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Arabidopsis Pathology Breathes New Life Into The Necrotrophs-Vs.-Biotrophs Classification of Fungal Pathogens

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DOI: 10.1111/J.1364-3703.2004.00228.X

Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

Arabidopsis pathology breathes new life into the necrotrophs-vs.-biotrophs classication of fungal pathogens
R I C H A R D P. O L I V E R * A N D S I M O N V. S. I P C H O
Australian Centre for Necrotrophic Fungal Pathogens, Health Sciences/SABC, Murdoch University, South Street, WA 6150, Australia

Fungal plant pathologists have for many decades attempted to classify pathogens into groups called necrotrophs, biotrophs and, more recently, hemibiotrophs. Although these terms are well known and frequently used, disagreements about which pathogens fall into which classes, as well as the precise denition of these terms, has conspired to limit their usefulness. Dogmas concerning the properties of the classes have been progressively eroded. However, the genetic analysis of disease resistance, particularly in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana , has provided a biologically meaningful division based on whether defence against fungal pathogens is controlled via the salicylate or jasmonate / ethylene pathways. This mode-of-defence division distinguishes necrotrophs and biotrophs but it limits the biotroph class to pathogens that possess haustoria. The small number and limited range of pathogens that infect Arabidopsis means that several interesting questions are still unanswered. Do hemibiotrophs represents a distinct class or a subclass of the necrotrophs? Does the division apply to other plant families and particularly to cereals? and does this classication help us understand the intricacies of either fungal pathogenicity or plant defence?

The urge to classify is at the heart of biology. Classication helps us organize our knowledge and suggests hypotheses for future study. Crucially, it enables us to make generalizations from a small number of specic observations. It is central to the notion that certain species can be regarded as model organisms, the study of which can be extrapolated to other (normally less-easy-to-study) members of the group. However, the validity of the generalizations generated in these studies is only as good as the classications on which they are based.

*Correspondence : Tel.: +618 93607404; E-mail: roliver@murdoch.edu.au

Fungal plant pathogens can be classied according to phylogeny or by mechanism of infection. Molecular data are currently being used to create phylogenetic trees that are believed to approximate to evolutionary history (see, for example, Berbee and Taylor, 2001). Pathologists have persistently attempted to classify pathogens on the basis of mechanisms of infection, and among the rst lessons delivered to most novice plant pathologist will be the notion that fungal pathogens can be divided into two or three classes: necrotrophs, biotrophs and, more rarely, hemibiotrophs. The denition of necrotrophy and biotrophy was perhaps best summarized by Lewis (1973) that biotrophs derive energy from living cells necrotrophs derive energy from killed cells Hemibiotrophy has been dened by Perfect and Green (2001) as an initial period of biotrophy followed by necrotrophic hyphae, making it a subsidiary denition. The value of a classication system lies in its ability to suggest robust generalizations. These terms have attracted many such interesting generalizations. Biotrophs: 1 are obligate (Scott, 1972); 2 possess haustoria (Gay, 1984; Mendgen et al., 2000); 3 secrete limited amounts of lytic enzymes (Cooper, 1984; Lewis, 1973; Mendgen and Hahn, 2002); 4 cause little damage to the host plant (Cooper, 1984; Wood, 1986); 5 have a narrow host range (Lewis, 1973; Lucas, 1998); 6 induce hypersensitive cell death in incompatible interactions (Bailey, 1983); 7 are controlled by specic (gene-for-gene) resistance genes; examples include tomato leaf mould, the rusts, powdery and downy mildews; 8 are controlled by salicylate-dependent defence pathways (Hammond-Kosack and Parker, 2003). Necrotrophs: 1 are non-obligate; 2 have wide host ranges (Lucas, 1998);





