Welding R1
Welding R1
Welding R1
Fastening two pieces of metal together by softening with heat and applying pressure. Join together by heating, as of metals. Unite closely or intimately.
Arc welding:
A group of welding processes wherein coalescence is produced by heating with an electric arcs or arcs , with or without the application of pressure and with or without the use of filler metal.
Arc welding process is the most common use , sub divided in to Shielded metal arc welding ( SMAW ) Stick Gas tungsten arc welding ( GTAW ) Sub merged arc welding (SAW) Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) Selection of process depends: Thickness and size, location and position of weld, joint design, welding equipment availability, process and operation requirement and production cost.
Plate positions Flat position :1 G Horizontal position : 2G Vertical position : 3G Overhead position : 4G
Pipe positions 1G , 2G Multiple position : 5G ( Welding groove in a vertical plane ) Multiple position : 6G ( Inclined at 45 degrees to horizontal )
E 7018 H 4 R H 4 Hydrogen less than 4 ml / 100 gm. R - Meets requirement of absorbed moisture test.
The (EXXXX-'') indicates the approximate alloy in the weld deposits. A1 0.5%Mo B1 0.5%Cr 0.5%Mo B2 1.25%Cr 0.5%Mo B3 2.25%Cr 1%Mo B4 2%Cr 0.5Mo B5 0.5%Cr 1%Mo B6 0.5 Cr 0.5 Mo B9 9 Cr 1 Mo
C1 C2 C3 D1& D2 G
2.5%Ni 3.5%Ni 1%Ni 0.35Mo 0.15%Cr 0.25 - 0.45%Mo, 1.75%Mn 1%minMn, 0.5%minNi, 0.3%minCr, 0.2%minMo, 0.1%minV
Welding Flux
Welding flux Basicity Melting point c Acidic < or = 0.9 1100 1300 Neutral = 0.9 1.2 1300 1500 Basic = 1.2 2.0 > 1500 High basic > 2.0 > 1500
2 mm thick and heavier. Electric arc sustained electric discharge between two poles. Converts electrical energy in to heat. Heat produced will be used for heating and melting of joint edges and the electrode and its coating. Some portion lost in radiation ( waves ) and convection (Gases).
Shorter arc Less arc voltage increases current results increased weld deposition rate and welding speed. Longer arc - Higher arc voltage and lowers current Leads to lower welding productivity. Arc is too long heat is lost in air , spatter increases, weld metal picks up nitrogen results porosity and reduced toughness. The amount of welding is small- heat is immediately dissipated in to the parent metal and air- reduces ductility- to control low carbon in the weld metal.
Advantages Low capital investment. Easy and economical to use. Applied on wide variety of metals and jobs. Disadvantages Care is required for storage and handling of electrodes. Protective clothing is required for welders. Excess current is used alloying elements in the flux coating will not be transferred to weld metals. Removal of slag.
Non- consumable electrode shielded by an inert gas usually argon. Advantages Slag-metal reactions are absent. De-slagging time will be saved. Control of heat input of the arc and filler metal additions are independent of each other making control of puddle ( pool of liquid ) easier.
Uniform penetration best as welded appearance . Though more costly ,sometimes save overall cost where cleanliness and soundness of welds are of paramount importance.
Low deposition rates. Requires skill on the part of welder. Progress is costlier where backing , purging is required. An acute angle of torch will cause contamination of shielding gas which air resulting in porous welds.
Arc is maintained between end of bare wire electrode and the work. Wire feed speed is automatically controlled. Arc length is constant. Flux provide a protective blanket over the weld pool.
Advantages. Absence of smoke and arc flash ,hence minimum need for protective clothing. High weld metal quality. Smooth and weld finish with no spatter. Extremely high deposition rate and welding speed. High electrode deposition efficiency. Welders manipulative skill not needed , minimum operator fatigue.
High initial cost. Limited welding position. Requirement of special jigs and fixtures. Difficulty in welding low thickness metals. Full penetration joint welds can not be performed from single side.
The arc and the molten puddle are protected from contamination by the atmosphere with an extremely supplied shield of inert gas such or argon or helium. Later mild steel welded using CO2 as shielding gas. Since CO2 is not an inert gas termed as MIG /CO2 or MAG.
How Metal transfer in CO2 welding ? Spray transfer The metal drop is detached and transferred along the arc column in to the weld pool. Dip transfer The wire tip touches weld pool and transfers the filler metal by direct contact.
Advantages Slag metal reactions are absent Time spent in deslagging is saved. High speed and mechanized process. Thin sheets can be welded in all positions by dip transfer. CO2 is expensive ,widely used for welding mild steel.
Limitations of CO2 process
Only carbon steels can be welded. Consumable must have deoxidizers. Dip transfer not suitable for penetration welds. Spray transfer not suitable for positional welds.
Deposition efficiency
SMAW 59 - 66 % (As size increases reduction in efficiency) GTAW 82 - 85% SAW 99 % GMAW 93 98 %
Parameters to be considered.
1. Joints - QW 402 2. Base metals QW 403 3. Filler metals - QW 404 4. Positions - QW 405 5. Preheat - QW 406 6. PWHT - QW 407 7. Gas - QW 408 7. Elect.Charecter. - QW 409 8. Technique - QW 410 QW 401 - General ( JBF 3P GET)
QW 402 : JOINTS 1 .Groove design -Change in type of groove V groove , U groove , single bevel and double bevel etc Non essential. 4 . Backing 10 . Root spacing 11 . +/- Retainers
Grouping P1, P2, . . . . . . . P 53.
EX : P1 carbon steels P4 1 Chrome , molybdenum P5 - 2.5 chrome , 1 molybdenum P8 Stainless steels. P9 Nickel 1.5 to 3.5 P10 Ni, Cr and Mo based.
QW 405 - Positions
1 + Position Nonessential
2 Positions Supplementary essential. 3 Vertical welding Nonessential
QW 406 - Preheat
1 Decrease > 56 c - Essential
- Supplementary
2 Preheat maint.
Reduce shrinkage stress in the weld and base metal. To provide slower rate of cooling. To prevent excessive hardening. Allowing more time for any hydrogen that is present to diffuse away from weld to avoid under bead cracking. Preheat and inter pass based on ?
QW 407 - PWHT
1 PWHT - Essential
2 PWHT ( T & T range ) Supplementary 4 T limits- Essential ( Qualified thickness is 1.1 times of the production test coupon )
Welded joint contains internal stresses called locked up stresses . Some times rise to values as high as YS of the material. This will be expected to relieve the locked up stresses so called as stress relieving. Heating to suitable temp Hold to enough to reduce residual stresses cooling slowly enough to minimize the development of new stresses.
Post weld temperature usually in the range : 590 to 760 deg .centigrade. Soaking : 1 hour / inch. Heating and cooling rate : 100 to 200 deg. centigrade per hour thickness up to 25 mm and slower rates for thicker plates. ( Depending upon the code being followed )
Diameter of rod Current in amperes ( MM ) Min Max Ave 1.6 25 45 40 2.0 34 65 50 2.5 50 90 90 3.2 60 130 115 4.0 100 180 140 5.0 150 250 200 6.0 200 310 280 Straight polarity electrode negative DCEN. Reverse polarity electrode positive DCEP.
QW 410 Technique
1 String / weave Nonessential 5 Method cleaning -Nonessential 6 Method back gouge-Nonessential 9 Multi / single pass - supplementary 25 Manual or automatic-Nonessential 26 Peening -Nonessential String : Like Chain. Weave : Side to side motion of the electrode.