AMORC - The Triangle September 1923
AMORC - The Triangle September 1923
AMORC - The Triangle September 1923
PR IC E 1 5 C
Price 15 Cents
and affiliations; for, it m ust be rem em bered, the Rosicrucians w ere alw ays so fundam ental in their teachings,
so to lerant in their consideration of o th er schools of
th o ug ht an d so broad in their w ork w ithout political
or religious bias, th at they very naturally included
from tim e to tim e m an y o th er m ovem ents and o rg an i
T o d ay the A M O R C has n u m ero u s affiliations. This
does n ot m ean th at it controls a great m an y o th er
bodies, for this is tru e to a small degree, but it is
associated with an d officially related to a great n u m
b er th ro u g h its relation to T h e G reat W hite Lodge.
P erh a p s a w ord or two reg ard in g T h e G reat W hite
Lodge m ay n ot be amiss right here. A s this is being
w ritten the w riter is sitting n ear a w indow with his
typing m achine. T h e w indow faces on M arket Street
of San Francisco, in the tw o-block area k now n as
the Civic C en tre; for o u r H e a d q u a rte rs are located
in a building n ea r the great City Hall, the w onderful
Civic A ud itoriu m w h e re the greatest of conventions
a re held, the larg e public library, p a rk and State
Building. R ight across the street from this window
is an o th e r building with v arious lodge room s for rent
for social an d public m eetings. O n Sundays a n u m
ber of m eetings are held in th e halls or lodge rooms,
several of them being spiritualistic m eetings of the
general kind. A m o n g the signs displayed at the door
o r h u n g on cords in the vestibule of the building each
Sunday is one large card bo ard b earin g the display line,
am o n g others, G reat W h ite Lodge.
You m ay w on d er at this sign, as do m any. T he
sign an n o u n ces a public religious meeting, sem i-spirit
ualistic or m etaphysical, attended regularly by from
tw enty to fifty persons an d presided over by a v en er
able p rea ch er of occult an d uplift th o u g h t know n in
this district for over twenty-five years. A nd the
claim is m ade th at his little organization, his w ork
and his teachings are sponsored by or are a p art of
T h e G reat W hite Lodge. Despite the m a n s sincerity
and good w ork, he is m istaken in regard to such
association and T h e G reat W hite Lodge is not located,
in p a rt o r wholly, on M ark et Street of San F rancisco;
n o r would its n am e be printed u p o n a sign to hane; at
the doo r across the street an y m o re than it w ould be
flaunted by us on a sign at o u r T em ple door.
W e read so m uch, h ea r so m uch, ab o u t T h e G reat
W h ite Lodge that it would seem to be a very indefinite
and open-to-all sort of organization, p erm itting any
group, an y leader, to assum e its n am e and claim its
sponsorship. Such is not the case, of course. T hat
its nam e carries such w eight with seekers, m eans so
m u ch to som e self-appointed ex p ou n ders of law, and
covers so m u ch territory, indicates that th ere is an
alm ost universal T eco sm itio n of th e fact th at th ere is
a great assem bly of M asters constituting a high b<-*dy
know n as the W h ite Lodge. But, it is not located in
an y one place except on occasion an d u n d er circum
stances that only a few, com paratively, know an ything
T h e re are ab o ut tw enty persons in the U nited
States w ho know an y th in g definite ab o ut T he G reat
A Short M essage From The Im perator
S H O R T tim e ago this possibility was
im possible! T his epitom izes the various
expressions one h eard in the W est at the
conclusion of the air-m ail tests betw een
coast and coast. A n d in th at sentence 1
find the text for m y little talk. A short
tim e ago the possible w as impossible!
It m ight be in referen ce to ev erything
in general in the abstract, so to speak;
it m ight have reference to a th ousand an d one of the
p resen t day accom plishm ents.
First of all w e find in the chosen text th e elem ent
of time. O nly a short tim e ago! T im e an d its d u ra
tion is relative; short an d long periods of tim e are
likewise relative. W h en we speak of national affairs
as they p ertain to the deveolpm ent of civilization or
the needs of civilization, a h un dred years is a short
time. W h en w e speak of the im m ediate needs of the
individuals com posing a nation, even ten years is a long
Utlje Ulriauglr
O u r first issue of T h e T riangle in the new form,
dated A ugust, 1923, b ro ug ht to us m any letters of
p raise and app reciatio n and o th er letters an d tele
gram s asking for m o re copies to m eet the dem and.
