Botânica Os Fungos
Botânica Os Fungos
Botânica Os Fungos
of zygotic meiosis. They interact with all major groups of organisms. By their descent from an ancestor shared with animals
about a billion years ago plus or minus 500 million years
(Berbee and Taylor, 2010), the Fungi constitute a major eukaryotic lineage equal in numbers to animals and exceeding plants
(Figs. 210). The group includes molds, yeasts, mushrooms,
polypores, plant parasitic rusts and smuts, and Penicillium
chrysogenum, Neurospora crassa, Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the important model organisms studied by Nobel laureates.
Phylogenetic studies provided evidence that nucleriid protists are the sister group of Fungi (Medina et al., 2003), nonphotosynthetic heterokont flagellates are placed among brown
algae and other stramenopiles, and slime mold groups are excluded from Fungi (Alexopoulos et al., 1996). Current phylogenetic evidence suggests that the flagellum may have been lost
several times among the early-diverging fungi and that there is
more diversity among early diverging zoosporic and zygosporic
lineages than previously realized (Bowman et al., 1992; Blackwell
et al., 2006; Hibbett et al., 2007; Stajich et al., 2009).
Sequences of one or several genes are no longer evidence
enough in phylogenetic research. A much-cited example of the
kind of problem that may occur when single genes with different rates of change are used in analyses involves Microsporidia.
These organisms were misinterpreted as early-diverging eukaryotes in the tree of life based on their apparent reduced morphology (Cavalier-Smith, 1983). Subsequently, phylogenetic
analyses using small subunit ribosomal RNA genes wrongly
supported a microsporidian divergence before the origin of mitochondria in eukaryotic organisms (Vossbrinck et al., 1987).
More recent morphological and physiological studies have not
upheld this placement, and analyses of additional sequences,
including those of protein-coding genes, support the view that
these obligate intracellular parasites of insect and vertebrate
American Journal of Botany 98(3): 426438, 2011; 2011 Botanical Society of America
March 2011]
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Figs. 210. Examples of fungal diversity. 2. Lemonniera sp. Tetraradiate conidia developed on a submerged leaf in a well-aerated freshwater stream
surrounded by lush vegetation. This type of aquatic species, an Ingoldian ascomycete, is named for C. T. Ingold, who pioneered the study of these fungi,
that are characterized by highly branched conidia. Photo courtesy of H. Raja. 3. The aero-aquatic ascomycete Helicoon gigantisporum produces distinctive
tightly coiled conidia. As the spore develops air is trapped in the coil and causes it to be buoyant. This feature is an adaptation for the polyphyletic aeroaquatic fungi that grow on leaves in slow-moving or stagnant freshwater. Photo courtesy of H. Raja. 4. The smut Testicularia sp. develops in the ovary of
grasses and (as shown here) sedges. The spores mature sequentially, with the dark spores being more mature. A plant taxonomy student once thought he
had discovered a new species of Leersia, distinguished by large ovaries of ca. 1 cm, only to be disappointed that the enlargement was caused by a fungus.
It is helpful to mycologists when plant taxonomists collect and accession fungal diversity by selecting some diseased plant specimens, an activity that
should be encouraged. 5. Perithecia of Pyxidiophora sp. (Laboulbeniomycetes) developed in moist chamber on moose dung from Meredith Station, New
Brunswick, Canada. The 150 m long ascospores are seen at the tip of the perithecium neck in the center. Spores adhere to phoretic mites that are carried
by dung beetles to fresh dung piles. Some fungi have complex animal dispersal systems. Pyxidiophora species are usually mycoparasites that grow on fungi
in dung or other substrates including wrack washed up on beaches. The genus is a missing link and provided clues to confirm that Laboulbeniomycetes
are ascomycetes and not other kinds of fungi or floridian red algae. 6. The ca. 8 cm wide basidiomata of Pycnoporus sp., a wide-ranging, brightly colored,
wood-decaying polypore, photographed at Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Some collectors have referred to basidiomycetes that produce colorful basidiomata as charismatic megamycota of the fungus world. 7. Peniophorella baculorubrensis, a bark-decaying basidiomycete common on and restricted to
living live oak (Quercus virginiana), decays the bark and changes its water-holding capacity. The effect of decay on bryophyte communties by this fungus
was first studied by ecologists (Penfound and Mackaness, 1940) more than 70 yr ago but was not described until a specialist on wood-decaying fungi happened to notice it on the Louisiana State University campus, Baton Rouge (Gilbertson and Blackwell, 1984). The inconspicuous basidiomata are shown
growing on the lower side of a 7 cm long bark segment aimed downward for basidiospore discharge in response to gravity. 8. Basidiomata of Perenniporia
phloiophila on the bark of living Quercus virginiana. Although the basidiomata are obvious against the darker bark, this species was not described until it
was discovered at the same time and often on the same trees as Peniophorella baculorubrensis. Although the fungus usually rots only the outer bark, it will
invade and decay wood whenever the vascular cambium is broached by a bird or insect. In addition to the two species on live oak, six other species have
been described from the campus, illustrating the need for specialists to study noncharismatic fungi. 9. A basidioma (8 cm diameter) of the wood-decaying
fungus, Favolus tenuiculus, a favorite food of several species of mushroom-feeding beetles (see Fig. 10). Photo courtesy of N. H. Nguyen. 10. The small
(>10 mm long) brightly colored beetle, Mycotretus sp. (Erotylidae), was collected at Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Many erotylid beetles have specialized yeast-packed pouches at the anterior end of the midgut. More than 200 novel yeasts have been isolated from the gut of ca. 15 families of mushroomfeeding beetles (Suh et al., 2005). Photo courtesy of James A. Robertson.
