Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Technology and Codes Student Manual Introduction To Ultrasonic Examination
Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Technology and Codes Student Manual Introduction To Ultrasonic Examination
Nondestructive Examination (NDE) Technology and Codes Student Manual Introduction To Ultrasonic Examination
Student Manual
Volume 2
Chapter 8.0
Learning Objectives
8.1 History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
8.3 Principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
8.3.1 Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
8.3.2 Velocity……………………………………………………………………………4
8.3.5 Attenuation………………………………………………………………………...6
8.6.3 Recording............................................................................................................... 26 Use of Examination Forms .................................................................. 26 Recording Techniques ......................................................................... 26
8-1 Wavelength………………………………………………………………………………………29
8-2 Reflection, Transmission at an Interface ....................................................................................... 30
8-3 Block Diagram of a Typical Ultrasonic Instrument ...................................................................... 31
8-4 Particle Displacement by Longitudinal Waves ............................................................................. 32
8-5 Particle Displacement by Transverse Waves................................................................................. 33
8-6 Surface or Rayleigh Wave Modes ................................................................................................. 34
8-7 Plate or Lamb Wave Modes .......................................................................................................... 35
8-8 Constructive and Destructive Interference .................................................................................... 36
8-9 Near and Far Fields........................................................................................................................ 37
8-10 Near-to-Surface Reflector Within Dead Zone ......................................................................... 38
8-11 Dead Zone Check .................................................................................................................... 39
8-12 Angle Beam in Weld ............................................................................................................... 40
8-13 Angle Beam Transducer Assembly ......................................................................................... 41
8-14 Refraction and Reflection of Incident Compressional Wave at an Interface .......................... 42
8-15 Increasing Incident Angle in Probe Shoes (Wedges) With Second Medium of
Higher Velocity ....................................................................................................................... 43
8-16 Transducer Coupled to Test Piece ........................................................................................... 44
8-17 Immersion Test ........................................................................................................................ 45
8-18 Normal Compressional Wave Probe ....................................................................................... 46
8-19 Delay Line Probe ..................................................................................................................... 47
8-20 Calibration of Timebase for Delay Line Probe ....................................................................... 48
8-21 Dual Element Probe (Pitch-Catch) .......................................................................................... 49
8-22 Use of Reject ........................................................................................................................... 50
8-23 Typical Ultrasonic Tank and Bridge/Manipulator................................................................... 51
8-24 Bridge/Manipulator ................................................................................................................. 52
8-25 Flat and Contour-Corrected Transducers ................................................................................ 53
8-26 Focused-Beam Shortening in Metal ........................................................................................ 54
8-27 B-Scan Presentation ................................................................................................................. 55
8-28 C-Scan Presentation ................................................................................................................. 56
8-29 Typical C-Scan Recording....................................................................................................... 57
8-30 Basic Calibration Block ........................................................................................................... 58
8-31 Distance Calibration ................................................................................................................ 59
Sound amplitude decreases (as it propagates in Sound waves travel through materials by
the material) are called sound attenuation. Atten- displacing tiny particles of the material, generally
uation is due to several factors: at the molecular level. Depending on the manner
in which vibrations are introduced, the particle
Absorption - Sound is absorbed by the braking displacements exhibit certain behaviors, called
effect on the particle motion. Lost energy is wave modes, as the vibrations travel.
converted to heat.
There are two basic wave modes, which differ
Scatter - Grain boundaries of the material from each other depending on how material
cause the sound to scatter. particles move relative to the direction of
transmitted energy. Longitudinal waves (also
The amount of sound attenuation within a known as compressional waves) are characterized
material is governed by the density, elasticity, by the particle motion being parallel to the
grain size, and grain structure of the material. direction of wave travel (Figure 8-4). Transverse
These factors are affected by alloying, heat waves (also known as shear waves), are defined by
treatment, working, etc. particle motion perpendicular to wave travel
(Figure 8-5). The difference in wave motion causes
8.3.6 Instrumentation and Control these wave modes to also differ from each other in
their relative velocity as well as in their ability to
Figure 8-3 shows a block diagram of a typical propagate in the various states of matter.
ultrasonic flaw detection instrument. The pulse
generator (trigger, clock) transmits an electrical Ultrasonic energy propagates through
pulse simultaneously to the transducer (search materials in several different ways depending upon
unit) and the time base of the cathode ray tube the manner in which the particles within the
(CRT). The transducer converts the electrical pulse carrying medium move relative to the direction of
into sound which is transmitted into the material. wave propagation.
