cs2 Report
cs2 Report
cs2 Report
Bachelor Of Engineering
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Ramaiah Institute Of Technology, Bangalore
Submitted by
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, RIT
Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore
(Autonomous Institute Affiliated to VTU)
I/We hereby declare that the mini-project entitled “Symbol error rate of QPSK modulation and Demodulation” has been
carried out independently by us, under the guidance of DR. PARIMALA P, Associate Professor, Dept of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Dept of ETE, RIT, Dept of ETE, RIT, Dept of ETE, RIT, Dept of ETE, RIT,
Place: Bangalore
It is my profound gratitude that I express my indebtedness to all who have guided me to complete
this mini-project successfully.
I am grateful to my HOD Dr. B.K.Sujatha for allowing me to undertake this mini-project work
and also providing me with support and sharing his knowledge whenever needed.
I am thankful to my principal Dr. N.V.R Naidu for his guidance and support to complete my
The valuable guidance, the exemplary support and timely suggestions made available to me by my
guide Dr.Parimala P, Associate Professor, Electronics and Telecommunication dept., MSRIT
went a long way in completion of the mini-project. I sincerely acknowledge his help, guidance
and constant support which were ever present throughout the mini-project work.
I also thank my friends and the staff members of , Electronics and Telecommunication dept. and
also my family for the help and support provided by them in successful completion of the mini-
project. I would also like to thank the other members of the lab, workplace and my friends for
being there for me during my hardships and creating an amiable atmosphere to work in.
My accomplishments would be incomplete without my beloved parents, for without their support
and encouragement I would not have reached up to this level. I owe my achievements to them
1. Introduction
2. Background work/code
3. Methodology
4. Results
5. Conclusion
6. References
line coding is process of converting to digital data that can be transmitted over
communication channel. There several line coding techniques, such as
Manchester, NRZ and RZ. Performance evaluation techniques is important to
determine their suitability for different communication applications.
Spectral efficiency (PSD): the amount of information that can be transmitted per
unit bandwidth. A line coding technique with high spectral efficiency is preferred
as it allows for more information to be transmitted over a given bandwidth
Bit error rate (BER): the number of bit errors is the number of a data stream over
a channel that have been altered due to noise, interference, distortion or bit
synchronization errors. It is a ratio of bits that are received in error to the total
number of bits transmitted. The lower the BER, better the performance of the line
coding technique.
Bandwidth efficiency.
Dc components.
Power efficiency.
There are several encoding techniques and it has its advantages and
disadvantages command the choice of the most appropriate technique depends
on the specific application requirements top dot for example Manchester
encoding has high bandwidth efficiency but high DC component, while NRZ
coding has low DC component but low bandwidth efficiency.