Tips On Growing Irish Potatoes in Zambia Cashproject
Tips On Growing Irish Potatoes in Zambia Cashproject
Tips On Growing Irish Potatoes in Zambia Cashproject
The content of this publication was produced by Enviro-Flor Ltd and HZPC
and edited by ASNAPP
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Botanical name – Solanum Tuberosum
Family – Solanaceae
Origin – South America (Peru – Bolivia area) and grown on large scale all over the World.
Potatoes are an important food crop in the region. It grows better between the end of February and beginning of November.
Summer crops are expensive to grow and the yields are poor, with lifting being very difficult. Under good management the
crop responds well to produce a high yield.
Mainly used for food: Crisps, French fries, table potatoes (boiled) and for medicinal use.
Botanical Description
A short lived perennial herb, grown as an annual producing swollen underground stem tubers when mature 0.3 – 1m in
height. Roots are fine fibrous and adventitious. In other words, the roots arise from the nodes of the stem, situated in the soil.
Stems and Leaves – The stems are of two types (1) Aerial and (2) Underground.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
The aerial stems are angular, green, and develop compound leaves in a spiral arrangement. Under humid conditions the leaves are
broad and flat, and under arid conditions they are narrow and cupped. The underground stems consist of a stolon lead pencil and
extend laterally for a distance of 4 – 10cm. The tubers arise at the end of the stolon and are short, thick and fleshy.
Flowers, Fruit and Seed - Flowers are borne in clusters terminating the stem. Individual flowers are perfect and either white, yellow,
purple or striped according to variety. The fruit or seed ball is round, small, 1 to 3cm in diameter and contains 100 to 300 seeds. Seeds
are used to develop new types and varieties, flowering more profuse in temperate regions of the world.
Varieties - Enviro-Flor Ltd represents HZPC, a company based in Holland and has growing experience of seed potatoes for more
than 200 years. Varieties from HZPC (Table 1), tested in Zambia by Enviro-Flor Ltd, is sold under a brand name “It's fresh”. These
varieties performed very well under Zambian growing conditions. All varieties tested are grown and released for commercial
production in Zambia and is certified by the SCCI (Seed Control and Certification Institute).
Note: Sagitta and Sifra are currently undergoing testing at various SCCI research stations and will soon be released for commercial
production in Zambia.
Due to the vegetative nature of potato multiplication, seed is usually given a categorization determined by number of generations from
the virus tested seed multiplication.
Seed not having these categorizations is 6th generation or more and is NOT recommended for planting. The yield potential
(production) and growing characteristics such as blight tolerance, sprouting and emergence in the field diminish with succeeding
Climatic Requirements
Potato plants produce highest yields during the time of the year when average day temperatures seldom go above 21˚C and nights are
Cool Night
Cool night temperatures are more beneficial than cool day temperatures. The most ideal temperature for tuber formation is between 15
and 18°C. Above 20°C tuber development is reduced whilst at temperatures above 29°C few tubers are formed and those that do form
are poorly developed. The best temperature at which photosynthesis takes place is around 20°C. The higher the temperature goes, the
more energy is required for respiration. This use of energy prevents the build-up of starches in the tubers. As far as yield per hectare is
concerned the critical period in the growth of the plant occurs when tubers begin to form. Unfavorable conditions of heat and drought
alter the shape and appearance of the tubers.
Disease pressure is high during the rainy season and can have a detrimental effect on production. Early and Late Blight cause heavy
losses in crops produced during rains. After the rainy season the first irrigated crop should also be treated against blight due to heavy
dew formed at night. The dew provides good conditions for the development of blight.
The longer the growing season of the crop the higher the yield will be and the better the quality of the potatoes produced. The first and
second irrigated crop have a longer growing season than the summer crop grown in Zambia.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Table 1: HZPC released varieties in Zambia
Tuber Shape
French Fries
Retail Fresh
Fresh Color
Skin Color
varieties in
Baraka yellow cream oval late
Challenger yellow light yellow medium late
Courage red light yellow medium early
Innovator brown-russet light yellow medium early
round/round -
Taurus yellow light yellow medium early
Victoria yellow yellow medium late
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Soil Requirements
The tuber yield, their shape and general attractiveness depends on the texture and physical nature of the soil. Potatoes can be
grown on a variety of soils. For the best results a fertile sandy loam soil, which drains well after heavy rains and yet remains
moist and cool for a long period, is required. Avoid heavy clay soils, which drain poorly and are difficult to cultivate. Virgin
soil with large supplies of organic matter are suitable, provided they have been properly ploughed and brought into a fine
Soil Analysis: It is recommended to have your soil analyzed by a reputable laboratory. Fertilizer recommendations can
then be based on the yield you would like to achieve.
