, gather data, evaluate inferences from different sources and
plenty of referencing will be provided.

Laboratory skills shall be evaluated using the following criteria: construction of hypothesis,
designing experiments, data collection, data analysis, and making conclusions. In addition
students will be encouraged to examine the design of experiments with a view to locating sources
of error.
Curriculum Outline
Unit1: Classification

Observation of different specimens with the objective of learning dichotomous classification.

Understanding of the criteria for classification.

Appreciation of the importance of adaptations in evolution.

Should be able to identify the important specimens available in the biology laboratory.

Unit 2: Cells

Appreciation of the complex nature of cells.

Understand that function of animal and plant bodies depends on cells.

Understand the hierarchy in organization of animal and plant bodies.

Appreciation of the need for tissues and organs in higher animals such as man.

Unit 3: Transport across cells

Compare and contrast the way in which various systems of transport takes place and appreciate
the need for each type of transport.

Identify the parts of the cells necessary for transport and explain the nature of their effect on the
movement of substances.
Unit 4: Transport and Transpiration in plants

Appreciate the need for transport in higher plants.

Give simple mechanisms which help in transport-transpiration, cohesion, and osmosis.

Conduct simple investigative experiments on osmosis.

Identify the tissues which help in transport.


Understand and appreciate the impact of transpiration on plants as well as on climate.

Explain the structure of leaves in relation to transpiration.

Identify and state the adaptations which reduce transpiration.

Unit 5: Photosynthesis and Structure of leaf


Should appreciate that photosynthesis is necessary for the production of food by plants and its
significance to global ecology.

Should be able to understand that photosynthesis will be reflected by the ability to evolve oxygen
and produce starch.

Should be able to define and understand simple terms related to photosynthesis.

Structure of leaf

Should understand the various adaptations which make leaves function for the purposes they are
designed for.

Should appreciate the contribution of leaves to photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration.

Should be able to identify the main tissues and cells in leaves.

Unit 6: Respiration

Should be able to identify the important parts and their separate functions.

Should appreciate the adaptations for respiration at the organ and cellular level in humans.

Should understand the basic terms which are related to respiration and explain the mechanisms of

Unit 7: Excretion

Should be able to identify the important mammalian excretory parts and their separate functions.

Appreciate that excretion is important for eliminating metabolic wastes.

Should be able to appreciate the contribution of the renal tubule to the excretory process.
Unit 8: Ecology

Should understand the various ecosystems which make life better for living beings.

Should learn how to conserve and protect the ecosystem, wild life and resources.

Should be able to identify the impacts of pollution on the ecosystem and the life of organisms
getting endangered.


The ability to make unbiased observations, make generalizations based on these observations,
construct hypotheses, to be able to design experiments with the object of verifying these

Knowledge of biological processes which will instill a sense of curiosity and critical thinking.

The skills of communication, such as speaking and writing, essential for communicating scientific

Written tests which will be objective, short answer as well as essay type, to strengthen
competitive abilities in the field of academics.

To test investigative skills based on the labs and activities done.

To test application skills and awareness of new developments in the subject.

Type of Assessment
There will be formative and summative assessments:
Formative assessments:

To test investigative skills based on the labs done.

To test application skills and awareness of new developments in the subject.

Summative Assessments;

Written assessments that will test small portions of topics done. There will be three such
assessments in the course of the session.

Two written exams in the course of the session, one at the end of each term.

Beckett, Brian and Gallagher, Rosemarie. BIOLOGY for higher tier. (2001)Oxford University
Press, Great Clarendon Street,Oxford, OX2 6DP.

Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut. 1995. Animal Physiology: adaptation and environment. (Fourthedition).

Cambridge University Press. International Sales Department, the Edinburgh Building, Cambridge
CB2 2RU.

Biological Science. (Third Edition). (1997). Taylor D. J et al (Ed Soper. R), Cambridge
University Press,International Sales Department,The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU.

Biology: Principles and Processes. Michael Roberts, Michael Reiss and Grace Monger. 1995.
Thomas Nelson and sons Ltd., Nelson House, Mayfield Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12







The syllabus of Grade 7 is designed in such a way that the students broaden
their understanding in Computer Science and ICT. While the students are given a
peek into the capabilities of computers in their grade 6, they are also taken to a
higher level in Grade 7 where the influence of ICT in creating Public Information
Systems and publishing them on web. The students are also taught the
fundamentals of data models and presenting numeric data using ICT. The
students will also learn to write computer programs using QBASIC.

