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Enhancing Ecg Signals Using Triangular Window Based Fir Digital Filtering Technique

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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)

ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719

Vol. 05, Issue 06 (June. 2015), ||V1|| PP 32-38


Enhancing Ecg Signals Using Triangular Window Based Fir

Digital Filtering Technique
Idigo F., Alor M.O., and Onoh G.N.,
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Enugu State University of Science & Technology, Enugu,
Enugu State, Nigeria.
Abstract: - Electrocardiography generates signals referred to as Electrocardiographic signals or simply ECG
which describes the electrical activities of the heart and is very vital in the clinical monitoring and diagnosis of
the health conditions of the human heart. Naturally during acquisition, the ECG signals get distorted by different
artifacts such as Baseline Wander, Muscle Contractions, Equipment Artifact, Powerline Interference etc., which
must be removed otherwise incorrect information regarding the patients heart condition will be conveyed.
However, the most significant signal that corrupt the ECG is Powerline Interference. Hence, for correct
extraction of the features of the ECG signal there is need to separate the wanted signal from noise caused by
these signals that corrupt the ECG. Different types of digital filters can be used to achieve this. In this work, a
Modified Triangular Window FIR filter was used for the removal of the 50Hz Powerline interference in the
ECG. Using MATLAB The Signal Power before and after filtration using the modified window was determined
and compared with that of triangular window and simulation results obtained.
Keywords: ECG Signals, Biomedical, Powerline interference, FIR filter, Triangular Window



Electrocardiographic signals describe the electrical activity of the heart, and are universally employed in the
diagnosis of cardiac pathologies.The ECG signal frequency ranges from 0.5Hz to 100Hz, and during
acquisition, various artifacts contaminate the Electrocardiogram (ECG) recording, such as;
1. Power line interference
2. Electrode contact noise
3. Motion artifacts
4. Muscle contraction
5. Base line drift
When doctors use electrocardiography they can identify dangerous heart conditions, such as heartbeats
that are not rhythmic, and treat the conditions appropriately [1]. However, if these conditions are not diagnosed
early the individuals will mature into adulthood only to suffer sudden cardiac death as their first visible
symptom [2]. For the meaningful and accurate detection, steps have to be taken to filter out or discard all these
noise sources. Many tools, methods and algorithms from signal processing theory have been proposed,
described and implemented [3]. Different window functions are used in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) for
Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter design.
In [4] Bhattacharya simulated the frequency responses of the four basic types of Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
filters using a modified Taylor window function. Then he compared the
FIR filter responses with those using the Taylor window function, and improved frequency responses
were observed in each case. Muralidhar et al in [5] used a new window which is a hybrid combination of
hamming and Bartlett windows for the reduction of 60hz powerline interference. The authors applied a lower
cutoff frequency of 59.5hz and a higher cutoff frequency of 60.5hz as the notch filter design specifications, and
the method yielded better results than hamming and Bartlett individually. Ahmed in [6] demonstrated the
magnitude and phase responses for different design techniques at particular cut off frequency and filter order.
The design techniques presented were those of high pass FIR filters using Hanning, Bartlett and Kaiser
Windows. It was shown that the degree of flatness varies with the length of the filter. Suman et al [7] optimised
the adaptive noise canceller with Modified Memetic Algorithm (MMA) to remove power line interference in the
ECG signals. The performance of these algorithms was analysed on the basis of parameters viz., improvement in
signal to noise ratio, normalized correlation coefficient (NCC) and root mean square error (RMSE). The results
showed that (MMA) outperforms both LMS and GA algorithms. In [8] Mbachu et al designed and implemented
FIR digital filter based on triangular window function, to overcome part of the degradation of ECG signal in
man by removing the 50Hz powerline interference in the signal. They used matlab to generate the signals and
observe results. The performance of the triangular window was compared with that of an adaptive noise
canceller and results showed that the adaptive filter is far much better in ECG processing with respect to

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Enhancing Ecg Signals Using Triangular Window Based Fir Digital Filtering Technique
removing powerline interference and, good enough for correct clinical interpretations. Also Mbachu in [9]
examined the effectiveness of six different types of window functions including the Height Adjustable
Triangular (HAT) Window with the value of alpha as 0.02 in the design and development of digital FIR notch
filters for reduction of powerline interference in ECG. From results, the Kaiser window was relatively most
effective in reducing the 50Hz powerline interference.
The design of Digital Filters using window method involves obtaining the Desired Impulse Response or Unit
Sample Response
from the Desired Frequency Response
of the filter.

Naturally the Impulse Response of the filter

is of infinite duration which implies that the filter resulting

from the Fourier series representation

without application of any weighting factor on the series is
unrealizable. To make the series finite and hence realizable (i.e having a Finite Impulse Response) the Fourier
Series is truncated at point n = M for instance where M is a whole number representing the length of the unit
sample response desired). This direct truncation of the series will actually make the filter finite but will lead to
Gibbs Phenomenon which manifests itself as a fixed percentage overshoot and ripple before and after
approximated discontinuities in the frequency response. A better approach is to use a finite weighting sequence
called window, w(n), to modify the Fourier coefficients
in (1) i.e multiplying
by a window
. where
represents generalized window function. With Window application, the Unit
Sample or Impulse Response of the FIR filter is then given as;
. (3)
can also be called the designed FIR filter coefficients.