described. On the basis of groups already studied, Aime estimated that ca. 120 new ectomycorrhizal taxa have been discovered. Including novel saprobes as well as ectomycorrhizal
fungi, ca. 500 new species are expected among the 1200 taxa
collected. It is clear, however, that these are not simply high
numbers of new taxa, but biologically interesting fungi as well
(Aime et al., 2010). One species is so unusual, that a reviewer
of the original report called it the find of the century (Redhead,
2002). As Aime has quipped if one were to compare the ratio
of fungi to plants in the Dicymbe plots as did Hawksworth
(1991), the ratio would be 260 to 1, obviously an overestimate
but also a cautionary exercise in basing any estimate on a single
ecotype (M. C. Aime, Louisiana State University, personal
communication, August 2010).
Many fungi have in fact come from temperate regions, and
some studies report a high diversity of fungi. For example, in a
study of indoor air from buildings using culture-independent
sampling methods, diversity was found to be significantly
higher in temperate sites independent of building design or use.
The authors also alluded to the possibility that previous studies
of certain mycorrhizal fungi showed similar trends (Amend
et al., 2010b). More investigation in this area is needed, but it is
clear that many undescribed fungi are present in temperate regions. Popular literature often rationalizes the need to save the
rainforests, not because of their intrinsic value, but because of
the potential drug-producing organisms that may be found
there. Many of the commercially most successful fungal drugs,
however, come from temperate fungi. Penicillium chrysogenum, producer of penicillin, was found in a northern temperate
city. Another remarkable fungus, Tolypocladium inflatum from
Norwegian soil, synthesizes cyclosporine, an immune-suppressant drug that revolutionized organ transplants (Borel, 2002);
the sexual state of this fungus was collected in New York, USA
(Hodge et al., 1996). Today the drug is commonly used to treat
dry eye (Perry et al., 2008), as well as many serious conditions.
Statins produced by fungi such as Aspergillus terreus from temperate regions, combat high cholesterol levels, as well as providing other benefits (Vaughan et al., 1996; Askenazi et al.,
2003; Baigent et al., 2005).
Fig. 11. Numbers of known fungi from the Dictionary of the Fungi
(editions 110, 19502008). Authors state that the large increase in species
numbers in the 10th edition may be inflated because asexual and sexual
forms were counted separately and molecular techniques that distinguish
close taxa have been used.
[Vol. 98
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Insects may be food for fungi, especially in low nitrogen environments. The mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus, a favorite
edible species for humans, secretes toxic droplets that kill nematodes. A study involving the mushroom-producing, ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete, Laccaria bicolor, was designed to
determine the amount of predation by springtails on the fungal
mycelium. The study led to the surprise discovery that the fungus was not insect food, but rather, it, and indirectly, the host
tree benefited by obtaining substantial amounts of nitrogen
from the insects (Klironomos and Hart, 2001). The predatory
habit has arisen independently on several occasions in at least
four phyla of fungi and oomycetes. Predaceous fungi such as
species of Arthrobotrys and Dactylella lure, then trap, snare, or
grip nematodes and other small invertebrate animals in soils
and in wood (Barron, 1977).
degaard (2000) revised global estimates of arthropods
downward from 30 million to 510 million. Not all insects and
arthropods are tightly associated with fungi, but even the revised species estimates indicate that the numbers of insectassociated fungi will be very high.