Table 1 Classication of selected pathogenic fungi by different authors. Pathogen Disease Powdery mildew Rust Maize smut Tomato leaf mould Anthracnose Potato late blight Haustoria Yes Yes No No Intracellular hyphae Yes Class Biotroph Biotroph Biotroph Biotroph Hemibiotroph Hemibiotroph Biotroph Hemibiotroph Necrotroph Hemibiotroph Necrotroph Necrotroph Necrotroph Hemibiotroph Reference Hahn et al. (1997) Hahn et al. (1997) Perfect and Green (2001) Oliver et al. (2000), Mendgen and Hahn (2002) Perfect and Green (2001) Perfect and Green (2001) Isaac (1992), Hammond-Kosack and Parker (2003) Perfect and Green (2001), Mendgen and Hahn (2002) Shaw (1988), Wheeler (1984) Mendgen and Hahn (2002), Hammond-Kosack and Parker (2003) Asiegbu et al. (2004) Prins et al. (2000) Mendgen and Hahn (2002) Rohel et al. (2001)

Blumeria graminis Uromyces fabae Ustilago maydis Cladosporium fulvum Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Phytophthora infestans

Magnaporthe grisea

Rice blast


Botrytis cinerea Cochliobolus heterostrophus Mycosphaerella graminicola

Grey mould Southern corn leaf blight Septoria leaf blight

No No No

3 secrete copious cell-wall-degrading enzymes (Cooper, 1984; Kolattukudy, 1985; Lewis, 1973; Schafer, 1994); 4 produce toxins (Farrar, 1984; Walton, 1996); 5 are controlled by quantitative resistance genes, e.g. Septoria nodorum blotch caused by Stagonospora nodorum; 6 are controlled by jasmonate- and ethylene-dependent defence pathways (Hammond-Kosack and Parker, 2003). In order to test these generalizations, we have to place organisms into the various classes (Table 1). Although there are some fungi that all authors agree upon, in a disturbingly large number of cases, different authorities have placed fungi in more than one class. For example, Phytophthora infestans has been placed in all three classes. With this level of agreement, discussion of whether each class shares any common features becomes problematic. The classication of pathogens into these classes solidied between 20 and 30 years ago. The intervening years have revolutionized our understanding of pathogenicity genes, fungal gene expression, fungicide sensitivity, resistance genes and mechanisms of plant defence mechanisms. The purpose of this review is to investigate whether any of these areas supports a general and useful division of fungal pathogens into classes. We conclude that a division is supported and suggest directions in which future experiments might go in order to solidify the classication.

identied fungal genes expressed during infection (Kamoun et al., 1999; Kim et al., 2001; Rauyeree et al., 2001; Skinner et al., 2001; Thomas et al., 2001; Trail et al., 2003). These studies give largely correlative information (Solomon et al., 2003). The use of random and specic gene disruption techniques has given detailed functional information and has so far identied around 100 genes required for pathogenicity (as reviewed in Idnurm and Howlett, 2001). These studies have involved pathogens in all major classes, so it seems timely to ask whether any sets of orthologous genes are characteristic or diagnostic of any group of pathogens and whether such groups of pathogens correspond to any of the traditional classes of pathogen. The key technical advance that has allowed this progress is the development of techniques for gene disruption including transformation. We are hampered therefore in that no reproducible methods of transformation have been reported for any of the obligate (and biotrophic) fungi. All agree that all obligate pathogens are biotrophic. Therefore, for this class, we must rely on the correlative studies based on gene expression and other methods. Genes expressed and required for pathogenicity in all groups Recent studies in pathogenicity mechanisms have tended to emphasize commonalities between pathogens rather than differences. This is most noticeable in the case of genes encoding proteins involved in signal transduction processes, such as PKA, MAP kinase, heterotrimeric-G and adenylate cyclase (Table 2). These genes are not only present in all classes of pathogen, but in all fungi. Evidently, pathogens have recruited these ubiquitous genes to control pathogenicity. Other genes, such as CAP20 and gEgh16/MAS, are also present in diverse pathogens but appear

The application of molecular genetics has provided a rm foundation for the study of fungal pathogenicity over the last 10 15 years. The genome sequences of Magnaporthe grisea and Fusarium graminearum are available as well as numerous expressed gene libraries (Lorenz, 2002; Soanes et al., 2002; Tunlid and Talbot, 2002; Yoder and Turgeon, 2001). A number of studies have