To acquire sufficient understanding and knowledge of ICT applications so

as to be suitably prepared for the IGCSE course.

To develop abilities and skills that is relevant to the study and practice of
computer science technologies.

To cultivate enquiry and initiative that will help attain capabilities and
knowledge in all fields related to computer science technologies.

To stimulate interest in the usage of correct computing environment

To promote the awareness and importance of group work in scientific


To develop the skills that encourages safe and efficient practice.

During the course of the year the following assessment objectives will be sought
to be obtained.

Knowledge and understanding of scientific phenomena, laws, definitions,

facts and theories.

Knowledge and understanding of scientific vocabulary, terminology,

symbols, quantities and units.

Knowledge and understanding of various tools and utilities including

techniques of operation and security.

Ability to translate information from one form to another.

Ability to present reasoned explanations for phenomena, patterns and


Ability to collect data and to interpret and evaluate experimental

observations on collected data.

Ability to use and understand technologies and utilities.

The curriculum in Grade 6 has been designed in such a way that the students
will be able to collect data about any topic / subject, analyse the data collected
and present the information in any required form using ICT. The assignments in
data collection and analysis improve the analytical capability of the students and
prepare them for larger requirements in IGCSE curriculum. The entire syllabus is
organized in such a way that the students are able to get valuable inputs
through practical learning and demonstration.
1. Knowledgeable- Students gain knowledge of the concepts taught and
applies the concept.
2. Inquirers- Students develop natural curiosity and acquire the skills
necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in
3. Thinkers- Students exercise in applying
knowledge from the concepts learned.





4. Open mindedness- Students become open minded and learn to appreciate

and value the findings of other individuals.
5. Communicators- Students work effectively and willingly in collaboration
with others.
6. Reflective- Students learn to be reflective and are able to assess and
understand their own strengths and limitations in order to support their
1. Public Information Systems:

The sources of collecting data, gathering the collected data.

Planning and creating a simple public information system, automating and
evaluating it.
Presentation of students ideas to the rest of the class.

Learning outcome:
The students get in depth knowledge of public information systems. The
students are made to think about the various sources of collecting data as well
as using information directly from web. Their thought process is also widened by
putting their own ideas and designing their own public information system.

2. Publishing on the Web:

Things to be considered when creating a website.

Creating web pages using HTML, MS-Word, and FrontPage.
Checking and publishing the website.
Presentation of students website to the rest of the class.

Learning outcome:
The students learn to use the analytic techniques to create websites using
different software. The students will learn the techniques on evaluating and
publishing websites. They will also learn create, evaluate and publish their own
3. Models and Presenting Numeric Data:

Introduction to Models (representing real world objects) and presenting

numeric data.
Turning output into the input, creating models to determine break-even.
Presentation of students models to the rest of the class.

Learning outcome:
The students get the experience of designing models to analyze and calculate
various results based on numeric data. They will learn how the output of a
process can be used as input for another.
4. Programming in QBASIC:

Introduction to QBASIC.
Writing programs using the program constructs Sequencing, Selection
Graphics in QBASIC.
Presentation of students logic to the rest of the class.

Learning outcome:
The students get the experience of writing their own programs to solve
problems. They will also be able to improve their analytical thinking and problem
solving skills (logic). They will also be able to create their own graphics by
writing codes.
Students need to maintain an interleaf notebook to make notes of the content
taught and to record the data collected during the practical sessions.

Every topic in the curriculum is tested. The assessments enable students to

interpret data, reason logically and develop critical, analytical and application
oriented thinking.
The pattern









Term 1 comprises two summative and two formative assessments

Term 2 comprises two summative and two formative assessments

The formative assessment tests the skills in usage of various tools and

Summative assessments include written tests and the end of the term

1. ICT Framework solutions by Stephen Doyle.







Music contributes to the development of pupils and to the school curriculum by
providing a powerful and distinctive form of communication and expression.
Music can change the way children feel, think and act. It affects emotion and
moods providing opportunity for personal expression, reflection and emotional
wellbeing. It develops thinking, increasing perception, imagination, creativity and
physical co-ordination: skills that can be transferred to other areas of experience
and learning. Music enables children to define themselves in relation to others,
their friends, social groups and to the culture in which they live. Music is an
integral part of culture, past and present.
The teaching of music extends to everyday experiences, providing opportunities
and links between home, school and other outside agencies. It develops the
ability to focus on listening and analyse what is heard. It introduces pupils to
different forms of music-making and encourages objective judgement of musical
quality. Music stimulates the acquisition of the skills, attitudes and attributes
needed for life such as listening skills, concentration, aural memory, presentation
and teamwork.

