In partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of degree of
Department of Electronics
Firstly,we thank Lord Almighty for guiding us in every step on our step
to the completion of this project.
This project would not have been successfully materialized,had it not been
for the several people who have helped us.We are extremely indebted to all
of them and wholeheartedly thank them for their valid support.
We sincerely thank all our friends and classmates who in one way or the
other have helped us in this work.
We truly admire our parents for their constant encouragement and endur-
ing support which was inevitable for the success of all our ventures.
In this project, the transmitter and the receiver for the OFDM system
is simulated using the MATLAB . The various parameters of the OFDM is
also calculated using the software.
The transmitter section consists of an FFT transformation block for con-
verting the individual subcarriers which are generated using the serial to
parallel converter.
1 Introduction 9
1.1 Objectives of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2 Principle of OFDM 11
7 Software Specification 29
8 Result 32
9 References 42
List of Figures
Principle of OFDM
The orthogonality requires that the sub-carrier spacing is ∆ f = 4 TU
Hertz, where TU seconds is the useful symbol duration (the receiver side
window size), and k is a positive integer, typically equal to 1. Therefore,
with N sub-carriers, the total passband bandwidth will be B ' N*∆f (Hz).
The orthogonality also allows high spectral efficiency, with a total symbol
rate near the Nyquist rate for the equivalent baseband signal (i.e. near
half the Nyquist rate for the double-side band physical passband signal).
Almost the whole available frequency band can be utilized. OFDM generally
has a nearly ’white’ spectrum, giving it benign electromagnetic interference
properties with respect to other co-channel users.
Simulation of OFDM System using MATLAB Chapter-2
OFDM splits a high-rate data stream into N parallel streams, which are
then transmitted by modulating N distinct carriers (henceforth called sub-
carriers or tones). Symbol duration on each subcarrier thus becomes larger
by a factor of N. In order for the receiver to be able to separate signals
carried by different subcarriers, they have to be orthogonal. Conventional
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA),can achieve this by having
large (frequency) spacing between carriers. This, however, wastes precious
spectrum. A much narrower spacing of subcarriers can be achieved. Specif-
ically, let subcarriers be at the frequencies fn = nW
N , where n is an integer,
and W the total available bandwidth; in the most simple case, W = TNs .If
the assumption is done in such a way that the modulation scheme used
in each sub carriers Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) with Rectangular
pulses.The orthogonality of the carriers can be established by the equation,
Z (i+1)Ts
exp(j2πfk t)exp(−j2πfn t) = δnk (2.1)
Figure 2.1 shows this principle in the frequency domain. Due to the rect-
angular shape of pulses in the time domain, the spectrum of each modulated
carrier has a sin(x)/x shape. The spectra of different modulated carriers
overlap, but each carrier is in the spectral nulls of all other carriers. There-
fore, as long as the receiver does the appropriate demodulation (multiplying
by exp(j2fn t) and integrating over symbol duration), the data streams of
any two subcarriers will not interfere.
Implementation of OFDM
Let us first consider the analog interpretation. Let the complex transmit
symbol at time instant i on the nth carrier be cn,i . The transmit signal is
X ∞ N
X X −1
s(t) = si (t) = cn,i gn (t − iTs ) (3.1)
i=−∞ i=−∞ n=0
Simulation of OFDM System using MATLAB Chapter-3
1 NX k
sk = s(tk ) = √ cn,0 exp(j2πn ) (3.3)
Ts n=0 N
The equation 3.3 represents the inverse Discrete Fourier transform of the
transmit symbols.Therefore a transmitter can be realized using a Inverse
Fast Fourier Transform on the transmitter side provided that the block size
must be equal to the no.of sub carriers.
Note that the input to this IFFT is made up of N samples (the symbols
for the different subcarriers), and therefore the output from the IFFT also
consists of N values. These N values now have to be transmitted, one after
the other, as temporal samples this is the reason why we have a P/S (Parallel
to Serial) conversion directly after the IFFT. At the receiver, we can reverse
the process: sample the received signal, write a block of N samples into a
vector i.e., an S/P (Serial to Parallel) conversion and perform an FFT on
this vector. The result is an estimate c˜n of the original data cn .
gn (t) = exp[j2πn t]; f or − Tcp < t < T̃S (3.4)
where again W/N is the carrier spacing, and T̃S = W. The symbol duration
TS is now TS = T̃S + Tcp .This definition of the base function means that
for duration 0 < t < T̃S the normal OFDM symbol is transmitted.