Necrotrophs versus biotrophs


Table 2 Pathogenicity genes identied from different pathogens. Table adapted from Idnurm and Howlett (2001) and COGEME website (http://cogeme.ex.ac.uk/). Genes involved in pathogenicity Organisms

Protein kinase A MAP kinase Adenylate cyclase G CAP20 Egh 16/MAS

B. graminis, M. grisea, Mycosphaerella graminicola, B. cinerea, U. maydis, C. trifolii C. lagenarium, B. graminis, C. heterostrophus, B. cinerea, F. solani f. sp. pisi, F. oxysporum, P. teres, U. maydis B. graminis, M. grisea, U. maydis M. grisea, Cryphonectria parasitica, C. trifolii, U. maydis C. gloeosporioides, B. graminis, M. grisea B. graminis, M. grisea

to be absent from non-pathogens. Neither type of gene is able to distinguish pathogen classes. Genes expressed only in some groups The identication of genes that are specic to a given group of fungi is currently a difcult problem. We only have access to two pathogen genome sequences and there is no immediate prospect of a biotroph being fully sequenced. The absence of a gene from an EST database can only be regarded as preliminary evidence of its absence from the genome because such libraries only sample the more highly expressed genes. We can, however, ask whether genes regarded as characteristic of necrotrophs are present in biotroph EST databases. Extensive EST data are available for only one biotroph, Blumeria graminis. Cell-wall-degrading enzyme genes such as two beta-glucanases and a cutinase are present in B. graminis. Furthermore, several P450 genes, most similar to the sterigomatocystin biosynthesis cluster from Aspergillus nidulans, and several MFS-MDR genes are also present (Soanes et al., 2002; Thomas et al., 2001; and Cogeme.ex.ac.uk). We could therefore postulate that B. graminis is equipped to make and export toxins. Although this may be true, these genes are more likely to function in normal metabolism and growth. It appears that it is easy to nd similar genes expressed (and important for pathogenicity) in all groups of pathogens but difcult to nd genes expressed only in certain groups. It is therefore questionable to base a classication scheme on current molecular genetic studies of pathogenicity. Hemibiotrophy genes The term hemibiotroph appears to be used in two or three distinct contexts (Perfect and Green, 2001). The strict context involves temporally separate and non-overlapping biotrophic and necrotrophic fungal structures formed in different tissues in the plant. This rst context is only consistently applied to members of the Colletotrichum genus and more rarely to species like Phytophthora infestans. The second use of the term hemibiotrophy is applied to species such as Cladosporium fulvum, Mycosphaerella graminicola/ Septoria tritici and Pyrenopeziza brassicae, which have an

extended (4 14 days) asymptomatic phase (which is assumed to correspond to the acquisition of nutrient from living cells) followed by the increasing development of plant tissue damage. These species do not appear to have differentiated infection hyphae. Neither of these criteria appears to apply to the rice blast pathogen M. grisea. The initially attacked cell is killed, leading quickly to a spreading necrotic lesion. Nonetheless, two recent papers have dened blast as a hemibiotroph (Hammond-Kosack and Parker, 2003; Mendgen and Hahn, 2002). There is extensive structural evidence that the hemibiotrophic Colletotrichum species undergo two distinct phases during invasion (Perfect and Green, 2001). The rst phase involves the generation of intracellular hyphae within intact plant cellsthe biotrophic phase. Later, extracellular hyphae ramify between host cellsthe necrotrophic phase. The suggestion that these fungi undergo a distinct metabolic switch from biotrophic to necrotrophic growth was boosted by the discovery of a gene that functions between the biotrophic and necrotrophic phases (Dufresne et al., 2000). The gene CLTA1 encodes a GAL4-like transcriptional activator, which is consistent with a role in reprogramming metabolism. It is clear that all pathogens are obliged to alter metabolic uxes in numerous ways upon penetration to prepare for proliferation. The recent study of glycerol uptake in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides presents what appears to be the rst (albeit indirect) evidence that the intracellular hyphae are involved in nutrient uptake (Wei et al., 2004). This is a key postulated attribute of the hemibiotrophs and seems to be a priority subject for study.