It also develops creativity, risk-taking, intuition, sensitivity,

perseverance and a sense of achievement and enjoyment.

Approach to Teaching the Music

Music is taught to all pupils in Grade 7 for two periods a week. One period a
week is dedicated to the development of performance skills through teaching all
pupils to play a musical instrument (Guitar, Violin or Piano) in small groups with a
member of the schools instrumental music staff. The second period each week
focuses on the development of general musicianship skills through the study of
topics such as Jazz and Blues music, World music or periods of Western
traditional music.

Aims and Objectives

Develop pupils listening skills to enable them to be able to describe music

using correct vocabulary and voice opinions about pieces of music
unfamiliar to them

Pupils will be encouraged to develop their performance skills on an

instrument of their choice within the range of instruments offered at TISB

Have a knowledge of basic compositional techniques and structures within


Experience performing in public

Have the theoretical knowledge to be able to achieve a better musical


Learning Outcomes (see also IB Learner Profile for Middle School Music)
By the end of Grade 7 pupils will be able to:

Identify the main musical periods of Western Classical Music

Recognise and discuss, using correct musical vocabulary, the main

elements in a piece of music they hear.

Learn about film music: its structures and functions

Learn about and compose hooks and riffs

Understand the features and context of reggae music

Perform in an ensemble and play simple music with up to one sharp or flat
in the key

Develop work on improvised music

Perform in a public concert

Curriculum Content
Term 1
In term one, pupils cover work on the improvisatory nature of some music they
will develop the three main musical skills of listening, performing and composing.
Pupils will also rehearse and prepare group pieces for an ensembles concert. A
unit on film music also covers a significant amount of time in term 1.

Term 2
In term two, pupils cover a unit on reggae, looking at the technical features of this
genre, in addition to some of the contextual issues that contributed to the
development of the genre. There is another ensembles concert and a further
work unit on night music.

Pupils will be assessed as follows:

Summative Assessment a performance in the Middle Years ensembles

concert. This will assess practical performance in addition to stage

Formative Assessment will assess students technical and performance

skills on their chosen instrument

End of Term Assessment will be in two parts

1. Practical assessment of performance skills
2. Written assessment of Theory and Listening Skills

Resources, References & General Advice:

Pupils who wish to gain the highest marks in formative assessments are likely to
dedicate some time each week to practising their instrument. A pupil in Grade 7
should practise for 20 minutes three times a week, outside of lesson times.

To support pupils development in general musicianship it would be useful to

encourage students to listen and watch vocal and instrumental concerts available
on the internet, or, when possible, to attend live concerts and recitals. Pupils in
the middle school will study music from Western Classical music through to
Popular music forms and World music.

The IBO Learner Profile for Middle School Music

Inquiry skills will be developed through exposure to the work of others, questioning of
their own ideas and experimenting with a range of styles and genre. This will be
achieved through a variety of activities and learning opportunities within the school and
the learner will be encouraged to attend concerts, recitals and workshops offered at
They will be set questions to solve which will focus on the musical impact of their
composition or recital, what composers and styles of music will be most effective in
different situations.
Learners should be able to communicate ideas and intent, through written, spoken and
most importantly through musical communication. The learner will need to be able to
collaborate with fellow students, teachers and musicians.
Learners will need to explore new areas of music from outside of their existing musical
experience and be prepared to experiment with new performance techniques and
compositional ideas.
Learners will develop a breadth and depth of knowledge from their experiences in the
music curriculum. They will have the knowledge to be able to choose the most
appropriate types of music to suit different occasions and understand how different
styles and genres of music influence a variety of different cultures.
Learners will be expected to take responsibility for their actions and will need to be self
disciplined in their preparation for lessons and performances.
Learners will need to have the emotional tolerance to deal with personal experiences,
which are affected by working with other musicians and outside organisations.
Learners will need to develop a willingness to engage in and think about cultures,
histories and traditions other than their own. They should respect other musicians
thoughts and opinions and show openness towards new styles and musical techniques.

