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I. Theory: 40 Hours-40x60=2400 min.


Practical :40 Hours


1. Review of Radiographic Principles

a. Interaction of radiation with matter (60 min.)
b. Math review (40 min.)
c. Exposure calculations (40 min.)
d. Geometric exposure principles (40 min.)
e. Radiographic image quality parameters (40 min.)
2. Darkroom facilities, techniques and processing
a. Facilities and equipments
1) Automatic film processor vs. manual processing (60 min.)
2) Sage lights (40 min.)
3) Viewer lights (40 min.)
4) Loading bench (40 min.)
5) Miscellaneous equipment (40 min.)
b. Film loading
1) General rules for handling unprocessed films (60 min.)
2) Types of film packaging (30 min.)
3) Cassette-loading techniques for sheet and roll (30 min.)
c. Protection of radiographic films in storage (60 min.)
d. Processing of film manual
1) Developer and replenishment (60 min.)
2) Stop bath (40 min.)
3) Fixer and replenishment (40 min.)
4) Washing (40 min.)
5) Prevention of water sports (40 min.)
6) Drying (30 min.)
e. Automatic film processing (60 min.)
f. Film filing and storage
1) Retention-life measurements (60 min.)
2) Long term storage (40 min.)
3) Filing and separation techniques (40 min.)
g. Unsatisfactory radiographs-causes and cures
1) High film density (30 min.)
2) Insufficient film density (30 min.)
3) High contrast (30 min.)
4) Low contrast (30 min.)
5) Poor definition (30 min.)
6) Fog (30 min.)
7) Light leaks (30 min.)
8) Artifacts (30 min.)
h. Film density
1) Step wedge-comparison film (45 min.)
2) Densitometers (45 min.)
3. Indications, discontinuities and defects
a. Indications (60 min.)
b. Discontinuities
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1) Inherent (40 min.)

2) Processing (40 min.)
3) Service (40 min.)
c. Defects (30 min.)
4. Manufacturing Processes and Associated Discontinuities
a. Casting processes and associated discontinuities
1) Ingots blooms and billets(45 min.)
2) Sand casting (45 min.)
3) Centrifugal casting (45 Min.)
4) Investment casting (45 min.)
b. Wrought processes and associated discontinuities
1) Forgings( 45 min.)
2) Rolled products (40 min.)
3) Extruded products (45 min.)
c. Welding processes and associated discontinuities
1) Submerged arc welding (SAW) (45 min.)
2) Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) (45 min.)
3) Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) (45 min.)
4) Flux corded arc welding (FCAW) (45 min.)
5) Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) (45 min.)
6) Resistance welding (45 min.)
7) Special welding processes-electron, beam, Electro slag, electro gas, etc. (45 min.)
5. Radiological Safety Principles Review
a. Controlling personnel exposure (60 min.)
b. Time, distance, shielding concepts (30 min.)
c. ALARA( as low as reasonably achievable) concept (40 min.)
d. Radiation-detection concepts (30 min.)
e. Exposure-device operating characteristics (50 min.)


I. Theory: 40 Hours
II. Practical: 40 Hours
1. Radiographic Viewing


Film illuminator requirements (80 min.)

Background lighting (60 min.)
Multiple composite viewing (60 min.)
Image quality indicator replacement (60 min.)
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e. Personnel dark adaptation and visual acuity (60 min.)

f. Film identification (60 min.)
g. Location markers (60 min.)
h. Film density measurement (60 min.)
i. Film artifacts (60 min.)
2. Application Techniques
a. Multiple film techniques
1) Thickness-variation parameters (60 min.)
2) Film speed (60 min.)
3) Film latitude (60 min.)
b. Enlargement and projection (80 min.)
c. Geometrical relationships
1) Geometrical unsharpness (60 min.)
2) Image quality indicator sensitivity (60 min.)
3) source-to-film distance (60 min.)
4) Focal-spot size (60 min.)
d. Triangulation methods for discontinuity location (60 min.)
e. Localized magnification (70 min.)
f. Film-handling techniques (80 min.)
3. Evaluation of Castings
a. Casting method review (60 min.)
b. Casting discontinuities (60 min.)
c. Origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (60 min.)
d. Radiographic appearance (60 min.)
e. Casting codes/standards-applicable acceptance criteria (60 min.)
f. Reference radiographs (60 min.)
4. Evaluation of Weldments
a. Welding method review (80 min.)
b. Welding discontinuities (60 min.)
c. Origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (70 min)
d. Radiographic appearance (50 min.)
e. Casting codes/standards-applicable acceptance criteria (120 min.)
f. Reference radiographs or pictograms (40 min.)