The study of fungal pathogenicity has a role to play in the discovery and characterization of fungicides. In the context of the classication of fungal pathogens, we may ask whether fungicide sensitivity differs systematically between either the nutrition classes, biotrophs, necrotrophs and hemibiotrophs, between taxonomic classes or between sites of infection. Hewitt (1998) has provided a valuable summary of publicly available disease spectrum data. Generally speaking, commercially available fungicides have very broad spectra and we should bear in mind that fungicides




with broad spectra are much more likely to progress through to commercial release than compounds with narrow spectra. Different C14 DMI fungicides control all the listed ascomycete and basidiomycete species, but do not control the oomycete pathogens. The strobilurins control some ascomycetes, some basidiomycetes but also all the oomycetes. Metalaxyl only controls oomycetes. Among the fungicides listed it is not possible to nd a single compound that specically controls only biotrophs, necrotrophs or hemibiotrophs. Some fungicides have limited spectra. For example, quinoxyfen controls just Erysiphe (Blumeria) and Magnaporthe (but not other powdery mildews). Analysis of the data does not support the idea that spectrum can be explained by modes of infection; there is no support for fungicide specicity between the biotrophs and necrotrophs. Some fungicides are specic to the very highest taxonomic levels (i.e. the oomycetes vs. the true fungi) but specicity even between basidiomycetes and ascomycetes is rare.

The cloning of disease resistance genes over the last decade has revealed that the many of the encoded proteins display a remarkable degree of structural similarity. Proteins that contain leucinerich and either kinase, nucleotide-binding, Toll-interleukin repeat or coiled-coil domains control resistance to fungal, bacterial, viral and nematode pathogens (reviewed in Hammond-Kosack and Parker, 2003). Most of the cloned fungal resistance genes confer resistance to biotrophic pathogens, mainly because cultivarspecicity and simple genetics were important technical requirements in the cloning strategy. Two genes conferring resistance to necrotrophs ( Asc-1 and Hm1) are structurally distinct. The M. grisea resistance gene Pi-ta conforms to the majority class. Evidently, it is too early to say whether there is a clear difference in the structure of genes conferring resistance to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens. A more likely prediction is that genes that confer resistance to pathogens that rely on specic toxins will be of diverse structures, as they will be directed at detoxication or circumvention of the toxin; resistance that depends on recognition of macromolecular fungal components such as peptides or oligosaccharides will conform to a limited range of motifs that can be modied to form a vast range of detailed structures. Following recognition of the pathogen, the plant mounts a defence response. The genetic dissection of the defence response has been particularly elaborate in Arabidopsis, for which various studies have identied several key genes and processes (reviewed in Hammond-Kosack and Parker, 2003). A consensus has emerged whereby NPR1- and salicylate-controlled processes provide protection exclusively against biotrophic pathogens, whereas COI1 and EIN2 (via jasmonate and ethylene) control necrotrophic pathogens. The biotrophs include both powdery and downy mildews; the necrotrophs in question include Pythium irregulare,

Alternaria brassisicola, Botrytis cinerea and Plectosphaerella cucumerina (Tierens et al., 2002). The salicylate and jasmonate pathways are, to some extent, antagonistic defence responses (Spoel et al., 2003). This implies that defence against biotrophs and necrotrophs might likewise be antagonistic. There are few studies to test this but one such example is the relation between B. graminis and M. grisea resistance in barley (Jarosch et al., 2003). In this study it was shown that mildew resistance conferred by the mlo gene was accompanied by enhanced susceptibility to the necrotroph. A similar antagonistic resistance relationship occurs between the biotroph Puccinia coronata and the necrotroph Cochliobolus victoriae in oats (Wolpert et al., 1994). As yet, Arabidopsis is the only plant species for which mutational analysis of defence has revealed defects in the response to a representative sample of both necrotrophic and biotrophic pathogens. However, the number of pathogens is still small and notably lacks hemibiotrophs, although a Colletotrichum pathogen has recently been described (Narusaka et al., 2003). Further studies in other plant species, such as Medicago truncatula, which harbour a much wider range of pathogens as well as Rhizobium and mycorrhizae, are eagerly awaited.