The time base (sweep generator) generates the X
sweep across the CRT. When the sound pulse is There are four forms of wave propagation
reflected back to the transducer, it is converted through materials:
back into an electrical pulse and is amplified
before being fed to the Y axis of the CRT. This • Compression (or longitudinal),
pulse deflects the time base vertically and produces • Shear (or transverse),
a peak. • Surface (or Rayleigh), and
• Plate (or Lamb).
As mentioned in Section 8.3.4, the amount of The sound beam radiated close to the trans-
sound reflected at an interface may be calculated ducer consists of a tapering near field or Fresnel
by the formula: zone beginning at the crystal surface, followed by a
spreading far field or Fraunhofer zone.
Z1 and Z2 are the characteristic impedances of Constructive interference occurs where waves
the two media. Table 8-1 lists the acoustic arriving at a point in phase reinforce each other.
impedance for various materials. Destructive interference occurs where waves
arriving at a point out of phase cancel each other.
Applying the formula to a water/steel interface The varying phase relationships cause varying
it can be seen that 88 percent of the sound is wave amplitudes. Because of these amplitude
reflected while 12 percent is transmitted (Figure variations, it is difficult to approximate reflector
8-2). At a metal/air interface there is virtually 100 size in the near field. Eventually, the waves
percent reflection. This formula applies only when combine into a single spherical wave front. This
the two media are in intimate contact. In practice occurs at the so-called Yo point, which is the end of
even two apparently smooth metal surfaces, in the near field and the beginning of the far field
close contact, will have an air gap caused by (Figure 8-9).
minute surface irregularities and almost total
reflection occurs. The length of the near field can be approxi-
mated by the following formula where N is near
The basis of ultrasonic flaw detection is that field length, D is transducer crystal diameter, f is
there is a difference in characteristic impedance test frequency, and V is velocity:
between the base material and any discontinuity, (8-5)
whether it be a fatigue crack, a stress corrosion Near Field = D2 (mm) x f (MHz)/(4V (km/sec))
crack, or a metallic inclusion. If there is no change
in characteristic impedance, there is no reflection As near field length varies, the position of a
of the sound wave. reflector relative to the Yo point likewise varies.
Sensitivity is optimized when the reflector is
positioned near the beginning of the far field.
The near field contains areas of maximum and ducer diameter, frequency, and material velocity.
minimum effects. This can be demonstrated if a
series of small reflectors of the same area, but at As the formulas indicate an increase in
varying depths, are scanned and a graph of signal diameter and/or frequency increases near field
amplitude against distance is plotted. The end of length and reduces beam spread. Transducer
the near field is the point where the amplitude is diameter and test frequency, therefore, have a
greatest. major effect on examination performance. Fraunhofer Zone (Far Field) As beam spread is decreased, there is more
sound pressure per unit area, thereby increasing
Beyond the near field is the Fraunhofer zone echo amplitude. Beam spread is decreased by
(far field) (Figure 8-9). Here the beam diverges increasing transducer diameter and/or increasing
and is referred to as beam spread. Through the far frequency.
field the sound behaves similar to a beam of light,
in that the sound pressure disperses according to Dead Zone
the Inverse Square Law (i.e., the intensity is
inversely proportional to the square of the dis- The initial pulse is a technical necessity. It
tance) and travels in straight lines. limits the detectability of near-surface discontinu-
ities. Reflectors in the dead zone, the non-resolv-
The spreading far field is characterized by a able area immediately beneath the surface, cannot
predictable decrease in sound pressure per unit be detected (Figure 8-10). The dead zone is a
area as distance from the transducer increases. function of the width of the initial pulse which is
Because the near field contains numerous varia- influenced by the probe type, test instrument
tions in sound pressure while the far field produces discontinuities and quality of the interface.
predictable sound pressure, it is preferable to make
sound amplitude measurements in the far field for The dead zone can be verified with an Interna-
the purpose of discontinuity severity evaluation. tional Institute of Welding (IIW) calibration block.
