Received 22 January 2014, Revised 13 May 2015, Online Published 29 May 2015
Received 22 January 2014, Revised 13 May 2015, Online Published 29 May 2015
Received 22 January 2014, Revised 13 May 2015, Online Published 29 May 2015
The emerging trends in the wireless communication system have opened the way of 4 th generation (4G) communication systems. The
seamless advantages of the 4G system can meet the customer demands. The 4G systems can support up to 1 Gbits/s with high security. One
of the main challenges of the 4G system is its accessibility of heterogeneous network. For this, an efficient transceiver system is required.
Software-defined radio (SDR) is an efficient radio, which is adapt to any situation.
Since SDR contains software functions, it can change the parameters at any time according to the situations. The SDR can be used for
military applications, 4G, and next generation wireless communication for fast and accurate communication. SDR is the technique used for
replacing hardware components into a software program, which reduces the complexities in the implementation and testing 1. There are lots
of advantages for the replacement of hardware to software, low complexity, high efficiency, improved functionality, less area, and power
consumption, low manufacturing cost, etc. The software allows to change the parameters of the receiver at run time itself according to the
application2. The reconfigurable architectures like FPGA, DSP, and general purpose processors are used as the design platforms.
OFDM is a modulation technique, which can be used in high data rate communication systems. It is a multi-carrier modulation system
with high bandwidth efficiency and is robust to frequency selective fading 3. One of the major drawbacks of the OFDM techniques is the
highest peak-to-average power reduction (PAPR) ratio of the transmitted signal. It causes nonlinear distortion while passing through the
power amplifier, hence reduces the BER performance. There are many algorithms used to reduce the peak power of the OFDM signal, such
as clipping, filtering tone rejection, peak windowing, companding, selective mapping (SLM) 4,5, etc. Partial transmit sequence (PTS) etc 6.
The above algorithms give the moderate performance.
The peak windowing and the filtering methods are the simplest methods among the above mentioned algorithms. In clipping and filtering
method, some data loss happens. The clipping process cuts off the high peaks in the signal. It affects the information signal. In the peak
windowing method, the window cannot accommodate when the consecutive peaks come. In our proposing method, the adaptive window
can accommodate at any place by changing the window parameter. This will reduce the losses in data and will improve the performance of
the system. The filter will remove the out-of-band radiation of the signal7-9.
All other methods have the system complexity and computational complexity 10. The Viterbi algorithm is the fastest decoding algorithm
using Trellis structure used for communication system application.
Software-defined radios are flexible in nature. Even at run time these can adapt to the changes in the system 11. The SDR is a basic platform
for the cognitive radio in the system can automatically adaptto any changes in the environmental conditions. The general architecture of
SDR is shown12 in the Fig. 1. The physical layer operations depend on the
Received 22 January 2014, revised 13 May 2015, online published 29 May 2015
environmental conditions as well as the application. The SDR
can change its parameters at any time without disturbing the other
functions in the system. In SDR all functions are designed as
software coding instead of hardware component. Therefore the
system can update itself according to the needs at any time with
low cost and complexity. The main functions of SDR are described.
2.1 Smart Antennae
The baseband controllers control the antenna operations. At the
transmitter side, the antenna makes an interface between the
network (NET) layer and the MAC layer on the receiver side. The
antenna can achieve the signal by space division multiplexing.
2.2 RF Modules
The RF module is used to assist the smart antenna. The RF
module is having the following functions, Digital frequency
synthesizer, pre-amplifier, power output, RF conversion.
2.3 Digital up/down Converters
A/D is used to convert the digital signal into an analog signal.
The signal from the antenna is in the RF range. Then the RF signal
is converted into IF signal. The high speed converters are designed
according to the sampling theorem. The up converters do the
reverse operation of this.
2.4 Software Packages
SDR uses a distributed type of architecture and processes the
information transmitted using common object request broker
architecture (CORBA), protocol with control packages and system
interface packages. There are two types of software downloaded
used in SDR, static technology and semi-static technology2.
2.5 Digital Signal Processing
The digital signal processing (DSP) functions can be
implemented on an FPGA. All the physical layer functions like
multiplexing/de-multiplexing will be performing in this block.
The proposed architecture of OFDM is shown in the Fig. 2.
The conventional system SLM techniques and filtering method
have been used. Here filter with windowing methods have been
used. This will reduces the ripples in the frequency response of the
In the SLM scheme, the information bits have been divided into
number of sequences in a particular order and one has to find the
IFFT of each sequence separately. Then one can select one
sequence with a minimum PAPR ratio 13-16. In general, for each FFT
requires N/2 log2 N multiplications and N log2 N addition. The
number of FFTs will increase, and then computational complexity
also increases. In the proposed method, the FFT is calculated only
one time for the input sequence and it is passed through the filter.
The filter can reduce the out-of-band radiations in the transmitted
In windowing techniques Kaiser window will show the best results.
One of the disadvantages of the peak windowing method is that,
when consecutive peaks come in the signal, then the window
cannot apply continuously. In the proposed method, the widow is
adaptive in nature. The adaptivity of the window allows changing
the shape of the window. This can easily accommodate when the
high peak appears. The peak detector in the system can find the
positions of every peak. According to the peak value position one
applies the Kaiser window function17-18.
The filter passes the signal through the window. The window
frequency response is given by the Eqns (9-11). The filter with
window technique filters off the unwanted noise added in the
information signals at the transmitter and helps to keep the side
1()()MjmMmxkXmeM== 0 k M 1 (1)
where, 1j= , X(m) = [X(0), X(1),X(M-1)] is the input signal
for IFFT and k is the discrete time index.The peak-to-average
power ratio of the transmitted OFDM signal is given by,
22max()()peakaveragexkPPAPRPExk== (2)
where, peakPis the peak power of the transmitted signal and averagePis
the average power of the transmitted signal. In OFDM, the
information signal is first mapped by using QPSK or BPSK
modulation. The expression for both modulations can be expressed
YS= (17)
Viterbi algorithm increases the speed of the decoder and easily traces out the original signal. The final output of the
Viterbi decoder is represented as R(k).
The Fig. 4 shows the simulation results. Here the modulations are taken as BPSK, QPSK. The FFT size can be
varied according to the application. The FFT is scalable, can be varying any time. The simulation shows the
comparison of the existing systems such as filtering and SLM method for a different variations. Also shows the
variation of bit error rate (BER) with various point FFT. Table 1.
Figure 4 shows the BER curve for BPSK with N = 128 and the number of carrier signals = 60. The original signal
and the simulated signal are shown in the Fig. 4. The simulated signal is almost related to the original theoretical
signal. Therefore very less error rate happens at the receiver side. In Fig. 5 the BER performances of the QPSK and
16_QAM are presented. The OFDM performance is improved by using the window technique.
The Fig. 6 shows the BER curve using different channels. The AWGN channel gives better performance than
Rayleigh for all modulations.
The Fig. 7 shows the BER performance of different modulations. This Figure shows the QPSK modulation and
BPSK modulation with AWGN channel for various N values. The Fig. 8 shows the CCDF curve for peak power for
BPSK modulation.It shows the PAPR curve of OFDM signal with N = 128
16, 64, 128
No of sub carrier
Kaiser window