Design, Simulation and Fabrication of An Optimized Microstrip Antenna With Metamaterial Superstrate Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Design, Simulation and Fabrication of An Optimized Microstrip Antenna With Metamaterial Superstrate Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Design, Simulation and Fabrication of An Optimized Microstrip Antenna With Metamaterial Superstrate Using Particle Swarm Optimization
AbstractIn this paper, a novel near zero refractive index metamaterial is designed and used as a
superstrate of a microstrip antenna. In order to decrease the return loss, particle swarm optimization
(PSO) is used to optimize the metamaterial structure. One of the important factors in the antenna
designing, which influences the radiation efficiency, is to determine the accurate position of the feed,
and PSO is used to find a precise location of the feed with minimum return loss. The simulation and
fabrication of the microstrip antenna using the optimized metamaterial structure is also presented. The
performance of the antenna is improved, and the gain is increased up to 4.5 dB. Moreover, a very good
agreement is observed between simulation and measurement results.
Microstrip antennas (MAs) have been widely used in microwave systems because of their attractive
features, such as low profile and low cost [1, 2]. Although MAs have been considered significant
advances in antenna technology, they suffer from a number of serious drawbacks such as very narrow
bandwidth and low gain. In order to improve the antenna characteristic, metamaterials (MTM) are
used as a superstrate [3, 4]. In order to achieve gain enhancement, MTMs, structural sizes of which
are much smaller than the wavelength in free space are used in many papers [57]. MTM superstrates
are practically useful to enhance the directivity of different radiation sources [8]. In addition, MTM
superstrates are also used to improve the radiation performance of an antenna, which is interpreted by
the theory of near-zero refraction index materials [9, 10]. The challenge in designing MA is to determine
the feed position which is an important parameter in the radiation pattern and efficiency. In most
cases, trial and error is used which is not accurate. Recently, the particle swarm optimization (PSO)
is used to accommodate this challenge. PSO starts by designating each position in the solution space
as a potential design. A fitness function is then defined to quantify the performance of each candidate
design [11]. All the encountered positions are evaluated by this fitness function to represent how well
the design criterion is satisfied. Finally, toward the end of the optimization, most particles converge to
the global optimum, which expectedly results into the best design [12]. In this paper, a novel near-zero
refractive index MTM unit cell used as a superstrate of the MA is introduced. In order to improve the
antenna characteristic, PSO is applied to determine the best position of the coaxial cable and optimize
the MTM structure which increases the gain and directivity of the MA and decreases the back lobe that
plays an important role in enhancement of antenna efficiency. The proposed MTM structure is printed
on a Rogers RT Duroid 5880 substrate with permittivity r = 2.2 and loss tangent 0.0009. The unit
cell structure is simulated by Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) and MATLAB. The
results are presented and show that, in antenna with 12 MTM unit cells, the size reduction is about
15%. Measured and simulated results are compared. Accordingly, it can be concluded that these results
are very close to each other.
Received 2 January 2014, Accepted 16 May 2014, Scheduled 22 May 2014
* Corresponding author: Nooshin Feiz (
1 Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. 2 Antenna and Microwave Research
Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
K =
2 2 4
= c1 + c2
xid = xid + vid
where K is constriction factor set to 0.729; so, is 4.1. c1 and c2 are acceleration constants that
represent the weighting of the stochastic acceleration terms, which pulls each particle toward the best
position and global best position, respectively. This algorithm continues until the criterion, which is
defined as a sufficiently good fitness or maximum number of the iteration, is met. Velocity of particles
is limited to a constant parameter which is called Vmax and is often set to about 1020% of dynamic
range of the variable on each dimension [13].
3.1. Metamaterial Unit Cell
In this work, a novel index MTM unit cell is employed. This unit cell is designed to have a near-zero
value for the refractive index at the resonance frequency. Figure 1 illustrates the geometry of the MTM
unit cell. Open, electric, magnetic and periodic boundary conditions are used in the simulation. In
order to excite the permittivity and permeability behaviors, the perfect electric conductor (PEC) and
perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) boundary conditions and feed port are employed on the x-axis and
y-axis and z-axis, respectively [15].