The angle of beam spread in the far field can be With the time base calibrated to 50 mm, and the
approximated by the following formula: transducer on position A (Figure 8-11), the extent
of the dead zone can be inferred to be either less
(8-6) than or greater than 5 mm. With the probe at
BSArc sin=1.22xV(km/sec)/D(mm) x f(MHz)) position B, the dead zone can be said to be either
BS Arc sin is the angle of beam spread less than or greater than 10 mm. This is done by
V is the velocity of the material ensuring that the peak from the perspex insert
D is the diameter of the transducer appears beyond the trailing edge of the initial pulse
F is the frequency of the transducer start. Excessive dead zones are generally
Note that both the near field and beam spread attributable to a probe with excessive ringing in the
formulas are based on the same variables: trans- crystal.
two reflectors close together in the sound path. Scanning Techniques
For example, a near-surface reflector and the
initial pulse - the ability to resolve the Scanning technique is a motor skill of the
near-surface reflector is a measure of resolution. examiner requiring practice and experience.
If a small discontinuity just beneath the surface is Probe manipulation is related to the signals being
masked by the initial pulse, it is not resolved. analyzed and correlated with the unseen beam
emanating from the transducer. An experienced Couplant examiner almost has a sixth sense with the
transducer being his “eyes” and the CRT screen
A liquid couplant is necessary to exclude the being his “vision”. A minimum of 10% overlap
air and serve as a medium for transmitting ultra- between scan passes is required.
sonic vibrations from the transducer to the object
being examined. There are two ways to accom- Part Structure
plish this: 1) couplant is applied only to the test
surface between the contact transducer (Figure Part structural changes can obscure areas to
8-16) and test material, and, 2) immersion be examined preventing access to a particular
testing, where both the transducer and part or all examination area and in some cases preventing
of the test object are immersed in water (Figure the use of UT completely. Laminations may also
8-17). prevent the transmission of sound into regions of
a weld. Weld exams typically require a
The primary advantage of contact testing is compression wave exam of the base material that
portability. Contact testing also allows the trans- the sound will pass through to locate such
ducer to be moved by hand over complex part laminar flaws.
geometries and requires a lower initial
investment in equipment. A variety of Surface Condition
couplants are available for contact testing.
Generally, the rougher the test surface, the more The rougher the surface the more viscous the
viscous the couplant should be. couplant required and the greater the scatter of
sound at the interface surface. Therefore, surface
Immersion testing can be automated condition has a considerable bearing on sensitiv-
facilitating high speed examination and ity, signal-to-noise ratios, and sound
recording of results. Moreover, immersion tests transmission.
provide uniform coupling, are virtually immune
to transducer wear, and allow use of the higher Part Geometry and Size
frequency transducers. In general, immersion
testing offers excellent control over test variables Part geometry can create internal mode con-
and provides results of the highest quality. version, spurious echoes, and complex CRT
displays possibly masking signals from disconti-
nuities but inevitably making interpretation plete examination of thin sections, it is necessary
much more difficult. The size of the part also to eliminate the effect of the dead zone. A normal
effects attenuation due to increased beam range, compressional probe is mounted on a perspex
divergence, scatter, and absorption. The use of block so that the dead zone and part of the near
larger, lower frequency transducers can provide field are within the perspex (Figure 8-19). A
better sound transmission but at a sacrifice of signal and multiple echoes from the perspex
sensitivity and resolution. interface, which, by use of the delay and range
controls, may be expanded on the time base so Discontinuity Type, Shape, and Orien- that the echoes from the material being examined
tation appear between the first and second echoes from
the delay line (Figure 8-20). These probes may
The type of discontinuity, its shape, and be used for thickness measurement. The delay
orientation affect the amplitude of the reflected line is normally made from plastic and ordered in
signal. Sizing is therefore a very inexact science. microseconds (μS) delay dependent upon the
A discontinuity the size of the beam could result thickness of materials to be examined.