Basal Dressing: Apply 800 – 1000 kg/ha Compound ‘D’. If manure is available, apply 20 – 40 tons/ha. Or apply Potato
Basal (800 —1000 kg/ha) depending on the fertility of the soil and recommendations based on the soil analysis
Top Dressing: When plants are 20cm high, apply 150 – 200 kg/ha Ammonium Nitrate or apply 500 — 800 kg/ha
Potato Top. Caution must be taken to avoid burning the crop.
Crop Rotation
Potatoes are one of the best crops for opening up new land. Following potatoes, maize yields have proved phenomenal as
this crop tends to utilize all the residual fertilizer in the soil after harvesting the potatoes. Only plant potatoes in the same
field every five years.
Seed and Seed Chemical Treatment
When keeping seed for the next planting, always grade out the correct size (35/55mm) of seed required from the previous
crop. Setting a high standard will maintain high production in the following year. If a mechanical planter is used then the
size and uniformity of the seed is important.
All seed should be dusted with Thiram at 20g per 10kg seed or Germinator. In each planting furrow also spray Imidacloprid
(Confidor 350SC®) at 4.5 ml /100 m row into the furrow ahead of seed placement by hand or machine.
Generally there are no problems with sprouting when temperatures are above the 18 - 21ºC minimum requirement.
If a mechanical potato planter is used, plant into a small ridge having placed the granular nematicide into the ridge
beforehand. Apply chemicals either just before or after seed has been placed. If planting by hand, make straight furrows of
about 6cm deep in the soil and apply nematicide, insecticide and fungicide to the soil before placing the potato seed. Dust
the furrow with fertilizer (basal dressing) and ridge up afterwards.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Seed rate: 2 — 2.5 tons/ha or 1.0 — 1.5 tons/ha depending on variety and size of the tubers.
Seed Treatment: Before planting, the tubers should have sprouted or show signs of sprouting (Fig 2) otherwise a very poor
and uneven crop will result.
Sprouting may be induced by either keeping the tubers in doors in bags and in a warm spot or under straw in the sun. They
will usually start sprouting within 8 to 10 days provided that the weather remains fairly warm.
Plant Spacing: 45cm (interplant spacing) × 90cm (Inter-roll spacing) for potato
25cm (interplant spacing) × 80cm (Inter-roll spacing) for seed potato
Before spraying any chemical make sure you have checked its harvest interval (PHI), the withholding period and the re-entry
period. DO NOT spray any chemical which will leave a toxic residue in the plant after harvest. Before spraying always read
the Chemical Label.
For pre-emergent weed control, apply Sencor and Dual Magnum mixed in 300 litre water per ha, followed by a light
irrigation or where rain fed potatoes are being produced, apply just after a light rain shower.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Before spraying any chemical make sure you have checked on its harvest interval (PHI), the withholding period and the re-
entry period. DO NOT spray any chemical which will leave a toxic residue in the plant after harvest. Before spraying
always read the Chemical Label.
Regular scouting should indicate the presence of aphids and then spraying can take place with one of the following
Various caterpillars attack the crop. These include looper’s, army worms etc. Spray as required in 250 L/ha water with one
of the following.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Potato Tuber Moth
Potato tuber moth is a serious pest and regular sprays should be undertaken every 14 – 21 days. The following can be used:
Before spraying any chemical make sure you have checked on its harvest interval (PHI), the withholding period and the re-
entry period. DO NOT spray any chemical which will leave a toxic residue in the plant after harvest.
Routine spray
To prevent most diseases, spray the crop on a weekly basis with fungicides containing copper together with Mancozeb. A
routine spray program is given below; one of the copper fungicides together with Mancozeb.