As musicians they will need to learn to understand the importance of regular practice
and preparation for lessons, rehearsals and performances.
Musicians need to develop good skills in evaluating their work and performance skills in
order to develop and enhance their musicianship





Visual Art

The Grade 7 Visual Art course has been designed to give students the opportunity to
experience the visual arts from both a creative and academic perspective. The faculty
believes that the skills and mental habits associated with visual art and design are
obtainable by all students and are completely learnable with patience, hard work, time
and practice. While natural artistic talent is certainly helpful in some cases it is not in
any way a pre-requisite for benefiting from the subject, nor for advancing towards higher
level achievement in the subject.

During Grade 7 all students are required to take a one-term course that introduces the
skills and principles of the visual arts that both helps them to develop artistic abilities of
their own as well as understand the relationships between cultural progress and artistic
progress. The course has been constructed in consideration of both the English
National Curriculum for Art and Design as well as the US National Standards for the
Arts, which aims to ensure that all the major dimensions of Arts Education (Creating
works of art, Developing specific skills, Considering the cultural/historical perspectives,
and developing Critical feedback skills) are included.
Approach to Teaching
The teaching approaches employed in the Grade 7 art course will be consistent with the
general approach used for all Middle Years teaching in art. Lectures and teacher
demonstrations will form one part of facilitation, but independent studio work by
students will be the core learning experience used to generate skills and understanding
in the classroom. Visual diagrams and permanent displays around the class room will
also be available for every lesson and their presence and availability will be considered
an instrumental tool in reinforcing skills and understanding, as well as an assistance
device for students who gravitate towards other learning styles.

Aims and Objectives

Poster design, logo design, and text-to-image relationships will be explored and
examined. In addition to looking at the picture plane from a structural perspective,
students will also be looking at how symbols communicate and the ways that visual
devices are manipulated so that mass audiences can be reached, as in advertising and
product design. The Grade 7 art course will specifically prepare students for the type of
visual arts problem solving they will be likely to encounter in an IGCSE Visual Art class
if they elect to take it in the 9th grade. Skills and understanding will be reinforced through
drawing, painting and design, as well as clay and ceramic activities.

Learning Outcomes
The TISB Grade 7 art program seeks to produce students who have:

Skilfully demonstrate the planning and preparation of a work of art or design.

They should be able to use a variety of sketching techniques as well as peer
feedback to make effective and practical decisions about the production of their
class work.

Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the visual elements introduced (line, shape,

colour, etc.) and how to use them effectively in a completed artwork, exhibiting
some ownership over how they can be manipulated, underplayed, or
exaggerated to best meet the expressive needs of their users.

Presented effective understanding of the communicative abilities of art, and how

to recognize them and assess their effectiveness expressed articulately both
verbally and in writing.

Demonstrated broad knowledge of some of the relationships between works of

art and the cultural and/or historical conditions from which they came.

Curriculum Content

The Patterned Landscape Standards: Creating and Communicating Skills and

Objectives: Shape, Form, Pattern, Balance

Motion in the Picture Plane Standards: Skills and Methods Analysing and

Objectives: Shape, Form, Balance, Movement

Pattern and Image (The Patterned Portrait) Standards: Creating and

Communicating Understanding and Relating
Objectives: Shape, Form, Colour, Pattern

Drawing Theme: On the Move Standards: Creating and Communicating

Analysing and Evaluating
Objectives: Shape, Form, Colour, Balance, Movement

As in all academic subjects taught at TISB, the Grade 7 Art course will use an
assessment system based on both formative and summative outcomes. While the areas
share criteria, the levels at which attainment is measured vary in time allocation,
materials used, and other factors. The criterion areas were developed from the IGCSE
Art and Design curriculum and modified for Middle Years students.
Criterion Areas:
Practice and Planning: explore ideas, develop solutions, and practice techniques in
Visual Elements: The students understanding and use of the elements and principles
involved in making a work of art or design successful.
Skills Displayed: The effective use of the materials the student has used for the
completion of a project.
Concepts and Ideas: The way that the student has interpreted a given task as well as
the personal innovation demonstrated in the work.