in almost no response if it were of a certain
character, type, or orientation. Dual Element (Pitch-Catch) - These probes
may be either compressional or shear wave. One
8.4 Equipment crystal is used as the transmitter and the other as
the receiver. With compressional probes the
8.4.1 Ultrasonic Transducers crystals are mounted on perspex so that the dead
zone and some of the near field do not exist in the
Ultrasonic transducers behave like material being examined, similar to the delay line
loudspeakers in that they convert electrical probe (Figure 8-21). This increases the
energy to mechanical energy and they behave detect-ability of near-surface discontinuities.
like microphones in that they convert mechanical Dual element probes may suffer from cross-noise
energy back into electrical energy. caused by sound interference between the two
crystals since couplant can seep into the sound Types barrier cork material, and may result in an indica-
tion similar to a discontinuity.
Compression - A normal incident
compression probe is one which transmits a Care of Transducers
pulse of compressional sound into the specimen
at right angles (normal) to its surface. Figure Care of transducers is necessary to reduce
8-18 shows a typical example of this type of possibilities of impact damage, excessive wear,
probe. stray electrical pulses, excessive heat, and
chemical contamination. Coaxial cables are
Delay Line - In order to facilitate the com- particularly vulnerable to damage and should not
8.4.2 Base Pulse-Echo Instrumentation The function of the time base, also called
"sweep generator" in analog-display instruments,
The UT system includes: the instrument, is to establish a display of sound travel time on
transducers, calibration standards, and the object the horizontal scale of the display. The
being examined. These elements function horizontal scale can then be used for distance
together to form a chain of events during a readout. The range (coarse range, test range)
typical UT that can be summarized as follows: control adjusts the scale for the range of distance
to be displayed.
• The instrument's time base initiates readout
of time/distance information on the For digital flaw detection instruments, there
horizontal scale of the display. is no sweep generator in the analog sense.
• The instrument’s pulser electrically activates Instead, the horizontal axis of the display is
the transducer, causing it to send sound comprised of a series of divisions (usually about
pulses into the test object. The activation 200 dots are used in the horizontal direction of
signal, called the initial pulse, is displayed as the display). Each division represents an
a vertical signal on the CRT. increment of time. The amount of time
• As sound travels through the test object, it represented by each division is controlled by a
reflects from boundaries as well as from complex combination of software and hardware.
discontinuities within the material. A
reflection from the surface opposite the entry In order to establish a calibrated range for a
surface is called a back reflection. particular test, the sound velocity of the material
• These reflections reach the transducer, which must be known or measured and entered into the
converts them into electrical signals that are instrument. Then when the appropriate zero
displayed on the CRT. offset has been entered, range settings are in
absolute units of metal path distance. As the
Understanding the operation of UT range is increased, the time interval represented
equipment may be simplified by referring to a by each of the horizontal dots becomes larger.
sample block diagram of an analog instrument For very large ranges, one division may represent
(Figure 8-3). A basic instrument contains an entire echo waveform. For smaller ranges,
several circuits: power supply, clock (also called the same echo waveform is represented by
synchronizer or timer), time base (called sweep several divisions and the shape of the echo
generator), pulser (also called transmitter), waveform then becomes apparent. The important
receiver (also called receiver-amplifier), and the thing to remember is that in a digital instrument
where the waveform has been converted from an
analog signal to a digital waveform, the number pulser is connected via output connectors on the
of points across the horizontal remains fixed and instrument front panel to the transducer cable.
the time interval represented by each division The pulser is also connected, internally, through
changes as the range is adjusted. the receiver circuit, to the display, thus making
available (depending upon the delay setting) a Clock displayed initial pulse signal. This signal is, of
course, present whether or not a transducer is
The clock circuit initiates a chain of events connected to the instrument.
that results in one complete cycle of a UT
examination. The clock sends a trigger signal, at When a transducer is connected, it is in the
a regular interval, to both the time base and to the signal path between the pulser and the receiver
pulser. As the name “clock”' implies, this and its output is displayed.
