Design of Yagi Uda With Iron Rod at 2ghz
Design of Yagi Uda With Iron Rod at 2ghz
Design of Yagi Uda With Iron Rod at 2ghz,
5. Conclusion:
Fig 5. Variation of return loss with frequency of
yagi antenna with cylindrical metal rod. After measurement with FS 315 spectrum analyzer.
We found that the radiation characteristics of yagi
antenna will changes with different shapes of metallic
road. So we should use the metal shapes as per our
Now by using FS 315 spectrum analyzer we have got recommendation of our application or on the other
the comparative graphs of yagi antenna using hand we can say that the use of hollow cylindrical
different shapes of metal road used as antenna iron rod as antenna element is a much better
element(as shown). technique to provide directionality to a yagi antenna,
which is a main characteristics of yagi-uda antenna.
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