Resources, References & General Advice

Prentice Hall/Abrams 1991

History of Art Volume 1; HW Janson,

Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture: Volume 2, Frederick Hartt, Prentice

Hall 1989
Masterworks of Asian Art from the Cleveland Museum of Art Micheal R Cunningham,
Thames and Hudson 1998

Art and Design IBO Learner Profile

Art inquirers push themselves to understand how different art forms communicate. They
diligently strive to look for new or hidden qualities in works of art and to understand the
relationships and/or the uniqueness of various art works or forms of art.
Art communicators are willing to go beyond the appearance of things to try and
understand what those appearances mean and what they are there to express. They
also look inside themselves and their own feelings to determine what they want to say
to and about the world, and look for artistic ways of doing so.
Art thinkers are willing to go the extra mile to try and understand what may not be
immediately obvious. They internalize information, present explanations and test their
explanations against already learned information.
Balanced artists understand that art inspiration can come from anywhere and
everywhere so they strive to be active and attentive in all the various physical,
intellectual, social and spiritual aspects of their lives so they can approach their art work
as healthy and aware individuals with a wide variety of experience to communicate.
Principled artists are willing to take responsibility for their own actions. They are
proactive in understanding the rules, which govern activities and behaviour and are
interested in adhering to them. Principled artists are proud of their own achievements
and learning and are not looking to take credit for the work of others.

Open-minded artists understand that great art can come from anyone, from anywhere at
any time. They do not pre-judge based on others ideas and look to make their own
evaluations. They see every instance of visual engagement as a learning opportunity
that could lead to ways of broadening their horizons.
Knowledgeable artists actively engage with art, design, and craft from anywhere and
any time. They seek to engage with as many forms as possible, and understand as
much about each as they can, so they in turn can forward and create art that is worldly
and informed.
Reflective artists look within, both critically and searchingly. Critical reflection is
necessary to look objectively at ones work to honestly determine what improvements
need to be made, and where ones strengths may lay. Searching reflection is required to
understand how one really responds to a work of art or to determine what they are really
trying to communicate in their own work.
Risk Takers
Risk taking is incredibly important in art as it allows us to move from the familiar to the
unknown. A major part of art learning involves practicing completely new skills or
looking for ways of expressing very personal things without any model to follow.
Therefore, to meet our full potential, we are frequently asked to perform tasks of which
we have little or no previous experience.
Caring artists understand that to function effectively in a social environment such as an
art studio, they must be empathetic and sympathetic to the needs of others. They must
do their share to ensure the effective running of the studio, such as cleaning up after
themselves and sharing the materials. They must also be able to understand the
feelings and situations of others as subject matter for artwork.






Theatre Arts at TISB introduces the fundamentals of Drama to Middle Years
students. With this introduction, the students get an insight of the skills
required and expectations of the IGCSE Drama programme, which, in turn will
help them to decide on the best option for the study of an Arts subject at
IGCSE level. Theatre Arts helps to develop an appreciation of Theatre Arts as
well as contributing to the personal development of skills such as imagination,
creativity, physical coordination and self-confidence. Theatre stimulates
imagination as well the acquisition of individual thoughts and the sense of
analysing through its classical and contemporary repertoire. It is a way to
discuss social reality, human nature and the cultural and political difficulties of
living in a society.
Students will experience Drama in either Term 1 or Term 2 of the school
academic year. In grade VII the focus is on the theatre genre of Pantomime.
Pantomime is the art of using movements and facial expressions, rather than
the spoken word to communicate. In contrast to the pantomime skills that
evolved from dance and circus related acrobatics that were recognizable in
the early silent films, there seems to be a deficiency of pantomime as an
independent modern art form. Most pantomime is presently seen within other
forms of theatre rather as an art unto itself. Dance is also regarded as a form
of pantomime. These are all examples of using the pantomime's skill of
silently communicating through body movements.
The student will showcase their learning through the Middle Year Showcase.
With these performances it is hoped that students become more confident as
we encourage them to enjoy theatre in a highly practical and creative way. In
all Grades, students will keep a workbook/journal, which will encourage them
to record and reflect on their own learning. Assessment formats will include
formative and summative methods that will help students identify their
strengths and work to improve their performance. The students also get the
opportunity to test their skills by getting involved with the schools
extracurricular Drama activities like the annual school production and
performing for key school cultural events.
The Theatre Arts Programme for the Grade VII students aims to provide some
foundation level theatre to the students. This will help to develop them as an
individual as well as generate an interest in the areas of Theatre Arts. At this
level, students will be introduced to improvisation skills and using the theatre
techniques of mime.
The skills and abilities developed are:
Group Physical Presentation whereby students:
Develop a deeper appreciation of the Theatre
Theoretical knowledge to understand the different Theatre periods
and genres
Develop personal creativity and awareness for self-evaluation
Develop spontaneity of improvising
Use appropriate dramatic techniques and terms

Cooperate in teams to solve problems

Observe and criticize one another's work
Articulate personal reactions to several art forms
Understand elements of drama i.e. usage of space, voice, emotion
and movement etc.
Understand structure of drama plot.
Understand and develop basic Miming skills
Experience performing in public