trigger signal is repeated at a given frequency,
called the pulse repetition rate. On some Basic Controls
instruments pulse repetition rate is adjustable by
the examiner; other instruments do it The amplifier multiplies the voltage of
automatically. signals passing through it in order to provide
adequate signal amplitude. The amount of Pulse Repetition Rate voltage multiplication, or amplification, is
controlled by gain controls. Calibrated gain
The pulse repetition rate establishes the controls are adjustable in discrete units of
number of times per second that a complete test decibels (dB), the unit of measure for gain
cycle will occur. In instruments with adjustable multiplication. Calibrated gain controls are
pulse repetition rate, adjustment is made by a intended for making decibel amplitude com-
pulse repetition rate control, sometimes labeled parisons between reference standard amplitudes
REP RATE. Greater sound travel time requires and the amplitudes of signals returning from the
a longer test cycle and a lower pulse repetition test material.
rate to provide the longer test cycle or interval.
The REJECT control is intended for Pulser-Receiver preventing the display of undesired low
amplitude signals, called grass or hash, caused
The pulser emits the electrical signal that by metal noise such as echoes from material
activates the transducer. This signal, known as grain boundaries or inherent fine porosity
the initial pulse, is quite brief, usually lasting (Figure 8-22). There are two types of REJECT
only several nanoseconds (billionths of a controls installed on UT instruments: nonlinear
second). The output of the initial pulse is in the REJECT and the more recently linear REJECT
order of hundreds of volts; the brief duration controls. Linear REJECT controls offer the
provides a fast rise time to the full voltage. The advantage in that they do not affect vertical
Thickness - A wide range of materials and Lamb waves are best for detecting lamination
thickness, as well as corrosion/erosion can be and other discontinuities in a thin sheet.
measured very accurately.
8.5.2 Immersion Testing
Bar - Central axial inclusions, piping and
other discontinuities can be detected with a Immersion Tanks and System
simple compressional wave technique. Components
Castings - Porosity, gas holes, inclusions, Immersion systems consist of a bridge and
shrinkage, and other typical casting manipulator, mounted on a water tank, a pulse
discontinuities can be detected. Major limiting echo instrument and a recorder as shown in
variables include surface finish, configuration, Figure 8-23. Drive units move the bridge along
the tank side rails, while transversing units move
the manipulator from side to side along the probe is sometimes called a wand. Its vertical
bridge. Most of these units are automated, height can be adjusted to vary water path
although some early units are manually operated. distance and the adjuster which can manipulate
probe angle of incidence at the tip of the wand.
The ultrasonic tank may be of any size or
shape required to accommodate the test Immersion Transducers
specimen. Coverage of the specimen by a foot
or more of water is usually sufficient. Flat - The flat transducer operates under the
Adjustable brackets and lazy-susan turntables are same considerations as regular compressional
provided on the tank bottom for support of the transducers, except it does not have a protective
test specimen. The water in the tank is clean, face, and it is waterproof. Near fields for these
de-aerated water containing a wetting agent. probes are, of course, often four times greater
The water temperature is usually maintained at due to the slow water velocity compared to steel.
ambient temperature.
Focused - An acoustical lens is fitted to the
Manipulators - The manipulator is primarily front of the transducer. Focused probes can be
intended to provide a means of scanning the test manufactured to produce any focal length. Often
specimen with an immersed transducer (Figure focused single axis, focused transducers allow
8-24). The manipulator is mounted on a high resolution examination of immersed shafts
traversing mechanism, which allows movement (converging parallel focus) or tubing from the
of the manipulator from side to side. The inside (diverging parallel focus).
traversing mechanism is an integral component
of the bridge assembly. A search tube is usually Frontal units shaped to direct the sound
held rigid at right angles to the surface of the test energy perpendicular to the surface at all points
specimen. Locking knobs are provided on the on curved surfaces and radii are known as
manipulator to allow positioning of the search contour-correction lenses. These cylindrical
tube in two planes for angle-beam testing. lenses sharpen the front-surface indication by
evening out the sound-travel distance between
Bridges - When the manipulator is the transducer and the test surface. A
automated, electric motors are added to power comparison of flat and contoured transducers is
the bridge carriage, the traversing mechanism, shown in Figure 8-25.