5. Standards, Codes and Procedures for Radiography

a. ASTM standards( 80 min.)
b. Acceptable radiographic techniques and set ups (60 min.)
c. Applicable employer procedures (120 min.)
d. Procedures for radiograph parameter verification (70 min.)
e. Radiographic reports (80 min.)


I. Theory: 40 Hours
II. Practical: 40 Hours

Ultrasonic Testing Course

a. Principles of ultrasonic (40 min.)
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b. Equipments
1) A-scan (20 min.)
2) B-scan (20 min.)
3) C-scan (20 min.)
4) Computerized system (30 min.)
c. Testing techniques (40 min.)
d. Calibration
1) Straight beam (30 min.)
2) Angle beam (30 min.)
3) Resonance (30 min.)
4) Special applications (30 min.)
e. Test Specimen (40 min.)
2. Evaluation of Base Material product forms
a. Ingots
1) Process review (30 min.)
2) Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (30 min.)
3) Response of discontinuities to ultrasound (30 min.)
4) Applicable codes/standards (30 min.)
b. Plates and sheet
1) Rolling process (30 min.)
2) Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (30 min.)
3) Response of discontinuities to ultrasound (30 min.)
4) Applicable codes/standards (30 min.)
c. Bar and Rod
1) Forming process (30 min.)
2) Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (30 min.)
3) Response of discontinuities to ultrasound (30 min.)
4) Applicable codes/standards (30 min.)
d. Pipe and tubular products
1) Manufacturing process (30 min.)
2) Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (30 min.)
3) Response of discontinuities to ultrasound (30 min.)
4) Applicable codes/standards (30 min.)
e. Forgings
1) Process review (30 min.)
2) Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (30 min.)
3) Response of discontinuities to ultrasound (30 min.)
4) Applicable codes/standards (30 min.)
f. Castings
1) Process review (30 min.)
2) Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (30 min.)
3) Response of discontinuities to ultrasound (30 min.)
4) Applicable codes/standards (30 min.)
g. Composite Structures
1) Process review (30 min.)
2) Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (30 min.)
3) Response of discontinuities to ultrasound (30 min.)
4) Applicable codes/standards (30 min.)
h. Other forms as applicable-rubber, glass, etc., (30 min.)
3. Evaluation of weldments
a. Welding processes (80 min.)
b. Weld geometries (30 min.)
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c. Welding discontinuities (30 min.)

d. Origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (30 min.)
e. Response of discontinuities to sound (30 min.)
f. Applicable codes/standards (30 min.)
4. Evaluation of Bonded structures
a. Manufacturing processes (50 min.)
b. Types of discontinuities (30 min.)
c. Origin and typical orientation of discontinuities (40 min.)
d. Response of discontinuities to sound (30 min.)
e. Applicable codes/standards (40 min.)
5. Discontinuity and detection
a. Sensitivity to reflections
1) Size, type and location of discontinuities (40 min.)
2) Techniques used in detection (30 min.)
3) Wave characteristics (40 min.)
4) Material and velocity (30 min.)
5) Discontinuity (40 min.)
b. Resolution
1) Standard reference comparison (30 min.)
2) History of part (30 min.)
3) Probability of type of discontinuity (30 min.)
4) Degrees of operator discrimination (30 min.)
5) Effects of ultrasonic frequency (30 min.)
6) Damping effects (30 min.)
c. Determination of discontinuity size
1) Cathode-ray tube (CRT) display and meter indications (40 min.)
2) Transducer movement vs. display (20 min.)
3) Two-dimensional testing techniques (30 min.)
4) Signal patterns (30 min.)
d. Location of discontinuity
1) CRT display (30 min.)
2) Amplitude and linear time (30 min.)
3) Search technique (30 min.)
6. Evaluation
a. Comparison Procedures
1) Standards and references (30 min.)
2) Amplitude, area, and distance relationship (30 min.)
3) Application of results of other NDT methods (30 min.)
b. Object appraisal
1) History of part (30 min.)
2) Intended use of part (30 min.)
3) Existing and applicable code of interpretation (30 min.)
4) Type of discontinuity and location (30 min.)