The design of FIR filter using windows follows a sequence as depicted by fig. 1

Fig. 1 Window Based FIR Filter Design Steps

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In defining the filter specification the sampling frequency (fs) is taken to be 1000Hz and the cut off frequencies
(fc1 and fc2) are 45Hz and 55Hz respectively, and the filter order is taken to be 100.
The Triangular window function for total number of samples, M = 100 plotted with Matlab is shown in fig. 2
and is described by the expression 2.4. The sample points (n) are indicated along x-axis and the corresponding
amplitude levels along y-axis respectively.

Fig. 2 The Triangular Window

The Triangular window based FIR digital filter is therefore a filter obtained from the modification of the
Triangular window function and is given as:
To modify the triangular window, the amplitude in fig. 2 ie W(n) is pulled up to alpha ( ) at the rising and
falling sides of the triangle, where alpha varies from 0 to 1. In this work, alpha is taken to be 0.06.
With the modified Triangular window function given in equation (5) and input signals defined as
x1 =
0.1*sin (2*pi*50*(k-1)/fs) . (6)
x = 3.5*ecg (3000)
the impulse response of the FIR filter is improved and better results obtained.

Fig. 3 The Modified Triangular Window

The Desired Unit Sample or Impulse Response for bandstop FIR filter also called the Desired Filter coefficients
is given as;

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Enhancing Ecg Signals Using Triangular Window Based Fir Digital Filtering Technique
The steps for modeling of the modified system are described in the flowchart as shown in fig. 4.

k-1)/fs); x=3.5*ecg(3000)

are all input

arguments set?

yesnormal and corrupt
plot the
plot the pole/zeros

plot the magnitude response

plot the phase

plot the freq response before

plot the freq response after


Plot the filtered ECG signal

Fig. 4

Flowchart of the Procedures for Modeling the Modified System



A corrupt ECG signal generated by Matlab is shown in fig. 5, obtained by superimposing a 50hz noise
source equation (7) on a clean ECG signal equation (6). The corrupt signal is then passed through the modified
window FIR filter, and other results obtained.

Fig. 5 Corrupt ECG Signal

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Enhancing Ecg Signals Using Triangular Window Based Fir Digital Filtering Technique

Fig. 6 Pole/Zero Plot of the FIR Filter

The poles and Zeros and are equivalent ways of describing the coefficients of a linear system and they have a
direct influence on the dynamic properties of the system. The pole-zero plot depicted in fig. 6 shows that there is
symmetry in pole-zero across the imaginary axis and that the system is stable.

Fig. 7 Magnitude Response of the FIR Filter

The magnitude response depicted in fig. 7 shows closeness to the ideal situation.

Fig. 8 Unwrapped Phase Response of the FIR Filter

Fig. 8 depicts the Unwrapped Phase Response of the FIR Filter. Unlike Bode plots that are mostly
shown as wrapped phase responses, the unwrapped plot sees the angle as continuous values of same polarity so
as to indicate when the phase is linear through a perfect straight line, or not linear by showing a distorted

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Enhancing Ecg Signals Using Triangular Window Based Fir Digital Filtering Technique
straight line in one or two or more segments of the line. The Lack of phase/delay distortion as with the case of
linear filters, can be a critical advantage of FIR filters.

Fig. 9 Frequency Response (before filtration) of the FIR Filter

Fig. 10 Frequency Response (after filtration) of the FIR Filter



The removal or filtering of noise in ECG signal has remained a classical problem and more worrisome
is the fact that Powerline interference is a constituent part of the ECG waveform. From results, the magnitude
response of fig 7 indicates that the filter is very stable, and therefore the coefficients of the filter cannot upset the
filter stability. A condition of steady state output is therefore guaranteed. The phase response of fig 8 shows that
the filter is of linear phase which is desirable in processing complex signals like ECG signals. This ensures that
multiple frequency signals do not suffer differential phase shifts, and as well the filter does not make the
required intelligent signal tow a wrong position which leads to erroneous clinical diagnosis of the patient. From
fig. 9, the power of the ECG signal corrupt with 50Hz powerline interference before filtration is (3.438dB) and
from fig. 10, the power of the corrupt ECG signal at 50hz after filtration is
(-10.53dB). This implies that
the fitter removes the Powerline Interference in the noisy ECG signal. The conclusion from the results therefore
is that Power Line Interference has been successfully and efficiently removed by the Modified Triangular
Window Based FIR filter.


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Aetna Inteli Health, Available at: http://www.intelihealth.com
Understanding the Heart's Electrical Messages, Source on the internet: Essential EKG (ECG) Information
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International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR); Volume 2, Issue 2,
February 2013

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Ankan Bhattacharya; A window function for FIR filter design with an improved frequency response and
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P.V.Muralidhar, K.krishnamraju, S.K.Nayak and P.V.S.Nirosha Devi ECG signal with hybrid window
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