An important parameter impacting the return loss and antenna gains consequently is the gap
between sheets indicated as g in Figure 1. The simulation is made on a frequency band for the structure
between 5 GHz and 12 GHz with a 0.01 GHz increment. In order to improve the return loss of the unit
cell, PSO is used to optimize the MTM structure.
3.2. PSO Optimization
In order to find the best value for g, PSO is used as follows. First, the numbers of the iterations and
particles are chosen 20 and 15, respectively. The fitness function is defined as a minimum value of the
reflection coefficient which decreases the return loss and increases the efficiency of the MTM unit cell.
In this case, MATLAB and HFSS are simultaneously applied, and Visual Basic Script (VBS) is used as
an interface between the two softwares. The procedure of this algorithm is shown in Figure 2.
First, the initial value for g is considered 0.7 mm in MATLAB code, and VBS is used to link HFSS
and MATLAB. In order to find the reflection coefficient, the structure is simulated by HFSS.
Figure 1. Structure of the unit cell of metamaterial (a = 4.5 mm, p = 4.3 mm, b = 0.3 mm,
r = 1.43 mm).
So, HFSS is opened by the command code of MATLAB. Then, the structure of the near-zero
refractive index MTM is drawn and run in HFSS by MATLAB codes in the frequency range defined
in MATLAB. After that, to achieve the minimum value of the reflection coefficient, VBS is used to
transfer the data of S parameter from HFSS to MATLAB.
Then, the structure of the near-zero refractive index MTM is drawn and run in HFSS by MATLAB
codes in the frequency range defined in MATLAB. After that, to achieve the minimum value of the
reflection coefficient, VBS is used to transfer the data of S parameter from HFSS to MATLAB. This
value is compared with previous values, and the minimum value is chosen as Pi by PSO.
In each iteration, this process is done for each particle. Finally, in the end of the procedure the
appropriate value is selected as Pg which is shown in MATLAB command window as the optimum
This process is repeated until the iteration meets the maximum number. In this case, HFSS runs
300 times and lasts for 17 hours. The gain of the MA, which uses arrays of unit cells as a superstrate,
is increased by PSO. The optimized value of g is 0.4 mm.
This algorithm significantly reduces the return loss. As shown in Figure 3, a 10 dB reduction of
the reflection coefficient is observed.
3.3. A Retrieval Method
A MTM superstrate was also used to improve the radiation performance of a MA, which was interpreted
by the theory of near-zero refraction index materials [810]. In order to determine the reflective index of
the optimized MTM unit cell, a retrieval algorithm, which uses reflection and transmission coefficients
of a wave normally incident on a slab of the MTM, is applied [16]. From Figure 4, it can be observed
that the refractive index of optimized structure is near-zero in 11 GHz. Thus, antenna gain due to the
ultra-refraction phenomenon is significantly increased.
Figure 5(a) shows the calculated effective permittivity of the optimized metamaterial extracted
from the simulated S parameters [16]. As shown in Figure 5(b), the effective magnetic permeability is
very close to zero around 11 GHz.
3.4. Antenna Design
The antenna dimensions are calculated based on the resonance frequency of the optimized MTM. An
accurate determination of the coaxial cable position is the most important step in antenna design. The
best place is at the point where the input impedance is 50 . A Computer Aided Design (CAD) formula
is used as a conventional way to determine the feed position. The disadvantage of this method is that
it does not provide a precise response. In order to accurately determine the feed location, PSO is used
to find the best position. The initializing parameter is the first step of PSO. In this paper, the CAD
formula is used to preliminarily estimate the feed position. Then, the particles move toward the solution
space for finding the best position with maximum matching to the fitness function. The fitness function
is defined as a minimum value of the reflection coefficient. Consequently, this will lead to increase the
antenna gain and radiation efficiency.