Creating a performance based on an improvised work or on play
Effective role-playing
Improvisation skills
Importance of body-language and timing
Deciding on costumes and props
The importance of rehearsing
Responding to a Dramatic Situation
Identifying the objective of the role.
Identifying key messages and themes
Analysing characters
Analysing dramatic tension
Accessing a performance and improving it.
Personal development as a Performer
Boost your self-confidence
Encourage self-expression & evaluation
Foster ability to empathize with others
Raise awareness of social and moral issues
Students will develop their understanding of Pantomime, a theatre genre;
through theory and practical classes. Students will learn the history and the
evolution of Pantomime in the west and in others societies. They will discover
different genres like Kathakali, Kabuki, Jinju, Topen using body language and
also important mime actors who contributed to the evolution of the art form
such as Charlie Chaplin, Marcel Marceau, Etienne Decroux.
There will be a focus on the acquisition of mime techniques and stage skills:
Understanding the elements of improvisation
o How to enter and exit the stage
o Structure of a stage narration, beginning/climax/end
o Moving and usage of space
Basic technique of body gesture
o Dissociation of body parts
o Slow and speed motion
o Moving in rhythm
o Using facial expressions
o The control of emotion
o Importance of emphasis and exaggeration

To assess and monitor students knowledge and progress in their basic
performance skills, which includes Characterisation & Physicality,
Voice, Spatial Awareness and Ensemble work.
To assess the understanding of improvisation concepts and skills.
To instil the right attitude towards learning theatre by having a self
analysis of students attitude; their listening skills, understanding
instructions, focus, participation and discipline in class.
Self-assessment to make students aware of effective communication
i.e. interacting and communicating at the right time, sharing ideas and
reflecting on class work.
To make students aware of their social skills by working together with
classmates in class activities and the emotional ability to handle
Review of every activity will help their learning and initiate the process
of thinking, reviewing and writing.
Types of Assessment
There will be formative and summative assessments.
Formative Assessment
A students personal self-evaluation on his/her attitude, self expression
and reflective writing. There will be a discussion with the teacher during
this self-evaluation process. The student is encouraged to be truthful
and the teacher will motivate the student to achieve his/her potential.
Via a self evaluation as well as an evaluation by teachers based on
performing skills rubrics, the students will be assessed on their
performing skills.
Summative Assessment
A series of written tests that will help students reflect on their
performance skills and observations, as well as expressing their views
in writing.
Loeschhke, Maravene Sheppard: All About Mime: Understanding and
Performing the Expressive Silence. Englewood Cliffs,1982.
Straub Cindie and Matthew: Mime: Basics for Beginners, Boston,
Plays, 1984.
Brandon R James: The Cambridge Guide to Asian Theatre, Cambridge
university press, 1993.
Kennedy Dennis: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and
performance, New York, Vol. I & Vol. II, Oxford University Press, 2003.
Internet, magazines, newspapers or online publications and DVDs.

To support pupils development in acting skills it would be useful to encourage

students to watch performances available on the Internet or when possible to
attend theatre performance in Bangalore.


Inquirers The programme encourages development of students

natural curiosity. Students need to acquire the skills necessary to
perform via inquiry, research and show independence in learning. They
actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained
throughout their lives.
Knowledgeable Students need to explore concepts, ideas and
issues that are not only related to theatre but also look into the local
and global context. In doing so, they acquire in-depth knowledge and
develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of
Thinkers Via Theatre Games and strategy activities, students
exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to
recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned,
ethical decisions.
Communicators Students are encouraged to communicate their
understanding and express ideas and information confidently and
creatively through not only verbal and written work, but also through
their theatre performance.
Principled - Through their theatre work, students act with integrity and
honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the
dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take
responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that
accompany them.
Open-minded Students demonstrate their understanding and
appreciation of their own cultures and personal histories. They need to
be open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals
and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a
range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience.
Caring By working together as an ensemble, the students show
empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of
others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make
a positive difference to the lives of others.
Risk-takers Being on stage and exploring their potential leads
students to approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage
and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new
roles, ideas and strategies.
Balanced The study of theatre is also a meant for self- development
as students understand the importance of intellectual, physical and
emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and

Reflective After every activity, students are encouraged to give

thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experiences through
a discussions/drama journal. Through self-assessment, students are
also able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in
order to support their learning and personal development.

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