Figure 3.2: Principle of the cyclic prefix. Nc p = N Tcp /(N/W ) is the number
of samples in the cyclic prefix.
This operation removes the first part of the received signal (of duration
Tcp ) from the detection process; as discussed above, the matched filtering
of the remainder can be realized as an FFT operation. The signal at the
output of the matched filter is thus convolution of the transmit signal with
the channel impulse response and the receive filter:
Z T̃S Z Tcp N
X −1
rn,o = [ h(t, τ )( ck,0 gk (t − τ ))dτ ]g ∗n (t)dt + nn (3.6)
0 0 k=0
where nn is the noise at the output of the matched filter. Note that the
argument of gk can attain values between Tcp and T̃S , which is the region of
definition of Eq. (3.4). If the channel can be considered as constant during
the time TS , then h(t,τ ) = h(τ ), and we obtain
X −1 Z T̃S Z Tcp
rn,o = ck,0 [ h(τ )(gk (t − τ ))dτ ]g ∗n (t)dt + nn (3.7)
k=0 0 0
where H(k W
N ) is the channel transfer function at the frequency kW/N.
Since, furthermore, the basis functions gn (t) are orthogonal during the time
0 < t < T̃S :
gk (t)g ∗n (t) = δkn (t) (3.9)
Noise Characteristics of
More generally, we find that uncoded OFDM has the same average BER
irrespective of the frequency selectivity of the channel. This can also be
interpreted the following way: frequency selectivity gives us different chan-
nel realizations on different subcarriers; time variations give us different
channel realizations at different times. Doubly selective channels have dif-
ferent realizations on different subcarriers as well as different times. But,
for computation of the average BER, it does not matter how the different
realizations are created, as long as the fading has the same statistics (e.g.,
Rayleigh), and the ensemble is large enough.From these examples, we see
that the main problem lies in the fact that carriers with poor SNR dominate
the performance of the system. Any of the following approaches circumvents
this problem:
• Coding across the different tones: such coding helps to compensate for
Figure 4.2: Bit error rate for a channel with taps at [0, 0.89, 1.35, 2.41,
3.1] with mean powers [1, 0.16, 0.09, 0.185, 0.04], each tap independently
Rayleigh fading. The modulation format is binary-phase shift keying. Sub-
carriers are at fk = 0.05k, k = 0. . . . 63.
• Spreading the signal over all tones: in this approach, each symbol is
spread across all carriers, so that it sees an SNR that is the average of
all tones over which it is spread.
Figure 4.3: Bit error rate as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio for rate-
1/3- and rate-3/4-coded orthogonalfrequency- division-multiplexing system.
Channel is either additive white Gaussian noise, or channel model 4 of the
IEEE 802.15.3a channels. The OFDM system follows the specifications of
the WiMedia standard.
Representation of
Transmitter and Receiver
The transmitter and the receiver used in the OFDM are designed using the
digital method so the discrete components are readily available that works
on the FFT principle and the discrepancy caused in the analog methodology
due to the use of LOs can be avoided.
In the transmitter section the various parameters like the data rate(No.of
bits),No.of Sub channels,the modulation scheme used, the number of bits
to be transmitted from the receiver are specified.The Modulated signal(the
input signal be any random data) is multiplexed in to sub channels using
a serial to parallel converter.The each sub channel is the passed through a
IFFT transform block to convert them in to the constellation mapping and
then the cyclic-prefix is added to the transformed signals.
6.2 Channel
The receiver will remove the appended cyclic prefix from the received
signal to decode the true signal from the received modified OFDM signal.
The signal is then passed through a FFT transform block to obtain the signal
which was transformed in to equalized form using the IFFT block.The re-
transformed is then passed through a parallel to serial converter and the
final single signal obtained is reconstructed.
Software Specification
Apart from the mathematical operation the MATLAB also supports vari-
ous operations using images,audio,videos etc..The MATLAB software is used
in this project to plot the Noise Characteristics of the OFDM system.
The MATLAB code for the transmitter and the receiver section of the
OFDM system was simulated.The transmitter section consists of a Quadra-
ture Phase Shift Modulator because the number of sub-channels used in this
simulation was four,hence QPSK was used.The input signal was generated
from a random binary data and was modulated using four sub-carriers.The
Cyclic Prefix was also appended to the modulated data stream for cancel-
ing the Inter Symbol Interference(ISI) and the delay dispersion caused to
the transmitted signal through the channel.The IFFT was calculated for
converting the serial the data stream in to parallel data.
Simulation of OFDM System using MATLAB Chapter-8