and the up and down movement of the search
tube. The pulse-echo unit and the recording unit Other acoustic lenses focus the sound beam
are also mounted on the bridge, with all power from the transducer, much as light beams are
cords secured overhead to allow movement of focused. Focused transducers concentrate the
the bridge along the full length of the tank. sound energy into a long, narrow, blunt-pointed
beam of increased intensity, which is capable of
Wands - The support tube for the immersion detecting very small discontinuities in a
relatively small area. Focusing the sound beam materials. However, the speed of sound is
moves its point of maximum intensity toward the constant in a uniform medium. This means that
transducer, but shortens its usable range. The sound will complete a round trip through a
test specimen has the effect of a second lens; in specific distance in a specific amount of time. It
this case, the beam is defocused, as shown in is therefore possible to measure distance by
Figure 8-26. Defocusing increases intensity measuring sound travel time.
which produces increased sensitivity; also,
moving the point of maximum intensity closer to B-Scan
the transducer (which is also closer to the test
surface) improves the near-surface resolution. B-Scan is a pictorial presentation (Figure
The disturbing effects of rough surface and metal 8-27). The display screen shows a side view of
noise are also reduced by concentrating the the test object, displaying the profile of interfaces
sound energy into a smaller beam. This is true reflecting the sound beam. B-Scan can show
simply because a smaller area is being looked at. the distance of a discontinuity from the
In a smaller area, the true discontinuity transducer, as well as discontinuity length along
indications are relatively large compared to the the direction of transducer travel.
combined noise of other nonrelevant indications.
The useful thickness range of focused C-Scan
transducers is approximately 0.010 to 2 inches.
C-scan equipment is intended to provide a
8.5.3 Data Display permanent record of the examination when
high-speed automatic scanning is used. C-scan
UT instruments present examination data in equipment displays the discontinuities in a plan
various ways. Display media include CRTs, view, but provides no depth or orientation
paper chart recorders, digital readouts, and information.
audible/visual alarms. Three basic types of The most commonly used recorders use a
displays are designated: A-Scan, B-Scan, and chemically treated paper that is passed between a
C-Scan. printing bar and a helix equipped drum as shown
in Figure 8-28. The printing bar has a narrow A-Scan edge and is connected electrically to one of the
output terminals of the amplifier in the ultrasonic
A-Scan shows distance/time information as test unit. The other terminal of the amplifier is
the points where signals deflect vertically from connected to the helix mounted on the drum. As
the horizontal baseline. Size/amplitude the drum turns, the contact point between the bar
information is displayed as the height of the and the helix moves back and forth across the
vertical deflections. paper. Variations in electric current at the
contact point determine the amount of print-out
Sound travels at different speeds in different produced on the paper. One revolution of the
drum produces one line of scan. The forward beam into the corner formed by the hole and the
movement of the paper is synchronized with the side of the block may produce a higher amplitude
forward movement of the transducer along the at a longer beam path; this beam path should not
test surface. The amplifier is also connected to be used for calibration). For contact
the oscilloscope so that, whenever a signal of examination, the temperature of the examination
predetermined amplitude is displayed, a change and basic calibration blocks should be within 25o
of current occurs in the printing bar contact. In F. For immersion examination, the couplant
this manner, a record of the discontinuities is temperature for calibration should be within 25o
produced as the transducer scans the test surface. F of the couplant temperature used in actual
scanning or appropriate compensations for angle
The C-scan recording indicates the projected and sensitivity change should be made.
length and width of the discontinuity and the
outline of the test specimen as if viewed from Linearity
directly above the specimen. The C-scan record-
ing does not indicate the depth of the Screen Height Linearity - The ultrasonic
discontinuity in the test specimen. Some instrument should provide linear vertical
recorders produce a shaded scan line to indicate presentation within ± 5 percent of the full screen
the outline of the discontinuity. On others, the height for at least 80 percent of the calibrated
discontinuity outline may be indicated by the screen height (base line to maximum calibrated
absence of the scan lines (Figure 8-29), where screen point(s)). The procedure for evaluating
the white (no line) areas represent the screen height linearity is normally provided and
discontinuities. should be performed at the beginning of each
period of extended use (or every 3 months,
8.5.4 Calibration Techniques whichever is less) for analog units and every 12
months for digital units.