Soil fungiSoil is a habitat of high fungal diversity (Waksman,
1922; Gilman, 1957; Kirk et al., 2004; Domsch et al., 2007).
Soil fungi and bacteria are important in biogeochemical cycles
(Vandenkoornhuyse et al., 2002), and the diversity of soil fungi
is highest near organic material such as roots and root exudates.
Per volume, large numbers of microscopic fungi occur in pure
soil, and these are largely asexual ascomycetes and some zygomycetes, including animal-associated Zoopagales. Gams (2006)
estimated that 3150 species of soil fungi are known, and ca.
70% are available in culture. There presently is a high rate of new
species acquisition, and the group appears to be better known
than most ecologically defined groups. Molecular studies, however, are predicted to increase the total number (Bills et al.,
2004). In fact a study of soil communities in several forest types at
the Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research site, Fairbanks, Alaska, United States, revealed not only seasonal changes
in community composition but also in dominance of fungi over
bacteria. The data acquired by several molecular methods including high-throughput sequencing greatly increased the total
number of fungal sequences in GenBank at the time (Taylor
et al., 2010). Taylor and his colleagues found more than 200
operational taxonomic units in a 0.25 g soil sample with only
14% overlap in a sample taken a meter away. This study is not
directly comparable with the soil fungi reported by Gams (2006)
because Gams figures excluded fungi such as mycorrhizal
Another study of soil fungi based on environmental DNA
sequences showed an unexpected distribution of a group of
zoosporic fungi, Chytridiomycota. The chytrids, were found to
be the predominate group of fungi in nonvegetated, high-elevation
soils at sites in Nepal and in the United States in Colorado,
where more than 60% of the clone libraries obtained were from
chytrids. A phylogenetic analysis of the sequences compared
with those of a broad selection of known chytrids, indicated that
a diverse group of Chytridiomycota representing three orders
was present (Freeman et al., 2009).
Most major fungal lineages are known from cultures and specimens, but there have been a few surprises even in well-sampled
habitats such as soil. Soil clone group I (SCGI) represents a
major lineage of fungi that occurs in temperate and tropical soils
on three continents, but no one has ever seen or isolated any of
the species into culture (Schadt et al., 2003; Porter et al., 2008).
March 2011]
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The phylogenetic position of this lineage, perhaps a new phylum, appeared as a sister group to the clade of Pezizomycotina
Saccharomycotina (Porter et al., 2008). Other unexpected
higher taxonomic level fungal clades have been detected from
environmental DNA sequences (Vandenkoornhuyse et al.,
2002; Jumpponen and Johnson, 2005; Porter et al., 2008). Another lineage detected by environmental sequences was subjected to fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The outline of
a single-celled, flagellated organism was detected (Jones and
Richards, 2009), but apparently none of these fungi has been
cultured either. Higher-level bacterial taxa have been discovered by environmental sampling, but this is a far less common
occurrence for fungi (Porter et al., 2008).
Fungi form crusts that stabilize desert soils. Crusts usually
are made up of darkly pigmented ascomycetes, lichens, and
nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (States and Christensen, 2001).
Rock-inhabiting fungi occur in the surface and subsurface layers of desert rocks. These darkly pigmented ascomycetes are
members of the classes Dothideomycetes and Arthoniomycetes,
but basidiomycetes and bacteria may occur in the associations
(Kuhlman et al., 2006; Ruibal et al., 2009). Easily cultured
asexual ascomycetes and other fungi also occur in desert soils,
and these include an unusual zygomycete, Lobosporangium
transversale (Ranzoni, 1968), known only from three isolations
including Sonoran Desert soil. Yeasts are well known from
American deserts in association with cacti and flies where they
detoxify plant metabolites (Starmer et al., 2006).
Freshwater fungi Certain fungi are adapted for life in fresh
water. More than 3000 species of ascomycetes are specialized
for a saprobic life style in freshwater habitats where they have
enhanced growth and sporulation (Shearer et al., 2007; Kirk
et al., 2008; Shearer and Raja, 2010). The asci are evanescent,
and ascospores have appendages and sticky spore sheaths, that
anchor the spores to potential substrates in the aquatic environment. Conidia have several dispersal strategies, and these
are designated as Ingoldian (Fig. 2) and aero-aquatic (Fig. 3)
conidia. Ingoldian conidia are sigmoidal, branched, or tetraradiate and attach to plants and other material in the water. The
conidia float on foam that accumulates at the banks of streams,
especially during heavy runoff, and when the bubbles burst, the
spores may be dispersed for great distances from the water and
into trees, where they can be isolated from water-filled tree
holes (Bandoni, 1981; Descals and Moralejo, 2001; Gnczl
and Rvay, 2003). Aero-aquatic fungi have multicellular, often
tightly helical conidia with air spaces to make them buoyant on
the surface of slower-moving waters (Fisher, 1977).