The classication of pathogenic fungi into a small number of divisions has been confounded by widespread disagreement regarding the boundaries of the classes. These disagreements reect both the limited scope of the denitions of each class as well as a profound paucity of data on which the classications were based. The purpose of this review has been to see whether the ood of new data can resolve this situation and we conclude there is reason for optimism. The notion of classifying fungal pathogens into groups based on nutritional mode does not appear to be supported either by studies of fungal genomics, genetics or fungicide sensitivity. However, a division based on (1) the presence / absence of haustoria is well supported by cell biological data and on (2) the genetics and biochemistry of defence, although at an early stage, is very promising. The denition of biotrophy and necrotrophy as deriving energy from living or killed cells is seductively brief but it lacks precision. Does it mean all the energy or just the majority; does it mean throughout the life cycle or just at some stages? For example, a spore on a plant surface is very likely to be deriving most if not all of its energy from stored sources (Solomon et al., 2003). Only after it has penetrated the plant is it likely to derive its energy from plant resources. When we consider a powdery mildew colony, with its haustoria in the epidermal cell, we may feel condent that all the energy is derived from the living plant cell harbouring the haustoria. However, in the case of many pathogens, notably Leptosphaeria maculans, the fungus is found not only in the vicinity of the lesion, where some of the plant cells are


Necrotrophs versus biotrophs


dead, but also well away down the petiole and into the stem. It is far from clear whether such scout hyphae are being supplied with nutrient by the mycelium feeding off dead cells in the lesion. Indeed, it seems more likely that opportunistic sources of nutrient are used wherever the mycelium is growing. It is relevant to consider that studies of C. fulvum have shown that intercellular spaces are far more abundant sources of nutrient than was previously assumed (Solomon et al., 2003). In the case of rust fungi, we have strong direct evidence that the haustoria take up nutrient (Voegele et al., 2001). Such studies need to be extended to other fungal structures and species. Molecular genetic and genomic studies of fungal pathogenicity genes have so far emphasized the similarities rather than the differences between species. This is likely to be an artefact of the still primitive state of our knowledge. Comparison of genomes has, however, revealed that some gene families encoding pathogenicity-related functions (concerned with toxin production) are amplied in pathogens (Cochliobolus, Fusarium and Botrytis) compared with non-pathogens (Yoder and Turgeon, 2001). It will be interesting to see if the rust and mildew genomes have gene family membership levels closer to the saprophytes than the toxigenic fungi. Given that Blumeria has been shown to possess cell-wall-degrading enzymes, we might expect that the key factors would be regulation and spatial expression. The small sample of pathogens that are distinguished by reactions to Arabidopsis mutations is very tantalizing. A classication system for fungal pathogens based on plant response would be highly meaningful. It may be no coincidence that the fungal pathogens controlled by NPR1 possess haustoria, whereas the species controlled by COI1 and EIN2 lack haustoria. Haustoria are the most specialized structures possessed by fungal pathogens. Cytological characteristics have been dened in great detail (Hahn and Mendgen, 2001; Perfect and Green, 2001; Mendgen and Hahn, 2002). The powdery and downy mildews, rusts and P. infestans share these structures. They are also present in VA mycorrhiza and some parasitic plants. Species such as M. grisea, M. graminicola and C. fulvum clearly fall outside this class. Finally, we should note that division of fungal pathogens into two classeshaustorial/NPR1 and non-haustorial/COI1/ EIN2 does not resolve fungicide spectrum any more effectively than the nutrition-based system. We should not be surprised at this as no current fungicides target the development of haustoria. The isolation of genes controlling haustorial development may be used in the screening of compounds that will interfere with this key process, although the spectrum of such compounds may not satisfy the commercial imperatives of fungicide marketing.

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