Figure 5. The extracted constitutive parameters of the optimized MTM structure with respect to the
frequency. (a) Permittivity. (b) Permeability.
The simulated MA presents a return loss 27 dB around 9 GHz, and the gain is 9.2 dB which shows
4.5 dB growth rate.
After 8 hours and 300 times runs, the optimal value of the feed position is displayed in the MATLAB
command window. The result of the optimization algorithm is 7.9 mm from the starting point of the
Figure 6(a) shows the top view of the optimized antenna with MTM superstrate. The top view of
the antenna, which uses a 43 array of the optimized MTM as a superstrate, is presented in Figure 6(b).
Figure 6. Configuration of the antenna using the optimized metamatrial structure. (a) Side view.
(b) Top view. (W = 21.6 mm, L = 19.7 mm, d = 7.9 mm, h1 = 0.8 mm, h2 = 1.6 mm).
As shown in Figure 7, the gain of the optimized MA, which uses the optimized MTM structures
as a superstrate, is increased significantly. It is apparent that the directivity of the optimized MA with
MTM superstrate is increased. The gain of microstrip patch antenna incorporated with metamaterial
unit cells and the single patch antenna is 9.18 (dB) and 4.68 (dB), respectively.
By comparing this figure, it can be concluded that using PSO for optimizing the MTM structure
and determining the feed position could enhance the gain, significantly.
Figure 8(a) shows the side view of the fabricated optimized MA incorporated with the MTM structure.
The top view of the fabricated MA, which shows the MTM structure, is shown in Figure 8(b). In order
to compare results clearly, values obtained from both simulation and measurement are listed in Table 1.
The antenna is measured at a frequency range between 8.5 GHz9.5 GHz. Figure 9(a) shows the
comparison of reflection coefficient between the simulated and measured results.
Single patch microstrip antenna incorporated with MTM
Single patch microstrip antenna
Figure 7. The simulated gain of the microstrip patch antenna with the MTM superstrate structure
(solid line) and without MTM (dashed line).
Figure 9. Comparison simulation and measurement results. (a) S11 . (b) Gain. (c) E-plane pattern.
(d) H-plane pattern.
Table 1. Comparison between simulated and measured optimized microstrip antenna with MTM.
Antenna Parameter
Measurement Results
9.18 dB
16 dB
0.5 GHz
Simulation Results
9.2 dB
19 dB
0.7 GHz
From this figure, it can be deduced that the measurement and simulation results are in a very good
agreement. As shown in Figure 9(b), the simulation and measurement results are similar in terms of
For comparison, the gains of the fabricated and simulated antennas are 9.18 dB and 9.20 dB,
Figure 9(c) shows the radiation pattern in E-planes for both simulated and measured antennas
incorporated with MTM.
The comparison of the simulated and measured antennas in H-plane is shown in Figure 9(d).
From these figures, it can be concluded that the shape of the simulated radiation pattern is
approximately similar to that of the measured radiation pattern.
In conclusion, the performance of the microstrip antenna has been improved through incorporation with
the MTM structure. In this paper, a new structure of metamaterial with characteristic of near-zero
refractive index is designed and simulated. This phenomenon enhances the antenna gain significantly
because the radiated energy will be concentrated in a direction close to the normal of the MTM
superstrate. In order to decrease the return loss of the MTM structure, PSO is used to achieve
the minimum value of the reflection coefficient. To perform the optimization, HFSS and MATLAB
should be run simultaneously. So, VBS is applied as an interface between these softwares. One of
the major challenges in designing the antenna is to determine the exact location of the coaxial cable.
PSO is again used to find the feed position accurately, with the minimum value of reflection coefficient.
An improvement of 4.5 dB gain in simulation and measurement is obtained when MTM is used as a
superstrate of the MA. Microstrip antenna which uses the optimized MTM as a superstrate is fabricated
and tested. In conclusion, simulation and measurement results are in a very good agreement.
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