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Theory: 10 Hours
Practical : 10 Hours
1. Principles
f. Theory
1) Flux patterns (6 min.)
2) Frequency and voltage factors (6 min.)
3) Current calculations (6 min.)
4) Surface flux strength (6 min.)
5) Sub surface effects (6 min.)
g. Magnets and magnetism
1) Distance factors vs. strength of flux (10 min.)
2) Internal and external flux patters (5 min.)
3) Phenomenon action at the discontinuity (5 min.)
4) Heat effects on magnetism (5 min.)
5) Material hardness vs. magnetic retention (5 min.)
2. Flux fields
a. Direct current
1) Depth of penetration factors (6 min.)
2) Source of current (6 min.)
b. Direct pulsating current
1) Similarity to direct current (6 min.)
2) Advantages (6 min.)
3) Typical fields (6 min.)
c. Alternating current
1) Cycling effects 10 min.)
2) Surface strength characteristics (5 min.)
3) Safety precautions (5 min.)
4) Voltage and current factors (5 min.)
5) Source of current (5 min.)
3. Effects of discontinuities on materials
a. Design factors
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1) Mechanical properties
2) Part use
b. Relationship to load-carrying ability
4. Magnetization by means of Electric Current
a. Circular techniques
1) Current calculations
2) Depth-factory considerations
3) Precautions-safety and overheating
4) Contact prods and yokes
5) Requirement for prods & yokes
6) Current carrying capabilities
7) Discontinuities commonly detected
b. Longitudinal technique
1) Principles of induced flux fields
2) Geometry of part to be inspected
3) Shapes and sizes of coils
4) Use of coils and cables
a) Strength of field
b) Current directional flow vs. flux field
c) Shapes sizes and current capacities
c. Current Calculation
a) Formulas
b) Types of current required
c) Current demand
d. Discontinuities commonly detected
5. Selecting the Proper Method of Magnetization
a. Alloy shape and condition of part
b. Type of magnetizing current
c. Direction of magnetic field
d. Sequence of operations
e. Value of flux density
6. Demagnetization procedures
a. Need for demagnetization of parts
b. Current frequency and field orientation
c. Heat factors and precautions
d. Need for collapsing flux fields
7. Equipment
a. Portable type
1) Reason for portable equipment
2) Capabilities of portable equipment
3) Similarity to stationary equipment
b. Stationary equipment
1) Capability of handling large and heavy parts
2) Flexibility in use
3) Need for stationery equipment
4) Use of accessories and attachments
c. Automatic type
1) Requirements for automation
2) Sequential operations
3) Control and operation of factors
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4) Alarm and rejection mechanisms

d. Multidirectional units
1) Capability
2) Control and operation factors
3) Applications
e. Liquids and powders
1) Liquid requirement as a particle vehicle
2) Safety precautions
3) Temperature needs
4) Powder and paste content
5) Mixing procedures
6) Need for accurate proportions
f. Ultraviolet radiation type
1) Ultraviolet radiation and florescence
2) Visible light and black light comparisons
3) Requirements in the testing cycle
4) Techniques in use
g. Black light type
1) Black light and fluorescence
2) Visible and black light comparisons
3) Requirements in the testing cycle
4) Techniques in use
h. Light sensitive instruments
1) Need for instrumentation
2) Light characteristics
8. Types of discontinuities
a. In Castings
b. In Ingots
c. In wrought sections and parts
d. In welds
9. Evaluation techniques
a. Use of standards
1) Need for standards and references
2) Comparison of known with unknown
3) Specifications and certifications
4) Comparison techniques
b. Defect appraisal
1) History of part
2) Manufacturing process
3) Possible causes of defect
4) Use of part
5) Acceptance and rejection criteria
6) Use of tolerances
10. Quality control of equipment and processes
a. Malfunctioning of equipment
b. Proper magnetic particles and bath liquid
c. Bath concentration
1) Settling test
2) Other bath strength tests
3) Tests for black light intensity
4) Tests for ultraviolet radiation intensity


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Theory: 8 Hours
Practical :4 Hours

1. Review
a. Basic principles
b. Process of various methods
c. Equipment
2. Selection of the appropriate Penetrant testing method
a. Advantages of various methods
b. Disadvantages of various methods
3. Inspection and evaluation of indications
a. General
1) Discontinuities inherent in various materials
2) Reasons for indications
3) Appearance of indication
4) Time for indication to appear
5) Persistence of indications
b. Factors affecting indications
1) Penetrant used
2) Prior processing
3) Technique used
c. Indication from cracks
1) Cracks occurring during solidification
2) Cracks occurring during processing
3) Cracks occurring during service
d. Indications from porosity
e. Indications from specific material forms
1) Forgings
2) Castings
3) Welds
4) Extrusions
f. Evaluation of indications
1) True indications
2) False indications
3) Relevant indications
4) Non-relevant indications
5) Process control
a) Controlling process variables
b) Testing and maintenance materials
4. Inspection procedures and standards
1) Inspection procedures
2) Standards/Codes
a) Applicable methods/processes
b) Acceptance criteria
5. Basic methods of instruction

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