After every third application replace the Mancozeb with Chlorothalonil (Bravo®) at 3.0 L/ha. Chlorothalonil is very good on
both early and late blight and a number of other leaf spots.
Bacterial wilt
Normally the preventative program takes care of most bacterial diseases except those that attack during very high humidity
conditions. For this reason potato production is discouraged during January and February. If attacks do occur then increase
the rate of the copper fungicide. Always consult your chemical representative.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Black Leg
Black leg (Erwinia carotovora) is a weak pathogen that usually infect the plant or tuber as a secondary pathogen after
insect or nematode attack. Ensure that nematodes and subsoil pests are controlled.
Black Rot
Black rot, (Colletotrichum sp) usually infect the plant or tuber as a secondary pathogen after insect or nematode attack.
However if a fungicide is sprayed into the planting furrow at planting and the seed is dressed with Thiram normally the
fungus is not seen. Crop rotation is important – no planting of potatoes in the same field for five years control many of
these diseases.
Cercospora and other fungal leaf spots
In high humidity and warm conditions Cercospora leaf spot can be a problem. Regularly spray with a copper fungicide as
outlined below every 10 – 14 days, but if the disease starts to spread then use one of the other products. Ideally one should
not apply more than two sprays 14 days apart of any one of the systemic products listed below.
Early Blight
Normally the preventative spray program takes care of most blight diseases except those that attack during very high
humidity conditions. If the disease do get out of hand, then spray one of the following diluted in 250 L/ha. Apply a follow
up spray 14 days later. Do not stop the preventative spray program.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Trade Names Active Ingredient Rate/100L Water Rate/15L Knapsack Rate/Ha
Dithane M45 Mancozeb 200 g 30 g 0.5 kg
Bravo Chlorothalonil 1.2 L 200 ml 3L
Folicur Tebuzole Tebuconazole 200 ml 30 ml 500 ml
Not USAID Approved 44 ml 6.6 ml 110 ml
Not USAID Approved 200 ml 30 ml 500 ml
Not USAID Approved 200 ml 30 ml 500 ml
Fusarium tuber rot usually infects the plant in the same way as Black Leg. However, if a fungicide is sprayed into the
planting furrow at planting and the seed is dressed with Thiram, then normally the fungus is not seen. Crop rotation is
important – no potato crop in five years controls a great many of these diseases.
Late Blight
Late blight is the most serious of all the potato diseases because of the rapidity of attack. Normally the preventative program
takes care of late blight except an attack during very high humidity conditions. If the disease is not under control then in 250
L/ha water spray one of the following. Apply a follow up spray 14 days later. Do not stop the preventative program.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Trade Names Active Ingredient Rate/100LWater Rate/15L Knapsack Rate/Ha
Dithane M45 Mancozeb 1200 g 179.9 g 3 kg
Kocide Copper hydroxide 375 g 56.2 g 937.5 g
Kocide 2000 Copper hydroxide 250 g 37.5 g 625 g
Copper Oxychloride Copper Oxychloride 500 g 75 g 1.25 kg
Tanos Cymoxanil/famoxadone 40 g 6g 100 g
Acrobat Dimethamorph/Mancozeb 800 g 119.9 g 2 kg
Ridomil Gold Metalaxyl/Mancozeb 900 g 134.9 g 2.25 kg
Not USAID Approved 450 g 67.5 g 1.125 kg
Powdery Mildew
Normally the preventative program takes care of powdery mildew except an attack during very high humidity conditions.
Spray one of the following in 250 L/ha water and repeat 14 days later.
Rhizoctonia solani
Rhizoctonia solani or black stem can be controlled by the use of Tebuconazole (Tebuzole®, Folicur® or Orius®) at 650 ml/
ha into the planting furrow.
Scab does not like acidic soil conditions (pH > 5.2) so be careful when applying lime especially to varieties such as BP 1.
This encourages the development of scab. The use of ammonium sulphate as a top dressing source of nitrogen will also help
to suppress scab. High phosphate and the use of gypsum are also instrumental in controlling scab. The chemical control of
scab is very expensive.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Verticllium wilt
Normally the preventative program takes care of most bacterial diseases except those that attack during very high humidity
conditions. For this reason potato production is discouraged during January and February. If attacks do occur then increase
the rate of copper fungicide.