T h e entire issue was gone before w e had a chance to
realize that it was in circulation and we regret that
so m an y w ere disappointed, especially the N ational
Lodge m em bers who, in their totality, w ere deprived
of any copies.
O f course this issue, the Septem ber, will be in
creased in the n um b er of copies printed, but th at will
not co m pensate for the loss to those w ho did not get
a copy of the A ugust n um b er. T h e D ictionary of
R osaecrucian T erm s is especially desired by so m any
m em bers and will be w anted by the m an y new m e m
bers initiated this Fall and W in ter; so the best w e
can do is to reprint the first installm ent of the D iction
ary from A to F in a fu tu re issue. If those w ho receive
this S ep tem ber n u m b er an d all succeeding ones, will
p reserve them they will have the com plete D ictionary
as well as all the o th er helpful articles.
W e think it well to rem ind o u r m em b ers of w hat
h ap pened in regard to the old A m erican R osae Crucis
m agazine. Many of the old n u m b ers of that m agazine
are b rin g ing one an d two dollars per copy an d even
m o re has been offered by some w ho are anxiou-? to
m ake com plete sets. A s time passes those m agazines
becom e m o re valuable an d th e dem and on th e p a rt of
new m em b ers is increasing each m onth. T h e sam e
situation will com e in regard to th e new Triangle.
P reserve y o u r copy I H ave an extra one to loan to
W e th an k all those w ho have w ritten such glowing
an d sincere letters ab o u t o u r little m onthly m o no grap h.
W e have some new features p lan n ed but tim e is re
q uired to have them p rep ared . O u r next issue will co n
tain a p leasant surprise.
W h en a m a n s business and political enem ies join
w ith his friends in p ay in g tribute, w hen the hearts of
children are united with the h earts of older perso ns in
p ay in g respect to his m em ory, th en we m ay be sure
th at a m an good an d true, fair and square, kind and
gentle, loving and considerate, is the object of the
trib ute an d respect. A nd such a m an was the late
President H arding.
His passing h ere in San Francisco, w h e re the city
was decorated in h o n o r of his presence, w h e re ev ery
th in g w as still in festive a rra n g e m e n t in anticipation
of his co m p lete recovery, was a shock to the city an d
state th at bid him w elcom e and h ad p lan n ed to m ak e
his visit one of the m ost enjoyable events in hia life.
Yet it w as no less a shock to the w hole nation, to the
w hole world, an d all the w orld m o u rn e d for th e loss
of H arding the man, H ard in g the friend, H ard in g the
President, H ard in g the genial exam ple of h um an kin
A great m an y letters have been received at H e a d
q u a rte rs calling o u r attention to the fact that at the
H E R E is a book w hich m ost of o ur m em
bers will enjoy reading if they can buy
it o r b o rro w a copy. It is probably
difficult to obtain in som e localities, but
can be secured th ro u g h placing an order
w ith alm ost an y bookstore. T h e co m
plete title is: T ertiu m O rg an u m , (T h e
T h ird O rg a n of T h o u g h t), a Key to the
E nigm as of the W orld, by P. D. O uspensky, published by the M anas Press,
R ochester, N. Y.
It is a large book p rin ted with large clear type,
well indexed and co n tain in g a large folded ch art of
"T h e F ou r F orm s of th e M anifestation of C onscious
W ritten by a mystic and translated from the Russian
by those w ho have taken care to p reserve the bril
liancy and c h a rac te r of th e original, we find the book
deals com pletely with such subjects as T h e M ystery of
Space and Tim e, Shadow s an d Reality, O ccultism .
A nim ated N ature, V oices of the Stones, M athem atics
of the Infinite, Logic of Ecstacy, Mvstical T heosophy,
Cosm ic Consciousness, the New Morality an d the
Birth of the S up erm an .
In one copy of this book ow ned by o u r S uprem e
G rand Master, Rev. G eorge R. C ham bers, Ph.D., w e
find the foflowing w ritten on th e p ag e facing th e table