Calibration should include the complete
ultrasonic examination system. The original Amplitude Control Linearity - The ultra-
calibration should be performed on the basic sonic instrument should utilize an amplitude
calibration block (Figure 8-30). Checks should control, accurate over its useful range to ± 20
be made to verify the sweep range/distance cali- percent of the nominal amplitude ratio, to allow
bration (Figure 8-31). measurement of indications beyond the linear
range of the vertical display on the screen. The
In all calibrations, it is important that maxi- procedure for evaluating amplitude control
mum indications be obtained with the sound linearity is normally provided. The calibration
beam oriented perpendicular to the axis of the time limits are the same as for Screen Height
side-drilled holes and notches. The center line Linearity.
of the search unit should be at least 1½ inches
from the nearest side of the block (rotation of the
A small reflector intercepts only a portion of In order to estimate reflector severity, some
the sound beam. The echo amplitude of a small correction must be made for echo amplitude
reflector is inversely proportional to the square variations caused by distance factors. One
of distance. As the distance to the small method is to construct a DAC curve on the
reflector is doubled, echo amplitude decreases 12 display screen (Figure 8-34). This is done by
dB. marking on the display the echo peaks from a
given size reflector at a series of depths. The
When the amplitude of a small disk-shaped reflector used for this procedure is normally one
reflector at 3 inches of depth is compared to an that represents the “critical discontinuity size”,
echo from the same size reflector at 6 inches of the maximum acceptable reflector amplitude. A
depth (Figure 8-33), the echo returning from 6 more convenient solution is to use electronic
inches of depth will be 12 dB lower. That is, the distance amplitude compensation, whereby the
echo from 6 inches of depth will have 25 percent test instrument can be adjusted to correct echo
of the echo height of the echo from 3 inches of amplitudes for distance variations.
8.6 Interpretation and Code Requirements equally spaced along the time base.
and 8-41 show methods of calibrating the time the finger at the reflection point on the specimen
base for shear wave probes. That part of the is a good way to confirm their non-relevance.
ultrasonic beam that is within the wedge is
delayed off the CRT to set the transmission point Intergranular Reflectors - Intergranular
to zero. reflectors are only found on coarser grained
materials. Reflector sizes are even and
8.6.2 Evaluation distributed throughout the materials. Reduced
gain settings or cautious use of the REJECT False Indications control should be considered.
Spurious Electrical - Electrical interference Length - Length must be plotted using some
is normally easily interpreted. “Ghost” signals objective measuring system. Commonly 6 dB or
moving across the CRT screen or standing 20 dB drop methods are utilized to achieve some
signals are fairly common. These are easily degree of accuracy in sizing.
identified because they have no correlation with
probe motion. Signal Shape - Shape helps to determine the
type of discontinuity. For example, a fatigue Nonrelevant Indications crack gives a sharp single peak, whereas
wormhole porosity gives a broader and much
Part Geometry - Part geometry creates the more varying attenuated signal in comparison.
majority of nonrelevant indications. These
indications come from the reflections boundaries Orientation - Orientation must be
and other “built-in” reflectors. determined by angulating the probe, maximizing
the signal and plotting reflector position from
Surface Irregularities - Surface maximum signal response positions along its
irregularities can also cause signals that are length. To avoid missing signals, angulations
nonrelevant. Weld crowns and roots are should be constantly adjusted in a sweep motion
particularly a common source of reflected signals of the beam during scanning. This allows for
that could be misinterpreted. Provided access is differing discontinuity orientation.
available, dampening of these signals by placing
Figure 8-7
8 Plate or Lamb Wave Modes
ure 8-9 Near and Far Fields
Figure 13 Angle
A Beam Transducer Assembly
gure 8-17 Immersion Test
gure 8-19 Delay Line Probe
Figure 8-22 Use of Reject
Figure 8-29
8 Typical C-Scan Recording
Figure 8-32
2 Distance Amplitude Calibration
gure 8-33 Linear Reflector
Figure 8-41 Time Basee Calibration for Shear Wave Probe Using A2
Block Modified with 25mm Radius