Other, less obviously modified fungi are present in water,
and some of these are active in degrading leaves in streams
after the heavy autumn leaf fall. A few specialized freshwater
basidiomycetes also are known, and several have branched
conidia similar to those of the Ingoldian ascomycetes. Flagellated fungi occur in aquatic habitats, including Chytridiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, and Monoblepharomycota (James
et al., 2006). Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the recently
described amphibian killer, is an aquatic chytrid (Longcore
et al., 1999). Members of Neocallimastigomycota also live in a
specialized largely aquatic environment, the gut of vertebrate
herbivores, where they are essential for digestion of cellulosic
Marine fungi Marine waters provide a habitat for certain
specialized fungi (Kohlmeyer and Volkmann-Kohlmeyer,
1991), and Hyde et al. (1998) estimated that more than 1500
species of marine fungi occur in a broad array of taxonomic
groups. Many of these fungi are distinct from freshwater aquatic
species, and they may be saprobic on aquatic plant substrates.
Some species have characters such as sticky spore appendages,
indicators of specialization for the marine habitat (Kohlmeyer
et al., 2000).
It is interesting that few fungi from early-diverging lineages
have been reported from marine environments, perhaps in part
because mycologists studying these groups sampled more often
from fresh water habitats. More recently, an investigation of
deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystems revealed not only novel species of ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, but also what may be
a previously unknown lineage of chytrids (Le Calvez et al.,
Most marine fungi are ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, and
these include ascomycete and basidiomycete yeasts (Nagahama,
2006). Some of the yeasts degrade hydrocarbon compounds
present in natural underwater seeps and spills (Davies and
Westlake, 1979). Certain ascomycetes are specialists on calcareous substrates including mollusk shells and cnidarian reefs.
Even a few mushroom-forming basidiomycetes are restricted to
marine waters (Binder et al., 2006). Some fungi use other
marine invertebrates as hosts (Kim and Harvell, 2004), including antibiotic producers that live in sponges (Bhadury et al.,
2006; Pivkin et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2008). A wide variety of
fungi considered to be terrestrial also are found in marine environments. Basidiomycete (i.e., Lacazia loboi) and ascomycete
yeasts, and other fungi including Basidiobolus ranarum, may
occur in marine waters where they infect porpoises and other
vertebrates (Kurtzman and Fell, 1998; Murdoch et al., 2008;
Morris et al., 2010).
Fungal species Currently, molecular methods provide
large numbers of characters for use in phylogenetic species discrimination (e.g., Kohn, 2005; Giraud et al., 2008). In the past,
biologists relied primarily on phenotype for species delimitation, and most of the formally described species known today
were based on morphology. In addition, mating tests have been
used to distinguish so-called biological species, especially
among heterothallic basidiomycetes (Anderson and Ullrich,
1979; Petersen, 1995). The ability to mate, however, may be an
ancestral character. For example, Turner et al. (2010) found
evidence that fungi have evolved strong barriers to mating when
they have sympatric rather than allopatric distributions. Distant
populations would not have had strong selective pressure
against hybridization, thereby avoiding production of progeny
less fit than conspecific progeny (e.g., Garbelotto et al., 2007;
Stireman et al., 2010). This phenomenon, known as reinforcement, helps to explain how fungi from different continents can
mate in the laboratory but never in nature and is an argument in
favor of recognizing species by phylogenetics. A number of researchers have recognized species using phylogenetic species
recognition criteria (Taylor et al., 2000). The operational phylogenetic method is based on a concordance of multiple gene
genealogies, and in addition to discriminating species, the
method indicates whether fungal populations actually exchange
genes in nature (Taylor et al., 2000; Fisher et al., 2002; Dettman
et al., 2006; Jacobson et al., 2006).
The use of phylogenetic species criteria results in recognition
of more species than those delimited by morphological characters. For example, work on Neurospora species resulted in the
discovery of 15 species within five previously recognized species
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