This is a disease that comes in at planting. Fungicides applied for Rhizoctonia control usually help with the control of
At the end of the growing season when the foliage is dead, the tubers are mature and ready for harvesting. Potatoes take 3 –
4 months to reach maturity. Lifting can be done either by hand using hoes, spades, garden folks or mechanically by using
lifting machines. All damaged tubers should be discarded or kept separately.
After lifting, the tubers should be placed in bags as soon as possible and taken to a cool well ventilated shed. If the tubers
are left in full sunshine for long, they begin to turn green and overheating by the sun will result in a reduced keeping
quality. This often leads to premature rotting.
Expected Yields
An average yield in the range of 50 - 65 tons/ha should be taken as an expected standard yield for intensive potato growers,
commercial farmers.
The yield range for small scale growers is as follow:
Summer crop 9 – 12 tons/ha
1st irrigated crop 12 –18 tons/ha
2nd irrigated crop 18–25 tons/ha
Marketing – Potatoes are often lifted before the harlems have died back and these are sold as new potatoes. The smaller
tubers are often graded and sold as seed potatoes.
Conclusion – blight, leaf miners, nematodes and potato tuber moth are major pests which can completely destroy a potato
crop, especially from late August to March.
A crop therefore needs much attention during this period, and the farmer should be ready to protect his/her potatoes from
the first signs of damage.
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Refer potato disease pictures and any other pictures used in this document to the following web sites:
Potato-Black Dot
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
What is the CASH Project?
The Commercial Agribusiness for Sustainable Horticulture (CASH) is a project made possible through the generous
support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which aims to increase the technical and
operational capacities of 5,000 rural smallholder horticulture producers in Lusaka’s peri urban areas, Lundazi, Petauke,
Katete and Chipata to efficiently respond to dynamic market requirements.
The CASH project is increasing market shares and profit margins of the farmers in the project by developing new and
strengthening existing market opportunities. This project is fostering strategic alliances and partnerships and improving
the in-country delivery capacity to produce and market superior quality horticultural products, thereby addressing the
challenges of food insecurity and rural unemployment.
Farmers in the project are being guided and trained to become commercial horticulture producers, to ensure year round
income generation, to manage their agribusinesses efficiently and as a result reduce food insecurity.
The CASH Project can be contacted at or 0211-267493/4. Emails can be send to
Provide extension services with the help of our co-operating partners, ASNAPP (through the USAID funded
CASH Project) and HZPC, on basic potato production practices to improve production to sustainable levels for
small scale and emerging commercial farmers in Zambia.
Encourage and promote the growing of potatoes among small scale and emerging commercial farmers in Zambia as
an alternative cash crop that can support their economies by providing significant source of income.
Promote and change the mind-set of the general public to treat and eat potatoes like one of the staple foods in
Support the supply of 3rd generation potato seed to small scale and emerging commercial farmers from the locally
grown potatoes produced by Enviro-Flor Ltd from a 2nd generation seed obtained from HZPC-Holland, which is
tested and certified by the Seed Control and Certification Institute (SCCI) for commercial production.
Provide information to our clients and other stakeholders on how to source quality potato seed from a reliable seed
supplier company; HZPC which is based in the Netherlands through Enviro-Flor Ltd, an agent of HZPC varieties in
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID
Enviro-Flor Ltd has accurately made every effort to share the agronomic practices of growing potatoes in Zambia.
However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas provided in this pamphlet.
The information provided in this pamphlet should not be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of making profit. The
profit potential is dependent on the farmer using the information, ideas and techniques provided. The information
provided is real, however, your level of success in attaining production results depends on the time you devote to
follow the provided information, your level of skill, your finances and other factors beyond the control of Enviro-Flor
Ltd. Since these factors differ according to individual farmer, Enviro-Flor Ltd cannot guarantee your production or
income levels nor responsible for any of your actions or losses that you may encounter in your growing season.
Please contact your nearest chemical representative or extension agent to make sure that the correct chemicals are
applied at the appropriate rate and that the chemicals used during production comply to the laws and regulations of
Also do consult your nearest fertilizer company to ensure that professional advise is obtained in regards with the
This publication has been made possible by the generous support of the American people
through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The views herein
do not reflect the views of the USAID